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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 PeLy_ of Dfcc_4-- Deir\-�e_A ;IN ko-ve) 1,Flpt-i-,77. ,tcr tawl:-.; FEB vmo Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 01 P. r ----F�Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 e. enc-e . -mos navy? Yot so bet,huh? AIIMOM111.�� � � yc.ore oeuck in the BE-tvic 6:nd riOt in Vietnam. B...t f-suppesc. yeu'%.. gee h-edies over there; or maybe have been there yourself. You gays with :enc tO.;:f, :eft coalC expect to be sent. there any. ti=e between now dur r � 1. te � '�'.� Nee a very pleetant bro peworIcse to do anything ahout it, but that's where yoaore wrongi Glays in the eervice con, end are doing something about it. fbrwoM1015,.04M, 's 1..u? 0 . V- - 47,1; ss yc fecl...youlfre 5. T. a bind:lend � feet, P.merieen sorvieem:en htve a long history of-doing something about it wi-ien the brass have tr:ed to,fuck them over. Did you know thsr after . WorldW.r 1 t'ne bress, the Government'and big bisnest wanted to invade . Cnine. the goys in the Paci.fic had teen -fighting for four yearsrand were...sick ene: tired of war to F2 L'S: T4ey:keld strikes ar.d -mass demonseretions eemending to be -sent tome and the brass and.theovern- r.ent Le.eboice,_ageinat �ubl.:.massiresiseance tut to send.them )c.. 2' GIs end sailors mere ee:e to Co this beceuse were.erganised. This.. type of action Lao long been used by the working cless, whether in uniform or out of: it. TGe Covernmene and the ?aline class of big business have � alweys tried to keep the we:king =lees dewn as fel- ,as� they could push thcm. After elI, the less you pty wrrkers, tht rcra prol4t yea rake. It vae. ' alwtys t queeon or power, but the RE.4.=.1, POwSR. lies with tta wrking class. They r-au tha mechines, they keep production roving and they eve the pow:r to POwX: Thic ie the strongest weapon the.warking class has. B-t it ,- no good unIess 4 IS. orgenised. The om-le4 tercet hts elw4o teen ueed es a 1.7.epon against the working elscs. It is ueed to sppress :Jets in the cities end to break up strikes in tto factoriee. leor'e:ing class guys Leve elways etood at one end of the beycnet or the;eeher. in Vietnam, w-or:cinf.. cless gays are being sent 10 000 tiles swey from home to fight,.end if necessary, to eie in a wor ir w!-.1& ehey hlve 13 IVTLRE.5.7: But the working class in uniferx has the sare4-weepon at their dit?osal. They keep thing going end they can S.= DOVX. Since the Vietnam wor blew p, the soldiers End the sEllers have refused . toi3 with It passively. It st-arted an a small scale with individual doeereions end individual refusal or orders. The American Servicemen's � � .110 � .11 � CV Mar �- -Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 - - � wcirWs1Wriwil Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 � . . 'RI:IES, ilie,Goven=ent is giving a little xmors freedom in t)..4. hope that . the trouble will stop. E4. it i's only the toginniig. The^ Government knows � � a � and th4, brass knows that the :evil power, lies In the hands of the �6s ang , . � � �� � , 1al-lc:5 themssly6s, just like out in the world, in the factorlls and work ! . - . . . . .. . a%ops the real power lies in the kanfs if.the people Who. are running th* . . .. . .. � � � � . machines ard tot in the hands of the bostes.'The thing to do now Is to "- let the GIs ad the sailors know-that they r h/ave the power and to get e. . . . � ...... ... ... .. to USZ 27: Yore undergrowld,r.ewspapers have tote started and spread, .or � =ass resistance'be'organised and the rratt Internatioull.the . � - -.-.... . - , . A' .;. International.Orgatization-or GIs Is til,ere to help vsys,to get .things .. , . . � . .- organised, to -let the= kw h.o., to orgalthe and to koep,the.inforzled . � . .% ... about what other g$:ys are doing to'fight the 13 an d the..syste,m..There. . . . s... - � . . . p _ . are branches ofihe STI in CEnida, France-4nd Sweden. 7ihe ,rican De4g:g1 � - . , . .. .. . ..- . ters' Co7.:attn Swn is part ofa.the scond Front' nt.,.-rnavionEl. _ _ s - s ,- Cr adrss is ADC,2yLnlisilLIEF,latszaten le.Stockholm,Sweden; . ft � � �1�������1����������� ' The.. tole-gone is 344663 in Stockhol=, �" �� � .Thcre is a lot of woik to be doneand SGO Q BE DONE.NOle: =- � That's not an oreer, thsits a" NZCZESITY: . � . So write d let ua khow.where you, are at. Weill send you a ecy,of'_the. Second Front Review,� thl international GI megatine and try to O n any questic.n.a; to 1.tat yo4 can do tct stop the war in Vietnan and ta, takS U.S. away fro= Fettagon, V.S.Steel and Gon#1:4,y*07:a and put 4tr .. . . .. . back in thy bands of the working class. let us hear from yout � .. . ..;, . , . � . ' -� � � Tne'DepartrAes; of Defense .has �. issued a reetive to 'all unit .; co=r4r.tders that they are to leave hands orf undergrouplinawpmers and � we W � der � � � all article Y.5ei are'to be isiuocronly AFTER MCKIM:TWIT)! HIGHER A.U740- . � 4. � f� � � ��� 41 � . ^ � ^ . � � . $ * � ..� - � � " � . a., � " ^i � � � � 0 a A a. � �� 1 / n � � � N � ". � � -94" � � � � � � � � . � � 44" - � � � � � � 0' � � � � �� � � !! . � .a.- � . a. � ; "'� � � 0 � 7 � - -� � ..� � � � � � �- A .; Approved for Release: 2618/06/18 C00029087 fa " � � � .ff cd. Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 IL) RECO FROM 0:T 22 3970 CM 1114 COURIER it� SUBJECT: "American Deserters Committee (ADC), Stockholm, Sweden. (NO " 1. in the September el- SS C 0 � e Paper ,ICrenade (the foremost publication of the Akerican �'Cusillti-resister community in Sweden), there is an article pertaining to the re-opening of the American Deserters Committee office in Stockholm. The ADC's new sddress is cfp VeOsndi� Kungssetan 66, upssug 11-St-0010111-113.-22. It was noted that the stove address is located just around the corner from the United States Trade Center � 41 o NOV6 4970 �����������., a at, fteir gra $70 z owirmwmgdit IMMEIM"Mr sommore, 44" -",'.�2,r,;:;a4, for Fe174.56 Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 cnni-v,0/10-7 . - Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 'of 1 afE8 1966 .!*6 1.5'41%4 C/3 ii-,3Jirgt�rlir11)i J;r3rr4fIcct 13 t 'DI 55 . 1)1' ft 3 (1.1 e� t.,111 k.)r. 1) ',t I4 Tri.r.z of (Pc,149 gelint t..7.1r11711 L'vtrtrs c t'Vi*tl, 7e.711,0 trz Swclift-:31) fill � .*-Z-c:Ittl,i1 7ro.cp Cf.67,ct1r 611tP 3-)vitt Vict,"11.-;.r rtz.V...1t 3r.toe.7tIf;..7A I;? A7:,z.l with U.kt F)140 5ni 05 ,:(rt1 ftii Pitt, 5, $131. Clr jirc;:n5ir.j 1r1a* 4 t.'�V:q'irulf AI 31i V7(1,0 t.1 5:0-I 44 ':,;( V:->:4;ttit?..4 i4ttzf1 2-1 fizpIt �f4. tca syste.,3 101.2t 7e-11,.t cf.t117- v.)Jr en4 fili V.!)1 ut t) ii.tfuti-70 of fv9c,r3 irfz433 t$',1 it' 1117 1:-p.Z.t3 at F.Tijt Ctto Alt0, i? rr f9ti inv)lv:3 iq'this EN.11:t Citir; .0:11.-;;vt1� Its (It -;f),71.ts in Zt tievrinit z,f Vtii'n0-31tir,t1 73 -.!'',;:c.t."'341 ;c1-1 ca(tcrul t tl ek f;Oil:. '1 siiC crIt,tI)rs 4r1 1.4 T44 A, c't4 rz;c23!1�1,! 1.7-Actts #.74 tc,,,-a 4 r' t� T 3:..s.A7,r WO. ..1.t1,7.1 ()(1) IV-3M of ttt tAk, 1.11.iti-)111 i/14t151c, 141 I+I :;!tr t (A(3) ClI7W) tI: 1.1 2 e.,11 (.1)(7)(7) A C.-1Y;,ii 7of 1$:;.�ittre if i74`) is_ (`)(2) it.70 ('�) C'1 4f Oz p.itt 6 �Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 1 I w 2 '!tlier 101 7, I.e.2;tirtr 1St6 C� 1) J ry1:4J 27 11:1rv;ri 1SC3 i�. :t 1$ %Lily lit) 1,1wA).--.44.-.1d,k, 23 J.11/ 11S) 12$ ?1,174t, It 0.:1I'..14 ISIJ VnitNt 10) 14. t i,rt, 15, (..:1(.:Ntt 101 li$ tt, 17 k:ril LYi 1g:# FJ::.:te 14.tit 101 17, tt, j, ry,..1.v.,tic 1977 110 102 11,0 'rs;t, .11 :srn 1,71 210 Ct'.11, Ez.-coIry 1;1) 4/0 Cvtlt, ) 111, 'ft4 ".71/4 a(0-121 10-1; lAttrItftlit1440 t%,11,4 ./r rACI:t)elt4 Of C.i:.,rotV4.4 If4'4.:41-A1V1 .1-7V11":41r1 Y3') �H.Viit rti,`A. 11 4;4471 v...t ;Y!r'.S1i 1r tc. tit . 13 !r4: i:J ftti711) ttiS, ll!A47.1 ,t1 � 4;4iz;.21g.(.14, . . . . . ' 44 zqt-1.t,f.: t1:4 ttz of t1 it 117,1t.--,.AA,u , t.J44 ttt..! 4' t r.1)11.-att cv.r t.1 it4tral 14.ti Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087 OitCAVjSA.:2.7. $1.) t,ava (1,1tla C.t but t2 +;1 Calf t) 411 of c;i talgUira� n41,- we ett,tlieriil yotta ap, tta ;01,Wy cl (1tst-rt1:14e3, nvik gr5u fcr 101r p'tite all c,InSiftut111 v!lle ite sari* 14Q;1314r) Yovc flijst.- tv,4/ 1�44' . LI, 3, Ztrickloo.-) Infor"-ation an4 friv)zy Csoc.517At)c Vt4,71oc-2rtlt . oOs roleral Oure,u of Investi;ation AttrlItto: Sob Jordan Reference: Z.I/1A 0247,623. IPD/FSR/9mc/6 Fetcuary 1986 Distribution: Orig Adse 1 - Chrono. . 1 - 1PD/F85-0823 Grant Cole on Letter 2 � -1 --FBI DECAY, .1r r YaR ,1D#8642 � Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00029087