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Publication Date: 
November 6, 1944
11. 'Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 HEADQUARTERS OSS. SU. MET. 202, CBI APO 627 e�-� u6is 6 November 1944 SUBJECT: MO-AGAS Plan. TO : Capt. Oliver J. Caldwell, Hq. OSS. CBI, APO 885 via Major De Sibour and Col. Coughlin. 1. On 5 November 1944 Major de Sibour, Capt. Becker and Lt. Taylor of AGAS, and Major Faxon jointly discussed the above plan with the following results. 2. Capt. Becker stated that the only plan which Major Wichtrich had mentioned to him was that of sending 2 or 3 OSS men into the Shanghai area under AGAS cover. This strongly resembles the plan to which reference is made in. the last 2 sentences in par. 4 of my letter of 30 October 1944 on this subject. 3. Both Capt. Becker and Lt. Taylor were very positive in stating that Major Wichtrieh had never referred in any way to so comprehensive an operation as that contemplated In our present MO-AGAS plan or to the Memorandum for MO joint operation to which Major Wichtrich agreed in New Deihl. 4. The latest revised "Plan of Operations" dated 20 October 1944; thc Memorandum of the working agreement between OSS and AGAS re MO joint operations, and Lt. Col. Little's wire, dated Oct. 26, to Col. Coughlin for Capt. Caldwell were read by Capt. Becker and Lt. Taylor. They extracted the more important portions of these documents and Capt. Becker is wiring to Major Wichtrich in Washington for instructions. 5. Both AGAS officers clearly indicated that, in view of the positive instructions contained in the AGAS directive, they would be unable to go further than arranging for 2 or 3 OSS men to enter the Shanghai area under AGAS cover until definite instructions are received from Major Wlchtrich. This precludes clearing Pvt. Seely for Sian until Major Wichtrich's instructions are received. Meanwhile we have requested that Pvt. Seely's papers be forwarded to us from Chungking so that we can issue the necessary orders as soon as clearance is obtained from AGAS. 6. A copy of this letter is being sent to Major Stevens for his information. cc. Major Harley C. Stevens. a,,72:104. 4 HAROLD C. FAXON, Major, AU'S., 1st Ind. Chief MO China Area. HQ OSS SU DET 202, CBI, APO 627, 6 November 1944 TO: Capt. Oliver J. Caldwell. 1. Approved. r'"'"atil'id � 2 0 MAR 1936 iv AVM:VIED fcR RELEASE war JACQUES B. DE S/BOUR, Major, AUS., Commanding. pproved for Release: 2023/06/18 C00027679 RARoLD C. ?AXON, Major, AU.., Chief MO China Area. Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 3BAD.JJA1inhJ 055. U. DET. 202, CBI AO 627- 7 November 1944 SULIZLCT: 20-AGA3 Plan - Invite Seely. TO : gajor Harley C. Stevens, Fed. Echelon, Hqs. USAF, CZI, Ai0-679. 1. Reference is made to your letter of 4 November 1944 on the subject of the assignment and indoctrination of Pvt. Seely. 2.. Capt. Backer,of A3AS, is now in Kunming and the situation is as outlined in my letter of 6 November 1944 to Capt. Caldwell, a copy of Which I hope you have received by this tine. 3. Although nothing further can be done toward activating this plan until Capt. Hecker receives instructions from major Wichtrich, the following prooedure will proliebly be followed, assuming that Major Niehtridh's instructions will be as I anticipate a. All NO personnel destined for the 20-A0AS operation will, before going into the field, report to A0AS headquarters in Kunming for approval and final indoo.. trination in AOA5 operational procedure. (Vide paragraphs- 3 and 9 of pro-forma agreement) b. Zquipment and supplies will be furnished here.. ,c. Arrangements will be made in Kunming for supplying individual and general funds and for any joint financing between NO-OSS and AGAS. 4. I believe that the foregoing answers, insofar as � is possible at present, the points raised in your paragraphs 2 to 6 inclusive. 5. A copy of sr letter of this date to Capt. Caldwell Is attached for your information. 6. For Capt. Caldwell's Information a copy of this letter is being sent to him. cc. Capt. Caldwell. Attachrant: 1 vow rdtima.16.d 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE � 1e Dproved for Release: 2023/05/18 600027679 - Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679'- GSS. 3U. 202. CBI Ae0 627 7 November l44 SUBJECT: :W.-A..3A3 elan. TO Capt. Oliver J. Caldwell, Eq. CZ3. CI, Ai() 6E5 via :.!ajor de Sibour and Col. Coughlin. 1. Attached is a copy of i;.ajor Stevens' letter of 4 November and a copy of my reply dated 7 Noveber 1544. 2. Although, as stated in my letter of 6 November 1944,.Cept. Becker ,does not feel in a position to proceed with the provisions of the MO-GAS pro-forma agreement until he receives instrtictions from Major Wichtrich, he has approved in principle the statements in par. 5 a. of my letter to Major Stevens. 3. It seems to me that the most practical way of handling the matters covered in par. 5 b. and c. of my letter to Major Stevens, is as outlined. However, if any other arrangements have been made, please let me know as soon as possible. In any event, these sur,castIons would result in concentrating these parts of the operation in Kunming where both MO (Chine) and AGAS headquarters are located, and this would be a Jecided advantage from.an administrative point of view. 4. Will you please let me know what,, if any, steps have been taken in the way of standardizing equipment to be taken into the field by CBS. personnel? If you will advise the approximate number of personnel to be taken care of, we will requisition the necessary equipment and have it on hand in Kunming. This will ,simplify the problem of transporting personnel from India since the bulk of their equipment can be picked up 6.. Your comments will bsa 6. ;1 s2 lt.i..ter Is -,Deins, sent to Stevens for his tnformation. cc. Major Stevens. Attachments: 2 HA7:CI.,) Z. 7airf China ArPa. ofieumsinetd 2(' date APPROVED r-7,. P7L7ASE Dads mM-Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 BL ''OPY MAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679: BEST COPY AVAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679-- pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Office of Strotegio serviceo China ni t;1Li LAr. .a Thoetars Co 8 Novem.bor 1044 Lt. Co].. W. R. Peers, Commanding Officer, Porw Hq OSS SU Dat 101, LPO 2113. Dear Ray: As I have already cabled you, we expect to retern to Washington in a couple of days; right nor it is eet for the ninth. I wouldn't be at all suriwised if 109 changed hie mind between now and the ninth and decided to ooze out here. It would be better if he would for I think the best solution could be errived'at by his being on the ground. In uny case, we should - have all he anowers in the next two weeks. As I hzare already told you, / thInk.General Wedemver will be a�real friend of OSS. Lecr.use of thie, / think We will have operations in China that were undreamed of two months ago. As you already knee, or at least sucpeot, things are not going kal, well. in SAC. General Mier, in trying to help the situa- -tion, fiAlled it up somewhat, and there Is quite a cloud to be cleared away up there. That is only one of the reasons it nould be helpful if 109 oame out. The conference in Washington Is not Going to straighten that out. However, I will do my best. I amestisfied that Diok is going to be the head man in China, and / think he should be. It is essential that OSS have a man in Mtarge eho the Theater Commnnder has confidence in. This, in my (4,inion, is more importent than any other single point. I had a discussioft nith Ooners1 Sultan a couple of 4ays ago, and indicated i;lau sumo to him. I said that when he established Colonel HigIne as tho sectIon through which 03S must ch:naa all its bue-ness, it was caly all indication of his lack of confidence in me, and that a seting up of a new section etas not the way to solve the problem. A much better solution rould be to esk General Donovan to relieve 'A and to suggest the ()Meer or officers that he would consider suitable for the position Sultan agreed with me more or less. _ ,I told him that I thouEht General Donovan would be mak- _ Declassified 2 p !,!P.TZjq date APPRMZL;F RELEASE Date Copp AVAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 � x � Lag some ohanges in the near future and that he should express his feelings, as I knew General Donovan was most anxious to please the theater commanders. I told him that my own recommendation would be that you be designated as the SSO for the India Burma Theater. Sultan didn't say yea or nay. He has, however, given me a letter marked "personal" to deliver to General Donovan. I don't know what the contents are, but I euspect mid :hope that it is a let- ter asking that you be assigned as the head ran in his Theater. . It could, however, well be different. Colonel Hayne has prepared .a brief on the OSS situation and has tried to make a strong case in favor of the head man for OSS in any theater being a Regular Army officer, who is thoroughly familiar with general staff procedure, preferably a graduate of a Command and General Staff School, one that is older, knows most of the offi- cers he will be working with, and is more likely to inspire con- fidence in the Theater Commander. During the discussion I felt that Hayne was trying to describe himself. I indicated several examples of what I considered successful officers who were younger and were not graduates of the Command and General Staff School, and Hayne didn't like it. I told him that my feeling was that the Strategic Services Officer should first have the confidence - of ths Theater Commander, and second have some knowledge of the organization and capabilities of OSS. I added that I thought you filled these two qualifications better than anyone else out here, but he didn't agree. He felt you were ideal for the job you had but that you were too young to be the SSO. I don't think it is anything to be concerned about because I doubt that General Donovan would ever contrider-designating Hayne as his chief out here. I do feel that it rt.:important that you get to know )en- era]. Sultan as well as possible - as soon as possible. I feel that Hayne is more Or less on the loose looking for a Job, so don't be surprised of anything he does or says. I am going to cover a number Of points briefly in order that you may have a little better understanding of some of the things that are happening. X-2 in India - Ealor McDonough, who is the Head of X-2 for SAC, has been very friendly and would like to be on onr team. He h-ls to watch his position but I feel he is a right guy and an able one. Thurston was down here for a couple of days and he and MoDonuugh got on nicely. I asked that Thurston channel all his stuff from China through McDonough for forwarding to Washington. This wouldleave McDonough_in-n_poeition to know everything that was happening X-2-wise in the Far East. If I was called on to ex- plain about X-2 in China, I would have someone here who could do it. Thurston indicated he did not feel he should have any reopen- "-upgiret. pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C000276797_,,. . - 3 .1L�Mb- (ability for X-2 operations at 101 as he is too far away to be either informed or ansist in control. I agreed, and asked ;:o- Donough to think of X-2 aetivitios in Anson, inoluding 101, as part of his baby. I explained to McDonough that you would have to be completely advised both as to what was happening and what- was planned or you would be embarrassed and not satisfied with the arrangement. McDonough promised to do this. I am sure you will find this a better arrangement. I think he will discuss the whole X-2 cot-up with you, and this applies to Assam and Cal- cutta, and elsewhere if you wish. He has convinced no that he is really trying to do a job and not trying to build an empire. I asked Harry, when ho went through, to talk with McDonough and tell him what the X-2 situation was at 101. As a result, McDon- ough has written you a letter which I enclose. If you will think of him as trying to help and not trying to grab, I am certain you will find ho can help you. Thurston indicated he thought Helfrich was God-awful, and that as far as he was concerned, he should be sent home. He didn't say this with any idea of taking action on it as he realizes you would be the first to express such a feel- ing if you thought things had reached thatatage. Ho was just making it clear that he had no confidence In Helfrich. I think McDonough feels a little bit the same but wants to help work it ._ out if he can. McDonough is not at all fooled by Patterson. He Is not happy with him either. He may be able to get up there this next month. I am sure if you can arrange to discuss the sub- ject with him, you will find that McDonough will be able to help in the situation. Security - A Mr. Harjes has repoeted here to hea& Secur- ity for what was the CBI Theater. I don't know where he will fit into the new scheme of things, but he is agood worker and he wants to do a job. I just don't have time to check everything he does. He may write letters that get under your skin. Don't let them. His intentions are also the best. He burned MoDonough up yester- day by writing a letter to Washington abeut a discussion ho had had which was supposedly man to man and sort of off the record. I hope you will show a little patience with the guy and credit him with sincerity of parpose. They have bad a lot of briefing in Wash- ineton and it may take a little while for them to see things our my, but I am sure they will n the end and will be a reel help. Just don't let him burn you up. As you know, de Sibour has gane to Kunming to be CO of Detachment 202. I don't know how this ie going to work out. It is simply a trial. I think de.Sibour is able and might be able to do a job. However, he has at least one strike, if not two, on him for certain people in the 14th Air Force are very much against him. - pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679' Nr Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 -� 4 He hes a Sat. Davis up there in Sinoial Funds who is a Certified Public A000untant and suppouedly very good. Joe Loot� is very anxious to have the Sergeant down here to work for him. I have been holding off until I was satisfied the Sergeant was not needed in Kunming. A deoision on this may come up before .I get back, or the new set-up is arranged. Mykland is doing very little Special Funds work now and I think it is being mostly handled by a Lt. Davis. I don't think the Sergeant ahould be taken away from the Lieutenant, unless the Lieutenant and de Sibour are satisfied that the work there will ge on. If Leete brings this up to you in my absence, my euggeetion would be that it was up to de abour to say uhethor or not the Sergeant could be spared. I think I have already told you Berm is scheduled to leave hero on the 8th. for Kandywhera he is to become the Deputy Chief, OSS.in SAC. I will believe it when I see it. Harry is talking now of moving it from Wednesday on to Friday, and from Iraq he will probably move it to a week from Friday. I think the feeling here is the soencr he loaves the better. Ed Taylor got back yesterday and today Berno wantedlto know what I thought of his becoming the OSS representative on "F" Division and Tay- lor becoming the chief in Heppner's absence down at SEAC. Tay- lor apparently wants to get off of 'IP" Division and Berno would like very much to get on. I told them I didn't have any feeling in the matter; that it didn't make any difference to me which one of them was on "P" Division--and it doesn't. I know you are much more familiar with the workings of 'PI Division than I am, and probably have a much greater appreolation of the importance of the-kind of man we have there. If you do have any strong de- : - -siree-on this, I suggeet you express them.either by letter or Cable'to either the General or myself. rmight be able to convey - the thing a-little stronger to the General if you had any objec- tions. LEI already advised ycu by cable when I thousht I might be leaving today, I am designating Hunter as Acting Deputy Strat- egic Services Officer in my absence. You, of course, avethe Act- ing Strategic Services Officer for both Theaters. I don't have too much confidence in Dave. I would have much preferred to leave eilky here; but since he was an eye witness to certain happenings In SACO which are now under investigation and on which the General is anxious to have a complete report, I felt it essential that he return at this time. Spencer has a fair idea of what goes on In China, and between Spencer and Hunter they should be able to figure out whatever answers may be necessary here. Paratroppers - Harry Little indicated there was some milli- � pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 - - uneerntending about the pay end wearing of the badge of the pera- treep:re. I am satisfied that once n men cenpletes the coerce in a recognized parachUte training schoo4 ho in entitled to waar the badge just as aTilot who wins his wince is entitled to wear them foreverafter. His pay statue may Change but the privilege of wearing the badge never. Some of the mcn were teken off of jump pay as a result of a couple of enbles received from Washing- ton. I reel that a liberal intereretetion of the ruling can be made. If there Is any possibility of the man being ueed on an Op- erational jump, than I think he should get the pay; but if, in . your own mind, there is no poseibility of his being ucing on op- erations, then I do think he should be taken off jump pay. No order on the thing is necessary. The commanding officer is re- quired to certify whether or not a man in on a jump status. If he dooe not conaidor him on a jump status, he just doean't certify to it. Lt. Col. Arden Dow is now the.OSS head man in BACO. Dow is a damn good boy. I wish he wasn't in SACO for there are a num- ber of places he could be used. If anything comes up in my ab- sence, I would give his recomeendetions considerable weight. Harry explained to ma that you now have an Adjutant located in Chabua who can write orders and expedite the movement of rerscnnel. This boy must be a real expediter. Major Kearny, who you know came through here a eouple of racks ago, is probably as good as anyone we have had come out with respect to working in the jumble. He has had quite a bit of practical experienoe in Panama and was anxious that he go up to 101 for work for you at least for the next Vo or-three months. I explained this to Kearny and we issuedeordersehere-assigning him to 101. Theenext I hear he is in Chins. I still -don't know how ba got there. get really pissed off when I even think about it. I am attach- ing a copy of the order on Kearny for your info. What goes on at Chabua is beyond me. Private Chang is another example of this same thing. He was assigned to 101 for an entirely different rea- son but he ends up in Euneing. I understand he has been sent back by this time. I have made no effort to try to recall Kearny be- cause I rather think he is just what they are looking for in Kun- ming and probably have him involved in plans up there by thie time. I don't know who is at fault but someone certainly is. re give the man orders here but theecan't reach their destination. ,Modified Liberators - MacCarthy, as you know, is in Lon- don screening personnel for this Theater. He is also doing all that ho can trying, to obtain-some-of those modified Liberators for us. I feel they are more or less set on assigning one squad- pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved forRelease:2023/05/18- C00027679 e - 41. pen to thd/ndia Hama Theater. Those child be able to seretoe both you and SAC. I know you don't have eny perticular need for them .now but you may have in the future. They are badly needed in China. / am writing to XAcCarthy asking him to cor- -respond with you direct on the personnel he lines up. He has been trying hard to gat a bunch for China. He has written sev- eral "eyes alone.' lettere to me in which he has popped off about an individual or teo, primarily Happnnr and his letters might prove cebarrassing if certain people saw them. I am going to leave them all behind, hoover, in Macaulay's care, and if you wish to review them, they vill all be available. We had a bunch of Heael arrive hare a few days ago. I think they deolded on the split as six for you, six for China and two to remain here. They are mostly Honolulu boys and I think you will find them pretty good. Alderdico - I get the feeling that Joe .is not helping the situation all he could. Ve have been sorer ing up by hav- ing people go to Calcutta and then maybe to 101, and then maybe back here. Much of this confusion Is my fault. In come instances, I didn't even know the bird was out hero until I heard from 101.e...- These people come back end indicate the trentment they gat from Alderlice is not so hot. If the situation has been fouled up, It is net necessarily thAr fault. Vhether they are able or not has nothing to do with it. They coee out here in good faith and Joe should treat them the same way ineteed of giving them the works on how SO never turned out a good man yet, etc., etc. It is nothing to do with his jeb and oertainlx doesn't add any- thing to the morale of the individuals concerned._ nava had several people ask me what is happening at 101. That feeling didn't use to exist and I don't think It should how. - �VeGehee - Maybe I am juRt getting old - maybe I am turning sou". In the past three weeks /,changed my mind a lot tawarde i:cGehee. / don't know what his game is. He sends a lot of stuff to Weshington that I never see. I only know about it whon I.get cables badk from Washington Liking or refering to cables vhioh I have never seen. It is really not important I guess but it barns the hell out of me, and makes me wonder just ht his gams is. If he is not under you when I leave hors, it won't be beceuse / didn't try. He has been transferred from CS:A0 to CBI, While he is now assigned to this Headquarters, this Headquarters may soon be your roar headquarters and you till be able to do with it as you like. - V- -O. Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 - - .46 I tnow ycu I've Cane a swell job up there, ray. You have Wilt it up Ina no ow twer eZrean7d of it being built. You have it well organized and you are paying off. I shall do everything I can to leave you in t:a strongest possible position. I may eomo back but / 0oubt it very nuch. I am convinced that 039 does have an important part in th-! war effort and I know that you are thn boat proof of this f.-ct. I hope to sec you one of thase dayo - maybe on the Chin?. coact. Beet wishes. 2 Inols: Inol #1 - ltr fr Maj. YeDonough, dtd 4 Nov 44 Incl #2 - copy of SO 296 Hq USAF CBI re Eearny Incl 4'3 - copy of SO 295 Hq USAF CBI, re Chang Approved for Release: 202-3/05/18 C00027879 John G. Coughlin, Colonel, Inf. pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679" 8 Novonbtr 1944 UKIORANDIN Tot Mr. Cimrleo h. Cheston Front Far East Theater Office VIL: =TO Subject: Request for Officers' slots � CBI slaw,nest is Lade for allowance of one Lieutenunt Colons); und one Captain slot to CBI to provice for the transfer of Lt. Col. en ries B. McGehee and Captain CLecter A. ChtstrInd from bEA: tc CBI. Whiie General urCer t40 Revised, Sup,. I of 4 September 1944, i.rovidat tb:.t in casco of this the transfer is effecu..d .1.ta tae allotment slots, the decision in thia iastancy'wss thet tney tould not be so tranaferres. Cable #10d97 from New Lehi from uolonels Coh�in ann rmiusetcd and apprumod tha_tnansfer. Use Eirector's cable #iGko7 of k4 October in reply agreed to the transfer and said thut the .en should not be transferred-with their slots. It is, therefore, necessary that ni+ropriata slots be trsnsferred to CBI to take cure of this situation. A letter from acjor Colonci Cou,;h.inle C.zecutive Officer, in fact stetee thrt the transfer of Coiozel VcCehee altrac,ut the slot upseta their plan, since ali the Lieutenant Coionei slots were allocated in connection with eoinael proaotiwl proLran. GEORGE C. LELIAB Lt (je) USNR : Fur East Theater Officer cop,i,s4r;tik AppRovEr; FCP P.ELEt.SE Date REST COPY AVAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 4.116. 011MIAIMM OFFItOF STRATEGIC SERVICES -P-) CQUAEUVrDe WASHINGTON. D. C. � � DISTRIBUTED 6 December 1944 DISSEMINATION NO. A4557811 COUNTRY French Indo-China ORIGINAL REPORT NO. TiVra-.23.3 pt SUBJECT Information an the Japanese in DATE OF REPORT 8 November 1944 Indo-China EVALUATION F-0 SOURCE SUS SOURCE CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT CORRECTION NUMEIER OF PAGES DATE OrtNFORT.11.1 ION 30 October 1944 ArcrsCiitzENTE PL4".:i1ORIGIN Eumming nitATns rr vi4.4.14, :p. cm Cm IS To SZC'EAT CIF. v.1 PV:P. 17 C: M. CP/ t4V F7.7 X-2 UT AFR cun ITALY U. C. C I I �t. T 1. At Can Ranh Bay, 18 miles from Vinb (Man Binh), ellht- een machine run and artillery istrunz pointy are loceted. Barracks to acc.c=notiate 5,000 ran havo bacn constructed. 2. Vinh is the railrovl communications cent; it connects mith Sairon to the Oouth, flanoi to the florth, and bg-road eith Luang Fro Bang to the Zest. It ac ha= a locomotive repair shop and a ramation. -art of October 1944, one hundred Japanese acidic= were transferred from Vinh to 'long Khouang. ' Dv- psSii*:i eurvelc:amw � ' ' � , T� C171 FIrj. ! MC: I.. 7 ( . iferrirAt. Apr Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 114. OSS. SU. DETACHM-UT 202 CHINA THSATIT APO 627 Source: Hq-#4 Report: T-20.25-'' -w-lluation: C-3 1/1,IN-216=44) Sub-source: American Born Chinese Date: 8 Nov 44 business man No. of pages: 1 _valw.tiont F-0 At'Achmcnt: 1 Date of info: July 44 (annfirms ) Dissemination: C.O. C&I-B APO 885 Report: (contradicts) C.G. Fwd Act: USAF (supplements) �.:.':'.: (att G-2) APO 879 HU Br. 03d 14th AF APO 627 'r CD Br. Dot. 101 - IPO 465 .:-.-K.. SUBJ-CT: SHANGHAI - ITINERAhY OF TRAV.LL-P PROW KVNYING AND 0711 P4P RS e 111I - 1:1 FIrt . TLA V L ANL PF.SID7i.N.:1-, � : '!:!-.'e .w w...h. 44 1. A travel route from Kunming to Shanghai, which has been ouseamesvic, fully followed, is via K9../YANG, TUS3EN, KINGC?M,NIANG, NNNILINiV* li:NGYANG, KUM, KANCHJR, CHAN4TIN3, YUNGAN, L/SHVI, LUNGCNIMAIz al.NCE0 , A4ANTAU and NINGPO. � 2. No official papers are ne-ded until NINO%) is reached,... traveller, to get a boat ticket, (unless he oan purchase on04:e0Woli" "scalper") must satisfy t'le tickf-t seller that he has bsen.itiiiSIOOkA The first examiner asks to see the traveller's imm'anisation.keeP14. showing innoculations for typhoid, pars-typhoid and cholera. Innoculations and an immunization card can be obtained at tho,NI16.0 HuLiliTAL. (photo print attach-:d) The secJnd exaniner asks to-see tlia:;% traveller's travel kermit. One of these can be obtained from..n11010 Xarket sources" by the traveller's hotel for Cl$500. It is41.44,4*.0 one month. (photo print attached) Three other examiners (JapAWsiarolk. the traveller's ?.:rson and baggage. At SHANGHAI, there is:s.;m4otamfo � examination. 3. Lost of the travelling in and out of SHANaHAI is done bi:smugglOrM,'�! posin as business men. The Jap polici is to curb travel unless gbod business reason is given. !',,. 4. In SIANGHAI, the traveller must get a residence pass. (phoOsprint:i- attached) i:hile awaitim7 this, a tenporary permit is issued. (101Pto. �, print attached) These are obtained in the district of residence:.: Certain Block Numbers are assiined to Districts. -...-! 5. New arrivals in 3H,NUILII are report .d in thr:!ugh the "Lien Ewan:Pao*, system ol,erating there, w'nere families are grouped under a naiihborhood . Mutual ::uisrunte sdstem. Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 HBADWARTZRS Office of Strategic Services MO Branch China and India Burma Theaters APO 885 SUBJ.:LOT: MO Coordination - China Area Lajor LIP-rold e. Faxon TERU: Channels FROM: Captain Oliver J. Caldwell � -Allikrr�ra 8 tiovenber 1944 1. This is an attemrt to answer informally your letter of 26! October on the above subject. Major :tonroe has been fully informed of the f.0-ACAS plans, and is now assisting the develop:r.ent of these plans while he is in Calcutta. 2. A recent letter from Lt. Col. Little informs ur. that the AG AS project is officially desirnated in 72ar!linrten as the Ter TrojPct. 7:e will refer to it as su�:h frs-1 now on. We are alss informed that every effort is beiLc zaae to pre- snrve the cover of ASAL, and that :;cjor Wichtrich Insists that this procedure be followed as otherwise all ACAS work In (Aline would be im-eriled. 3. : note . c as soon as 7-e.,:s.fb1e after Lt. Col. Liztleic in :1"4 thehIcr. 3- :he is e:.7ec:sa 4. I.:117 cc.acc7-u'-.J c,:77 L-7 T.on.Aer not s, reLl of .� - t- 7..hc or7ose Lfm. -GI:at I a7. -Loo = . -- aqp:f7st ft.e cr e:=7: 5, 7 am net !,-.01,7. to ow:neat letter, in cliscuss tne It ':.suld be to disagree ----e,- c: BEST COPY AVAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 000027679 CiThq(i 4 � Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Major Barold C. Mixon -416. 6. Your comments regarding the situation in Indo-China are particularly interesting. Would it not be a good idea for you to prepare a detailed analysis along the lines of your comments. It would appear that the situation is suf- ficiently important to necessitate serious thought, and that the MO Branch of OSS should know what it is doing before it makes any further commitments in this area. 7. We hope that Captain Becker vill soon be available so . that our Tower Project teams may receive ACAS indoctrina- tion. As soon as he is available I suggest that you ask , him to send a man to Calcutta, if possible, to participate in our training program. Oliver J, Caldwell . Capt., AUS Acting Chief, tO -Approved for Release: 2023/05/1800002.7679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 EEADZJALTERS �i41:14Cia� OSS. SU. DT. 202, CBI APO 627 10 November 1944 SUBJECT: M0-GAS Plan. TO : Capt. Oliver Caldwell, Eq. OBS, CBI, APO 885 1. With reference to our wire of 10 November we give further details of our conversation with Capt. Becker. 2. This morning Capt. Becker brought over a wire which he had just received in reply to his message to Major Wichtrich, to which I referred in paragraphs 4 and 5 of my letter of 6 November. The gist of the message from Washington was: a. That the War Department did not approve the proposed MO-AGAS agreement. b. That Capt. Becker was to take no further action pending Major Wichtrich's return to this theater. c. That Lt.Col. Little was being advised of the situation. 3. It was Capt. Becker's opinim that it would be about a month before Major Wichtrich would be back in China. 4. 7:nr. ,.:rcumstances, we cannot 9EC!1.:r.,. clearsne r7t. eljprocee, can anything further be done at this end toward activating the MO-AaAS plan. 5. The whole situation is far from clear to me and Is very disappointing in view cf the many possloilitles Inherent In the plan. While It may be pose'- 1= 'net Malcr Wichtrion's approval (ir Delhi) was based on the very minor operstion mentioned. In per. 2 of m: latter of e November 1944, this seers highly improtetle in view of the very broad terms of the pro-forms aree-ent watch helped to compile in Deihl. : refer psrt!cularly to paragraphs 2, 6, 7 and 10. E. In our wire we sug,esteo tne acvisatility of obtalnin.: Information as to the exact situation direct from CS5 Washington. 7. It mE.: be that a workin, s-ren.ement between WC-C3 and AGA3 can, eventually, be reacned but at ;reser- tae sltlIatton does not spzear at ell ncidefu:. &is E matte: of interest, I shall appreciate learnin. your decision as to your future course of action in recruiting personnel end continuing 'he training of oersovneI slreacy recruited. In the event tnat you decide to defer fartne: train'ng and, possibly. to release certain Ir.iividuals row befr, Indoctrinated, will you please let us nave l. particuls-: of all sucla personnel before releasin_ Cu- reeec- for mekin, this request Is tnat. If you tlsce t.,e7 BEST COP AVAILABLE � date coat Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 , SIM In your organization, we might be able to utilize their services elsewhere in this theater. S. A copy of this letter is being sent to Major Stevens for his information. c.c. Major Harley C. Stevens. HAROLD C. FAXON, Major, AUS., Chief MO China Area. Approved for Release: 2023/05/18000027679 .40.M Approved for Release: 2628/05/18 C00027679 dalb fl..."1610141...!.g.pmr.m.��������.. O33. SU. DET. '402, C21 AiC CZ7 � 11 Fovember SUBJECT: DT-L5 Croductf,::n. TO : !A-s. Eetty C33, CZI, iC v4cs Lt.Col. de :incur snd Cul. Cou6h11h. 1. The .5C:0 copies of the above productior, tc which reference is in jcu rua:cti.on report, ilave errive;; here. 2. I assure that it is 1.1tendec., to distribute t'he entire set as a sinzle unft and that the lower ri6ht and left corners of the cover carci are to be out, as indicated on the semple oc, and the resulti% tat' inserte.f the line marked linsert on the face of the r:sr.:: Japanese troops learin, from a train. 1.-stin, J157.;1:3, believe, be less time coniAfI.:1L, an ww.;13 serve the purpose. 3. Cne of our Chinese s,iested that the seene or the "year before last" and "last year" cars woult set es a deterrent to the surrec,der of Japanese troops. This mizht be so, t,Gt ft Is my un.ierstanJfn_ that tnis partiouler series was proc:uced with an entlrely Zrferer17 er�' nemely, that cf showfn, Js;nnese whst LS3 w!ll 4. Your wfil �reatl-�: 01\ ��� Lt., , or.,cisp.104 t --� Fs7'r r'e . _ Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 ,(7- ----- --flt."7:' .4. -- -,- .. ....- - . � 0,/,.,41����., '1:..."..T.!.;;.:,':', " -'L/7.... ,...r",.....;:a . . BQ. 033, SU. DETACUNaT 20e-vititr-iran3 APO 627 Sources MA Br. (RQ-6) aloPorin-21"66114 Etiluations unstated (YEA5I�222":44t Sub-sources Chinese Gd Lat. Dates 11 Nov 44 Photoaovarage No. of pagess.1 Evaluations unstated . Attachments! 0 ' Date of info: varies, see report -(confirms ) Diaseminations C.O. C&I-B APO 885 Reports (contradicts) #Y CA. Fwd Ech USA/ ' (supplements) Mt 0-9, APO 879 SUBJEOTt RAILROAD REPAIR FACILITITS IN SUANGHAI AREA 1. At the locomotive repair shop and Central China Power plant at CHUM/YEN, cars are repaired that are damaged by air attacks on the NANLING..SBANGRA/ and HANGCHOW-5HANGRAI, Railway lines. Plants are capable of producing some locomotives. 4 Oct 44 2. 5 Oct 43 only small repair facilities were located at =WIN adjoining the railwa, yards. Photo coverage of Aug 44 showed car� and locomotive shop, machine shop, five small shops, (possibly foundries) and a small power plant juA west of WOOSUNG railway 3. 300 Japs and 3000 Chinese are employed in the former RANKIN SHANGHAI railway shops. The main railway repair area of SlikNGHAI is located N of the railroad yards. There is one shop 2501x130' with t:ial:!:::-.trinces, a locc7nt1vf, 251 x :633 wIt. f:,11r al'Id 3 it. 3. Czt Dpoisollited date �- Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 1. Cc.7,,h."3 � r. ; Of _n the. I:TC. of a job out hr' 1;iiV. 1 41 A I z.:. for your infor:...:ition of ve to you t, :,: � ft: Littf-c�r: . 7�:e11 if ez,n 7..Tt in 1;:.r:c. :ley: School is functionili,, 1.f.� t:re � to c:.7,ver cr.e ro7f, � 7.2 �-�-� �t.. 2. is ; it Dec'ass F.on Date : pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Page 2 A Personnel It is augc,sted that the last parurraph on pap 2 and the top one on paze 3 should be qualified to road as follsie: If trained Chinoso rwiio operators can be obtained from any of the sources now available to OSS in China (either some unused AU7TR c-,-.:roro or any now bing trained at the sshol in 1".aiyang) that a auff;cient numbor of these continue their training at the school in Kweiyanc until they can successfully operate the SSTR-1 sots to become p:.rt of the "Oyster Project" and join the other units in the PhillPpines, or wherever they will get their final training and briefing. (Dialect and language considerations should be riven sone thouht, as the Formesa dial,st nay be quite different fromAof northwest and central China.) If the "Oyster Project" is put into actual cporation and the m sent in around March or April, it is believed that a few set$ of the rrcund to plane voice units would be able tc be made avullabic...4 the Comnunications Brunch in time to supplement the mission's uso of the It is not believed that any of, thc e ;r,arties sbruld frto without the SSTR-ls, recardiess of whether or n;t, they also ta:e a7cn7:a .:oice unit for ground to plane sommunicaticn. Titbout the TR-1, if should happen to the -.round to uait, ld ,ut mans of comoumication and lose c:n.uc v..oh the ol:tssle Also, if they were in Form3sa for any great leLgth of time, the dry brfttc,rie: -roumd to unit might bc no lsngr effectir-t T-����� wiuld have to obtain others either through droppings or from cams lasal ssursi, which might.be extremely difficult and haaardoss ta cttair. BEST COPY AVAILABLE , Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 On the bottom of page 3 (C. Com:lunications), it is that per%aps this paragraph .should read: Appropriate signal plans, frequency use!; with td tl.ter: iv: : for both the SCTR-1, its as the use of tho 1rowId to 1,a 'It ',Ire r:ould is established for this projoct. If Flnres can be from either Philippine sources or sources in uneoqpiei of the ground to plane units should be made in the planes and this iiethod of transmission of intelligence (particularly of an eneny tactical rat.)re) should -too employed as often as successful results would seen to indicate. For c.77.orrency co-:municationgltransmission of loner as well as more long intellig,once ro-,7.orts, the ralie oc,..to should be emr.loyed. /anding party should also be equipped with light visual signal 2.,vices and poco:bly 7.:AD%-7,1:V units and rvc.Jrition signals for Co. tine durin7, the process of landing or re-c77.barking. The Communications Branch will be responsible for supplying the necessary communications m-nt for these operations. Trainint.7 or rrct.,rs The Cor=:IcatinL 171rclno'-. is prci-!,red to trL:ia in i vIntry or Fern:: ::a native far the'rftr if ���%.t-.;ro. Ere to in Co:7_7:unic ions Iirs-c,nn,.::1 at the EY;:tyLn,-.: or 11 t could 1: � FE't 1:i� in China ft r this F.1:rp.7.se. The length of tine it would take to train such c deponr: v:holly en th.re.s fa"-ors: BEST COPY AVAILABLE I _ Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 � Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 (a) If t'io orArs made available to OSS wore already competently trained Chinese operators and spoke English and come to OSS with 4 code speed of 15 to 20 words a minute, a matter of about throe weeks' intensive training should take care of it. :(b) If their code speeds arc below 10 words a minute. it would probably take a minimum of 5 (c) If the operators cnnnot raglish, ere not technically minded, and come with a lower speed thLn 5 words a minute dowm to zero, it would take somewhere from 12 to 18 week to make than competent, or serve for such missions. (d) haturally. the intividual brightness or mertal slu:gio':ness of each operator has cx:siderble bearing on the length of time it takes to absorb a new subject. Also the individ1;a1 operator's own interest in the saject has great bearing. With adequate manpower made available to the Communicat'cns Brunch, it would be possible to set up 4 sall communications training n.It in the i'1111;:::is trainlmL; ef these operators. pproved for Release: 2023/05/18C00027679 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679- HEAD:XAT=iS CSS SU Detachment 2C2 APC 627 Corr:ander Joseph F. Leete, Special Funds ()Meer Headquarters CGS C&IB AFC Ea5 Dear Comuander Leete, I am sending you a rapDrt which I have prepared fo.r'Ut.::Ylaml,�-. ond. The report covers the period from January 1944 throiagh June-& 1944 and is designed to answer all the questicns that Lr-37i'Diticiddcf?. has raised during that period. In addition, I have broken ulOwn'.k. all expenditures by branch and object classification with-txplaii - story notes wherever they were needed. . . yo- fordard one czpy of this re.:_ol..t toLr. Dimond and tne other for your files? t- Sincerely, lnsign. Sp 2-4�t BEST COPY AVAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 V pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Capt. C1ver j. Eq. CC3, C=I, APC-F-Z-5. Dear Cliyer:- ) :72C-, 1C44. t!.sn'gs for y-,ur letter of C I,oveliber which I 6reatly appreciate. I have Ueen Irten1n6 to write to you for some time, but the days seem to slip away with ood Inten- tions as the principal result. i:eedless to say, I extre.lely tlAazpointedt. yt,or excellent ;len seems to have arrived at an impas.e I hope, Is only ter,p,rary. ylowever, the tenor of the wire, Asshir.c.,ton whica showed to me is very posYe Indeed and leaves � the local on:leers no option whatever. ;4othinE, csn, or will, be done until 7i. returns to this theatre sometime about one month hence. I have triet to .t.ive you the complete picture In official corresponterce but If tere is anythinz, which needs further clarification ples,e let 77,e kncm and I will try to o into zrester detail. 'Lou are now confronted with the orol:- lem of what to do with the ;Lroups which are row in trainlhc and the others which, presumotly, are teln6 recruited. It Is certainly a difficult situWon lut I an sure tI-:st it will be handled with your usual ex,7ellert ju:ment. Y0,1v 11 hFoYe cf 7: wr.c forme,:! to Tr!tt.n t Y � tut, :fir; not the rl-Islifioations which 7b... requ!ref,s.ni-: s ' sre tc 7,21 ht=, n.ct !.:t :et7- � -.-..-.: pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679- - BES AVM COPY BLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 There have teen ruors t. t t7;eCii estre new sAoutl:ler patches but, s. ir, not in� ::.pecifto :Ise come 1..L. li.L�ht. Do you know w:ether thig matter i15.: teen .Jeciz3cc:? if I would be very thankful if ;you arrnn,e to send :71e 6 dozen - s,ain wl t all exzenses for nil/ ;ccount, of ore. .I sm ottll with my frienc: the Com:-.1,se!ner of r.,',1.st and cert,;.inly ri,:l.re..!;4te the oi.:ortun'ty of lei% in ouch pleasant surrounJin�s. -:nere Is some ut,7_-ertainty a'wlt the lea.-,e on tne ?remises ant 'here is just a c:-,anoe that Ere will te e chan,e at the te,zinnin,i; of tne year. I hope thst matters will be strai,,htened out sc, thPt it will not be necessary to move all m OO ard ch.nttels elver e t-at is impossitle to rrejict f5rel result will be. I rave hesr from my wife tit !ior ;1.:!olett marr'Ae.. I have v:ritten seversl letters to him tut he is not s ver; 600d correorondent 30 hove reoeived no reply to date. Te last infonmstion from htm wes to the effect tha:; he wes :43 in the CATS at Yale. It iT just posle t-ot he has applied to be platei on the inactive list or has ,one back to teso�rlin,, st St. ;Isrk's L:Jt say notIn� to On one stout this SJ It is p-.re !,rmise on :7.; part. Exchsne has now rne.2 the LIh oint of ::,.�7.45 to T.75;.1.As far as I can see, t::ere iS nothin to preent it fo ori still hi�her.I .the post-war ...,hInese currency,to be left to seek its own levelwith respect to fore: that :x:.-,an or do -z.t.,u think at t o .aere will le 11,7e p:tte--,rt to st1:-'"ze it at so---e s15Str0ry rte': I make n3 cf financ!al exl:ert, but F-:en a lay-7,7.n :f at. sll this par-, of thc sse !.7.t .Es:t7,te le Ileo - isfve all 1, 1,eLt. : r c�Wr7laieek-,� - BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/016-666e.&66 , Nevember 194 ARVIT135a Simian ammr 'Alma =Vag. altatirla Deer Omar s -��war.E4Z� This letteriU sever the sesmadliatien of yew rimimadai repeal se or ths mad of September 19/44, end erne the three menthe of 7114. August end Dotamber, asonestion with the ariaMed� dehagebb the rellewing omment Ss ettered. The method 'of hardlias the emersion of entsteedlag mom advances sad eabsopently repeid la lialted States dollars is eormitrar handled exempt that yen weed ea ameheage rate of $42714121 VIPs instead of the eastemary rate of .3026268. Itywethg the rots er $.32 YOU arrived at a United States dollar conversions of t$19.37 and ;45,5c iuutead of i502.9^ and This it occurs in 7our Su:.nst report. Therefore, the Individalli will have Maid to you 0.641 ooto than mos originatlyedvansed. In garret:tins the triquewet $24.00e tam Commands? Mesta as thowa lapses &gust report there is am ammo' in marrersien of fear anima or $.08. The 3300.12.1 rupee is equal to $999,42 lashed of $10000. It appears to as that you should have taken this ma a transfer of 33044.6.0 rupees egua1ing$10.000. , The $1289.00 uhich you received from the Navy him been used by we to reduce the advensas outstanding toy Mary sn the Overall State. west. In .September you paid to CoomodoctiMilso a:. meant at 4522.27, homer. according to your letter and statement of 6 August, the correct balance due Mayes $1.546.48. 1111 you Ammo clear IP this dittaramm of 024.21. This 11522.27 has been added by we to the advances outstanding in the memo of Mary leaving a total amount still doe as shown an the inclosed recepitalatioa of $33.045.60. lu August you show as a Um:ear to ;Detachment 202 an amount of:$5,000 in the, nem* of lieutenant T. darter aysteen which is the exact :amount we advanced his in lashington.: However, you also show a receipt 'a: 14,00C CH's at 180 to 1 or $77.80 in your karch report. Were these 14400 CS's part of the :=,000 we ailmenced him or was it derived from other somrceof Aks - soy e � " -�01111111111�11111 pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 -Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 t- (. 4.� ) , yr T.Afes� September report awes seerptt t wet r.,04:111 i alke fa diientstaate ILO repailat a MIMS tree tillem, liaat add& *Wald; aileanititete tbairlaing gradited es a adallialito reettiM 11We Mites the.lignhadigiartts mad is Ihia tracestetleie. - r:,-*4',4"0"3'44,41"1" - 41-4-444-- le-t-e74 'Yea indicate romaipt it aliameee in la amid et 122444 roma madn to iodititeala ; by teamlider Late itt taileitta� Maio advise on the iteilit; at the irativitztai iiii iatiiiiiii: h.. .- the avemet advanced to lash in order thet we ems ii *o peopeeragingeopla aategt, - hat alto itdinnt* receipt et 1000 amena edeemed to Coptata � . - Weal and tamarind tram Damodar Lost& Coptaindtibrial he egitithie, . received in telto an adapts ist the ammat.et $250.,0044ftk see trone� terrid to Lade through **tea trial at DetaeliMt beii., la th1ar$360�011 inalmied in; the ma it 1.000 mem toned in to MI 114 - scAlc� ./.... Sire " i I meta tam pour later et 3 Welber that a tomperery mitt bra beim main tr, 14. ad Corpora; Datil aid that lthe ale has lima anWribil. Itolis soot ea a- �via* Dit detail at all arreeting antis *by them as that is eated,:aint ow hada ateeordiegtp. - Is mild alas appreciate rieeliing ear emanat that the auditing attar lay lime 111006: " ... % hi ansordames with ow inetreetleas year tuna meet WINE - -op the adman at $13,50,110 to alma lavish. hammer, we Ur* low inDemill � by retosimat Igth that Sada% toned weer to XI urasloa maw at $�4' that be will ariotatt for this amount to Detachment bOh. It mad weer A to us that you should therefore credit the Atria- advisee end debit A .), NY" biotite:re to; Peakinglea la the amount et $30.27 immach ea inehlagt � het charged Petadeetet 404 in that areway, ; , Ii him alma as is emetics la err0 rnamilletiat. ea . amount it $450 reporting an admance made "Is ilehert lantierth is Weeltingtea. 1.., I In addition to this be received. a $50.00 *dame tiega Deter/mart 40k., , ,A�, 'z Detachaset ha antheequeatly tutored *2. to ecianioder.- lane :1, '...", in etilmitte heit this transfer dean act *Mr an Leine, tocarda. If , tentoorth is at yomr Detachment piano has him account ter the $300 however, it he owl= reached yes pleas let we hare your advice se to .0' .5* eliere this men nay be located. � ... 2 smsmst gratified to observe the enbetaatial toprovaments in your reports sac want to coogratulate you tor getting this to as in alism4 shorter period although 2 do appreciate 14 this has not bees posaible Weft. The nein =arena between our assounte is the still entatanding natant* in the not of Vary* 'wonting to better this $55,01:10 end I hope we will be able to cleer this up it the neer future it view of the fact that a latter ef 2 October from CommenderIamte sax that Idles So:founts are now amdited.and the distrapacciem are less than $100. This letter is. addressed to Colonel Damg414.14 'I hope to !lad time in the near feta:, te 'rite you a Peramat letter and hope vitt the Devises on deck you sill be able to do the seem. Very tray yours. _Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 "IIIPM11111111111111111111111 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 41) Balsam, to be acoounted for per our ledcer 9/30/44 Balance per report 9/30/44 Cash on Band 9/30 Add Difference 7/1/44 Leas '1' Ames Lot. Cash on Bend 9/20 Cash in Bank 9/30 Cash on Band 9/30 Leas Difference 7/1/64 CNIn Rs Rs 'CZ tr: heroism Currency Reeerve 913C Advances Outstanding 9/L0 Add ' appy Valley Balances on Band per CN CN CN Es CorreacY 463,687.00 3.;.6c7.co .cc cc 515.607.co 1C0,177.1.4.-0 70,42:-=-6 14,631.42 1 ,61..52 312,occ.co 56,044.7E15.70 117.cco.co 56,14,s.28.5.7o 4.953-0-0 Report 9/30/44 Add items not in report Advances Outstandinc Comodo-e zalLa gEsr.78 Errors in conversion Es to 13: Anco 16.31 Cept. .C8 2Unds transferred ty 0o=dr. Leete 9/3C Adv. Bsbert Wentworth L. 2:finond Less meceipt of fun:-.s (7.Z. .7une;Zo.-Irct- 7.7,117.ozr. LaIg. 259.009274. 3.3644 259405,27.1 3.:044 16.23. 69.474.64 :cc cc Approved for Release: 2023/05/18-000027679� 4.31.344.9a Dollars 1.9C4.56 30.316.51 21,312.13 13,266/90 1,20C.80 216,167.36 1,498.91 cre 2c 309.257.50 12L.2C6...7 � - cr ������� � �Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 H. OSS. SU. DETACHMENT 202 CHINA THEATER APO 627 . 14 November 1:o44 Commander J. F. Leete C&/-8 Theaters APO 885 Dear Comnander: I am very sorry for having been neglecting, considrably, to send you as much information as I should and also I have been very negligent in answering your letters. You ia.obably know, however, that I have been a busy individual during the past six weeks and in addition to being busy, have been laid up for about; ten days with a first classattack of boils. The result of this being that I put off everything I possiblircould. Now to ..et around to tne question of our Special Funds set up in Kunming. I have not heard from you since I wrote you suggesting you come uA.here and take over the Special Funds function. However, in the meantime you letter abut Lt. Oates and the recall of It. Davis from AGFETS arrived. Lt. Oats has arrived a few days ago. Personally I would be much in favor, if you are not comin3 out here, in seein Lt. Davis named Special Funds officer for China. He Is capable, thorough and I feel would make a very ;.;ood man as Special Funds officer. You are aware, however, of our relationship with AGFRTS. It is such that we can't take people out of it just any time we want to. This is a cnanze wnich would have to be effected with the mutual consent of AGFETE. and probably could not beerfected imz!lediately. I am workinz on I: 'and hope for a successful conclusion. Sol. de Sibour nas indicated tnat while he agrEed to the ;Ian he did not realize that It. Lsvis was attached to itaFT:TS and :hat it v.ould be a question of zettini: him back, re:,nirs: etc. Actually what I am :i:lahnin; is to nave Lt. Davis in as SI.%ecial Funs officer for China and re will handle both OS S and AGF17-.75 accotnts. Since we ar,, no. w::-kin: a cea' :: move zne AaFRTS H-1. to Eunminz, t is shouldn't be hard to do. This cannot be acc:m-ilisned. 'h:wever, out : do think it is desirsaole in t.n: it would ,zive us the most efficient use of oersonnel. N:w as Bob Davis. ou4h7ztnt Eco has been arm in Finance since a" he on me in tve :4s: fez months. : certainly can't send hir.. the end :f tne mont?.. at :es; a: : wan: :: close ::�coks i:r the montn ant t-,-s',- tne new Finance officer. '78'46e 2 0 APP;77,vED FOR RELEASE -- ''.111111111111111.411 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 This can Oest be ...one at tne close of 4n accoun C::. De Sibour ars c:.:;:,letcly on tis ,oint. It 1, ye should have an D. tc rn,luce Bob. ;,..s I se � ft 3,ecial � Funds job in the Kunmin: area, even with th new ,14n,s0u1 i:t require the services of mtre tnan one offioer L. It certainly is not a ;,ob for two officers. This trin-..s u the question of what should do 'Ith Lt. seriousli of him to C'r:un7,:inz sav;:rui #l. LverytAin; i so unsettled in China at tn., ,resent I am sure you understund this. The =aunt of S,ecial Funds ..or in Chunzkinz is rsally very small in bulk and ooul::: not take ::uch of his t!,=c1 so ;:it *;:ou'id rive to find f:r nim to do. This is my frank and candid analysis of Fur. picture in as n.or, se it. I tnink that if we exnd we can use a ...-laxi:;um of 3 officers and a maxi=um of 4 EM but ext,nt we nd Is a question ohich no one can forsee. You know me well enouzh t:.) know tri:.t I have :Lways felt we should not �ut some.;ne in a spot in .1ial unlesz there was enou4n 71Q :-.1= bus: full time or :ome ;tier dut/es that he could assume *nion secondar-: to niz Funds Job. It iz ..for this r:as:n. that : lave al_ays 'ten otnslrTa- tive in i:rsonne: re-dc in sr:ecial ?unfs in :nlz the fres navc �:ven :Du ':ire tuon 7ou and. 7 a;:'eec: on ha: .neh LrinGinL in officers in ...nd see no reason that teis as chLn;ed and at e _r,zent tie som, reason to croubt that. i1 need that man: certainly oelc.o.:.e your nts problem. BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 - Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679' I hope that all is going well with you and that you are enjoying life in Delhi. It would be a pleasure for me to get back to the bright lights of Delhi and Calcutta for a few days as I could use a little change of scenery. The situation up here has certainly been a trying one. B et regards, )1( GITNNA.R G. M Ensign, 'CISME Executive Officer , Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 15 rovunor 1044 !!ajor Jock E. .D:41,on dr. Hq. J, 1-24c.. 101 CA.cutta Doer Jack: This is simply to acknowledge your 3 row,Iler letter. The subject of the loaves should bo decided onrboten it. Colonel Porter and Lt. Colonel Falknor, and any recomeulztle%s of theirs will be acted upon promptly. Your excellent report on the silbject of ACFTRS is being discuceed here by !Ajor Knits with Colonel Snith, Colonel Czrazhlin, and Colonol oMan. Any decisions will ho rolayed to you by him. rattle left a few dtly4 ago and Chuck is going on 1c4ve for at least thlrty days before he comes out. He should 1Lve here some tine in late December. card. niucorcly. Lwrence Lovr.4:n Ccicnol, C DIPclasseReci .� 8:, 1.. date APPROVZO FOR RELEAE.E BEST COPY AVAILABLE _ Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 HEADZUARTERS OS. SU. DET. 202, CBI APO 627 15 November 1944 SUBJECT: Propaganda Leaflet #DIPLO 283 TO : Mrs. Betty MacDonald, MO 03S APO-885 via Lt.Col. de Sibour and Col. 'Coughlin. 1. We have been requested by Mr. Neil Brown, of OWI, to try to obtain a sample of the above leaflet which was allegedly dropped over Indo-China. The text is said to be based on a speech by de Gaulle. 2. We are unable to identify this document and hope that yo U may be able to secure a sample for us. 4hae 9a:e; � HAROLD C. FAXON, Major, AUS., Actg. Chief MO/China. � ....�������� 4 � t AFFROW.7) FOr P.1"..EA3F Date _6.2 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 - `. 2 Of Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 27:T. : C27 STL.7i2C-2: 2orier 1C 1:ove'.7.1..et: 144 - TO ietty via Lt.Col. 3ncur and Col. Couc,hlin. 1. We refer to your lt,tter of Cctoter 144. 2. T:r. -6rown i:J.4.5 been, end still Is. effortz to securel the list .of newsers mertlen.sU In the first parspn of your :etter. it vu 1 1,e fcrwsrde to you as soon as we .3an ,-;Int6:n ft. 3. 'Alith reference to the 3ec7,n:: cf letter, 7r. rown states that C7:I I.:7;r: the photorsilh enclosed with your letter. The sereem be CE and the size of the matsshu1 .e 2 column (4" The coarseness of t screer is necessitNtt- 1..:y the clualit-y of available ne%JsI:rint. 4. r..:rov;r. as1,3 for ;:,Ir sua=t� to tr!Lutic,n. :f r.")2. ir � -;:o2.' 7 " -LEASE BEST Copy AVAILABLE Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 CO0027679' -7 j.F.C. '1r . -, -......7r:r-:m..., n'ce:=4:::,',.-:tilf. 2f..-:cLoh'er-71:. �-;�.:�,71-.....-.1:44;. r7iNarier.4 t." ..-.....!ii -.- rt. 4t,f7.--4 . Cr... i 7.7C;'),:::: 1,:hi...�� �-.. .7.:..r.:. r4t._ :-...1-,. -:..inp'..,:�.:ri,,...4.; this 'e- - i1�1:..? PI' '.; 2".,+, .r."."'t ,'.:::... 4. : L'7!4:...t.f.'; - �"%i... .... t RI: si�iit",...09`..., f.. .7. .e.-..,.."_ ....17-:;..m....,....::.s.xzr,.-,,..re- L E.,:.r....d ...,'-.e.t .,,it.c..r..A. EtX'.4,'te.1...:',.st t:-.rc1:1-.- . ._ . .. ... � '..-:.: '' ..� - - * � _ For. the Commanding Officer By _ pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 177C-t:ieig 7,31" COPY AVAILABLE 7r,;7.,.art TO pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 1. . r,:::;.-1,1.int If . oB 1;o, 2. 1,Een uni,11c to find f.:.;.er but if you will s I will do nytt to 4.4 : DeZiass,ffed tILLf Approved for Release: 202'3/05/18 C000276-79 � FOR RELEAE BEST COPY AVAILABLE � � - pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679.- , . 1� � �S: ; � ! :11 �4�.: , n ; �: r �r" � � lilt-- � I; � .; � r: 4.; . � 4), f� :;: r� � � f��:". � ,1 � � 3.7;4 ,.;� Vt � , :it A �4 n � - � ; �:1 � : ; �7: c. ' r � �'�":' �:;; :.; ! ��� f.; � =.. .-. , :',: 4:: I- .4._ !, : � Elf :�4': ' �i� � 1,:.: � 1g, ,1, re; .-,?. it 2.. 4 4: .;.1 � � :-- i; � ;.; �stl -- 4,-. n: i'� � t'i :,---' i' ,..' ,:..!..: ,. �E -.:: :. :7.7 ..-7. 14, . ' cil t; t': li.:::. :::;: II. � ,fit ; � IS ::- -, � - 1- ,.! " ' i...! 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If Ilrot t. 5- 'k'4e gr U 4 1. r.,1E Z. arra r -a es!�.4 at � AO 'ff-eleiL ilrie.A54 � &A *2 OVRi OA SP � a OCA: itAb trf. 4L, it .�er 71120.: - � awn ?!.* ta-,. a! Arkaa zip< sz - gt aCwiffil ISOLuswas ��: .... at, -���:�� et". � BEST COP' AVAILAUF -AssiADDroved for Release: 2023/65/18 C60027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 q** INS,' � Li Et Iti � ttl..1.� yon 11151111 v.**, VW a � to fi 1,.1i nit 11404. � c. - Jr., 17. �'� NPR A.�sub nos -TA-7117 I It a � t. .... t� � e * T.A.� la � %.�vrilv g**4_11.1. lett "7-77a.- or .�� .. 4. _ � ONM"i4B+BIN t. V (111,3�1 � -- PA: BEST COPY AVAILABLE pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 BEADQUARTERS Office of Strategic Serviees � MO Branch China and India Burma Theaters AFC 885 ).6 Uovember 1944 Sul-TI,OT: DT-13 Froduction TO: njor Earold C. Faxon Mrs. Batty LacDonald 1. Th,:. DT-13 productien has been desicned for dissei.ination- aonc Chinee in the occupied territories. The purpose is to show that the Japanese troops are inevitably beis�: 6c- fec_ted on all fronts. 2. Gertz:in Caldwell sucEests that the 500 copies be nt to Lt. Hoy Lcuircs and that he attempt to mail them to Chinese in th!It area tho are behind the Japanese lines. 3. The cards are in no tay intended to suucest surrender of Japincse troops but are merely pictorial evidence of Oar,arits defe:A. oirft -����� betty LacDomale pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 1111111.116 _ Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679 C33. 3e. DOT. 202, Cc,I AFO 627 le 1.4.ove:ber 1344_ Bozus u3enj1n Kun" TO : Yrs. Eetty�oc:/,11:11, ro 033 A10-65, via Lt.Col. de 311)our ond Channels. 1. With reference to the niiield Service Codes" mentioned in Lt.Col. Little's leieorandurg of 2e SeptErt.ber 1944, will you paease send to us, as soon as possible, firty (50) copies of the code. If you cannot spare this antit, plese .rend as y:sny as you have available. "or. Act. !ZO/0nina. FC,7 RELEASE L. 2 MAR so6 De 215S:fie V: CalE . 196z, pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027679