Final Response CAN

Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
Release Decision: 
Original Classification: 
Document Page Count: 
Document Creation Date: 
June 24, 2015
Document Release Date: 
April 12, 2011
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 27, 2009
PDF icon DOC_0005388264.pdf40.69 KB
6 May 2009 APPROVED FOR RELEASES DATE: 03-01-2011 This is a final response to your undated (postmarked 15 April 2009) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 22 April 2009. We interpret your request for "documentation regarding the actions of this entity [In-Q-Tel] and/or your organization [CIA]." We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please use this number when corresponding with us so that we can identify it easily. With regard to that portion of your request for records on yourself, that falls under the purview of the Privacy Act and has been addressed via separate correspondence under P-2009-00616. The Agency cannot accept your FOIA request, in its current form, because it would require the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires requesters to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional employees familiar with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a reasonable amount of effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your request, and the way in which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency cannot conduct a reasonable search for information responsive to your request. We encourage you to refine the scope of your request (such as including a time frame for, and narrower, more specific descriptions of, the information you seek) to enable the Agency to conduct a reasonable search for responsive information. Sincerely, Delores M. Nelson Information and Privacy Coordinator