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C00175642 Page: 27 of '98 CLAS UNCLASSIFIED CLAS UNCLASSIFIED AFSN TB1306143091C SUBJ TAKEALL-- Comlist: Moscow Consolidated 12 Jun 91 Full Text Superzone of Message 1 GLOBAL 2 1 gorbachev greetings to participants in first intl conf on problems of caspian sea, to be held in baku. (1.5 min, sent: home 1400; one min: home 1600; 80 text: tasse 1816 tassr 1806; brief: tv 1530 1800 enginter 1900 2100 2200 engna 2300 enguk 2000 spanla 2300 portbraz 2300 greek 2000) 3 2 report on un conf on environment and development, citing moscow univ professor noting soviet interest in intl ecological work. (4 min, poor: engna 112300) 4 3 aleksandr pogodin on reasons behind soviet union's interest in participation in london G-7 summit and what gorbachev expects from it. (rpt enginter 111210, item 7 on 11 jun list) (engna 0000 portbraz 0000 portuguese 112100 arabic 111600 hungarian 112000 jap 111400 urdu 1200 hind 1300 beng 1200 wand 112200) 5 4 tass corr yevgeny kleshkov the hague dispatch on 12 jun press conf by Jacques attali, president european bank for reconstruction and development, on results of his talks with dutch prime minister lubbers and dutch foreign minister hans van den broek, says EBRD is submitting plan for consideration by G-7 summit with view to assisting reforms in soviet union. (360 text sent: tasse 2105) 6 5 tass corr sergey sedov geneva dispatch on 12 jun proceedings at continuing session of 78th session of genera conf of i-nt-l-or--gan-lzation-o-f-- labor in geneva, quoting address by valeriy f. paulman, ussr minister for labor and social issues, on main directions for social refoms in soviet union. (350 text sent: tassr 1710) 7 6 tass corr vladimir smelov vienna dispatch. on 12 Jun address by former soviet foreign minister shevardnadze, at unspecified venue, warning of possible return to 'cold war', re attempts to isolate soviet union from european process. (400 text sent: tassr 0001) 8 7 report on paris intl exhibition of aeronautics, astronautics industry. (3 min: wand 0900) 9 8 "intl club of moscow radio listeners": on members of moscow radio listener's club. (15 min: korean 1330) 10 UNITED STATES 11 9 yuriy solton on possibility of soviet-u.s. summit this year. (rpt enginter 101210, item 21 on 10 jun list) (beng 111200) 12 10 kozyakov on various parades in united states marking victory in gulf war, recalling soviet condemnation of iraqi aggression, also recalling gorbachev stmts at end of gulf conflict on value of soviet-u.s. coop. (3.5 min, poor: engna 112300) 13 11 report on credential presenting ceremony of new soviet ambassador to u.s. viktor kompletkov in washington. (3 min: spanla 2300) 14 12 aleksandr barabeychik intvw with IBM representative. (6 min, poor: engna 112300) 15 13 aleksandr barabeychik intvw with (brian harper), gen. manager u.s. sac industrial battery division. (rpt engna 110000, item 22 on 11 jun list) (engna 0000) 16 14 report on soviet-u.s. program to send soviet farmers to united states 3as Approved 7or Release b C00175642 Page: 28 of 98 to learn new techniques, explaining scheme and its backers. (poor: engna 112300) 17 15 u.s. kvnu radio corr antonio gonzalez on 1.5 billion dollar loan from united states to ussr to buy u.s. food. (4 min: spanla 2300) 18 TB1306143091TAKE1 19 16 eugene nikitenko intvw with (michael adams), rep of u.s. company young and rubicam, on his advertizing scene in ussr, detailing his company's advertizing involvement with many multi-nati companies active in ussr and with smaller soviet companies. (c/r enguk 112000, item 23 on 11 jun list) (20 min: enginter 1910 2110) 20 AMERICAS 21 17 cpsu cc secretariat greetings to meeting of progressive and democratic parties and movts in latin america and caribbean. (c/r tasse 112202, item 25 on 11 jun list) (brief: spanla 2300 portbraz 2300) 22 18 sergey koshkin on oas general assembly meeting, recalling focus of attention on policy of economic integration, outlining problem of incompatibility of latam's market with world markets. (3.5 min, poor: enginter 1810; 3.5 min: portbraz 2300) 23 19 yuriy gromov replies to brazilian listeners letters, asking for postcards. (3.5 min: portbraz 2300) 24 20 (kurokhov) on safety issues at ussr built cuban nuclear power stations. (3.5 min: mand 0900) 25 21 sergey (koshkin) on speculations over stopping soviet aid to cuba. (rpt german 111600, item 29 on 11 jun list) (lao 1030) 26 22 anon on difficulties in trade relations and coop between soviet union and cubs due to new mechanism of management. (3 min: viet 1200) 27 23 anon on soviet-cuban coop. (4 min:--em-0900} 28 24 carlos humberto silva santiago dispatch on chilean-soviet businessmen's meeting, enchisov, that is taking place in santiago. (3 min: spanla 2300) 29 25 leonid levchenko on un aid to el salvador. (rpt portbraz 112300, item 30 on 11 jun list) (portbraz 0000) 30 GERMANY 31 26 tass corr vladimir sergeyev on ussr-frg relations, re upcoming bonn visit by soviet foreign minister bessmertnykh. (c/r tassr 101435, item 28 on 10 jun list) (engna 0000 portuguese 112100 hungarian 112000) 32 27 special corrs viktor levin/aleksandr pozharskiy on bessmertnykh's activities during his first day of visit to frg, noting his meeting with frg foreign minister genscher. (3.5 min, sent: home 1600) 33 28 bonn dispatch on 12 jun beginning of two-day frg visit by soviet foreign minister bessmertnykh, noting his talks with frg leadership on various aspects of soviet-german relations. (340 text sent: tassr 2158) 34 29 tass special corrs sergey sosnovsky/viktor chestyakov/georgy shmelev bonn dispatch on 12 jun remarks to journalists by aleksandr bessmertnykh, on results of his first round of talks with frg leadership. (350 text, sent: tassr 2000 tasse 2149; 300 text, sent: tassr 1220 tasse 1445; brief: enginter 1600 1700 1800 1900 2100 enguk 2000 greek 2000 afrikaan 1700 1900 swahili 1800 Somali 1700 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000) 35 30 v. kondratyev video report on bessmertnykh visit to frg, describing his activities and meetings with frg leadership. (3 min: tv 1800) 36 31 "topical subject": boris melnichenko on recent small cdu party congress in weimar, mentioning cdu's hard time during last few land diet elections and chancellor kohls broken tax promises. (5 min: german 1700) 37 32 "contacts": nikolay yolkin on russian gospel songs, sung by ingolstadt C00175642 Page: 29 of 98 singers, quoting ingolstadt mayor on significance of soviet behavior to german reunification. (24 min: german 1700) 38 33 review soviet press on germany: pravda on soviet peace cmtee meeting german figures in bonn; kraznaya zvezda on soviet soldiers saving german citizens from drowning in havel river. (4 min: german 1600) 39 TB1306143191TAKE2 40 NATO/VEST EUROPE 41 34 summary izvestiya on nato's course, expecting substantial nuclear weapons reduction in western europe, stressing main course should no longer be charaterized by militarist features. (4 min: german 1600) 42 35 tass corr anatoliy shapovalov prague dispatch on 12 jun opening of assembly dealing with problems of european confederation, attended by political and cultural figures, scientists and jouranlists from all european countries, briefly quoting opening address by vaclav havel. (400 text sent: tasse 2014) 43 36 intvw with vadim zagladin on european conf just opened in prague, says aims of conf on promotion of european coop and not meant to replace existing european institutions. (3 min, poor: enginter 1210 1510 1810 2110 enguk 2000 geman 1600-turkish 1800 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000 wand 1000 1400) 44 37 "good evening, austria." (rpt germaust 111925, item 32 on 11 jun list) (germaust 1925) 45 38 tass corr yuriy levchenko london dispatch on 12 jun address by anatoliy lukyanov, soviet parliament churn, in royal institute of international relations, on soviet vision of problems connected with development of situation in europe, future of soviet-anglo relations and internal political situation in soviet union= (850 tom, sent: Lass X855;.--400--------------------- text: tasse 2138; brief: enginter 2200 engna 2300) 46 39 v. shishkovskiy video report on lukyanov's arrival in london and meeting with british prime minister john major, briefly quoting lukyanov following meeting with major. (2.5 min: tv 1800) 47 40 london dispatch on hurd stmts on british govt's views on problems of eec integration. (approx 350 words: tassr 1509) 48 41 uk party party dep tom (day) on possible breakdown of ussr. (4 min: german 1600) 49 42 "newsreel of soviet-french friendship": account meeting of french ambassador to ussr with soviet social scientists; account meeting of soviet-french chamber of commerce; account visit of french military delegation in ussr, quoting head delegation. (30 min: frenchinter 111800) 50 AFRICA 51 43 "africa as we see it." (rpt engafr 111630, item 35 on 11 jun list) (engafr 111930 0630) 52 44 "ussr-africa: contacts and contracts." (rpt engafr 091930, item 43 on 10 jun list) (engafr 1630) 53 45 "review african mail": nigerian gives info on his country, drawing parallesl with multi-ethnic ussr; outline sports, hobbies in ussr; item in praise of moscow radio broadcasts. (8 min: engafr 1630) 54 46 intvw with (kustsisnova), soviet economic expert, on results of oau summit in abuja. (11 min: somali 111700) 55 47 summary novoye vremya on airlift of falashas from ethiopia, citing meles zenawi condemning airlift,.calling it trade in human beings. (5 min: amharic 1600 Somali 1700) 56 48 intvw with ethiopian students in moscow on current situation in their C00175642 Page: 30 of 98 country. (15 min: amharic 111600) 57 49 vladimir borisov on recent establishment of republic of somaliland, giving background to declaration, describing political situation in country. (5 min: amharic 111600 somali 111700) 58 50 vladislav chernukha on background to post-treaty normalization of life in angola, stressing observance of ceasefire and political stabilization. (3 min: portbraz 2300 swahili 1800; anon: viet 1400 camb 1100) 59 51 aleksandr fedorov on scrapping of land acts in south african parliament, noting criticizm of move by conservative party and far-right factions, says new laws on land ownership allow blacks and whites to own land, although only few wealthy blacks will be in position to do so. (4 min: afrikaans 1700) 60 TB1306143291TAKE3 61 MIDEAST 62 52 aleksandr pogodin on bush/shamir exchange of views on mideast peace conf. (rpt enginter 101210, item 54 on 10 Jun list) (beng 111200) 63 53 report on un organized meeting in helsinki between political scientists and journalists from europe and mideast, held to promote awareness of palestinian rights and need for peaceful settlement in region, says there is need to narrow points of two sides to make holding of Intl peace conf possible. (5.5 min: arabic 1500) 64 54 yuriy solton on efforts undertaken by u.s. and soviet union to solve arab-israeli conflict, criticizing Israel's adamant and uncompromising attitude toward peace process in region. (5-3 min, poor: enginter 1210 1510 2110 portbraz 2300 enguk 2000 german 1600 turkish 1800 persian 1430 swahili 1800 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000 indo 1300 burro 1430) 65 55 oleg gritkov assessing Israeli r-3gh wing coalit on'-s-?i-rst yeas-err power, says preconceived ideas about Israeli worsening relations with its neighbors proved unfounded following gulf war and Intl efforts toward peace in region. (5 min: hebrew 1600) 66 56 anon "how long shall we continue to implore Israel to attend conf on mideast problem." (3 min: greek 2000) 67 57 item on soviet orientalist (tatyana aristova), specialist on kurdish affairs, noting her interest in kurds began when she was student and she has since written some 20 books on kurds. (arabic 1500) 68 58 "arab weekly diary": item on lebanese foreign minister's visit to saudi arabia and meeting with king fahd; egyptian 'asl-wafd' spoke of deteriorating economic situation in egypt; news agency reports on Israeli plan to solve water problems; mauritania has new constitution. (arabic 1500) 69 59 aleksandr ivanov on Iraqi dep premier tariq aziz visit to turkey. (3 min: turkish 1800) 70 60 "discussing with soviet citizens": spartak alekseyev intvw vth pravda's chief editor, on results of his recent visit to greece at invitation of assn of greek journalists, noting his meeting with mitsotakis and samaras. (20 min: greek 2000) 71 SOUTH ASIA 72 61 sergey viktorov on worldwide stmts in support of un plan for solving afghan problem, citing stmts by pakistani marshal (asghar khan), noting official pakistan is opposed to plan, says afghan's neighbors have realized that existence of hotbed in region can threaten regional stability. (4 min: persian 1430) 73 62 (yevgeniy krishkin) on afghan muhajidin leader rabbani's recent remarks C00175642 Page: 31 of 98 that america is to continue its support for afghan opposition. (rpt indo 111300, item 58 on 11 jun list, where attrib tereshkov) (urdu 1200 hind 1300 beng 1200) 74 63 (krasjina) criticizing u.s. continued aid for anti-afghan govt forces. (rpt wand 111400, item 56 on 11 jun list) (wand 112200) 75 64 kabul dispatch on najibullah speech at extraordinary session of afghan party's central council. (approx 400 words: tassr 1500) 76 65 yevgeniy krushkin on talks between u.s. ambassador in pakistan and afghan opposition. (rpt segment enginter 2210, item 71 on 11 jun list) (portuguese 112100) 77 66 vadim melikov on afghan govt's letter to pakistan govt about presence of pakistani nationals among afghan militant groups, pointing out pakistan's interference in Indian kashmir, alleging that unless concrete solutions are found for afghan and kashmir issues, tension will continue in region. (4 min: urdu 1200) 78 67 asian affairs: report on 2d round of Indian general elections. (3 min: wand 0900) 79 68 "friendship club": reviews friendship club members letters on their clubs activities to promote"soviet-indian friendship, talk on scheduled July meeting of indian cine clubs in moscow. (25 min, with music: hind 1300) 80 TB1306143391TAKE4 81 69 (nataliya benov) on sailing of business tour from moscow river to volga late may marking 525th anniv of sovier merchant nikitin's visit to india, citing passenger of ship on plan of next voyage which is aimed at boosting soviet-india trade and cultural ties. (5 min: beng 111200) 82 70 vasant georgiyev on current visit-of--paki-s-t ni delegati.-on--to--wash4ng-t-on- with view to improve bilateral ties, noting washington's announcement to sell arms tested in gulf war if pakistan can prove it does not manufacture nuclear arms. (4 min: urdu 1200 hind 1300 beng 1200) 83 CHINA 84 71 program for chinese youth: educational activities for handicapped soviet children; moscow artfest. (25 min, with music: wand 112200) 85 72 (gribov) intvv with soviet diplomat (griyev) on 4th round of prc, user talks on reducing armed forces along borders. (5 min, sent: wand 0900) 86 73 along road of friendship, coop: (yindeliukov) on meeting between prc railroad minister li senmao, his soviet counterpart, on coop, citing freight figures (4.5 min, sent); report on mayor of dalian's visit to ussr, noting his remarks on bilateral, cultural exchanges, sino-soviet ties (3.5 min); report on chinese cultural center in alma-ata city (5 min); commercial for company participating in harbin trade fair (5 min). (18 min: wand 1000) 87 74 "half hour with Wang xiao": highlights some soviet weeklies; soviet veteran serviceman on delegation's china visit, meeting with Jiang zemin, liu huaqing. (30 min, with music: mand 1300) 88 ASIAN COMMUNIST 89 75 vladimir viktorov on intl peace efforts for cambodia, citing proposed snc meeting among cambodian factions to be held in thailand and un sponsored intl conf on cambodia in paris. (4-3 min: burm 1200 1430 indo 1300 thai 1300 camb 1100 1230 lao 1030 1330 viet 1200 1400) 90 76 anon on sihanouk proposal on holding supreme council meeting, noting need for dialogue, mentions isolation of khmer rouge group. (4.5 min: jap 111100) C00175642 Page: 32 of 98 91 ASIA/PACIFIC 92 77 "focus on asia": incl anon on philippines marking independence day (4 min); anon on 4th soviet-chinese talks in beijing over building trust in military fields (5 min). (korean 1100) 93 78 anon on 7 jun manila conf on asia-pacific security, reaffirming soviet desire to ensure peace in region. (4 min: beng 111200) 94 79 anon on devevopment, problems in philippines, re country's nati day. (3 min: mand 112200) 95 80 anon on overseas dispatch of Japanese self-defense forces, noting goal of Japanese decision to dispatch its forces overseas. (4 min: korean 0900) 96 81 tass corr vyacheslav bantin tokyo dispatch citing nihon keizai alleging that united states is considering withdrawing its nuclear weapons from. south korea, which is directly linked to problem of inspecting nuclear installations in north korea by IAEA). (320 text: tasse 1443) 97 CEMA/EAST EUROPE 98 82 summary kommersant on draft proposal by cabinet of ministers, lifting embargo on barter trade with former CEMA countries. (3 min: hungarian 112000) 99 83 aleksandr shakhin on progress of economic reforms in eastern europe, noting realization of painful transition from centralized economy, which can be summed up by hungarian whimsical joke suggesting that light at end the tunnel is followed by further tunnel. (5-4 min: enginter 1210 1510 1810 2110 enguk 2000 spanla 2300 portbraz 2300 german 1600 turkish 1800 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000 camb 1230 lao 1330 viet 1400; anon: greek 2000) 100 84 interview with (soire dede) on 10th congress of albanian party of labor. (rpt enginter 111210, item 83-on--11-burr-list-)-(-pQrtuguese -112-100) - 101 TB1306143491TAKE5 102 85 interview with albanian workers party central committee secretary, discussing party's responsibilities over current socio-economic crisis in albania. (4 min: viet 1200) 103 86 anon on 9th session of albanian workers party. (4 min: korean 0900) 104 87 anatoliy shapovalov/vitaliy yaroshevskiy prague dispatch on press conf given by academician aleksandr yakovlev. (c/r tasse 112035, item 85 on 11 jun list) (brief: tv 1530 frenchinter 111800) 105 88 tass corr igor shamshin prague dispatch, citing address to czechoslovak parliament by ussr presidential adviser vadim zagladin, who is participating in work of assembly for problems of european confederation. (300 text sent: tassr 1425) 106 89 tass corr (boris bazhanov) prague dispatch on lecture to karlov university in prague by gorbachev's senior adviser aleksandr yakovlev, on present and future of ussr and development of its relations with europe, briefly quoting yakovlev. (250 text sent: tassr 1253) 107 90 a. babenko and igor galin warsaw dispatch, on poland's unreadiness for mass arrival of soviet citizens of polish origin, citing press conference by polish deputy internal affairs minister. (approx 350 words: tassr 1723) 108 MILITARY 109 91 summary krasnaya zvezda interview with soviet army general mikhail moiseyev, on soviet military reforms. (cov pmu) (250 text: tasse 0720 tassr 0600) 110 92 k. mazheyka report over video from antwerp where soviet warships bezboyaznennyy and bditelnyy are visiting, showing vessels in port and C00175642 Page: 33 of 98 baltic fleet admiral ivanov receiving soviet embassy officials, commander of belgian armed forces and head of antverp port, incl brief interview with admiral ivanov. (1.5 min: tv 0900) 111 93 soviet navy c-in-c admiral vladimir chernavin on 50th anniversary of german attack on soviet union and lessons to be learnt from this action, noting that combat readiness is state necesssity. (400 text sent: tassr 0520 tasse 1425; 3 min: german 1600) 112 SPACE/SCIENCE 113 94 anon on recent forum held in paris re soviet technology, with soviet motor engineer summing up its results and reactions of french experts, stressing need for pursuading soviet partners of strength of its technology. (17 min: frenchinter 061800 111800) 114 95 "science and engineering": boris belitskiy on losses made by energiya and moscow narodnyy bank from Juno mission; belitskiy answers bolton (uk) listeners question on launching of Juno mission which was broadcast on soviet television; bognor regis listener on possibility that long term exposure of radio waves could have long term effect on health, belitskiy outlines soviet scientists studies on this subject. (10 min: enguk 2000) 115 NATIONALITIES 116 96 vitaliy gurov on nine republics recognition of necessity for renewal, with stumbling blocks over sovereignty being removed. (rpt enginter 081210, item 82 on 8 Jun list) (beng 111200) 117 97 vitaliy gurov on implications of new union treaty, recalling recent meeting as key to its conclusion and noting its two main bones of contention. (rpt enginter 111210, item 95 on 11 jun list) (engna 0000 spanla 0000 hebrew 1600 amharic 111600 somali 111700 korean 0900 mend 112200) 118 98 tass corr albert kochetkov tbilisi dispatch, on recent incident when armed platoon of national guard entered georgian garage pool with aim of seizing georgian comparty property. (330 text sent: tassr 1130) 119 99 anon kazan corr on two presidential elections underway in tatarstan and rsfsr, noting tatarstan supreme soviet decision that republic should not participate in rsfsr presidential elections officially, but those wishing to vote would be given opportunity to do so. (5 min sent: mayak 0455) 120 100 sergey vorobyev interview with kazakhstan deputy premier, yevgeniy babakhanov, on efforts by inter-republican commission to help foster economic progress. (3.5 min: enginter 1210 1510 1810 2110 enguk 2000 portbraz 2300 german 1600 persian 1430 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000) 121 TB1306143591TAKE6 122 RSFSR 123 101 gorbachev's remarks to journalists at moscow polling station. (400 text sent: tassr 1505 tasse 1705; 350 text sent: tassr 1249; 3 min sent: rtv 1700 tv 1530 enginter 2110 portbraz 2300 spanla 2300; 2-1 min: enginter 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2100 2200 engna 2300 enguk 2000 german 1600 1700 afrikaans 1700 1900 amharic 1600/twice/ somali 1700 swahili 1800 greek 2000 turkish 1800 arabic 1500 hebrew 1600 1700 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000/twice/; brief: rtv 2000) 124 102 vremya 12 jun interview with gorbachev on rsfsr presidential elections. (6-4 min sent: tv 1530 1800 home 1900) 125 103 tass corr boris zverev on 12 jun rsfsr presidential elections, quoting yeltsin's remarks to journalists outside polling station at moscow's frunzenskiy rayon, where he cast his vote in rsfsr presidential elections. (330 text sent: tassr 1101 tasse 1148; 2 min sent: rossii 1100; brief: C00175642 Page: 34 of 98 enginter 1600 1700 1800 1900 2100 enguk 2000 hungarian 2000 serbo 2000) 126 104 tass corr boris zverez on 12 jun russian federation presidential elections, where journalists attention was focused on polling stations attended by country's leaders, briefly quoting gorbachev and yeltsin's remarks to journalists at their respective polling stations. (270 text: tasse 1650) 127 105 silayev's 12 jun remarks to journalists at one of moscow's polling stations, on expected outcome of rsfsr presidential elections. (150 text sent: tasse 1659 tassr 1345; brief: tv 1700 rtv 2000) 128 106 tass corr yuriy kozmin on 12 jun rsfsr presidential elections, briefly quoting bakatin interview to soviet journalists at moscow polling station. (220 text sent: tassr 1107 tasse 1141) 129 107 tass andrey surzhanskiy on 12 jun rsfsr presidential elections, including brief interview with election candidate nikolay ryzhkov. (300 text sent: tassr 1105) 130 108 vasiliy ivanovich interview with vasiliy kazakov, chairman of central electoral commission, discussing elections underway in russian federation. (3 min sent: mayak 0415) 131 109 anon on remarks to press by gorbachev, yeltsin and ryzhkov at polling stations where they voted at russian federation elections. (4 min: greek 2000) 132 110 vyacheslav solovyev providing background to rsfsr elections, noting preceding crisis making establishment of presidency necessary, dismissing fears of institution of dictatorial powers and stressing unique opportunity facing electorate. (6-3 min: enginter 1210 1510 enguk 2000 spanla 2300 german 1600 persian 1430 amharic 1600 somali 1700 swahili 1800 turkish 1800 hungarian 2000 urdu 1200--burm-3200--1430--Kind- --1300---indoA30Q -- beng 1200 thai 1300 camb 1100 1230 lao 1030 1330 viet 1200 1400; anon: korean 1100 mand 1000 1400) 133 111 sergey dorenko rounding up progress of rsfsr presidential elections, noting some concern caused by violations of voting procedures, with omission of official seal or signature of 'electoral commission member on reverse sides of some voting slips. (4 min sent: rtv 1400) 134 112 sergey ryabin on rsfsr presidential elections where ballot papers have been registered incorrectly at various polling stations, noting moscow military polling station obstruction of election observers. (4 min sent: tv 1700) 135 113 aleksandr ruvinskiy report from one of moscow's constituencies on rsfsr presidential elections, noting business-like approach of people to elections with no violations of voting procedures. (3 min: mayak 0510) 136 114 special corr vladimir korablev interview with tamara (maksimova) from central electoral commission, providing election statistics for various specified russian regions and types of questions asked by electorate. (7 min sent: mayak 1515) 137 115 report over video from central electoral commission in moscow on rsfsr presidential election, including interview with deputy chairman maksimova, noting that more than 50 percent of voters had already taken part in voting procedures. (3 min: tv 1800) 138 TB1306143691TAKE7 139 116 anon linking leningrad referendum on name change to rsfsr presidential election, examining dispute over former issue. (4 min: engna 112300) 140 117 (anatoliy chiuchnik) on recent round-table discussion between rsfsr presidential candidates, except yeltsin, giving their views on imminent C00175642 Page: 35 of 98 elections. (4 min: portbraz 0000) 141 118 interview with secretary of russian parliament's constitutional committee, on proposed referendum on new russian constitution. (4 min: arabic 111500) 142 119 "press review": focusing on russian presidential elections, citing pravda and izvestiya on this issue. (6 min: german 1700) 143 USSR SUPSOV SESSION 144 120 soviet premier valentin pavlov address to 11 jun supreme soviet session, on fulfillment of anti-crisis program. (c/r tassr 111015, item 123 on 11 jun list) (one min: amharic 111600/twice/ Somali 111700/twice/; brief: frenchinter 111800 portuguese'112100 arabic.111600 hungarian 112000) 145 LIFE IN USSR 146 121 vyacheslav solovyev on shevardnadze's stated intention of founding democratic party as viable opposition to comparty. (rpt enginter 111210, item 131 on 11 jun list) (engna 0000) 147 122 report on recent inauguration of islamic center and islamic cultural center in moscow. (rpt dart 091500, item 113 on 9 jun list) (dart 1500) 148 123 summary glasnost interview with col-gen yuriy shatalin, commander of internal troops of ussr defense ministry, discussing their role in armenian/azerbaijan conflict which are commensurate with situation. (300 text sent: tassr 0854 tasse 1715; brief: enginter 1600 1700 1800) 149 124 "home in ussr". (rpt engna 210000, item 144 on 21 may list) (engna 112300) 150 125 "update". (rpt enginter 111910, item 140 on 11 jun list) (engna 0000) 151 126 "on moscow's wavelength": incl referendum to be held on russian federation's constitution; feature on-possible -ch ang e of rad'-s--name-; change in composition of soviet olympic committee. (hungarian 112000) 152 127 "on moscow's wavelength": incl anon on union treaty; WIZARD on economic situation. (hungarian 2000) 153 128 "soviet panorama": anon detailing moscow exhibition by soviet neo-expressionist artist viktor (kazarin), including interview with him (3 min); film critic viktor lulik detailing soviet film entitled "dark force", purchased for distribution in britain (4 min); information given about close encounter of third kind, experienced by latvian couple (3.5 min). (enguk 2000) 1154 129 "your northern neighbor, soviet union": anon on problems faced by soviet citizens during summer season (5 min); anon on inauguration ceremony held in moscow hospital constructed by turkish company (3 min); anon on listeners letter re flying objects (3 min). (turkish 1800) 155 130 "ussr today": solovyev on shevardnadze's statement re formation of democratic party (3 min); (layijin) giving foreign experts opinions about soviet domestic crisis (3 min); anon on revised ussr armed services law (3 min). (mand 0200) 156 131 "ussr today": interview with members of republican economic committees, on ways to solve soviet domestic crisis (3.5 min); anon on private college in leningrad (4.5 min); anon on history of moscow's grand theater (3.5 min). (mand 1300) 157 132 "life in soviet union": anon on soviet astronaut (5 min); anon on new communication machines (5 min); miscellany of brief items on soviet science and technology (4 min). (korean 0900) 158 133 "know more about ussr": feature on commercial activity, women's role in soviet life and youth. (38 min incl music: amharic 1600 Somali 1700) C00175642 Page: 36 of 98 159 TB1306143791TAKE8 160 134 misc internal ussr items: 28: sov 6 democ 2 latam 5 asc 3 asnc 12 161 UNPRO: enginter 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 162 POOREST: portafr 1900 163 POOR: enginter?1810 engna 112300 czech/slovak 111800 hungarian 112000 (endall) 12 Jun 91 164 TB1306143891TAKE9