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Dl TR 200 i-05 July-August 2001 (b)(1) (b)(3) National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctions Dissemination Control NOFORN Not releasable to foreign nationals Abbreviations PROPIN (Ptt) Caution-proprietary information involved ORCON (tx) Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator Terrorism Review July-August 2001 Key Dates and Events nd October 200~I 15 ? n ' m-March Daly 200_ 19 DI TR 2001-OS July August 2001 Summary of Indigenous Terrorism June--July 200 Center. Comments and queries ar-e welcome and may be directed to except where otherwise noted. DI TR 2001-OS July August 2001 SEC1~E'~ SE~tE'~ DI TR 2001-OS July-August 2001 8 SEC E~ DI TR 2007-OS July-August 2001 Highlight DI TR 2001-OS July-August 2001 l September 1939 I September I969 September 1970 3 September I97I 3 September 1982 8 September 1982 IO September X922 II September 1973 l2 September I992 I3 September I993 14 September 1982 IS September I982 I7 September I978 I7 September I982 I7 September I992 I9 September 1989 20 September 1984 The Terrorism Diary for September and October 2001 Belotiv is a compendium of September and October dates of known or conceivable significance to terrorists around the world. Inclusion of a date or event does not suggest that we anticipate a commemorative terrorist event~~ West Germany, Europe. Antiwar Day {anniversary of Nazi invasion of Poland). Libya. Qadhafi seizes power. Palestinians. The Jordanian Army drives Palestinian guerrillas out of the country because of their attacks against Israel from Jordanian soil; in response Fatah establishes the Black September Organization, best known for its attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics. Qatar. Independence Day. Peru. Death of Sendero Luminoso (SL) leader Edith Lagos. India. Death of Shaykh Mohammad Abdullah, the "Lion of Kashmir." TY~rkey. Founding of Tlurkish Communist Party. Chile. Coup in which leftist President Salvador Allende was killed and military junta led by General Augusto Pinochet took power. Peru. Arrest of Sendero Luminoso founder Abimael Guzman. Israel, Palestinians. The Declaration of Principles signed between Israel and the Palestine Authority. Lebanon. Assassination of Phalangist leader and Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel. Lebanon. Israeli invasion of Muslim West Beirut. United States, Israel, Egypt Signing of Camp David accords. Lebanon. Massacre in Shatila and Sabra refugee camps (17 September Organization takes its name from this event). Iran, Germany. Iranian Kurdish oppositionists murdered in Mykonos restaurant (Berlin). Niger. UTA Flight 772 bombing, killing all on board. Libyans suspected responsible. Lebanon. Truck bomb destroys US Embassy Annex in Beirut. Twenty-three die, including 2 US citizens. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. DI Tlt 2001-05 July-August 2001 23 September 1932 23 September 1964 25 September 1984 25 September 1997 27 September 27 September 2001 6 October 1981 7 October 1930 8 October 1967 23 October 1998 26 October 1995 28 October SEC E~ Saudi Arabia. Execution of 16 Kuwaiti shias for hajj bombings that sparked anti-Saudi retaliatory attacks. Iran, Iraq. Iraq invaded Iran, bombed Iranian military installations and economic targets along their mutual border, precipitating the Iran-Iraq War, which lasted until 1988. Saudi Arabia. Unification of the kingdom. Saudi Arabia. National Day. Egypt, Jordan. Resumption of diplomatic relations. Jordan, Israel. Assassination attempt on HAMAS political bureau chief Khalid Mish'al Spain. Basque National Party Day. Israel, Jewish World. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Anniversary of 1973 Arab-Israeli War, according to the Jewish calendar. Tunisia, Israel, Palestinians. Israeli bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunis. Germany. German Unity Day, official date of unification of West Germany and East Germany. Israel, Arab World. Arab-Israeli war begins. Egypt. Armed Forces Day (commemorates October War with Israel). Egypt. Assassination of President Anwar Sadat by Egyptian terrorists during Armed Forces Day parade. Peru. Founding of the Communist Party of Peru, from which Sendero Luminoso evolved. Cuba. Heroic Guerrilla Day (death of Che Guevara in Bolivia). Yemen. Bombing of the USS Cole, in which 17 sailors were killed and 39 were injured. Ecuador. Colombian gunmen take 10 hostages-five US citizens, two French nationals, one Argentine, one Chilean, and one Ecuadorian. US Embassy confirmed the death of one US hostage on 31 January 2001. Lebanon. Bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut. Israel, Palestirriarrs. The Wye River Memorandum signed between Israel and the Palestine Authority. Israel, Palestinians. Palestine Islamic Jihad leader Fathi al-Shigagi killed on Malta by Israeli agents. Cyprus. Greek National Day (observed by Greek Cypriot community). 29 October 1923 Turkey. Independence Day (proclamation of republic). 29 October I973 ,Cyprus. Turkish Republic Day (obsezved by Turkish Cypriot community). 3I October 1984 India. Assassination of Prime Ministez Indira Gandhi by Sikh bodyguards, triggering anti-Sikh riots throughout northern India. Reverse Blank 17 5EC T~ Chronology of International Terrorisnn~VIarch-July 2001 The following incidents have met the criteria for the Intelligence Community's Incident Review Panel since publication of the previous-issue of the Terrorism Review These incidents are the basis for the State Department's Patterns of Global Terrorism, published annually as the US Government's official record of DI TR 2001-OS July August 2001 29 May I S July 26 May Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) is probably responsibl one person and wounding one other, according to press reports. The Nation Namibia: In Muitjiku village, armed militants attacked the community, killiz:g responsible Namibia: Lz Sivara village, armed militants attacked a homestead, wounding one person and, looting roods, according to press reports. UNITA is probably Angola: In Golungo Alto, armed rebels attacked the Portuguese Lzternational Medical Assistance Health Center, causing no injuries, but destroying the building and stealitzg goods, according to press reports. UNITA is probably responsible~~ to press reports. UNITA is probably responsible Angola: Lt Talamanjaba, rebels ambushed a truck and car, killing seven persons, including a Portuguese citizen, and w?u~three others, according Angola: In Luena, armed militants launched asurface-to-air missile at a United Nations (UN}, World Food Program (WFP) clzartered Boeizzg 727, severely damaging one engine and causing the pilot to make a forced landin at the airport, according to press reports. UNITA claimed responsibility Nigeria: In Abereke, znilitant youths kidnapped two oil workers izzspecting azt oil spillage. The abductees are Nigerians who work for US it r up Chevron, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility kidnapped, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility~ Burundi: In Ruvumo, rebels ambushed a van, killing ozze person and kidnapping three others. The vehicle is owned by the British nottgoverztmental organization Children Aid Direct. Authorities in a search effort later found the thre er ons ~ n ~ Somalia: In Mogadishu, militiamen attacked a WFP convoy, killing six persons and woundizg several others, according to press iltt~amen loyal to Usman (Hasan Ali) Ato are probably responsible.reDOr~ unharmed. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front claimed responsibility Philippines: In Dipolong, armed militants kidnapped aChinese-Philippine attor- ney and her daughter, according to press reports. On 20 June in Tunawan, Philip- pines, after a small payment for room and board, the two hostages were released Philippines: Izt Palawan, armed militants kidnapped 20 persons, including three US citizens atzd 17 Filipnos from a resort island, according to press reports. On 31 May, three captives were released unharmed. On 2 June in Lamitan, militants surrounded a hospital and church, temporarily taking 200 persons hostage, and claimed two non-US hostages had been killed, according to press reports. In an ensuing gun battle between the military forces and the militants, five more persons were taken hostage. On 4 June in Barangay, militants released two female hostages after a 10 million peso ransom was paid, according to press reports. On 16 June in Iswabela, three Philippine hostages were released. On 26 June in Sumisip, militants took hostage two more Philippine civilians. The Abu Sayyaf Group is probably responsible.~~ 2 June India: In Kupowara, a bomb exploded at a crowded bres stop, killing two persans Europe and inuring 32 others, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility. responsibility~ India: In Charar-I-Sharief, a bomb exploded near a mosque, killing four persons and in'urin 54 others, according to media reports. No one claimed ~ ~~ reportin Tcljikistan: In Tovildara region, assailants kidnapped IS employees of a German humanitarian group four Germans, nine Tajikistanis, one Russian, and one US citizen. The kidnappers immediately released four hostages-two Germans, one Russian, and one Tajikistani-and demanded the release of four members of their group who were arrested and charged with the murder of the Deputy Interior Minister in April. On the same day in Tolvildara region, four officers from the Tajik Security Ministry who carne to talk to the kidnappers also were taken hostage. On 17 June all remaining hostages were released unharmed: No one claimed responsibility, but former United Tajik Oppositi was responsible for the kidnapping, according to press ?hrPr Greece: In Larissa, an unidentified person threw a handgrenade at approximately six TYtrkish trucks causin minor material dama a but no injuries to the drivers, An unidentified person called the local newspaper to claim a Cypriot group was responsible, but authorities doubt~the validity of the claim and suspect a Golden Dawn Neo-Fascist group membe f Colombia: In Florida, a Spaniard was kidnapped after leaving the hospital where she worked, according to press reports. On 7 July, the Spaniard was released and left on the mountains in southwestern Colombia. Motives for the kidnapping were unclear, no ransom was collected, and no one claimed responsibility. her captors were a group of guerrillas from l Movement also referred to as the Jaime Bateman Canyon Movement. s,Iuly were members of the Colombian Popular Liberation Arnzy. Venezuela: In Libertador municipality, IS armed guerrillas fred gunshots at members of the Tachira State Police and wounded one policeman, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility, but authorities suspect the guerrillas Saudi Arabia: In Dhahran, a letter bomb that was delivered to a US physician at doctor the Saad Medical Center exploded, severely injuZin~th ~ No one claimed responsibility. tribe claimed responsibility Yemen: In Sanaa, armed tribesmen kid~zapped a German teacher and demanded the release of six members of their tribe serving prison sentences. On 13 June the teacher was released unharmed, according to press reports. The AlAli bin Falah West Bank: In Neve Daniyel, assailants fired on a passing vehicle, killing two persons-one Israeli and one US citizen-and wounding four others, according to press reports. The al-Agsa Martyrs Battalion claimed responsibility.~~ one US citizen and one Briton, according to press reports. Gaza Strip: In Rafah, a Palestinian group detained two foreign correspondents, Hizballah militiamen are responsibl 14 July Israel: In Tel Aviv, a suicide bomber detonated the bomb he was wearing in front of a busy club, killing I8.persons, including a Ukrainian national, and wounding II9 others, ac r to press reports. The Palestine Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility Greek monk, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibilit Iran: In Zahedan, a bomb exploded near the Indian Consulate, shattering windows of the Consulate and nearby buihiizzgs, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility.) responsibility Iraq: In Ain Kawa, a bomb exploded near the UN office, causing no injuries but damaging a UN vehicle, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility West Bank: In Hebron, Israeli settlers wounded one person, burned a commercial building smashed windows of the United Nations Relief and Workers Agency (UNRWA) offices, and attacked a Temporary International Presence in Hehr~rol vehicle, according to press reports. No one claimed meet the criteria for international terrorism. The following incidents that occurred during the year 2000 were reconsidered by the Intelligence Community's IncidentReview Panel IRP) and were determined to West Bank: In Nabulus authorities found the body of a man they believe is a US citizen. The victim was found in a cave apparently shot to death, accordin to ress reports. The al Agsa Martyrs Battalion claimed responsibility 3l October West Bank: In East Jerusalem, assailants shot two security guards in front of the Israeli Insurat:ce Institute killin one erson, a US citizen, and wounding the other, o one claimed responsibility. 3I December West Bank: InAyn Yabrud, gunmen fired upon a passing car, causing the vehicle to crash killin two persons-both US citizens-and injuring four others, The a1 Agsa Martyrs Battalion claimed responsibility Uganda Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-June-July 200~I The incidents listed below provide an overview of indigenous terrorism worldwide. Independence of Angola (UNITA) claimed responsibilit On 10 June in Cusc, armed militants ambushed a convoy of trucks, killing 12 persons, wounding five others, and kidnapping an unspecified number of passengers, according to press reports. The National Union or the Total ~ On 26 June in Uige, rebels attacked the city, killing 20 persons, wounding 43 others, and destrovin~e homes, according to press reports. UNITA is probably responsible UNITA is probably responsible On 4 July in Huambo, armed militants ambushed atwo-vehicle convoy, killing five persons, wounding two, and kidna in four others, according to press reports. On 13 July in Jungo Village, rebels ambushed a civilian vehicle, killing 11 persons and woun ' thers, according to press reports. UNITA is probably responsibly On 14 July in Chinguvu, rebels attacked a residential area, killing 70 persons, wounding 15, and kidnapping an unspecified number of others, according to press reports. UNITA is probably responsible~~ On 26 June in Bujumbura, rebels ambushed a provincial government-owned vehicle, killing nine persons and wounding one other, acc to press reports. The National Liberation Forces are probably responsible On 27 June in Ruzira, armed militants ambushed a bus, killing nine persons and `*'~~ g two others, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility. No one claimed responsibility On 1 June in Mahadday, armed militiamen ambushed a passenger bus, killing five persons and wounding an unspecified number of others, according to press reports. On 8 July in Jinja, three bombs exploded at different locations and times in the city, injuring a total of 14 persons, accordin to press reports. The Allied Democratic Forces. are probably responsible Zimbabwe On 29 July in Bindura, allegedly the ruling party kidnapped 21 youth members of the leading opposition party. The abductees reportedly were taken to the party's DI TR 2001-OS July August 2001 torture cam~g to press reports. The ZANU-PF party is probably responsible Bartgladesh On 3 June in Baniarchar, a bomb in a Catholic church exploded, killing 10 persons and injuring 25 others; according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility. On 16 June in Narayanganj, a bomb exploded in the Awami party offices, killing 21 persons and injuring mop re than 100 others, according to press reports. No one Plzilippizzes claimed responsibilit according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility On 22 July in Jakarta, a bomb exploded outside a church in'urin ive persons, - i g ~ persons, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility On 2 June in Islamabad, a bomb exploded in a private residence, killinu three On 15 June in Multan, armed militants shot and killed two persons and injured six others, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility.) On 1 July in Karachi, a bomb exploded in a movie theater, killing one person and injuring 14 others, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility On 20 July in New Karachi, a bomb exploded in a passenger van, killing two persons and i ven others, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility according to press reports. The Abu Sayyaf Group is probably responsible On 23 June in Lantawan, two of the 15 persons kidnapped were found dead On 11 June in Basilan, armed militants attacked the Golden Harvest Coconut Company, kidnapping 15 persons and burning a church, according to press reports. .press reports. The New People's Army is probably responsible On 12 June in Tuguegarau, armed militants killed two government employees-the Cagayan representative and his bodyguard-a[ a private residence, according to 26 SE E~ On 8 July in General Santos, a bomb exploded at a carnival injuring 23 persons, according to press reports. The Moro Islamic Li~r~r~tzon~ront or the National Democratic Front could possibly be responsibl Sri Lanka On 5 June in Oddamavadi, according to press reports, armed militants fired mortar rounds into the village injuring IS persons and damagin a mos ue. The Liberation ~gers of Tamil Eelam claimed responsibility- Europe Itaty On 16 July in Genoa, a police officer was injured when a letter bomb exploded, according to press reports. Later that evening outside Carlini Stadium, police officers f^"mod defused a larger bomb. No one claimed responsibility for either inciden Nortlier~z Ireland On 11 June in Belfast, two Royal Ulster Constabulary officers were injured when a crowd attacked them with blast bombs. The officers had just discovered 50 kilograms of homemade explosives and a handgun at aban ned building, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibil On 19 June in Belfast, four armed gunmen chased a man out of his house and, after catching him, sho~h,~ k1es, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility. Spain On 19 June in Belfast, armed persons shot a man in the hand and leg in a paramilitary~~~ according to press reports. No one claimed responsibie On 28 June in Madrid, a parcel bomb exploded outside the home of a General, injuring the officer and 14 others, according to press reports. No one claimed resnonsibiliry, but authorities suspect the Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA). On 10 July in Madrid, a car bomb exploded outside the Justice Ministry's Information Technology Department, killing one police officer and wounding 12 civilians, according top No one claimed responsibility, but authorities suspect the ETA~~ responsibility, but authorities are confident the ETA is responsible. On 14 July in Leiza, Navarre region, a car bomb exploded, killing a councilor of the Union of the Navarrese People, according to press reports. No one claimed On i4 July in Guipuzcoa Province, unidentified persons shot and killed a On 27 July in Bazcelona, a bomb exploded outside a savings bank office, injuring three persons and causing damage, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibie Turkey On 11 June in Eastern Malatya, a teacher was killed when a pipe bomb ex laded in his home, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibilit Georgia Algeria On 8 July in Azanta, armed gunmen abducted two persons, killed them, then kidnapped three others, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility. Moscow. No one claimed responsibility On 17 July in Stavropol, an explosion in the old part of town killed five persons and wounded five others, according to press reports. Authorities suspect the explosion was terrorist related and connected to bandits who blew up housing in On 8 June in Magdalena, armed guerrillas blocked the Caribbean Trunk Highway, kidnapping 10 persons, stealing vehicles, and burning a bus, according to press reports. No one claimed~P~noucih)lity, but authorities suspect the National Liberation Army (ELN). authorities suspect the Revolectionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) On 25 June in Tierralta, unidentified gunmen killed the Governor of Rio Esmeralda, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility, buts reports. No one claimed responsibility, but authorities suspect the FARC On 25 June in Corinto, unidentified gunmen killed a man, according to press 28 June the FARC released the captive unharmed, according to press repo On 25 June in Pereira, rebels kidnapped the vice president of the Colombian Soccer Federation, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibilit On 10 July in Remedios municipality, armed gunmen killed six persons, according to media reports. No one claimed responsibilit but authorities suspect the Colombian United Self-Defense Forces (AUC)~ On 10 July in Sitio Nuevo, Magdalena Department, armed gunmen kidnapped 20 persons, then killed four hostages, accordin t ress reports. No one claimed responsibility, but authorities suspect the AUG~g- ~ p On 2 June in Douaidia, rebels attacked a private residence, killing five persons, according to re s reports. The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) is probably responsible SEC~ET~ On 26 June is Zoubiria, armed rebels raided the community, killing six persons and abducting two others, according to press reports. The GIA is probably responsible. 10 persons, according to media reports. The GIA is probably responsible. On 5 July in Medea, rebels carried out attacks on the provincial road, killi~ probably responsibl On 14 July in Tipaza Province, an armed group attacked the conununity, killing 11 persons and woun 'n ve others, according to media reports. The GIA is On 2 July in Yehud, two cars exploded on street corners in the center of the town, wounding four persons and injuring six others, according to press reports. T Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility On 16 July in Binyamina, outside the railway station, a suicide bomber detonated the explosive device he was wearing, killing two persons and wounding 10 others, according to media reports. The Palestine Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility West Barak On 13 June in Anata, settlers opened fire on a truck carrying Palestinians, killing one person and wounding three others, according t orts. The Gil'ad-Shalhevet Battalions claimed responsibility On 24 June in Nabulus, a bomb exploded in a phone booth, wounding tW0 reports. The Committee for Road Safety claimed responsibility On 19 July in Idna, settlers in a parked car opened fire on a passing car carrying Palestinians, killing three persons and wounding four others, accordin to press ~ passersby, according to press reports. No one claimed responsibility