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SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT N? 68 (b)(1) (b)(3) SOVIET RESEARCH ON RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY? sc#1 E-1 c .TES oc1?1? CIA/S1 45-59 9 November 1959 tri 0 E COPY rOT REMOV 20 NOV 1959 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE APPROVED FOR RELEASED DATE: 05-Sep-2009 CONIIDETIAL So-02-1g2670,-- CONFIDENTIAL Scientific Intelligence Report SOVIET RESEARCH ON RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY NOTICE The conclusions, judgments, and opinions contained in this finished intelligence report are based on extensive scientific intelligence research and represent the final and con- sidered views of the Office of Scientific Intelli- gence. CIA/SI 45-59 9 November 1959 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE ONFIDENTI PREFACE Research on radiological safety is important not only for the protection of persons working immediately with radiation and radioactive substances, but also for others who might either accidentally or by intent be exposed to radiation. In radiologi- cal safety, the primary objective is to prevent or minimize ex- posure of workers and scientists to radiation. Soviet practices in maintaining a radiological safety program have been very lax in the past, a factor which contributed to serious overex- posures to radiation. Although the chief subject of this study is the research being carried out by the Soviets on radiological safety, the related topics of current safety practices, radiation disease therapy, and radiobiology are also reviewed. Extensive background information, consisting of both classified and unclassified publications, has been used in this study. In- formation as of May 1959 has been included, but later material has been considered. 111 CONTENTS Page PREFACE ... iii PROBLEM 1 CONCLUSIONS 1 SUMMARY 1 DISCUSSION 2 Introduction 2 Maximum Permissible Dose 3 Administrative Controls and Regulations for Work with Radiation 4 Protective and Detector Equipment 6 Dosimetry 7 Waste Disposal, Environmental Monitoring, and Fall-Out 7 Radiation Disease 7 Accidental Overexposures . . .... .. 7 Soviet Objectives 8 Clinical Aspects . . . . . . 8 Prophylaxis of Radiation Injury 9 Treatment of Radiation Disease .... 11 Radiobiology 13 General 13 Radiogenetics 13 Mechanism of Action of Radiation 14 Radiosensitivity and the Central Nervous System. 17 Immunological Response to Radiation 19 FIGURES Following Page 1. Side View of Protective Clothing Worn by Worker When Handling Radioactive Material at Moscow Physical In- stitute ..... . . . . ..... 6 2. Front View of Same Worker 6 3. SG-42 Gamma-Radiometer with a Scintillation Counter 6 4. Radiation Counter 6 SOVIET RESEARCH ON RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY PROBLEM To assess the status of Soviet research and practice bear- ing on radiological safety. CONCLUSIONS 1. A large-scale, well-balanced program for radiological safety is evident in the Soviet Un- ion at the present time. This program is based mainly on a close scrutiny of Western research, and investigations are directed along similar lines. 2. Many leading medical research institutes are engaged in full- or part-time research on various aspects of radiological safety, and sev- eral hundred scientists are connected with the program as research and administrative per- sonnel. Control of radiological safety prac- tices and related research is centralized in two major organizational segments of the Min- istry of Health, USSR. 3. The qualitative level of Soviet radiobio- logical research related to radiological safety, although mediocre at first, has shown marked improvement since 1957, and is now more consistent with the level of U.S. studies on the mechanism of action of radiation, radio- genetics, and the prophylaxis and treatment of radiation disease. The chief difference be- tween Soviet and Western investigations is in the greater emphasis given by the Soviets to the effects of radiation on the central nerv- ous system. 4. The Soviets now subscribe to the inter- nationally recommended levels of radiation exposure, but Soviet safety practices with re- spect to regulations, dosimetry, monitoring, and radioactive waste disposal are less strict than those of the West. The Soviets have not permitted radiological safety practices to delay priority objectives of their atomic energy program. 5. Future lines of related radiobiological re- search will rely on the physical sciences to a greater extent. This change in emphasis should enhance investigations on the effects of radiation on sub-cellular particles, nucleic acids, macromolecules, immunogenesis, and cellular functions. SUMMARY The Soviets heretofore have not permitted ? overexposure to radiation to deter them from carrying out research and development in high-priority fields where radiation hazards exist. Nevertheless, in the past 4 years the Soviets have made great progress in raising the level of radiological safety and in pursu- ing medical research supportive to this end. The Ministry of Health centrally controls Soviet radiological safety practices and re- lated radiobiological investigations through its planning committee, through a Central Com- mittee on Medical Radiology, and through the occupational disease research institutes. Cur- 1 rently, the Soviets are subscribing officially to the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Protection. They apparently are taking pains to enforce good work safety practices within the USSR al- though there is not yet available to the So- viets a smooth-working, highly trained cadre of health physics personnel. Several years will be required to attain the level of safety prac- tices existing in the West. The Soviets are taking full advantage of openly published Western radiobiological research and are now emphasizing training in radiological safety. Although the quantity of published Soviet radiobiological research began to increase rap- idly in 1955-56, its quality was mediocre until 1957-58 when some progress was made in im- proving research quality and eliminating the research lag. This improvement, based par- tially on a close study of Western research, has produced a fairly well-balanced program of research along lines similar to those being pursued in other countries. In radiobiology, the Soviets have given up the attempt to re- strict research to Pavlovian methodology and are making progress in other areas such as the mechanism of action of radiation. As re- cently as early 1958, the Soviets probably were 2 to 3 years behind the West in many of their studies on radiological safety and radiation effects. Currently, however, this is a much more difficult area to judge, and it is more likely that the Soviets now stand in the posi- tion of being well conversant with most West- ern radiobiological research and able to carry out work along similar lines with very little delay. Published Soviet research on radiation shielding in the biological medical field has been relatively sparse and not particularly im- aginative. Soviet equipment useful in radio- logical safety is often similar to or copied from Western equipment. It is usually not "con- sumer-designed" but is adequate. The more recent trend has been to enforce stricter rules and regulations in radioactive areas and to follow Western practices as outlined at the Geneva conferences and in other published material. Increasing Soviet interest is being shown in research on dosimetry, shielding, monitoring programs, and waste disposal. Biophysics has been relatively unimportant in the USSR until recent decisions of the sci- entific leaders emphasized the great need for a large number of personnel adequately trained in this subject. This is based on the realiza- tion of the future importance of biophysics to science. If this new emphasis properly inte- grates biophysics with present lines of re- search, the entire Soviet effort should improve greatly. In particular, the Soviets may be expected to increase their contributions in re- search on subcellular particles, nucleic acids, macromolecules and complexes, immunogen- esis, and many cellular functions. The Soviets have offered little new or useful research in radiation disease prophylaxis and treatment, and their work has been largely repetitive of Western research. More recent information indicates that relatively intense effort is being put into finding chemical com- pounds useful for prophylaxis against radia- tion disease although little progress has been made. The Soviets have insisted on the im- portance of the central nervous system in the pathogenesis of radiation injury, but much of their evidence has not been confirmed in the West. Nevertheless, they have succeeded in demonstrating that the central nervous sys- tem is more susceptible to the effects of radi- ation than was previously supposed. The im- portance of the central nervous system in the mediation, regulation, and repair of radiation damage cannot be fully assessed at this time, but Soviet data suggest the need for further study by Western investigators. DISCUSSION INTRODUCTION The Soviets have benefited greatly from Western radiobiological research presented at 2 congresses and meetings. At these meetings, the Soviets themselves have presented little new worthwhile information either on re- c,oNFIDENT/AL search or on radiological safety practices. The Soviets have participated increasingly in inter- national conferences in this field, beginning with the first Geneva Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (1955) , which served the useful purpose for the Soviets of empha- sizing many of their research gaps. The year 1955 saw a marked upsurge in the quantity of Soviet research material in the fields of radi- obiology and radiological safety; and during that year, at least two major Soviet confer- ences were held on these subjects, possibly to select material to present at Geneva. Taking advantage of Western criticism as well as Western information presented at Geneva in 1955, the Soviets embarked upon a major pro- gram of expansion of training of qualified per- sonnel. The Soviets made relatively respect- able presentations and contributions during 1958 at the International Radiation Research Congress held in Burlington and again at Geneva, although no significant new data was presented by them. In addition, they have continued their stress on the central nervous system effects of radiation. An additional facet of Soviet participation at international meetings and UN affairs has been the marked penchant of the Soviets for relating their present actions to political ob- jectives. Thus, many Soviet public statements at these and other meetings have been in- tended primarily for this effect, and, partic- ularly in technical material, the Soviets have failed to substantiate many of their claims.1-7 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE DOSE Officially, the USSR subscribes to a policy of maximum permissible radiation exposure which is at least as low as that of the United States. This official attitude has always been promulgated by the Soviets. Yet, before 1958, the Soviets were quite lax in application of rigid radiation health standards in their nu- clear 'energy research and operations. They relied on practices unacceptable to the West, and their provisions for personnel protection in one of their atomic power plants in 1956 were completely inadequate by U.S. standards. Furthermore, the past record of radiation ex- posure to personnel puts the Soviets in a very unfavorable light when compared with the U.S. exposure records. Starting some time in 1958, the Soviets have made greater efforts to enforce rigid radiation health standards, and the present official Soviet attitude is that per- sonnel protection is to be considered of para- mount importance. This attitude is being en- forced by placing health physics or radiation safety personnel (usually medical personnel) in charge of persons working directly with radiation. This change from former practice has resulted in many complaints by So- viet physicists, chemists, and other research workers, voiced particularly at the 1958 Ge- neva conference, to the effect that stringent radiation safety procedures were hampering the nuclear energy program. These regula- tions are no more stringent than those in effect in the United States, so it is unlikely that Soviet atomic energy development will be hindered. It seems probable that the Soviets are now making a real effort to comply with the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP). The thinking of the world scientific com- munity has undergone a gradual evolution so that officially acceptable maximum permis- sible doses have been revised downward con- tinually since about 1953. Currently, most available printed material on the maximum permissible dose still lists 0.3 roentgen (r) per week as the upper acceptable dose limit. Further, most radiological health units in the United States and in the USSR are still geared to work at the level of 0.3 r per week. Despite this, most Soviets in responsible positions real- ize, as do Western investigators, that the 1958 recommendations of the ICRP will eventually be accepted as the official dose limit for the countries involved in major uses of nuclear energy. The latest ICRP recommendations may be summarized as follows: First, the idea of a weekly maximum permissible dose has been dropped in favor of the formula, D = 5 (N-18) , where D is the tissue dose in rem,* and N is the age in years. For a person who is occupationally exposed at a constant rate from age 18 years, the formula implies a max- * rem = roentgen equivalent mammalian. ?IDENTIAL 3 CONFIDENTIAL imum weekly dose of 0.1 rem. The Commission recommended that this value of 0.1 rem per week be used as the maximum value for pur- poses of planning and design. Within the limitations of the above formula, an occupa- tionally exposed person may accumulate the maximum permissible dose at a rate not in excess of 3 rem during any 13 consecutive weeks although this 3 rem may be received as a single dose. The Commission further rec- ommended that an accidental high exposure of 25 rem or less occurring only once in a life- time need not disqualify a person from con- tinuing occupation in this field. Doses higher than 25 rem are to be regarded as potentially serious and referred to competent medical authorities for appropriate remedial action and recommendations on subsequent occupa- tional employment. The Commission recom- mended that for planned emergency expo- sures* the individual should not receive doses higher than one half the accidental dose of 25 rem stipulated above and subject to the same qualifications. Women of reproductive age shall not be included in planned emer- gency exposure. All the above figures are for total body exposures and further recommen- dations are available for limited exposures of various portions of the body. A group of biologists and geneticists within the Soviet Union is trying to have the official Soviet maximum permissible dose set as low as twice natural background. This is a prac- tically unworkable suggestion from the stand- point of enforcement, measurement, and phys- ical management. A further stipulation of the Soviets is that no pregnant woman is per- mitted to work where there is any chance of exposure to radiation.8-28 Soviet listings of maximum permissible con- centrations (MPC) of the various radioiso- topes in the body, in water, and in air are essentially similar to those of the Western countries, with a few unimportant exceptions. 16 20-22 25 * Planned emergency exposure is a term used to denote the planning of action for potential or an- ticipated emergencies, with emphasis on designat- ing persons who may have to be subjected to doses up to 25 rem. 4 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS AND REGULA- TIONS FOR WORK WITH RADIATION In the past, the Soviets have relied rather extensively on simple administrative and se- curity control where there is a radiation haz- ard. This practice has often been noted by visitors to be rather inadequate. More re- cently, the Soviets are augmenting these pro- cedures and following U.S. practices in this field. The Soviets, despite their statements and avowals to the contrary, have had a history of poor control in radiological safety, as evi- denced by statements of persons from other countries observing Soviet practices and by admissions of the Soviets themselves in their various meetings and self-criticism in publi- cations. This poor safety record has been a result of their emphasis on priority develop- ment of the atomic energy industry and a lack of personnel trained in radiation hygiene pro- cedures. The Soviets recognize this fully and in the past year have begun to take serious measures to overcome this handicap. This includes establishing departments of radiation hygiene in various medical institutes as well as the planning for a new institute called the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Radi- ology which is to be built in 1959 near Moscow. Another related facility is the new Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, with V. A. Engel'- ga,rdt as acting director. The first institute is in charge of all Soviet health physics, do- simetry training, and research planning for these fields. The second institute is to em- phasize research on radiation genetics and the mechanism of action of radiation. Eventually the additions of training programs and in- crease in personnel will certainly be felt in the management and enforcement of safe radia- tion procedures. Apparently the primary re- sponsibility for radiation safety codes of prac- tice in the USSR rests with A. A. Letavet, head of the Scientific Research Institute for Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Ministry of Health, Moscow.14 In addition, F. G. Krot- kov is in charge of the Central Committee on Medical Radiology of the Ministry of Health. This Central Committee is a powerful coun- terpart of the U.S. National Commission on Radiation Protection (NCRP). This Com- mittee, Letavet, and the Institutes mentioned are the chief arbiters of Soviet practice in radiological safety. Supportive research is conducted by a large number of investigators in many research institutes. (See appendices A and B.) 8 12 14 15 18 25 26 29-53 An excellent summary of the Soviet current official position on radiological safety and on the necessary research to be done in this field has been given by F. G. Krotkov." With the development of the atomic in- dustry and the adaptation of radioactive ele- ments into different branches of the nation- al economy, science, engineering, medicine, and biology, the number of people subjected to a steady radiation grows from year to year. At the same time the radioactive con- tamination of the outer medium or environ- ment can increase, as a result of which the population of large cities and of industrial centers and to a smaller extent of farm areas can be subjected to chronic radiation with small doses. , Atomic and hydrogen bomb tests play a role in the variation of the natural background of radiation deter- mined by cosmic radiation and the presence of radioactive elements in the earth's crust . . . Recently local increases in the natural background have been observed. This cir- cumstance cannot but cause a sense of alarm on the part of hygienists, inasmuch as an increase in the natural background is an immutable proof of radioactive contam- ination of the outer medium. The danger of biological action of ioniza- tion of radiation is not only in somatic changes but also in genetic action . . . The problem of genetic norms of radiation is, in our days, truly a problem of world signifi- cance. Unfortunately, it is necessary to state that we do not possess faultless data for a strict scientific substantiation of ge- netically allowable doses for radiation. This is indicated by the report of a group of eminent specialists recently published by the World Health Organization . . . It is difficult as yet to speak about the real extent of danger for humanity and its posterity from changes in the natural back- ground . . . The experimental path for the solution of this problem is difficult and com- plex because it requires prolonged observa- tions on a large number of laboratory ani- mals with subsequent statistical processing of the resulting data. As regards the ob- servations on people, a very long period of time is required for scientifically substan- tiated conclusions and generalization . . . Protection against radioactive contami- nation of the outer medium assumes special hygienic significance. Inasmuch as the problem of the allowable concentrations of radioactive substances in the outer medium cannot be considered as finally solved it is necessary to strive that radioactive impuri- ties from reactors and other objects of the atomic industry should not enter into the atmospheric air, water and soil. Radioac- tive wastes which unavoidably form in reac- tors and in establishments of the radio- chemical industry should be collected, stored and removed in such a manner that there would be no contamination of the outer me- dium. . . The task of the organs of sanitary control includes the fulfillment of sanitary control of the elimination, storage, and decontam- ination of radioactive wastes. As a result of the rather incomplete review of the state and prospects of the development of radia- tion hygiene of this new scientific discipline which was brought to light by the scientific progress of the times, one can separate as the primary tasks the following: I) system- atic observation of the state of the natural background and of its changes as a result of the radioactive contamination of the outer medium on account of the peaceful utilization of atomic energy and tests of nu- clear weapons; 2) fulfillment of strict san- itary control of the entry of radioactive im- purities into the atmospheric air, soil and water in order to detect the causes of the radioactive contamination of the outer me- dium and their elimination, if it is a matter of controllable sources of radioactivity; 3) IAL 5 CONFIDENTIAL systematic investigations of foodstuffs, par- ticularly milk and milk products, fish and canned fish, for the content of radioactive substances in general and radiostrontium (Sr90) in particular; 4) participation of hygienists in the development of norms: i.e., in establishing allowable concentrations of radioactive substances in the air, water and foodstuffs; 5) solution of problems of de- activation of water in case of radioactive contamination of water reservoirs; 6) par- ticipation in the solution of the problem of elimination and decontamination of radio- active wastes, gaseous, liquid and solid; 7) participation in the development of legisla- tion oriented toward the protection of the population from prolonged action of ioniz- ing radiation as a result of the fallout of the radioactive precipitation, and radioac- tive contamination of the outer medium; 8) scientific practical solution of problems of utilization of radioactive isotopes in the solution of hygienic tasks. The Main State Sanitary Inspection of the USSR; the Main Administration of the Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR; the Division of Labor Protection of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Un- ions, USSR; and the Ministry of Health, USSR are all intimately concerned with standards for radiological safety.53 The standards for arrangement, installa- tion, and use of X-ray equipment in the USSR have been published by the Ministry of Health and are very similar to Western standards.15 For people working with isotopes and other types of radiation, the rules are quite similar to Western rules, one exception being that all persons working with radioactive substances must undergo special courses of training pre- scribed for protection against radiation; in- struction is supposed to be repeated every six months. All new workers before being ac- cepted must pass a medical examination which is repeated twice a year with a com- plete blood analysis each time. In addition, Soviet testing procedures here include a neu- rological examination as a routine part of the medical examination. The criteria of the blood examination are quite specific for an 6 acceptable return to work. These are: a min- imum of 60 percent hemoglobin, 3.5 million red blood cells and 5,000 white cells per cubic millimeter. Also, the examination must not disclose disturbances of the endocrine system, or any neurological abnormalities. Rules and regulations have also been pub- lished on levels of radiation for transportation of radioisotopes in the USSR, for working con- ditions with radioisotopes and for radioisotope laboratories, "hot" laboratories, industrial es- tablishments and other institutes and research establishments using radiation. These stand- ards are practically identical to those of the West.53 PROTECTIVE AND DETECTOR EQUIPMENT The Soviets have developed an excellent total-coverage plastic suit for persons entering highly contaminated areas. These ventilated suits, called pneumo-suit LG-1 or pneumo- suit LG-2, are useful for protection against widespread surface and atmospheric contam- ination. The suit consists of three basic parts: thin overalls of a special design, a light trans- parent helmet, and an air supply (a hose with either movable or stationary ventilator). A "Lepestok" respirator is provided for use in cases where only the respiratory passages need protection. This Lepestok portable respirator weighs only 10 grams and is said to be 99.9 percent effective. Western observers have felt that, in general, the Soviet devices, equipment, and techniques for handling isotopes and ra- diation, ventilation procedures and equip- ment, air lock devices, safety interlocks, alarm systems, dosimetry systems, and integrating dosimeters have only recently become avail- able and are still relatively crude in compari- son with similar Western items. Nevertheless, they seem to be readily available now and will lead to a relatively adequate protection effort. The Soviets have spent much time in devising good equipment for the removal of radioactive particles from laboratory and industrial en- vironments as well as from atomic plant gas- eous effluents. A healthy sign of Soviet prog- ress in the field of radiological safety is the emphasis on inspection by their own personnel of the actual operating practices in all types FIGURE 1. Side view of protective clothing worn by worker when handling radioactive material at Moscow Physical Institute. FIGURE 2. Front view of same worker. Note helmet. FIGURE 3. SG-42 Gamma-Radiometer with a Scintillation Counter: 1 ? case with counter; 2 ? control panel 3? battery supply. FIGURE 4. Radiation Counter. of industrial and research establishments using radiation. The Soviets now have large numbers of various types of instruments for detection, dosimetry, and irradiation. These will not be described in detail since descriptions are easily available and since they match or sub- stitute for equivalent Western items. The instruments include integrating dosimeters, neutron detectors, alpha-beta-gamma dosime- ters and detectors, pencil dosimeters, film badges, various types of X- and gamma-roent- genometers, and microroentgenometers, many types of X-ray equipment, cobalt irradiation equipment (so-called cobalt-bombs) and quite recently teletherapy units for cobalt-60, neu- tron sources, cyclotrons, betatrons, and other much more sophisticated equipment, the lat- ter being most useful for purposes other than medical and radiation safety investigation. Although the Soviets occasionally import ther- apeutic radiation machines, they have ade- quate production of their own equipment, and supply machines to other Soy Bloc countries. This high production capability also applies to radioisotopes, which the Soviets freely ex- port. The Soviets have generally followed the West in shielding research and practice. They are well aware of the current types of shield- ing involving concrete, lead and other metals, multiple interfaces or layers of metals, and boron-impregnated materials which are par- ticularly useful for neutron protection. While they have published on future developments such as nuclear aircraft, their shielding re- search tends to be conventional, and no major developments seem to be underway at present. 34 56 57 59 71 72 80-82 86 87 93 96 100 101 106 DOSIMETRY Only a very few of the top Soviet scientists are particularly capable in this aspect of ra- diological safety. Much of the published ma- terial, even as recently as 1958, still reflects some major misconceptions with respect to dosimetry. Only those persons who have a good physics background seem to have the complete grasp of the principles necessary for good dosimetry. However, one of the results of the 21st Party Congress has been the deci- sion that physicists must contribute to biology and provide adequate support in biophysics and especially in such fields as radiological physics which may lead to better practices in dosimetry. The better Soviet work on dosim- etry has followed consistently the lead of Western scientists, particularly British and American. No new ideas have been advanced by the Soviets in this field.1 14 29 35 48 53-116 WASTE DISPOSAL, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING, AND FALL-OUT Despite the Soviet public over-emphasis on the dangers of waste disposal and fall-out ex- pressed at the Pugwash Conferences, UN Meet- ings, and in the Soviet press and radio, most responsible Soviet scientists readily admit pri- vately that the stand of the UN Scientific Committee on Radiation places fall-out and waste disposal in the proper perspective. So- viet published literature and participation at the various international scientific meetings reveal extensive research in the fields of waste disposal, methods of waste disposal, environ- mental monitoring of particulate and other effluents, aerial sampling techniques and the usual ground or soil, water, flora and fauna sampling techniques. Soviet data are now available on fall-out statistics for strontium- 90 at many locations within the USSR, as well as on activities of isotopes in various soil, water, and biological samples. In addition, the Soviets indicate they are conducting rela- tively detailed studies of environmental radi- ation backgrounds, including fall-out, as well as contamination by atomic energy installa- tions. Hydrobiological research is underway to evaluate concentrations of radioisotopes from waters and reservoir's by various food chains, plants, and microscopic aquatic organ- isms. Few data have been published by the Soviets on the higher food chains in such an- imals as sheep and cattle.24 76 117-181 RADIATION DISEASE Accidental Overexposures An important part of the medical radio- logical safety effort has been and continues to be channeled into finding methods, usually chemical, for treating radiation disease, or for preventing the development of radiation dis- ease after exposure to radiation. While the primary effort in radiological safety should be directed toward prevention of any exposure to radiation, the practical necessities require that the physician be prepared to treat persons ex- posed to various levels of radiation. The Uni- ted States in initiating its atomic energy in- dustry laid down various stringent practi- cable, working rules for handling radiation and radioactive materials. The consequence of this has been that since 1945 up through July 1956 there was a total of 16 radiation accidents in the United States in the atomic energy industry with 59 people overexposed, including two deaths. Since that time, there have been at least two accidents in which six people have been overexposed and one of these has died. For the period from 1 August 1945 to July 1956, the accident rate in the atomic industry was about half the general industry accident rate. For the 9 years ending 1 De- cember 1955, of 200,000 employees, 99.4 per- cent received less than 5 rem per year (this 5 rem per year is the most recent ? 1958 ? level suggested by the ICRP as being a safe maximum permissible dose) and only 0.01 per- cent or 19 people out of the 200,000 received over 15 rem per year.182 The above data contrast strongly with So- viet experience in the same field. Excluding estimates of thousands of probable casualties resulting from atomic disasters and accidents with atomic weapons which have occurred in the USSR, over one thousand cases of over- exposure of Soviet workers have been reported in published Soviet literature through 1958. This figure (about 1,040) may include some duplication, since the Soviets are very careful to omit any reference to patients' identities, place of exposure, amount and type of expo- sure, total dose, type of radiation, and out- come of therapeutic procedures. The Soviets give only the types of therapy used and gen- erally indicate that treatment was "success- ful." Apparently, since about 1957, such overexposures are no longer prevalent in the USSR. In fact, one Soviet physician traveling in the United States felt called upon to make just such a comment." 182-198 8 Soviet Objectives Soviet objectives with respect to radiation disease are: to provide substances for the pre- vention and therapy of radiation injury; to study the pathogenesis of radiation sickness and to relate changes of immunological proc- esses to pathogenesis; to determine the carcin- ogenic role of ionizing radiation in tumor de- velopment; to intensify work in radiation ge- netics and the biophysical aspects of radiation biology; and to apply radiobiology to an un- derstanding of fundamental problems of liv- ing systems. Because the Soviets have tried so many therapeutic substances for radiation disease on an empirical basis, it is difficult to separate out therapeutic practices from actual clinical research on therapy and prophylaxis of radiation injury. For this reason, we shall consider clinical and laboratory research. Clinical Aspects It is well known that whole-body irradiation with X- or gamma-rays can cause radiation sickness and that this can occur in acute or chronic forms, depending upon exposure. Less emphasized are the facts that radiation disease can result from internal or external exposure to alpha or beta rays, from exposure of limited body areas to heavy doses of radiation, or from chronic exposure to lower doses of radiation. Further confusion exists from the failure to differentiate between somatic and genetic effects or to realize that each of these has a short- and a long-term component. The short- term somatic effect of radiation is that clini- cal entity known as radiation disease, which shows up in various forms depending upon dosage, dose rate and physical condition of the recipient. The short-term genetic effect may consist either of sterility or production of badly damaged but still viable germ cells. The long-term somatic effect may show up in any of several ways, one example being the pro- duction of leukemia or the production of a bone tumor from deposited isotopes such as strontium or radium. The long-term genetic effect may be the production of an hereditary deficiency or derangement which may lead either to damage or death in future genera- CONFIDENTIAL tions. These are illustrations of the various possibilities and may help to clarify the vari- ous effects of radiation. The Soviets have described a large number of clinical cases of radiation disease and thus have had sufficient experience with it and sufficient knowledge of Western literature on the subject that they are familiar with the general clinical picture, course and pathology of the disease. The Soviets usually classify radiation disease into four clinical stages: (1) increased functional activity, (2) a latent period in which the stimulation of the first stage is counteracted by, (3) the dystrophic (degenerative) processes, and (4) recovery. Soviet opinion remains divided on the utility of this classification. It seems characteristic of the Soviets that they consider the time be- tween actual irradiation and onset of symp- toms as a time in which the central nervous system is being stimulated to produce the subsequent pathological changes in various tissues. One of the most publicized and character- istic aspects of Soviet work in this field is that of persistent emphasis on the central nervous system (CNS) effects of radiation. While some of the early work published by the Soviets lacked either necessary data or statistical significance, and while the Soviets even as recently as 1958 continued to make public some indefensible statements and claims concerning the role of the central nerv- ous system in radiation disease, recent Soviet work seems to demonstrate conclusively that there are CNS effects at levels far below those widely quoted in Western literature in the past. Further support for this type of effect has been forthcoming from recent U.S. and Western research. It is interesting that dur- ing the last few years the tenor of many. Rus- sian papers dealing with this problem has changed. It apparently is no longer neces- sary to relate all physiological research to Pavlovian "nervism" and allusions to the lat- ter are made much less frequently in connec- tion with experiments with radiation path- ology than heretofore. Nonetheless, much effort continues to be devoted to clarifying the role of the CNS in radiation disease. As is true with most of their medical re- search, the best Soviet work has been done in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev in a few in- stitutes such as the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences, the Department of Biophysics of Moscow State University, the several institutes of roentgenology, radiology and oncology, the institutes of labor hygiene and occupational diseases, the oncological re- search institutes and institutes of hematology and blood transfusion. As a matter of fact, the latter type of institute has historically played a very important role in the Soviet clinical treatment program for those persons overexposed to radiation. These institutes, particularly the Moscow institute under A. A. Bagdasarov, were used as the central points for treatment of all Soviet cases of overex- posure to radiation. One of the primary rea- sons for this centralization of treatment was the fact that this institute was the best equipped in the entire Soviet Union to provide the complex necessities required in treating radiation disease. In the last two years or so, there has been a gradual decentralization of treatment into other institutes which are properly equipped and supplied for such ther- apy. These institutes probably include a few of the military medical institutions. Prophylaxis of Radiation Injury Several attempts have been made to show a protective effect by giving less than lethal doses of radiation before irradiation with either lethal or sub-lethal doses. For exam- ple, the Soviets have given dogs doses of 3.3, 3.6, 6.6, and 7.3 millimicrocuries of cobalt-60 per kg. body weight. This pretreatment seemed to protect some dogs from absolute lethal doses of X-ray; the investigator postu- lated an immune reaction effect. This work is interesting and should be pursued further since the data must be considered preliminary. Other studies on the use of irradiation to pro- tect against subsequent irradiation have given equivocal results. While several Soviet investigators have claimed a stimulating effect from low doses of radiation, the gen- eral tendency in the USSR and in the West is to consider that all radiation produces ad- verse effects and that there is no adaptation CONFIDENTIAL 9 to radiation. It is now recognized in the West that research of this type must be carried out under rather rigorously pre-determined con- ditions and the criteria for prophylactic effect must lend themselves to reproducible study. The Soviets have not yet reached this point in their published research on prophylactic agents and this inadequacy is compounded by their shortcomings in statistical control and analysis of experiments. Only in 1958 and 1959 have the Soviets evinced interest in the need for such control and for uniformly re- producible experiments. Thus, to a large ex- tent the research discussed below is less meaningful than it should be, because the criteria of prophylactic effect are sometimes influenced by the investigator's failure to pro- vide adequate control studies."9-2" For general body prophylactic protection against irradiation, the Soviets have investi- gated such ideas as the state of nutrition prior to irradiation, the general physical con- dition of the test subject, hypoxia, hypother- mia and a long list of various chemical sub- stances which have been tried, usually on an empirical basis. The pre-irradiation use of blood or blood products as well as shielding of various portions of the body have also been studied. Hypoxia produced by lowered baro- metric pressure, by chemicals such as cyanide or by shifting the composition of inhaled air, or by hypothermia, and even by natural hi- bernation, has been demonstrated to prolong the life span of irradiated animals if it occurs before irradiation. However, claims concern- ing the absolute protective effect, that is, a decrease in overall mortality rate, have been much less well-substantiated. These prophy- lactic techniques, if given after irradiation, almost uniformly worsen the radiation effect. Shielding of various portions of the body has often produced a good measure of protection against irradiation. This technique has shown that the body increases its production of erythropoietin which stimulates the produc- tion of red blood cells and may prevent post- irradiation anemia. So far, this technique has not proved particularly useful clinically in radiation disease. The use of blood or blood products such as packed erythrocytes, throm- bocytes or white blood cells has been claimed to produce beneficial results but the data are insufficient to substantiate this claim. Some Soviets have suggested that ethanol offers protection against radiation, however, others have found, as have Western investigators, that ethanol actually increases the ill effects of radiation. The general consensus of the Soviets is that some anesthetics and narcotics, if given before irradiation, may have some protective effect, particularly nembutal, amy- tal and ether. If given afterward, these agents did not offer protection or therapy, but seemed to worsen the damage. Soviet investigators indicate that hedonal, urethan, and phenamine probably do not offer a pro- tective effect at any time. Morphine, nem- butal and ether may provide some degree of prophylaxis. This effect is assumed to be at least partially an hypoxic one. Novocain has also been claimed to show a significant prophylactic action. About eighty substances have been reported by the Soviets to have some prophylactic ef- fect against irradiation. These are listed in appendix C. Of all these substances proba- bly the most effective has been cysteineamine (also known in the USSR as mercamine, be- captan, or betamercaptoethylamine). How- ever, certain Soviet studies have shown that quite possibly this compound produces tu- mors in mammals. Many other compounds have been tested and found to be unsatisfac- tory. Current Soviet testing, particularly un- der N. V. Luchnik and S. Ya. Arbuzov, repre- sents a major screening program for com- pounds providing a protective effect. Luch- nik and his co-workers seem to have reason- able and reproducible experimental tech- niques for determining the protective effect of compounds upon irradiation damage. Luchnik has suggested that his data show there are different mortality peaks which vary according to the radiation dose and which apparently reflect death from different causes. He believes that different protective agents which act on these separate causes of death may change the mortality peak. This is con- sistent with U.S. views regarding the three major types of radiation death: the gastroin- testinal, the hematological, and the CNS deaths. Protection of the skin from radia- 10 CONFIDENTIAL tion damage has received considerable atten- tion both here and in the USSR, because it is of such importance to the therapeutic uses of radiation. Some Soviets have claimed good skin protection with such agents as stickleback fat, decomposed butter, fish oils, vitamin-containing ointments, methionine ointment, naphthalan oil, plasters, Shostakov- skiy balm, aloe emulsion, tezan emulsion, methylated derivatives of certain fatty acids, novocain block, and tissue therapy a la Fila- tov.* Their Ointment No. 2 is an aloe emul- sion and the Ointment No. 4?U is methylated linolenic acid. Of these, the aloe and tezan emulsion offered some protection, the latter being somewhat better, especially if used re- peatedly before every exposure to radiation. The newer work on methylated derivatives of fatty acids is promising but only preliminary. 8 202-232 Soviet research on prophylaxis for in- ternally deposited radioisotopes is practically nonexistent. Some attention has been di- rected toward the therapeutic removal of radioisotopes and toward good working rules and habits in preventing deposition of isotopes. Treatment of Radiation Disease Despite press and radio claims of successes in treating radiation disease, Soviet scientific descriptions of the treatments reveal that they follow Western suggestions for therapy, with more emphasis on blood transfusions. The Soviets, although emphasizing immediately practical therapeutic and prophylactic meas- ures using chemical compounds, are aware that the long-term approach to a rational therapy or prevention of radiation disease is through detailed knowledge of the mechanism of action of radiation. Thus, the Soviets pub- lish actively in both these fields and keep abreast of Western developments. * Tissue therapy was originated in 1933 by Aca- demician V. P. Filatov who died in 1956. Tissue therapy is based on the therapeutic application of tissue kept in a state of "survival." These are con- ditions of a delayed and lowered vitality. The idea of the therapeutic properties of these stored tissues suggested itself in Filatov's work on corneal opac- ities. The acual therapeutic value of this entire method has never been adequately documented. Soviet work on the therapeutic removal of radioisotopes from the body has been rela- tively scanty and only recently have articles begun to be published on some of the newer methods of therapy such as chelating agents. The investigators responsible for most of this current activity are those in the Moscow In- stitute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases under A. A. Letavet, Ye. B. Kurl- yandskaya and Yu. I. Moskalev. Much of this material is repetitive of research that has appeared previously in the West. The compounds investigated include ethylene- diaminetetracetic acid (EDTA), hydroxyapa- tite with disodium phosphate, hexametaphos- phate (this compound is extremely toxic), sulfosalicylic acid, aurintricarboxylic acid eu- phylline (theophyllinethylenediamine), ortho- phenylenediamine, yatren (5-sulfonic-7-oxy- quinoline), cincophen and some miscellane- ous materials such as parathyroid hormone and liver extract. Some of the compounds mentioned recently in U.S. literature seem not to have been investigated as yet by the Soviets; these include rhodizonic acid, DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) and BAETA (2, 2'-bis- [di- (carboxymethyl) amino- diethyl ether]) .233-240 Other therapeutic measures against radia- tion disease include the following: a) hygienic supportive measures such as rest, graded exercise, fresh air, high-quality and high-calorie diet, or if necessary, paren- teral diet, and vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxal, niacin, cobalamine, citrin, rutin, vitamins C and K, and para- aminobenzoic acid. Citrin and rutin (not considered vitamins in the West) are sug- gested by the Soviets as blood capillary strengthening "vitamins." b) for replacement of blood loss or for anemia or other types of blood destruction the Soviets have investigated whole blood, blood serum, polyglukin, sinkol', polyvinyl- pyrrolidone, and parenteral solutions such as TsOLIPK-5, and LIPK-43, hydrolysin (L- 103), aminopeptide-2, such blood products as red cell mass, white cell mass, and throm- bocyte mass, hemoglobin preparations of vari- ous sorts, "colloidal infusion," bone marrow, NTIAL 11 CON LuENT cobalt ion and calcium ion and properdin, as well as the cattle blood products BK-8, LSB, and ACS. The latter two have been with- drawn from production and distribution. The BK-8 is a product prepared by V. A. Belitser and K. I. Kotkova. Another Soviet study in- dicated that use of packed red cells or blood transfusions is not desirable, and in fact may be dangerous from the 5th through the 15th day of radiation disease. Other substances found useful for anemia include iron prepara- tions, liver preparations, kampolon, anti- a,nemin, niacin, cobalamine, pyridoxal, vita- min C, folic acid, hepatocrine. Therapy for the leukocytopenia, or decrease in white cells, resulting from radiation disease, has been the subject of much Soviet study with various conflicting results. Some Soviets suggest that bone marrow stimulants such as pentoxyl, sodium nucleinate, metacyl, leucogen and tezan-25 are not useful after the irradiation. U.S. workers have not had good results with this type of agent. Others suggest that these agents should be used immediately, while most of the Soviets suggest that the agents should be used later when the marrow is able to respond to stimulation. In addition the Soviets have used liver preparations, vita- mins, and the tissue therapy method of Fila- tov with such preserved tissues as skin, um- bilical cord, and eye, and have claimed bene- ficial therapeutic effects not only for the leukocytopenia but also for the general body response. c) control of infections and toxemias is ac- complished by means of antibiotics, tissue therapy, properdin and, where necessary, anti- toxins and vaccines. Some Soviets have sug- gested that penicillin, biomycin (chlortetra- cycline or aureomycin), levomycetin (D- chloramphenicol) , streptomycin, and ekmo- line (a triprotamine fish tissue extract) have useful properties in treating infections dur- ing the period of radiation disease. However, more recently some Soviets reported that bio- mycin may be toxic after irradiation and that streptomycin is probably the most useful single broad-spectrum antibiotic, with peni- cillin next best. U.S. data indicate that strep- tomycin is best, and that? chlortetracycline and terramycin (oxytetracycline) are some- 12 what helpful particularly if given with strep- tomycin. Other U.S. data indicate that peni- cillin, neomycin, polymyxin and certain other antibiotics are not useful in radiation disease. d) management of radiation-induced nau- sea and vomiting has been investigated using bromides, diphenhydramine, urotropin, cys- teineamine, cysteineamine salicylate, cys- teineamine chloride, menthol, valerian, novo- cain, camphor, sodium hyposulfite, dimedrol, caffein, barbiturates, arninazine (chloropro- mazine). Some Soviet data have suggested that anesthetics of various sorts, novocain, hypothermia, barbiturates, ethanol, and other narcotics and CNS depressants will aggravate radiation disease. e) repair and prevention of skin damage has been attempted with aloe emulsions, stickleback oil, fish oils, vitamins, methionine ointment, tissue therapy, Shostakovskiy balm, novocain block, tezan-25 ointment, fibrin film, penicillin ointments, and ointments of the methyl esters of such fatty acids as oleic, linoleic, and linolenic, the latter preparations being called linol and linolen.* Apparently the most effective of these are the linolen oint- ment and the methionine ointment. f) supportive therapeutic substances have included zymosan, yeast extracts, hormones, such as synesterol, diethylstilbestrol, somato- tropic hormone, adrenotropic hormone, cal- cium ion, calcium gluconate, sodium hyposul- fate, sodium chlorophyllin, yeast, tissue ther- apy, calcium glycerophosphate, caffein, am- phetamine, phytin, phosphren, lipocerebrin, pantocrine (powdered reindeer horn), gin- seng and ginseng extracts, extracts of Schiz- andra chinensis, plus hyaluronic acid-protein complexes prepared from the lens of the bo- vine eyeball. A few others have been sug- gested as having some therapeutic effect but this has not been shown adequately. These include metrazol, phenatine (benzedrine plus niacin) , strychnine, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) , cervical vagosympathetic novocain block, glycogen and insulin, casein, saccha- rose, and many parenteral solutions.8 27 189 195 202 204 205 208 213-215 219 222-224 226-232 241-287 * Linolen is the methyl ester of linoleic acid and linol is a mixture of the methyl esters of oleic and linoleic acids. General comments concerning the above research seem appropriate here. First, the Soviet tendency is to make invidious com- parisons of their work with previous work published by scientists of other countries, particularly from the United States. This is especially true for those articles dealing with therapeutic management of patients who have received radiation either for treatment or from industrial overexposure. The second major point is the lack of any adequate stand- ard of judgment concerning the therapeutic effect of many of the agents used. Quite often the primary and almost sole judgment as to whether or not an agent is effective in treating radiation disease is a simple state- ment to the effect that this substance was found to be effective or found to give a bene- ficial effect. Most of their judgments are qualitative in nature rather than objectively judged against some reasonably described and acceptable standard. This may result partially from the Soviet lack of background in statistical analysis. Finally, we ought at least to compare some of the methods and therapeutic agents used with those used in Western countries, including the United States. Those measures which are consid- ered to provide a generalized improvement, e.g., adequate diet and fluids including the proper use of vitamins and food supplements, plus antibiotics, blood replacement where necessary, hormones, anti-nausea or anti- motion sickness drugs, and tranquilizers are all widely recognized as useful. One can take issue, however, with the Soviet use of some of their products such as BK-8, LSB, tissue therapy, pantocrine, ginseng, Schizandra chinensis, camphor and other similar proprie- tary measures. Investigators in the West have also used a large number of therapeutic agents, but have noted that dubious thera- peutic agents which may harm even normal or healthy persons are even more question- able for treatment of radiation disease. There are signs that the Ministry of Health and its organizations are making attempts to com- bat the use of unproven and perhaps danger- ous therapeutic agents. There has been a noticeable withdrawal from production of sev- eral therapeutic agents in the USSR. The TIAL most recent example is LSB which was with- drawn from production in March 1959. RADIOBIOLOGY General Supportive to the program of radiological safety in any country is basic research in associated areas of radiobiology. It is here that the mechanism of action of radiation is studied with the hope that eventually some rational adequate therapy might be devel- oped for radiation disease. Radiobiology in- cludes research on toxicology, absorption, ex- cretion and forced excretion of many of the radioisotopes which have become important in recent years as a result of atomic energy de- velopments. It also includes research di- rected toward understanding the extent and nature of background radiation, the extent of build-up of radiation or radioactive isotopes from uses of atomic energy, the potential genetic and somatic dangers of the gradual increase of radiation to the human popula- tion, and other topics of a like nature. With- out adequate radiobiological research there could be no long-term program for progress in radiological safety. An area currently re- ceiving attention and of major import to radiological safety is that of the relative bio- logical effectiveness of various types of radia- tion. The Soviets are insistent that the cen- tral nervous system is extremely important in any body reaction to irradiation. While many of the claims advanced by the Soviets in this field are lacking in support and are presently questionable, it seems quite certain that there are definite central nervous effects from irradiation, perhaps more than was thought previously in the West. Radiogenetics Basic Soviet research in genetics received a major setback during the period of rigid Lysenkoism. However, since that time there has been a gradual resurgence of classically oriented geneticists in the USSR, primarily into the field of "radiation genetics," a Soviet euphemism for the study? of modern genetics. During this resurgence of classical geneticists, Lysenko himself has retained his position as head of the Institute of Genetics with the CONFIDENTIAL 13 uuDITIDENT?harfr? result that the classical geneticists have been required to work in other institutes, with major support for classical genetics most re- cently coming from biochemists and biophysi- cists. For example, the Institute of Bio- physics, Academy of Sciences, has for the last three to four years supported the classical geneticist N. P. Dubinin and some of his fol- lowers. In addition, such people as V. A. Engel'gardt have been lending major support in the Academy of Sciences to various classi- cal geneticists. One of these, Timofeyev- Resovskiy, has been working in the Institute of Biology, the Ural Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences in Sverdlovsk. Dubinin has sup- ported work by other geneticists and has be- gun major research in the new "science city" near Novosibirsk where he was selected to head the new Institute of Cytology and Genetics. However, he has more recently been criticised by Pravda. Information presently indicates that he has been spending about half his time at that new location, the re- mainder of his time being spent at Sukhumi, the primate research colony, and in the Insti- tute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences, in Moscow. The most recent support for the "classical geneticists" in the USSR has come from the physicists who would like to see established an adequate physical basis for genetics research and for handling genetic in- formation. Thus, it seems possible that, while Lysenko will retain his position at the Insti- tute of Genetics, the basic research in genetics in the USSR will be conducted under the heading "radiation genetics" and will be of a more conventional nature. The importance of genetics research in radiobiology has been emphasized by the re- cent discussions concerning the long-term hazards of fallout and the gradual increase in background radiation now occurring on the surface of the earth.* There is evidence * There is presently no answer as to whether there is a threshold, that is, some point before which radiation has no effect on genetics, or a linear response to radiation, that is, all radiation in addition to the natural radiation background is harmful. Discovery of a definite threshold effect either in mice or in primates does not mean that such findings can be extrapolated directly to man. Nevertheless, in the absence of human data, such a discovery would be used as a tentative yardstick in estimating future hazard of fallout. that the Soviets are now beginning a long- term primate genetic research program with low doses of radiation. One Soviet Geneva paper did present some data on primate ge- netics but the research was carried out with a small number (7) of monkeys, and the re- sults are inconclusive. Other Soviet studies in radiation genetics are being carried out on microorganisms as well as on mammals. If sufficient priority is attached to the long-term primate genetic studies the Soviets may well regain some of the ground lost in the field of genetics.24 288-328 Mechanism of Action of Radiation Research in this field supports the most important long-term possibilities for under- standing the nature of radiation and its ac- tion upon the body, with the hope that a rational explanation of the action will lead to a rational method for therapy, or preven- tion of radiation disease. A good share of the work on mechanism of action on radiation is potentially useful for early detection tests of radiation damage. Thus, as research proceeds further toward actual delineation of the mi- nute cellular or sub-cellular process occurring immediately after irradiation, the investiga- tors acquire not only knowledge concerning the mechanism but also methods for early detection of changes induced by radiation. We shall consider two major aspects of the mechanism of action of radiation. First are the primary physical and biophysical proc- esses involved in the absorption of energy from radiation or radioactive particles. Sec- ond are the subsequent tissue, cellular, chem- ical and other changes within the organism. The initial absorption of energy by a living organism may be direct or indirect. The se- quence of events and the direct and indirect effects are described in a 1958 report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.24 The target theory, first proposed by Lea, served to focus initial early research attention on the pri- mary process of ionization and a direct effect of radiation on the cell. The next major step was the recognition of the presence of an indirect effect in which the microstructures need not be hit directly by an ionizing particle. 14 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL These indirect effects are apparently mediated by the action of radiation on water, the pri- mary solvent in biological systems. Addi- tional indirect effects may result from the action of radiation on other chemicals within the cell. A further direct action of radiation, besides that of ionization of a "radiosensitive target," is that of excitation of the orbital electrons of substances within the? cell. No single mechanism can be the basis of action of all forms of radiation injury, since a cell is a highly organized system with a diverse constitution and structure among its parts. In any event, it should be recognized that the physical chemical processes develop- ing as a result of the direct action of the ionizing radiation are the most important but only the initial link in the long chain of path- ogenic mechanisms which lead to radiation disease. An important role is subsequently played by the response reactions of the or- ganism. Soviet research in general recog- nizes the above concepts and subscribes to them. More recent Soviet research has included investigations of the mechanism of action of some antimitotic chemicals such as the chlor- ethylamines. Some Soviets consider that the mechanisms of action for these chemicals are similar or identical to that for radiation, while other Soviets and most Westerners consider that there are some distinct differences. An- other interesting area of research started pri- marily by the Soviets and now arousing inter- est elsewhere is the study of electronic para- magnetic resonance of irradiated materials. While this research is in its early phases, it could lead to interesting discoveries as to the details of biophysical processes involved in energy absorption in tissues. Other Soviet research has included studies on cellular adaptation to irradiation (apparently there is none) , studies of the oxidative production of toxins in tissues, and an interesting concept by V. A. Engel'gardt given at Geneva concern- ing a multiplying chain mechanism to explain the extensive effects of ionizing radiation from the small energy input.24 27 241 329-347 One of the major facets of the Soviet re- search effort in radiobiology is the continued, insistent emphasis upon the role of the cen- tral nervous system in producing actual radia- tion damage. Several years ago, the predomi- nant Soviet attitude was that the central nervous system was responsible for the media- tion of all radiation biological effects. Cur- rently, the Soviets still emphasize that the central nervous system plays a dominant role in production of effects within the body but the real emphasis is on the nervous system's integrative role. Another claim by the Soviets has been that radiation in small doses will produce beneficial stimulation, that minute amounts of radiation may even be necessary for life. Most Soviets now recognize that such a claim arose from mistaken interpreta- tions of stimulation produced by the action of low doses of radiation on microorganisms. They now realize that this reaction is a defi- nite early sign of radiation damage, a sort of phasic response to stress and seems to sup- port their claim of no threshold response to radiation. Soviet work on paramecia also has suggested that there is no threshold for radia- tion damage. In general, there is little good evidence one way or the other for a thresh- old effect. Theoretical consideration of the mechanism of action of radiation led one So- viet, A. V. Lebedinskiy, to suggest that the so-called "sigmoidal response curve" does not imply a threshold of response to radiation but rather demonstrates a summation of reparable and irreparable components of radiation in- jury. Since there is "always" an irreparable somatic component there is no such thing as a threshold, he concluded. A further portion of this assumption is that as a total dose in- creases the reparable fraction decreases. The evidence of a direct relationship between dose and damage at very low doses is still unsatis- factory. There has been considerable West- ern and Soviet research on the changes of macromolecules such as proteins, enzymes or nucleic acids after irradiation. Some Soviets have suggested that irradiation produces an immediate, non-specific shock reaction from protein denaturation, with specific suppres- sion of functions of adaptation but mainte- nance of basic vital functions. The specific suppression of function is assumed to be he- reditary, and is believed to be responsible for 15 CONFIDENTIAL the later effects of radiation. This research is interesting and may prove fruitful for a better understanding of how the actual tissue effects of biological damage from radiation are produced. Other Soviet research is concerned with the possibility that the primary absorption of energy by the tissues occurs in macromole- cules and that there is a direct effect from depolymerization of the macromolecules and an indirect effect from the resultant produc- tion of radiolysins. The evidence presented by the Soviets, like that of Western investi- gators, seems to show conclusively that nu- cleic acid metabolism, for instance, is affected by irradiation. The phosphorus turnover in nucleic acid is suppressed by irradiation of normal or tumorous tissue. The enzyme ribonuclease is inhibited and the conversion of ribonucleic acid (RNA) to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is upset. The depolymerization of nucleic acids also seems to bear some direct relationship to the degree of radiosensitivity of tissue. Apparently some radioresistance of nucleic acids is related to the strength of the protein-nucleic acid bond. In normal tissue, this bond is quite strong and radioresistance is relatively high. In tumorous tissues, this bond is easily split and the tissue is therefore more sensitive to irradiation. There are good Soviet data indicating the operation of humoral and toxic factors in irradiation leukopenia, red blood cell hemoly- sis and depression of mitosis in implanted tu- mor cells. The red cell hemolytic factor was thought to be an unsaturated fatty acid and it was suggested that the production of this factor was closely related to radiation injury. Although the results were tentative, the work on inhibition of mitosis seemed to indicate that irradiation of the head produced a reflex stimulation of adrenalin which provided the mitotic depression. Also receiving attention is the radiosensitivity of resting tissues as compared with that of mitotically active tissues. The fact that active tissues are more radiosensitive would seem to be related to cell division and the state of nucleoproteins but the exact mechanism is still not known. So- viet and Western work seems to indicate rather conclusively that alteration of the phosphorylative processes, ?the oxidative me- tabolic processes, and high energy metabolism are affected by the irradiation process, but are not the source of the major part of the tissue damage resulting from irradiation. One major test that the Soviets are currently using for early detection of radiation damage in- volves the fluorescence of tissues within peri- ods of a half hour or so after irradiation with doses as low as 25 r for mice. The group developing this technique patterned after earlier U.S. work, is that of M. N. Meysel'. This work has been done in microorganisms as well as in mammals and the finding of fluorescence (using an acridine dye) of ir- radiated tissues after about a half hour is relatively consistent and seems to arise from the degradation products of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, or nucleoprotein com- plexes. There is also a Soviet report on the effects of radiation on nucleic acid metabolism and nucleic acid content of various tissues. Although a good deal of emphasis in the past has been given by Soviet investigators to the study of whole-body reactions, that is, whole animal organisms as opposed to studies on isolated or model systems, a relatively re- cent trend has been the increasing use of mod- els and isolated systems by the Soviets. Some of this work was summed up at Geneva by G. M. Frank, et al. Frank suggested that the study of radiation action phenomena may be accomplished with models first, and then with a gradually increasing approach to the total organism. He feels that a number of biologi- cal reactions hitherto considered peculiar to an entire organism can be reproduced in vitro in isolated tissues. An example is irradiation- induced diminution of elasticity of large blood vessels which he obtained when irradiating either the entire animal or an isolated blood vessel. Another method for study which he considers even more promising but also more difficult and requiring much better training in the physical sciences is the study of physi- cal-chemical changes in the tissue of the en- tire living organism. Western investigators have found such approaches very useful in recent years.10 24 33 73 188 231 250 329 333-334 336-337 341 345 848-374 16 CONFIDENTIAL Radiosensitivity and the Central Nervous System Sensitivity of different types of tissue to radiation constitutes a topic on which there are major disagreements between Soviet and Western investigators. In the past the So- viets have made attempts to demonstrate that the central nervous system is the most radio- sensitive of all tissues. Failing to present concrete, adequate data to support this thesis, the more recent Soviet trend is to implicate the central nervous system in the mediation of the radiation effect. The Soviets consist- ently emphasize the role of the central nerv- ous system as an integrating unit in deter- mining the locus and the extent of radiation reaction, as well as the nature and type of re- covery. Two lines of research in which cen- tral nervous system effects are considered most important are studies on radiosensitivity of young organisms and research on the var- iation of radiation response with changes in the phylogenetic scale. The Soviets have sug- gested the use of physiological tests of smell, taste, balance, sight and touch for determin- ing slight radiation damage. These sugges- tions follow naturally from the Soviet tend- ency to use reflex techniques in determining physiological status and from their bent for insisting on the greater sensitivity of func- tional tests as opposed to morphological tests. There is, however, not complete unanimity among the Soviets concerning the central nervous system's sensitivity to radiation. Many subscribe unquestioningly to the fact that the most sensitive tissues to radiation are those of the hemopoietic system, followed by those of the gastrointestinal tract. This parallels Western findings. An example of Soviet research on the CNS is contained in an article by A. M. Kuzin, of the Institute of Bio- physics in Moscow, in the January 1958 issue of a U.S. journal. Kuzin emphasized CNS changes after irradiation (carried out at 50 to 100 r) and suggested that electroencephalo- graphic changes were noted with 1 roentgen (an unfounded claim actually made on the basis of straight-line extrapolation) . Further studies of CNS damage from irradiation dem- onstrate conclusively that doses of the order of 50 r will produce definite measurable CNS reflex changes, but no coherent quantitative picture is yet available. Other types of research on CNS response to radiation include studies on interoceptive reflexes, conditional reflexes, light-eye re- flexes, and flexor reflexes. The Soviets sug- gest that reflex changes indicate damage in the diencephalon and reticular substance. So far as is known, no equivalent work is underway in the U.S. Interestingly enough, most of this research of the Soviets shows quite good work at levels of 100 r or greater but poor, inadequately controlled work at levels below this, with unjustified extrapola- tion from studies at the high dose levels to "expected" changes at very low dose levels. It is the unjustified extrapolation to which most Western investigators object strenu- ously. This point was particularly noticeable in the Soviet presentations at the latest Geneva Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. But it has also been true of many papers in the 1956-57, and -58 period. More recent Soviet works show more reserve about making unjustifiable conclusions, and instead, give good simple presentations of the data observed. The Soviets have studied many patients irradiated therapeutically and have taken many EEG tracings. Their conclusions are that the initial EEG reaction to irradiation represents an increased cortical activity with- in about 10 minutes and a subsequent variable amount of cortical inhibition and later nor- malization of activity. A typical kind of con- clusion or inference drawn by the Soviets is that the data indicate that during acute radia- tion disease, disturbances in the activity of the vitally important systems leading to lethal outcome, are caused by the disturbance of the regulatory function of the central nervous system. The Soviets often use irradiation for ther- apy of conditions which they feel are a result of CNS changes but which Western clinicians consider essentially unrelated to the CNS. Thus, 30 patients with frostbite of fingers, ___LIINVIDENTTAr? 17 toes, wrists, hands, feet, and knee joints were treated with irradiation with what were called good results. The author concluded by say- ing that these results "proved both local and general favorable effects of X-ray therapy on disturbed blood circulation in injured tissue by alleviating blood vessel spasms, by improving trophic activities, and regulating fundamental nerve processes." This use of irradiation is, at best, ineffective. Other re- search involving CNS effects includes investi- gation of olfactory sensations, studies of the ultra-slow rhythms of the electrical potential of the brain, changes in the electrical resist- ance, capacitance, and impedance of the CNS, and morphological investigations of the cen- tral nervous system. Even in conditional re- flex research it is notable that there is no unanimity among Soviet authors or investi- gators as to (i) whether irradiation produces an initial increase or decrease of a positive conditional response, (ii) the duration of such alterations in various animals and (iii) nu- merous other subtle phenomena. In the case of bioelectric phenomena, 500 to 1,000 r seems to have a distinctive effect on the bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex and also on peripheral nerve action currents and the re- activity of internal receptors. In summary, it is difficult to reach a defi- nite conclusion as to any CNS radiation effect threshold that has been established experi- mentally by the Soviets. They have called attention to the fact that the central nervous system can be damaged by doses of radiation at lower levels than was previously supposed in the West. These results have also stimu- lated Western work along these lines, and in 1958 and 1959, a very small beginning was made in the U.S. toward research of a similar nature. An indication that even the Soviets are not completely convinced about very low dose changes in the CNS was given by Lebe- dinskiy when he said that contrary to material appearing in print and contrary to other claims by other Soviets, the CNS changes were used only experimentally, not in industry to detect radiation damage in persons poten- tially exposed to radiation. The following omissions are present in a substantial part of the published reports: (1) Lack of statistical analysis of results; (2) inadequate discussion of instrumentation and dosimetry, particu- larly as to depth dose; (3) limited use of con- trols; (4) little information on the general conditions of animals after a given irradia- tion; (5) limited presentation of experimental data; (6) failure to report negative experi- ments. On the other hand, the Soviets have certainly obtained a number of results which, if confirmed, will be of the greatest theoretical and practical interest. Among the major findings are: (1) Evidence that there may be a pathologically increased afferent flow to the CNS contributing to early and late pathology and that treatment should be directed toward this phenomena. (2) Indications that func- tionally the CNS is very sensitive to radiation. Many of the findings reported above could be interpreted as resulting from small random disturbances in a variety of cortical networks and possibly all parts of the CNS, including peripheral receptors. The variability in qual- ity of Soviet published work is much greater than in the United States. There is probably no single Soviet investigator who has not at one time or another published some work in which either the data or the conclusions are unacceptable by Western standards.24 195 202 231 245 272 288 339 344 364 375-401 Additional Soviet research on radiation effects on the body has been done in experi- mental animals. Clinical observations have been made on patients exposed to therapeutic radiation and to accidental radiation over- exposures. These include determining the effects of radiation and deposited radioisotopes in bone, for short-term and long-term expo- sures. Studies have also been done on the other systems of the body i.e., the cardiovascu- lar system, the hemopoietic system, the en- docrine system, as well as individual organs and tissues. Much of this work is similar to U.S. research. The publication and research effort has been expanding so rapidly in the last two to three years in the USSR that the Soviets are now in a position to begin making major contributions in this field and to initiate original lines of research.24 27 184 188 231 236 244 262 263 272 278 288 334 335 338 339 344 345 365 371 378 397 402-476 18 CONFIDENTIAt CONFIDE Immunological Response to Radiation Another area in which radiation effects are very important is that of the immunological responses of the body. Although Soviet re- search lags substantially behind that of the United States, some Soviet findings are of interest. Irradiation and infection act syn- ergistically in weakening body defenses. Ap- parently even under the stress of one insult the body tries to respond to the second, but in so doing loses ground against the initial in- sult. Another action of radiation is to sup- press the body's natural defenses or immu- nity against many pathogenic organisms. A decrease in natural immunity often leads to autoinfection. This infection is undoubtedly a serious complication of radiation disease, but is not responsible for the major pathology of radiation disease as has been suggested by a few Soviet research workers. Some of the diseases which have been found to occur more readily after irradiation are: influenza, whoop- ing cough, diphtheria, paratyphoid, lepto- spirosis, colon bacillus infections, and various anaerobic infections. One Soviet investigator suggested that the technique of lowering dis- ease resistance by irradiation of animals be used as a laboratory procedure for infectious disease research. Another worker described an increase of natural immunity (measured by an increase in complement-fixing activity) after irradiation of 'rabbits with ultraviolet rays. This seenis rather unusual and needs further confirmation and study. In addition to depressing natural immunity, irradiation seems to increase body sensitivity to bacterial toxins. This may be one reason for the ob- servations that infections are more severe in the presence of radiation disease. However, one Soviet investigator claims that irradiation has no effect on tetanus intoxication or the prophylactic and therapeutic actions of anti- tetanus serum. Other Soviet workers feel that autoinfection is overstressed, and that it is not really important in radiation disease. These investigators consider that the impor- tant basis for radiation diseases is the cir- culation of tissue disintegration products and a production of autoallergy. It is conceded, however, that the prevention of infectious disease is important after radiation sickness begins. Most Soviet work on the interaction be- tween irradiation and immunological re- sponses demonstrates a decrease in immunity and a suppression of formation of antibodies, possibly through action of the central nervous system. A few Soviet investigators claim that ultraviolet, X- and gamma-irradiation in small doses provide stimulation of immu- nological processes. This needs confirmation and requires better control conditions than those provided. Soviet investigators feel that certain areas of study ox) the mechanism of action of radiation are susceptible to closer analysis using immunological techniques. CONFIDENTIAL 19 ?UNCIASS,EFTLIr? APPENDIX A RESEARCH INSTITUTES* Khar'kov Institute of Medical Radiology Physicotechnical Division M. N. D'yachenko B. Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Department, AS USSR, Novosibirsk Director - N.?. Dubinin (also at the Institute of Biophysics, AS, USSR, Moscow) C. Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Blood Transfusion Director - A. T. Astanov S. D. Kalenova V. I. Kalugina G. S. Levin Z. G. Teplyakova A. Yu. Tilis D. Institute of Internal Medicine, AMS USSR Laboratory of Biophysics Head - M. N. Fateyeva N. I. Gorbarenko V. S. Klimov Ye. P. Stepanyan . Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, AS, zakh SSR, Alma-Ata Director - A. N. Syzganov S. B. Balmukhanov F. Institute of Physics, AS, USSR Radiation Genetics Laboratory M. A. Arseneva G. G. ?Tinyakov G. Institute of Radiation Hygiene, Ministry of Health RSFSR A?.rGagfiig? Kr9tkw A, N. Bragina V. N. Gue'kova V. M. Kupriyanbva L. R. RoManov Ye, S. Romanova E. P. Storozhenko H. Bashkir Medical Institute imeni 15th Anniversary of Komsomol, Ufa Chair .o? Pharmacology Head - D. N. Lazareva R. N. Abdullina A. Ya. Lagno *The numbers are taken from "A Directory of Medical and Biological Research Institutes of the U.S.S.R.," U. S. Depart6nt of Health. Education, and Welfare, 1958. The letters are arbitrary. A-1 I. The 14th Medical School Director - L. A. Bradman J. Military Medical Service I. B. Beylin, Col. V. M. Burmistrov, Major N. V. Butomo, Major V. I. Filatov, Major L. A. Klyucharev, Lt. Col. A. N. Kornilov, Capt. L. S. Kreyin, Lt. Col. S. D. Kustanovich, Major I. A. Kuz'menko, Lt.^ V. F. Layne, Major M. K. Markaryan, Col. N. I. Matuzov, Major M. N. Nemkin, Lt. Col. B. L. Polyak, Col. Ya. G. Rubinshteyn, Lt. Col. V. I. Samtsov, Lt. Col. S. N. Sergenev, Major N. I. Shcherbakov, Lt. L. I. Shishlyannikova, Lt. Col. G. M. Tsygankov, Col. Ya. I. Veksler, Major Ye. G. Milk, Lt. Col. K. Haan Medical Institute.imeni the Red Army, Krasnodar Department of Pathologic Physiology Director - I. A. Oyvin T. S. Barkagan Ye. Ye. Chebotarev L. Experimental Laboratory of the North-Caucasus Military District Ya. I. Veksler (Rostov-dp-the-Don) M. Ukrainian Scientific Research Sanitary Chemical Institute, Kiev N. M. Binus M. B. Gintsburg Ye. M. Pandre N. Institute of Biophysics, AMS, USSR Moscow Director - A. V. Lebedinskiy P. D. Gorizontov B. M. Isayev N. A. Kurshakov M. N. Livanov V. A. Sanotskiy 0. Kazakh State Medical Institute imeni V. M. Molotov, Alma-Ata Director - I. S. Koryakin Chair of Roentgeno7Radiology S. B. Balmukhanav?: A42 WICLASSIFIED P. Institute of Radiation and Physicochemical Biology AS USSR Moscow Director - V. A. Engel'gardt Q Scientific Research Institute of Medical Radiology, AMS USSR, Moscow area Director - (not yet named--new institute) (1) Laboratory of Biophysics (2) Laboratory of Medical Physics (3) Laboratory of Microbiology (4) Laboratory of Genetics (5) Laboratory of Radiobiology R. Odessa Pharmaceutical Institute Director - A. G. Trotsenko Chair of Biological Chemistry V. A. Leshchinskiy I. V. Savitskiy S. Leningrad State University Chair of Human and Animal Physiology M. N. Maslova 40 Astrakhan State Medical Institute imeni A. V. Lunacharskiy, Astrakhan, RSFSR Director - S. V. Zakharov P. E. Ergort N. P. Goncharenko F.'S. Karimova I. V. Shvartser T. A. Timofeyeva (1) Department of Normal Physiology Yu. N. Uspenskiy (2) X-ray Department K. G. Aslanov 57 Scientific Research Institute of Roentgenology, Radiology, and Oncology, Ministry of Health, Azerbaydzhan, SSR Director - M. M. Alikishibekov I. T. Abasov Sh. M. Beybutov 113 Kalinin State Medical Institute, Kalinin, RSFSR Director - R. I. Gavrilov K. P. Ivanov S. Ye. Manoylov 124 Kazan Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians imeni V. I. Lenin Director - L. M. Rakhlin Clinic of Nervous Diseases Head - I. I. Rugetskiy U. Sh. Akhmerov 155 Ukrainian Research Institute for Orthopedics and Traumatology imeni M. I. Sitenko, Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR Director - N. P. Novachenko A. A. Kravchenko A - 3 ED 162 Institute of Biochemistry, AS,: Ukrainian SSR Kiev Director A. V. Palladin 0. P. Chepinoga S. 7.'Epshteyn I. Yu. Khilobok M. A. Kolomiychenko 167 Institute of Physiology imeni A. A. Bogomolets, AS, Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Former Director - A. F. Makarchenko Present Director - A. M. Vorobtyev N. M. Amdurskaya A. I. Danilenko R. Ye. Kavetskiy R. D. Nikitenko L. B. Stolyarova 1. Biophysics Laboratory (or Department) Director - A. A. Gorodetskiy Ye. Ye. Chebotarev N. I. Kerova 0. A. Khomutovslkiy N. F. Lipkan I. M. Shurlyan N. D. Stetsenko L. Ya. Zhoga 2. Laboratory of Circulatory and Respiratory Physiology N. V. Iltchevich V. A. Kozak 3. Laboratory. of Endocrine Functions T. K. Valuyeva 4. Laboratory of Morphology Chief - A. I. Smirnova-Zamkova T. N. Oleynikova 5. Laboratory. of Compensatory and Defense Functions Chief - R. Ye. Kavetskiy Ye. IC Samiandzhan 173 Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery, Ministry of Health, USSR, Kiev Director - A. I. Arutyunov (1) Department of Pathomorphology Chief - B. S. Khominskiy I. A. Brodskaya (2) Department of Roentgenology Chief Ya. I. Geynisman I. P. Merkulova 175 Kiev Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Ministry of Health, Ukrainian SSR Director - I, P. Kal'chenko 0. A. Khomutovskiy A-4 179 Kiev Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases AMS, USSR, Kiev Director - L. I. Medved' M. A. Khvoynitskaya G. G. Lysina V. A. Mislenko 182 Kiev Scientific Research Roentgeno-Radiological and Oncological Institute, Ukrainian SSR Director - I. T. Shevchenko (1) Biochemical laboratory Head - N. M. Romanyuk N. Ya. Dzyubko (2) Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Head - S. P. Sizenko V. V. Markovich (3) Laboratory of Radioactive Isotopes Chief - R. Ye. Kavetskiy Ye. P. Sidorik Yu. A. Umanskiy 184 Kiev Medical Institute imeni A. A. Bogomolets, Kiev, Ukrainian SSR Director - Ye. F. Shamray (1) Chair of Pathological Anatomy Chief - Ye. I. Chayka V. G. Pinchuk (2) Chair of Roentgenology and Radiology Chief - N. F. Zarkevich L. N. Triumfova (3) Chair of Biochemistry Chief - Ye. F. Shamray L. N. Triumfova 216 Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute RSFSR Director - P. G. Podzolkov Yu, M. Lubenskiy I. A. Terskov Chair of Hospital Surgery Head - A. M. Dykhno a. Laboratory of Biophysics N. V. Gorbatyuk 225 Institute of Evolutionary Physiology imeni I. M. Sechenov, AS, USSR, Leningrad Former Director - The late L. A. Orbeli Present Director - A. G. Ginetsinskiy Z. I. Barbashova Z. V. Denisova Laboratory of Histophysiology Chief - Ye. A. Moiseyev M. S. Konstantinova A-5 226 Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, AS, USSR, Leningrad Director 7 K, M. Bykoy (Deceased 1959) Laboratory of Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity Chief - F. P. Mayorov N. Ya. Lipatova B. V. Pavlov 236 Central Scientific Research Roentgenological, Radiological and Oncological Institute, Ministry of Health, USSR, Leningrad Director - M. N. Pobedinskiy Scientific Director - Yu. K. Kudritskiy I. B. Bychkovskaya V. F. Cherkasov I. N. Davydova I. V. Fedorova L. A. Kachur Ye. I. Komarov 0. G. Matveyev A. Nevler V. A. Petrov A. B. Polezhayev Ye. A. Prokudina A. M. Rusanov L. F. Semenov I. V. Shifter K. B. Skvirskaya S. V. Strutsoyskaya Ye. V. ttekhin (1) Department of Radiosurgery Head - K. N. Chochiya A. I. Strashinin (2) Department of Pathological Anatomy Head - L. V. Funshteyn E. I. Shcherban? Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy Director - L. V. Funshteyn L. A. Cherkasskiy (3) Department of Experimental and Pathological Morphology Head - G. S. Strelin L. A. Kashchenko ? A. D. Pushnitsyna Laboratory of Experimental Morphology Director - G. S. Strelin S. N. Aleksandrov K. F. Galkoyekaya Yu. G. Zil'berg (4) Bacterial - Serological Laboratory Director - P. N. Kiselev P. A. Buzini E. V. Karpova K. I. Nikitina N. M. Okulov V. A. Semina V. N. Sivertselm A-6 CIA3SIFiED (5) Experimental Therapy Department Head - T. K. Kondrat'yeva N. K. Poplavskiy (6) Biochemistry Department Head - S. Ye. Manoylov B. M. Grayevskaya R. Ya. Kaylina A. M. Kononenko L. V. Mytareva A. S. Orlov N. Y. Ponomarenko A. I. Strashinin (7),Second Diagnostic Cabinet Chief - K. B. Shimanovskaya 238 Institute of Experimental Medicine, AMS, Leningrad Director - D. A. Biryukov A. A. Antonov V. B. Isachenko M. N. Livanov E. M. Semenov Ye. M. Semenova 240 Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AMS, USSR Leningrad Director - P. A. Beloshapko (1) Clinical - Diagnostic Laboratory Head - N. L. Vasilevskaya N. M. Andriyasheva (2) Biochemical Laboratory Head - A. D. Braun Z. N. Zhakhova 241 Institute of Oncology, AMS, USSR Leningrad Director - A. I. Serebrov (1) Gynecological Department Head - A. I. Serebrov M. B. Golubitskaya (2) Laboratory of Experimental Oncology Head - L. M. Shabad S. N. Ardashnikov Ye. L. Prigozhina I. G. Spasskaya 249 Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion Directors - A. D. Belyakov and A. Ye. Kiselev Scientific Director - A. N. Filatov Biochemistry Laboratory Former chief - N. N. Blokhin I. S. Luganova L. S. Rotfel'd A-7 --IXTettESST51233--- 250 Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Ministry of Health, RSFSR, Leningrad Director - Z. E. Grigor'yev ? - N. K. Bakhusov I. D. Makulova 264 First Leningrad Medical Institute imeni I. P. Pavlov Ministry of Health, RSFSR Director - A. I. Ivanov T. V. Krestinskaya (1) Chair of Histology and Embryology Chief - G. S. Strelin , T. N. Tuzhilkova L. Ya. Zhorno (2) Chair of Normal Physiology Chief - A. I. Naumenko N. N. Vasilevskiy 268 Leningrad Order of Lenin State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov Director - N. I. Blinov (1) Chair of Medical Radiology Head - M. N. Pobedinskiy V. V. Kholin M. Ya. Kozlov S. S. Sokolov V. N. Vorob'yev A. G. Zemlyanov (2) Third Surgical Clinic Head - N. I. Blinov S. S. Sokolov V. I. Trubachev V. N. Vorob'yev A. G. Zemlyanov (3) Pathology Department Head - P. V. Sipovskiy Z. A. Vlasova 270 Leningrad State Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases imeni L. L. Girshman, Leningrad Director - B. P. Kalashnikov 274 Leningrad State Pediatric Medical Institute, Ministry of Health, RSFSR, Leningrad Director - N. T. Shutova (1) Department of Biochemistry I. I. Ivanov M. M. Stepanova (2) Department of Pharmacology Chief - V. M. Karasik A. M. Rusanov A-8 278 Main Military Hospital imeni N. N. Burdenko, Ministry of Defense/ Leningrad Former Director - I. N. Kurgannikai Present Director - N. N. Nevskiy P. V. Kinonov V. K. Polenko P. V. Simonov A. A. Zhepn (1) Radiotherapy Department Head - A. N. Gamaleya V. D. Arutyunov (2) Experimental Laboratory Head - A. A. Gyurdzhiyan 280 Military Medical Order of Lenin Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad Director - P. P. Goncharov Scientific Director - M. S. Maslov Ye. G. Zhuk, Lt. Col, Medical Service (1) Department of Pharmacology (2) Chair of Normal Anatomy I. D. Lev (3) Laboratory of Nutrition _ A. N. Liberman (4) Clinic of Military Field Surgery Chief- A. N. Berkutov Chzhu Chzhun Lin G. T. Golikov 326 Institute of Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov, AS, USSR, Moscow Director - G. K. Khrushchev B. L. Astaurov V. Ya. Brodskiy T. A. Detlaf Z. N. Faleyeva E. Ya Grayevskiy A. F. Ivanitskaya (Ivanitsova) M. M. Konstantinova L. I. Korchak A. A. Neyfakh I. M. Shapiro M. I. Sorokina I. A. Suyetina N. M. Tul'tseva T. M. Turpayev 327 Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh, AS, USSR, Moscow Director - A. I. Oparin V. P. Blokhina G. A. Deborin A. G. Pasynskiy N. M. Sisakyan M. S. Volkova A-9 328 Institute of Biophysics, Director - G. M. Frank N. A, Aladzhalova V. M. Alekseyeva 0, G. Arakeloy M. L. Belgovskiy V. N. Benevolenskiy A. V. Bibergal' L. P. Breslavets Ye. V. Budilova N. P. Dubinin (see L. Kh. Eydus N. A. Gabelova Ye. A. Ganassi M. M. Gromakovskaya Ye. A. Ivanitskaya M. B. Kalamkarova 0. L. Kanavetz L. P. Kayushin L. L. Khamaide V. V. Khvostova N. V. Kondakova M. M. Korotkov B. K. Lemazhikhin L. B. Levinson Ya. A. Liberman N. N. Livshits Ya. V. Mamul' U. Ya. Margulis M. N. Meysel' P. F. Minayev G. V. Nizhnik G. K. Otarova N. V. Pankova V. I. Plokhoy Ye. G. Plyshevskaya A. I. Polivoda S. Ye. Rapoport IINCIASSIFIED AS USSR, Moscow institute A. L. D. M. L. S. V. N. A. A. A. D. M. V. V. A. N. B. E. N. K. S. K. I. S. R. (1) B) Shabadash Shifrin Shtern Sidorov Slepov Snezhko Sokolov Sondak Strazhevskaya Tolkacheva Trincher Zhuravlev Zubkova Radiobiology Laboratory Head - A. M. Kuzin E. N. Kolody N. I. Shapiro .A-10 UNC (2) Laboratory of the Biophysics of Radiation Ya. L. Shekhtman K. N. Yemellyanov 331 Institute of Genetics, AS, USSR, MOSCOW Director - T. D. Lysenko I. Ye. Glushchenko Kh. F. Kushner N. N. Kuznetsova M. D. Pomerantseva K. S. Sukhov Cytology Laboratory 0. P. Domareva 0. N. Kitayeva I. A. Nechayev N. I. Nuzhdin 0. N. Petrova M. V. Volkovich 332 Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, AS, USSR, Moscow Former Director - A. G. Ivanov-Smolenskiy Present Director - V. S. Rusinov Assistant Director - I. V. Strelichuk K. I. Pogodayev (1) Radiobiology Laboratory I. A. Piontkovskiy (2) Laboratory of Vegetative Conditional Reflexes Chief - A. A. Pavlovskaya L. N. Khruleva 333 Institute of Microbiology, AS, USSR, Moscow Director - A. A. Imshenetskiy Deputy Director - N. D. Yerusalimskiy A. M. Pasechnik Le A. Seliverstova (1) Division of Development and Variability of Microorganisms Head - A. A. Imshenetskiy (2) Division of Agricultural and Soil Microbiology Head - Ye. N. Mishustin (3) Division of Geomicrobiology Head - S. I. Kuznetsov V. A. Ekzertsev L. D. Shturm (4) Division of Taxonomy Head - N. A. Krasil'nikov (5) Division of Experimental Morphology and Cytology? Head - M. N. Meysel' A-11 UNCLA3ZIFiD 334 State Institute-of Natural Sciences imeni P. F. Lesgraft, AS, USSR, Moscow Director - A. M. Samarin M. A. Khenokh E. M. Lapinskaya 357 All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics, Ministry of Health, USSR, Moscow Director - M. A. Guberniyev S. I. Alikhanyan 361 All-Union Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Moscow Director - Ye. A. Vasyukova K. A. Tret'yakova (1) Department of Morphology Chief - Ye. I. Tarakanov Ye. B. Pavlova (2) Radiation Laboratory Chief - D. E. Grodzenskiy A. Ye. Rabkina 366 All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Ministry of Health, USSR) Moscow Director - N. Ya. Itskov Ya. A. Aleshkina B. IC, Roatotskiy 384, Moscow Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Ministry of Health, USSR Director - V. P. Lebedeva N. A. Krayevskiy N. N. Litvinov R. I. Makarycheva (1) Department of Radiation Disease Chief - A. V. Kozlova L. M. Omel'yanenko (2) Chair of Radiation Hygiene Chief -F. G. Krotkov V. A. Arkayev A. V. Terman (3) Military Chair V. A. Arkayev (4) Second Department of Roentgenology and Radiology Chief - Yu. N. Sokolov L. N. Mushina-Udgodskaya L. N. Udgodskaya Yu. G. Yudin (5) First Chair of Roentgenology and Radiology Chief - S. A. Reynberg (6) Chair of Medical Radiology Chief - V. K. Modestov S. Ye. Shnol' A-12 392 Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Moscow, Ministry of Health, USSR Director - A. A. Bagdasarov G. M. Abdulayev V. A. Agranenko O. V. Aksenova B. F. Beliyayeva M. P. Bogoyavlenskaya G. M. Boldysheva N. Ye. Lagutina N. V. Nikolayeva R. I. Rodina L. S. Rogacheva Ye. V. Shamshina L. L. Shepshelevich M. G. Shitikova S. B. Skopina S. V. Skurkovich F. R. Vinograd-Finkel' 1. Radiobiology Laboratory Head - M. O. Raushenbakh I. B. Gurevich 398 Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene imeni F. F. Erisman, Ministry of Health, RSFSR Director - A Z. Belousov L. B. Dolivo-Dobrovol'skiy M. G. Durmish'yan V. Po Godin V. G. Golubev S. I. Gorshkov V. I. Kondror G. A. Malov Yu, V. Novikov V. F. Oreshko M. A. Pinigan B. A. Polivoda Ye. N. Ryumina V. M. Zakharov F. S. Zavel'skiy L. V. Zhidkova (1) Division of Radiology S. I. Gorshkov (2) Division of Hygiene N. N. Khvostov 399 Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Ministry of Health, USSR, Moscow Director - N. N. Priorov Laboratory of Biochemistry Chief - B. S. Kasavina Ye. B. Spektor A-13 UNCL1SSIFfl 4o6 Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry, AMS, USSR, Moscow Director - V. N. Orekhovich T. Grunt Ye. M. Kedrova L. V. Orlova V. P. Polyakov V. M. Rodionov V. D. Uspenskaya 0. G. Zamyatkina 1. Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry N. K. Lebedeva 08 Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamaleya, AMS) USSR) Moscow Former Director - G. V. Vygodchikov Present Director -S. N. MUromtsev Deputy Production Director - Stepanchenok 1. Department of Medical Microbiology Chief - V. L. Troitskiy A- P. Duplishcheva M. A. Tumanyan A. V. Izvekova L. A. Zillber V. A. Artamonova 410 Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, AMS) USSR) Moscow Director - N. N. Blokhin 414 Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, AMS) USSR) Moscow Director - A. A. Letavet A. S. Arkhipov G. A. Avrunina E. F, Baranova N. L. Beloborodova E. A. Bodrovaya L. N. Burykina N. K. Byalko E. A. Drogichina I. A. Gelfon I. N. Golovnikova S. M. Gorodinskiy Ye. D. Grishchenko N. G. Gusev E. I. Ivanov M. A. Kazakevich T. A. Kochetkova E. B. Kurlyandskaya V. S. Kushneva M. S. Lapteva-Popova T. B. Linevich A. N. Marey A-114- V. V. Nikitenko V. G. Osipova G. K. Parkhomenko Ye. K. Red'kina A. A. Rubanovskaya M. N. Ryzhkova A. 0. Saytanov Ye. A. Solov'yeva V. I. Stepanova N. Yu. Tarasenko L. G. Tsenterova V. F. Ushakova N. V. Vershinin N. I. Vinogradova ? N. I. Volkova (1) Section of Labor Hygiene Chief - L. K. Arkhipov (2) Clinic a. Radiologic Section Chief - M. N. Toleyva b. X-Ray Diagnostic Section Chief - K. P. Mblokanov 422 Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, ANSI USSR Moscow Director - V. N. Chernigovskiy Deputy (Scientific) Director - A. A. Volokov (1) Laboratory of Infectious Pathology Chief - A. Ya. Alimov G. N. Kryzhanovskiy (2) Laboratory of Radiobiology Chief - N. N. Lebedev 423 Institute of Nutrition, AMS, USSR, Moscow Director - O. P. Molchanova Radiobiology Laboratory Chief - G. P. Yeremin Consultant - G. K. Shlygin M. F. Nesterin 424 Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ministry of Health, RFSR, Moscow Director - L. ? G. Stepanov Laboratory of Pathomorphology Chief - Ye. N. Petrova M. N. Kuznetsova 427 Institute of Pediatrics, AMS, Moscow Director - O. D. Sokolova-Ponomareva (1) Radiobiology Laboratory Head - L. A. Shparo T. V. Fokina T. D. Mirimova A-15 mcussuIED (2) Department of Development of the Brain Chief - B. N. Klosovskiy Yu. I. Barashnev Ye, N. Kosmarskaya 428 Institute of Pharmacology, Experimental Chemotherapy, and Chemoprophylaxis, AMS, USSR, Moscow. (Also known as: Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy) Director - V. V. Zakusov G. Ya. Kivman 1. Laboratory of Specific Pharmacology Head - V. V. Zakusov G. S. Koroza 429 State Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapy, Ministry of Health, USSR,- Moscow Director - A. N. Obrosov M. E. Manikov Ye. I. Rozenblit 431 Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, Ministry of Health, USSR, Moscow Director - D. D. Fedotov Department of Neurology Chief - I. K. Zyuzin IC S. Zaychkina 433 Institute of Therapy, AMS, USSR, Moscow Director - A. L. Myasnikov Ye. V. Erina N. I. Gorbarenko V. S. Klimov V. Ye. Ostapkovich E. P. Stepanyan Biophysics Laboratory Head - M. N. Fateyeva Ye. A. Denisova 436 Moscow Oblast Scientific Research Clinical Institute imeni M. F. Vladimirskiy, Moscow, USSR Director - P. M. Leonenko Department of Pathomorphology Chief - S. B. Vaynberg Yu. G. Yudin 452 First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute imeni I. M. Sechenov, Moscow Director - V. Kovanov G.: A. Avrunina N. G. Darenskaya M. P. Domshlak Yu. G. Grigoriyev M. N. Livanov A-16 UNCLACGIVIED (1) Department of General Hygiene V. la. Gblikov 1- /- GUsarOV (2) Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases Head - V. A. Rakhranov V. S. Minasov (3) Faculty Therapeutic Clinic Chief, - V. N. Vinogradov A. L. Syrkin 454 Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute, Ministry of Health, RSFSR, Moscow , Director - G. N. Beletskly Department of Roentgenology and Radiology Director - N. A. Shekhter N. A. Zhizhina 457 Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov President - I. G. Petrovskiy L. B. Levinson N. V. Pankova G. G. Polikarpov N. I. Shapiro (1) Physiopathology Institute 0. V. Popov (2) Faculty of Agricultural Biology E. G. Lomovskaya Ye. I. Vorob'yeva (3) Department of Animal Biochemistry Chairman - B. A, Kudriashov A. V. Golubtsova E. V. Moiseyenko M. I. Safronova (4) Department of Biochemistry G. V. Andreyenko G. G. Bazaziyan M. V. Kirzon NL G. Pshennikova (5) Department of Genetics S. I. Isayev (6) Department of Biophysics Chief - B. N. Tarusov E. S. Elkhovska K. D. Kalantarov V. G. Khonazuk V. I. Korogodin Yu. A. Kriger A. S. Molchalina I. A. Notuzova G. V. Sumarukov Chair of Histology N. V. Belitsina ? Ye. S. Kilpichnikova, L. V. 01'shevskaya (7) A-17 UNCLS5IY. State Institute of Oncology imeni P. A. Gertsen Moscow Director - A. N. Bovikov (1) DepartMent of X-Ray Diagnosis (2) Department of Clinical and Experimental Anesthesiology (3) Department of Virology (4) Department of Histopathology (5) Division of Radiation Therapy (6) Department of Roentgenology 470 State Scientific Research Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology imeni V. M. Molotov, Ministry of Health, RSFSR, Moscow Director - I. G. Lagunova V. V. Dmokhovskiy K. M. Malenkova V. S. Matov D. S. Mitskevich (1) Organization and Methodology Section Chief - V. P. Vikturin A. V. Frolova I. Ye. Pasynkova T. S. Selstskaya E. Ye. Troitskiy (2) Radiology Department Chief - A. V. Koilova A. P. Belousov M. Ya, Chaykovskaya N. N. Garvey I. S. Kas'yanov A. A. Klimenko N. P. Mordvinova A. I. Morozov A. Z. Nagrodskaya O. S. Sergel' A. V. Shubina I. B. Tsybul'skiy G. N. Yelapt'yeva M. P. Yeleazarova G. A.,Zubovskiy Ye, A. Zuykova Roentgenotherapeutic Department Chief - L. D. Podlyashchuk A. I. Ruderman V. B. Zayrat'yants L. M. Sherman Pathomorphological Department Chief - B. N. Mogil'nitskiy Department of Experimental Pathology Chief - V. P. Shekhonin V. B. Zayrat'yants 4137 Odessa Scientific Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases imeni Ye. S. Glavche, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR Director - S. I. Natuskov idl (3) (4) (5) MIGLASSIFIED 1. Department of Dermatology Chief - G. I. Lauda A. M. Kharchenko I. N. Vinokurov 494 Odessa Medical Institute, Ministry of Health, Ukrainian SSR Director - A. N. Motenko (1) Chair of Roentgenology and Radiology Head - Ye. D. Dubovyy D. Baldandozh K. G: Tagibekov (2) Chair of Pharmacology Head - S. V. Tsyganov (3) Propadeutic Surgical Clinic Head - I. Ya. Meyneka K. G. Tagibekov 498 Ukrainian Experitental Institute of Eye DiSeases and TiSsue Therapy imeni V. P. Filatov, Odessa Former Director,- V. P. Filatov, deceased 1956 Present Director - N. A. Puchkovskaya I. F. Kovalev 554 -Biological Research Station imeni A. O. Kavalevskiy,AS, USSR, Sevastopol', Crimea, RSFSR Director - V. A. Vodyanitskiy G. G. Polikarpov 561 Smolensk Medical Institute, Smolensk, RSFSR Director - G. M. Starikov V. A. Shkapina 571 Stalinabad Medical Institute imeni Abuali Ibn Sino (Avicenna), Stalinabad, Tadzhik SSR Director - Kh. D. Gadzhiyev Ii. Kasymov 589 Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy, Sukhumi Director - 1. A. Utkin Scientific Director - B. A. Lapin 1. Laboratory of Radiology L. F. Semenov 591 Institute of Biology, Ural Affiliate, AS, USSR, Sverdlovsk Director - N. V. Timofeyev-Resovskiy. V. G. Kulikova N. V. Luchnik E. A. Timofeyeva-Resovskaya A-19 UNCLASSIFIED 596 Sverdlovsk Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, RSFSR R. V. Bessarobova T. Kazantseva V. A. Mikbaylova I. Ye. Okonishnikova G. A. Frokopenko A. A. Yudeles 1. Laboratory of Radiobiology O. I. Komarova 666 Tomsk Medical Institute, RSFSR Director - S. P. Khodkevich (1) Chair of Surgery of the Sanitation Faculty Head - K. N. Cherepnin V. N. Agafonova (2) Chair of Pathological Anatomy Head - I. V. Toroptsev N. V. Sokolova 702 Voronezh Roentgeno7Radiological and Oncological Institute, RSFSR Director - M. P. Abakumov I. I. Grigor'yev (Sochi) 720 Institute of Physiology, Armenian AS Yerevan Radiobiology Laboratory T. T. Adunts I'S. M. Avakyan G. G. Demirchoglyan A. B.Tsypin V. A. Tumanyan ? 726 Scientific Research Institute of Blood Transfusion, Ministry of Health, Armenian SSR Ddrector - R. O. Yeolyan S. N. Allaverdyan I. A. Yerzinkyan (Possibly in institute 729) 729 Scientific Research Institute of Roentgenology and Oncology, Ministry of Health, ArmenianSSR, Yerevan Director - V. A. Fanardzhyan R. K. Arutyunyan A. G. Beglaryan I. G. Demirchoglyan K. A. Kyandaryan M. A. Movsesyan S. A. Papoyan ; S. G. Shukutyan I. A. Yerziayan (See institute 726) A. A. Zagatskaya A-20 UNCLACGIFIED APPENDIX B RESEARCH PERSONNEL (The numbers are keyed to the institutes listed in appendix A.) ABASOV: I. T. - 57 ABDULAYEV, G. M. - 392 ABDUIAYEV: M. D. ABDULLINA: G. Z. ABDULLINA: R. N. - ABGAROV: V. I. ADUNTS, G. I? ADUNTS: T. T. - 720 AGAFONOVA: V. N. - 666 AGARKOV: F. T. AGLINTSEV: K. K. AGRARAT: V. Z. AGRANENKO: V. A. - 392 AEHMEROV: N. Sh. -124 AKSENOVA: O. V. - 392 AIADZHALOVA: N. A. - 328 "ALEKSANDROV: S. N. - 326 AIEKSANDROVA: M. F. ALEKtANDROVSKAYA: M. M. ALEKSIYEVA: V. M. - 2E3 ALESHKINA: Ya. A. - 366 ALIKHANYAN: S. I. - 357 ALLAVERDYAN: S. N. - 726 AMIRAGOVA: m. d. AMOSOV: I. S. ANDREYENKO: G. V. - 457 ANDREYEVA: O. S. ANDREYEVA Ye. I. ANDRIYASHiVA: N. 14.-240 AMDURSKAYA: N. M. - 167 ANTONOV: A. A. - 238 ABAKELOV: O. G. - 328 ARBUZOV: S. Ya. ARDASHNIKOV: S. N. r 241 .ARC EW V. A. - 384 ARKHIFOV: A. S. - 414 ARKHIPOV: L. K. - 414 ARLASHCHENKO: N. I. ARSEN'YEVA: ...A, - F ARTAVONOVA: V. A. - 408 AMYUKHIVA: N. I. ARUTYUNOV: V. D. - 278 ARUTYUNYAN: R. K..- 729 ASIANOVI K. G. - 40 ASTAUROV: B. L. - 326 AVAKYAN: Ts. M. - 720 AVRUNINA: G. A. - 414, 452 AYRAPETYANTS, M. G. AZERBAIDZHAN: M. M. - 57 BAGRAMYAN: E. R. BAKHUSOV: N. K. - 250 BALABUKHA: V. S. BALASHKO: Yu. G. BALASHOVA: A. N. . BALDANDOZH: D. - 494 BALMUKHANOV: S. B. - El 0 BARAKINA: N. F. BARANOVA: E. F..- 414 BARASHNEV: Yu. I. - 427 BARBASHOVA: Z. I. - 225 BARKAGAN: T. S. - K BAVRO: G.' V. EAZAZ'YAN: G. G. - 457 BEGLARYAN: A. G. - 729 BELEN'KAYA: S. Ye. BELGOVSKIY: VI. L. -328 BELITSINA: N. V. - 457 BELITSKIY: A. S. BELIYAYEVA: B. F. -392 BELLE: Ya. S. - BELOBORODOVA: N. L. - 414 BELOUSOV: A- P. - 470 BELOUSOV: A. Z. - 398 BELOUSOVA: 0. I. BELYAYEVA: B. F. - 392 BENEVOLENSKIY: V. N. - 328 BENTSIANOVA: V. M. BERKUTOV: A. N. - 280 BERKUTOVA: I. D. BESSAROBOVA: R. - 596 BEYBUTOV: Sh. M. - 57 . BEYLIN: I. B. .-J BIBERGAL': A. V. - 328 BINUS: N. M. - M BIRYUKOV: D. A. - 238 BLINOV: V. A. BLOKHIN: N. N. - 211.9.,410 BLOKHINA: V. D. B-1 BLOKHINA: V. P. - 327 BOBKOV: A. I. BOCHKAREV: V. BODROVAYA: E. A. - 414 BOGOMOLETS: O. A. BOGOYAVLENSKAYA: M. P.-392 BOLDYSHEVA: G. M. - 392 BORISOV: Ye. V. BORISOVA: I. G. BOVIN: V. V. BRADMAN: L. A. - I BRAGINA: A. N. - G BRAUN: A. D. - 240 BRESLAVETS: L. P. - 328 BRODSKAYA: I. A. - 173 BRODSKIY, V. Ya. - 326 BRUMSHTEYN: V. N. BRYUKHANOV: O. A. BUDILOVA: Ye. V. - 328 BUDKO: L. M. BUDNITSKAYA: Ye. V. BUKETTOYAROVA: Z. M. BURLAKOVA: E. V. BURMISTROV: V. M. - J BURYKINA, L. N. - 414 BUTOKO: N. V. - J BUZINIp P. A. - 236 BYALKO: N. E. - 414 BYCHKOVSKAYA: I. B. - 236 CHAREULIp Ye. I. OHAYKOVSKAYA: M. Ya. -470 CHEBOTAREV: K. Ye. CHEBOTAREV: Ye.Ye.-10r.167 CHEPINOGA: 0. P. - 162. =RERUN: K. N. - 666 CHERKASOV: V. F. - 236 CHERKASSEIY: L. A. - 236 CHERNICHENKOp V. A. CHESNOKOVA: A. P. CHOCHIYA: K. N. - 236 CHUBAKOV: A. A. CHUCHUKALO: A. I. CHZHU CHZHUN LIN - 280 DANILENKO? A. I. - 167 DARENSKAYA? N. G. - 452 ?DAVIDOVA, I. N. - 236 DEBORIN, G. A. - 327 DEMBROVSKIY? NL A. DEMIRCHOGLYAN, G. G. - 720 DEMIRCHOGLYAN, I. G. - 729 WISOVA, Ye. A. - 225-433 DENISONOVAI Z. V. -225, DETLAF) T, A. - 326 DEYNEKA, I. Ya. - 11.914 DMOKHOVSKIY, V. B. - 470 DOLIVA-DOBROVOL'SKAYA? L. B. DOLIVO-DOBROVOLSKIY, L.B.-398 DOLGACBEV, I. P. DOMAREVA, 0. P. - 331 DOMSHLAK, M. P. - 452 DROBKOV, A. A. DROGICHINA) E. A. - 414 DRYZ'KO? G. F. DUBININ? N. P. - B, 328 DUBOVYY, Ye. D. - 494 DUPLISHCHEVA, A. P. - 408 DURMISWYAN) M. G. - 398 D'YACHENKO? M. N. - A DYKHNO, A. M. -216 DZANTIEV) V. G. DZYUBKO N. Ya. 182 EKZERTSEV0 V. Z. - 333 IWGORT? P. E. - 40 ELKHOVSKAYA? E. S. - 457 EMANUEL', N. M. ENGEL'GARDT? V. A. P EPSHTEYN? S. F. - 162 ERINA, Ye. V. - 433 ENLEKSOVA? E. V. EYDUS, L. Kh. - 328 FALEYEVA, Z. N. - 326 FANARDZHYAN) V. A. - 729 FARBER, V. B. FATEYEVA, M. N. - D, 433 FAYNSHTEYN, F. E. FEDOROVA, I. V. - 236 FEDOROVA) T. A. FEDYUSHIN, M. P. FILATOV, V. I. - J FILLIPPOVAI Yu. N. ?arreterseaRn?_ FISHEVSKAYA, E. A. FOKINAI T. V. - 427 FRADKIN) G. Ye. FRANK, G. M. - 328 FROLOVA? A. V. - 470 FUNSBTEYN, L. V. - 236 GABELOVA? N. A. - 328 GALANIN? N. F. GALKOVSKAYA, K. F. 236 GAL'TSOVA? R. D. GAMALEYA? A. N. - 278 GAMBASHIDZE0 G. M. GANASSI, Ye. A. -328 GARSIASHVILI? E. T. GARVEY, N. N. - 470 GELTON? I. A. - 414 GENIS, Ye. D. GERSHENZON, S. M. - 351 GINSBURG, I. S. GINTSBURG, M. B. - M GLAKOVSKAYA? K. F. - 236 GLAZUNOV, I. S. GLUSHCHENKO, I. Ye. - 331 GODIN, V. P. - 398 GOLDBERG, M. Bo GOLIDSHTEYN? L. M. DOWDSHTEYN, M. I. GOLIKOV, G. T. -J,280 GOLIKOV, V. Ya. - 452 GOLOVNIKOVA) I. N. - 14.114 GOLUBEVp V. G. - 396 GOLUBITSKAYA, M. B. - 241 GOLUBTSOVA, A. V. - 457 GONCHARENKO? N. Po 40 GORBARENKO, N. I. _,.I:, 433 GORBATYUK? N. V. - 216 GORBUNOVA, I. M. GORIZONTOV, P. D. - N GORODETSKAYA? S. F. GORODETSKIf, A. A. -167 GORODINSKIY? S. M. - 414 GORSHKOV) S. I. - 398 GRAFOV, A. A. GRANIL'SHCHIKOV, V. P. GRAYEVSKAYA, B. M. - 236 GRAYEVSKIY) E. Ya. - 326 GRIGOWYEV, I. I. - 702 GRIGOWYEV, Yu. G. - 452 GRIGORYANTS? A. N. ? B-2 ? GRINYUK, N. A. GRISHCHENKO? /e. D.-414 GRODZENSKIY) D. E. -361 GROMAKOVSKAYA, M. M.-328 GRUNT, T. - 406 GRUZINA? P. L. GUREVICH, I. B. - 392 GUSAROV, I. I. - 452 GUSEV? N. G. - 414 GUSEV) V. GUS'KOVA? V. N. - G GYURDZHIYAN) A. A.-278 IGNATIEV, A. I. IL'CHEVICH? N. V. -167 IL'YINA, L. I. ISACHENKO, V. B. - 238 ISAYEV, B. M. N ISAYEV, S. I. - 457 ISTOMINA) A. G. IVANITSKAYA? A. F.-326 IVANITSKAYA, Ye.A.-328 IVANITSKIY, A. M. IVANOV, A. Ye. IVANOV, I. I. - 274 IVAN0V0 K. P. - 113 IVANOV, N. I. - 414 IVANOVA? T. A. IZERBINA, A. G. IZVEKOVA, A. V. - 408 KABGRNEYEVA, L. I. KACHUR, L. A. - 236 KAIAMKAROVA, M. B.-328 KALANTAROV, K. D. -457 KALASHNIKOV, B. P.-270 KALENOVA, S. D. - C KALINOVA? R. S. KALUGIN, K. S. KALUGINA, V. I. - C KANAREVSKAYA, A. A. KANAVETZ, O. L. - 328 KARAVAYEV, F. M. KARELINA? Z. M. KARIMOVA, F. S. - 40 KARPOVA? E. V. - 236 KASAVINA, B. S. - 399 KASHCHENKO, L. A.-236 KAWYANOV? I. S. -470 KASYMOV, Kh. 571 KAULEN, D. R. KAVETSKIY, R. Ye.-167-1.82 KAYUSHIN0 L. P. - 328 KAZAKEVICH? M. A. - 14.114 KAZANTSEVA) T. I. - 596 KEDROVA? Ye. M. - 406 KEIRIM-MARKUS, I. B. KEROVA? N. I. - 167 KEYLINA, R. Ya. - 236 KHALFEN, E. Sh. KHAMAIDE, L. L. - 328 KHANIN, A. G. KHARCHENKO? A. M. - 487 KHENOKH, M. A. - 334 KHILOBOK, I. Yu. - 162 KHOLIN, V. V. - 268 KHOLNOYA, E. A. KHOMUTOVS'KIY, 0. A.-167-175 KHONAZUK, V. G. - 457 KHOZAK, L. Ye. KHROMOV, B. M. KHRULEVAI L. N. - 332 KHVOSTOV, N. N. - 398 KHVOSTOVA, V. V. - 328 KHVOYNITSKAYA, M. A. - 179 KINONOV, P. V. --278 K1RICHINSKIY? B. R. KIRPICHNIKOVA, Ye. S. - 457 KIRZON, M. V. - 457 KISELEV? P. N. - 236 KISHKOVSKIY? A. N. KITAYEVA? O. N. - 331 KIVMAN, G. Y. - 428 KIEMPARSKAYA? N. N. KLIMENKOp A. A. - 470 KLIMENKO? 0. S. KLIKOV? V. S. - D, 433 KLIMOVA, A. Ya. KLIMOVA? Ye. N. ELOSOVSKIY, B. N. - 427 KIYUGHAREV? L. A. - J ECCHETKOVA? T. A. - 414 KOLEWK00 A. B. KOLODY, E. N. - 328 KOLOMIYCHENKO, M. A. - 162 KOMAROV, Ye. I. - 236 KOMAROVA? 0. I. - 596 KOMETIANI, P. A. KONDAKOVA N. V. - 328 KONDRAT?41A? I. N. KONDRAT'YEVA? T. M. - 236 KONDROR? V. I. - 398 KONNOV? A. I. KONONENKO, A. M. - 236 KONSTANTINOV, A. A. KONSTANTINOVA? M. N. - 326 KONSTANTINOVA, M. S. - 225 KONSTANTINOVA? V. V. KOPYLOVA) Ye. N. KORCHAK, L. I. - 326 KORENEVSKIY, L. I. KORNILOV, A..N..- J. KOROGODIN? V. I. - 457 KOROL9? S. A. KOROTKOV? M. M. - 328 KOROZA, G. S. - 428 KOSMARSKAYA, Ye. N. 427 KOVALEV, I. F. - 498 KOVALEV, Ye. Ye. KOZAK, V. A. - 167 KOZLOV, M. Ya. - 268 KOZLOVA, A. V. - 384-470 KOZLOVA? I. A. KOZNOVA, L. B. KRASIVNIKOV, N. A. 333 KRASNOVA, A. I. KRASNYKH, I. G. KRAVCHENKO, A. A. - 155 KRAYEVSKIY, N. A. - 384 KRESTINSKAYA, T. V. - 264 KREYNIN, L. S. J KRIGER, Yu. A...- 457 KRISS, A. Ye. - 333 KROTKOV, F. G. - G, 384 KRUSHCHEV, V. G. KRYZHANOVSKIY? G. N. - 422 KUDRIASHOV, B. A. - 457 KUDRIISKIY, Yu. K. - 236 KULESHOVA? V. A. KULIKOVA0 G. G. - 591 KUPRIYANOVA, V. M. - G KURLYANDSKAYA, E. B. -414 KURSANOV, A. L. KURSHAKOV? N. A. - N KUSHNER, Kh. F. - 331 KUSHNEVA, V. S. - 414 KUSTANOVICH, S. D. - J KUZIN? N. - 328 KUZ'MENKO, 1. A. - J KTIZNETSOV, S. I. -.333 KUZNETSOV, V. I. KUZNETSOVA, L. V. KUZNETSOVA, M. N. - 424 B-3 KUZNETSOVA? N. N. - 331 KVALASHVILI? A. A. KVASOVA, S. I. KYANDARYAN, K. A. - 729 LAGNO) Z. Ya. - H LAGUNOVA? I. G. - 470 LAGUTINA, N. Ye. - 392 LAPINSKAYA) E. M. - 334 LAPTEVA-POPOVA, M. S.-414 LARINA? M. A. LAYNE, V. F. - LAZAREVA, D. N. - H LEBEDEV, N. N. - 422 LEBEDEVA? G. D. LEBEDEVA, N. K. - 406 LEBEDEVA, O. P. LEBEDINSKIY) A. V. N LEBEKHOV P. I. LEMAZHIK6, B. E. - 328 LEMBERG, V. K. LESHCHINSKIY, V. A. - LETAVET, A. A. - 414 LEV, I. D. -280 LEVIN, G. S. -.0 LEVINSON, L. B. - 328-457 LEVOCHKIN, F. G. LEYPUNSKIY, O. I. LIBENZON, R. Ye. LIBERMAN, A. N. - 280 LIBERMAN, Ya. A. - 328 LINEVICH? T. B. - 414 LINKAN, I. F. LIPATOVA, N. Ya. - 226 LIPKANI N. F. - 167 LITVINOV0 N. N. - 384 LIVANOV? M. N.-N? 238-452 LIVSHITS, N. N. - 238 LOMONOS? P. I. LOMOVSKAYA? E. G. - 457 LOPATNIKOVA, Z. F. LUBENSKIY? Yu. M. - 216 LUCHNIK, N. V. - 591 LUGANOVA, I. S. - 249 LUK'YANCHENKO? B. Ya. LUK'YANOV? G. I'VOVA) M. LYAPIN? Ye. N. LYSINA? G. G. - 179 MAXARYCHEVA, R. I. - 384 MAKULOVA? I. D. - 250 MALENKOVA, K. M. - 470 MALOV, G. A. - 398 MANAMTAVRISHVILI? D. G. MAMUL9? Ya. V. - 328 MANIKOV: M. E. - 429 NANOYLOV, SO Ye. - 236-113 NARCHUK, R. Ya, MABEY, A. N. - 414 MARGULIS? U. Ya. - 328 MARKARYAN, M. K. J MARKOVICH, V. V. - 182 MASLOVA? M. N. - S MATOV, V. S. - 470 MATUZ0V, N. I. - J mATvEYEv,, o. G. - 236 MAYOROV? F. P. - 226 MAYZEROV, Ye. S. IJETWIK, M. R. PIWNICHENKO, A. V. NOEULOV? A. I. MERKULOVAp I. P. - 173 METER$ I. D. MENSEL M. N. - 333-328 MIKHAYLOVA, N. G. 11INHAILOVAI V. A. - 596 MIEHAYLOVICH? Boris MIZHAYLOVICH, S. M. NIgIASHEVSKIY, V. Ye. MINASOV, V. S. - 452 MINAYEV, P. F. - 328 M1RIMOVA, T. D. - 427 NER'SALIMOV, M. M. MISHUSTIN, Ye. N. - 333 MISLENKO, V. A. - 179 MITSNEVICH, D. S. - 470 MODESTOV, V. K. NECIWNITSKIY, B. N. - 470 NMISEYENKO, E. V. - 457 NDISEYEV? Ye. A. MEICHALINA, A. S. - 457 MDLOKANOV, K. P. - 414 1400DVINOVA, N. P. - 470 mal0Wp Ye. G. NOROZOV, A. I. - 470 MONOZOV, B. B. MOSHARIV, A. I. MOSNAINVp Yu. I. MOTTEOVA, I. A. - 457 MOVSESYAN: M. A. - 729 MUSHINA-DDGODSKAYA, L. N.- ? UNCLACCIFIED ,MERATT V. N. .MrTAREVA,L. V - NAGRODSKAYA, A. Z. - 470 NAVASHIN, M. S.' NAZARISHVILI, a. P. NAZAROV, V. A. NECHAYEV, I. A. - 331 NEMKIN, M. N. J NENTSOVA, O. L. NESTERIN, M. F. - 1.23. NEVIER, A. - 236 NEVSKAYA, G. F. NEYFAKH? A. A. - 326 NIKITENKO, R. p. 167 NIKITENKO, V. V. - 414 NIKITINA, K. I. - 236 NIKOLAYEVA, N. V. .,392 NIZHNIK, G. V. - 328 NOVIKOV? Yu. V. - 398 NOVIKOVA, A. P. NUMDIN, N. I. - 331 OGANESYAN? A. A. - 729 OKONISHNIKOVA, I. Ye.-596 OKULOV, N. M.. - 236 OLEYNIKOVA, T. N. - 167 OL'SHEVSKAYA, L. V. - 457 OMEL'UNENKO, L. M. - 384 ORESHKO, V. F. - 398 ORLOV, A. S. - 236 ORLOVA, L. V. - 4o6 OSIPOV? Ye. OSIPOVA, V. G. - 414 OSTAPKOVICH, V. Ye. - 433 OTAROVA, G. K. - 328 OYVIN: I. A. K PALLADIN, A. V. -162 PANDRE, Ye. M. - PANKOVA, N. V. - 328-457 PAPOYAN, S. A. - 729 PARKHOMENKO, G. M. - 414 PASECHNIK? A. M. - 333 PASYNKOVA, I. Ye. - 470 PASYNSKIY, A. G. - 327 PAVLOV, B. V. - 226 PAVLOVA, Ye. ?B. - 361 384 PAVLOVSKAYA? T. Ye. B-4 PERUMOVA, N. D. PETERSON, O. P. PETROV, R. V. PETROV, V. A. - 236 PETROVA, A. S. PETROVA, O. N..- 331 PETROVICH, I. K. PETROVSKY, I. G. - 457 PIGALEV, I. A. PINCHUK, V. G. - 184 PINIGAN, M. A. - 398 PINUS, A. A. PIONTKOVSKIY, I. A. -332 PITSKHELAURI, G. Z. PLOKHOY? V. I. - 328 PLYSHEVSKAYA, Ye. G.-328 POBEDINSKIY, M. N.-21G-236 PODLYASHCHUK, L. D. - 470 POGODAYEV, K. I. - 332 POLENKO, V. K. - 278 POLEZHAYEV? A. B. - 236 POLIKARPOV? G. G.-457-554 POLIVODA? A. I. - 328 POLIVODA? B. I. - 398 POLUBOYARINOVA, E. I. POLYAK, B. L. - J POLYAKOV, V. P. - 4o6 POKERANTSEVA? M. D. - 331 PONOMARENKO, N. Ye. - 236 PONOMARKOV?'V. I. POPEL?, L. V. POPLAVSKIY, N. K. - 236 POPOV, O. V. - 457 POSHERSTNIK: S. Yu. PRIGOZHINA, Ye. L. - 241 PROKOFEYEVA-BELGOVSKAYAAA. PROKOPENKO, G. A. - 596 PROKUDINA, Ye. A. - 236 PRUSHIN, Ya. PSHENNIKOVA, M. G. - 457 PUSHNITSYNA? A. D. - 236 RABINOVICH, R. M. RABKINA? A. Ye. - 361 RAEHMANOV, V. A. - 452 RAPOPORT: I. A. RAPOPORT, S. Ye. - 328 RAUSHENBAKH, M. O. - 392 RAVDONIK, K. S. RAZGOVOROV, B. L. RED KINA? Ye. K. - 414 REYNBERG, S. A. - 384 RODINA, R. I. - 392 RODIONOV, V. - 406 ROGACHEVA, E. D. ROGACHEVAI L. S. 392 ROGOZKIN, V. D. ROKOTOVA: N. A. ROMANOV, L. R. - G ROMANOVA, Ye. S. G ROMANTSEV, Ye. F. ROMANYUK, N. M. - 182 ROSTOTSKIY? B. E. - 366 ROTFELT, L. S. - 249 ROZEN, V. B. ROZENBLIT, Ye. I. ROZMAN? I. M. RUBANOVSKAYA, A. A. - 414 RUBINSHTEYN, Ya. G. - J RUDERMAND A. I. - 470 RUSANOV? A. M. - 236-274 RUSETSKIY, I. I. - 124 RYUMINA, Ye. N. - 398 RYZHKOVA, M. N. - 414 SAFRONOVA, M. I. - 457 SAKHATSKAYA, T. S. SAMOKHVALOVp N. V. SAMOSHKINAp N. A. SAMTSOV, V. I. - J SAMUNDZHANp Ye. M. - 167 SANOTSKIY; V. A. - N SAUROVp M. M. SAVITSKIYp I. V. - R SAYTANOVp A. O. - 414 ? SBITNEVAp M. F. SCHASTNYYp V. A. SEITZ, I. F. SELETSKAYAp T. S. - 470 SELIVERSTOVAp L. A.-333 SEMENOV: E. M. - 238 SEMENO4p L. F. - 236-589 SEMENOVA, Ye. M. - 238 SEMENSKAYA, Ye. M. SEMGINp V. N. SEMINA, V. A. - 236 SEREBROVp A. I. - 241 SERGEL?, O. S. - 470 SERGENEV, S. N. J SERGIEVp G. B. SEVERTS0Vp A. N. - 326 SHABAD, L. M. - 241 SHABADASH, A. L. - 328 SHAL?N0V? M. I. SHAMOV, V. P. SHAMSHINA? Ye. V. - 392 SHAPIRO, I. M. - 326 SHAPIRO, N. I. - 328-457 SHATERNIKOV? V. A. SHCHEPOT'YEVA? Ye. S. SHCHERBANI E. I. - 236 SHCHERBAKOV, N.-I. J SHCHERBAKOV, V. L. SHEKHTER, N. A. - 454 SHEKRIMAN, Ya. L. - 328 SHEPSHELEVICH, L. L. - 392 SHERMANs L. M. - 470 SHERSHEVERp S. M. SHIFFERs I. V. - 236 SHLYHIN, D. M. - 328 SHIKHODYROV, V. V. SHIMANOVSKAYA, K. B. -236 SHISHLYANNIKOVA, L. I. -J SHITIKOVAp M. B. - 392 SHKAPINAp V. A. - 561 SHLYGIN, G. K. - 423 SHNOW? S. Ye. - 384 SHPARO, L. A. - 427 SHRAMENKOp A. I. SHTERNp L. S. - 328 SHTUKKENBERGp Yu. M. SHTURMs L. D. - 333 SHUBINAp A. V. - 470 SHUKURYANp S. G. SHUKUTYANp S. G. - 729 SHUR'YANp I. M. ?-? 167 SHVARTSERp I. V. - 40 SICHARENKOp O. A. SIDORIKp Ye. P. - 182 SIDOROVp V. N. - 328 SI4ONENK00 D. L. SIMONOVp P. V. - 278 SIMONOVICHp N. M. SINENKOp L. F. SIPOVSKIYp P. V. - 268 SISAKYANp N. M. - 327 SIVACHENKO, T. P. SIVERTSEVAp V. N.- 236 SIZENKOp S. P. - 182 SKLYANDSKAYAp Ye. I. SKOPINAp S. B. - 392 SKURKOVICHp S. V. - 392 B-5 SKVIRSKAYA, K. B. - 236 SLEPOVI A. A. - 328 SUNK?, V. G. SMIRNOVA-ZAMKOVA, A. I. SNEZHKO? A. D. - 328 SOBOLEV, V. I. SOKOLOV, M. V. - 328 SOKOLOV, S. S. - 268 SOKOLOV, Yu. N. - 384 SOKOLOVA, N. V. - 666 SOLOV'YEVAI Ye. A. - 414 SONDAK0 V. A. - 328 SOROKINA? M. I. - 326 SOSOVAp V. G. SPASOKUKOTSKIY2 Yu. A. SPASSKAYAp I. G. - 241 SPEKTOR? Ye. B. - 399 STEFANOVAp M. 14. - 274 STEPANOVAp V. I. - 414 STEPANYANs Ye. P. - DI 433 STETSENKO, N. D. - 167 STOLYAROVA, L. B. - 167 STOROZHENKO, E. P. - G STRASHININ, A. I. - 236 STRAZHEVSKAYA, N. B. - 328 STRELINp G. S. - 236-264 STREL'TSOVA, V. N. STRUTSOVSKAYA, S. V. .* 236 SUKHAREV, V. V. SUKHOVp K. S. - 331 SUMARUKOVp G. V. - 457 SUYETINAp I. A.- 326 SYRKINp A. B. SYRKINp A. L. - 452 SYROMYATNIKOVAp N. V. TAGIBEKOVp K. G. - 494 TARASENKOs N. V. TARASENKOp N. Yu. - 414 TARUSOV, B. N. - 457 TEPLYAKOVA, Z. G. C TERMANp A. V. - 384 TERSKOVp I. A. - 216 TILISp A. Yu. - C TIMOFEYEVAp T. A. - 40 TIMOFEYEV-RESOVSKIYp N.V.-591 TIMOFEYEVA-RESOVSKAM,E,A.- TINYAKOVp G. G. - F TKACHp V. K. TOLEYVAp M. N. - 414 TOLKACHEVA, E. N. - 328 TOMSON, N. N. TOPURIYA, Sh. R. TOROPOVA, G. P. TOROPTSEVp 1. V. - 666 TRET"YAKOVA) K. A. - 361 TRINCHER, K. S. - 328 TRIUMFOVA, L. N. - 184 TROITSKIY, E. Ye. - 470 TROITSKIYp V. L. - 408 TRUBACHEV: V. I. - 268 TRUSOVA: N. E. TSENTEROVAp L. G. - 414 TSVERAVAp Ye. N. TSYBUL'SKIY,, I. B. ?- 470 TSYGANKOVs G. M. - J TSYGANOV, S. V. 494 TSYPIN, A. B. - 720 TUL'TSEVA: N. M. - 326 TUMANYANp M. A. - 408 TUMANYAN: V. A. - 720 TURPAYEVp T. M. - 326 TUZHILKOVAp T. N. - 264 UDGODSKAYAp L. N. - 384 UMANSKIY, Yu. A. - 182 USHAKOVA? V. F. - 414 ,USPENSKAYA, M. S. USPENSKAYA: V. D. - 406 USPENSKIY: Yu. N. - 40 UTE/MIN: Ye. V. - ?236 VAKHTANGISHVILIp T. A. VALUYEVAp T. K. - 167 VANNIKOV1 L. L. VASILENKG, Yu. K. VASILEVSKAYAp N. L. - 240 VASILEVSKIY: N. N. - 264 VASILEYSKIY0 S. S. VEKSLER: Ya. I. - J, L VEMHVADZE: R. Ya, VERKHOVSKAYAp I. N. VERSHININp N. I. VERSHININp N. V. - 414 VIKTURIN: V. P. - 470 VINOGRAD-FINKEL'I F. R. - VINOGRADOVA? N. F. - 414 VINOKUROVp I. N. - 487 VLASOVAp Z. A. - 268 JNCLA3SIFIW L. F. VOLKOVAp M. S. - 327 VOLKOVAp N. I. - 414 VOLKOVICHp M. V. - 331 VOLODINAp I. A. VOLOKHOVAp N. A. VOROWYEVI, V. N. - 268 VOROB'YEVAp Ye. I. - 457 VOSKRESENKIY: S. P. YAKOVLEVp V. G. YANSON, Z. Ya. YARMONENKOp S. P. YARUILIN, Kh, Kh. YEFREMOVAp G. P. YEFREMOVA: T. M. YEGOROVAp A. P. YELAPT'YEVA, G. N. - 470 YELEAZAROVA, M. P. 470 YELISEYEVAy A. G. YEMAYKINA) B. P. YEMEWYANOV, K. N. 328 YEREMINt G. P. 423 YERMOLAYEVAp N. V. YERZINKYANp I. A. - 726-729 YUDELES: A. A. - 596 MIN: Yu. G. - 384-436 ZAGATSKAYA1 A. A. - 729 ZAKHAROVp V. M. - 398 ZAKUTINSKIY$ D. I. ZAMYATK1NAp O. G. - 406 ZARETSKAYAs Yu. M. ZAVEL'SEIY, F. S. 398 ZAMBEINA T. S. ?? 431 ZAYRAT'UlfITSp V. B. - 470 ZEDGENIDZEp G. A. ZELENSKIYp N. V. ZEMLYANOVp A. G. - 268 ZHAKHOVAI Z. N. - 240 ZHEBRAK: A. R. ZHGENTIp V. K. ZHGUN, A. A. - 278 ZHIDKOVAp L. V. - 398 ZHIZHINAp N. Z. - 454 392 ZHOGA1 N. A. - 167 ZHOGOVAp V. M. ZEORNO, L. Ya. - 264 ZHUKp Ye. G. J, 280 B-6 ZHULANOVAp Z. I. ZHUHAVIEVp K. I. - 328 ZIL'BERp L. A. - 408 ZIMBERGA Yu. G. - 236 ZLOBINSKIYp B. M. ZUBKOVAp S. R. - 328 ZUBOVSKIY,0 G. A.-470 ZUYKOVAp Ye. A. - 470 ZYKOVAp A. S. ZYUZINp I. K. - 431 UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX C bUBSTANCES-IDWATIGATED FOR PROPHYLACTIC1WE fat crocus thiourea tyramine cysteine ephedrine phenatine glutathione unithiol adrenaline thiophenatine propylphenamine ant ianemin properdin phthivazide cysteineamine cystineamine cysteineamine chloride cysteineamine ascorbate ? cysteineamine nicotinate cysteineamine salicylate N-acetylcysteineamine triacetylcysteineamine tetramethylcystineamine tetraethylcystineamine B-B-dimercaptoethylamine chondroitin sulfate 5-oxy-4-methyl-uracil 5-amino-4-methyl-uracil 5-amino-4-methyl-cytosine adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 2-6-diamino-5-nitro-4-methyl-pyrimidine antireticulocytotoxic serum of Bogomolets (ACS) vitamins (A, Bi, B6, B12, C, folic acid, niacin) S-2-B-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide hydrobromide (Apr) preparation-88 (116-hexamethylenebistrimethyl ammonium iodide) anikhain (piperidylethanol diphenylacetate hydrochloride) para-aminopropiophenone and derivatives preserved tissue (therapy by Filatov method of biogenic stimulators) hyaluronic acid (and its protein complexes) pentoxyl (2,6-dihydroxy-4-methy1-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine) metacyl (216-dihydroxy-4-methyl-pyrimidine) preparation-96 (bis-,49-diethylaminoethylester of mesodiphenylsuccinic acid dihydrochloride) sodium nucleinate (sodium salt of purified nucleic acids obtained by hydrolysis of yeast) leucogen J2-0( -phenyl-c4-carbethoxymethyl)-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic aci.g7 Tezan-25 pyrimidine derivative of unknown structure) AGAINST IRRADIATION yeast uracil validol kampolon phenamine pynestrol cobalt salts acetylcholine methylphenatine methylthiourea phenylethylamine methoxytyramine diethylstilbestrol beta-cytosterol amino-mercaptocaproic acid mercaptocaproic acid methylphenatine phenylphenamine para-aminobenzoldisulfide B-mercaptoethyldiethylamine: sodium chloraphyllin cholinolytic Agents isothiouronic derivatives pyrogallol derivatives: thiodiazole derivatives para-aminobenzoic acid (PARA) mercapto-caffein-ethylamine zymosan (a yeast extract)' dithiocarbamino-acid-ammonia somatotropic hormone (STH) chlorpromazine ("aminazine") C-1 Di Di 8. JPRS-NY/Report 266. 25 Feb 58, Radiobiology in the USSR. Utilization of Radiation and Radioisotopes in Biology and Medicine in the USSR, U 10. UN. A-CONE. 15.P-2263. 23 Jul 58, Sievert, Rolf. M., The Work Of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), 11 11. Morgan, K. Z., "Recent Changes in Maximum Permissible Exposure Values," A. M. A. Archives of Industrial Health, v 16, 1957, p 357-362, U 13, NBS Handbook 59. 24 Sep 54, Permissible Dose from External Sources of Ionizing Radiation, 1J 15. Ministry of Health in Soviet Russia (USSR). Regulations relating to the arrangement, installation and use of X-ray equipment in the institutions of the Ministry of Health, U 16. NE (59)1. 5 Jan 59, Steering Committee for nuclear Energy Basic Standards for Radiation Protection, Organization for European Economic Co-Operation, European nuclear Energy Agency, U 17. Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, adopted 9 Sep 5 U 18. 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Suppl. 17 (A-3838), 1958, Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Official Records: Thirteenth Session, General Assembly, United Nations, New York, 1958, U D-1 25. IAEA. GOV-208. 16 Sep 58, Draft Manual of Practices for Safe Handling of Radioisotopes, Board of Governors, International Atamic-EnergrAgency (Item-11 of the provisional agenda, GOV-196-Rev.1), OFF USE 27. NBS-MEMO, 25 Mat 57, Draft Statement on Irradiation Injury, From L. S. Taylor to Herbert Scoville, U 28. JPRS-747-D. 4 Jun 59, Letavet, A. A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the All-Union Conference on Medical Radiology (Hygienic and Dosimetric Problems Trud Vseso znoy Konferentsii o Meditsinsko 'Radiologii) broprosy Gigiyeny Dozimetrii ,Moscow, Medgizy 1957, U 30. JPRS-NY-L-270. 7 Aug 58, Parkhomenko, G. M., "Sanitary Regulations for Transportation, Storage, Registration and Handling of Radioactive Substances," Gigiyena I Sanitariya, v 23, no 1, 1958, p 43-45, U 32. Glazunov, I. S., Gorizontov, P. D., Zakutinskiy, D. I., Ivanov, I. I., Kanarevskaya, A. A., Krayevskiy, N. A., Kurshakov, M. A., Lebedinskiy, A. V., Peryshkov, V. N., and Shtukkenberg, Yu. M., Radiation Medicine. A Guide for Physicians and Students, Moscow, Medical Press, 1955, u. Book Review, Atomnaya Energiya,, no 2, 1956, p 277-278, (Translation), U 36. Cm1CSch. No. 587, Apr 53, "Standing Operating Procedure for Work Involving Radiation Hazards," The Chemical Corps School, Chemical Corps Training Command, Ft. McClellan, Alabama, U 37. 1Fries, B. A., "Radiological Safety in the Petroleum Industry," The Medical Bulletin, v 18, no 2, 1958, p 209-221, U 38. Gorodinskiy, A. M., and Parkhomenko, Q. M., "Problems of Prophylaxis When Working With Radioactive Isotopes," Gigiyena I Sanitariya, no 4, 1953, p 22-28, V 39. Arkhipov, A. S., "Confere4ce of Soviet Hygiene Institutes on the Problem of Ionizing Radiation," Gigiyena I Sanitariya, no 11, 1955, U 40. JPRS-DC-L-1035. 4 Nov 58, Vikturina, V. P., Troitskiy, E. Ye., Seletskaya, T. S., Frolova, A. V., and Pasynkova, I. Ye., "Concerning the Working Conditions of Personnel in Roentgenological and Radiological Rooms," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 6, 1957, p 82-87, U 41. Rozanov, L. S., "Scientific-Practical Conference on the Problem of Labor Hygiene and Industrial Sanitation," Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, v 1, no 4, -1957, p 54-56, U 43. UK. Factories Acts 1937 and 1948; Factories (Ionizing Radiation), Special Regulations, Factories Acts, 1.937 EGTOTIENGTE7Wra337-11g-------- National Service, London, 1957, U 44. UK. Cmnd. 342, Jan 58, The Organization for Control of Health and Safety in the United Kingdom Atomic Ener Authorit report of the Committee appointed by the Prime Minister, London, U D-2 -14iGithaffigi-LiPERENtr UK. Code of Practice for the Protection of Persons Exposed to Ionizing Radiations, Office Of the Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, Ministry of Health, Department of Health for Scotland and7Ministry'of, HealthUfor Northern Ireland, London, 1957, U 46. UK. Precautions in the Use of Xonizing Radiations in Industry, H. M. Factory Inspectorate, Ministry of Labour and National Service, London, 1957, u 49. AIR. IR-6826-58, Bad Soden Team, USAFE, 3 Sep 58, The Institute of Physiology at the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences, 25-Sep 58; U 50. JPRS-DC-445. 22 Dec 58, Koyranskiy, B. B., "The Problem of Ionization in Labor .Hygiene (summary)," Gigiyena Truda I Professionaltnyye Zabolevaniya, v 2, no 4, 1958, p 5=11, U 51. Mikhaylovich, Boris, Bezopasnost' rabot radioaktivnymi Veshohtstvami (Safety Measures in Handling Radioactive-Substances)i-Moscow, Metellurgizdati-1958i-p-227, U 52. JPRS-453-D. 29 Dec 58, Unsigned Article, "Technology Safety and Labor Protection Work with Radioactive Isotopes," Vrachebnoye Delo, no 3, 1957, p 329-332, U 53. JPRS-1237-N. 9 Mar 59, "Soviet Work on Radiation Hygiene," Gigiyena Sanitariya, no 10, 1958, p 3-92, U 54. Gusev, N. G., "Handbook on Radioactive Radiations and Protection," Spravochnik pa Radioaktivnym Izlucheniyam i Zaschite, MOSCOW) Medgiz, 19560 p 5-127, U 55. JPRS-Report 110. Project NY-2/3, 4 Dec 57, Radiobiology in the USSR, U 57. AIR. IR-247-55, AF 661855, 6 May 55, Russia Helps Hungary and Bulgaria in Nuclear Energy Research, info 30 Apr 55, U 58. Ivanov, I. I., Modestov, V. K., Shtukkenberg, Yu. NL?RomantseV, Ye. F., and Vorob'yev, Ye. I., "Preparation of Specimens for Measuring the Activity of Sr-89," Radioaktivnyu Izotopy v Meditsine i Biologii, Moscow, Medgiz, 1955, p 165-167, 60. "Displays on Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy at USSR Industrial Exhibition," Vsesoyuznaya Promyshlennaya Vystavkal- VYstavka Po IsPol'zovaniyu-Atomney Energii v Mirnykh-Tselyakhi Moscow, Ministry of -Culture; info 1956, p 106, U 61. Author Unknown, "Questions of Medical Radiology Brought Up at the All-Union Conference of Public Health Workers,' Atomnaya Energiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 83-84, (Translation), U 62. Bovin, V. V., and Mosharov, A. I., "Use of DK-p.2 Pocket Dosimeters for Individual Fast-Neutron Dosimetry," Atomnaya Energiya, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 213-214, (Translation), U D-3 63. Author Unknown, At the Atom Pavilion in the All-Union Industrial Exhibition," Atomnaya Energiya, v 2, no 7, 1957, p 835-836, (Translation),? U 64. Author Unknown, *Dosimetric Equipment," Atomnaya Energiya v 2, no 10, 1957, p 1217, (Translation), U 65. Author Unknown, "The Development of Irradiation Facilities and of Apparatus for Radiobiological Work," Atomnaya Energiya, v2, no 10, 1957, p 1223-1225, (Translation), U 66. Samokhvalov, N. V., "The Development and Introduction of Some Radiation Screening and Handling Devices," Atotnaya Energiya, DII Si Di' 81. 4 Dec 57, Official Report of the United States Delegation to the International Conference on Radioisotopes in Scientific Research, Paris, France, 9-20 Sep 1957, u 82. NAVY. London CIR 11-112 1 Nov 57, European Scientific Notes, Office of Naval Research, London, U 84. Yemeltyanov, K. N., "Measurement of the Dose of Slow Electrons in Equivalent Roentgens," Trudy Institute Biologicheskoy Fiziki, no 1, 1955, p 288-292, U 85. Shekhtman, Ya. L., "Problems of Radiation Dosimetry," Truly Institute Biologicheskoy Fiziki, no 1, 1955, p 122-235, U 88. AIR. IR-4900-58, AF-1181873, 23 May 58, New Type of Protective Suit Developed in the USSR, info 11 Apr 58, U 90. AIR. IR-3329-58, AF-1171453, 3 Apr 58, New Apparatus for Opening Containers with Radioactive Liquid - Vilnius, info 22 Mar 58, U 94. AIR. IR-64521 Bad Soden Team, USAFE, 21 Aug 57, Radiation Medicine Section in the All-Union Industrial Exhibition, info Jul 57, U 96. AIR. IR-8554-57, Bad Soden Team, USAF, 5:170v 57, State Institute of Oncology, info 18 Oct 57, U 97. AIR- IR-9338-57/ Bad Soden Team, USAFE, 3 Dec 57, Dosimetrical Apparatuses, info Oct 57, U 98. AIR. IR-1657-56, AF-1011733, 23 Jul 56, Russian Technical Publi- cations - "Medical Problems on Atomic Protection," info 1955, u 101. !2221.11E1112.EL221_22Tpounds With Radioactive and Stable Isotopes c RadioaktIsymi Stabillnymi Isot ami Istochniki IziucheniYa, and Sources of Radiation. (21aLLE911.9=71111p?ELJELL3221LIATIalaa Moscow, 1957, P 3-23/ .13 102. "Safety Control Measures during Work with a Gamma-Ray Defectoscope," Edra._229,, no 3, 1958, p 34-35, u 104. TID-7549, Part I. 31 Oct 57, Reactor,2?:212.2921, jointly sponsored by American Nuclear Society, Atomic Industrial Forum, U.S., Atomic Energy Commission, New York, U 105. Author Unknown, Trud Vsesoyuzno Nauchno-Tdkilnicheskox Konferentsii Pb Primenen Radiosktivn kh I Stabil'nykh Izotapa V Narodnom Khoz 4-12 A r 57) Gamma-Ustanovki Radiometri a I I Izluncheni Poluchenie Izot Dozimetriya Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, v 2, 195 U D-5 UN SSIFIED REFERENCES 107. JPRS-L-578-N, 15 Dec 58,-Utekhin Ye. V., charging' Gadget for Pocket Dosimeters," Meditsins4ya Radiologiya, v 3, no 3, 1958, p'68-69, u 108. JiRS-L-576-N. 15 Dec 58, Istomina, A. G., and Keyirm-Markus, I B., "Experimental Installation for Irradiation of Animals by Neutron Fluxes (ENO-1), Report I," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya? v 3, no 3, 1958, p 51-61, U 109. AIR. IR-7277-58, Bad Soden Team, USAFE, Jul-Aug 58, Scintillating Dosimeters for X-Ray Irradiation, 20 Nbv 58, U 111. Bibergal', A. V., Korotkov, M. M., and Arakelov, O. G., "An X-Ray Source (GIBE-800) for Radiobiological Experiments," Biofizika, v 3, no 1, 1958, p 116-121, (Translation), U 113. AIR. IR-7259-58, AF-1211360, 14 Nov 58, Development of Irradiation Instruments and Equipment for Radio-Biological Research, info Jul-Aug 58, U 115. JPRS-1322-N, 13 Mar 59, Utekhin, Ye. V., "Dosimetry in Irradiation of the Human Head by Gamma Rays," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 3, 1958, p 48-51, U 117. ?UN. A-3858. 23 Jul 58, Effects of Atomic Radiation - An Approach to a General Method of Computing Doses and Effects from Fall-out, Thirteenth Session, General Assembly, United Nations; U 118. Leypunskiy, O. I., "Radioactivity Dangers from Explosions of Pure- Hydrogen Bombs and Ordinary Atomic Bombs,'Atomnaya Energiya, v 3, no 12, 1957, p 530-539, U 120. AFOSR TR 58-104. cIA-9032664, ASTIA AD-162, 246, 29 Jul 58, The Genetic Effects of Cosmic Rays. (Contract AF 49-(638)-51, Final Report-to-the-Air-Force-Office-of Scientific Research, Air Research and Development Command from The University of Texas), U 121. JPRS-Report 191, 26 Jan 58, Shternfel'll Arie Abramevich, Artificial Satellites of the Earth, Moscow, State Publishing House of Technical" and' U 122. HEW-140. 19 Sep 58, A release for 19 Sep 58 on the presence of radioactivity in milk, U.S. Dept.:of-HEW, 'Public 'Health 'Service; Washington-25;-DX., info May-Jul 58, U 123. Lebedinsky, A. V., "Radioactive Fallouts and Their Consequences for Humanity," U 126, AIR. 18 Mar 58, Taylor, Ellis R., "Physical and Physiological Data for Bioastronautics," Air University, USAF School of'Aviation Medicine, Randolph AFB, Texas, U D-6 DO 127. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2130. 8 Aug 58, Chubakov, A. A-, Polikarpov, V.-1., and Kulesbova, V. A., Determination and Analysis of Air Contamination by Airborne Alpha-Emitters of Low ConcentrationyU 128. UN. A-COIF. 15-P-2310. 30 Jul 582 Klechkovsky, V. M., Sokolova, L. N., and Tselishcheva, G. N., The Sorption of Microquantities of Strontium and Caesium in Soils, U 1,30. JS-DC-L-504. 21 Jul 58, Gorshkov, S. I., "Some Problems in Radiation Hygiene Discussed at the All-Union Conference on the Use of Radio- active Isotopes and Radiation," Gigiyena I Sanitariya, no 12, 1957, p 76-78, U 131. AIR. IR-1543-58. AF-1189070, 10 Jul 58 Cosmic Rays and Sputniks, info 1958, U 132. Sep 58, Minutes of the Twelfth General Assembly, The World Medical Association, 15-20 Aug 582 at Christiansborg Palace, Copehhagen, Denmark, info 15-20 Aug 58, OFF USE 133. Dacquisto, Michael P., Jacobus, David P., and McLaughlin, Mary M., "The Hazard of Strontium-90: A Review," Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Dept. of Biophysics, Washington, D. C., no date, U 146, The Hydrogen Bomb. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1957. Printed'by Fosh & Cross Ltd., U 147. Great Britian. AGO 4302-C, Jun 51, Handbook of Atomic Weapons for Medical Officers. (prepared by the Armed Forces 'Medical Policy. Council for the Depts. Army, Navy, and Air Force), U 148. JPRS-NY-Report 895. 5 Nov 58 The USSR Public Health Program U 150. HEW-H82. 25 May 58, U.S. Dept. of HEW, Public Health Service, News Release Regarding Radioactivity in Milk Examined, U 151, UK-AERE. HP-R-2353, Aug 57, Bryant, F. J., Chamberlain, A. C., Morgan, A., and Spicer, G. S., Radiostrontium in Soil, Grads, Milk and Bone in UK, 1956 Results, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, 1957, U 152. UK-ABBE. HP-R-2183, Apr 57, Booker, D. V., Radio-Caesium in Dried Milk, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire, 1957, U 153. UK-AERE. HP-R-2182, 1957, Booker, D. V., Bryant, F. J., Chamberlain, A. C., Morgan, A., and Sidcer, G. S., Radiostrontium Measurement in Biological Materials to Dec 1956, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire 1957, U -12M11=11170--REP22**B6- 154. AIR. IR-1298-56, AF-1008648, 3 Jul 56, Hazards to Man of Nuclear and Allied Radiations, info Jun 56, U 155. State. Desp. 3152, CIA D212829, 29 Apr 55, Cockcroft, John, Radiological Hazards from Nuclear Explosions and Nuclear Power, U 156. State. Desp. 3168, CIA D214419, 2 May 55, British Medical Publication Calls for Ban on Nuclear Tests, U 157. State. Encl. to Desp. 2692, London, 25 Apr 57, Statement on Strontium Hazards, Atomic Scientists Association, U 158. Leipunskii, O. I., "Radioactive Hazard from Continous Atom Bomb Test," Atomnaya Energiya, v 3, no ls 1958, p 63-70, U 159. AIR. IR-316-58, Bad Soden Team, USAFE,? 14 Jan 58, Plankton as an Indicator of Pollution of Fresh Water Reservoirs by Radioactive Substances, info Nov-Dec 57,....... 160. UN. A/AC. 82/GR. 47, Isaev, B. Mo, and Simonenko, D. L. (eds.), Aoademy of Sciences of the USSR- (Preliminary Data on the Effects of Atomic Bomb Explosions on the Concentration of Artificial Radioactivity in the Lower Atmosphere and in the Soil), Moscow, 1956, U 162. NAVY. OEG. Report 78, (CIA 638652), 17 Jul 58, The Effects of Radiation on Populations, prepared by Operations Evaluation Group, Office Chief Naval Operations, U 163. ONRL-67-58. CIA 619699, 9 Sep 58, O'Donoghue, John A. Lausanne Symposium on Noxious Effects of Low Level Radiation U 164, WHO. TR-19581 151, Mental Health Aspects of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Report of a Study Group, World Health Organization Technical Report Series No. 151, WHO, Geneva, 1958, U 165. Fremont-Smith, Frank, The Mental Health Aspects of the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, 6 Mar 58, U 166, Sams, Crawford F., "The Medical Aspects of Radiation Fall-Out- Current Concepts," J.A.M.A., y 166, p 930, 22 Feb 58, U 167. Rand. RM-1956, AF-9o31467, 31 Jan 0, Latter, Albert L., and Plesset, Milton S., Note on the Sr9uHazard, U.S. Air Force Project Rand Research Memorandum, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California, U 169. JPRS-NY-L-441. 26 Nov 58, Lebedeva, G. D., "Plankton - An Indicator of the Pollution of Fresh Water Reservoirs by Radio- active Substances," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 6, 1957, p 65-69, U D-8 DO EN Di' 170. 3PRS-M-L-442. 26 Nov 58, Zhogova, V. 111-, "Certain Data Concerning the Effect of Radioactive Strontium on the Self-Purification Process in Water Reservoirs," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 6, 1957, p 69-72, U 171. Clark, Evert, "Pioneer Indicates Restricted Radiation," Aviation Week, 20 Oct 58, p 20-33, U 173. Marey, A. N., "Hygienic Evaluation of Radioactive Strontium As a Factor in the Contamination of the External Environment, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 5, 1957, p 89-95, U 174, Lebedinskiy, A. V., "On the Consequences of the Fallout of the Radioactive Isotope of Strontium (Sr-90)," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 5, 1957, p 22-32, U 175. JPS-L-577-N. 15 Dec 58, Doliva-Dobrovoliskayal L. B., and Zavel'skiy, F. S., "The Question of Radioactive Potassium Content in Urban Sewage," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, ,v, 3, no 3, 1958, p 65-67, U 176, Xrassovsky, V. I., "The Soviet Exploration of the Ionosphere by Means of Rocket and Sputniks," IGY-CSAGI? 5th Meeting Moscow, 29-31 Aug 58, U 177. UCRL-8115. Jan 58, Tobias, Cornelius A., Radiation Hazards in Space Flight, University of California Radiation.LaboratorY;- " Berkeley,--California, Contract No. Wa-7405-eng-48, U 179. JPRS-L-514-N. 9 Feb 59, Marey, A. N., "Sanitary Protection of Oen 'Water Reservoirs from Contamination by Radioactive Substances," Tr-z-of-A..-N-Mareri-SanitarnaYa-Okhrana-Otkrytykb;Nodoyemov-ot Zagryazneniya Radioektivnymi-Veshchestvami-vp-32,90i-U)- 181. Belonozbko, G. A, Minenko, Aleksey Tefremovich, Brechko, G. T., Danilenko, A. I., Lavrik, V. Yet., Levchuk, G. A., Luganskiy, N. I., Morgunov, I. N., Lokhmatyy, Ye. L., Organization of Medical Services in Connection with Widespread Contamination" and' Injury' of the- - Population',.Ed..A. E. Ninenkoi^Elev Nedgiz-,-USSR, 1957,! 11 494, U 182. Sterner, James H., "Industrial Health in the Atomic EnergY Industry, A.M.A- Archives of Industrial Health, v 17, no 6, 1958, p 659-664, U 183. JPRS-NY/L-33. 10 Mar 58, Akhmerov, U. Sb., "A Case of Radiation Sickness (Total External Beta Irradiation)," Soy. Med., v 21, no 5, 1957, p 123-129, U 184. PHS-DC-L-763. 19 Sep 58, Stepanyan, /e. P., Klimov, V. S., and Gorbarenko, N. I., "The Content of Hyaluronidase and Histamine in the Blood of Persons Exposed to Ionizing Radiation in Industry," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 3, 1957, p 19-23, U D-9 --UNCLAWIFIED REF ' DI CES 185. De Courcy, Kenneth (editor), "Russian Nuclear Tests, Intelligence Digest, no 239, Oct 58,U 186. JPRS-DC-L-274. 13 May 58, Kaznetsov, V. I., and Luk'yanov, G. A., The Condition of the Cardiovascular System During the Chronic Action of? Ionizing Radiation," Voyenno-Neditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 5, 1957, p 15-17, U 187. JPRS:NY-L-208, Omelgyanenko, L. M., "Sequelae and Evaluation of Capacity for Work in Chronic Radiation Sickness," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 5, 1957, p 81-88, U 188. JPS-NY-L-207. 21 May 58, Sergei, O. S., and Klimenko, A. A., "Luminescent Method of Investigating Blood and Bone Marrow in Radiation Sickness," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 5, 1957, p 76-81, U 189. ?aRS-NY-363. CSO NY-1285, 15 Apr 58, Bagdasarov, A. A., Vinograd-Finkel', R. F., Alsenova, O. V., Bogoyavlenskaya, M. P., Boldysheva, G. M., Rodina, R. I., and Skopina, S. B., "The Use of Leukocyte Mass in the Therapy of Chronic Radiation Sickness," Klin. Med., v 33, no 6, 1955, p 28-36, U 192. Stepanyan, E. P., Klimov, V. S., and Gorbarenko, "Concern- ing the Question of Activity of the Enzyme Hyaluronidase in Blood Serum of People Subjected to Chronic Irradiation," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 1, 1957, p 18-23, U 193. TID-5360 (Suppl.). Aug 57, Hayes, Daniel F., A Summary of Incidents Involving Radioactive Material in Atomic Energy Activities, Jan-Dec 56 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, TISE, Oak Ridge; Tenn., U 194, JPRS-NY-L-437. 26 Nov 58, Denisova, Ye. A., "On the Problem Concern- ing the Functional Condition of the Liver in People Having Contact with Radioactive,Substances," Med. Radial., v 2, no 6, 1957, p 44-48, U 195. Khromov, B. M., "Anesthetization in Radiation Sickness," Tr. and printed abridged in Anesthesiology, v 19, no 6, 1958, p 792-797, U 196. Kuznetsov, V. I., Baranov, V. A., Titov, A. I., Fialkovskiy, V. V., Smirnov, K. K., Dovzhenko, G. I., Divnenko, P. G., Goryushin, G. S., Butomo, N. V., Preobrazhenskiy, P. V., and Tikhonov, K. A., "Clinical Symptoms in Persons Exposed for Long Periods to the Action of Ionizing Radiation," Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 2, 1957, p 40-43, U 197. JPRS-L-672-N. 10 Mar 59, Khazanov, M. A., and Korenovskaya, A. A., "Neuritis of the Femoral Nerve of Radioactive Genesis," Sov, Med., 4 22, no 10, 1958, p 116-119, U N n ?? 190. FBIS. Daily Report-89-58, Middle East and West Europe, 7 May 58, Atomic Disaster in Urals Reported, p p5-P6, OFF USE D-10 --ONCERSSTMED-BEFLgREN8B19--- 199. IAC 669928. AEC-Tr.-2964, Kiselev, P. N., Buzini, P. A., and Nikitina, K. I., "An Immunological Analysis of the State of Increased Resistance of the Organism to Ionizing Radiation, Meditsinskaya Radiol., v 1, no 1, 1956, p 43-49, U 200. Author Unknown, "Letter of the Editors Regarding Grayevskiy and Keylina's Paper 'Reduced Sensitivity to Lethal Doses of X-Rays in Animals Previously Given Sublethal Doses," Biofizika, v 2, no 5/6, 1957, p 733-734, (Translation), U 201. JPRS-NY-L-432. 26 Nov 58, Aleksandrova, M. F., "Blood Reaction to Repeated X-Ray Irradiation," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 6, 1957, p 12-18, U 202. JPRS-NY-289. 10 Mar 58, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal (Medical Military Journal), no 11, 1957, U 203. JS-NY-i-282. 7 Aug 58, Shitikova, M. G., "Blood Destruction in Radiation Sickness and the Effect of Hemotherapy on This Process," Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentaltnaya, Terapiya, v 2, no 1, 195 ? p 22-27, U 204. JPRS-NY-L-285. 7 Aug 58, Abdullina, R. N., and Iagno, Z. Ya., "Influence of Pentoxyl and Thesane on the Peripheral Blood Picture in Radiation Sickness," Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya Eksperimental'naya Terapiya, v 2, no 1, 1958, p 59-U, U 205. Pomerantseva, M. D., "Effect Anesthesia and Natural Hibernation on Radiosensitivity of Animals," Zhur. Obshch. Biol., v 18, no 3, 1957, p 194-207, OFF USE 207. Ltchnik, N. V., "Time Distribution of Mortality in Irradiated Animals," Biofizika, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 477-484, (Translation), U 208. Yale. University News Bureau Report 63, 26 Sep 58, Luchnik, N. V., "Tests with Yeast Extract for Radiation Protection, published recently in a Moscow Journal," U 209. 4kRS-DC-L-764. 19 Sep 58, Semenov, L. F., and Prokudina, Ye. A., "Application of Adrenalin and Acetylcholine in Combination for the Prophylaxis of Radiation Disease," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 3, 1957, p 35-40, U 210. JPRS-DC-L-766. 19 Sep 58, Domshlak, M. P., Ivanov, I. I., Belousova, O. I., and Yakovlev, V. G., "Experimentation of Biological Anti-Radiation Protection During Experimental X-Ray Therapy of Tumors," Med. Radiol., v-2, no 3, 1957, p 47-52, U 211. JPRS-DC-L-767. 19 Sep 58, Strashinin, A. I., "The Effectiveness of Cysteinamine for the Prevention of Radiation Disease Under Clinical Conditions," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 3, 1957, P 52-54, U D-11 212. AIR. IR-1693-581 AP-1187127, 3 Sep 58, Radiation Sickness Prevention by Medicines and Chemicals, info 1957, U 213. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2238, 24 Jul 58, Bagdasarov, A. A. Vinograd-Finkel', F. K., Raushenbach, M. 0., Bogoyavlenskaya, Rodina, R. I., Beliyayeva, B. F., Adbulayev, G. M., and Lagutina, N. Y., Experience of Treatment and Prophylaxis of Radiation Disease with Leucocyte and Thrombocyte Masses, U 214. Chochiya, K. N., "The Use of Tissue Transplantations in Radiation Leukopenia," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 4, 1958, p 79-80, U 215. JPRS-NY-L-136, 14 Apr 58, Abasov, I. T., and Beybutov, Sh. M., "Experience in the Use of Validol During Radiation Sickness Caused by X-Ray Therapy," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 4, 1957, p 71-72, U 216. Grayevsky, E. Ya., and Konstantinova, M. M., "The absence of Protection by Histotoxic Hypoxia Against Ionizing Radiation," D.A.N. SSSR. Biol. Sci., v 114, 1957, p 465-467, (Translation), U 217. Faleeva, Z. N., "The Dynamics of the Peripheral Blood Elements of Mice When Subjected to Irradiation Under Conditions of Shielding an Extremity or Irradiating It Locally," D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sci., v 116, 1957, p 816-820, (Translation), U 218. AIR. 1R-1902-58, AP-1163587, 21 Feb 58, The Effect of Phenatin Upon the Cburse and Outcome of Penetrating Radiation Sickness, info Dec 57, U 219. AIR, IR-6949-58, AP-1205924, 14 Oct 58, Soviet Remedy Against Radioactive Radiation, info 7 Oct 58, U 221. Lofstrom, et al., *U.S. Radar Disease Treatment," West. J. Surg, v 65, 1957, U 222, Mordvinova, N. P., Tsybuliskiy, 1. B., and Garvey, N. N., "The Administration of Drugs for the Clinical and Experimental Therapy and Prophylaxis of Cutaneous Radiation Injuries," Vest. Bantgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 3, 1957, p 14-18, U 223. Symposium on Radiobiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Inst. of Genetics and Inst. Df Biophysics, Moscow, 1955, Consultants Bureau, Inc., U 224. US-JPRS-1077-N. 12 Jan 59, Grodzenskiy, D. E., Rebkina, A. Ye., and Bagramyan, E. R., "The Prophylatic and Therapeutic Action of Somatotropic Hormone in Radiation Affection," Prob. Endokrin. 0ormon, v 4, no 4, 1958, p 31-37, U 225. Alekseyeva, V. m., "Cell Protection by Fatty Materials Against Radiation Damage," Biofizika, v3, no 1, 1958, p 94-100, (Translation), U D-12 JALMblItirLD 227. JPRS-L-515-N. 4 Feb 59, Yakovlev, V. G., and Ivanov, I. I., "Chemical Protection of Animals Against the Action of X-Rays," Med. Radiol., v 3, no 5, 1958, p 14-19, U 228. Grayevskiy, E. Ya., "Influence of Temperature Conditions on the Damage Inflicted by Ultraviolet Rays on Bacillus Coll Cells (Bacterium Coll Commune)," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 72, no 1, 1950, p 149-152, U 229. Luchnik, N. V., "Radiation Protection Agents and Mortality Peaks," Biofizika, v 3 no 3, 1958, p 314-323, (Translation) 230. JPRS-1388-N. 23 Mar 59, Bagramyan, E. R., "The Protective and Therapeutic Effect of Hormones on the Action of Ionizing Radiations on Animals and Humans," Probl4My Endokrinologii Gormonoterapii, v 4, no 2, 1958, p 115-122, U 231, JPRS-1390-N. 23 Mar 59, Soviet Research on Radiation Sickness U 232. Anderson, Donald R., "The Radiation Protective Effects of ANT on the Enzyme Creatine Phosphokinase," Archives Biochem. Biophysics, V 81, no 2, 1958, p 390-394, U 233. Morachevskaya, M. D., Zlobin, V. S., and Ptizyn, B. V., "Strontium Adsorption on Hydroxyapatite Crystals," Biokhimiya, v 23, no 4, 1958, p 564-567, U 234. Letavet, A. A., and Kurlyandskaya, E. B., editors, Materialy po Toksikologiy Radioaktivnykh Veshchestv; StrontaiY, TeeziY, Ruteniy, Radon (Data on the Toxicology of Radioactive Substances; Strontium, Cesium, Ruthenium, Radon), Moscow, Medgiz, 1957, u 235. am-DC-L-438. 27 Jun 58; Kurlyandskaya, Ye. B., "The Urgent Problems of Toxicology of Radioactive Substances," Vest. Akad. Med. Nauk, v 12, no 3, 1957, p 49-55, U 236. JPRS-DC-210. 8 Jul 58, Various Studies on the Use of Radioactive Substances in Medicine, U; Stanotskiy, V. A., "General Principles of the Treatment of Lesions Caused by Radioactive Substances," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 5, 1957, p 14-22, U 237. ANL-5732. Jul 57,11,'.1212gica1 and Medical Research Division Semiannual Report, Argonne National Laboratory, Lamont, Ill., operated by of Chicago under Contract W-31-109 eng-38, U 238. Technology Newsletter Chemical Week, 27 Dec 58, 239. JPRS-L-518-N. 4 Feb 59, Moskalev, Yu. I., and Budko, L. M., "The Effect of Complex-Formers on the Excretion of Radioactive Isotopes (Strontium, Yttrium, and Cerium)," Med. Radiol., v 3, no 5, 1958, p 50-57, U D-13 tUASLFIMDNEFEBENUES 240. S-1.-640-N. 16 Feb 59, Khomutovekiy, O. A., "Elimination of SE ?9 from the Rat Organism under Normal Conditions and under the Influence of Parathyreocrine, Campolene, and Sodium Citrate," Fiziol Zhur., v 4, no 2, 1958, p 249-255, U 241. JPRS-Report 13. 26 Jul 57, Radiobiology in the USSR, U 242. JPRS-NY-L-279. 7 Aug 58, Petrov, R. V., and Rogozkin, V. D., "The Principles of Antibiotic Therapy in Acute Radiation Sickness," Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya I Eksperimental'naya, Terapiya, v 2, no 1, 1958, p 3-11, U 243. JPRS-NY-L-280. 7 Aug 58, Veksler, Ya. I., "Characteristics of the Course of Acute Radiation Sickness in an Artificially Cooled Organism," Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentarnaya Terapiya, v 2, no 1, 1958, p12-18, U 244. JPRS-NY-L-283. 7 Aug 58, Shepshelevich, L. L., "Iron Metabolism in Radiation Sickness," Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental'naya Terapiya, v 2, no 1, 1958, p 27-33, U 246 Miller, C. Phillip, Hammond, Carolyn W., Tompkins, Marianne, and Shorter, Gertrude, "The Treatment of Post-irradiation Infection with Antibiotics; and Experimental Study on Mice," Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, v 39, no 3, 1952, p 462-479i U 247. Miller, C. Phillip, Hammond, Carolyn W., and Tompkins, Marianne, . "The Role of Infection in Radiation Injury," Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, v 38, no 3, 1951, p 331-343, U 248. AIR. IR-6222-58, Bad Soden Team, USAFE? 21 Jul 58, Data on the Administration of Urotropin in the Treatment of RadiationSickness, info Mar,Apr 58; U 250, AIR. IR-2226-58, AF 1194010, 6 Aug 58, USSR Publication, 'Radiation Sickness," info 1951 to 1958, U 251. JPRS-NY-Report 731. 23 Sep 58, Radiobiology in the USSR, U 252. Luchnik, N. V., "Alcohol and Ionizing Radiation," Atomnaya Energiya, v 2, no 5, 1957, p 819-821, (Translation), U 253. JPRS-DC-L-765. 19 Sep 58, Farber, V. B., "The Stimulation of Hematopoiesis in Acute Radiation Disease," Med. Radiol., -V 2, no 3, info May-Jun 57, p 40-47, U 254. AIR. IR-6333-58, Bad Soden Team, USAFE, 31 Jul 58, Pharmacological Charagteristics of Sodium Chlorophyl-Chlorophyllin, info May-Apr 58 U D-14 -tittellfrOBV 256. JPRS-DC-L-515. 22 Jul 58, Bagdasarov, A. A., Vishnevskiy, A. A., and Rusanav, S. A., "The Classification and Designation of Contemporary Blood Substitutes," Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 6, 1957, p 20-22, U 257, JPRS-DC-L-514. 22 Jul 58, Petrov, I. P., "The Current Status of the Problem of Plasma Substitutes and Anti-Shock Solutions, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy animal, no 6, 1957, p 9-20, U 258. JPRS-DC-L-380. 2 Jun 58, Bagdasarov, A. A., "The Basic Results of Scientific Research in the Field of Hematology and Blood Tranfusion in the USSR," Terap. Arkh., v 29, no 10, 1957, p 56-68, 259. JPRS-DC-L-273. 13 May 58, Butomo, N. V., and Shcherbakov, N. I., "The Use of Peptoxyl and Nucleinate During Leukopenia of a Radiation Origin," Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 5, 1957, p 12-14, U 260. JPRS-DC-L-272. 13 May 58, Farber, V. B., "Stimulation of Hematopoiesis During Radiation Sickness," Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 5, 1957, p 8-12, U 261. JPRS-NY-L-125. 10 Apr 58, Kurshakov, N. A., "The Development of Clinical Symptoms During Acute Radiation and its Pathogenic Treatment," TeraP. Arkh., v 24, no 9, 1957, P 42-47, U 262. JPRS-NY-365. 20 Apr 58, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal (medical Military Journal), no 12, 1957, U 263. AIR. 58-6. Nov 57, Gerstner, Herbert B., "Military and Civil Defense Aspects of the Acute Radiation Syndrome in Nan," Air University, School of Aviation Medicine, USAF, Randolph AFB, Texas, Nov 57, U 269, JPRS-NY-L-439. 26 Nov 58, Gamaleya, A. N., Gyurdzhiyan, A. A., Zhgun, A. A., and Simonov, P. V., "Treatment of Acute Radiation Sickness in Dogs by Drip Blood Transfusion," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 6, 1957, p 56-60, U 270. JPRS-NY-L-440. 26 Nov 58, Papoyan, S. A., Alleverdyan, S. N., Demirchoglyan, I. G., and Yerzinkyan, I. A., "On the Problem of Utilizing Fibrin Films after Irradiation of the Skin Surface," Med. Radiol., v 2, no'6, 1957, p 61-64, U 271. JPAS-NY-Report 866. 24 Nov 58, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhu/mai (Military Medical Journal), no 6, 1958; U 272, JPRS-NY-L-419. 26 Nov 58, Medical Radiology - USSR. Neditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 1, 1958, (yhole issue), 274. Kireyev, P. M "Clinical Picture and Treatment of Chronic Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 5, 1957, p 72-79, U D-15 -tTSCII5ITFrErritEFEttfteitS- 276. JPRS-DC-441. 23 Dec 58, Petrov, R. V., "Exogenous Infections in Radiation Sickness," Uspekhi Sovremennoy Btologii, v 46, no 1 (4), 1958, p 48-61, U 277. JPRs-L-568-N. 6 Dec 58, Arbuzov, S. Ya., "Protective Action of Certain Pharmacologic :1 Agents in Radiation Injuries," Vestnik Academii Meditsinkikh Nauk SSSR, v 13, no 6, 1958/ p 10-22, U 278, J1'RS-1030-N. 24 Dec 58, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal (Medical Military Journal), no 8, 1958;'U 279. JPRS-NY-Report?974. 8 Dec 58, Soviet Abstracts Biology Section V; Pharmacology, Toxicology, Tranquilizers, Anesthetics, Adrenergics, Anticoagulants,-Yarious Preparations-,-Chemotherapeutical'Preparations, Toxicology; Referativnyy Zhurnal-Biologiya, no 5, 'i98';" 'U' 280. JERs-1075-N. 6 Jan 59, Rogacheva, L. S., "The Use of Colloidal Infusion in the Combined Therapy of Radiation Sickness," Pathologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental'naya Terapiya, v 2, no 4, 195g, p 36-42, U 282. JPRS-L-1437-D. 27 Jan 59, Nesterin, M. F., and Yeremin, G. P., "The Influence of Nutrition on the Course of Radiation Injuries in Animals," Voprosy Pitaniya, v 17, no 5, 1958, p 3-8, U 284. AIR. IR-7102-58, AF-1210188, 29 Oct 58, Russian Scientists Treat Skin Burnings with Aloe Emulsion, info 24 Oct 58-; 286. JPRS-1372-N. 19 Mar 59, Kurshakov, N. A., "Development of Leukoses as a Remote Sequence of Radiation Sickness," Vest. Akad. Med. Nauk, v 13, no 4, 1958, p 27-32, U 290. Dubinin, N. P., "ProbleMs Concerning the Physical and Chemical Bases of Inheritance," Biofizika, v 1, no 8, 1956, p 677-695, OFF USE 301. FBIS. 1958, "Order of Lenin Awarded to Lysenko,." Daily Report, USSR and East Europe, no 189, 29 Sep 58, p CC-2/CC-3, U 304. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2074, 30 Jul 58, Dubinin, N. P., Mechanism of Radiation Effect on Heredity and Problem of Radio-sensitivity-;'U 305. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2476, 7 Jun 58, Tinyakov, G., and Arsenyeva, M., Cytogenetic Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Nuclei of Germ Cells of. Monekysy-U 312. Muller, H. J., "Radiation and Human Mutation," Scientific American, v 193, no 5, 1955, p 58-68, u 328. WHO-RAD-5, 10 Nov 58, First Report, Effect of Radiation on Human Heredity. Investigations of Areas of High-NaturaI-Radiation.i-U D-16 329. Eydus, L. Kh., Kalamkarova, M. B., and Otarova, G. K., "The Migration Mechanism of Radiation Protection," Biofizika, v 2, no 5/6, 1957, p 564-566, (Translation), U 330. Pasynskii, A. G., "The Theory of the Biological Actions of Radiation," Biofizika, v 2, no 5/6, 1957, p 558-563, (Translation), U 331. UN. A-CONF, 15,P-2079. 7 Jul 58, Blumenfeld, L. A., and Kalmanson, A. E., Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance of Irradiated Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins and-Lyophilized-Tissue; UN 332. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2080. 7 Jul 58, Grayevsky, E. Ya., Tissue and Cellular Reactions to the Effect of Ionizing Radiations U 333. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2237. 24 Jul 58, Frank, G. M., Aladzhalova, N. A., Snezhko, A. D., Some Problems of Biological Analysis of Radio- biological Effects; ....U 334. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2248. 8 Aug 58, Tarusov, B. N. Primary Reactions in Biolipids Induced by Ionizing Radiation, U 335. UN. A-fbONF, 15-P-2316. 24 Jul 58, Gorizontov' P., Pathophysiological Aspect of the Problem of Pathogenesis of AcuteRadiation Ldsease:, U 336. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2319. 8 Aug 58, Kuzing, A. M., and Shabadash, A. L., On the Role of Nucleoprotein Native State Changes in Radiation Damage, 337. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2320. 7 Jul 58, Meysel', M., Galtsova, R., Medvedeva, G., Pomoshchnikova, N., Seliverstova, L., and Shalnova, M., Action of Ionizing Radiations and Radiomimetic Substances on the 'Microbe-Cell, U 338. JPRS-NY-L-216. 10 Jun 58) Grayevskiy, E. Ya., and Shapiro, N. I., Contemporary Problems in Radiobiology (Sovremennyyo Voprosy Radiobiologii),-Moscov, 1957, p 7bO, U 33. Armstrong, Wallace D., "The Chemical Basis of Radiation Damage," Postgrad, Med., v 23, no 5, 1958, p 499-507, U 340, Shekhtman, Ya. L., Time Factor in the Theory of Biological Action of Radiation,"oyFizikudInstitutai, no 1, 1955, p 99-121, U 341. Tarusov, B. N., Principles of Biological Action of Radioactive Radiation, U, (Tr. of B. N. Tarusov, ?slimy 'Biologicheskogo- Deystviya Radioaktivnykh Izlucheniy), Noscor)-1954;-p 3-136, U 343. Kovalev, I. F., "On the Question of Specificity of the Biological Action of Ionizing Radiation," Med. Radiol., v 1, no 4, 1956, p 7-14, U D-17 344. Biofizika, v 3, no 2/ 1958, '(Translation), U 345. JPRS-L-675-N. 10 Mar 59, Shekhtman, Ya. L., "A Scientific Conference on the Problem, The Effect of Ionizing Radiations upon the Animal Organism'," Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR; Ser. Biol., no 6, 1958, p 758-760, U 346. JPRS-1324-N. 13 Max' 59, Movsesyan, M. A-, "On Certain Debatable Questions in Radiobioloby," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 3, 1958, p 58-59, u 347. JPRS-1323-N. 17 Mar 59, Kovalev, I. F.,? "Critique of Certain Fundamental Conceptions in Radiobiology," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol. v 33, no 3, 1958, p 52-57, U 348. UN. A-3864-Add. 1. 26 Aug 58, Effects of Atomic Radiation. Report of the Secretary-General on the strengthening and widening of scientific activities-in the field of the-effects, of atomic radiation-,-Thirteenth-Session, General-Assembly, Unitedllations, U 350. Shchepotyeva, E. S., "The Energy of Radiations and Some Laws of Their Action on Biological Objects," Atomnaya Energiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 597-604, (Translation), U 351. Luchnik, N. V., "Effect of Exposure to Radioactive Cobalt on Nucleic Acid Content in Spleen Tissues," Biokhimiya, v 21, no 6, 1956, p 689-691, (Translation), U 352. Golubtsova, A. V., Moiseyenko, E. V., and Safronova, M. I., "Change in Cerebellum Tissue Metabolism with Irradiation by X-Rays," Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med., v 42, no 9, 1956, p 763-766, (Translation) U 353. Kuzin, A. M., and Ivanitskaya, E. A., "Influence of Ionizing Radiations on the Sorption Properties of the Tissues of Various Organs in Vivo," Biofizika, v 2, no 3, 1957, (Translation), U 354. JS-DC-L-762. 19 Sep 58, Kudritskiy, Yu. K., "Development of Adaptive Reactions Following Repeated and Frequent Exposure to Ionizing Radiation," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 3, 1957, p 8-13, U 356. AIR. IR-6589-58, AF-119e798, 26 Aug 58, Radioradiation and Its Biological Effect, info May 58, U 357. UN. A-CONF. 154)-2239. 7 Jul 58, Seitz, I. F., Acetylating Function of the Co-Enzyme-A System in Radiation SicknessTU 359. JPRS-NY-L-225. 24 Jun 58, Toropova, G. P., 'The Role of Starvation in the Metabolism of Hepatic Glycogen During Radiation Sickness in Animals," Voprosy Pitaniya, v 17, no 1, 1958, p 50-54, U D-18 360. JPRS-NY-L-198. 27 May 58, Pasechnik, A. M., "Effects of Ionizing Radiations on Microorganisms," Mikrobiol. v 19, no 3, 1957, p 56-63, u 361. Shapiro, I. M., "The Humoral Mechanism of Distant Effects of Ionizing Radiations Upon the Process of Cell Division (As Investi- gated with the Use of Parabiosis)," D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sc., v 116, 1957, p 805-808, (Translation), U 362. Aleksandrov, S. N., "Indirect Action of Ionizing Radiation on Tumor Cells Via a Neurohormonal Mechanism," D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sc., v 113, 1957, p 209-211, (Translation), U 363. Aleksandrov, S. N., "Indirect Action of Ionizing Radiation on Tumor Cells Via a Neurohormonal Mechanism," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 113, no 2, 1957, p 311-314, U 364, 26 Nov 58, Fokina, T. V., "Changes in the Morphological Blood of Young Rats of Various Ages in Acute Radiation Radiol., v 2, no 6, 1957, P 26-36, U JPRS-NY-L-434, Picture of the Sickness," Med. 365. JPRS-NY-899, 18 Nov 58, Radiobiology in the USSR, U 369, Mamamtavrishvili, D. G. (Ed.), "Table of Contents of Works of the First Transcaucasian Conference on Medical Radiology," U. (Tr. of Trudy Pervoy ZakavkazskoY Konferentsiy po Meditsinskoy Tbilisi.; 1956-, p 32M31, 370. JPRS-L-516-N, 4 Feb 59, Toropova, G. P., and Yermolayeva, N. V., "The Change in the Physico-Chemical Properties of Desoxyribonucleic Acid in Tissues of Irradiated Animals," Med. Eadiol., v 3, no 5, 1958, p 24-29, U 371, JPRS-L-659-N. 5 Mar 59, Chepynoga, 0. P., and Khilobok, I, Yu., "Peculiarities of Nucleoprotein Complexes in Rabbit Lungs after Irradiating the Animals with Sublethal Doses of X-Rays," Ukr. Biokh. Zhur., v 30, no 2, 1958, p 200-209, U 372. JPRS-L-692-N, 16 Mar 59, Stepanova, M. M., and Ivanov, I. I., "The Problem of the Metabolism of Vitamin C and Aromatic Amino Acids in Radiation Sickness," Vop. Ned. Khim., v 4, no 5, 1958, p 370-372, U 373. aniS-1321-N. 17 Mar 58, Mushina-Udgodskaya, L. N., "The Effect of Surrounding Temperature on the Course of Radiation Sickness," Vest. Rentgenol. Radio1., v 33, no 3, 1958, P 23-27, U 374, JPRS-1328-N. 17 Mar 59, Minasov, V. S., "The Effect of Certain Antihistaminic and Sedative Preparations on the Course of the Skin Reaction in Local Irradiation by Radioactive Phosphorus," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 3, 1958, P 76-79, U D-19 ?-MetitS811MtrlitEIMENCES- 375. jpas_pc.4.,761. 19-Sep 58, Ibmarov, Ye. I., "Changes of Interoceptive UncOnditioned Reflexes Produced by the Action of Ionizing Radiation," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 3, 1957, p 3-8, U - 376. Gomberg, Henry J., "Radioisotopes in Russ4," Nucleonics, v 16, no 8, 1958, P 136-141, U 379. JPRS-DC-L-892. 15 Oct 58, Birytko*, D. A., "Data on the Problem of the Effect of Penetrating Radiation on Central Inhibition," Problemy Fiziologii Tsentral'noy Nervnoy Sistemy, Moscow,1Ieningra4, 1957, p.73.83, u 380. Schwamb, H. H., "Effects of Acute Ionizing Radiation on the Brain," Medical Bulletin of the U.S. Army, Europe, v 15, no 12, 1958, Ff6-97-.273-72--72-T78717-j 381. UN. A-CONF. 14-P-2315. 12 Aug 58, Livanov, M. N., and Biryukov, D. A., Changes in the Nervous System Caused by Ionizing Radiation, U 383. Biryukov, D. A., "Mode of Action of Penetrating Radiation of the Nervous System," Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR im I. M. Sechenova, v 43, no 7, 1957,? p 593-597, (Trnaslation), tr 384. Kyandaryan, K. A., Papoyan, S. A., Beglaryan, A. G., Zagatskaya, A. A., and Arutyunyan, R. K., "Functional and Morphological Brain Changes Induced by the Action of Ionizing Radiation," D.A.N. SSSR Bdol. Sc., v 112, 1957, p 1-4, (Translation), U 385. Beglaryan, A. G., Kyandaryan, K. A., and Papoyan, S. A., "Histopathology of the Nervous System During Different Periods of Experimentally Produced Acute Irradiation Sickness, D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sci., v 112, 1957, p 5-8, (Translation), U 386. Toropova, G. P., "The Actions of X-Rays on Nucleic Acid Metabolism in the Liver," D,AONO SSSR Biol. Sci., v 114, 1957, p 454-457, (Translation), U. 387. Minayev, P. F., "Changes in the Central Nervous System from the Local Action of X.-Rays on It," Mani.. Obshch. Biol., v.15, no 6) 1954, p 401- 412, U 388. AIR. IR-2351-58, AF-1168668, 7 Mar 58, Non Surgical Operation on Inner Body Parts by Use of X-Ray, info 15-Feb-58-i-U - 389. Denisova, Z. V., "Towards the Problem of the Physiological Action of Gamma-Rays on the Cereoral Cortex," Med. Radiol., v 2, no 4, 1957, P 3-10, U 390. Domshlak, M. P., Avrunina, G. A., Grigor'yev, Yu. G., and Darenskaya, N. G., "Data on the Study of the Specificity of Reaction of the Organism to Irradiation," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 2, 1957, P 3-10, U D-20 -IXOLASS-B-1EFERENeES--- 391. Grigor'yev, Yu- O., "On the Problem of the Primary Changes' of the Functional State of the Human Cerebral Cortex during Irradiation," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 311 no 2, 1956, p 3-7, 392. AIR. IR-6862-581 Bad Soden Team, USAFE, 14 Sep 581 Indication and Treatment of Diseases with Radioactive Isotopes, 2 Oct 581 U 393. JpNs-L-579-N. 15 Dec 58, Semenov, L. F., "The Development of the Most Acute Form of Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 3, 1958, p 70-771 U 394. Minayev, P. F., and Slepov, A. A., "The Influence Exercised by the Local Irradiation of the Nervous System with X-Rays on the Composition of Peripheral Blood," Dokl. Akad. Nauk..88SP, v 109/ no 2, 1956, P 303-304, U 396. Avakyan, Ts. M., "Disturbances in Retinal Function Caused by Weak Irradiation," Biofizika, v 3, no 1, 19581 p 109-112, (Translation), U 397. JPRs-L-519-N. 4 Feb 59, Ayrapetyants, N. G., "The Second Scientific Conference on the Effect of Ionizing Radiation of the Higher Divisions of the Central Nervous System," Med. Radiol., v 31 no 51 1958, p 95-96, U 398, AIR. IR-7200-58, AF-12102011 13 Nov 58, Animal Reactions to Drugs in Connection with Radiation Sickness, info May-Jun 581 U 399. Ms-1343-N. 10 Mar 59, Piontkovskiy, I. A., "The Influence of Ionizing Radiation on the Upper Branches of the Central Nervous System (Conference at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity), Vest. Akad. Nal* SSSR, no 8, 1958, p 125-126, U JPRS-L-714-N. 23 Mar 59, Fedorova, I. V, ,"The Changes in the Latent Period of the Flexor Reflex of the Shin in Rabbits Following General Irradiation with a 10 r Dose of X-Rays," Med. Radiologiya, v 31 no 2, 1958, p 32-36, U 401. JPRS-L-713-N. 23 Mar 591 Xosmarskayal Ye. N., and Barashaev, Yu. I., "The Effect of a Single Irradiation with X-Rays on the Developing Rat Brain," ,1421._ritd, v 3, no 21 1958, p 23-31, U 402. -JPRS-DC-L-590. 31 Jul 581 Kravchenko, A. A., "The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Bone Regeneration," Ortoped.Mmvmat. Protez v 18, no 4, 1957, p 30-34, U 403. JPRS-NY-L-281. 7 Aug 581 Barkagan, T. S., "Influence of External X- and Internal Beta- Irradiation on the Development of Aseptic Inflammation," Pathologicheska Fiziologi i Eks erimentalfna v 21 no 11 195 p 19-21, U D-21 404. JPRS-NY-L-284. 7 Aug 58, Zhizhina, N. A., "The Influence of Generalized X-Irradiation on Mineral Metabolism in Bone Tissue," Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya 1 Eksperimentaltnaya Trapiya, v 2, no 1, 1958, p 34-38, U 405. Domshlak, M. B., Vannikov, L. L., and Grigoriyev, Yu. G., "Evaluation of Small Radioactive Influences on the Human Organism," Atomnaya Energiya, v 2, no 7, 1957, p 765-769, (Translation), U 406. Litvinov, N. N., "Tumor of the Bone Tissue Induced by Radioactive Substances," Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med., v 42, no 8, 1956, p 703-707, (Translation), U 407. Terskov, I. A., and Giteltzon, I. I., "The Dymanics of the Changes in the Erythrocytes during Acute Radiation Sickness. Results of a Photoelectric Investigation of the Kinetics of Haemolysis," Biofizika, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 511-524, (Translation), U 408, Sondak, V. A. "Primary and Secondary Lesions in the Bone Marrows of X-Irradiated Animals," Biofizika, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 485-491 (Translation), U 409. Shtern, L. S., Rapoport, S. Ya., Gromakovskaya, M. M., and Zubkova, S. R., "Effect of X-Rays on the Permeabilities of Blood-Organ Barriers," Biofizika, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 188-197, (Translation), U 410. 0RNL-2533. 15 Feb 58, Mendell, J. S., Evidence for the Uniform Radiation Life Shortening Predicted by Information Theory, Health Physics'Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn., U 411. UN. A.-CONF. 15-P-2068.USSR, 8 Aug 58, Lebedinskiy, A. V., Grigoryev, U. G., and Demirchoglyan, G. G., On the Biological Effect of Small Doses of Ionizing Radiation, U 412. UN. A-CONF. 15-P-2077. 12 Aug 58, Burykina, L., ZakutinskY, D., Krayevsky, N., Kurlyandskaya, E., Litvinov, N., Moskalyev, Y., Novikova, A., Soloviov, Y., and Streltsova, V., Remote Effects of Exposure to Small Doses of Radioactive Substances in a Chronic Experiment; U 415. JPRS-DC-L-519, 22 Jul 58, Filatov, V. I., "The Course of Wounds in the Small Intestines During Radiation Disease," Voyenno- Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 6, 1957, p 37-40, U 416. JPRS-DC-L-518. 22 Jul 58, Rubinshteyn, Ya. G., "The Healing of Fractures During Various Stages of Radiation Disease," Voyenno- Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 6, 1957, p 33-37, U 417. JPRS-NY-L-206. 21 May 58, Zuykova, Ye, A., and Kastyanov, I. S., "Intussusception of the Intestine as a Complication of Radiation Sickness," Vest, Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 5, 1957, p 89-92, U D-22 UNCLACSIFIED REFERENCES 418. JPRS-NY-L-139. 14 Apr 58, Nesterin, M. F., "The Influence of X-Ray Irradiation on the Fermento-Secretory Processes in the Intestines," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 32 no 4, 1957, p 81-83, U 419. JPRS-NY-L-137. 14 Apr 58? Gamaleya, A. N., Polenko, V. K., and Kinonov, P. V., "Changes in Blood System During Acute Radiation Injuries," Vest. Re.EIgenol. Radiol., v 32, no 4, 1957, P 17-23, U 420. JPRS-NY-L-114. 10 Apr 58, Shikhodyrov, V. V., "Changes in Mast Cells During Acite and Chronic Radiation Sickness," Arkhiv Patologij., v 19, no 9, 1956, p 35-42, U 421. JPRS-NY-L-113. 10 Apr 58, Pinus, A. A., "Pathological Anatomy of Late Stages of Radiation Sickness in Animals Due to Intoxication by the Products of Uranium Fission," Arkhiv Patologii, v 19, no 9, 1967, p 27-34, U 422. JPRS-NY-L-117. 10 Apr 58, Arutyunov, V. D., and Gamaleya, A. N., "Concerning Changes in the Hemopoietic System Associated with Treatment by Irradiation," Arkhiv Patologii, v 19, no 9, 1957, p 78-83, U 423. JPRS-NY-L-116. 10 Apr 58, Funshteyn, L. V., "Concerning Desquamation of Seminiferous Epithelium of the Testicle in Acute Radiation Sickness," Arkhiv Patologii, v 19, no 9, 1957, p 47-50, U 424. JPRS-NY-L-115, 10 Apr 58, Vlasova, Z. A., and Shcherban', E. I., "Morphological Changes in Kidneys During Acute Radiation Sickness Caused by Radioactive Phosphorus," Arkhiv Patologii, v 19, no 9, 1957, p 43-47, U 425, Aub, Joseph C., Evans, Robley D., Hempalmann, Louis H., and Martland, Harrison S., "The Late Effects of Internally-Deposited Radioactive Materials in Man," Medicine, v 31, -1952, p 221-329, U 426, Uspenskiy, Yu. N., "Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Activity of the Digestive Organs in Dogs," Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR im I. M. Sechenova, v 43, no 4, 1957; p304-3i1, (Translation', U 427, Barakina, N. F., "Effects of X-Rays on the Hematopoietic Organs When the Organism is Protected by Carbon Monoxide," D.A,N..SSSR Biol. Sci., v 114, 1957, p 461-464, (Translation), U 428. Levinson, L. B., Pankova, N. V., and Shapiro, N. I., "Irradiation Effects Observed in the Duodenum on the Intramural Auerbach Ganglia and Meissner Plexi," D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sci., v 116, 1957, p 797-800, (Translation), U 429. Neyfakh, A. A., "The Role of the Maternal Organism in the Irradiation Illness of Fetal Mice," D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sci., v 116, 1957, p 821-824, (Translation), U D-23 MulAbbIFIED 430. Pobedinskiy, M, N., "Blastomogenic Effect of Ionizing Radiation," Med. Radiol., v 1, no 5, 1956, P 30-40, U 431. Lemazhikhin, B. K., and Frank, G. M., "Determination of the Size of Erythrocytes by the Method of Diffraction of Light in Connection with the Problem of the Biological Action of Ionizing Radiation?" Trudy Institut a BiololAcheskoy Fiziki, no 1, 1955, p 276-287, U 432. Soviet Research on Remote Consequences of injuries Caused by the Action of Ioniziag2LidAqs41, ConsultantErBureau, Inc., New York, ? -433. Berlin, Nathaniel I., "military Aspects of the Biological Effects of Radiation," United States Armed Forces Medical Journal, v 9, no 6, 1958, p 821-842, U 434. Cherkasskiy, L. A., "Changes in Bones Induced by the Introduction of Radioactive Strontium into Rats," Voprosx_OaLsaLam, v 2, 1956, p 275-284, U 435. Shtukkenberg, Yu. M., "Dependence of the Activity of Secretions on the Concentration of Radioactive Matter Within an Organism," Atomnaya Energiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 801-809, (Translation), U 436. AEC. HW-46150., 1 Apr 57, Ballou, J. E., and Thompson, R. C., The 1031. Term Retention of Cesium in the Rat Following a Single Intraperitoneal Injection, Hanford-Atomic-Products Operation,- Richland-I-Washington-it' 437. AEC.? HW-52286., 1 Oct 57, Willard, D. H., Temple, L. A.,. and -Bair, W J., Turnover and Tissue Distribution of Radioruthenium 2.11121t_La_allmER-Rich] and;"Wasbingtorrj-IJ-- 2fMiceanford-Atomic-Products-Operation-,-- 438. AEC. Atomic Ener and the Life Sciences, U.S. Atomic Energy -Commissioni-Jul-?9.,-U ? ? 439. UCRL-3735. 19 Aug 57, Tobias, Cornelius A., Some Effects of Radiations on Cell Proliferation, University of California, RadiationlAboratom Berkeley California, U 440. JPNs-NY-L-433. 26 Nov 58, Andriyasheva, N. M., "Specific Changes in the Peripheral Blood of Pregnant Animals After Single Irradiation by X4lays," Ned. Radiol., v 2, no 6 1957, p 19-25, U 441. JPHS-NY-L-435. 26 Nov 58, Uspenskiy, Yu. N., Tomofeyeva, T. A., and Shvartser, I. V., "The Activity of the Salivary Glands in Dogs After a Massive Single X-Ray Irradiation in the Area of Abdomen," Med. Radiol., v 2 no 6, 1957, p 37441, U D-24 442. JPHS-NY-L-436. 26 Nov 58, Koroza, G. S., "Changes in the Sensitivity of the Heart to Cardiac Glucosides in Radiation Sickness," Med. Radiol., UNCLASSIFI 454. Conference on "Effect of Environmental Radiations on Human Beings," Washington, D. C., 30 Sep-1 Oct 58, U 455. JPRS-L-690-N. 16 Mar 59, Rodinov, V. M., Uspenskaya, V. D Zamyatkina, O. G., with the participation of Grunt T., and Polyakov, V. P., "The Effect of General Irradiation by X-Rays on the Restoration of Serum Proteins in Dogs After Hemorrhage," Vop. Med. Khim., v 4, no 5, 1958, p 327-338, U 456. JPRS-L-691-N. 16 Mar 59, Konstantinova, V. V., and Libinzon R. Ye., "The Content and Synthesis of Nucleic Acids in the Liver During Subacute Plutonium Intoxication," IspM!d_t_Ihigl., v 4, no 5, 1958, p 339-344, U 457. JPRS-L-693-N. 17 Mar 59, Lebedeva, N. K., "The Protein Composition of the Kidneys, Blood Serum and Urine of Rats Following Damage Caused by the Administration of He vy Salts," Vop. Med. Kim., v 4, no 5, 1958, p 373-378, U 458. JPRS-1325-N. 17 Mar 59, Stetsenko, N. D., "Changes of the Functional Condition of the Heart in Internal Irradiation by Radioactive Phosphorus (Electrocardiographic Investigation)," v 33, no 3, 1958, p 66, u 459. JPRS-1326-N. 17 Mar 59, Malenkova, K. M., "Changes of Certain Blood Biochemical Values Due to the Action of X-Rays," Vest, Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 3, 1958, p 74, u 460. MIS-1327-N. 17 Mar 59) ZYuzin, I. K., and Krasnova, A. I., "The Effect of Small Doses of Radioactive Phosphorus on the Nitrogen Metabolism, Hemopoiesis and the Function of Cardio- vascular System," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 3, 1958, p 75-76, u 461. JPS-111O9-N. 25 Mar 59, Morozov, A. I., "The Surgical Treat- ment of Wounds of Soft Tissues in Radiation Sickness," Vest. Rentgenol. Radial., v 33, no 2 1958, p 86-87, u .462. JPRs-1408-N. 25 Mar 59, Zubovskiy, G. A., "Characteristics of the Clinical Course of Burn Shock Upon Irradiation of the Organism with Penetrating Radiations," Vest. Rentgenol. Radiol., v 33, no 2, 1958, p 84-88, U 463. JPRS-NY-59, CS0-1670. 29 Jul 58, Tsetlin, L. L., and Karapetyan, Sh. A. "The Chemical Action of Ionizing Radiations," Priroda, v 40, no 12, 1957, p 55-57 U 464. Tolkacheva, E. N., "Quantitative Aspects of the Recovery Processes in Organisms After General Irradiation," Biofizika, v 2, no 5/6, 1957, p 570-577, (Translation), U D-26 uviCLASS 465. Author Unknown, Report on "First Inter-Institute Conference on Radiobiology," Biofizika, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 529-537, (Translation), U 466. Lomovskaya, E. G., and Vorob'yeva, E. I., "Some Developmental Regularities in the Progeny of Females X-Ray Irradiated During Pregnancy," Biofizika, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 492-50o, (Translation), U 467. JPRS-NY-Report 377. 22 Apr 58, RadiohlaLlEy in the USSR, U 468. Perkins, Eugene H., and Marcus, Stanley, "The Effect of X-Irradiation on Preformed Anti-Body and Its Role in the Protection of X-Irradiated Mice," Journal of Infectious Diseases, v 102, 1958, p 81-87, U 469, AIR. IR-6888-58, AF-1204270, 7 Oct 58, Treatment of Diseases with Radioactive Isotopes, info 13 Sep 58, U 470. Luchnik, M. V., and Timofeyeva-Resovskaya, E. A., "Effect of Potassium Cyanide Upon the Mortality of Irradiated Animals," D.A.N. SSSR Biol. Sci., v 116, no 3, 1957, p 801-804, (Translation), U 472. JPRS-1108-N. 19 Jan 59, E2yenno-Med1tsinski Zhurnal (Militarz Medical Journal), no 9, 1958,U 473. FBIS. Daily Report-13-59, USSR and East Europe, 20 Jan 59, Scientific Center, p CC 17, OFF USE 474. State. Moscow Incoming Airgram G-406, 14 Mar 59, Re: Four members Soy Dele ation to VI SessiOn of-UF'Scientific Committee on Atomic Radiation OFF USE D-27 -WNG47466-I-F-1-93 Agafonova, V. N., "X-Ray Therapy of Frostbite," Vestnik Rentgenologii Radiologii, v 33, no 5, 1958, p 90-91, U Aglintsev, K. K., Bibergal?, A. V., Margulis, U. Ya., and Vorobuev, Ye. I., Zashchita ot Rentgenovskikh I Gamma-Luchey (Protection from X-Rays and Gamma Rays), Moscow, Medgiz, 1955, 246 p, U Aglintsev, K. K., Dozimetriya Ioniziruyushchikh Izlucheniy (Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation), IMOQW, Gostekhizdat, 1957, 503 p, U Aglintsev, K. K., Dozimetriya Ioniziruyushchikh Izlucheniy. RadiometrtLa Rentgenometriya Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation. Radiometry and Roentgenometry), Mos:cow, Gostekhizdat, 1950, 500 p, U Aglintsev, K. K., Osnovy Dozimetrii IoniziruYushchikh Izlucheniy (Funda- mentals of Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation), Leningrad, Medgiz, 1954, 287 p, U Agranat, V. Z., "Certain Data Concerning the Accumulation of Polonium 210 by Water Organisms," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 1, 1958, p 65-69, U Aldeyev, I. I., Primeneniye Atomnoy Energii v Mi kh Tselyakh (Appli- cation of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes); Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 1956, 160 p, U ?Aladzhalova, N. A., "On the Change in the Ultraslow Rhythmic Oscillations of the (Electrical) Potential of the Brain Under the Influence of Ionizing Radiation," Biofizika, v 1, no 7, 1956, P 642-652, U AladzhaLova, N. A., "The Dynamics of Early Ion Shifts in the Cerebral Cortex Upon the Local Action of X-Rays on the Abdominal Region and the Head," Biofizika, v 1, no 1, 1956, U AleksandroV, S. N., Gaikovskaya, K. F., Matveyev, O. G., and Petrov,. V. A., , "Concerning the Problem of the Biological Effect of External Irradiation with Beta Radiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologia, v 3, no 4, 1958, p 6-8, U Aleksandrov, S. N.; Galkovskaya, K. F., and Zileberg, Yu.. G., "Comparison of the Biological Action of X-Rays with that of the Radiation from Radioactive Cobalt," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p80-87, U Aleksandrov, S. N., "Effect of Irradiation of the Brain on Induced Skin Cancer in Mice," Byulleten? Eksperimentalunoy Biologii i Meditsiny, v 39, no 1, 1955, p52-56, U E-1 UNCLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY Aleksandrov, S. N., "Factors Responsible for the Nature of Radiation Damage to the Tonic.Fibers of Frogs," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 103, no 1, 1955, p 169-171, U Aleksandrov, S. N., "On the Rate of Tracer Incorporation into the Proteins . of Organs of Animals Exposed to Radiation; Rate of Tracer Incorporation into the Proteins in the Case of Subacute Radiation Sickness," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 106, no 2, 1956, p 363-366, U Aleksandrov, S. N., "On the Rate of Tracer Incorporation into the Proteins of Organs of Animals Exposed to Radiation; Rate of Tracer Incorporation into the Proteins of the Encephalon, Kidney, Liver, and Spleen in Acute Radiation Sickness," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 106, no 1, 1956, p 153-156, U Alikhanov, A. I., Vladimirskiy, V. V., Petrov, P. A., and Khristenko, P. I., "Heavy-Water Reactor with Gas Coolant for Power Plants," Atomnaya Energiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 5-9, U Anan'yev, Ye. P., "Soviet Nuclear Power Economy," Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, no 3, 1958, p 3-14, U Andreyeva, O. S., "Concerning the Effectiveness of Certain Existing Agents for Deactivation of Hands Contaminated with Radium Salts," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p 59-62, U Andreyeva, 0, S., and Kovalev, Ye. Ye., "Determination of Radium Aerosols in the Presence of Other Alpha-Active Aerosols,"Gi..E.imEa_.iSa_12112,Eltyl, JNCLMSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPAT wagdasarov, A. A., Beliyayeva, B. F., and Rogacheva, L. S., "HemotheraPY in Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 45-50, U Balabanov, Ye. M., Yadernyye Reaktory (Nuclear Reactors) Moscow., Voyenizdat, 1957, 210 p, U Balabanov, Ye. M., Solntse na Zemle. Chto Takoye Energiya i kak ona Sluzhit Lyudyam (Sun on Earth. The Meaning of Atomic Energy and Its Service to Mankind), Moscow, "Molodaya Gvardiya," 1956, 292 p, Balaskho, Yu. G., Gusev, N. G., Dembrovskiy, M. A., and Kvasova, S. I., "Method to Determine the Amount of Radium in the Human Body," Gigiyena Sanitariya, v 21, no 1, 1956, p 2026,- U Baldandorzh, D., "The Effect of Tissue Therapy on the Morphological Composition of the Blood of Rabbits Subjected to Total X-ray Irradiation," Vrachebnoye Delo, no 10, 1958, p 1073-1076, U Balmukhanov, S. B., "Effect of Novocaine and Sodium Amytal on the Course of Acute Radiation Sickness in White Rats," Trudy Instituta Klinicheskoy I Eksperimental'noy Khirurgii, Akademii Nauk, Kazakhskaya SR, v 3, 1957, p 65-70, u Balmukhanov, S. B., "Effect of X-rays on Capillary Permeability. Report 2," Trudy Instituta Kraevoy Patologii, Akademii Nauk, Kazakhskaya SSR, v 4, 1956, p 235-241, U Barbashova, Z. I., "Effect of Acute Hypoxia on Resistance of the Organism to Ionizing Radiations," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 102, no 6, 1955, p 1219-1221, U Barbashova, Z. I., "On the Mechanism of the Preventive Action of Chronic Hypoxia in Relation to Radiation Sickness," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 107, no 5, ).956, p 761-764, U Bavro, G. V., "Concerning the Terminal Period of Acute Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no?, 1957, p 31-41, U Belousov, A. P., "Some Ways to Avoid Hemolysis of Erythrocytes, Induced by Ionizing Radiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 46-54, U Benevolenskiy, V. N., Korogodin, V. I., and Polikarpov, G. G., "Biophysical Fnndamentals of the Action of Ionizing Radiation," Itogi Naukil Biologicheskiye Nauki, no 1, 1957, p 9-49, U Bibergal?, A. V., et al., Primeneniye Radioaktivnogo Kobalita Tseley Gamma- Defektoskopii7(Use of Radioactive Cobalt in Gamma Defectoscopy , A. K. Trapenznikov, ed., Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 1951, 131 p, U E-3 -TINCLASSIEr Bibergall, A. V., and Korotkov, M. M., "New-Type Gamma Indicator," Biofizika, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 564-567, U Bibergal', A. V., and Margulis, U. Ya., "Protection Against X-Rays and Gamma Radiation," Biofizika, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 68-75, U Blokhin, N. N., Luganova, I. S., and Rotfel'd, L. S., "Carbohydrate Function of the Liver During the Development of Radiation Sickness," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 111, no 3, 1956, p 723-726, U Blokhin, N. N., Luganova, I. S., and Rotfel?d, L. S., "Carbohydrate Function of the Liver in the Development of Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 40-46, u Blokhintsev, D. I., Dollezhal?, N. A., and Krasin, A. K., "Reactor of the First Soviet Atomic Power Station of the Aeadedy of Sciences, USSR," Atomnaya Energiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 1O23, U Blokhintsev, D. I., Minashin, N. Ye., and Sergeyev, Yu. A., "Physical and Thermal Calculations of the Reactor of the First Atomic Power Plant of the Academy of Sciences, USSR," Atomnaya Energiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 24-42, U Bochkarev, V., Keyirim-Markus, I., L?vova, V., and Pruslin, Ya., Izmereniye Aktivnosti Istochnikov Beta- i Gamma-Ily (Measurement of the Activity of' Sources of Beta and Gamma Radiation), Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 953, 241 p, U Borisov, Ye. V., edited by Gruzina, P. L., Tekhnika Bezopasnosti pri Rabote s Radioaktivn Izotopami (Safety Technique in Work with Radioactive Isotopes), Moscow, Prof izdat, 1955, 115 p, U trodskaya, I. A., and Merkulova, I. P., "Late Changes in the Brain Following X-Ray Irradiation," Vestnik Rentgmlaii I Radiologii, v 31, no 2, 1956, p 7-13, U Bychkovskaya, I. B., Strelin, G. S., and Shifter, I. V., "The Course of Radiation Sickness in Mice in Lowered Atmospheric Pressure," MeditsinskaylogIa v 1, no 3, 1956, p 85-93, U Chaykovskaya, M. Ya., "Some Observations on the Development of Puppies Born of an Irradiated Dog," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 30, no 4, 1955, p 34-38, U Chebotarev, Ye. Ye, "Treating Radiation Sickness with BK-8 Protein Blood Substitute, Vitamin B1. and Streptomycin," (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 3, 1956) p 157-163, U Cheremnykh, N., "Aviation Today," Tekhnika Molpdezhi 1955, Aug, p 14-21, U E-4 bffuLASSIFIED BIBLIOGLIAPIlf Cherkasov, V. F., "Depressor Reflex from the Vagus Nerve in Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radio1ogi, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 57-64, U Cherkasov, V. F., "Some Pressor Reflexes in Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 41-47, U Cherkasskiy, L. A., "Lesions of the Nasal Mucosa in White Mice in Radiation Sickness," Vestnik Oto-rino-laringologii, v 18, no 3, 1956, p 36-42, U Chernichenko, V. A., "Mechanism of Disordere of Interoceptive Reflexes Induced by Ionizing Radiation," Fiziologichnyy_p=21_12hEainskiy), v 2, no 6, p 87-97, 1956, U Chuchukalo, A. I., "The Effect of Inflammation of the Phagocytic Reaction of the Reticuloendothelial System in Animals Injured by Polonium," Trudy Vsesoyumoy Konferentsii 0 Meditsinskoy Radiologii, (Works of the All-Union Conference on Medical Radiology; 1957, p 174-178, U Davydova, I. N., Manoylov, S. Ye., Strutsovakaya, S. V., and Chochiya, K. N., "Prevention and Treatment of Radiation Injuries of the Skin with Stickleback Oil; (Experimental and Clinical Observations," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiolo ii, v 31, no 5, 1956, p 16-20, U Demirchoglyan, G. G., Adunts, G. T., and Avakyan? Ts. .'"Effect of Radioactive Phosphorus on the Functional State of the Retina," Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biolo icheskikh i Selg- skokhovaystvennykh Eauk? v 10 no 2, 1957, p 3-13, U Denisov, N. N.? and Astashenko? P. T., Atomnaya Energiya, Sbornik Statev (Mamie Energy; Collection of Articles) liloscaq,Voyenizdat, 1954, 53 P, U Detlaf, T. A.,and Ttrpayev, T. 100, "Specificity of the Action of Calcium in the Process of Fertilisation, Activation, and Muscular 'Contraction, and the Possibility of Substituting it by Strontium," Ismqtln Aksdemii Ila_olkLoSagE2BiologlE5 no 5, 1957, P 572-577, U Dolivo-Dobrovol'skiy, L. B., and Zavel?akiy, R. S., "Concerning the Problem of the Content of Radioactive Potassium in Urban Sewage," Meditsinskaya v 3, no 3, 1958, p567, U - Domareva, O. F., "Effect of Total X-ray Irradiation on the Testes of Mice of Various Age Groups," Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, v 17, no 1, 1956; p 5667, U Domshlak, M. P., and Darenakay , N. G., "Comparative Effect of Different Types of Ionizing Radiations on the Animal Organism," Itogi Nauki Biologicheskaya Nauki? no 1, 1957, p 149-170, U Domshiak, M. P., Ivanov, I. I., Belousova, 0. I., and Yakovlev, V. G., "Research on Bi logical Protection Against Radiation During Experi- mental X-ray Therapy of Tumors," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p 47-52, U E-5 Drogichina, E. A., Byaiko, IL K., Gelufon, I. A., Ivanov, N. I., Kazakevich, M. A., Linevich, T. B., Osipova, V. Go, Stepanova, V. I., Ryzhkova, M. N., Solov'yeva, Ye. A-, and Tsenterovy L0 GcL, Course of Initial Stages of Chronic Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Organisms:" Gigiyena Truda I Professiona1?437e Zabolevaniya, no.20 1958, p 3-8, U DuplishcheVa, A. P., "Gastrointestinal Absorption of Certain Antibiotics into the Blood in Radiation Sickne s," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 46-51, U Diyachenko, M. N., "%Few Methods of Do imetry oflonizing Radiations," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 4, 1958, p 75-78, U Dzyubko, N. Ya., "Effect of Several B-Vitamins on Acute ExperimPntal Radiation Sickness,".dhel21..selo, no 3, 1957, p 253-255, U Eydus, L. 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Ye., "Problem of Mechanis of the Uptake and Elimination of Radioactive Isotopes of Alkaline Earths, Rare Earths, and Heavy Metals," Meditsinskaya R4,!diologiya, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 13-189 U Frank, G. M., "Physics and Medicine," Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, no 95, 28 Nov 1958, p 2, U FUnshteyn, L. V., "Preservation of the Proliferative Capacity of Skin Epithelium under the Local Action of Ionizing Radiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 31-35, U Funshteyn, L. V., and Nevler? A-, "Use of an Electron Microscope for Studying the Effects of X-rays and R Am Emanations on Bacterial and Cancer Cells," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 30, no 3, 1955, p 2026,- U E-6 CLASSIFIED B1BLIOGRAk'ni Fursov, V. S., Uran-grafitovyye Yadernyye Reaktory (Graphite-Uranium Nuclear Reactors), Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 1956, 38 p, U Gamaleya, A. N., Gyurdzhyan, A. A., Zhgun, A, A-, and Simonov, P. V., "Effects of a Cervical Vagosympathetic Novocaine Block in Acute Radiation Sickness in Dogs," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 3-5, U Garvey, N. N., "Morphological Changes in Cutaneous Exteroceptors Follow- ing Penetrating Irradiation," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, EY Gorodinskiy, S. M., and Parkhomenko, G. M., "Industrial Hygiene Problems in Work with Radioactive Isotopes," in Iucbeniye Iznosa Detale Mashin pri Pomoschi Radioaktivn kb Izotopov Study of Wear of Machine Parts by Means of Radioactive Isotopes., edited by P. Ye. Wyachenko, Moscow Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1957, p 135-142, U Gorodinskiy, S. M., and Shcherbakov, V. L., "Individual Protection During Repair Work Under Conditions of Radioactive Contamination," Atomnaya Energiya, v 3, no 8, 1957, p 141-148, U Granil'shchikov, V% P., and Parkhomenko, G. M., "Medical-Hygiene and Sanitary-Engineering Requirements in the Planning and Equipment of Laboratories Using Radioactive Materials," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 42, U Grayevskaya, B. M., and Keylina, R. Ya., "Changes in Carbohydrate Metabolism During General X-Ray Irradiation of the Living Body," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 30/ no 4, 1955, p 21-26, U Grayevskaya, B. M., and Keylina, R. Ya.? "Decrease in the Sensitivity of Animals to Fatal Doses of X-Rays Following Irradiation With Nonfatal Doses," Biofizika, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 232-236, U Grayevskaya, B. M., and Keylina, R. Ya., "Effect of Ionizing Radiations on Certain Aspects of Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Animal Organism," Uepekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, v 40, no 2, 1955, p 230-238, U Grayevskaya, B. M., and Keylina, R. Ya., "Glycemic Curves in Dogs Follow- ing X-irradiation under Anesthesia," Meditsinskam21112logiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 55-59, U Grayevskaya, B. M., Kononenko, A. M., and Manoylav, S. E., "Distribution of Rsniumsin the Body of a Rat and Its Excretion Rate," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 30, no 2, 1955, p 10-16, U Grayevskiy? E. Ya., and Korchak, L. I., "Sulfhydryl Groups in Muscle Tissue In Normal Conditions and Following Irradiation with Lethal Dose of Roentgen Rays," Doklady Akademli Bauk SSSR, v 102, no 5, 1955, p 939-941, U Grigor'yants, A. N., "Some Problems of Operating an Atomic Power Plant," Atomnaya Energiya, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 109-117, U Grigorlyev, YU. G., "Some Data on the Use of Nicotinic Acid in Complications of Radiotherapy," EpIIIL!llthEya Radiologiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 67-70, U Grigorgyev, Yu. G., "Problem of Primary Functional Changes of the Cerebral Cortex Following Irradiation, Part 2," Vestnik Rentgenologii Radiologii, v 31, no 2, 1956, p 3-7, U E-8 Gurvits, S. S., Me Zashchity Rabota hchikh s Radioaktivnymi Veshchestvami (Protective Measures for Those That Work With Radioactive- Substances V. NL Zhdanov, editor, Nedgiz? 1958, 98 p, U Gusev, N. G., Gamma Izlucheniye Radioaktivn kh Izotopov ? Produktov Deleniya; Teoriya I Tablitsy Gamma Radiation of Radioactive Isotopes and Fission Products; Theory and Tables), Moscow, 1958, 208 p, U Illyina, L. I., Blokhina, V. D., and Uspenskaya? M. S., "Effect of Ionizing Radiations on Proteins of Structural Elements of Hepatic Cellular Tissue," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 23-30, U Isachenko,, V. D., "Change in the Bodyes _Reaction to Barbiturates and the Awakening Effect of Corazol after Total Body Irradiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 59-64, U Isachenko, V. B., "Prophylactic Action of Some Cholinolytic Preparations and Thio Compounds in Radiation Injuries," Vestnik Rentgenologiil Radiologii, v 31, no 50 1956, p 9-15, U Istomina, A. G., and KeYiiiim-Markus, I. B., "Experimental Installation for the Irradiation of Animals by "ENO-1" Neutron Fluxes (Report 2)," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 4, 1958, p 69=75, u Dranitskaya, A. F., "A Study of the Effect of Gamma Rays of C06? on Blood and Connective Tissue Cells of Mice Spleen after Explantation," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 124, no 1, 1959, p 209-212, U Ivanitskaya? A. F., "Reactivity of Some Cellular Elements of the Axolotl to Total Body Irradiation by X- lays," Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologiya, no 5, 1956, p 85-96y U Ivanitskaya, A. F., "Tissue Culture Method for Studying the Effect of X-Rays on the Spleen in Mice," Doklady_LEImill_HELEE, v 109, no 6, 1956, p 978-981, U Ivanov, A. Ye., "Disorders of Pigment Metabolism in Radiation Sickness," MeditsinskayaRadiolqgla, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 18-23, U Ivanov, A. Ye., and Sosova, V. G., "Peculiarities of the Inflammatory Reaction of the Skin in Radiation Injuries in Animals," Neditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, U Kachur, L. A., Petrov, V. A,, Pobedinskiy, M. N., and Semenov, L. F., Luchevaya Boleznfi (Radiation Sirkness), Moscow, Medgiz, 1956, 95 p, U Kalashnikov, B. P., "Effect of Gamma Rays on the Bioelectrical Activity of the Retina," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 104, no 1, 1955, p 64=67, U E-9 UNOLCCIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY Kalinin, I. A., and Vertebnyy, P. Ya., "Calculations of Physical Doses of Gamma Radiation," Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, v.30, no 2, 1956, p 457-463, U Karelina, Z. M., "Conference on Sequelae of Injuries Caused by the Effects of Ionizing Radiation," Meditsinskayp. Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p 86-89, U Kasavina, B. S? and Spektor, Ye. B., "Free Amino Acids of the Bone Marrow and Changes in Them under the Effect of X-Ray Irradiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 31 1956, p 72-80, U Kashchenko, L. A., "Effect of Radioactive Iodine on the Hypophysis and Ovaries in Mammals," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 70-75, U Kashchenko, L. A., and Pushnitsyna, A. D., "Physiological Shifts Arising in an Organism Due to Irradiation of Sex Glands by X-Rays," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 31, no 4, 1956, p 3-111 U Kaulen, D. R., "Effects of X!-Irradiation on the Formation of Diphtherial Antitoxin," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 51-56, U Kedrova, Ye. M., "Effect of ACTH on the Survival and Sulfhydryl Compound Content of Soluble Liver Proteins of White Rats Irradiated with Roentgen Rays," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 2, 19571 p 42-461 U Kerova, N. I., "Polynuclease Activity of the Skin in Radiation Sickness," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 5, 1956, p 90-931 U Keylina, R. Ya., "Effect of Total Body X-Ray Irradiation of Animals on Glycogenolysis," Biokhimiya, v 20, no 4, 1955, p 420-424, U Kharchenko, A. M., and Vinokurov, I. N., "Functional and Histomorphological Changes in the Skin of Rabbits Following Applications of Radioactive Phosphorus," Vestnik Venerologii i Dermatologii, no 5, 1955, p 14-18, U Khenokh, M. A., and Lapinskaya, E. M., "Effect of Beta-Irradiation of Radioactive Phosphorus on Amino Acids," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 102, no 5, 1955, p 993-996, U Khomutovskiy, O. A., "Blastomogenic Effect of Radioactive Strontium," Fizio1ogichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 3, no 6, 1957, p 125-130, U Khomutovskiy, O. A., "Concerning the Question of Accelerating Ca45 Elimination from an Organism," Sbornik N uchnoy Raboti pc) Radiologii Rentgenologii, Kievskogo Instituta UsoVershenstvovaniya Vrachey (Compilation of Scientific Works on Radiology and Roentgenology, Kiev. Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians); 1957, p 49-57, U E-10 Khromov, B. M., "Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Bones," Ortopediyal Travmatologiya i Protezirovaniye, v 17, no 5 1956, p 73-78, U Khruleva, L. N., "Simultaneous Study of Conditioned Reflexes of the Serous and Mucous Membranes of the Salivary Glands, Report 2; Conditioned Reflexes of the Serads and Mucous Membranes of the Salivary Glands of Dogs under the Effect of Radiation," Trudy Institute Vysshey Nervnoy Deyatel'nosti, Seriya Fiziologii, v 2, 1956; p 267-272, U Kirpichnikova, Ye. S., Shapiro, N. Ios, Belitsina, N. V., and 012shevskaya, L. V., "The Influence of Ionizing Radiation on the Cells of Bone Marrow Of Mice," Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, v 17, no 5, 1956, p 340-354-, u Kiselev, P. N., "Biological Action of Radioactive Phosphorus," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 30 no 1, 1955, p 3-9, U Kiselev, P. N., and Buzini, P. A., "Lowering the Permeability of Irradiated Tissue Through the Use of Certain Substances," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 30, no 5, 1955, p 17-26, U -------- Kiselev, P. N., Buzini, P. A., and Semina, V. A., "Specificity of Protein Denaturation in the Body Following X-Ray Irradiation," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii? v 30, no 3, 1955, P 3-9, U Kiselev, P. N., and Karpova, Ye. V., "Effect of Preliminary Penetrating Radiations on the Course of Bacterial Toxicosis," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 23-29, U Kiselev, P. N., and Karpova, Ye. V., "Peculiarities of Specific Prevention of Bacterial Toxicosis in Acute Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologi a, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 31-35, U layman, d. /a., "Antibiotics and Radiation Disease, Priroda, v 45, no 3, 1956 p 105-107, U Klimenko, O. S., "Effect of a Single General X-ray Irradiation on the Ascorbic Acid Content of the Blood and Tissues," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 3 no 3, 1957, p 117-122, u Kolenyko, A. B., "Diseases of the Organs of Sight in Radiation Sickness," Oftalmologicheskiy Zhurnal, v 11, no 5 1956, p 264-271, U Kanarova, O. I, "Changes in the Morphological Composition of Blood in Rabbits under the Influence of Beta-Radiation During Blood Loss," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1 no 6, 1956, p 21-24, U Komarovskiy, A. N., "Special Features in Building Heavy Concrete Shieldings for Reactors and Accelerators:" Stroitel?naya Promyshlennost?, no 2, 1958, p 2, U K-11. -121"454"2421""=MPIrir- Komarovskiy, A. N., "Evaluation of the Expediency of Using Heavy Concrete for Radiation Shields," Atomnaya Energiya, v 4, no 5, 1958, p 437-442, U Komarovskiy, A. N., Zashchitnyye Oboloshki Yadernylch Reaktorov (Shields for Nuclear Reactors); Moscor,?Atomizdat-19563-66-Ti-U- Konstantinova, M. S., "Changes of the Lymphoid Tissue of the Spleen in Mice Soon After Gamma-Irradiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p 14-19, U Kornilov, A. N., "Motor Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Radiation Sickness," Voyenno Meditsinskiy Murnal, no 3, 1956, p 19-25, U Korobkina, I. P., "In the Atomic Pavilion of the AllrUhion Industrial Exhibit (Radiation Medicine Division)," Atomnaya Energiya, v 3, no 7, 1957, p 76-78, U Korogodin, V. I., and Polikarpov, G. G., "Primary Processes in Irradiation ? Injuries," Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, v 44, no 1, 1957, P 93-102, U Kovalev, Ye. Ye., and Osanov, D. P., "Effect of the Length of a Flat ? Source on the Attenuation of Gamma Rays in Shielding," Atomnaya ?Energiya, v 2, no 6, 1957, p 555-558, U Kozlov, M. Ya., "The Condition of Hearing Following Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 4, 1958, p 64-69, U Koznova, L. B., "Olfactory Disturbances in People Subjected to Radiation Effects," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 26-30, U Krasin, A. K., Energeticheskiye Yadernyye Reaktory (Atomic Power Reactors), Moscow, "Znanim1957, 36-Pi U Krayevskiy, N. A., "Some Results and Possible Prospects in Research on Blood Changes in Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 6-11, U Krestinskaya, T. V., "Effect of X-41'ys on the Neural Elements of the Cornea," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 103, no 2, 1955, p 243-246, U Itriger, Yu. A., and Yelkhovskaya, Ye. S., "Changes in the Physicochemical Properties Due to Gamma-Ray Effects," Biofizika, v 3, no 6, 1958, p 711-716, U Kryzhanovskiy, G. N., and Lebedev, N. N., "Effect of Total Body Irradiation with X-Rays on the Action of Antitetanus Serum," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 59-62, U E-12 Kukhtevich, V. I. and TsyPin, S. G., "Physical and Engineering Problems in Designing Small-Size Shields," Atomnaya Energiya, v 5, no 4, 1958, p 393-402, U Kuzin, A. M., "Biological Action of Ionizing Radiations in the Light of Modern Views of the Nature of Deoxyribonucleic Acid," Izve tiya Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Seriya Biologiya, no 3, 1957, p 273-284, U Kuzin, A. M., and Budilova, Ye. V., "Change in the Structural Viscosity of Nucleic Acids of the Brain and Spleen under the Effect of Ionizing Radiation," Trudy Instituta Biologicheskoy Flziki, no 1, 1955, p 79-83, U Kuzin, A. M., Eydus, L. Kh., and Strazhevskaya, N. B., "Investigations of the Effect of Roentgen Rays on Certain Properties of Protein and Its Synthesis with the Aid of Labeled Compounds," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 102, no 2, 1955, p 267-270, U Kuzin, A. M., and Plyshevskaya, Ye. G., "Role of Complex Compound Formation in the Radioresistance of Myosin," Biofizika, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 141-142, U Kuzin, A. M., and Strazhevskaya, N. B., "Biochemical Effect of Ionizing Radiation," Itogi Nauki, Biologicheskiye Nauki, no 1, 1957, p 50-99, U Kuznetsova, M. N., "Placental Histology in Radiation Sickne s; Experimental Study," Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya, v 33, no 4, 1957, p 50-55, U Kuznetsova, N. N., "On the Role of Humofal Factors in the Organism's Response to Ionizing Radiation," Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, v 19, no 1, 1957, p 53-63, U Lakhanin, V. V., and Shilov, N. M., Korabl na Atomnoy Energii (Atomic- Powered Ship). Moscow, "Morskoy TransporW'1957; 151p, U Lastovskiy, R. P., Vaynsbteyn, Yu. I., Dyatlova, N. M., and Kolpakova, I. D., "New Complexions, Report 3 Benzylaminediacetic Acid and Triamine- dibenzyldiphenylmethanehexaacetic Acid," Zhurnal An liticheskoy Khimii v 13, no 1, 1958, p 31-35, U Layne, V. F., "Easy method for a General Hematological Examination of Persons Affected by Penetrating Radiation," Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 7, 1956, p 33-34, U Lazarev, N. V., Karlinskaya, R. S., and Felistovich, G. I., "The Effect of Some Pyrimidine Derivatives on the Course of Spontaneous Leukosis in Mice," Voprosy Onkologii, v 2, no 2, 1956, p 216-220, U Lebedinskiy, A. V., "Some Neuroendocrine Relations in the Reaction of the Organism to Ionizing Radiations," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 35-41, U E-13 ILiUGAFlif A. V., "Reaction of the Cardiovascular System to Ionizing Radiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 3-9, u Lebekhov, P. I., "The Course of Thermal Burns of the Cornea in Radiation Sickness in R:bbits," Vestnik Oftal'mologii, v 71, no 1, 1958, p 3-10, U Letavet, A. A., "Problems of Hygiene in Radiology," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 11-22, U Liberman, A. N., "Using Ionizing Rarliations in Food Preservation," Voprosy Pitaniya, v 16, no 6, 1957, p 52-56, U Lipatova, N. Ya., Mayorov, F. P., and Pavlov, B. V., "Effect of Total Body Irradiation on the Higher Nervous Activity in Dogs," 2ndoy Instituta Fiziologii imeni I Beritashvili, v 6, 1957, p 310-321 U Lipkan, N. F., "Conversions of Nucleic Acids in the Skin in Radiation Sickness," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 5, 1956, p 86-89, U Lipkan, B. F., "Structural Proteins of the Skin in Radiation Lesions," Ukrainskiy Biokhimichnyy Zhurnal, v 29, no 1, 1957, p 90-95, U Litvinov, N. N., "Dynamics of the Development of Bone Sarcomas Originating under the Influence of Radioactive Substances," Voprosy Onkologii, v 2, no 3, 1956, p 285-294, U Litvinov, N. N., and Makarycheva, R. 1., "Roentgeno-MorPnological Study of the Development of Osteogenic Sarcomas in Animals Poisoned by Radioactive Strontium," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 33, no 5, 1958, p 36-44, U 14vanov, M. N "Central and Peripheral Interrelationships in Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 19-27, U Idvshits, N. N., "Conditioned Reflex Activity in Dogs as Affected by Continuous Ionizing Irradiation of the Head," Biofizika, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 221-231, U Idvshits, N. N., "Effect of X-Ray Irradiations of the Cerebellar Region on Conditioned Reflex Activity in Dogs," Trudy Instituta Biologicheskoy Fiziki no 1, 1955, p 50-62, U ?Livshits N. N., "Effect of Repeated Total X-Ray Irradiation on Conditioned Foofi. Reflexes in Dogs," Trudy Instituta Biologicheskoy Fiziki, no 1, 1955, p 63-78, U Lubenskiy, Yu. M., "Changes in the Secretory Function of the Kidneys in Acute Radiation Sickness; Experimental Research," Urologiya, v 21, no 3, 1956, P 33-38, U E-14 on. WS 1.1 Luchnik, N. V0, "Effect of Fractionation and Size of the Dose on the Cytological Effect of Radiation," Biofizika, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 633-641, U Luknyanchenko, B. Ya-, "Some Problems of the Contemporary Idea of the Initial Phases of Radiation Injuries," Vestnik Rentgenologii Radiologii, v 31, no 5, 1956, p 68-73, U Manoylov, S. Ye., Grayevskaya, B. M., and Shimanovskaya, K. B., "Chronic Effect of Radium Salts on the Animal Organism," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 30, no 6, 1955, p 43-49, U Manoylov, S. Ye., and Ivanov, K0 P., "Certain Characteristics of the Biological Effect of Penetrating Radiation," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 105, no 1, 1955, p 180-181, U Marey, A. N0, "Radioactive Wastes and Public Health Problems," MeditsInskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 3-7, U Marey, A. N., "Some Problems in the Sanitary Protection of Waters from Radioactive Contamination," Gigiyena Sanitariya, v 21, no 9, 1956, p 7-11, U Marey, A. N., "Water Organisds as a Sanitary Index of the Pollution of a Body of Water by Radioactive Substances)" Gigiyena i Sanitariya, v 20, no 8, 1955, P 3-9, U Marey, A. N., Saurov, M. M., and Lebedeva, G. D., "The Problem of the Transmission of Radioactive Strontium Through the Food Chain from Open Reservoirs to Human Organisms," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 1, 1958, p 69-76, U Markaryan, M. K. "Pollution of Water Sources by Radioactive Matter and Hygienic Problems of the Water Supply," Voyenno Meditsinski Zhurnal, no 10, 1955, p 43-49, U Maslova, M. N., "Effect of Radioactive Radiation (Radium Emanation) on Nerve Accommodation," Ucheniye Zapiski, Leningrad St te University, no 222, 1955, p 60-65, U Matuzov, N. I., "Hygienic Significance of Changes in Food and W ter Induced by Ionizing Radiations,"inoMedieezdZhalunli, no 1, 1956, P 14.9.53 U MaYorov, F. P., Pavlov, B. V., and Lipatova, N. Ya., "Changes in the Higher Nervous Activity of Dogs under the Effect of X-Irradiation of the Cervical Section of the Vegetative Nervous System" Trudy Instituta Fiziologii ideni Beritashvili, v 5, 1956, p 79-102, U E-15 -ElifetikteeMtAlstrf- Meysel?, M. N., Pamoshchnikova, N. and Sokolova, T. S., "The Influence of Blocking Intracellular Structures on Cell Radiosensitivity," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 117, no 1, 1957, p 142-145, U Meyeel?, M. N., and Sondak, V. A., "Fluorencence Microscopic Investigation of Early Changes in the Bone Marrow and Blood of Irradiated Animals)" Biofizika, v 1, no 3,, 1956, p 262-273) U Mirimova) T. D., "Mechanism of the Etiology of Hemorrhagic Diathesis in Growing Animals after Total Body X-Irradiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, P 55-61, U Morozov, A. I., and Nagrodskaya, A. Z., "Prevention of Radiation Injuries to the Eyes in Radiotherapy," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 31, no 4, 1956, p 48-51, U Moskalev, Yu. 'op and. Strel'tsava V. N., "Effects of Continuous Inflow of Radioactive Cerium Through the Gastrointestinal Tract on the System of Rat," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 14-20, U Movsesyan? M. A., and Oganesyan, A. A., "Changes in the Electrical Activity of the Beart and Brain of Animals in Acute Radiation Sickness," Izvesti a Akademii Beak ansko SSE Seriya ?Biologicheskikh I.. Selbliokhos Aystvennykh Pauk, v 9 no 1956, p 13-20, U MytareVa, L. V-,;, "Process of Tissue Respiration and of Associated - j)lcidativePhosphorylatioh in" Radiation Sickness in Experimental Animals," Me&itsins v 1, no 1, 1956, p 35-39, U Testerenko, G.,-"The Way to an Ato ic Aircraft Engine," no 12, 1956, p 10-12, U Nesterenko, G., "Atomic Aircraft of the FUture,1-11'ya Rod, no 1, 1956, p 12-14, U N? itenko, R. D., "Effect of Tr ce Doses of Radioactive Strontiun on tbe Peripheral Blood Picture in Rabbits," _Piziologicarcal. (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 6, 1956, p6772, U Okulov, N. M. "Effect of Acute Radi tion Sickness on the Change in "Methionine Absorption by the Gastrointestinal Tract," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 5, 1956, p41-, U Oleynikova,, T. N., "MorphologicalZhanges in the Peripheral Nervous System Caused by 'Ionizing Radiation," Vr chebnor_2212, no 2, 1956, p 127-132, U . Orlov, A. S., "Inclusio of Phosphorus ia Stable and Labile Protein Compounds Bound with Nucleic Acids in Certain Organ of White Rats'Following Total Body Roentgen Irradi tion," malI5J.T5ra Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 65-70, U E-16 Orlov, Vladimir, "On the Threshold of the Atomic Age," Teknika Molodezhi, no 11, 1955, p 1-6, U Orlova, L. V., and Rodionov, V. M., "Steroid Hormones in Adrenal Blood in Irradiated Rabbits," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 2, 1957, p 54-59, U Osipov, Ye., "Protective Appliances Used in Medical Radiology," Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, no 94 (1633), 22 Nov 57, p 14. U Osipov, Ye., "Protective Clothing Against Radioactive Contamination of Airs" Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, no 33, 25 Apr 58, p 4, U Pasynskiy, A. G., Volkova, M. S., and Blokhina, V. P., "Isotopic Determination of Denaturation Changes in Proteins," Doklady. Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 101, no 2, 1955, p 317-320, U Pavlova, Ye. B., and Rabkina, A. Ye., "Some Data on the Effect of Radiation on Functional Conditions of the Adrenal Cortex," Problemy Endokrinologii Gormonoterapii, v 3, no 4, 1957, p 3-9, U Perel'man, R. G., Yadernyye Dvigateli (Nuclear Engines), Moscow, Znaniye, 1958, 54 p, U Pererman, R. G., "Atomic Engines, Nauka iZhizn, no 1, 1956, p 26-35, U Petrov, P. A., Yadern e Energeticheski e Ustanovki (Nuclear Power Installations), Moscow, Gosudarstvennoye Energeticheskoye Izdatel'stvo, 1958, 256 p, U Petrov, V. A., "Apparatu for Monitoring Protection From Gamma Radiation (BB-DKO," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3,1957, p 85, U Petrova, A. S., "Blood Platelet Change in Acute Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 52-56, U _ Petrova, N. D., Polikarpova, L. I., Sbitneva, M. F., Tutochkina, L. T., and Shikhodyrov, V. V., "Protective Effect of Chondroitin Sulfate Against Lethal Doses of X-rays," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 3, no 4, 1958, p 34-41, U Pinchuk, V. G., "Morphological Changes in the Pancreas in White R ts in Acute Radiation Sickness Caused by Intr peritoneal Injection of Radioactive Strontium," Vrachebnoye Delo, no 4, 1957, p 427, U Pinus, A. A., "Pathomorphological Changes in Animals after Poisoning with Radon Through Respiratory Organs," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 55-63, U E-17 Pobedinskiy, M. N6 "Reaction of Bone Tissue to Roentgen Irradiation and to Radioactive Substances," Vestnik Khirurgii imeni I. Io Grekova, v 76, no 11, 1955, p 116-121, U Pogodayev, K. I., "studying the Swelling and Moisture Content of Brain Tissues in Rats under Conditions of Excitation and Ionizing Radiation," Ukrainskiy Biokhitichnyy Zhurnal, v 29, no 4, 1957, p 428-436, U Pokrovskiy, G. I., "Atomic Airplane of the Future," Tekhnika Molodezhi, no 8, 1955, p 22, U Polyak, B. L., "Lesions of the Eyes Induced by Penetrating Radiation," Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 9, 1955, p 13-16, U Ponomarenko, N. Ye., "Activity of Blood Cholinesterase and Some Tissues in Animals under the Effect of Ionizing Radiation in Lethal and Sublethal Doses," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 13-16, U Poplavskiy, N. K0, "Changes in Reflex Excitability Following Total Body X-ray Irradi tion," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 10-13, U Prokudina, Ye. A., "Changes in Adenosinetriphosphatase Activity During the Development of Acute and Subacute Forms of Radiation Sickness," Medit;inskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 46-51, U Reynberg, S. A., "Criticism of Some Basic Concepts in Radiobiology," Vestnik RentgenologiLJ Radiologii, v 30, no 5, 1955, p 3-10, U Rozenblitl Ye. I., and Manikov, ,L E., "Effect of Roentgen Irradiation on the Functional State of the Central Nervous System in Closed Brain Injuries; Clinical Chronaximetric Analysis," Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, v 55, no 3, 1955,-p 210,-213, U Rozhdestvenskaya,.M. A., "Hemoglobin Changes Due to the Effect of Roentgen Irradiation," ,in: Aktual'nyy2_Voprosy Perelivaniya Ktovi (Pressing Problems Of Blood Transfusion); LeningradTv-5,-1957,-- P 81-85, U - Rubanovskaya, A. A., and Ushakova, V. F., "Accumulation of R;7..dioactive Strontium iR Young Rata Born to and Nursed by Mothers who had Received 5r09 and Sr89 i 90 orally Over a Long Period," in: Material po Toksikolo iy.Radioaktivnykh Veshchestv; Strontsi Tseziy, Ruteniy, Radon Material-on,the-Toxicology-of-Radioactive -Substances-Strontium3- Cerium, Rutheium, Radon), Moscow, Medgiz, v 1, 1957, p 23-31, U E-18 Ruderman, A. I., Zayrat'yants, V. B., and Sherman, L. M.? !Weakening of Local Radiation Reactions," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya v 1, no 6, 1956, p 61-65, U Rusanov, A. M., "Resistance of White Mice to X-rays in Various Stages of Development," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 30, no 3, 1955, p 17-19, U Sanotskiy, V. 'A., "Some Questions on the Toxicology of Radioactive Substances," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 28-35, Samundzhan, Ye.' M., "Changes in Conditioned Reflex Activity in Mice Caused by Beta and Gamma Radiation," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 3, 1956, p 144-154, U Sanotskiy, V. A., "Some Problems in the Toxicology of Radioactive -Substances," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 28-35, U Savitskiy, I. V., and Leshchinskiy, V. A., "Effect of Various Doses of Radioactive Phosphorus on Protein Metabolism," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 6, 1956, p 82-90, U Seliverstova, L. A., "Effect of X-rays on Pantothenic Acid Synthesis and Accumulation in Yeasts," Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, v 18, no 5) 1957, p 360-365, U Semenov, L. F., and Prokudina Ye. A., "Adrenalin Used in Conjunction With Acetylcholine in the Prophylaxis of Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p35-40, Semenov, L. F., and Prokudina, Ye. A., "Use of Compounda Containing Sulfur in the Prevention of Radiation Sickness," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4,1956, p 70-75, U Shabadash, A. L., "Cytological and Histochemical Study of the Action of Ionizing Radiations on the Animal Organism," Itogi Nauki, Biologicheskiye Nauki, no 1, 1957, p 171-188, U ?ShaJinov, M. I., "Tissue Doses From Fast and Superfast Neutrons," Atomnaya Energiya, v 4, no 6, 1958, p 557-570, U Shaternikov, V. A., "Absorption Disorders in the Small Intestine in Radiation Injuries of Animals Kept on Different Food Rations," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 61-67, U Shchepot'yeval Ye. S., "The Energy of Different Types of Radiation and Some Laws which Govern the Action of Radiation on Biological Objects," Atomnaya Energiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 139-146, U E-19 4SermikeetliztED-MarMIMEr- Shershever, S. M., "lesions of the Brain in Radiation Sickness; Experimental Investigations," Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni Korsakova, v 57, no 3, 1957, p 393-401, U Shiffer, I. V., "Mechanism of Repair of Tissue Lesions Induced by X-rays," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 38-44, U Shkapina, V. A., "Morphology of the Blood During Inhibition of the Central Nervous System and Irradiation by Gamma Rays," Vrachebnoya Delo, no 4, 1957, p 423-425, U Shnol', S. "ke., "Some Details for Working with Radioactive Isotopes," Byulleten'_Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny, v 39, no 4, 1955; P 'U.' Shramenko, A. I., Zashchit: ot Izlucheniya Radiya i ego Zameniteley v Radioterapevticheskikh.Uchrezhdeniyakh, (Protection from the- - Radiation-of-Radium-and it Substitutes in Radiotherapeutic Institutions), Kiev, 1956, 32 p, U Shtukkenberg, Yu. M., Kalugin, K. S., and Bobkov, A. I., "Electrofilter for Determining the Concentration of Active Aerosols," in: Issledovaniya v Oblasti Dozimetrii Ioniziruyushchikh Izlucheni (Studies in the - Field of Ionizing-Radiation Dosimetry-, 'Moscow, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1957, p 132-153, U Shur'yan, I. M., "Changes in the Blood and Hemopoietic Organs in Animals with Radiation Sickness Caused by X-rays and the Administration of P32," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 5, 1956, p 94-100, U Shur'yan, I. M., "Effect of External and Internal Irradiation on the Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow of Rabbits," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 1, no 3, 1955, p 109-117, U Sidorik, Ye. P., "Effect of Gamma-and Beta-Radiation on the Development and Course of Schwartzman Phenomenon," Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 2, no 6, 1956, p 73-80, U Simonovich, N. M., and Rogaclaeva, E. D., "Detection of Ionizing Radiation," Fizika v Shkole, v16, no 2, 1956, p 75-76, U Sivetseva, V. N., "Course of Paratyphoid Infection in Animals Subjected to General X-Ray Irradiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 52-59, U Skvirskaya, K. B., "Concerning Neurological Symptoms Following Therapy by Radioactive Cobalt," Zhurnal Nevropatologii I Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, v 56, no 11, 1956, p tr Sokolov, S. S., "Healing of Wounds in Radiation Sickness," VestAik Rent- genologii i Radiologii, v 31, no 1, 1956, p 30-41, U E-20 UNCLAaaarIED BIBLIOG1IAPHY Sokolov, V. S., "Safety Problems in Gamma-Ray Radiography of Metals," Bezopasnost' Truda v Proyshlennosti, no 9, 1957, p 17-20, U Sondak, V. A., "Injury of the Organism C used by the Introduction of Small Doses of Radioactive Phosphorus," Biofizika, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 211-220, U a Sorokinaa I. I., "Morphological Changes in the Nerve Cells of the Medulla Oblongata of White Mice During General X-Ray Irradiation,' Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 106, no 1, 1956, U Strashinin, A. I., "The Effectiveness of the Use of Cysteineamine Prepara- tions for the Prophylaxis of Radiation Sickness in the Clinic, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p 52-54, U Strashinin, A. I., "Effect of Total Body Irradiation with X-Rays and Radiation with Radioactive Cobalt on the Excretion of Ascorbic Acid in the Urine of Guinea Pigs," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radioloii, v 31, no 6, 1956, p 3-8, U Strelin, G. S., "Some Features of the Biological Action of Ionizing Radiations," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, vi, no 1, 1956, p 27-35 U Strertsova, V. N., "Pathological Anatomy of Lesions Induced by Radio- active Lanthanum," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 78-83, U Strelltsova, V. N., and Moskalev, Yu. I., "Late Results 41i0EI,SinglaR4ando ne? Repeated Administrations of Radioactive Isotopes (Ce"', Reu; Sr?9?u) Through the Gastrointestinal Tract," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 3, 1957, p23-2I., U Syrkin, A. L., "Investigation of Hydrophilic Properties of the Skin by Using Radioactive Sodium; Mechanism of the Blister Test," Terapevticheskiy Arkhiv, v 28, no 5, 1956, p 59-63, U Syromyatnikova, N. V., "Certain Aspects of the Protein Function of the Liver Observed in the Course of Radiation Sickness," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v 111, no 3, 1956, p 730-732, U Tagibekov, E. G., "Effect of Small Doses of Radioactive Phosphorus on the Knitting Process of Bone Tissue Following Subperiosteal Resection," Vrachebnoye Delo, no 5, 1957, p 499-501, U Tarasenko, N. Yu., "Concerning the Question of Organization of Cleaning Clothing Made of Cotton Fabric from Radioactive Contamination," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 91-96, U Tarasenko, N. Yu., and Prostakova, I. G., "Hygienic Problems During Work at Atomic Eleqtric Power Plants," Gigiyena Truda I Professional'nye Zabolevaniya, v 1, no 1, 1957, p 10-14, U E-21 JNCLA2SIFIE Toroptsev, I. V., and Sokolova, N. V., "Morphological Characteristics of Radiation Sickness Induced by a Single Irradiation with 10 Mev Betatron," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 41-47, U Tretgyakova, K. A., "Cholesterol and Ascorbic Acid Content of Rat Adrenal Cortex Following Effects of Ionizing Radiation," Problemy Endokrinologii Gormonoterapii, v 3, no 3, 1957, p 72-74, U Trincher, K. S., "On the Decreased Resistance of Irradiated Erythrocytes in an Alkaline Medium and the Relationship of the Latent Period of Alkaline Hemolysis to Radiation Dose," Biofizika, v 4, no 1, 1959, p 78-83, U Triumfova, L. N., "Effect of Vitamin P Preparations on the Hemorrhagic Syndrome in Early Stages of Acute Radiation Sickness," Vrachebnoye Delo, no 8, 1957, p 817-819, U Troitskiy, V. L., and Tumanyan, M. A., "Using Rabbits to Study Autoinfection in Radiation Sickness," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 30, no 2, 1955, p 3-6, U TrUbachev, V. I., "Healing of Surgically Treated Wounds by Using Streptomycin in Experimental Radiation Sickness," Vestnik Khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova, v 79, no 8, 1957, p 99-103, U Tsypin, A. B., "Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Condition of the Visual Analysor in Rabbits," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 5, 1956, p 22-30, U Tumanyan, M. A., "Radiation Sickness in Monkeys and the Study of the Effect of Radiation on Latent Dysenteric Infection in Monkeys," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 30, no 3, 1955, p 9-17, U Tumanyan, M. A., and Izvekova, A. V., "Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Immunity to Enteric Infections," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 59-65, U TUzhilkova, T. N., "Effects of X-rays on the Regeneration of Muscular Tissue," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 4, 1956, p 14-21, U Udgodskaya, L. N., and Yudin, Yu. G., "Effect of Physical Effort on the? Clinicomorphological Characteristics of Acute Radiation Sickness," . Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 4, 1957, p 68-74, u Umanskiy, Yu. A., "Effect of Radioactive Iron (Fe.59) on the Growth of Inoculated Tumors," Vrachebnoye Delo, no 11, 1956, p 1217, U Uspenskiy, Yu. N., "Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Function of Digestive Organs," Meditsinskaya Radiolo,$iya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 66-68, U E-22 UNCLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAFFIY Varvarov, N., "The Aircraft of the Future," Sovetskiy Plot, 12 Jan 57, , P 3, U Vasilenko, Yu. K., "Change in 'Periodic Hunger and Gastric Section Following Internal Administration of Radon Water, Report l,!!: Voprosy Kurortologii FizioteraPii, I Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kult!ury,? v 22, no 4, 1957) p 45-48)-U Vasilevskiy, N. N., "A Device for Ridding Pipettes, Syringes and Test, TUbes.of Radioactive Contamination," Vestnik Rentgenologii Radiologii, v 31, no 4, 1956, p 64-65, U' Veksler, Ya. I., "Effect of Radiation on the Permeability of Tissues in Man," Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 9, 1955, p 16-20, U Yeleazarova, M. P., "Effect of Ionizing Radiations on the Choline Content of Certain Organs and Tissues," Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 31, no 2, 1956, p 22-25, U Yermakov, G. V., "Atomic Power Plants," Teploenergetika no 10 p 88-93, U Yermakov, G. V., Moshchnyye Atomnyre Elektrostantsii (Large-Capacity Atomic Power Plants),-Moscowi'lZnaniye-i"-1958,T '31, U Volkov, L. F., and Yegorova, A. P., "Dynamics of the Blood Complement, Titer in Radiation Sickness Combined with Other Lesions," Voyenno, Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, no 4, 1956, p 27-30, U VOlkova, N. I., "Radiation Hygiene Section at the Republic Session of Hygiene Institutes Held at the Institute imeni Erisman," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 21 no 2, 1957, p 91-92, 1957, Volkova, N. 1., "Soma Labor Hygiene Problems Connected with the Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Ferrous Metallurgy," Gigiyena Truda Professional'hnre Zabolevaniyal v 1, no 2, 1957, p 30-34, U Volkova, N. I., and Vershinin, N. I., "Hygiene Section of All-Union Conference on Medical Radiology," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v2, no 2, 1957, P 88-91, U Zakutinskiy, D. I., "Sequelae of the Action of Ionizing Radiation," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 2, no 1, 1957, p 22-28, U Zaretskaya, Yu. M., "Interoceptive Reactions from Lymph Nodes under the Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Organisi," Iledltqmhaya Radiologiya v 1, no 3, 1956, p 20-29, U ZayraVyants, V. B., "Changes of the Skeletal Musculature in Radiation Sickness," y2stnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, v 30, no 6, 1955, p 32-42, 1J R-23 UNCLAOCIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY Zemylanov, A. G., "Healing of Fractures and Distribution of Radioactive Phosphorus in the Callus Following Preliminary Total Body Irradiation in Experimental Animals," Vestnik Khirur?ii imeni I. I. Grekova, v 77, no 6, 1956, P 59- u Zhakhova, Z. N., and Braun, A. D., "Creatinuria in Nonpregnant and Pregnant Rats Following Ionizing Irradiation," Meditsinskaya Radiolbgiya, v 1, no 3, 1956, p 80-85, U Zhoga, N. ,A,*, "Effect of Radioactive Phosphorus On the General Condition and Motor Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Dogs," Fitiologichnvv Zhurnal (Ukrainskiy), v 14 no 3, 1955, p 102-108, U Zhorno, L. Ya., "Modification of the Ascorbic Acid Content of the Adrenals in Guinea Pigs Irradiated with X-RAYS," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 1, 1956, p 79-87, U Zilber, L. A., Artamonova, V. A., Frank, G. M., and Snezhko, A. D., "Effect of Ionizing Radiations on the Antigenic Properties of Proteins," Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, v 1, no 2, 1956, p 17-23, U Zisman, G. A., Mir Atoma (The World of the Atom), Moscow, Voyenizdat, 1955, 136 p4 U Zlobinskiy, B. M., Bezo asnost? Rabat s Radioakti Veshchestvami , (Safety in Work'with-Radioantive-Substances vMoscowi-Gpstekhizdat, ' 1958, 223,p, U Zvorkov, V., "Application of Atomic Energy in Transportation," Promyshlenno- ---- ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, 21-Nov 564 p 4, Zyuzin, I. L., ."Effect of Radioactive Isotopes on Electrical Activity of the Brain. in Epilepsy," Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, v 55, no 3) 1.955-11,-,205-,20911- Zyuzin, I. K., and Zaychkina, T. S., "Effect of Radioactive Isotopes on Artifically Induced Convulsions in Animals," Zhurnal Nevropatologii psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, v 55, no- 5,-1955-i-p-3433Wi-U Meropriyatiya Po Uluchsheniyu Okhrany Truda I Tekhniki Bezopasnosti v Rentgenovskikh-i-Radiologicheskikh-Kabinetakh-i-Laboratoriyakh--- -Meditsinskikh-Uchrezhdeniy-Uk-SSSR-tMeasures-for-Improving-Workers' -Protection-and-Accident-Prevention-in Roentgenological and Radiological Rooms and Laboratories of Medical Institutions in the Ukrainian SSSR), Kiev, 1956, 29 p, U "Chronicle," Vestnik Rentgenologii I Radiologii, v 31, no 3, 1956, p . . E-24 UNCLACCIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY Obmen Veshchestv Pri Luchevoy Bolezni, (Metabolism During Radiation Sickness), Moscow, 1956i 251-p-u,, "Change of Composition and Metabolic Processes of Bone Marrow Following the Effects of Ionizing Radiation," Trudy Vsesoyuznoy Konferentsii Po Meditsinskoy Radiologii (Eksperimentarnoy-Radiologii),'Moscaw, Medgiz; 1957, p 130-135,-U "The Teaching of Radiological Hygiene Introduced," Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, no 29, 11 Apr 58, p1, U "Chair of Radiation Hygiene," Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, no 32, 22 Apr 58, p 2, U "Measures for Improving the Protection of Medical Personnel Working With Sources of Ionizing Radiation and Radioactive Substances," Ministry of Health, USSR, Kiev, Vrachebnoye Delo, no 8, 1958, p 891, U "Purification of Air From Radioactive Aerosols," Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, no 96, 2 Dec 58, p 3,U "Institute of Medical Radiology," Izvestiya, 21 Dec 58, U "Fizika i Teplotekhnika Reaktorov," (Physics and Heat Engineering of Reactors), Supplement No. 1 to Atomnaya Energiya for 1956, U E-25