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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
September 26, 2017
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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1984
Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 000037495 ANALYTICAL RESEARCI DIVISICA - RESEARCII DIRECTORATE 18 September 134 Analysis/Evale:ticn of Leaf Pir.C2S A shipment desionated 1C-327C(), also lt,e5tified with Th830513-31_, was received by the Analytical REsaarch Division, Research Directorate, 3 June 1983, frcr, FSTC. Information concerning :;:2 sample indicated it could have been from an area subjected to ciianical attack. The Sample consisted of one icrs2 and one small leaf piece each with yel7o-3 spots approximately 3 to 5mm diameter (Figure 1). The pieces were enclosed in a glass battle fitted with a rubber septum closure. A vapor sample withdrawn from within the bottle was subjected to analysis by gas chrcmatography/mas spectrematry (GC/I;S). One portion of the sample was leached in cnloroform. Another portion was leached in 1:1 methano:water, The solvent soluble materials were analyzed by ains, ion chromatography (IC), -thin layer chromatooraony (TLC) and infrared spectrometry OM In addition, a yellow spot on a leaf piece was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SE). The GC/IIS spectra of the vapor associated with the leaf pieces identified ethyl caproate, ethyl but:rcate and iso-pent:nol as major components with caproic acid, ethyl prooentw-Ae .rd an unidentified compcund /1/Z .4 115, 89, 71, 70, 55 and 43 as minor components and a fluoride as a possible trace component. The GC/MS sctra of the chloroform solubles identified the aliphatic hydrocarbons C25, C27 and C29, with the C27 having the highest concentration. In addition, methyl - - butenol, caproic acid and two unidentified components having base peaks of 71 and 69 were detected. Ion chromatography deteced no ions of interest. No detectable components were separated by TLC Derivatizaticn with negative ion chemical ionization, MS detection was negative for trichothecenes. Gas chromatography detected components which could possibly be beesax; however, the concentration was too low for confirmation. IR spectra identified the presence of aliphatic hydrocarbons and a carbony1.5El1 evaluation shoed the yellow spots consisted primarily of two pollen species overgrown with hyphae and spores (Figure 2). Conclusion: No evidence of any knon C agant, agent deoradation product or trichothecene was detected. The presence of a fatty acid and several fatty acid esters could be natural components of the large, waxy leaf. The pollen and fungal growth detected could be from natural sources, since no trichothecenes were detected. Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 000037495 Five 4 /3 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 000037495 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 000037495 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 000037495 I � . � '11 " 127B(4) FIGURE 2 Approved for Release: 2015/01/05 C00037495.62