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(b)(1) (b)(3) National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctions Copyright Contains copyrighted material that cannot be reproduced or disseminated without permission. DLsseminaGon Control NOFORN (rtF) Not releasable to foreign nationals Abbreviations PROPIN (ett) Caution-proprietary information involved ORCON (oc) Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator REL... This information has been authorized for release to... Terrorism Review i Secret DI TR 8-006 June 1998 Highlights Key Dates and Events The Terrorism Diary for July and August 199 Chronology of Ynternational Terrorism Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-May 1998 This Review is published monthly by the DCI Counterterrorist Center. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to Information available as of 30 June 1998 was used in this report Se et iv Se et D! T 8-006 June 1 Sec t 2 Selrret DI ~ 98-006 June 1998 Se et D7 98-006 June 98 Secret DI T 8-006 June ] 98 Sec DI TR 8-006 June 19 8 Se et 16 Se et DI T 8-006 June 1 8 Highlights Sect DI TR ~q-006 Se et 2 The Terrorism Diary for Juiy and August 1998 Below is a compendium of dates of known or conceivable significance to terrorists around the world. Our inclusion of a date or event does not indicate that we expect ~ or anticipate a commemorative terrorist even 1 July 1867 Canada. Dominion Day. 3 July 1976 Uganda: Israeli forces conduct a successful hostage rescue operation in Entebbe. 3 July 1988 Iran. USS Vincennes shoots down Iran Air Flight 655 in Persian Gulf. 4 July 1776 United States. Independence Day. 4 July 1946 Philippines. Republic Day (date on which the Philippines became an independent republic). 5 Juiy 1962 Algeria. Independence Day. 9 Jnly 1929 Morocco. Birthday of King Hassan II. 10 July 1978 Mauritania. Ahmed Forces Day (commemorates military coup). 12 July 1690 Northern Ireland. Orangemen's Day (Protestants march to commemorate victory in Battle of the Boyne). 14 July 1958 Iraq. Republic Day (Army coup d'etat that overthrew monarchy and established republic). 1S July 1946 Brunei. Sultan's birthday. 17 July 1968 Iraq. Revolution Day (Ba'th Party coup). 18 July 1994 Argentina: Hizballah bombs AMIA cultural center in Buenos Aires. 18 July 1988 Greece: Abu Nidal Organization carried out attack on the cruise ship City of Poros, killing nine people and injuring 98. 20 July 1974 Cyprus. Turkish Cypriot Peace and Freedom Day (commemorates intervention by Turkish forces). 23 July 1952 Egypt. National Day (commemorates military coup ousting King Farouk). 37 Secket DI TR 8-006 June 1998 23 July 1970 Oman. Accession Day of Sultan Qaboos. 25 July 1957 Tunisia. Proclamation of republic. 25 July 1996 France: Bomb kills seven people, wounds 117 on Paris commuter train. Algerian Armed Islamic Group responsible. 26 July 1956 Egypt. Nationalization of Suez Canal. 28 July 1821 Peru. Independence Day. 28 July 1989 Lebanon. Abduction by Israel of Hizballah cleric Shaykh Ubayd. 31 July Spain, France. St. Ignatius' Day (patron saint of Basques). 31 July 1959 Spain, France. Founding of Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA). 2 August 1990 IraglKuwait. Iraq invades Kuwait. 6 August 1825 Bolivia. Independence Day. 6 August 1966 United Arab Emirates. Accession Day of Shaykh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nayhan, Emir of Abu Dhabi. 11 August 1952 Jordan. Accession Day for King Hussein. 12 August 1689 Northern Ireland. Protestant commemorative marches mark day apprentice boys locked gates of Derry against James II's forces. 13 August 1984 Morocco/Libya. Union established. 14 August 1947 Pakistan. Independence Day. 15 August 1947 India. Independence Day. 15 August 1964 Colombia. Pro-Castro guerrilla movement the National Liberation Army (ELN) begins armed struggle. 15 August 1971 Bahrain. Independence Day. 20 August 1953 Morocco. King's and People's Revolution. 31 August 1978 Libya/Shia World. Lebanese Shia cleric Imam Musa Sadr disappears in Libya. Chronology of International Terroris~ The following incidents have met the criteria of the Intelligence Community's Inci- dentReview Panel since publication of the previous issue of the Terrorism Review. These incidents are the basis for the State Department's Patterns of Global Terror- ism, which is published annually as the US Government's official record of interna- Suet DI T 98-006 June 98 Enclave abducted a Portuguese citizen and nine Angolans in Cabinda. The vic- Angola: Rebels from the Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave-Cab- inda Armed Forces (FLEC-FAC) abducted a Portuguese citizen in Cabinda. The hostage is employed by Mota & Company, a Portuguese construction company. FLEC-FAC is demanding the intervention of Porto uese authorities and negotia- tions for the withdrawal of Portugal from Angola Angola: Suspected secessionists from the Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda abducted a Portuguese couple involved in trading. The militants are thought to be from the National Union for the Total Independenrn~f Angola (UNITA). UNITA does not have a history of kidnapping foreigners tims are employees of Mota & Company, a Portuguese construction company. Angola: X50 armed militants occupied the commune of Ebanga, and then sleeping Cambodia: In Kampong Chhnang Province, between 30 and 60 suspected Khmer Rouge militants attacked two fishing villages on the Tonle Sap lake, kill- ing X2 Vietnamese nationals and nine other persons, and wounding at least seven others. The attacks occurred in the early morning while people were still 3 May Pakistan: Unidentified gunmen opened fire on an Iranian diplomat as he drove away from his residence in Islamabad. No one was injured. Conscience anarchist group claimed responsibility Greece: Unknown assailants threw several incendiary devices at the office of the French commercial attache in Athens, causing minor damage. The Arsonists of ~ cles sustained minor damage Greece: Assailants claiming to represent the anarchist group Arsonists of Con- science firebombed two vehicles belonging to the Hungarian Consulate and the Yugoslav diplomatic mission in Athens. No injuries were reported, but both vehi- pathizers of the Basque Fatherland and Liberty organization. Spain: Unidentified assailants setfire to a Citroen car dealership showroom in Hernani, causing major damage to the building and an adjacent garage, and slightly injuring the establishment's owner. Authorities suspect members or sym- Colombia: In the Cusiana oilfield unidenti, fled rebels bombed a flow line leading to a pigging station where crude is cleaned. A British Petroleum spokesman said Colombia: National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels bombed the Cano Limon- Covenas oil pipeline, spilling 2,000 barrels of oil.~~ block radius sustained damage from the blast. Calombia: Unidentified guerrillas bombed a US soft drink company bottling plant in Cali, partially demolishing a wall and damaging equipment inside the building. Three vehicles on the street were destroyed, and buildings within a six- Venezuela: Colombian guerrillas kidnapped a Venezuelan cattleman in a Los Flores hacienda. On 23 April the Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Ser- Arauca Department, spilling 5,000 barrels of oil into a nearby river. Colombia: ELN guerrillas bombed 'the Cano Limon-Covenas oil pipeline in Yemen: Banff Dabiyan tribesmen kidnapped a British Council official, along with his wife and son, as they traveled south along a road from Aden to Sanaa. The kidnappers released the hostages on 3 May.~~ AT-Najaf. No one claimed responsibility for the attack Yemen: A policeman from the Al Marakesha tribe kidnapped a Ukranian citizen on his way to Sanaa and handed him over to the tribe. Tribesmen released the hostage-the next day~~ Yemen: A bomb exploded in the courtyard of the AI-Kheir mosque after midday prayers in the Bi'r Ubayd area of Sanaa. The explosion killed two persons and wounded 26 others, including two US citizens, a Canadian, a Libyan, and several Summary of Indigenous Terrorism-May 1998 The incidents and situations listed below are not a detailed accounting of all domestic terrorist incidents, but rather provide an overview of selected indigenous Secket DI T 8-006 June 1998 a passenger train, destroying the tracks and damaging one carriage On 16 May in Karachi two explosions occurred in the Gulshan-E-Igbal residential area, killing two persons and injuring 18 others~~ protesting anticipated Pakistani nucleaz tests in Balochistan Province On 24 May three armed men hijacked a Pakistani International Air (PIA) flight from Gwadar to Karachi, ordering the pilot to fly to India. The Pakistani Air Force forced the plane to land in Hyderabad. The hijackers, believing they were in India, left the plane to negotiate the release of the 29 passengers and four crew members and were captured by Pakistani commandos. One commando and one hijacker were injured by gunfire. The hijackers aze thought to be Baluchi student dissidents (LTTE). The LTTE is probably responsible. On 12 May a claymore mine exploded in Vavuniya, killing at least eight persons and wounding at least 10 others traveling in two vehicles. Five of the dead were members of the Democratic Feople's Liberation Front (PLOTS); the other victims were passing by when the mine detonated. PLOTS is a former Tamil rebel group that cooperates with security forces against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam emony in Point Pedro to celebrate his new post in Colombo. On 14 May a suspected LTTE suicide bomber assassinated a popular top army commander, Brig. Larry Wijeratne, and his two bodyguards when the bomber jumped in front of the brigadier's jeep. The attack occurred as he was leaving a cer- LTTE its primary suspect. On 17 May the recently elected mayor of Jaffna was shot and killed in her home by two assailants who also wounded a member of the municipal council. A previously unknown group called the Sangilian Force claimed responsibility. The group is reportedly a front organization for the LTTE, and the government considers the Matiena. No injuries were reported, but the rioters damaged two banks On 3 May a lazge crowd of Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) supporters hurled Molotov cocktails and other objects at police during a local holiday celebration in home in Pamplona on 6 May. Police suspect ETA involvement An unidentified gunman shot and killed a Popular Parry politician as he left his A gunman shot a retired civil guardsman at a bus stop in Vitoria on 8 May. The vic- tim died the following day at a local hospital. The ETA organization is suspected. ities believe the two bombing attempts were carried out by ETA Police experts defused two letter bombs, one each sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the home of a university professor iin San Sebastian on 12 May. Author- police checkpoint and nearby houses, killing one person. United Kingdom On 9 May unknown assailants fired several mortaz rounds at a police station in Bel- leek, Northern Ireland. None of the explosives detonated on impact, but one exploded aspolice-were evacuating persons from nearby homes. No injuries or damage were sustained. The Irish Republican Army Continuity Council is sus- pected, but authorities have not ruled out the involvement of another, unidentified nationalist paramilitary group. Police defused an explosive device found in Belfast on 12 May. Authorities located the device after receiving a coded telephone warning from the Trish National Liber- ation Army. On 17 May in Armagh, Northern Ireland, police defused a 500-pound car bomb planted near a police station after receiving a wan-ung call from a person claiming to be a member of the "real Irish Republican Army." Police officials suspect the perpetrators are disgruntled members of the Irish Republican Arm (IRA) dis- pleased with the results of the Northetn Ireland peace irutiative.~ An explosive device detonated under a railway bridge in Belfast on 23 May. The bomb exploded as British Army bomb experts attem ted to disarm it, but caused no damage or injuries. No one claimed responsibility.. Fifty National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels attacked the town of Ragonvalia on 1 May, killing two police officers, wounding six others and one civilian, and destroy- ing the town's police post and Agarian bank.~~ On 4 May Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels ordered work- ers to abandon a palm oil refinery in Puerto Witches before bombing the plant. The blast destroyed some of the processing machinery. The rebels seek to intimidate local companies into paying a "peace tax" of 10 percent of their net profits. FARC guerrillas kidnapped 10 councilmen on 9 May in San Pedro. The rebels allowed a newscast team to film the councilmen and announced that they will free the hostages after the elections.~~ ELN gunmen shot and killed a former defense minister on 12 May in Bogota ELN rebels kidnapped two radio journalists on 18 May in Cali, demandin that their message be published as a condition for the release of the hostages.. On 12 May a bomb exploded in a congressional administrative building in Caracas. The explosion damaged the buildin and scattered political pamphlets signed by the United Revolutionary Front. Algeria Militants slit the throats of 22 civilians at a roadblock near Ras el Ain on 12 May. ~ The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) is probably responsible On 22 May a bomb hidden in a box of vegetables exploded at a mazket in the Alg- iers suburb of El Harrach, killing 16 persons and wounding 61 others. The GIA is suspected.~~ apparent revenge attack for the death of four Islamists by police the previous day. Suspected~'at al-Islamiyya militants opened fire on a police car in Al Minya Governorate on 19 May, wounding three police officers. The ambush was an City on 6 May.