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Publication Date:
April 4, 1969
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
-Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
I "
Where are the nights that a ssn should have tut doesn't hove? Lock at St .
this way. Big-tersioesecen,Lewe pouer threugh tteir screy. What they wish
becomes lav, People who al.0 tietuSinesses sy they wsnt friesdahis with
ifori�sera� Friendship isn't possible with our preeent system. Ore reason is
thot workers hnve .to work to cot, hbve housing and plan stee kind of futursw
Dig busicess rushes for profits. Each tide is fighting the other, one to
live And one for poecr. The Fewer, for example, to run later unions for
their interests nnd not for the workers. �
I've learned why life for re wes to hard to accept. Accepting things
that seemed to b7.ke peeple oct,think,live and belrappy. Bepplorcs gotten by
stepping OA people who hod less. This sucking from people who ts:ve has
gets carried all the wey down the line 'genii it reeehes the bottes of
society. Thus the people who have the lest are forced to-be killersottitv'es,
drunho end dreg user*, Bet people are forced to do these ttings becouee
they think that they're fittese; into the society in the wily way pesoible.
� For ex-rlle, killing is a way of life for eon in the militery. Generals think
that it's o geoe of ahl,ss. Ordenary soldiers ttiek thet it's their duty
tecnuse they were born into o country Cr a freedom thet, in fact, doesn't
exist & Thieves steal in order to mekc coney without working. Drunks eeliat
from pressure put on thca by things like worryirg about feeding their
femiliet. They have the responsibility to Doke II living sot only for thee-
',Oyes but sleo for their farilies but not just tojive becouse society
teaches them treat they sent hnve "etetus symbols", IiC higher priced cars,
big wardrobes or going to Church ercLuiving coney.. WE MONEY FART STANDS
Workihg fcr n higher, eesier'ond seri satisfying life slope.
. Beilding n cleoeltes syetem woe started ether Aserica was fought for and
won. But people have token Wt firet step of improveeent lens ago to feed
the need of ony further improvement. WITNOUT ANY CAE, ADVANCEMENT'
STOP6. The rcasmc: o che.nge would endanger the capitalists' interests,
� his power to contra ond his freedam to do as he pleases withceet being
questionied for it. If money no lorgor existed, he would be forced to live
es on eqe:1 with the rest of us. He woeld have to work for whet he seeded.
He would heve to treot pcop:e that he thontt were bolcw tie In a fair
� ' end hoecat wr.y. �
^ e- Drug users come from comevhoi the a!,Ze thinge. Although a user Pulleys
why he ie cecepinn he olso knowe thet it ieet a ote-men job to change
ttiogo Grid thet if he did speak whst he believes in public Lc would be
� � thrown into jail. The system oleo cauves suicidesoeuroses Ard schizophrenia,
� 4-cw44 go r.cee to the Etateo rrd oryhe flier p 005.1 ticiln-
� - .."4 J
te obl, to EJ. 6.4t asal wc.th with ihe oyeter, ;x:-.ke tome kind err G 1 vinS---
Pnybe even a decent,one. Except,,I will stay here witlemy beliefs and
also Oct tapOn them *le I learn how to help .the most. if I did it the other ,
way, I would pre40Tly cod up going on drugs like I've dov,kefort.-m - �
� �
by Feltry Evens
� "S
Approved for Release: 2018/06/4 C00029088 '
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
by Don McDonoush
Lasoe Leottert's and �lie Sjggren's film, Dteerter EEC will premier !
April 16, Wednesday might, at the Cinema theatre, Birgei77:rlagatan 41.
Accordino to enthusiastic critics, the file is & masterileve in the:
Jar,e5 Bond tra1itior4..an artintic interplay of intligue, drone, busor,
and sex.
Deserter U:A trsces the developzent of the first haodfuli of.desertars
into an fictive oolitical comaonity, %trough the trials and tribulations
caused by so-called Swedish friends, CIA, and the AmaTican Etbaaay. The
film also offers a good insight into the sionifacance of desertion to the.o
Evedie% political scene. It rakes a good caze for political asylum, tut .
of course, ending with the queetion of political asylum, still. unit:ow...red,
More skeptical critics say t;-., film iv at least jood for a few laughs,
thanks to the preser,c$ of tore real live desertex& on camera,
It is irportaot that thOs fila have tiot attendance figorea on the
first few evonings, las the fioorcs deterrine how widely the film will be
shown in Sweden. Free tickets will be available at the ADC office. Get
your ass dewn here. '
Spcakero Bureau by Vince .Strollo
Since an importont pert of our wori dypenis on the Swedish people becoming
awero of 0..r.t we are doing here in Sweden and all tte details ea," our deeerting .
what?" where? tow? etc. we lmve .en the need to start what we call the,
Speokers Boreou
Ever sinco the ADC otarted we have teen in out to Bleak with the people
in many torn& throughout Scandanavia, but eince the teoining of our political - 7
aeolua campsirn which bas put desertion in public sootlight in Sweden we
have been getting aore arid acre invitations from all types df organleations
to spcok at their pOblic patherinos�
In the last iaooe iof the Pepor Grenade their were articles ati'alut trips
dorino Dootrter We mo In the next lasoe we'll have Et>ere article on tbe upcoming
Vietnom Week. We Love been Invited to .peak In more than 20 towns tlrourhout
Sweden ond Forway
These speaking toure are really importent because they establiehthe ouch
Oecdod contact with the per,plc In the countrycirle. It is also laportant ecause
:-.11 oor to/ii-etloor-oo ooli000 alorety oorerlirreoen
u � !.1611. sib JJ ur;10J ..1071: Dv, -LW�v. It_� 13"4 -rffAry riptall lb/ V.2Ii
more informotion rind mokino a little tread at the cuae time.
We would like to WIC the cooperation of all of you in record to the
Speakers Bureau. So if anyone woold like to trovel off to the couvryelde for
few days(or possible to a school rirtt here in Stockholm) plesee contact eke_ "
A.D.C. 11pOon4soatan, 18 Stockholm, --All expeneee are paid by the '
inviting organization.
Some of the ploc:s the guys are going are listed below:
Bedoora and Aveetn Joe Auoistine SOdertklje -- Rod Ruth
Releinrborgi Angelhola, SvoIdn, Lund -- John NcLoughlin
Borlknge Lou Simon Obtetorg -- John Woods
Kiruna, Malabergeti Johkmohk -- Ray KrItminsky
Natrinehola -- Den WeDuno- tomoagoe ..- John XcLouohlin
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
Approved ;or Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088 .
Feb. 6, 15E9
by the Ar;erican Deserters Comeittee
lance the formation of the American Deserters Coeeittee in Mentreal was itas
pAlr:.c with the iseeing of the Deceeler Kenifesto (see Paler Crenadee 1 "'SO
fellewed by publication of etories in the OVAPDIAN and LIBUATICI ATVS MTN?
ln Jeneary, establieteent media have attenpled to ottuscate the legal stestua Of
Anerican deserters :n Canada so as to counter the Increased flow of deserters troifi
the *sr in Vietnal. This attenpt bee focused around the distortion of changes
recently made in policy by (be Imeigration Departnent in Canada to ante it appear
that Canada is clesed to deserters.
The changes, noticed with alern by sone counseling groups in Canada for the lest
six reeks, fifet were eublicly acknowledged in a etoy in the Toronto OLE AND
KATI0 on Thurs. Jar.. 30th which quoted Bill Spire, bead of the sub-proven dealing
'pith deserters, connected with the Toronto Anti-Draft ?roues. In the article,
Spire charged that the Innigrotion has cArtenlj changed its policy end wee
dieceiminating against des(rters at Ontario lend borders.
The article quoted Jsees Creve of the Ietigration Department as acknowledging
that on July 29th 19ed anemerandet was rent around to intirration officers
advdoing them that they cculd teke the fact of desertion "into account" but that
deseetion was not efficient legal cro:mos to deny intigrant statue. In fact,
Croy: deeied that deeerters were banned fro n Canada and stated that they could
not be deported to the U.S. What he did say was that great latitude was given to
leeinretion officers in interviewing immierents. Ttis teinting of the law, which
the tDC considers illeral, does not constitute the end of safety for deeenters
ir C%nnele as the Friday Jan 51 TIKKS article would secs to indicate. In fact,
C.oc, raid, "There's no legislation stick, veuld pernit us to refuse landed
ilnierant states on that basis (of being & deserter) alone. The Tin-3 article
vvnictei all the poeitive factors concerning the current etatus of deserters in
Cenade which were revealed in the GLOBE 140 KLIL article. Spokeeeen for the ADC
repotthet they received a phone call fro% the TIVFS Toronto Bureau on Thureday
Jen 30th and that an officer worker who speke to the reporter informed him
t%at the problees encountered recently in Ontario at lend borders had not 'genie
rested theeeelves in CE066 khOlrh to the ADC in Montreal, that cnntrary tn the
e_c( ton thet no one bade received final landed imndFrant papers in the last
ex 7eeks, Robert 4acheod of the ADC had received tie in December in an unusually
ehert period of six week. Nor did the ADC know of any cases where a deserter had
feiled to 'less his points aeeeeseent (50 out of 100 points on the inetrration
reel.: are mccesery to ineirate). The only prohleze the ADC knew of were delays
iG ihe greeting of werk papers. Tnis information Was not included in the TIKES
aetlele. The office worker weggeeted that the TIKES reperter call back later to
spred7 with the head couneelor of the ADC for *core exact infnmetien. The reporter
11.1 !`ft tr4 :t"1/ 1:rt "1 q(14:41 trit T V "31 VI-
� - 4.1�� . .41., 4 4, '!-L � -
T;e: :;ohtrebl envereGe on Bet. 1 or the gene policy changer empheeleed the
pesixiee aspects in rererd to status of Aesertees in Canada. In a story by W.A.
W=le-n el' the STAR's Ottawa Bureau, entitled Deserters Find Romes in Cennda
SPDXIMark for Manpower and im%igrEition Minieler MecEachen was reported to bare
ceelined the policy as fallow; "If an American soldier on leave comes to Canada
sed 1hen decide, not to return to his unit he becomes a deserter under American
law but this country (Cenade) wil3 do nothing to return him to the U.S. '
authorities. The reeeon is that to do so would InAirectly extend the apelication
of D3 laws into Canada. In the case of thie enn, an application for landed
innirrant etatus would be considered with no reference to the fact that be wee
al imerican deserter. If be was eligible to stay in the nortel way be could do so.
�. . - � - -Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
� p -� LL el bill. � 11.11 a� � � of. a .0 a.* ,aroffio% ribs kik.** 41a4 �..
V 0 iir�0M la0-4 re1.1�!1) ) 110 triva C. I4 tit VIII
Mr crn coverhm,Priii, i4 tlinre weuld be no awes:IV,. or extre-ter11ts1ls1
Von of teeerice.e; Iris." jr such mess the eea stet' tilvccpstalibe&get
entry. .
WAD report frfoe_the Montreal STAR Jac* vith reporte the ADC receive earPar
frott irforsal sources within tie Deeerteent. It clesrly explaine the s"roe
the crisis in Ontnrio where meat deserters apply at land borders "ether,: UNA at
internal offices of the imenigration department In.asior Carradian cities*
0 9. 40
It 1* clear also thnt this policy indicates tha the Canadian government is r
bending to the preesuee of the American gevernnent. It makes Immigration 902O
difficult for many Oesertera because they forfeit 10 points for pre-arranced
sreployment, for which they are iligitle only at pinta of entry. tees deierter
now in reality must. got 50 oat of 90, a difficult problis An some 04SCS where
educational or levels are low. Ttedeloy in the granting of work ?epees
may be another way to discourage deserters trot remelting An Canada. ADC spokei.
men feel thnt these irohlems should be countered by level noneures seidby110
billeation 6f poouler s.port. They are that dmeerteriamigrants hAve the right
� to work as any other qualified immigrant.
41armist reaction to this situetion is as yet uncalled for. Dee,rters are sere
within Cancdn. Thev will ne,e te extreAlted de orteel or denied immieration at
.� Internal aeolicetion crnt,re previoel they qualify.
by John KelouGhlin
The Swedish governnent has at upa refugee car, for Amoricen deserteree,
Yr. Poole, a eociai worker fro Artets FfteedIingen, will run the ;amp
which is n one-hour drive from Uppeala. Ve will be giveno room it a
berrucke�tepe building, fed three times a day, be Given 3 kr./day fcr.,
spending money (no sore cigerettea, we guess) and will study Swedish for
- 6 hour., a day. Once we leern Swedish we well be Fleece in Sets. Thug,.
the authorities c)eiln thet,thls cap will help us to adjust to life here
in Sweden.
The real purpose of the refugee camp is to break the morale of the
� deserter. We met s Swedish or who cace fr.= the area of the taW,Oad he.
described that region of Suedcn for a camp as tin g like Siberia. Because
this camp is GO iGOirA.Cd, Gtw deserters will want to go back to the Arty,
This is exactly whet the Swedish authorities tave teen hoping for ever
since we got here. They've eystematically tried to keep Us without jobs,
job-traininet, hcnsire ;-nd security so that we would get depressed ana
either turn ourselves IL or be forced into crime (so that they could abip"
us Steteside). Ivet now the authorities are isenred because Yelre built up
. meseive sopeore fpr us deserters fret the Swedieh people, so ttis camp
is.juet their new tactic to make the Swedish ripple think-that the govern�
ment iis'ECIping ii itth s-allr" tire that they re eetually treating morale.
When A d..serter arrives he wants to mf7e-t other deserters wl.o have been
. *fl 1111,�1 ig .torl c �j w'A".1 W7.r.rPro.t
here ivy uerLile to th.0. wm filg, out 014t to expect. Mr- doeen't want to
be shuLtled off to a cacp away from his brothers. re wants to talk to other
deserters so that he can understaad more clearly the evening of fenertion,
The real danger of the crirp is thnt after guys hnye been there &willies,
they will sprinkle us all over Sweden Sty- thee guys deaert together. On*
wants to be '(printer, one wants to be a cnrpenter and the -third wants to
go to the university. After thy camp, they'll send the printer to reel, the
cnrpenter to Otiteborg, rnd the university student to Lund. The camp is.
tied ot destroying our community rnd ieolatieg us frau each other.
If the Swedish government is really interested in helping us out, why
don't they Give us job trnining in the center of our community? Why don't
they help to support the ADC fnrm. If they'rm Teeny interested in giving
Us security in Sweden, helnine our future and recognizing our support
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C000290881 alinua?
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029088
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