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C00174676 Page: 22 of 27 Concatenated JPRS Reports, 1993 Document 19 of 19 Page 1 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Status: [STAT] Document Date: 11 Jun 93 Category: [CAT] Report Type: JPRS report Report Date: Report Number: JPRS-TEN-93-019 UDC Number: Source Line: 93WN0465B Moscow ROSSIYSKIYE VESTI in Russian 11 Jun 93 p 4 Subslug: [Articles contributed to Operation "Radiation-] FULL TEXT OF ARTICLE: 1. [Articles contributed to Operation "Radiation"] 2. [Text] We have received the first responses from readers and public ecological organizations to the appeal by "Retsept" to establish a complete bank of information on past and possible instances of radioactive contamination of the environment (ROSSIYSKIYE VESTI, No 96). Operation "Radiation" is continuing. We are interested in eye-witness accounts of the burial of radioactive wastes, of accidents at nuclear facilities and installations, and of cases of careless storage and misappropriation of radioactive materials. These communications allow us to conduct publicly open_monitoring of_ the radiation situation in_the _cQUnsr~-_,____ attracting the attention of the corresponding state bodies and the public to these problems. 3. "People Must Not Be Forced to Live in a Nuclear Home," by N. Mironova, coordinator of the "Nuclear Safety" movement, Chelyabinsk 4. It is difficult to overstate the importance of the problem raised by "Retsept." May God grant you the strength to take a sufficient number of steps along this road before someone forces you to stop. 5. The things that were done by the Ministry of Atomic Power and the Ministry of Health in the Urals can be compared only with Stalinist genocide. The criminal actions against morality and humanity committed here are just as serious as those addressed in Nuremberg. But there is little time to be digging into the past, because the present is even more dangerous and significantly more responsible for the effects it has upon the future. 6. Mountains of weapons have been forged in our country, and they are now playing an increasingly active role in "hot spots" in Russia. Obviously the critical mass has been exceeded. God forbid that this wave will engulf our nuclear potential. UNCLASSIFIED Approve for Release C00174676 Page: 23 of 27 Concatenated JPRS Reports, 1993 Document 19 of 19 Page 2 7. Our task is to reveal the full antihumanitarian nature of not only the use but even the production of nuclear weapons. It is precisely in the production stage that practical use of these weapons against the peoples of our country occurs. This happens through exposure of people to radioactive wastes dumped into the environment at the stage of weapon production, through the consequences of nuclear explosions carried out in the testing stage, through overexposure of personnel and soldiers during the stage of storage and salvage of nuclear weapons, and through the effects of so-called peaceful nuclear explosions that had been criminally permitted on Russian territory by the former Union government. Nuclear uranium and plutonium technology is extremely dirty and dangerous. Its danger continues into the future, since radiation exposure weakens the immune system and distorts genetic codes. 8. Nuclear industry is insatiable. It requires increasingly larger capital investments, and material and human resources. Just in terms of capital outlays alone, 30 times more must be invested today than 20 years ago in freely convertible currency (dollars) to satisfy the technical needs of nuclear power plants. Things have gotten even more expensive in the fuel cycle in regard to storage and handling of the large quantity of acidic highly radioactive wastes. 9. Can the population be excluded today from resolving the issues of its future coexistence with nuclear industry, can it be vassed__o_v_r,___________ -- cants mood g----------- ticed, can the results of referendums be ignored? All of the people cannot be forced to live in a nuclear home. We will never become accustomed to having our children die as sacrifices brought before the nuclear altar. 10. All technology must be socially acceptable: Only this gives it the right to state financing, to the support of taxpayers, who are the ones who form the assets of the state. Social programs, both medical and educational, are also. financed from this same pocket. And when the state is unable to find the money for social protection, but offers interest-free loans for the construction. of the Southern Ural Nuclear Power Plant (134 billion rubles, or 10 times more than the cost of the state social program for the Ural region), the causes of this behavior by the government, its common sense and the influence of political and military groupings upon it naturally come into question. 11. "Can Catastrophe Be Predicted?" by N. Novgorodtsev, Tomsk 12. In July 1984, 2 years before the tragedy at the Chernobyl NPP, shop foreman Aleksandr Krasin had a nightmare about an explosion at the fourth power unit of the CNPP. Krasin didn't say anything about his dream to the power plant's leadership-he didn't want to end up in C00174676 Concatenated JPRS Reports, 1993 Page: 24 of 27 Page 3 a mental hospital. But what if he had attracted attention to his dream? It is said that dreams whose content is revealed never come true.... 13. Two such accidents that never happened are described below. On 12 February 1992 SOVETSKAYA ROSSIYA published an article by I. Zhukov titled "Alarm Predicted," which made references to the "St. Petersburg departments" that ridiculed with relish the unsuccessful forecasters, calling them "publicity-seeking UFO watchers," and asserted that the leadership of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant was intending to go to the procurator about the alarming rumors spread by K. Butusov, the leader of the team of UFO researchers. The interesting question is this: How far did the leadership get before 24 March, when the third power unit of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant underwent an emergency shut-down, in which radioactive products were released into the atmosphere? 14. Note that information about the forthcoming accident was made public, the most persistent public attention was directed at it, and the accident did not occur at the predicted time. And the fact that it happened later on anyway permits the suggestion that attraction of attention to it " forced" it to proceed according to a "milder" scenario. We find confirmation of this suggestion, which appears strange at first glance, in an analysis of the Tomsk accident. ----------- -------------- --15" The Siberian Chemical Works, which produce weapon-grade plutonium, are located in the city of Tomsk-7, less than 30 kilometers from the oblast center of Tomsk. The accident that occurred in 1993 in the radiochemical plant of these works caused the entire world to shudder: "A second Chernobyll " the newspaper headlines shouted. It was soon revealed that the newspapers had overreacted somewhat, but who is about to throw stones at them, considering that everyone remembers the criminal way in which the scale of the Chernobyl catastrophe was concealed, causing people to mistrust official information for a long time to come? And besides that, many still have memories of the terrible rumors about an impending superlarge accident at the Siberian Chemical Works. 16. Beginning in October 1989, Tomsk was literally engulfed by a wave of hysteria regarding an impending nuclear explosion at Tomsk-7. The local newspapers published numerous articles on this topic. 17. These rumors did not circulate in Tomsk alone. I personally heard them in Moscow at the " Bioenergoinform-89 " conference in fall 1989 from Eduard Yermilov, chairman of the Nizhegorod section of the Commission to Study Anomolous Phenomena under the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies, who reported that according to information received by the commission, Natalya P., a medium from the C00174676 Page: 25 of 27 Concatenated JPRS Reports, 1993 Document 19 of 19 Page 4 city of Pavlodar, who cited "extraterrestrial sources," prophesied a grandiose explosion in Tomsk (10 Chernobyls!). 18. The date of the impending catastrophe was invariably set in April 1990, although the date of the Tomsk explosion was predicted in Novosibirsk as April 1993. Careful research on the sources of the rumors, which we conducted in late 1989 and early 1990, shoved them to be completely identical with the sources of the rumors that engulfed the USA on the wave of the 20th cycle of solar activity and were brilliantly described by John Kil [transliteration] in the book "UFO-Operation Trojan Horse." Kil distinguished four sources of rumors in the book-clairvoyants, mediums, spirits and hippies (an altered state of conscidusness). We revealed four sources of rumors in Tomsk as well. 19. The first source consisted of clairvoyants and sensitives. The newspapers cited authoritative prophets, particularly the prediction made by Vanga from Bulgaria. When asked about it, Vanga rejected this prediction outright. On the other hand Viktor Vostokov, a doctor of Tibetan medicine, who had predicted the Kishinev earthquake and the "Nakhimov " disaster, cautiously noted in a certain interview in response to a question from a correspondent regarding future surprises that he was very troubled by the Tomsk Nuclear Power Plant, that something might possibly go wrong there. ------ --------- - 20 Another source was mediums. In August 1989 Viktor L., the chief engineer of the Tomsk Aviation Sports Club, took part in ferrying an An-2 from Kharkov to Tomsk. During the flight, under strange circumstances he had telepathic contact with "aliens," who told him of the catastrophe that was to befall Tomsk-7 on the first of April 1990. 21. Can we make use of such prognostic information obtained by such unusual means? Mankind has wrestled with this since ancient times. It would be sufficient to recall the temples of Asclepius, where every person maintaining a vigil cloaked in skins had the chance to receive a healing prescription during his sleep from Asclepius himself. 22. More up-to-date concepts of prediction are being developed today. Many groups of specialists are working today in our country on extrasensory predictions. Impressive results have been achieved in a number of cases, but on the average, barely one out of every forty registered predictions is confirmed. Nonetheless, scientists are attempting to lift the veil of secrecy from the mechanism of acquiring prophetic information, including for preventing industrial catastrophes. 23. "A Settlement With a Uranium View," by V. Anufriyeva, Kirov C00174676 Page: 26 of 27 Concatenated JPRS Reports, 1993 Document 19 of 19 Page 5 24. The settlement of Karintorf, near Kirovo-Chepetskiy, which was founded by peat diggers back before the war, discovered that it neighbored upon a uranium deposit. 25. Of course the concentration of uranium in the ore is negligible, but the settlement's inhabitants do have grounds for concern. 26. "They knew about the uranium since the 1960s, and they kept silent about it for 30 years, and they would have continued to keep silent about it as long as nothing went wrong. And in the meantime we became something like experimental rabbits: They take blood samples, make some sort of immunizations, and hang dosimeters in our homes," Aleksandr Sabrekov, the settlement's commandant, complained with, irritation. 27. The deposit is located only 2 or 3 kilometers from a residential area. Before, there used to be peat digs here, while now there is a field overgrown with brush. When I turned on my instrument, the pointer fluctuated between 6 and 8 microroentgens. As we moved off the road the pointer reached the 10 mark. On a thawed patch of dead grass it jumped to 15 R/hr. This was as high as it went. Wherever I turned, and wherever I lowered my "mine detector," the pointer never rose above this mark. Does it make sense to raze settlement No 2 of Karintorf, as recommended byassociates of the All-Russian ---Geologfcai Scientific-Research Institute imeni Karpinskiy, who surveyed the uranium deposit? By the way, in response to them, a report by V. G. Dvernitskiy, a scientist from the St. Petersburg radioecological department, and E. Ya. Yakhnin, a prominent geochemist with Sevzapekologiya, referred to this conclusion as "surprising." They feel that the "recommendation (regarding the razing of settlement No 2-V.A.) cannot be taken seriously, and it does not provide any grounds for stopping life as usual in the settlement." Another review of the research by the geologists came from Moscow. It was written by scientists of the department of radiation hygiene of the Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians-Professor V. Ya. Golikov, a member of the Russian Scientific Commission on Radiation Safety, and docent S. I. Ivanov. "We feel that the conclusions and suggestions spelled out by the authors in paragraph 3 of the conclusions (the reference is to razing settlement No 2-V.A.) are unsubstantiated and deeply wrong." 28. Specialists of the oblast's center for state public health inspection, who had doubts about the validity of the conclusions of the geologists and who sent their report out for review, turned out to be right: The danger was exaggerated, and there was no reason to move the inhabitants. But experts can vary in their opinions, and perhaps it wouldn't hurt to take another look. The fate of settlement C00174676 Concatenated JPRS Reports, 1993 Document 19 of 19 Page: 27 of 27 Page 6 No 2 of Karintorf will depend in many ways on measurements of the concentration of radon in the homes and an evaluation of their health. And for the time being, radiation monitoring has been established in regard to food products, drinking water and the gamma-background of both settlements belonging to the enterprise in Karintorf. 29. "Volga in a Ring of Nuclear Power Plants," by Professor S. Butkov, chairman of the department of economic and social geography of the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical Institute 30. The Kalinin, Kostroma, Gorkiy, Tatar, Bashkir, Dimitrovgrad and Balakov nuclear power plants are operating, under construction or planned for construction in the Volga-Kama basin. 31. The Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (NIIAR) has been working in the city of Dimitrovgrad since 1961. It contains eight reactors, of which five are scientific and three are semi-industrial. Seven reactors are in operation. The output of the nuclear power plant is 440,000 kilowatts. The NIIAR has 16 permanent observation posts, including two in Ulyanovsk. Radioactive wastes are pumped into the ground to a depth of 1,100-1,500 m. A high-temperature reactor to be used to process depleted fuel was to be built in this city as well. The reactor needed around 100,000 tonnes of high-quality graphite. Its erection would have appraxlmately a trillion rubles worth of foreign currency. Because we do not have the needed quantity of graphite and the corresponding amount of money, the reactor was rejected. 32. Radioactive neutron sources will be produced in Dimitrovgrad jointly with the Chinese Atomic Energy Institute. The Chinese side intends to supply the products to countries in Asia and the Near East. The "radioactive dirt" will remain in Russia. 33. In order to replenish the continually growing shortage of electric and thermal energy, scientists propose erecting an experimental industrial unit of a new generation on the grounds of the NIIAR in place of the reactor facility being decommissioned. Its output would be 620,000 kilowatts of electric power and up to 215 gigacalories of thermal energy per hour. 34. Some of the nuclear power plants in the Volga region were built on ground that is unsuitable in geological respects, and even simply dangerous, often in direct proximity to active faults, and at the intersections of river systems, where an abundance of water is observed. Consequently we risk a misfortune on the Volga that would be dozens of times more terrible than Chernobyl.