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Document Release Date: 
June 26, 2023
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Publication Date: 
July 16, 1948
Approved for Release: 2023/03/02 C00029936 ARTHUR :BLISS LANE 2442 Massachusetts Avenue, NOT. Washington 8, D.C. July 16, 1948 Dear Allen: I was distressed to learn from our telephone conversation this morning that you had had such an unpleasant and painful experience. I did not want you to feel that because of my flippant reference to your inability to bend your elbow that I was unsympathetic. If it is not convenient for you to come to Washington, I would be glad to go to New York to.see you. I suggest, however, that it would be preferable if you could come here. After we have had a preli- minary' talk I.would want you to .meetillOPANSMIMIsrumat, I know nobody who is more ntimately connected with P61ish American affairs th He had told me confidentially that he would 'be glad to help in any way possible In the c.ampaign. He is, I am sure, very much fed up with the policy of the present administration towards Poland, especially the eell-out in 1944. He was, during the past year, most helpful to me in keeping me posted regarding developments affecting Poland which I used to some advantage on my lecture tour. For instance, throughout*** I believe that we were able to ridicule the Bohlen- Acheson-McCloy proposal to grant an International Bank loan of $60,000,000 to the Polish Government for the , use of mining machinery to increase the output of coal (to increase the output of steel, to increase the out- put of Skoda war material). In the talks that I hope to make in October and November I would very much like to emphasize two points if I could be so authorized by Governor Dewey: Allen W. Dulles, Esquire 48 weal Street New York, N. Y. Approved forRele#5_,. , Pee:. � 'OCT I. � 4,, . . pproved for Release: 2023/63/02 C00029936 Approved for Release: 2023/03/02 C00029936 Allen W. Dulles, Esquire -2- July 16, 1948 (1) the Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam agreements--in that they violate Articles I, II and III of the Atlantic Charter--should be repudiated by the United States Government; (2) primary consideration in the appoint- ment of United States diplomatic representatives abroad Will be given to the efficiency, experiencb and intelli- gence of the appointees. The sorry experience which we have had during the last sixteen years in the appointment of diplomatic representatives (including J. Herman Thrupak) warrants, in my opinion, a public statement at this critical time in our foreign relations. The other matter on which I touched very little over the telephone the other day has to do with the desirability of our maintaining, unofficially, contaot with the various underground movements in Europe. Some friends and I have a skeleton organization which receives valuable information from various undergrounds. We re- ceived a most valuable report the other day on the situation in Berlin, and I am asking a mutual friend of .ours to furnish you a copy so that you can evaluate its worth. I should be glad if you would think over the possibility of our obtaining a Santa Claus (I had in mind Barney Baruch) who, because of his patriotism would be willing to ensure the maintenance of this work, for which we require a budget of about $36,000 per annum. The relationships we have are with France, Germany, Czecho- slovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. As you know, our embassies/are, in general, no longer in a position to obtain information from non-Communist sources; conse- quently, cyandestine contact such as we have established is in my opinion highly desirable. We have been furnish- ing the information on a strictly confidential basis to certair/officials in the Government on the understanding, howevei-, that the sources of the information are under no codition to be disclosed. With every good wish to you and love to Clover, c_74. Yours as ever, II pproved for Release: 2023/03/02 000029936