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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 6, 2020
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Publication Date: 
November 22, 1968
PDF icon ELDRIDGE LEROY CLEAVER[15706135].pdf120.53 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00046961 : 6 . .J1 4:�:���'..7`141 � " . � . 1,croy CLLAVI:P. 1. 7roviL:ed a ta';Ic rccorein;7, in :;nnnis; or an interview with the si:ject, :as broo6cast in to tne Ar.:ericas 1230 LT.!Y 2G Gcto'oer (flensc scc attnCI.-cnt) � 2.r)c. you :is ccpy of te . � � ' 1 .i?cLostril � FiPq Rtr'Lril.11.1A1.E.:11, 141. S. J. POI:11 AITROTEDFOIELEASE immt El A 1994 � � g � � ��1 ea. ���������������11 � . -6 1 DEC 231868 !tile� r � � ����� Li;i�JM. ursj-- g-44-4 Tis Ct.? 1 � !.r.d..1:1 Ir., 1.-tzeJti Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00046961 Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00046961 . :1=2 a_n . to tne Amor.:r.c 2C C 24: 04.: ea c ZloriZe CZezAvor. U.S. Block .";:nth:r 1rcttf.nIster] Lt,T.Lcn: knzt cur. y2;i t�al Clf:tvor: tt.out pc:iee totocks cn c: tho unc 1.....rotc;t:Inc the o:' � i.u.nc.71;leo to clve oetdo:-.14..reccc:ition to tno eolorsa of racist. in tno � Zzczeti � C�no thin� �P is tht-; the 7,:rofsotiona1 politletIns wno control th,1 of C:1.'.fon.:t 'Doc= rz.t�Lst osn:,:ticn des:I:1 to the unL:e; cn tns c: ccuz$e, orca.t:AeG ty thoyounc st.4dents and Lenber: of det!c7Ld ;.:ecito'...y to zom'oat tnLs ' � ccuzst. since It ta a ntrd ow to tnel" � ir.t.ntia-::-To :-.1nulLto rtolor., .r:cf.:!:. Ls Ln to un.1: tne wnf.te . . fu:elst prc--c= an4 use Nozrces as saertf:e1L1 L. tne utel .th uncer . . � a-;,ents do LO:. ZO toe ratists (MG) are trying to 'learn everythinz. They reved the rac.itt hcric:,:i of ec%Intry they are tryins to tredk with :he ?rozzdi.' of tn4.Black Panther Pdrty Lnd SC:4 Ideas 0...tt eex:::"aot to .,7.-4111TImSuon ti tr.* ccvcrndr of cd.lifc.rnIt, 2oha:d-ZoagLn. and the RepuYlict= . .."...?..:.�.: fcr :hr. 14r.Lte,RA:forty. use thls co:Ir.:6 on rzcs= to pronor.e hyszerio �:. :n: zn, ::c:torate in drier to ute tnlz rx.int to their advantlgo in the present 1 � . :7 - --:.1 c:.=:paf.cn. ve. 4 OP. rd -� �444.14.4..1* 3 . . I ' VCLQ2.417I � � � 411. � 1. � � 1 I � f� . � � Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00046961 Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00046961 � .�� � ..e" . . . t'n:a atar:o: 'aattcun:varaaay re:ants rettco to ra�ca:n_ca c.mr.na::..tod at :no :n Zaan.aaa:! ana 7nc.raday. :na:ca:: of naa:�_:.: azaddn: ;:cta:Lon, tne ro:on:: cal:ea :no ':aaana and .7aadc naa5 arresas. Tna c::adenz5 arc d:ra::::n: an:ar ra:n*:s ana aro far.: :In :na-ar 7rasant � :aven tnrea :ec:::ros an t?.a.: o.se, and xtvon L'orc aro yo: to *co cavon a: tne ralo an a.a.; aar.::: al st..:a�nat an an': na, catco car Cc to:e:nor waa'n :no wt.ataa are tryln: :a a:_lv.r. :ram racasm ana r�atn of fa:aaara an4 tne :aaa::: :overnon:a Cn ana: otanary. c: Panttar Par:y cn tno ;ra:c.:: La: vnao a:n:o:os Ta=ae t...-aa:n and :enn.Car:oz carrioC cvst t:-.e Ca=cc.in tr.?. C:oncra to a't.ow 'ap :no ana cf de=aa;�aay an and alao :c :nc oonda:acn ;.',ao;:la, an tnaa aaan.::.. talaav: :nat 1:,oyocatod :ran t..c. an vac:: of tno fao; zna:v...c no; cone W2 bo:aavo ttat evory:nan: cat 1:: anao tney d:a na: dr�7,ercailam :0 aavanaa-c of ac::od :to:: nazac ca:n of wnon znoy hoar:. :no nczo: c: an: naaaana: cnane.. :nlar fazaa ca:a:e to ::c:aro by !maan a7.:1 trlis cty. Ste Ner.oe: Approved for Release: 2019/08/12 C00046961