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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1968
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C00044116~ saia3ii.:. ~.'w'r. ..:~. ...'..:."'-''= ?..+[.? ?....- ~.1:..?i7:LLii.:'' ?IC'-~iq~ti ti6- ? ? .. ~, o ? I'~ ~ . w~ .. ? ~ ? f.? ~+_IIC~ 1,7+ .. 1l."dC/~~i2y6 '? ?' .. S.:J-.tt WrL:-t'a/9~~olEala~Jcw?1c:~:~j8029 ' ! ;,.r: s. ?? ft ! rl ~ tot ro! chn ? sl ciepce, ? Aa,ittsnt toltaaot ?r; _ t JiJT}ci Z !, r lr? ~~ .. ?tc :c s . p ) .; t111.Es vnidtntil:cd tlyir,; ob;ect ~ - ?` : . !t)PIG TJlGS:/?Optit prirnot:troar trotaentttte0 i77inp obSectr t-cteorite .,; ? ,-.. ~, ? . s .. .: _ .. jjjjjj At~STSit:1': Ths svthoc CSoieov Aviation 2natitntt) presents ?t.eral strikinL and ZeliaS:s V70 observations sad ssfutea the theory et if. !i. aatro~hJtieitt Mcn:r? 't ?nd atiiera t?.:: until tecsntly oo sctent ilie study o! VFOa !-sa been wde .in the s . ? ?; Soviet t'!+fon. Its elates t?+it the prsvaflir.i view ?: that t}i'Oa asa ?taa~san optical f. plerac:tis !n eh: sarti:'s atars;,ei?e is v: en= snd dce to the tact tF.at there woo t+o ~ ? - tallcction of L'f0 observations. !'h r, trneral lmptsation ras that tlytrr.osvicers ~?! ' '*rs tsotasiea. Ttrie situation is bepinniaS to eiunjs. :, ?_~,;??? ?- '-. ?, " '? ? .o:. . >. '?Ia 146d the Naulu~publishint tibvis?ot the OSSR?Scadcsy ot'.?Scieneea ia~sehctuled to pvblit!r a book sntitled pay~Le:ed Actor S,+.:aa. edited 6t' Acadcaician >;o:is 'tr ? ?' Nonatanttnov. Vice president et tl.e USSR Acadsa7 ei Sctercesrand written by ? '?~ di,ttatviahed Sov:es sad io:ei~ eont:lbutetar-leclvding Aoerietna? ? {~ f ?{? ??Att??~ AttiOt}d2S6' 4:.; :y .; ??'i;?? ':-.="-t?~ ~?'~ %,: ~..:'?t..ot!-siis that t r0a ?eritiwte? !o? ot?~tt vo:lds??f that t}~q sss ?tlrin=? craft , , i ? ?? ~~ .tree planets ether than sarthr ?arits the salt ssrioua eawinstioa.'. ?: '! .?. _ ': f~?? "04servatioat al-ov?that.OFOs !st-,svs ?ssnaibly." ?Ia a?=iovp?teematioa !light ?? ~?? ? ?:;,?;,:~?;;s.~'tt+cy catoteisi a pstttrn. tt~er are Batt often ipotted ours sirliclds. stile ??.. - ?? .. = " . ?e:ttionar sad office vest' rev snitrestini ins:allsttoai.?''Oz; oocouetssing ai:ctat't, -? ~'~i?"i :? ? '? t}ep alvsys s:.tnsuvar so as t0 aver! direct toatac:. A eensid;rsals Litt of tbcaa t. . sees:ugly lottl;ittn: softens Sivaa tha taprasatoa that LTOe sir tsvtstiaating. I ? .. perhayt even t.conaoitt: to=. ??:.= _ ?' :.:. ?t : ; ?.~ . ? ;?? ;, ? ??~- 1 ;: CcttousiJ eoe~:;hr 'the e:abe: of tti`0 obssrvationa tatreiees as ltars?approaehes - : chi earth, =s? this pure toit;cidarcet ': ??} ;,. _ ;a.::.t.. ? ?~ - ? .. ~.: ? ?'..~?~?..-~~-+?.~,y.1'~i?yI+~~4s j~C~f1iY-' ~:Ir `..~7L~f. i.~i?/~..ir ,~,:t?. . ?. ? r 000044116 F ? _ Sao. rcople thintc itat?t':~Os have apytarcd to t1:c earth's a?tpoR?}~ete o~1T durin6 ?. .the pact two decoct.. X1te tr no: the essr. 7'he L"FO p4eocoenon l~aa been ob?crvtd ? throughout t'he t~iatery of eLan~.tr-d. ?Arts ate oe@Scwal tad ancient seposcr ststkingly ais+ilar to ours. ?? .. _? ~ .?; ? ? ~,, ? , ?=',": Qoong the tarltes Uf0 tey'otta, se ao t~s~71c~?s:ay be the vc11-dotuaenced ob?ctva-, ? ?~?.ttena of a ^2at~s saucrr" in 3E82?~nd ? ?ptoceastoo o! bolids?" So 2413. Zhcrt . seportr attll a+att lovcatttatton. '" ... '. ? YM+e?soat tens:iwbleolRO phenaoenon ie the taeous '7vngvsicy scteorite." to trccrt lea:~ Sovi:t stienttcte have eetablfched.thst the ?un;.u?1cy t:plocton had every yc:a~ctst of to ataocphcrit t+uclcar bl:et. r?.o L's=?4 Asa,dcT:y of SCicn:ta Rr,7c::e (Velv+ae 17t. I~ec. t and S. 1967) tncluds studtea by Ale:ri toietov which attc.pt to prove th,t rho Tungucky body eovld.oot be s eeteorlte or a toner. in the avrx'srr of 1967 t?re ,7otnt Inatttvte o! Kuclcar Research as Dubaa pvSl:?t+sd . ~ study by Vlatiait i:ckhedov, who tenclvdes that the 7ungusky bla:t left tonaidcsable srsidwl Tsdtoactivtty. [finally. ae tece~cly ac 7966, a:tcr analy:::+g '? ,the too total a! observactoas on t!~e Iungusky body's ili,ghc. ttts writer absurd. ?'?? "that mefots the blast the tun6u:ky body deserfbed in the asflosphete a t:anendous ? '~:+~ ~'? arc of about ~iS .ilea Yn extsnt (in as:muth) that ic, tattled out a saneuvtr. . : ' ':? ~ Itll rheas nN?Teavlte vatrarit the eonclvcion th?t the ivogu~S~y body a:eas to have ? ee an srtitietal tlytng trait trop ?ase ot?,er planes. ???? 11l - - - - -- -- ??'- ` ? ACC Mta Al60G~2S6 ? ? .. ~,'~-::. ~ s -: - . '. ?t;Mvld t*Se?1a tiralIy cealSsaed b7?iavtitttatiow row in?ptog:tae. the ?.?; '? .. Zut this; tatiaentally~ Vlil pass se/ Diobls=a. ?ii ve are se-sere Dtst:s etuciee ' -y trsatutet trop otter pLatts~ what is their purpose' .1fi1 ars they to studiousl. ? ' asotdin, any direct tontaett .is th:it tr..saciebtlity tht sesvit ai to bi~r-t level :~ ; `: `? ? ?, of developaet+t that they atu~Jy ae trro that "t-ci=ht" Just se ve look vyoe sod ' ? ? study ants! th !s there ptili ?tbe peeai3liity ei eon~oo urderataading since vs ' ?re boro io the sane Uaivcsat~ find obry the same lave of e-atvret .~~ ? . o!'t'i?Oe wy teed to 4vite different tonclwtflrsa sad praceat ssrkird 'rhs stv~ly . ? titb'tuite dilleree; protsi+dma. ' ~ ??_ _?_ ?_ _ ::.~~}. !hs ~'~ottaCt thing goy is [ot w to die:srd anJ pretoeeeived ootione about ,;.,?_,.; OTOe ?nd to otjsntes on ~ 31oba1 resit ? talc. tensetiva-tree~tnd tttittl~ ? t";i~.,'? ??: ;; telsntl!!e study o! this ttranga ?phcs-etenon. ? the tvb~ect and aie:e o! ehc ,?~; ~' lnvtetiletioa sis to tcsfoye that they ~uattfy and s![ot[s:?.It rocs v;thout ? ? ' ? iagtng t7iat tntett+attonal eooyaratien t? vital. , ,,.?s:;%. ~;?? ? ;~:.; ?x::, iHtj .r '., ?1 '. ~. -:~