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May 12, 1975
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 05-09-2011 NEW YORK TIMES ' ? ~ gives free Rein to Secret Polio ~~i~e ur'dia,~unversities and govern-~ The secret police apparatus' ' By JONATHAN KANDELL I mental circles in Western has grown t;o such . a degree ,~ countries. ~ .? that It has become a parallel SANTIAGO. Chile. May 5- ' 'government, in the view of After 20 raonxhs in power Last week President Au;usto human-rights lawyers ahd con- riulochet Ugarte unveileii a nevi' corned clergymen. ? There are 1~lile's military junta shows series of rules- to prevent "abu. five intelligence sen7ces, with f~ signs of dismantling the ses of powe6 that the or two of them rapidly mast apparatus of political =e- ment has never approved." gaining more'power than the ~?sssio Catned~to "extirpate '1'hey;eall for .the punishment. hasL expanded rthroughou~ he ? of torturers and require that shantytowns, factories, schools . ?; The uiiiiiary took over when nay detainees be released with- ' She country was bitterly polar- ~ five days .or 'turned over itaed. between an anti-Marxist to the; courts, Ititelllaence.servI- 'C~f1Pst'minorit ' aril a: majority y, cos must inform a detai;lee's ,snd rapidly drifting toward eco- nearest relatives ? within 48 aom:c chaos and a possible civil i7ours:of his arrest. .aas:.}3ut fxoul its beginning the+ ~~ junta's domestic critics jtslta has chosen to treat the remaifl skeptical because scores follon~ers of the late President are still 'arrested every' week halt odor Allende Gossens as a; and allegations of torture con- vanquisIled enemy capable atj tinue ;io make their way into any time of posing a strong) Pubic, records. ' On ;.Itiarch I9' Luis. Guillermo ~trrrorist threat. ~_.. Nunez, one of .Chile's best- ' According io Govsrnment es? ftsmstes .more ?llan ~i1,000 ~peogle --- one ? of ~ every 250 Cf~eans-ha-re been d~tai?ned Satz least temoocarl7Y for naliti? known painters, ? wars invited to exhibit a series of fris works at the:: French-Chi[eaa''Institute of Cultuce. About .500 people turned up at the opening exhi- bit of his abstracts, an~. such -'"`-.-,,. :.. ,.,,.,_..~.. ,.~.,, >.~~,e( h1leRat10r1 a,nd?loss of_ireedom.l ?~aon'cerned themselves with po-~ respite the fact tnac the ,, show was partly sponsored by ~Iitica] prisoners be,leve that they the FYench Embassy. it was figure is closer to 55,000, ones quickly closed by, the.' sel:ret =c+% eve~?~r IfiO.~Bot': the Gowen- police,~The next day Mr. Nlinex ~m_nt and if.: .'.omcstic critics tivas arested at Home by secret ,? ~OwMV .,-y.~.rT ' i11."t thC?t? :_.?^ ~)t}=1CF,'1'1Pn . wi20...:~000TGj1T1(y* : t0; -^~? ^;ighbors. arrved in a _~Lijt r,r'`:.~ ~ePr7le Ira ;trlf~?il. 5A1111 ?iSiC^tlp truck.?,il:i rll~-~ :- ged? an app". fora ~'?::.:?r ??1.i~. ,~,'L'itl)'=r5 Qi p:?Ahi~' ~ l::rlt Oi habeas co~uS. }3llt ]le . w_ .., i':YC .~ %i3~?fltiU~l lil ~. o G'3; tiCCr, heard trU.i:. -.:.. ^% 's.:,+;1': ti is ?' Cnllp { ':..1St .^?l0at2 J~all Sr?n4lV?da - ~+;iel:ds j Arancibi::, . 4?-yea;-o'??:' ? ourler jfriends in. apart.-rlents ' -rented ?~`:_ , .;~*,~'.~ :';?: ~;~E~u .., ~~+: t'.e arr?:sts and (c: an >+clo repair ,:;tor, was Iby alt ford intelligence. After - lrrr:'~tCti ::^'th tvc .. :i.' rOnS a ~:aC.::Un, On E3StP-C ISla:ld? _ ;; ?~'i: ?:c derecti i ,.;,u a,?ere he c .~tt asci: b.e_: t:il~ir.:. .. .. ... ...... ,.':~:i::l: .... :. ..1 ^.~' for f. Tel:r+:. -"i, a.. ; (a5 ~i:5~>~t? Ia~::~'!`C ?'x?:::r10:. .i .. _ ."";_` .. %u ..:....... . ... F tIICC :?fi.vr: n'. z!',tZ%1trUtL ~~ ~1'.,^.,~; .~a... ?t:~. .. _ ., _, ~ ., : ~j- r..:S ~^' .,.~ii? f ~ . ?'A f:aC'CL i d ?n?::ar? . :~.?.. ~1,- :' `'l,a^,8'. ~ _......_ ' ' .,%_ f .~:!.,? ccrea ewers :o .,.,.,r,:reae' .. ... .. ... .. .. illi?J:i 1 ? .... _ . _- _. . .._ _ ~., ... ,.. ?, .?.??,.?~", .`L. `}'.' .`):.:L' i,.. ir: is :.:?:'~+lr 3w~~_ .... ?Uf;Qf tel.: '- .. :, ~ ,u?dam; r? t? .. ?-. tEief o -?~"?'-. t ? . `? fut:? .. ... ~`G?`:.' i[F ~?_ UtY- _i2 .: ~~n~~..:? .. ~.. ,.. -.!I ... :%('i;.i3'i a .._ _ ~rld universities. ~ipplicants to .public agencies are often screeneli -by -.the -intelUgsnc~e services.- - -- The a;ents are ai2ale to i'gnnse standards of conduet set 6y the Government for other offi-. cials and ordinary citizens.' Oa casionally, an intelligence offi- cial's eccentric ? reputation spreads beyond .the confines of, ctandestine . interrogation centers. _ ~ - - ~' ' ? ? . :This is true of Comdr. Edgar Cebatlos. a leader of air force intelligence, a burly man in his early forties who has repor- tedly often taken a personal, hand in torture. "With leftist military' officers ~ who were detained he. was .a bast and worked 'then; over with .a.~ ? ?uncontrollFCi anima . fury," said a man couain- +ted with several ce~~lr~~etims. With?~ civilian suspa, saame of them Left-wing extreuaa'is~, " he has mi ed severe torte~le. with personal courtesies._ it as., said. He has ~ invited some~ to "snacks 3t Nico's, a _well- Itnowr. pizzera` in an. ,upper- class neighborhood: Sometimes ' he i. ~ angel rendezvcxrs fns prisoners.. with their vro3naal 1 2 MAY 1975 . X3.203 NE~/ YORK TRIES 12 MAY 1975 were planning to overthrowllez 'was allegedly a member~by her son in an appeal to lion with the. purpose of pm- Dr. Alleride's Marxist regime. of an extreme left?wing group. a Santiago court for a writ during the intelligence necessa- Commander Ceballos succeeded Civilians Hurt by Rivalry . of haaeas corpus, lie co.m- xy .to .fermulata.,policies,..pli!n? in- obtaining 'for "Ivlr. 'Perk 'a 'The intelligence rivalry "has plained th~;t mate leis efforts ning and the adoption of maa- relatively light '15?year sec- occasionally enveloped civElians to k Fria ? through?suses to assure national securi- [ante, which he has been serv- beyond suspicion of l~f4i,.s~t pi's- Gvmrm~oemt ~d aciilitary than. ity arnd the daveTapment of tte ing as a sort of personal sacra= vibes. ~ had I ~u.?sabk tao~~country"" [ary for the commander. On April ?8 ??Elenai AGetos obwsin any, inftsssseatla~n. -',rte sage ~cxeE ;giw-es the Another protege is Adolfo Formes, a businesswoman, sat ? Broad riiandate Given? ? . agency unlimited' access to "t:`te !Puz, a Socialist who led a in her living room negotiating DINA is tad by an army resources that ~ are necessary bazooka attack against a police with an officer to rent an apart- colonel, Manual Contreras, and for its financing" and ailos~s bus during the coup. One of with an officer to rent an apart- most of its agents, estimated, it duty-free .imports of equip.. the fe~v incidents of resistance, ment to air force intelligence:at 1,000, arc army intelligence men[" and :acaessor~cs, presume the attack killed more than'for an interrogation'center. lofficers and enlisted men, Wit, ~ ' int+a mrsd sn,` a dozen.policemen. Two men in civilian clothesit includes members of othe a+rstiga Mr. Puz has not yet been 'lmorked on her. door. identified] military and police branches .Its agents afrnost alaraejat ;sentenced; Commander Cabal- themselves as members? of~as well as a gmwing number wear civilian clothes. xarrir los convinced the mili?taryIDIYA and announced that they of women. ~ ? display identification da;tt-' courts to try him on violation had come to arrest her. 'Nhenf .The decree creating the agen- menu and drive in unmarkef of the arms control Iaw, althe air force' officer and Mrs: cy. at the beginning of? 1974 cars or refrigerated meat truc.~ far lesser charge than he couldttAbalos Formes prole"sled? thanga~e it a mandate.? brosd imported by the ?AlIane'A have expected. ' ? (she was a stanch Supporter ennuvh to Prow into a fulj-jGov.rnment,'s PVbli~.? L~~~eFo;+- _ Last month air force seCUrity o[ the junta, onP pf the a.~rntal FlA~pPd corrpt notice f~re~?1-R?~- ~or*~oratiOR, T}c :nra..ny. officers under Commander Ce-said: "I will give you lU min- tneorezicatty responsible onlylgation, centers. include a-~ hallos secretly spirited Tomds utes to get ready and ~ come to the junta. : garrisons as .well as: fore:::: Gonzalez Reese to sanctuary with me. If you do rrot I am The decree states that' theymate properties, the bas; jin the Papal Nuncio's diploma-igoing to get you out of here n;lssir,:z is "to gatF~r nit inf~>r- rroti:?n of ~vt;ich is vIla G:imai- jtic residence rather than turn??~iwith my fists." matic:, at a :9zie(,!t~.?~' f_ro~:+.~di, a one-t:n?e discetl?Laque on shim over to DINA. Mr. Gonza-I. The incident was :recountedithe variaus a ~;i.. a?r~c.;t)ze out