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DOCID: 3352417 /z1 Directorate of ff., Int/Name : The Abu Nidal Terror Network: Organization, State Sponsors, and Commercial Enterprise (u) A Research Paper APPROVED FOR RELEASED DATE: 24-Nov-2008 Se t GI 87-10057 July 1987 Copy 282 (b) (1) (b) (3) DOCID: 3352417 Warning Notice National Security Information Intelligence S ces or Metho nvolved (WN EL) Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions Dissemination Control Abbreviations NO FOR N (N F) NOCONTRACT (NC) PROPIN (PRI ORCON (OC) REt.... WN Not releas Not r to foreign nationals sable to contractors or contractor/consultants ion?proprietary information involved Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator This information has been authorized for release to... A microfich opy of this docu- ment is liable from OIR/ DLB 2-7177); printed copies fr CPAS/IMC (482-5203: or IM request to userid CPASIMC). Regular receipt of DI reports can be arranged through CPAS/IMC. WN1NTEL?Intelligence sources or methods involved Classified by 0607557 Declassify: OADR Derived from multiple sources All material on this page is Unclassified. DOCID: 335241'j. of r Intelligence Reverse Blank The Abu Nidal Terror Network: Organization, State Sponsors, and Commercial Enterprise (u) A Research Paper This paper was prepared by the Counterterrorist Center. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Chief, Operations and Analysis Group, on 482-5688 or secure 52139. (u) et GI 87-10057 July 1987 DOCID: 3352417 Reverse Blank ifi Sepfet GI 87-10057 July 1987 DOCID: 3352417 Reverse Blank DOCID: 3352417 Reverse Blank vii DOCID: 3352417 DOCslac 3352417 2 DOCID: 3352417 Syt 3 S7et DOC 3352417 4 DOCID: 3352417 .et 5 Stt DOC? 3352417 Sec 6 DOCID: 3352417 7 DOCspr: 3352417 8 DOCID: 3352417 ?"er 9 DOQ,ya : 3352417 10 DOCID: 3352417 11 DOCIU 3352417 S7( 12 DOCID: 3352417 7et 13 DOC] et 3352417 14 DOCID: 3352417 15 DOCID: 3352417 t 16 DOCID: 3352417 ?Net DOC 7t 3352417 18 DOCID: 3352417 Reverse Blank 19 DOCID: 3352417 Appendix Chronology of Significant Abu Nidal Organization Terrorist Activities, 1974-86 1974 22 November United Arab Emirates (UAE): Four terrorists, armed with machineguns, handgrenades, and pistols, hijack British Airways plane en route from Dubayy to Tunis ... two people wounded during takeover plane took off with approximately 46 hostages; refu- eled in Tripoli, Libya; and went on to Tunis ... one passenger killed on ground; hostages later released. (u) Late 1974 Location unknown; probably Lebanon: Murder planned by Sabri al-Banna against Yasir 'Arafat, Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad), and other prominent Pales- tinian leaders uncovered by Fatah intelligence... Banna sentenced to death in absentia in October. (u) 1976 26 September Syria: Four terrorists, armed with machineguns and grenades, take over Semiramis Hotel in Damascus, taking 90 hostages ... Syrian troops storm hotel ... one terrorist killed and three captured; four hostages killed and 34 wounded. (u) 11 October Pakistan: Grenade attack on Syrian Embassy and Syrian Ambassador's residence in Islamabad. (u) 17 November Jordan: Four Palestinians attack Intercontinental Ho- tel with handguns and grenades, killing two employ- ees and taking hostages. . . Jordanian troops counter- attack, killing three terrorists and wounding one ... two soldiers, one hotel guest killed; four hotel guests wounded. (u) 21 yet 2 December Syria: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam seriously wounded in assassination attempt in Damascus. (u) 1977 October UAE: Assassination attempt against Syrian Foreign Minister Khaddam in Abu Dhabi results in death of UAE Minister of State. (u) 1978 4 January United Kingdom: PLO representative murdered in London. (u) 15 February Cyprus: Two gunmen attack Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization meeting in Nicosia and kill its secretary general, Yusuf as-Sibal, a confidant of Anwar EI-Sadat ... leave country on aircraft with 11 hostages but refused permission to land in Libya, Kuwait, Somalia, Ethiopia, or People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen). . . subsequently return to Larnaca Airport... Egyptian counterterror- ism force conducts airborne assault on airport ... re- sulting firefight kills 15 and wounds 16. (u) 15 June Kuwait: PLO official murdered in Kuwait City. (u) 3 August France: Two gunmen attack PLO office in Paris and kill PLO representative to France. (u) DO,,elaf 3352417 5 August Pakistan: Four gunmen, armed with submachineguns and grenades, attack PLO office in Islamabad and kill radio operator, two Palestinian students, and Paki- stani police guard. (u) 1980 17 January France: Manager of Arab bookstore murdered in Paris. (u) 3 March Spain: Gunman mistakenly shoots and kills Spanish attorney Adolfo Cotelo Villareal ... apparent target is Max Mazin, leader of Spanish Jewish community. (u) 22 April Yugoslavia: Attempted murder of Fatah official Sa- lah Khalaf in Belgrade; one bodyguard wounded. (u) 5 June Kuwait: Attempted murder of PLO representative in Kuwait City. (u) 27 July Belgium: Attack on Agudat Israel synagogue in Ant- werp; one person killed and 20 injured. (u) 1981 1 May Austria: Head of Austrian-Israeli Friendship Society killed in Vienna. (u) 1 June Belgium: PLO representative murdered in Brussels. (u) 29 August Austria: Two gunmen, armed with machine pistols and handgrenades, attack Vienna synagogue. .. two killed, 19 injured. (u) 23 September Cyprus: Two Arabs attack Israeli shipping firm in Limassol with handgrenades, injuring five employees. (u) 8 October Malta: Aborted attempt in Valletta to kill the PLO representative to Libya. (u) 9 October Italy: Senior PLO official murdered in Rome. (u) 1982 4 February Austria: Bomb explodes at residence of chief rabbi in Vienna, causing some property damage but no casual- ties. (u) 1 March Spain: Nabil Arnaki, coleader of Arab People's Liber- ation Movement (APLM), a splinter group of the ANO, killed in Madrid. (u) 3 June United Kingdom: Attempted assassination of Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Argov in London ... precipitates Israeli invasion of Lebanon. (u) 5 June India: First secretary of Kuwaiti Embassy assassi- nated in New Delhi. (u) 17 June Italy: Deputy director of PLO office in Rome mur- dered. (u) 9 July Turkey: President of Palestinian Student Union mur- dered in Ankara. (3) 23 July France: Deputy director of PLO office murdered in Paris. (u) 22 DOCID: 3352417 9 August France: Two gunmen with grenades and automatic weapons attack Jewish-owned restaurant; six killed, 27 wounded. (u) 23 August Kuwait: UAE Charge d'Affaires wounded in assassi- nation attempt. (u) 26 August India: UAE Consul General in Bombay escapes injury in assassination attempt. (u) 16 September Pakistan: Attempted assassination of Kuwaiti Consul General in Karachi. (u) 18 September Spain: First secretary of Kuwaiti Embassy assassi- nated in Madrid, driver wounded. (u) 9 October Italy: Grenade and machinegun attack against syna- gogue in Rome kills a child and wounds 10 persons. (u) 8 December Greece: Kuwait Airways offices bombed in Athens, no casualties. (u) 1983 10 April Portugal: Issam Sartawi, prominent PLO moderate and close friend of 'Arafat's, killed in Lisbon. (u) 20 August Greece: Murder of aide to high-ranking Fatah official Khalil al-Wazir. (u) 23 September UAE: Gulf Air Boeing 737 en route from Karachi, Pakistan, to Abu Dhabi crashes, killing all Ill pas- sengers and crew ... crash may have been caused by bomb aboard aircraft. (u) 25 October India: Jordanian Ambassador wounded in assassina- tion attempt in New Delhi. (u) 23 26 October Italy: Jordanian Ambassador and driver wounded in assassination attempt in Rome. (y) 31 October Jordan: Car bomb detonated outside main Jordanian Army officers' club in Az Zarqa'; no casualties reported. (u) 7 November Greece: Two security guards of Jordanian Embassy in Athens attacked; one killed, one wounded. (u) 12 November Jordan: Discovery of car bomb in residential area in Amman. (u) 19 December Turkey: Car bomb discovered midway between French cultural center and US officers' club in Izmir. (u) 20 December Turkey: Car bomb injures one person and causes extensive damage to apartment building near PLO office and living quarters in Ankara. (u) 29 December Spain: Two Jordanian Embassy employees attacked in Madrid; one killed, one wounded. (u) 1984 8 February France: UAE Ambassador to France assassinated in Paris. (u) 24 March Jordan: Bomb defused outside British Consulate in Amman. (u) 24 March Jordan: Bomb defused outside British cultural center in Amman. (u) S ret DOCID : 3352417 24 March Jordan: Bomb explodes in parking lot of Interconti- nental Hotel across street from US Embassy, damag- ing two vehicles and slightly injuring two persons; second bomb discovered and defused. (u) 28 March Greece: British Embassy first secretary assassinated in Athens. (u) 3 May Cyprus: Chairman of Arab Writers' Union killed in Nicosia. (u) 25 October Italy: UAE vice consul wounded and student accom- panying him killed in assassination attempt in Rome. (u) November Lebanon: Bomb attack on British Airways office in Beirut. (u) 12 November Austria: Bomb partially explodes at Israeli El Al Airlines office; no casualties. (u) 12 November Austria: Bomb explodes in entrance hallway of British Consulate. (u) 27 November India: British DeputyHigh Commissioner assassi- nated in Bombay 29 November Greece: Attempted assassination of Jordan's Deputy Chief of Mission in Athens. (u) 4 December Romania: Deputy Chief of Mission of Jordanian Embassy assassinated in Bucharest. (u) 14 December Italy: Ismail Darwish, a leading military figure in the Fatah movement, murdered in Rome. (u) 1985 9 March UAE: ANO member arrested for attempted sabotage of Royal Jordanian Airlines flight. (u) 21 March Italy: Grenade attack on Royal Jordanian Airlines office in Rome, injuring two. (u) 21 March Cyprus: Unidentified man throws two grenades into Royal Jordanian Airlines office in Nicosia. (u) 21 March Greece: Grenade thrown into Royal Jordanian Air- lines office in Athens, injuring three. (u) 26 March Lebanon: British journalist kidnaped in Beirut. (u) 3 April Italy: Rocket fired at Jordanian Embassy in Rome ... misses Embassy and hits apartment on fourth floor of the building, but causes no casualties. (u) 4 April Greece: Rocket fired at Jordanian airliner as it takes off from Athens airport ... projectile hits plane but does not explode. (u) 23 April Kuwait: Moderate newspaper editor wounded in mur- der attempt. (u) 15 May Lebanon: UN Relief and Works Agency official kidnaped but released the next day. (u) 1 July Spain: Bomb explodes at British Airways ticket office in Madrid, also damaging TWA office upstairs ... Royal Jordanian Airlines ticket office nearby hit by automatic weapons fire and two grenades that fail to explode ... one killed, 27 wounded. (u) 24 DOCID: 3352417 11 July Kuwait: Two bombs explode within minutes of each other, killing eight and injuring 89 at two cafes about 10 kilometers apart in Kuwait City. ... third bomb defused at another cafe. (u) 21 July Lebanon: Bomb explodes outside Kuwaiti Airlines office in Beirut .. no casualties reported. (u) 24 July Turkey: First secretary at Jordanian Embassy assassi- nated in Ankara. (u) 8 August Greece: Bomb explodes in kitchen of London Hotel in Athens, wounding 13 tourists. (u) 24 August Turkey: Bomb discovered in PLO office in Ankara. (u) 30 August Greece: Palestinian arrested in Athens for plotting assassination of Jordanian Ambassador. (u) 3 September Greece: Two grenades thrown at swimming pool at Glyfada Hotel in Athens... 19 British tourists wounded. (u) 16 September Italy: Grenades thrown at Cafe de Paris in Rome, injuring 38 tourists. (u) 18 September Greece: Palestinian magazine publisher murdered in Athens. (u) 22 September United Kingdom: British authorities arrest an ANO member found in possession of four handgrenades and charge him with conspiracy to cause explosions and to endanger life ... grenades provided by Libyan con- tact ... target identity unknown. (u) Reverse Blank 25 Se 25 September Italy: Bomb explodes at British Airways office in Rome, killing one and injuring 14. (u) 23 November Malta: Three gunmen seize Egyptair Flight 648 en route from Athens to Cairo and force it to land in Valletta, Malta ... when hijackers' demand for refu- eling refused, they begin shooting selected passengers ... ultimately, 56 passengers and two terrorists killed; 23 passengers and one terrorist wounded ... on 24 November Egyptian military commando unit storms plane. OA 24 November Jordan: Husayn al-Bitar killed in Amman as a result of financial dispute over his house, which was alleg- edly owned by Sabri al-Banna. (u) 27 December Austria: Three gunmen attack El Al counter at Vienna's Schwechat Airport with grenades and AK-47s, killing two and wounding 39 ... one terrorist also died and two were wounded. (u) 27 December Italy: Four gunmen attack El Al ticket counter at Rome's Fiumicino Airport with grenades and AK-47s, killing 12 and wounding 72 ... three terror: ists also died and one was injured. (u) 1986 5 September Pakistan: Four men armed with automatic weapons, handguns, and grenades storm Pan Am Flight 73 in Karachi, killing 21 and injuring over 100 others. (u) 6 September Turkey: Two gunmen attack Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul with grenades and machineguns 22 killed and six wounded. (u) DOCID: 3352417 Figure It Abu Nidal Orpnizadeu Activities, I974-86 Germany C Belgrade* N, 11111y , 111 *Ankara jolitIBIr ? C.:'T ? A V3 *Maks 'Ville" Medavaanaten''' 1.1111=W Sea ? Wad agra Reamer Blank 27 DOCID: 3352417 Abu Nidal Organization ?Calulul,r Memben buillbuto Re olutionary Committee Central Committee Poinbont unman, Gummi am, a.m. of Politburo Eatin Ithatil AId ant./arkr al.naana tram Nolan Deputy Sm., General col vimominam or Polilbun, ^ Abd Mantp .4441,11 Muuul VAN Haul 1,,uf Ali Sumo fibaxan Abd ulAtalunan ? Abo blobansnad al? SaInt Iblunol Alum Alt, Awdah 1,1Laily?I ? llorl Mow Alm PrIariarait, Abu Nalmll !Muhammad WO, Manua 1Was11/ ?A'ute Bann lAbullnuol ? Mot. 14m. /larb Malmnsoad IlamdAn IM? r ? Sul, Muhammad Haan Abbas Military (Mire Amt. Mullammal Sahl, Kuhn, 1,01 {Amnon Alreim Dent Sulayaman 01,0 Stinrift inr /Mama Ali, Tkpogy .1.111 MA.? 141? 1404,4 _ ? Tejon Sector Muhammad Wag$ Hamm 111,0? Schur St. VW sam Alit Age. IZahouya ninon Swim blepl A Bekaa Vellen and Ore Movotniox Ank Mohammad Ai. al boo. I lib Able, Ptak& Deport*, Auf AN Pale Vault: Hob IMAnma Public Itelelloor Camellia Pius hbe MAO InfOrmalion Committee Mkammael Amu Moan 1,ina (Abu hum) Admiontration Dan- l. Mau. Mohammad Moo. Sathlu, 00..0 ?monk.. Sete Sharmi Mullammal Saw,. Miura) Arab Men Camminee ASS Abd Muhammal ennation SCIE intot trocramionat Arena Cuextelne< Hamm Roam Libyan Are. Committee Makraud Au al.Salaro thaulyn (Email Wax Atol anSooar) JordeoPelesiloe /155.51, Can. Ali lau al Salmi finame.4 Esomoolc Crepartment hhabil lAbla Ayma / %a/oval, ul-Dinl Mtn. blabol Iblajmnfill 5 ANO Comm. I. I Net**, k r? ^ _ loformooloo beparnment Abd 4144.1111. ISM Depu, Motu. A. Eemirily anob infonnallon Committee Ali Ihiud Jambi lhalaymaol External laterowition Contrail.. c,no Stwelal Operation. Coirowinee laydan "DOCID: _ 3352417 Mao. INIkt Am? MM. Sala rensan AMU, D.I. Sulam. Dial 'Ali Sirann lik Ghana Alii Depuiclam And Akan. reepotrnirol Auf Abu Oat Dezly riar; Hain Flamm ISain. IIIPth Ser.. Muhammad Waili Ramo &Ind Sector 1111. Andah irror, seen, . AMami flelma Volley and 19. Pri11111111.11 A. Muhammad 'A. , kim lAli AGM ^ Satoh, 'Amon Starr A ith Dadra mbulimar COINTfilte Riau AM al Mad iWahd amok informotiori Crearahler Minaminad Aim 'Man lam Falai Arlotialrlrollra 0.I. Mum. Monaranad Mum. Sada. Madam. OrmolzAllon Defol Miami Mammal Sawalua Raw kald Famoak Inkmananl Knalid OM aiiwatai IAN Aymara Sian WW1 a MO informalloo 1/opaelmeer AM ',Rahman ?Ito Derry. Mustafa Ciro lirverse HMO Amir Aim Committee ASS .1.011i00 Atilmrtm alnsmin erre Isoril lairmailomi Arena Coma.. Hama Ibrahim lArrir Arens Ham. PASIIIIIWI Alui alFalant Haan (Mao) (Asmi *ha JiminePakvine Affoln Comitsliter All Mohatniad sl Syrian Areas Commiller Thait 'And ahNatim Mahona 11.0u5a0 S ., Attar, Cimealitee Ala a, (Una Maim Mu lAno Nola ala lakinoda ANO Commerelel Network 29 r- Semidry sod inforimiroo Commillree 'la Ali Dia kraal iSeaarka Extend, Carmairtm Mtwara rem Special 000rmilis" Conetrittee All 715.100 (Northam) DOCID: 3352417 Figure 13 Abu Mal Commercial Network 116161(66.1). Gor 666, 166.06 .r 16.4,66166,6666 1616,6666A1 61r6 Cente, 11.61ager 6661666 66661 Moan 61,14 ,j1crlin 66,661676611 6.66t.66.6.16, 6 /660, Sw.066661 r666.6., 66t6t6 UPb666. '6.6" .6t6d 5clonos 6116:6, 1?101, 1.1,1 NM Ono, 166.1. Coovie 61616 1,6?66 1,66A 1.6666Aq . _ 616666. 6066 66,6,86, 161, AM1 Folwark, SAS 16/6661 ',ado And 1)6,1066 666.6n6, . n6661 PuiNkne Oa* SI666. Pot6,1 Proorlen1 Svng fla6n61.6 7366-16 666666, e, SI t. I.onf 06,6666. Sytel Manage, PlxfullaM1 S.666 61666. 111 e Inernost6.6, 0666,61 ? 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C.; .? . c.... ,..i.o.......,i`. ? ..:.- ? - .... . - ? ifyli T. Muse Hamad. ..Kowa SAND comou. In TM AND mar have dosed or tossed The ANO a.m.( Al Maw &slaw Mae Rashid Ramadan man- AA.. Al Now, ME my haw dam" or maw/ h in tarty iver ta tVII.... On N.arip .41 Rrros. sn runt. the first Arabic rellgarald la dor do AND conway lair- (nil way 98!.?.1 ivala managed by Mu. Nflosias No doled it in 1986. fa nn micro! Markrzlan Cora- Itanonad 'Aid ...Festa6 al-Salvanl. III!! Marais Cdr. (*8!) rent) SC CI DO5kW 3352417 ,rd