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Publication Date:
October 1, 1944
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Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 .000027677-
3ubjects AC Liaison Officer Ohun4.1clag:
fc$ . Coicael John J. Coazhlin.
Thrus Channels. �
� Corteber, 1964
1. Attached hereto is a report on iLe =tura and scoops or an NC Liaison
Officer's job ip Chungking which you requested be.preparpd end subaitted to
you. It is hoped that it viii be found adequate and helpful. An appendia
to the report analisse very briefly the major activities of the undsregned
over the last thirty days.
a. The following is a brief summary of the argument of the report.
a. lk"Lagjami
Is there a full tine job for en MC Liaison Cfficer in OhJnakina,
and if so, what is its nature end extent?
b. nets dearim on the froblegi
A iefinitive answer as to tLo ne4Are en.! e7tent cf an NC, Liaison
Cfflosise job in Chinking eamnot be givamuntil first, the future
of nO within tend without) Saco is deternined; second, the manner
whInh nt, activities in .1hana_sre to be coordine;ed is fixed; and
third, responsibility for the several operations clearly delineated
and defined.
,however, it to clear tt!et eelecte intelli4snoe tinformation, cmn-
canning the enemy and collaborateore with the enemy, and of cur ally,
I 19.E. el-na, foram the basis of scat if not all 14, producticm: that the gather-
ing tard evaluation) of much of tat inforlation require* the eat4bliei:-
�,tE4,0�EE -:ent, c-.11tivat1on, and enlMrge=ert of offiTial and urleffielal �curse.
tterenf constant contact; mr,d that the ultimata diemmination of
terial so procuca:i req-Ares tortsin v;rovale ric tLersto as well
as an or:ahizetion in %he field, many cf 4:7.7AR can to intarvieve4 ArJ
recruited in Chungking. �'
r,..0;?f �
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It is true m1s6 tNet Chunckin, is the %sad of the major
activities of many and varied asencies iiudin..Vacate, or our 1117.
Obioa. There also, are our opi.osits Enactors in govarrmants and
the key *Lanai's of our sovornment ttclv&i FAA, and can -
:ajar contaat smd cur chief partner in internat. :;hun,..,:tin lo t4us
the abuts* of much df trio raw materials of N: 'production. It is also
Cm seat of our Ambeeny ard env haadr:tiarters frc-% v:Ieres Oproves
cur production must come.
From all this it ar;ears t:lat an At'l-iLison oou:d be in-
valuable in ths gatherinz and selectiun of L.-� irL:Iligences, in losiping
up and onlarLing tho corteets required to dc so, in obtaininL the
neceteari clear:m.4,s anu a,..;rovals of 1:-.!-; 7rod...1ctions, and in rocruit-
Ina ?arm:m.10i.
3. A00pmmendationis
It lathore:ors recouanded,tst anM. Lisiezn L.fficar to main-
tained in jhunGkinz Garvin,. net only Lt nacr. Auch
an ol'ficsr nay also perfor3.i7.ci,:entai services ftr ot1.rsr Orancnes
cf sof rsl.:Att.od.
the serve recoil-emotion be aacptAd it Is im...4E-ative uhat ttis
*..3�oesnt crliaa epaca or its squivalee', at ;-,rry tpacql.arters oe
assured 4easuse without it 1.rore wi I Onn.ltradequato
i..-fficient security, D.*i' veila.i.ity to nt:.:ora, nor ready
-afeass to army carowlnel and sarviceft.
IP' -mpg,
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Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
4 Ootaber 2944
TO: Colonel Robert B. Ball
Attention: 1,t. Charles Penn, USUCR
FROM: Betty macDonald
Colonel Coughlin referred your letter of September
25th to me. In paragraph 5 you mentioned you would appreciate
MO production material. Can you give us further information- .
in complete detail on the type of MO material desired ,_what.
the targets will be, and how you plan to disseminate the '
material? We are most anxious to start on the work but do. -
not want to duplicate any efforts that might be coming from.
Washington or =AC.
Captain Caldwell gave VA your gifts. Both Marge and
I werci thrilled with them and we want to thank you very muck.
Good luck on your mission. Beep us posted. Our
'regards to Gordon.
Betty MacDonald
Acting Chief, MD, CBI .
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
.Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
6 October 1944
TO: Colonel Robert B. Ball
Attention: Major Barold l'exon
PROU: Betty MacDonald
SUBJECT: Border Publications
MO-Delhi is most anzioua to get a eamplete list of �
the border newspapers and magazines published in Vitae China. _
Captain Caldwell informs me that there are 76 newspapers now
being circulated, both in occupied and unoccupied China and �
that OWI's new psychological warfare man, Neal Brawn Ills
a list of these. Could you contact him and obtain die in-
formation? .
I am attaching a photograph which we thought could. be
used by some of the newspapers. I would like your comments .
on the picture and its possibilities. If 7011 think it could
be used, can you ascertain from Mr. Brown what size mats
should be made, haw many, what screen, and where they would
be sent. Let me know soonest and I will have mats reproduced
in Delhi and sent out to you.
Captain Caldwell's plan is progressing rapidly and we
hope that we will be servicing the areas which he has been
working on for some time. Any suggestions that you have for
production will be greatly appreciated.
Betty MacDonald
Acting Chief, MC, Cbi
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� 3 4,,,t;
66"B AM.
Declass . . .
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0.4.re.a... tan 0-�
Arvikon el-g.4-�-.14 4
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t-t.AtJW L-Lt.
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pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677�
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'Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
SI rk", �,JC.r...s M:4 44.."&.......44.4A 44-4,1b
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pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
088. BU. DHT.202, CHI
APO 627
3 Ootober 1944
TO : Colonel John G. Coughlin 811. 088 CBI Theater.
via Colonel Robert B. Hail.
PROM; Major Herold C. Faxon.
1. Referring to your letter of 27 September 1944 I
had a long oonversation with Major Wiohtrioh on the subject
of the plan which Captain Caldwell is now preparing. Al-
though, through some misunderstanding I was not present at
the oonference between Colonel Hall, Major Wiobtrioh and
Capt. Caldwell, Colonel Hall has since discussed the entire
situation with me and I feel that I as as fully informed in
respect to the plc as is possible pending receipt of the
detailed plan itself. Major Wichtrich feels that there are
great possibilitiss in the scheme and I thoroughly agree
with him. You have probably received my letter of 23 Sept.
on this same subject and, if you agree, I oan go to Chengtu
to make further investigations on the spot:.
2. There is no doubt that, as you state, every detail
of the plan suet be thoroughly gone into before it is put
into effect particularly, as Major Wichtrioh pointed out,
in regard to avoiding any conflict with agentasnow operat-
ing in the areas under disaussinn.
3. I note that Mrs. McDonald has been designated as
temporary MO Chief CBI. I consider that Mrs. McDonald is
remarkably competent and. as we are on very friendly per-
sonal terms, I assure you that it will be a pleasure to
cooperate with her.
4. A lengthy report has been reolived from he lead-
er of the Mack Group, organised by Lt. Fenn, and we will
arrange for him to report in person at Kunming just as
soon as we can contact him. Nothing has,osen heard from
the Mabel 'Group. The rapidly changing tactical situation
has temporarily confused our plans for the Mack Group but
we will be able to make effective use dfthis personnel
after consultation with this leader.
5. Arrangements are now being made for two of our
enlisted men together with two Chine's, to make a trip
1 f' 1H4.tr.
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proved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
lines ter Ii0,4and
. an to -elite *seek
*OMAR, int -before 11141110
viii Rani a neat ther0Ogb
eentinten4es. �
A. V. have nada very eatiotaetorp eentseto win '
anA otner,Allied aseniles. There is an *Mono.
on the part ot these agouties, to intend the ri4z�st pond
.lat 11/41ed
� , -
� MI* MAW. DST. 202 0134 APO 5278 4 get,044P *0441;
-206 CO. MU CBI*, APO 085 � � � � .
4-, J:'---.
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068 80 MAME* 101
00 465
9 October 1944
EN$IGN 008248 G. =LAND
08383 DMICBMIDIT 202
110 837
Dear Gomnart
It vas nice seeing you in Delhi and Calcutta. I hope!
nny'be in Dooming within a fairly short time, but most make arrange�
ments and get settled in Dethi first.
The enclosed funds should ap2sar in your books as a transfer
from no to you. Ile same is true of the to deposits made to your
bank socount here of Bs. 30,440 an 4 October and Rs. 50,434 made 9
October. tie total of these amounts is u.s.eloo,000, and is therefore
all you should receive from se for the month of October, except in
&yarding the U.3.830,000 / gave you in cash and an
additional deposit of Bs. 30,440 made -30 September, this represents
the final amount due you for September funds, and should also be shown
in your books as transfers from me to you.
Please thank Bob Davis for sending me my camera.
Best regards.
Yours sincerely,
Commander, USNR
Special Funds Officer
pss - CBI
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 CO0027677
1944 OCT 12 n 9 48
10 October 1944
To: Mr. Charles Cheston.
From: let Lt. John P. Chapman, MIS
Via: Dr. tilliam L. Langer
Subject: Recruitment of CBI Enlisted Len in the Field
In view of Lt Damao' memo of 9 October we find, it necessary
to set forth the steps taken by this Branch upon the receipt of cables
9777 and 9787 from Colonel Coughlin dated 28 September 1944.
Both of these cables were received in the R&A Outpost Unit
on 29 September 1944. Either on that day or the day following, the
contents of both these cables were discussed over the phone with
Captain Bumph of the Far East Theater Office. In answer to his inquiry
as to the action contemplated by this Branch I explained that it has
been the long standing policy of R&A not to request slots for the
assignment of personnel in the theaters until we in taahington were
advised of the qualifications and intended assignments of the candidates
proposed by R&A Outpost Chiefs. It was further explained to Captain
Bumph that at that time this Branch had pending in P.P.B. a number of
requests for procurement of officers and enlisted men for CBI and that
there were also pen ding before gr. Chesten requests for additional
slots to cover the recruitment of professionelly qualified military
and naval personnel for CBI. I advised Captain Bumph that I felt it
inadvisable for this Branch to take any action until the qualifications of
Colonel Coughlin's candidates were considered along with the qualifi-
cation, of the personnel covered in the requests for procurement and
in the requests for additional slots. Captain Bumph indicated his
agreement with this position.
Accordingly in cable number 13997 dated 30 September Colonel
Coughlin and Vajor Spencer were asked to provide the names, whin-
cations, and proposed duties of the personnel referred to in the two
incoming cables mentioned above. A reply to this cable was received
in this office late in the afternoon of Thursday, 5 October, in incoming
cable 9977. Action copies of this cable were sent to Dr. Langer,
Dr. Fahe of the far East Division and hr. Dykes of the hap Division.
Each of these persons were tked to advise we it they' were in favor of
requesting slots in accordance with Colonel Coughlin's request. Cable
9977 described two of the enlisted men as being qualified only as
clerks and typists and the third enlisted man as being a capable cartographer
;. � :I,
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and cartoonist who would be suited for nap work at Detachment 101. On
either Thursday or Friday of last week Captain Bumph queried me as to
the advisability of BALA-requesting slots for GI clerk-typists. Sometime
on'? Octoberlir. Dykes expressed doubts as to the feasibility of --
assigning the .cartographer to 101 believing that several of the enlisted
men whose procurement was then pending would be better qualified.
I advised Mr. Dykes that in my opinion the assignment of personnel in .
the theater mast be left almost entirely to Major Spencer in consultation
with Colonel Coughlin.
On ronday, 10 Octobers the writer received notification from
Dr. Langer, Dr. Fels and Kr. Dykes to the effect that they approved the
requesting of the additional slots to cover the three enlisted men
proposed by Colonel Coughlin. On that same day I advised Captain Bumph
by phone of this decision, explaining that &memorandum to this effect
was in preparation. This was the status of the matter when It. Delmar'
memo of 9 October mac received in my office.
This Breach concurs with Lt. Dentist request for authority to
advise Colonel Coughlin that his request for additional slots be
let Lt. John F.; Chapman, ADS
Chief, BEA Outpost Unit
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APO. 465 _
lonner SWAM
"omega hots. Ottloor _
NI BO Det.aehment. 202
APO 627 -
PetOber 1.944
m* enslosing bank Statement for OSA BIT Dotacineent '
202, cowering transactions from august 9 thrOugh October S..
propose to sand the bolk.of the fond$ allotted to .
2112 to -yua rrcia althemik.I will have to 2et you.
yr final .plans .erning this eta the defies is or wed there .
expect to,leayek-Calmitte-Sesantrow for Delhi. -You mr7 Prefer
-keeldng a stall balance In the Celootta bank acct, but Ivo
ran dtacass this- later.
Did 41. Rehm write yen about 1-2 funds and ascountins
the.refool It not* 1113. semi you& copy at his letters.
- 1171./ec
Iona 1
1OS/28 P. IlliZTE
Commander, UM
Ipe clal Funds &Ulcer
Approved for Release: 2023!05/18C00027677
-Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
APO 885
12 October 1944
TO: Commanding Officer
OWBU Detachment 202
APO 627
Attention: Major ReroldV. Faxon
PROM: Betty MacDonald �
1. in answer to your letter of October 6 regard-
inc a Japanese writer, it is understood that Washington is
send ii a group of Japanese from Collingwood in the near.
future. No definite word, however, has been received from
Colonel Little in regard to this. We wired late last month
that transportation 'was available on three feet ships leaving
for India during October.
2, In Delhi, the DO branch, through Colonel
Coughlin, is attempting to procure certain Nisei who are on
detached service. It may be that these men will be available
for only a rhort period of time, if at all. However, if they
are obtLined, re shall be able to supply you with a first-
rate translator. These Nisei are not expert writers, however.
3. Colonel Coughlin estimated, in a memorandum to
General Donovan, that China would need about seven Japanese
who could read, write and speak the language. This request
has gone through to Washington,
4. In the matter of Chinese type, / have requested
that Lt. David Caldwell of reproduction look into the matter
of rroeurine t font in Calcutta. Perhaps you could check on
the minim= amount of type required to produce a newspaper in
Chinese, the weight and cost. In this way, if Caldwell is
unable to obtain type in Calcutta, we can have the answer in
Betty MacDonald
Amtin:F Chief, 20, CBI
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APO 88,
' 12 October 1944
.TO: Commanding Officer
OSSSU Detachment 202
APO 627
Attention: Major herald 0. ?axon
/ROM: Betty MacDonald
1. major Jacques de Sibour is now in Delhi and -we
have been discussing with him the possibility of MO actiVities
in rzench 1ndo China, Ze explained that any XD work we pro.
duced could be sent out lassediately against the target Japanese
and Annimite populations.
2. In order to do a good ID job against the JePe. �
anese targets we would like the following information which
Major de mibotir said you would be able to obtain through MaJor
Glass and Lieut. 3. de St. Phalle:
a) Postal intelligence in all of French
Indo China, including examples of post cards, letters,
stamps and censor marks, used within that territory
by Japanese troops, Annimites and French.
b) Names of Japanese newspapers and publi�
cations and copies, if possible,
o) Pamphlets and propaganda issued by the
d) Japanese order of battle for /french Indo
China and, wherever possible, lists of the names and
addresses of Japanese soldiers end officers.
Betty MacDonald
Acting Chief, EC, OBI
Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
22 S.416-r:
OBS.5U Detachment 202
' WO 627. .
13 October 1944
.Commander Joseph laete$
Special.runda Officer
Branch Headquarters
CUS SU Detachment 101 '
APO 465
Dear'Commender Laete,
. 'I received' your pouch today with the much needed currency-. .
I�have noted all the transfers ydb mention in the letter end
shall.check them with my own books to make sure we :agree;
tlaclosed you will-find the receipt for the Rupees and U.64..
GUAR. G. =LA= .
Ansign, USIM
Finance Officer, OBS, CBI-
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
2os Ur. Ctn.:gee C. Cheeton
Frons rar Rret Meatus Office
Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
14 October 1944
Subjects RSA ge,oren�un on Recruitmeot of Enristad WA: in toe Field.
r. Menorand= of 1U OctLber 1944, fron Lt. Cnnioen of LA to
yoU via tr. be: oa the �atter of recrulte:A. uf CBI en.:istec or.
in the field, in C..to t4 Le Aita your note askihz whether this is
fioished buz:asess and &saint lurtaer for my enamenta.
Tho subject nutter was the recruitment of j ea.:tat:1,c nerd in
CBI and tne reuluest frox Coro:lei Couorin fur oertificatInn of recruit-
1r2a; vrorazies.
In AO i=3J271a4A11,411 I,/ you of 9 Octoner, Ir-menuedtt thc
re.,:n:nta bc 0.4nted. A fz.s. days later ;ou approved the reiiuests aid
Coiohel Cowhlin her been uotified. Tait phaie of it Is, tztrefPrc,
fimiadad dueldes� alut nothroi furtnr: nurd be d:ne. _
4. Ia vice GS 1.:-A3 roti-pist for :ay co=tate tee
1 en2:44 rirm to iatLe. Toe frot le toist tee.rrlat; L.4 4.*:
'props: cilltrace pn th: p�rt of the Bran:ace n::e :a rooru1taent,
aerectioi., .-xoceszir, Lac trtstn
tne Lr.r. rxrivLs Le ,;iLb IA :AO Jrn
tine to tins t Ctief in the fleld er the iitrrtc Services
Officer froce a urn in the fied Imo is le:edittaly evairrbre to co a
job re,uirlui; iu-ec,at2 Cainc. Tte ar.tter
of Lettin, the 'clot'. I reed not enirree uron tat: 'Luis eevini
invc.wca in pfruittizt: tLe lcoa r:oruitt.m ...r�tir the eirouneteneee.
it. Cnrpcianis uemorroz,um roc toe deicyc inve.ven in tie i..r:Lc6rer
inetance p:+int out moft eieeri! tot cooLul.i.:n, eru coot
involve� if the brsoante in arshloitou must eit in executive iseezioo
and ask:rove every sum local reorpittoLt sith isnt,er of veto. in tae
pert/el:1,x instance ta2 of the nen involved were clefs-Wig:J.' te
mutt autumn the men sou4nt to be recruited in the_f1.2..d *Alt Zr. creE our peoi:le there 'etre frr better able t2 Jul4e the capa-
bilities tato AC nem in tetnioLter..
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_ ,7,7777. 7P_17771'.7n7,"T7!,7,- ,
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5. I can fee no purpose baits rerved in restrict/N.. such recruit,
sent by first requiring that descriptions and qualifications be forwarded
here sod then that itushiocton approve in cases where on enlisted tan
prtrentli in the Far Beet is involved. Good adminirtrct:on demands that
se rely on the Strategic Servieet Officorts judea.:ut in vw.b. o:. :u, cud _
th, t the srplie:tion tc TcahiA, ton be only to the rirector for s
Lt Cjij USD
Fer Lert Itittatur Cfriaer
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Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
APO 885
TO: Commanding Officer
OSSSU Detachment 202
APO 627
Attention: Major Harold C. taxon
Betty MacDonald
14 October 1944
I am attaching DT-12. It is a 4-page MO job allegedly'
torn from a magazine called "Lumiere". It is a ridicule of
the GM policy and it is written in English. I will send one
batch now, to be followed next week by another, until you
have had three in all, or approximately 4,000 copies. I had
envisaged sending the material out in dribbles to areas
where English is read and spoken. That would include Sbm/Ighillit
Hongkong and certain areas in French Indo China where the
"Lumiere" is circulated. .It might be well to send material in
as agents go into the territory end have some on hand so you
can keep feeding it. It is timeless and can aliays be used.
On each copy of the "Iumiere" holes should be punched where it
was torn from the original magazine. I will attach one sample
to show you how it should look.
Colonel Hall has been here and has talked at length about
tte 1-.GAS plan, which has been approved by Colonel Coughlin.
Captain Caldwell is implementing it now and recruiting per-
sonnel. We hope that it will be put into service soonest. It
will be an excellent means of disseminating material, as you
1.;11 :maw.
For an MO job we are contemplating, we are anxious to
get a sample menu from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo or some other
large eating establishment there or in ShPnehai. Captain
c11 tells us that Paul Lineberger might be ltae to obtain
such a menu through his connections with Suzie. I would also
like to have a copy of his interview with this girl who recently
spent some time in Tokyo. She is a Chinese.
Marge and Grace join me in sending regards.
. Betty macDoneld
Acting Chief, MD, CBI
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_�_Approved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
17 Osteber 1944
simups No. NE-25
Maelosureet Progress Rapert � 058-110/1J1A3 Project (16 Oat. 1944)
Copy ef same to "apt. looter is Mrdestrinirties of
038/20�10AS Nirvanas' (10/17/44)
espy of none te Col. Coughlin re Utilisation e
Chinese Minorities for 068 Parma, (20/104)
Mame dated 2 Weber 1944 from Col. Little to Col.
Coughlin for It. Anehineless is Mask Radio*
Mans dated 26 Sept. 1944, frau lit. Snake:meant*
Lt. Anotineless re Status report � Retie
dopy of Prejeet .72�27
Copy ef ammo dated 5 Oct. 1944 to Lt. Fenn fret
Col. Little is MO Operations - answer to latter
24 Sept. 2944.
Letter free Capt. caldvell dated 15 October 1944
is Pvt. Albert E. 8414,
Copy ef none is NevrTrends in Apneas* PrePogom6* (10/16/44)
Copy of Translatiea Series No. 26
levy of mD Abstracts 154
Ilajor Harold Tian
Tram Betty MacDonald
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677'
APO 885
17 October 1944
OSSSU Detachment 202
Attention: Major Harold Faxon
PROM: Marjorie Severy=
. SUBJECT: ZIOL Intelligence.
Reference is made to your memorandum to Colonel
Hall, Attn. Colonel Cougbl1m4 dated 22 September.
MO New Delhi now goes over allXICA intelligencee in
addition to other intelligence reports available in New
Delhi, including all American and British sources. The
MO Abstracts are taken from these reports and sent to you
each week. We had made an effort to areerpt every item which
had MD possibilities. Prom time to time full reports are
sent for background material.
If these abstracts are not complete enough and you
would prefer having the ZICA distribution in addition,
please advise us and we willmake the necessary arrangements.
Best regards.
Marjorie Severyns
t1/413Priv a 1.- -
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APO 885
Envelope #26
19 October 1944
Enclosures: Letter re John Abernathy attaching
copy of letter from Lt. Lee, copy
of letter from Abernathy.
Memorandum of meeting with John
Memorandum of meeting with William
D. Carter �
Memorandum fromIt. Col. Little to
Dr. Scofield, attaching copy of
memorandum from Mr. Tryon and
Japanese Morale Reports I and II -
Subject: Analyses of Tap P/W
Translation Series 22-25
TO: Commanding Officer
08SSU Detachment 202
APO 627
Attention: Major Harold Saxon
FROM: Betty MacDonald
ALSO ENCLOSED copy of memo to
Col. John G. Coughlin to Lt.
Col. Little re Black Radio
TO: Major Faxon for Lt. Auchincloss
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#0 885
21 October 1944
� .1�111.
� I4s�n Ounmar C. Myklarid
S eciaL:Funde, Officer
L4_00 fet.:x.hment 202
ARO 627
Diaz Gunnar:
16 m - �
1. I 'rot: n you.on September 4 asking that you give..
me as soon as y* . could an estimate of personnel requirements-
for China. I know that you have a lot on your bands, but I
-4, a, anxious to submit an overall report for the theater and.
would appreciate yourAetting-le have the 202 estimate sur-soCei
as possible. S . . ,
:16 P
- 2. 1 au =nclosinz eopiez or Amendment to Circul-r No.
Bulletin Ho. 1944-45:1, and Bulletin No. 1943-44:7, which 4
were sent me by Lt. Col. Williams marked for your attention.
Do you, by the way, receive regularly copies of his General
Reports to the field? If you do, there is no need for me to
continue to advise you from time-t4w4me concerning various:...1
parts of these reports which .1 feel-iould be of interest to-g,:,!
you. Let me know about this'so-that we can avoid any duplica-
Best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Commander, USNR
Speci41 Funds Officer
oss CBI
BEST cnpv
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l1vm):1qJa. HS
0.8.8. 8. U. De,f. 202
APO 627
22 October 1944
Colonel John G. Coughlin
APO 885
Dear Colonel:
Here I am lx:ck at the old business of typing again. If you had just let
me along with my money bags, I wouldn't have had to pound this typewriter
because I had Davis trained to the point there he did all of that very
nicely -- but be that as it may I felt it tould be best for me to write
this letter to you myself. In the first place there aro. only one or two
people here who know that we have been busy the past few days shipping
footlockers and personal papers to India. I have felt that under the
circumstances it was better to say nothing about it. Of course the truth
of the matter is that I don't kna'a exactly what could be said anyway
as I can only read between the lines and it would be easy to read wrong.
I do hope to hear from you soon at least advising me as to what is takina
place so that I can better do the job here. Seveaal things have come up
that in View of the situation i felt should best be referred to you, rata�
I am trying to decide everything that 1 possibly crl. I can assure you
that at nastakes made will be honest on s in the interest of getting this
place going.
Yesterday a letter written by you on 6 October came to my desk. it was
the one in which you asked several questions about space for reiroduction.
Prior to getting this we had more or less settled the question. Curthing�
han had breezed into totn with a sketch of that he needed which was a
bldg 1101 by 20'. I couldn't see this at all, so Hall, Gabriel and ayself
got hia in and vant cvyr the plan with him. ahat we finally wound up
with was a bldg 701 by 20' which he areed to and which I subsiuntly
sugged that we cut down to only 5()1 long. This Of cure would it an
new bldg which you inicate in your l.:-tter is net desir d. ,e rle.nnin,;
rn onehit 1DDI lon7 which huse r*roductIon, :-st of cc=nichs
=nd the cartoz,ra;-h,?rs. After recfalving your letter I have decided to hold
up on this bldg. This would have been in addtion to the v:.reh:..use which
is now being built in the hc:spital I would like to go
ahead and get all of this work done, I do not like to take it on in view
of the attitude reflectA in your letter. I have a feeling that you
may not realiz6 v.hat this placc, is going to be in size and that you
think we are running away with ourselves. It certainly would be highly
desirable for you to come up as soon as possible so that you can se; for
� yourselOnd we can settle the problem. It is difficult and unsatisfactory
to try to do this by lettars.
We have been in the process of reorganizing commo so that they will be
;,aaa:-.a � �EASE
1 I U;IN 19g6
BEST rnnv
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2 �
ehii to operate in a really efficient144,nner and give us a first class
conmo set up. This involves chenging the present arr:.neecnt greatly ehich
everyone seems to agree is lousy. I have ask,d other signal people besides
our on to satisfy myself on this point. Perhaps I am being to anbitious
on the entire deal but it is my feeling that if we are going to do anything
at all now, we had better to a really first class job. We are so dependent
on camMo for a11 of our functioning thnt I should like to see them ball
set up. I have asked Horton and brody to write up a full statement of what
they propose to do and why. Also to Endicate fully why the present arrange-
menteis inadequate as well as to point out the solutions. M.th this we
should have a backgound of information about the commo set up which any
pour doe like myself can understand and which would serve as a basis for
making decisions as to what course of action we All take. I feel this is
necessary since so much of our development in the past has been on the basis
of spot decisions which got us over a particulir hump but did not fit into
a well defined program.
Your anser to my wire about amount of money to be spent on Gleysteens new
agents referred to Koreans whereas I had wired you about Formosans. I as-
sumed that this was sie.ply and error in coding and am going ahead to see
how they react to your suggestions.
Your no 116 . to this Hs asked for all possible info about ways of attacking
the Korean intelligence problem. I wired Wilkie asking him for particulars
on the Weems plan but received no anseer until yesterday. At the same time
I received a copy of a letter which he had written to you and included in
it was the Weems plan so I an not forwarding the info receited.
In the letter.I wnote to Col Hall was some info about the impending transfer
of Lt Deuer.-He had asked me to go ahead on it, but use discretion because
of the orgeni.zation from which he would be transferred. This has been done
and the necessary papers for his transfer have been foraerded to Delhi. I
wanted you to know this so that you could look int) tile matter there and
expedite it and also so that youcould advise me that yen went him used for
here. I can get him on DS pending the transfer if you so desire. I thinIfle
is the fellow you once tried to get from General i.eetere in case you have
forgotten him.
As 1 understand it he is to be used in the LOAGAS plan. You indicted he
could proceed to Sian. Who is he to report to ? We will draw his orders
and make arrangements to get him out. Is Co]. Dickey to help us on this or
is he out of this particular pan?
We continue to have people in the hospital. e have been running at least
two or three People in the hospital every day for the last month. Gabriel
is now ailment to his legs. I don't know yet how serious it
is but -apeot-rto find cut to-day. Seamen Jung is in with some foot ailment
also. All this keeps us from getting under full steam: but we're still
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- -
The wrr,liouse in the hospital compv.Ind is comi:4; along pretty well.
should hnve one section of it done by the ,:nd of the month and can then
mo�e in commo heavy equiyment. The entire job should be wmpl(Aed by
the 15th of Novemeber.
Lt Applebalun is here now. He arrived FridAy without any advance warning
or noti. I've spent some time with him. He is now with Lockwood. He
plans to go to Chungking Wed and spend a few days there.
I noticed that Genrral Yiller want thru here on his way to Chungking. I
assure he will be back thru here and am trying to make preparaticns
for him. What is he and what is he interested in.?
W;ie ir.s been a slight mixup on the promotion of some commo EP. Sone who
wre put in for Corporal by Horton were given 1-IC before you could possibly
have seen the wire. Also a promotion was authorized for T/5 Lahoney which
Horton feels should be held off for a while. I think his reasons are
good, and am attaching a copy of his memo to me on the subject. Will
you hold the slot for us? I want to say that the promotions for the LM
generally were swell. They are very such appreciated here and have boosted
motile tremendously. It is good to know that we are being looked out for
by you.
This fellow is a little more than troublesome. He is hard to get along with
but we aredoing our best. He is very mad at Dec Lynn. All of the boys
who come in from the field now want to see the unit reactivated under
CSS. Col Murphy is a little stuffy but not too bad. 1 had him down for
dInnr and spent az:0�d evening with him. I r to_storLin and .visit
him every other day if for no other reason-than-to pass the time of day.
That's about all I can think of now. we have secured several people from
ZFOS on TD to help out and thyy are all pitchin;- in a:Id -v:crkinz
I feel that we are shaping up slowly but surely and Lope y(0.1 1.1.11 he out
.cefore too lone to see us. I'm having a staff Meeting in a little while.
Nov try to have one once week and believe that it docs see good in �
getting these ieople t.-gether and working as a team.
H 055 - 5eTt 202
APO 627
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.1%nsign Ui
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OSC j YX:',7. 202
20 October, 144
gli3aCTI Pra:,otions of EU
TO: Executive Officers OL,S Zil.1 Dot. 202, A10 627
1. Fsef creams is ulvie to tic-;.sq;a3(: dE:Led 16 Octobar, 1944,cover1n3
prowtions. of LM ers)cified by Colonel Co13.1n.
2. lieoy�Jst that slot for rasa:Jot-Lon of P20 tarren Wass loin to wit. be
transferred to Det. 101 as this 1,i1S has beea attached to the Br. Jigs. of thib
Detach:I.:a at APO 465.
3. 'Recite:A that the slot for the promotion of T/5 Gems Maloney
to T/4 be hold opn temporarily as th.ic EH has benn in this Thcater less than
six iti it is desired that he serve for a rinirata of eir;ht before
rsOr.:otion effected.
Jack E. liortx.
L!ajor C
Cotrlicationr Officer
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
1,;1/4% 100710e\
- Ty�
:f7.;., CBI
: 1pr1e
acbert B. Hr...11, ix Col. in :�.C:11:7�17.1171
nefer'ner: 4E tO 1Ptt,'r 17 Cctober 1944.
2. The �C abe'rt.c*c 'Thich y!.01 Lre. 71.11 bE en�
t4rel:r satiectory.
7....aclz C.
Chief China .aren.
1st Ind.
HQ oss su DET 202,CM 00 627 25 October 1944
Com.nciing Lificer, H7,; CSL, 6EID22eatlr, A10,885
For the Commanding Officev
Ensign, usm
Executive Officer
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677
ft .
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APO 627
Source: Q. IC Div., ATC, CIC
Branch Office #4 - r '
Evaluation: C-0
Sub-source: Influential Chinese
Evaluation: F-0
Date of Info: 22 Oct 44
Disseminationv-C.O., OSS CBI APO 885
C.G. 14th USALF (Att.
APO 627
AGAS, Kunming
or Force, Salween Area
Report: ter-,040'
.)ate: 24 Oct 44
No. of pages: 1
Attachments: 0
Report (confirms )
- (contradicts)
1. The Japanese plan to establish land communications bet
the KNANGSI Province And Indolphina. If such communicatio
be established operations will be pointed toward the occupat
of the city of KUNMING (25� 04,N, 102� 411R)
2. Japanese strength in China is set At eighty (80) divisions
with twenty-two (22) thousand troops per division.
7-70.' RELEASE
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C� nlieleWARTLR3
APO 865
�5 Oeteber 1944
Cpl. Robert :erris
Speciel Funds Office
11:1 OSS SU Dat-chment 202
APO 427
Deer Bab:
I. h-ve just received a letter from ter-nic nangeng
telling me thet he bras, without removing more then one set
of binders eni some filler, forwarded your footloeker on to
yoa in China. I tnought I h-d c-refully eeplained that cer-
tein of the contents of the locker belonged to me, but
apnereatly Freak either forgot about, or boat the memo /
. tre v-1 4-1.
.4.04.1.L� 11.1. hj...74
Will you, therefore, ship back to me the sat of
bladcre clnd filler, the air mattrers and pillow, the maps,
thz ,T-11-tele tot honks, end anything else you may have
List os I -a a.:..;;;
.en..e:rnaL -beat the, set Q00:1-1.4. since we bedly need than
ia Delhi, and if there is enything whica aboula be sent
fir-A, then by ell MX-U3 let it be tae binders and filler.
I en planeing to hevn a conference with Col. Coughlin
tLis ift:raoon _t =lich ti mn the complete ergenizetion of
Cpeciel Ine12.0 in CI will he'discuesed. i heva drawn up a
oleo ef _het to us, to be the best poesible oat up,
ee I hope th-t Col. Coughlin wiel appreve it. I eepect
to cen-zr_lize -11 epeciel Yunds CBI aetivities here in Delhi,
where over-ell re-eort will be made up each =nth. for forward-
La:: to 74_-_ohi_Igton, whi:h will incorporate ell tzane-ctiome, by
tot, of :ouroc, zede in the theater, together with an overG
-11 analyoie end gene_ al report. I very mace, 'eoee re-el.:you
will te.! _Wes to cic to islni to help me with this as well
_s accompeny me on ye:Jou:, trips throughout the theater for
r:urposes of .editiez, et:. I would appreciate your letting
me smow fnel _beset this oeceuse naturally I �dealt want
to ee'e. feet you caanee if you yourLelf would rether
do so.
Please let me enow your coinion about tee ebove
I em anzious to know if I cs.e count on your services at
ceetral office aere ia Deihl.
BEST car
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- 2 -
With kind regiads,
.Sincerely yours,
Commander, TLINR �
Special Funds Offider
-.. .
P.'S. In c4se you need a.my of the t is in the
. .
loc:Lers by ...11 means. teke whL.tever you require. / wi.mt here �
-one complete set 7...r binders end enough filler for e4ch to -.
set uu sepLrateccounts for the reserve fund and for Delhi
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016. W. DST. 202,01I
APO 627
26 Cotober 1944
Correspondenoe from Indian Refugees from Singapore.
Mrs. Betty MaiDonald
via Col. Rebert 2. Soll and Col. John 0.0ough13n
1. The enclosed Later and address slip were brought to
this �Mee today by one of our Chinese operators who obtained
them under the following oonditions.
2. Three Indians, who had been interned by the Japanese
near Hongkong, managed to escape and were captured by ions of
our couriers who turned then over to a guerrilla detaohnent.
The latter ezteaded good treatment to the Indians who expressed
wish to show their appreelation by working for the allied
S. One of then wrote the enclosed letter (in ink) and .
asked that. it be forwarded to the address, presusbably near
Calcutta, as given on She pencilled slip.
4. There is no one available here who can read Hindustani,
hence we are unable to form any idea of the contents of the note.-
We therefore suggest that you have a translation made and, if
it turns out to be a bona fide letter, follow the following.
a. Have the letter placed in an envelope and send 10
Calcutta for delivery by messenger.
b. Ask the recipient to write a reply, expressing
Pleasure at the safety of the Indian refugees and urging hin and
all of his party and any other Indians, whoa he or *fey may con-
tact, to do every thing possible to assist the allies.
c. Let your messenger take the reply, promising to
see that it reaches destination, and forward it to you.
d. You can have it translated and then forward the
original to us for transmission to the address.
6. .Our agent will see that it im delivered and will make
good KO use of the letter and of the feet that escaped Indian
PW can communicate with their families in India. They or course
must reciprocate by working against the Japanese and our agent
believes that we can produce sateria1 results by this asthals.
Major, MIS,,
Chief NO, China Ares,
��.� � ,
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BEST (f"
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To: Mr. Chcrlos S. Cheston
From: Far East Iheater Office
Subjects Request for four enlisted men's siots - CBI
28 October 1944
On the basis of recent cables from the field, request is naee for
allowance of enlisted nents slots for CB/ as follows:
1. One first sergeant for recruits-est in it-1z field of let Sgt.
Willian Brough. This wus reiuested in cello 113V1 fro Nee Delhi,
dated 25 October 1944.
1. Two privates for reermitaent in the fluid for Pvts. TionLid
B. NeAdacls and Nicholas Cautinisio, to 'tort in SI unata� AdirRTS. -Thin
we requested in cable 11117fron New Delhi, dated IZ October 1944.
3. one staff sergeant for the recruitment in the field of
S/Bgt. Omni N. Paavola, for work sith the Rdt. Breneh. This ww.s
requested in cable 112:)7 iron t. ie-hl, bcted kJ October 1944.
Lt (J) U.=
tLzt lhoLtc: Officer
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677 ---
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28 October 1944
Invelone #NE-28
Enclosures: Memorandum to Major Jhxon from �
Betty MacDonald re Japanese
lairof memorandum from Captain
lwell to Major Monroe re 083/M0
ACAS Pram in Calcutta
Copy of memorandum from Lt. Col.
Little to Col. Coughlin re Beta
Printing Unit with book let
Copy of memorandum from Captain
Oliver to Major Stevens re
Archibald A. Maadyan, Jr. and
OSSWAgas Project
'MO Abstracts #0$
Photostats of Who's Who in Japanese
Military Tralnine
Translation Series Nos. 28, 29 31
TO: Commanding Officer
OSSSU Detachment 202
APO 627
Attention: Major Harold C. Faxon
YROM: WS, MO New Delhi
pproved for Release: 2023/05/18 C00027677