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000015469 M ..:. ,,. ,. ~II? t y,~~.wr :J ~ CLAS:. SCATI 1-7 1W 7 1 CENTRAL REPORT NO, MV-24639 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCAST$ CD NO. -- COUNTRT Spain; Trench Morocco; Algeria; Tangier DAM OF Preuch West Africa; Union of South Africa HOW DATE DIST..Zlf Nov 1952 PUBLISHED Daily, smiveekly newspapers SUBJECT Military - Unconventional aircraft WHERE French Morocco;.Algieris, Tangier; PUBLISHED French West Africa NO OF PAGES k DATE PUBLISHED 17 Jul - 8 Oct 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE French; Spanish REPORT NO, SIOBTIIICS OF UEDmlVr>FI13D FLYING O?JMCTS 8VAYX AND . JULY -' OC Marrakech (special correspondent). -?'At 2100 hours ryresusmbly an 16 July 19527, many people saw a large, luminous disk flying boVisoataily, with a leap- From several points of the Marrakech rrgien, lminous disks were seen On I4 July, flying saucers bad been seen over the 1frane region, flying LU4Ia00S DISK OR BALL SESII OVER MWLAY B0DBSffi.HAM -- Rabat, L'=cho du Maroc, 5 Aug 52 On 2 August 1952, at about 2045.haurs, a group of five trustworthy per- sons saw a luminous disk or ball IA the sky over Moulay Dousselbam, French Mo- rocco. The object, red in the center and bluish around the edge, flew very rapidly fros southeast to northwest, remaining visible for at least 20.seeomds before it disappeared over the horizon. LUMINOUS OBJBL3'S BUN OVIIt ALOUTA -- Dram, Oran Republicain, 16 Aug 52 In Ain Sefra, on the night of_32 August 1952, a railroad agent observed a ball of fire suddenly appearing against a background of clouds, racing across the sky from east to vest and leaving behind a luminous pink trail. Apparently increasing in volume, the object stopped soddenly, beeaare bright red, and seemed to explode, but the observer did not hear any noise. At 2115 hours on 14 August 1932, two persow in the city of Constantine new a luminous object flying at high speed-toward Cuelma. According to the witnesses, the apparatus, which bid no resemblance to a flying saucer, emitted a very bright light. At the time this happened, the local weather bureau had not launched any weather balloons. Thu same day, at 1920 hours, many people at the docks of Pbilippeville saw in t'ue sky an enormous red disk going from north t' west, leaving behind a gre*aish trail. SAMER-MU CRAFT S$k9i IN SPAIN -- Tangier, laps=, 12 Aug 52 According to the Cifra news agency, on-the evening of 10 August 1952, a resident of Cuenca, Spain, 'while walking along the Cuenca-Madrid road, new an object tImilar to the so-called ffiylag.srueess. it crossed the sky at high speed in a ratter.of seconds. The object was round and gave off two luminous trails. la, - OBSERVS TWO STRAI$GE ILTIJG OBJECTS IN SPAIN -- Tangier, Espana, 22 Aug 52 Several Inhabitants of Puerto Real, 6 kilometers from San Ter=o, re- centl7 saw two elongated oval objects in the sky approaching ee4h other from apposite directions. When it seemed that they were about to collide, each ob- ject made a right turn, picked up speed, and than disappeared. The objects flew at a great height, seemed lead-gray in color, and appeared to be piloted. from vest to east. They said that It -.*ad not have been a shooting star and that they were giving the report *4 objectively en possible in its barest de- tails to provide another item for L' !t:udy of the flying saucer phenomenon. On 3 September 1952, late at night, four professors of the Seraphic Sea- more saucers. He was able to follow ape of the with a theodolite, which in- dicated that the object was at a high altitude. It had about the same shape as a weather balloon which was then at an altitude of on`;- 3,500 meters. The spherical objects appeared to be at an altitude above 6,500 meters. Both men have been meteorologists for some time (the second man is the di- rector of the weather bureau at Natal). Their information vas written into the records of the lxa'_ meteorcl^gical offiuc. s ing smoothly across his field of vision. -After two more bad appeared and passed in the same manner, he called a.aoarorker, with whom he observed three dO MSEfEOROLAGISTS SEE SAOCERS IN ORIOR Cr SOT AFRICA -- Oran, L'Zcho d?0ran, 8 Sep 52 On the morning of 6 September 1952, a meteorologist was taking weather observations in Durban, Union of South Africa, when he am a white object mov- On 21 September 1952, at about 1820 hours, an unusual object, possibly a saucer, flew at great speed over Casablanca. Shortly afterwards, about 15 tel- ephone calls were received from local realdents, and our Tangier con respondent WC000154 69- called to say that he had seen the object going from east to vest at 1815 hours (about 2-5 minutes before it flew over Casablanca!). Also, two observers In the 8efif1k liver valley were able to time the passage of the object with a chronometer; it was then 1817 hoors,.and the object me coming from the direc- tion of Rabat, traveling from east to vest. Same of the reports gave the following details about the object: luminous, cigar-shaped, and giving oft a silvery smoke trail; a luminous, whitish-green globe ending in a long cone and flying about 700 feet up, the same as a plane which flew by at the sale time (outside of Casablanca); and a flaming, globe- shaped rase trailing white make is puffs, as though puff followed an axpio- sion -- the object stopped abort a moment and revolved on itself, emitting a *bower of sparks about its cone. About 6,000 spectators at a boxing match in Casablanca saw the object pass over the arena. In Louis Gentil, numerous persons saw it at 1818 hours, flying from east to vest. In Marrakech, it made its appearance for 5?secoads at 1830 hour,, when it was clearly seen by three persons who described it as a meteor, spin traveling from east to vest. - R5PORT STRME OBJECT 0738 TANGIER AND FES -- Fes, Le Courrier An Maroc, 22 Sep 52 on 21 September 1952, at 1815 hours, sanypeople at & 'beach 17 kilometers from Tangier saw tcvard the south a luminous disk of a diameter close to that of the setting sun, flying horizontally from east to vest. After holding its course for about 12 seconds, the disk, which looked like a brightly illuminated metal object, suddenly emitted tiro great streaks of flames and disappeared. At 1820 hours, a strange object was also seen in the sky over Fee, French Morocco, flying at high speed from east to vest and leaving behind a luminous white trail. PILOT GETS CLOSE VIEW C' SAUCER ,FOR 3R II1xniwAL -- Casablanca, Maroc-Presse, 23 Sep 52 The pilot of a tourist plane reports that on 21 September 1952, he flew for 10 seconds and about 50 meters in the same direction as the flying saucer so widely observed that day. This former military pilot, whose name is Craze, answered spevtftc questions put to him and gave the following inforrmation: As be was preparing to land at an airfield in Casablanca, at 1825 hours, he noticed the strange object about 30 meters to-the left of his plane (a ground mechanic later verified this, as be saw a liaisons object fly between himself and the plans). It was flying horizontally from east to vest, along the same line of flight as that sssintained by Craze. The latter vas doing 220 kilometers an hour at the time, at an altitude of 450 meters, and the object was going about twice as fast. Re motioned to his passenger, who saw it too. It looked like a bright blue-green flame and had an oblong cigar-like shape. Re heard no noise coming from it. After it passed the plane, it disappeared in the direction of the sea. The pilot did not attempt to pursue it, fearing the same fate as that of the US pilot faptain Mantel!). That same evening, in Azemnour, French Morocco, a French couple and their farm workers beard a load explosion as the strange flying object passed by. This is the first report we have of any sound beard from such objects. Other reports were received from Fes; Meknes, and Saf1, where in each case the sight- ing was said to have occurred at 1820 hours. C00015469 co-v_24639 BELSEVE OBJ1 R' OVER MOEt000O OldT A HM M I -- Rabat, L'Echo du Maroc, 22 Sep 52 On 21 September 1952, of 1816 hours, the mysterious flying object seen In all Morocco and bey)nd was observed over Rabat. It seams more likely, hovers; that this time, it vas a meteor, because the trajectory of the object vas given as rectilinear, it did'not maneuver in the way saucers are said to do, and its entire body was incandescent, which is not true of flying saahines. The object was variously described as an oranga_eolored ball of tire, an arrow, or a cone-shaped object trailing a bright green-bias cloud of rooks, beading from east to vest and parallel to the eoast, and moving at the speed of a conventional plane at an altitude of about 1,000 meters. The object was visible for only a rev ascoods. After it used a this, white trail of smoke remained visible for about 5 minutes. +~! .?Ir (RIPE DETA778 ON MI8TERIO0S O3J i? RLTIQ'ovm IVORY COAST -- Abidjan, La Cote d'Ivoire, 8.Oct 52 Three members of a tinily in Abidjan declared that shortly after 0130 hours on 3 October 1952, a bright green light flashed from the east across the sky, seemingly the exhaust of some craft. The latter vas momentarily motion- less, at which'tine it seemed orange red In. color. Then it revolved about it- self in a ring of fire, %I& -sagging upward and remaining is the?isme area of the sky. As it moved, it assumed various shapes, flat, round, and oval. Its color varied then from purple to gold. After many rapid, noiseless turns, it dwindled in size, turned green, and disappeared - that was at about 0200 hours. The three observers gave the impression of being quite level-headed. as