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July 30, 1954
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C00015478 CLL. FICATION ?_ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY DATE OF INFORMATION 1954 SUBJECT M litary - Unidentified flying objects HOW i DATE DEST. 3a* Jul 1954 PUBLISHED Newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED As indicated NO. OF PAGES 3 DATE PUBLISHED 19 Jan-15 May 19511 LANGUAGE various SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NC. SOURCE As Indicated SIGRTIRGS of uiwn wrII+IED FLYING GB.TECPS 19 JANUARY-15 195 VESTMW . =WE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REPORT NO.OO. J.30797 CD NO. France UNnENTIFIED OBJECT OVER SAINT MEBAN!' -- Paris, Le Figaro, 18 Apr 54 On 15 April 1954, two residents of Saint Mesant, Correge Department, observed an elongated, cone-shaped object with two red and green lights at the base, flying at a high altitude from the northwest toward the south- west. SIGHT UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT OVER MWEE S -- Istanbul, Vatan, 28 Apr 54 Bayonne, 2T April 1954 (Anatolian Agency) -- On 26 April 1954, a group of persons taking a walk near Sare in the region close to the Pyrenees border observed a cigar-shaped object traveling rapidly at an altitude of 2,000 meters in the direction of Spain. SIGHTINGS OVER SWEDEN, NORPSF.RIP NORWAY -_ Stockholm, Dageas Ryheter, 14 May 54 On the morning of 13 May 1954, three persons in three different areas of Norrbotten Province, Sweden, observed a "brilliant, silver-colored sphere with a tail." aTAT( r nT ? "wo j.1 r .u,t3 1 i.M ii:,'i..JC DATE C00015478 It was reported from Bamrrerfest,'Norwny, that on the same day, three bright objects passed over ]Ceutokeino (in northern Norway) at great speed. They flow in V-fgrmation and disappeared toward the southwest. A deputy constable who bad observed them with binoculars stated that they flew so high that he could not, ascertain their shape but that they were not ordinary air- planes. Be added that they seemed to be red on one side and white on the other and appeared to be rotating. . Norway L'N1nERT1FISD FLYING C?JBCTS OVER R0 MEW NORWAY -- Copenhagen, .Bore?; ? Oslo, 14 May -- Wftkommaando herd (Air Co?and North) has received a number of reports that indicate that the. flying objects observed over Finn- for 4-5 i mutes. Oskel described theT- as flying in formation at an alti- smoke. The weather tRs clear and visibility perfect. FLYING OBJECT REPORTED OVER mums -i oxi-TAM. -T E DEPARL"KC'P TCMNS -- Constantine, .Is Depeebe de Constantine, 19 Jan 34?. ,. At 1330 hours on 18 January, many persons in: Saint Arnaud observed an object leaving a double trail of white smoke, describing an immense circle over the town. Several cffieers at In Remonte - [military base nearby?] even heard a strange sound made by the object, which seemed to have come from the north. (A similar observation had been made on 16 January, when the object bad come from the vest.)t'The-meteorological station at Wed Bamirme air- port (near Constantine) reported that it had observed a double trail of smoke at 1400 hours but concluded that the smoke came from a plane flying at great altitude. ? At 1430 hours, inhabitants of Setif saw an object arrive from the east, emitting bluish smoke tails and moving relatively slowly. After circling above the town for several seconds., it suddenly* headed back in the direction of Saint Arnaud at great speed. Most of the spectators described it as being cigar-shaped and flying at high altitude. -Finally, at 1645 hours on the same day, a large, luminous, rectangular- shaped object - C' d D??e,,,r..._ , 02_0 kilometers soutbvc:`_ cf catlobject -,, was seen ave. _ for over 30 minutes following a rectilinear course. The object came from the east and disappeared toward the vast. _ C 0015478; SIGSTIRG OVEN UORCASTER -- cope Town, Die Burger, 17 Apr 54 At 2000 hours on 16 April 1954, C. Born of Worcester saw what appeared to be a blood-red motion. When he looked through a telescope, he could also detect moving objects around the star. The "star" climbed obliquely at a very fast -rate and moved upward with a jerky motion, alternately start- ing and stopping. It seemed to sway like a balloon and became brighter as it rose. Finally, the object beaded north. FAR.EAST!- British Malaya =331G V0 CIGAR-SHAPER OBJECTS -- Istanbul, Son Posta, 15 Mar' 54? Kuala Lumpur (Anatolian Agency)., 14 !larch 1954 - On 12 March, harbor workers at Swettenbam sighted a flying'object 'which resembled a cigar and.. which left a white trail behind It- . The object, which slowly disappeared- in tle clouds, has not*been identified. Istanbul, Hurriyet. 19 Mar 54 ti Kuala Lumpur -- On 17 Nor 1954, a second cigar-shaped object was observed in the sky over certain portions of British Malaya. It wan seen by residents of the towns of Par Svettenhem, Cheras Swettenham, and Cheras.