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January 31, 2011
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Publication Date:
August 18, 1953
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Germany, ttBSR, !'renob Equatorial tiriea, Syria, DATE OF
Iran INFORMA'[ION 2952 - 2953
Military - Bneomreatiam-i. airerAtt
D"33y, thriee~reeld4y aevepspers
PUBUSHED AtBona, Bras:avi2le, Tehran
PUBLISHED u xar - 20 lhy 3,953
LANGUAGE Greelt, Frsneb, Persian
Vienna t8pecial Servicei)',reeent a~eports%tirJm Toronto, a
amaber of Canadian Air loroe':engi?eers ara,engeged is the construction?of a
"tlyiag.saucer" to ba?used es s ititure weapon of-var. The wort of.tbese engi-
neers is being carried out Ya; gseat`-secrecy dt the l-. 8. Roe Cosrpany ~ranslit- .
Atheffi, I Yrndyni, 13.~Y 53
"Flying saucers"..Bare-been lmarn:`to be .in actuality since the poaclbi]Sty
or their conatr+iction.was proren isi p2aaa drawn gp by Qermaa engineers tward
the end of Aorld War II.
'? Georg ldein, a Garman erginmer, ..stated stce~3y that though aaRy peke
believe the "S],yilog ssncers" to De a postwar derelopDent, they were actunl.3~
is the stage in German airarai`t iretoriea ss early ss 1941.
Rein said that he was an engineer in tBe~lliaiatzy of Speer ~robably re=
fens to Albert Speer, vBa, in 1968, was Miaister.lor'Arassient sad Asmunitiam
for the Third Reich? sad vas preset in Prague on 14 February 1945, at tBe
rirst txperimaatal fligBt ot,a "!1~-in$ saucer:"
During the eYperiment,.yICLeia reported, the "flying saucer" raeched an al-
titude of 12,400 meters Vithia 3 binutes sad a speed o! 2,200 kLlameters per
hour. ]Clain emphasised that is accorddnce-with German plans, the speed of
these "saucers" would reach 4,000 ]cilometers per Boar. :One ditfieu].ty, ac-
cording to IQein, was the problem of obtaining the materials to be used for
the construction a? the'"saucers," bat even thi? bad been soared by Geraan
engineers toward the end o! 2965s and constractiaa am. the ob3ects was srhed-
aled to begin, Xleia idled. ~ .
~~?'' ?SL' A`w.
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AFB, Zlf SOYZB'!': ~AlfD6;
A?Piwi:S Pn% Eiii.~sSE
&niE . ~.~!......:.....
Eleia vest onto state that tbrae aupesimsntal oode].s bad beaa?readied
Sor tests by tba cad of l~h`~ie]., built aceordiag to tvo completely ditter-
ent principles of aerodyaanics, Oss+ type sctuaLZy bad, the sbsps of s dies,
with an laterior nnbin, smd vas built at the Mite ~imidsatitiad; tremslitesa-
tioa from the tiraek7 taetcries, vhteh l~sd also beset tbs Y2 rockets. This
modal vas h2 meters is diamstar. The other wodei had tbs sbspe of a sing, vitb
rRtasd sides sad s sPheriaslly sbapad pilot's cabin placed on the oatside, in
the center of the ring. This siodsi vas at tbQ Habermol and 8dselve: tac-
tasies janidentified; both arenas tsanslitsratad lY+u tlw Orrek7.
Both models had the ability to taYe oft vertically and to ].and in an ex-
? Daring the last !av days of the var#v+Eea erary Lops for tie~sa ai.ctory
bad been abaadaned, the engineers in the' grasp stationed in Pragiu carried
wt orders to dastray oomplete],~c..all: their g1.aas oar their yodel before the So-
viat forces arrived. 'The engineers at the IRite flsctoriea in nrealau, havever,
were not varaed In sntfieieat time of tbls 8cri~etapp~acb, sad the Soviets,
therefore, succeeded in seising their sateria"C. Plans'; as.veL. as specialized
personnel, were imaediatelgr seat. disect7~ to the oriel: Da1oa wider bcssoy gird,
coincidental with the' .departure lyr~a Berlin oT t~rr: creator M the Stuka, [J~-67
dire bambe~, vho later ded~al,oped the IGIG` l~ 1sii~'c 15 ia';the Soviet Union.
According to the report, ioothing is lmavn ot'' the vbereabouts oS Ha:.:'~ermol
since his dlsappearance from Pregnt; Schreiner died receat]y in Bremen; and
Hite, vho escaped is a 363, is is the iS.
1Cteia vas of the?opiaioa?Chat the "saacers".are at present being con-
atrt^,r3.~d in accordance vith Berman technidal. gx''and ezpressed the be-
lief ':hat they vill aaastitnte serious e~mpetitioa -to ~eL-propelled airpls~s.
Klein itu~tber stated that it??ties vest' possible to coastract "flying sau-
cers" tar ciritiaa sir taavel;~: t'.at: ;~!~e~-. could carry 30=hb,passengers at a
speed o! h,ooo kilometers per,Nl:~xsr :Bs rdded;~aovever,`lhat the tremendous
amount of materiel necesaerj! , Ic'i`?ciw~r ccustructiom did ;not varraat their be-
ing built exclusively for civilian air taarel;;-His opinion vas shared, Zee
stated, by (iiuaeppe Belluzso, Lt-e'Its33an spacislist vith v8om"uleih hey been
correspoacing for some tams.
DELAYED R8PC8tT OA FCQlt "SAUC~LS" $~ ,IR DBAIiGI-6SARI -- Brazzaville, France-
Equatcur, 11 Mar 53 .
The Meteorological Service?ot`Freach~E.gn4torial Atrlea has authorized this
aevspnper to publish toast' tte Lo2loving aacouat shoat tour "flying ssucers"
aeon on 22 Fovember 19y2~over'Boearsnga,.Ylbengi-Shari-
At rpprozimntely 2200 hairs, lather Carlos 1laria,.ia Capuchin s+issiaaary),
Lasimone, his eompenion, and four other persons vese driving on the rosd to
Bocaraaga, when :hey suddenly aotfced s large disc trsveling overhead in the
same direction as they. Lasitone eztinguisbed the car`s 1lgbts, but the dlsc
8isappeared in the distance. A short vM1e lster, in the sew spot, they sav
tau' discs motirrl+ss Sn the air.. Fatter Maria`s aeseripLioa tollovs:
"ile could see them clear~jr..Tvo were abase a~ two below; but all four
be8 no point of cortact. At that moment, tbey;~Sed a silvery color like that
o! the ~ooon. I would say that their diameter vas samevbere between 30 sad
h0 centimeters. r~..
"They moved several times, but ~saeh time it seamed that oa41~- the two lover
ones wre rotating. Jnet before t11ey all toes] began to slows, :they lit up
brightly, lik suns:?.Then it looked as.thougb they asraagsd themselves to more
in circular fashion so as to seturn to thdis~ etsrtiag podat. Qm stogping,
they lost heir brilliant color and regdiaad the silvery o~ae. During their ro-
tatiaa, they seemed aligZitlJ oval. I eam:ot say vbetber,it vas dare to a new
shape they assumed Vhlle Sa !light or to the oblique position !bey had assumed
tdtile moving. $aeh time they turned, they bad !bat sbspe sad that profnsi~ of
2i.ght, lie observed them !br about-`20 minutes. AfEer tbiir final turn, they
re?aiaed initial poaitioa for several moments. Then they
disappeared, headed in the diractiea tram ve had came. What I'sa:r vas
ao eerollte, shooting star, or aay*thiag,ot the kind. It'eould only have bees
n man-made machine."
~ '
Lsimaoe'tLen gave an equally detailed oerswon, as lbllovs:
"At about 2200 hours, ~ dbses-ed tour Labs of ailiery light grouped is
a square foraatioa and located above liA2:t'clouda. The night vas very clear.
?"At one point, the four Labs were on the,ho~rizon, ranged in n,
the diractiaa~ of Souso~. Suddenly, one Of them lit vp In vivid red, causing
its shape to be distinguished. ' It re's liloe a cigar, thicker in the Tare sec-
tion..The center section caostituted about?ane third ot.the total length, and
appeared opaque in the light, with perfectly sysmetrical lines.? Flylag above
the clouds, this ob,eot.beaded 111 dir dirtctioa- at considerable speed, e~ont
equal to that of as average plane- About 9 or 6,ltilameters away, it haltsd?
without c~amging its lights erred thea?rlimbed again, vertically. Tire stop vsa
abrupt sad the glow became silvery again-` The other !hies oa the horizon then
began to the sasie:.wq ss the lirsf and joined it to Zorn s square once
AEPCBiT rFLYING SADCBR$? .,CEEB ~ SYFiZA;-- Athens,'.Ix ilesisd~er, d'AtHeaes,
19 1~ie3r 53 - ...
The Damnscua newspaper A1~ reports that`"flying saucers" were
recently above the city of Homs,.Syria coming tro?-.the south.
I,z~oUS osaECT six na s~or ovER ASADNP -- Tehran,, Etele'st, 20 Hay 53
This newspaper vas intorssd by its coriespandent in Abadan that at
].895 hours, on 18 NaY 1953, 'a luaiaons object.vas seen isi 'aver Abadan.
The oh3ect was reported to be?as bright as thr smi and to have the shape of a
nrv moon (but~seversl times larger than a acv boon). It !reveled extremely
fast sad could be seen foi 20 aiautes. It vas also s~eported that the same ob-
3ect woo seen over all the oil areas in 101usistm.