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Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 4 mk,c, NATIONAI ITV THE LUTED STATES. SER.!CES FF:_,M THE FCREICM Nr.1101"3.1..MES cci ]umber B-101 EIICRAIIDI.A4 TO THE OTECTCR OF STRATEGIC 29 Cotober 1943 /1'0607 CTIVITY ON THE POLISH-AMERICAN LEFT Orcsinzati:-aal ir b-atng plahned )11 ti PcrAiican Loft. Amr1,7, T hos 3 ln n:anr. for an t: preach Pclish-Russlan friendihip Axe,- WE,Acw Scyaa. Lance, 147d tRe- er:q1d Stani,,iaus Or.mansk Leit-win;: i'3i3h-A1erican3, fired by the reluctance 3f .r.nderate and right-wing groups to bring presaure on the iolish Government-in-Exile to come to terms with Soviet .'.1:ssla, are calling a private :-leeting to be held in Detroit Novcnbcr '1943 to set up an crganization for that pur- a.. 1 platform of this organization will call for tlenent of the border question with Russia and thor- ouh-;oinz agrarian reform and denocratization in postwar Invi:ations to the neeting are being iasued by l';aclaw S3yda, editor of tie Detroit labe--sacialist week- ly, Nasz Swist- Professor Oscar Lange of the University of Chicago, author of a much-discussed declaration entitled "Call to Reason" (see FN Number B-53: 15 July 1943) \sill te one of the chief speakers, "A priest from Boston" will be the other, en?'a co 76 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 29 October 1943 -2- Waclaw L.'eyda An el&.rly. wel: jeurna:ist, teilic,ent and capable As he is probably ;he lead'nr fit!ur;:t American oups in, At ':CP-0'1: associated with non-3oc.a1ist now the, L'ec-.2o:t orza� He dis?naf.:77f ".'re:r. chief of Dziennik eoi in !J'.37 r pr-. � L �r- views during a strie aEainst that IE.pel cused of being a Co=unist, he to2d s he has cooperated with the Cor:LunisIr as th.e group on the Left. "I am not a faac:s':,' nc am also not a hater of tne Co l';:t Ira fol1o7,. the Co=in13" Soyda :oDes :hat :Iciand Y;I:1 1:=e Lis,,uz.e2 ,asT- ern territcrles. '2he areas innabIL-e:' say34 have always teen SOUT:1 cf rc2 an pr- inces of Whit Rusaia ard Volhynia nre c:veced by rich Polish Lancilc,rds as a mean :f thf, tkrainlan and Whit,: Russian peasa1z.-7 the-7.c- OFFIOE OF STRATEGIC :"..'ERVICES 70RELIN NAT24Af.L1T1SS BRAN3H Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release 2022/07/20 000039213 rr 29 October 1943 -3. Number B-101 Soyda is not optimistic on the score of the Polish- Americans. In an interview in June he said that most Polish workingmen in the United States who are liberal in viewpoint as to the American scene are anti-Soviet on the question of Polish borders. "They are," he said, "very poorly educated. Many cannot read and know less about geography, and to them any city with a name that has a Polish sound belongs to Poland. It is hard to ex- plain the Atlantic Charter to them. They know Russia wants half of Poland and they are not ready to give it up. As they cannot read the American press they know only what they read in the Dziennik Polski of Detroit." Oscar Lane Oscar Lange, formerly professor at the University of Cracow, is ncw a professor at the University of Chicago. Recently he restated his position in a letter published in the New York Herald Tribune 5 October 1943. The intransigent Poles, says Lange, based their denunciations of Russia's plan to dominate the Ukraine and White Russia upon an erroneous belief in the weakness of Soviet Russia. The proven strength of the USSR requires the adoption of another pro- gram. If Poland is to be free and strong that program OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release 2022/07/20 000039213 29 October 1943 -4- Nnnbr'r 5-101 must be based upon a closer understanding with the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. Poland can help protect Russia from Germany, and Soviet Russia can in turn offer the same Protection to Poland as the United States offers Mexico and Canada. All attempts to promote misunderstand- imss between the Anglo-Saxon Allies and the Soviet Union plainly threaten suicide for Poland since the only alter- native fos a syste:a df collective security is a system of "exclusive spheres of influence" in which Poland would fall completely within the Soviet sphere. "A final prerequisite for Poland's future," Lange argues, "is an amicable solution of the boundary dispute with he Soviet Union. The Polish nation must recognize the right of the Ukrainians and White Ruthenians to national reunion with the Soviet Ukraina and Soviet White Ruthenia ite Russia7. Attempts to force these peoples into Poland against their will can result only (as it has in the past) in a weakening of the Polish state by internal dissension." Requiring coercion, such attempts would also make democracy within Poland impossible. Poland must democratize and undergo an agrarian re- form "which will eliminate the feudal elements in the OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release 2022/07/20 000039213 29 netcbar 1913 -5- Number 3-101 country by giving die lane to the peasants." Tho Polish Govarnment-in-Hxile, :ang( continues, must be reorganized with "an understanding of the democratic elements in that government with the Union of Polish Patriots in the USSR and with democratic Polish groups in other places." Professor Lange demands Polish sovereignty over East exzest for its Lithuanian section. "A democratic Poland will have to ekpropriate the Junl:,ersx to ship them out of the country, and to settle their estates with peas- ants. Poland should have all of Upper Silesia with a prevailingly Polish population, a step both in democracy, since the Poles there are peasants chiefly, and also a step towa:d wea;:ening Ger-aan militarism by removing war industries." "Centers of Polish culture" in Galicia, such as Lwow, should be left to Poland even though they are located in ethnographically Ukrainian or White Russian terr:tory. This feature of Langets program is being at- tacked by Ukrainians in the United States as a manifesta- tion of Polish imperialism from the Left. To the bulk of Polish Socialists Professor Lange and those Socialists who with him signed the "Call to Reason" are still renegades. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release 2022/07/20 000039213 41 Orttnber -1943 -6- Number B-101 Stanislaus It is probable that the "priest from Boston" Orlemanski is the Reverend Stanislaus Orlemanski of the Church of St. Mary of the Rosary in Springfield, Massachusetts. Orlemanski was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, 12 December 1889. He has for a long time been concerned with various Polish activities and problems. In 1932 he wrote a brochure on The Folish Immigration in the U.S.A. Two years ago he arou6ed attention through his opposi- tion to a Polish Day which was to be sponsored in Spring- field by local followers of KNAPP. Several months ago he took a stand against officic,1 Polish policy and an- nounced his endorsement of the Polish Kosciuszko Divi- sion organized in the USSR. He thereupon organized a group known as the Kosciuszko Legion in Springfield, which aims to extend moral and material support to Polish forces in the Soviet Union, and he issued an appeal to other Polish-Americans to follow suit. The rightist Polish press has of late been taking him severely to task for propagating the idea of Polish-Soviet cooperation. He has been writing articles both for Soydals Nasz Swiat and the pro-Communist Glos Ludowy. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH tool,i41.111111 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 29 October 1947, -7- Number B-101 These activities of the Reverend Orlemanski have evoked charges that he is a Communist, or at least a fellow- traveler. This view, ofton presented by such newspapers as the Nowy Swiat of New York, is not generally shared. Some moderate papers, like the Jersey City Glos Narodu, regard him as a man of goodwill who during these times uf confusion is seeking a road toward the better tomorrow� Glos Ludowy recommend t him as a "foe of fascism," and in printing hs articles often reminds its readers that they represent the Reverend's own views. Father Orlemanski says of himself: "I am a priest, I am a patriot, I am an American who loves the people of his descent. And I want to aid the Polish people, but in the American way." People who know Father Orlemanski categorically deny that he is a communist and compare his views with those of certain liberal Protestant ministers. He cannot be considered as a leader of any movement, but merely as an individual with strong political and social interests which have made of him a public figure. It is recalled that in Poland there were occasional radical priests who identified their interests with those of the common people and became exponents of their needs. One of the better OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 il^tnlIPT. -.42147) -8- Wir4-P7- T3-101 known was Father Okon, a laember of the Polish Sejm. Beginning with last July, Orlemanski has published a number of articles reflecting his views on various cur- rent problems. It is his contention that the Polish Governmeni,-in-Exile and Polish statesmen are to blame for the bad relations with Soviet Russia. "Polish diplomats," he sa:rs, "are viewing Russia and Germany through glasses of the past. Thereas-present-day Germany is a greater foe than the former Germany ever was, post-revolutionary Russia considers collaboration with Poland as beneficial to both countries." Only Soviet Russia, he continues, can help Poland culturally and economically, and only a policy of Soviet-Polish friendship can guarantee the fron- tiers of Poland As to religion, Poland can keep its traditional motto, "God and the Fatherland," while Russia can do as she pleases. Outside Support The arguments of Soyda, Lange, and Orlemanski are closely aligned to those advanced by some Polish-Americans of sympathies more definitely to the Left, including Boleslaw Gebert, head � of the Polish-American Section, IWO. In a recent series of articles in the Glos Ludowy Geber.6 demanded from KNAPP OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213 imerrI7rYdwerrrt L esn r1.4 7 -9- Numlpr 3-101 a statellent as to the source of its budge; of $422000, which he declared to be in need of explanation in view of the small membership of only 600, (KNAPP officers claim a membership of 1475.; Polish-American liberals and leftists have found sup- port in the Detroit News. where Philip Adler has been run- a series of articles, the latest of which attack the anti-.3emitic record csfi' the Polish Government. KNAPP lead- ers say Adler is benind a left-wing "unity organization" of trade union groups nominally headed by Szymon Kaminski, formcrly editor-in.c:lief of the Socialist Robotnik Polski of New York City, with which he broke in protest against its anti-Soviet policy. Other Socialist leaders who left the Robotnik Polski for similar reasons were Stefan Arski and Dr, A. Penzik, co-signers with Lange of his "Call to Reason.' State Senator Stanley Nowak of Michigan has recently been addressing pro-Soviet Polish meetings c The charges brought against him on the ground that he failed to declare his alleged Communist sympathies at the time of applica- tion for citizenship in 1938 were dropped early this year, OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES FOREIGN NATIONALITIES BRANCH Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 000039213