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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1969
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(b)(1) (b)(3) APPROVED FOR RELEASE - CIA INFO^ DATE: 05-17-2011 COMMUNIST CHINA'S STRATEGIC MISSILE PROGRAM AND COMMUNIST CHINA'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM 25SEP1969 TS-199122 Cy No. . of 7r1z ~i RE T ooc l1. Communist China's Strategic Missile Program Present Position China has assigned a high national the development of ballistic missile delivery systems during the past decade. available evidence .indicates that the. Chinese have initially concentrated on the "development of liquid-propellant sy s Le::_s i r_ :l-le medium-range and intercontinental ballistic missile catego ies. This program has evolved from assistance o_ igine l v o ovided by the Soviets a decade ago. y 1-t is probable that flight of a was essentially completed by the end of 1557 o." early i::68. There have been some tentative indications of troop-training firings with the MRBM during the oast year. However, there is as yet no firm evidence of actual deployment of the system. the M IM is estimated to be capable of delivering a 3,000-3,500 pound reentry vehicle to a.maximum range of about 900-1,000 nautical miles. Such a weapons system would provide adequate coverage of a significant number of Soviet targets as well as countries on China's periphery. The Chinese first-generation ICBM has undoubtedly used the MRBM technology as a building bloc:. This system could reach the flight-test stage in the re'a.t_v: ly ni-ea_ future, initially involving booster tests to inpac-t areas within China's borders. There are as yet no known p:r*eparat ions for long-range ICBM test firings, which would necessarily involve impact areas beyond Chinese boundaries. The post logical places for such areas lie in the Indian or pacific Oceans, but- Chinese intentions in this respect are not known. Assuming booster test firings begin by the end of 1969, the ICBM could conceivably reach an initial operational capability in late 1972; however, 1973 is more likely. This system probably will. be relatively large, but capable of delivering a reentry vehicle weighing in excess of 5,000 pounds to ranges of more than 6 , 000 nautical miles. There also are growing, but still tenuous indications TS-199122 that the Chinese have e mba.rked upon a s ~_~.ce program for the coming decade, probably involving liquid-prc ellant .boosters. There also is evidence that second-generation strategic missile systems wi1 employ co irosi Zfe solid propellants. Such missiles are unlikely to become operational before the mid-1970's, however. Expioita::ion of i ore1gn ~'.c~_nolc_y China has been engaged for some years in an intensive effort to acquire foreign technical Ssist~ nc necessary- for a broad spectrum of scientific and engineer _n cnd a. vo_ The evidence indicates that the C? ___ : e ~v_ _ d onsid ,r ble success in obtaining nw_ dwa ;' ~. _ r _ =~_ ssoci~ tec ~eennoiogy in some a roar applications in the developr;e:_ esc___ ~c. od ctior: o_ strategic missile Sys ems.. ? It oug -hie c er share o_ Chinese purchases of f o_ 01'g11 c In i - i xcent i nc ludin inst1'ti mentation and i.:.-'_ oba:ii is ra L. rea for general industrial applications, some of these purchases undoubtedly have increased significantly China's capabili.-ies to support the overall missile effort. Chinese exploitation of foreign assistance' in these areas increased markedly beginning in 1965. Since then China has purchased, attempted to purchase, or indicated a serious interest in obtaining numerous items having direct or indirect missile applications. A few e amples of then include; pulverizing equipment suitable for solid fuel ingredients; ammonium oerchlorate Cori nci al use of which in large quantities is as an oxidizer in composite solid propellants; high-g_ade (98% purity) nitric acid and anhydrous hydrazine -- fairly good exa_i.pes of storable liquid propellants; various types of vibration testing equipment -- iilc lading the purchase of wha t is probably e world's largest shake table; high-speed movie ca_:~e