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January 1, 1963
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C00386402 ;mot Auterrai ?+geaa a? a\\WbSVS yr aeenn.eu ?cacncca nua.une proac....a ~.' i. - ?. TrTLT: Unidentified flytrt obJrct SOU.[CZ Soviet life,, so. 2. 1963, '27-2.9 TeftC TACS_J.optic eh.nocenoo. unidentified flvfne obleet. .tteorite A:ST:LICT: The author~Ofoeeov Aviation Institute) presents several striking and Tallabl. UFO obaarvattons and refutes the theory of U. S. astrophysicist Hensel and others the: until recently no scientific study of UFOs has been meds.in the Soviet L?nfon? lie elates that the prevailing view that UFOs are eon on optical phenee u In the earth's acaosrhare is v-.ong and due to the fact that there use no : to 1968 the Uauks pubtishtng Rouse of the USSR Academy of-Seienees Is scheduled ? va; cleated ehatteao of the seetian, ', ~,. .^ s? r? ''- -~? .:. ?:' > lb* hypothesis that UFOs orlgiosts So. other vorld.. that they are flying craft - ' e o co u ? :%,+' :. ? ~' Observations show that UFOs behave ?eenalbly." Ta a group farsation flight ' ?, they maintain a pattern. They are asst often spatted over airfields, ate3fe ?: a:aelona, sad other very nay engineering installatioas.'?On encountering aircraft. " [. ',?.'+' Alva t.a the aveii direct C a ver so as ntac: A cansid rabla li of th e t y n u o . s s . es 0 -, aevain$ly latelligea: actions gives the lapceeston that CFOs ate lnvestLSscing. rt ? 1 4 ter'; perhaps even reeoaaoitarin;. , .;..F - .'r~;?. "? Curiously tocuth, the atesber of UFO observations Lecreises as Mars approaches ? the meth. Is this pure eoiccidaneeT ,. ,i . ?'t ,, . `: f. '::t: :,.? 'rat a In ltey 1967 a spocsaring group of scientists. the military, vritees, and public figures met to for ^n unofficial body whose purpose would be co Conduct a prelisiinary scientific Investigation of UFOs. . ; ... r.: : ;:.. ?,;:?' I. : , The ortanisatLon. sat up In October 1967 is Called the UFO Section of, the a uart r. at the Central Rouse of n Ce.?. All-n.i .I.. cosier..- with ho_d 000386402 ? Soo" people think that UFOs have appcar,d I. ch. ?stmosphcro only durint The most resatkable?UFO phcnooenon?Is the ls.ow "7untusky oeteerite." In recent years Soviet seienetato have establiahcd.:hat the Tungusky exploclan hid every ,t. .? pavaneter of an staosphetic nuclear blast. The VS -17 Asedaay of Sciences 4spOrLa (Yoluae 112. Nos- 4 *and S. 1967) include etudiea by Alexet Zoletov which atccapc to prove that the Tuntushy body eould,nec be a ceceorita or a coast. ,.:. ; In the'ass ar of 1967 the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna published ! ' . ? ., ?a J. 6. VIa11 tr tfrl?6ednv. ?,hn ..ww1../.. wh.r ?L. T.......4.. hi..w t.r? ' ~ ?.. ?5.3 1tt rh... .... ".... .. ....... wL- ----'-?-'-- .L-? .L_ "----"-'--? L ,'-? ----- L--?- ' : ''~' -?. ~. that before the blsat the Tuntvsky body described' In the acnoaphere a 'C:aaandous sic of about 375 miles In extent (in &r:-much). that is carried out a usneuver. a}y _ -n aaysal; eraac aroa a001 genet planer. Lut this, incUeocally, will pose new peob1cas. If we are Indeed betas .cudtad f =1 r. .'?.s? by creatures from other?pianeta? what is their purpose? .kby are they so etudtously avoiding any direct contact? Is thuir unsociability the result. of so high s level ~??+' :i?.,: ~. of develepeaae that they study us fees that "ltattht Just as we look upon and {"i ? ? rud- .west Or 4. that. 1t11 L'the ?s?st11t4 rv of ceVao...e. derseendinr since ve ? :!'j; ?L:~; ' ,; Thn Ltpnttant khtni nav is for w to dL.cscd any pteeocaelved notions about ?tN.fi?1j?.? j _. e?rn. --J ._ .__...I.- ~~ - -1.L.1 -~-1.. -. ?.. ..---wI~-I_-- ..J _... _.1. r.~~?.? ? a ? ace wcw ?a to. 5555 rn.r.... ... ... ws ?e ...s vc ass .a? ? . ? ; ? ~" tr ~ T77? study of l'TOs ray lead to quite different Conclusions and present funkind +r:;?t? -??. tteh?euite different problem. _..,., . acc? an ?uq4 ?0a ? p&OCefuvn 0a gaJae el 10 ?344. 5055? 1 - reports ac111 avsit invastitaeion. 5 ' +~rv'~. + ;_? ieve:ti=ation at. so serious that they )usti:y any sftorts. .t =oes v!t 1~~~, t'trlf/,,+a?~. .~%Lr i. 5'- ..r. :Y,"-':y~=L i-:9?'~~? ~'?i-' .,~...:/~ ~.t~i': ~L;:'3: ,..''.7:%?.`. t'., e ? ?..C :w~?l?'. ~?.. .?~. ~_"^'y~ r?5i!/ Z? ?? :T? t?' ??~ 4..a?.+ei..