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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
October 22, 1991
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
November 2, 1977
"*. � . 1 � " � maimbi"����1�������� � CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 John Gavin, Esq. Office of Legal Counsel Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Jelin: 2 November 1977 Further in line with our telephone conversation of 31 October, I am furnishing you, for whatever action you deem appropriate, the following information concerning another incident which further demonstrates the difficulties which might arise in connection with any CIA program to investi- gate, identify, locate and assist alleged victims of this Agency's support of MKULTRA-type research activities in the 1950s and 1960s. On 26 October an employee of theldilliff contacted the Office of the Inspector General here at the Ag ate the following information. His wife, whose mai en name is s �revfousl married from 1955 until 1960 to , acco ol,ho was employed by CIA at that time. n t e summer � she accompanied her husband to the farm of her husband's supervisor or dinner, drinks and wine. She believes her husband worked for Dr. Gottlieb who was Chief of the Technical Services Staff Chemical Division and heavily involved in MKULTRA activities. Her next recollection is receiving electric shock treatments at George Washington University Hospital for some time, followed by a convalescent period of several weeks at home. She then recalls being referred by her husband's supervisor to a friend of the su ervisor's at the "Boston Ps chiatric Hospital." She and her husband, �, went to os on w er at ospi a is supervisor visited her there and she recalls a strange walk out of doors with the latter. She also remembers taking various tests at the Hospital. uffered a "relapse" and required psychiatric care two years ago, but apparently has since "come out of it." The recent Senate hearin s a d attendant publicity concerning Project MKULTRA prompted 'to review the Senate transcripts which he found contained infoi-- ranon supportive of his wife's recollections. lid not ask for any specific action or relief. He has been adviseci anc voiced no objection regarding our opinion that this matter should not be investigated directly by CIA at this time but should be referred to Justice for consideration. --�������I � � We have been able to confirm from A enc records that: was in fact em loyed by the Agency from de� roes in chemical eng assigned from under Dr. 'hen he was assigned to He was married toi n anuary arriage was sissolved by an ivorce in February 1960 although they had been senarated in TM or 1960 while residing in Cambridge, Massachusetts. ow lives in Arlington, Virginia. Thus far, although a further review of medixl records is underway, no evidence has been found that the then was ever hospitalized for any reason or that she was ever the subject of research per- formed by the Agency, its components or employees. For your information, the: ,as involved in six subprojects of Project MKU TRA from 1952 until 1961, all of which appear to have involved testing of LSD and other substances on human i subjects. This matter obviously deserves further investigation to clarify, by confirming her su icions or laying her fears, the basis for whatever -f emotional distress, may continue to suffer. Of course it may not be possible at t is sate to gather sufficient evidence to accomplish either result. In any event, however, it does not appear or CIA to con- duct this investigation. , even insofar as questioning vho has already contacted an_Agency official on 31 October to inform CIA of the fact that his wife had related these allegations to him. Since it might appear to some that � CIA has an interest in not confirming that individuals were in fact "victimized" by MKULTRA-type activities, the Agency could be accused at some point, in this or any other investigation of the same general nature, of having influenced the recollections or statements of those involved or of having not conducted the investigation in a proper manner. Should these matters proceed to litigation, this perceived conflict of interest on the part of CIA or its employees could become particularly damaging. - The Agency continues to be anxious to do everything possible to assist , those who may have been adversely affected by MKULTRA-type activities. However, the complications surrounding any action contemplated by CIA itself continue to plague us, as the above-described case again illustrates. We shall be happy to assist you further, in any way you may deem necessary, in achieving a satisfactory resolution of these difficult problems. Approved for Retease Date ---La-223.� Very truly yours, Assistant General Counsel