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COPY NO.~ APPROVED FOR RELEASEfI DATE: 14-Mar-2011 A REPORT laTA'I'IOI~TAL SECURITY CO~JNCIL ~~ ~ INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT FOR THE_U~ICE OF AMERICA WITH REGARD TO SOVIET J11~ING Fi6ri. d. Edgar ~I86ve~ ~ ? Directory Federal Bureau of Investigation ~' SECRET WASHINGTON 60 FEB 81951 SECRET ~ - 14 JAt~ 26161 `bfl- HQ -3~{lo-nQ$, Seeiion 3,. Serial I alp M:. rm.oa Mr. Lvdd Mr. Clegq _ Mr. Glavln ___ Mr. Nichols _~___ Mr.-Aoscn ____f M[. Hqzbo Dir. ~~,1~a _ . , THIS 'DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NA- TIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MAN- NER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. " Nsc 66/1 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL on INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT FOR THE VOICE OF AMERICA WITH REGARD TO SOVIET JAMMING References:. A. NSC B. Memos for NSC from Executive Secretary Same subjects dated April 4, May 11~ and September.ll~ 1g 50 C. NSCID No. 9 The enclosed memorandum by the Acting Director of Central Intel- ligence and its attached report by the United States Communications Intelligence Board are transmitted herewith for consideration by the National Security Council in connection with NSC 66 and related re- ports (reference B). Attention is invited to the fact that as stated by the Acting Director of Central Intelligences the ,attached USCIB report and its recommendations have the unanimous approval of the Intelligence Ad- visory Committee. Further it should be noted that the IAC now sub- mits the final recommendations contained in paragraph 3 of the en- closed memorandums which incorporate the recommendations of the at- tached USCIB report as well as the recommendations of the earlier IAC report (reference memorandum of September 11) appropriately revised. Accordingly it is recommended that if the recommendations contained in paragraph 3 of the enclosed memorandum are adopted, they be submitted to the President for consideration with the recommenda- tion that he approve them and direct their implementation by all ap- propriate executive departments and agencies of the U. S. Government as outlined therein. S. EVERETT GLEASON Deputy Executive Secretary cc: The Secretary of the Treasury The Director of Defense Mobilization The Chairman9 Federal Communications Commission NSC 66/1 1 p~- ~R.~J-) lolnlB, SQL+iM 3~ Sn!`ial ~7jb SECRET ~~~CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington 25, D. C. Office of the Director C 0 P Y 18 January 1951 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretary of the National Security Council SUBJECT:. Intelligence Support for the Voice of America with, regard to Soviet Jamming 1. Reference is made to my .memorandum of ~ September 1850 on the above subject~* forwarding the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Voice of America Jamming and noting that Recommendation 3 of the Report regarding establishment of an additional monitoring fa- cility would be referred to the United States Communications Intel- ligence Board. 2. The Chairman of USCIB has now forwarded to me the attached ieport which recommends in briefs that an additional monitoring fa- cility be estabJ,ished under the operational direction of AFSA and delineates the requirements in terms of facilities personnel and equipment for the establishment of such a facility. This U5CIB re- port and its recommendations have the unanimous approval of the IAC. 3. In the light of the USCIB report and further consideration of the problem, the IAC now submits for the consideration of the * Memo for NSC from Executive $ecretary, subject: ~~Support for the Voice of America in the Fields of Intelligence and of Research and Development', dated September ~1~ 1950. - 1 - SECRET I o~- ~-~c,ta.~s, sP~.f , o,., 3, sera ~ i~b Council in connection with NSC 66, the following final recommenda- tions which incorporate the recommendations of the USC7B report and the recommendations of the earlier IAC report, appropriately revised: a. That a readjustment of priorities among existing intel- ligence tasks or a reallocation of the use of existing intelli- Bence facilities should not be undertaken. b. That there shou]~d be established an additional monitor- . ing activity to obtain and provide infor-oration on current So- viet jamming activities which will assist the VOA in its pro- gram and assist other U. S. Government communications services ' in combatting present and future Soviet radio interference, and that this additignal monitoring activity be established, coordi- nated and operated as follows: (1) The initial program for this activity should be undertaken along the lines suggested .in Enclosure 2 of the U5CIB Report of 28 November 1g50.* (2) This activity should monitor and locate Russian jamming signals and other interfering transmitters and should convey promptly and continuously to the VOA and other interested U. S. communications services such re- sulting information as will assist them to improve their reception. (3) This activity should not interfere with existing monitoring programs, particularly from the standpoint of equipment and personnel. * Attached hereto. NSC 66/1 - 2 - SECRET boo-~g_3Htoco~~ ~P~+~~ 3~~~r,~1 l'~I,~ {~-) This activity will be coordinated by CIA with ex- isting non-AFSA monitoring activities. {5) In view of the COMINT aspects of this program, USGTIi should be assigned the function of general coordina- tion of this activity. In~the performance of this function USCIB should be governed by the provisions of NSCID No.. g. (6) This activity should be placed under the opera- tional direction of AFSA, and appropriate provision should be made for Service procurement of the necessary equipment and personnel. c. That the CIq assume over-all responsibility to: (1) Coordinate the collection of information concern- ing Russian jamming from all sources. (2) Serve as the collection point for this information and assure that such of this information as will assist the VOA and othex government communications services .to improve their reception on a daily basis is passed promptly and continuously to these services. The CIA, with the assist- ance of the Special Assistant, Intelligence, Department of State, should determine and establish such security arrange- ments and channels of dissemination as may be required to pass this information to the VCA; these arrangements and channels to be determined in the light of materials made available. NSC 66/1 - 3 - SECRET 0~-H,Q-3~-~lloloa,~'~ Sect~oh 3, Ser~Al l3,(~ (3) Undertakes in conjunction with the other intelli- gence agencies a coordinated program for the collation evaluation and dissemination of such information as will be useful in the long-range analysis of Russian radio in- ? terference and in the development of counter-measures. WILLIAM, H. JACKSON Aeting Director Enclosure: ,jo-t Q~L`Car~?~ USCIB Report SJF.CRET II. 8. 60VERNMENT PRINTE.'G OF'PIOE 9173-STATE-1949 Dfl-}-~Gl ` ~bb2`6, Section .3 ~ ~j2cidl l3(0