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- - yam 1~4 "~~' ~:i._ ., ~, a e ,.ri ?}-i. it, ~ ~C1 ' ? ~~~ ~ti~~~ Jaly zoo~?~; ~ ~ . ~,- ti ~ ? ,: '..l: a is ` r ~?.,~il=t'n~~ j.4 ~` ~~~ i .:~ National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctions Dissemination Control NOfiORN (rm) Not releasable to foreign nationals Abbreviations PROPIN (Pa) Caution-proprietary information involved ORCON (oC) Dissemination and extraction of information controlled. by originator Terrorism Review) June-July 2000 Se et DI T 000-04H July 20 0 1m, Highlights Key Dates and Events The Terrorism Diarv for August-September 2000 Chronology of International Terrorism--May-June 2000 Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-May-June 20001 31 This Review is published monthly by the DCI Counterterrorist Center. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to Information available as of 30 June 2000 was ttsed in this Revietiv, except where otherwise noted. D! TR 2{j00-04A July 2000 Se et 2 Se et 6 Suet DI T 2000-04H Jtaly 2000 Sec t DI TR 00-04H July 20 D t Se et Se et 14 15 Se et DI T 000-04H June 2 00 Se et 16 Highlight Becket DI T 2000-04H July 2 00 The Terrorism Diary for August-September 2000 Below is a compendium of August and ,September dates of known or conceivable significance to terrorists around the world. Inclusion of a date or event does not suggest that we anticipate a commemorative terrorist event. 2 August I990 6 August 1825 6 August 1966 7 August 1998 I2 August 1689 I3 August 1984 14 August 1947 I S August 1947 I5 August 1964 IS August I971 20 August 1953 20 August I998 25 August I998 3I August 1978 I September I939 I September 1969 Septetnber 1970 Iraq/Kuwait. Iraq invades Kuwait. Bolivia. Independence Day. United Arab Emirates. Accession Day of Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan al-Nuhayyan, Emir of Abu Dhabi. Usama Bin Ladin/United States/Kenya/Tanzania. Terrorists associated with Usama Bin Ladin's al-Qaida organization bombed US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 12 US citizens. Casualties from both blasts numbered more than 5,000. Northern Ireland. Protestant commemorative marches mark day apprentice boys locked gates of Derry against James II's forces. Morocco/Libya. Union established. Pakistan. Independence Day. India. Independence Day. Colombia. Pro-Castro guerrilla movement, the National Liberation Army (ELN), begins armed struggle. - Bahrain. Independence Day. Morocco. King's and People's Revolution. Usama Bin Ladin/Afghanistan/Sudan. US nussile strikes against Shifa plant in Sudan and Usama Bin Ladin camps in Afghanistan. South Africa. Explosion at the US-franchised Planet Hollywood restaurant in Cape Town killed one person and injured 24. Libya/Shia World. Lebanese Shia cleric Imam Musa Sadr disappears in Libya. West Germany/Europe. Antiwar Day (anniversary of Nazi invasion of Poland). Libya. Qadhafi seizes power. Palestizzians. The Jordanian Army drives Palestinian guerrillas out of the country because of their attacks against Israel from Jordanian soil; in response Fatah Secl~t DI TR 2000-04H .Ivry 2000 establishes the Black September Organization, best known for its attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics. 3 Septernber I97I 3 September 1982 8 September 1982 IO September I922 12 September 1992 I4 September I982 l5 September 1982 17 Septernber 1978 I7 September 1982 19 Septernber 1989 20 Septernber X984 21 September 1989 22 Septernber 1980 23 Septernber 1932 23 Septernber 1964 25 September 1984 25 Septernber 1997 27 Septernber Qatar. Independence Day. Peru. Death of Sendero Luminoso (SL) leader Edith Lagos. India. Death of Shaykh Mohammad Abdullah, the "Lion of Kashmir." Turkey. Founding of Turkish Communist Party. Peru. Arrest of Sendero Luminoso founder Abimael Guzman. Lebanon. Assassination of Phalangist leader and Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel. Lebaztozt. Israeli invasion of Muslim West Beirut. U~zited States/Israel/Egypt. Signing of Camp David accords. Lebarzorz. Massacre in Shatila and Sabra refugee camps (17 September Organiza- tion takes its name from this event). Niger. UTA Flight 772 bombing, killing all on board. Libyans suspected of being responsible. Lebanon. Truck bomb destroys US Embassy Annex in Beirut. Twenty-three die, including 2 US citizens. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. Saudi Arabia. Execution of 16 Kuwaiti shias for hajj bombings that sparked anti- Saudi retaliatory attacks. Iran/Iraq. Iraq invaded Iran, bombed Iranian military installations and economic targets along their mutual border, precipitating the Iran-Iraq war, which lasted until 1988. Saudi Arabia. Unification of the kingdom. Saudi Arabia. National Day. Egypt/Jordan. Resumption of diplomatic relations. Jordan/Israel. Assassination attempt on HAMAS political bureau chief Khalid Mish' al. Spain. Basque National Party Day. Egypt. Death of Jamal `Abd al-Nasir. Chronology of International Terrorism-May-June 200a The following incidents have met the criteria for the Intelligence Community's Incident Review Panel since publication of the previous issue of the Terrorism Review These incidents are the basis for the State Department's Patterns of Global Terrorism, published annually as the US Government's o, f,~icial record of interna- Sec DI TR 2 0-0411 holy 2000 Sierra Leone: In Freetown, armed militants shot down a United Nations (UN} helicopter, causing major damage to the helicopter but no injuries, accordin to press reports. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) probably is responsibly responsible Sierra Leorze: I~z Freetown, armed militants kidnapped two British citizens working for a humanitarian organization, according to press reports. On 19 June in Kailahun ostages was released unharmed. The RUF probably is ~ company workers. No one claimed responsibility Angola: In Calomboloca, press accounts reported suspected National U~zion for tlae Independence of Angola (UNITA) rebels attacked a convoy, destroying several vehicles belonging to the World Food Program and Brazil's Oderbraclzt Construction Corrzpany after seizing all cargo. No information is available con- cerning casualties. No one claimed responsibility Angola: I~t Cabinda, press accounts reported suspected Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave rebels kidnapped three Portueuese construction in the attack. The RUF probably is responsible Sierra Leor:e: In Freetown, according to press reports, armed militants ambushed two military vehicles carrying four foreign journalists. One Spaniard and one US citizen were killed, and one Greek and one South African were injured ~ 2 Juzze Namibia: In Mut'jiku, press accounts reported suspected UNITA ntilitarzts kidnapped a woman frorn her residence. No one claimed responsibility. (U) Namibia: Irz Rundu, according to press reports, usn~cte UNITA rilitants kidnapped a mart. No one claimed responsibility. town, a1121 hostages were released unharmed. No one claimed responsibility Sierra Leone: In Freetown, press accounts reported suspected RUF rebels kidnapped 2I Indian UN peacekeepers. On 29 June, near an eastern Sierra Leone nationals and four Nigerians. No one claimed responsibility. Nigeria: In the Niger Delta region, press accounts reported armed militants kidnapped 22 Nigerian citizens and two unidentified foreign nationals working for Chevron, a US-owned oil company. The militants later released the two foreign 20 May responsibility India: In Amludesa, armed militants killed six persons-one magistrate, four police officer azs~e civilian-according to press reports. No one claimed India: Iit Srinagar, a rocket hit a private residence, injure ns, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility~~ press reports. No one claimed responsibility India: In Srinagar, armed militants threw several bombs at a government vehicle near a bus stop, injuring four police officers and three civilians, according to claimed responsibility~ India: In Kashmir, militants fired six grenades at the Civil Secretariat building, killing one civilian and in'urin three others, according to press reports. No one ~~ - ~ Tigers claimed responsibility~ Sri Lanka: In Colombo, a bomb exploded outside the Norwegian Embassy, causing minor darnage, accordin to ress reports. The National Front Against ~- ~~ India: In Srinagar,) a bomb exploded at a religious meet- ing, killing 12 persons and injuring seven o~hers_inclliding a senior legislator. The Hizbul Mujahedin claimed responsibilit India: In Srinagar, suspected Muslim militants fired several grenades at the police headqu r ng minor damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility~~ I S Jurte India: In Sirigufwara, armed militants hurled grenades at a bus, in'urin IO ~ persons, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility 5 May 24 May Russia: In Moscow, press accounts reported unidentified individuals firebombed the Estonian Ems, causing minor damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility1l damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility. Serbia: In Malisevo, according to press accounts, ethnic Albanians fired three antitank missiles at Russian KFOR soldiers, causirtg undetermined 27 S\ t Europe injuries. No one claimed responsibility Serbia: Irz Kosovska Mitrovica uspected ethnic Alba- nians opened fire on a Russian KFO flit ost, but there were no rt? _ arv-~ Serbia: Near Ostrozub, press accounts reported suspected ethnic Albanians fired antitank missiles arzd machineguns at Russian and German KFOR soldiers, but caused no injuries. No one claimed responsibilit}~~ No one claimed responsibility Serbia: In Kosovska Mitrovica) unidentified individuals threw a handgrenade at a French KFOR post, but caused no injuries or damage. Georgia: Lz Kodori Gorge unidentified gunmen kidnapped two Danish UN military observers, a British government employee, and two Abkhaz citize-zs, de-nandi-zg a $500,000 ranso-n. On 3 June, one Abkhaz ~as released. On 5 June, the remaining hostages were released unharmed. Serbia: In Kosovo, _ ~Cnidentified individuals fired rnachinegun shots at several C ech KFOR soldiers, but -zo injuries resulted. No one claimed responsibilit~~ Serbia: In Kosovo, press accounts reported KFOR officers defused an explosive device planted outside the UN Mission irz Kosovo Iz u rters, but caused no injuries or damage. No one claimed responsibility Serbia: hz Zubi-z Potok, press accounts reported unidentified assailants fired a rocket propelled grenade at a residence occupied by a UN police offs causing minor damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibilit~P~ Italy: In Florence,) bomb disposal experts defused an the scene denounced the NATO summit. No one claimed responsibilit explosive device pla-zted near the upcomi-zg NATO meeting site. A leaflet left at Greece: In Athens, l _ l unidentified individuals set fire to a diplomatic vehicle belonging to the Lebanese Embassy, causing minor damage but The Anarchist Faction for the Overthrow claimed responsibilit? Greece: Press accounts reported two unidentified gunmen killed a British defense attache z~ bush. Revolutionary Organization 17 November claimed responsibility Greece: In Zografos~ unidentified assailants set fire to and destroyed a parked vehicle owned by the Wackenhut security form. A telephone caller to a local newspaper claimed responsibility on behalf of the Anarchist Faction for the Overthrow Yemen: Near Sanaa, press accounts reported four unirlentcfied gunmen kidnapped a Norwegia~z diplomat and his son. Later the same day, Yemeni police opened fire on the kidnappers, killing the diplomat and one gunman. The son esca The three other assailants escaped. No one claimed responsibili Yemen: In the Ma'rib region, according to press reports, armed tribesmen kidnapped an Italian arc)zaeologist. On 20 July, the kidnappers released the ~ hostage unharmed. Yemeni tribesmen claimed responsibility Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-May-June 2000 The incidents listed below provide an overview of indigenous terrorism worldwide. On 9 June in Malanje, press accounts reported suspected National Union for the Total Independence of Angola rebels ambushed a ve~irte._~g six persons and wounding nine others. No one claimed responsibili responsibilit3 On 10 June in Belize district, press accounts reported suspected Front for the Liberation of Cabinda Enclave rebels ambushed a vehicle belonging to the National Pol' n Campaign, killing one person. No one claimed Buru~adi On 1 June near Butaganzwa, press accounts reported armed militants ambushed a VP~li~lling two persons and injuring two others. No one claimed responsibility. On 8 June in Butaganzwa~~ armed rebels killed three persons and wounded one other in an ambush. No one claimed responsibility On 1 June near Nyassia~~ suspected Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance rebels c~ d killed a police officer and a civilian. No one claimed responsibility On 10 June in Cape Town, press accounts reported a vehicle bomb exploded outside a popular restaurant, i iu ' o persons and causing Honor damage. No one claimed responsibili On 8 June in Sopore, press accounts reported unidentified individuals threw a grenade into a crowded marketplace, in' vilians and causing major damage. No one ciairned responsibilitS~,~rinu_3Qc~ . On I 1 June in Sapporo, press accounts reported a bomb exploded at a festival, injuring IO persons and causing minor damage. No one claimed responsibility 31 Sec DI TR 000-04H r~,ry 2000 Nepal sibility~ On 28 May in Vientiane, press accounts reported a bomb exploded at a mazket- place, in'urin 20 ersons and causing minor damage. No one claimed respon- ~t g bility On 6 June in Vientiane, press accounts reported a bomb exploded inside a bus ter- minal in'urin three persons and causing minor damage. No one claimed responsi- ~ On 10 June neaz Kathmandu,) (suspected Maoists threw two urenades into two residences, killing seven persons. No one claimed responsibility. sibility On 10 June in Jajazkot, (suspected Maoists attacked a police post, killing 12 officers and injuring 11 others. No one claimed respon- On 12 June in Kumal Maoists severely beat eight person ng into their respective residences. No one claimed respon- sibility On 11 June in Quetta, press accounts reported abomb-planted on a gas pipeline within the building-at a United Bank Limited facility~oded~c~using major damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility killed eight persons. No one claimed responsibili On 14 June in Jolo, press accounts reported a bomb exploded inside a movie the- atre, injuring four persons and causing minor damage. Although no one claimed responsibility, the Abu Sayyaf Group may be responsible Tamil Eelam, although no one claimed responsibility On 7 June in Colombq' a suicide bomber detonated explo- sives he was wearing, killing a top government official, a mayor, and 18 others. There were 27 civilians injured in the blast. Police suspect the Liberation Tigers of On 25 May in Vinkovci, press accounts reported a parcel bomb exploded inside a post office, in' everal persons and causing minor damage. No one claimed responsibility~tuxiz~g-S Russia On 8 June in Sergiyev Posad, press accounts reported a bomb exploded on a bus, killing one person and injuring three others. No one claimed responsibility On i5 June in Urus-Martanovskiy, unidentified assailants shot and killed an imam, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility. 33 Se et unidentified gunmen responsibility On 22 June in Pristina~ (bomb disposal experts defused an antipersonnel device (called a widowmaker), designed to jump to head height before explodin discovered outside an abandoned courthouse. No one claimed ~ responsibility On 4 June in Porto-Vecchio,) r . la bomb exploded at a civil engineering firm causing major amage ut no m~unes. No one claimed ~ The Popular Volence Organization claimed responsibility On 16 June in Athens )unidentified individuals fire- bombed the Ministry of Finance building, causing minor d~ma~az~ no injuries. causing major damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibili threw a Molotov cocktail at a vehicle parked outside the police head On 28 June in Budapest, according to press accounts, unidentified individuals Northeriz 1'reland On 26 May in Belfast, press accounts reported suspected Ulster Volunteer Force members~hot_an~i killed a man outside his residence. No one claimed respon- ' sibilit On 20 June in Londonderry, according to press reports, two masked men broke into a residence and beat a teenager severely in a "punishmenP~ The attack bears the hallmark of a Northern Ireland paramilitary group Spaizz attack bears the hallmark of a Northern Ireland paramilitary group. On 20 June in County Down a bomb exploded near the residence of Ulster Secretary Man a son, causing no amage and no iniuries. The On 20 May in San Sebastian, press accounts reported a group of unidentified youths threw Molotov cocktails at a police patrol, slightly injuring eight police officer ck bears the hallmark of the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) killed a Popular Party member. The ETA claimed responsibility On 4 June in Vizcaya )unidentified assailants-shat and claimed responsibility On 25 June in Getxo, a vehicle bomb exploded in a residential neighborhood, injur- ing seven persons and causin major damage, according to press reports. The ETA ~ one claimed responsibility On 1 June in Taflan, press accounts reported unidentified individuals shot and killed the mayor and his wife in their residence. Police arrested four persons. No On 14 June in Eskisehir, a bomb exploded on the third floor of the c using minor damage but no injuries. No one claimed responsibility~OllSe~ Se et United Kingdom On 1 June in London, a bomb exploded under the Hammersmith bridge, causing minor ama a ut no injuries. The Continuity Irish Republican Army claimed responsibilit}yy Algeria two other police officers and two soldiers. No one claimed responsibility On 15 May in Chiquinquira, press accounts reported suspected Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels placed a collar bomb on a woman, kill- ing her and a police officer trying to disarm the device. The explosion als in' and killed a 13-year-old at a fake roadblock. No one claimed responsibility On 26 May in Sevilla, according to press reports, suspected FARC militants_shot 11 peasants and injured 15 others. No one claimed responsibility In Antioquia on 14 June, press accounts reported suspected FARE' reh~ed napped a prominent businesswoman. No one claimed responsibili On 24 May in Guatemala City, unidentified nmen 'd- responsibili On 18 May in Siuna, press accounts reported a group of gunmen killed 11 members of one family_ iniur~ other, and burned their home down. No one claimed may be responsibl On 2 June near Hassi ben Okba, press accounts reported unidentified gunmen shot and killed a family of three at a fake roadblock. The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) four persons, before stabbing them to death. No one claimed responsibilit On 2 June in Hassi Ben Okba, press accounts reported suspected GIA rebels shot killed four persons traveling in their vehicle. No one claimed responsibility On 3 June near Dellys, press accounts reported suspected GIA rebels shot and On 8 June in Medea, press accounts reported s~s~~A rebels slit the throats of two brothers. No one claimed responsibility