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September 23, 1978
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
.?; f- 23 Septeraber 1978
_Helms Clashes With P!.-ob.-:_pf---#1.-
By George Lardner Jr. .
w WriLer
la a series of increasingly testy
enranges that left him wavering-
between weariness and anger Mr-
mer CIA director Richard M. Helms
said yesterday that he still does not
regard former KGB officer Yuri
Nosertico kt'bonis fide" defector be-
cause his story abuut Lee Hiriey
Oswald is too� LncreptiLa-, ta �
tru3ted. � � �
The implicatforis,-Helms agreed
lit daytong testimony before the
House AssaSligatiOnj Committee,
are ominous, If Nosenko Ls tying,
Helms testifleck_it follows thart
wald may havi been."' SIDnt
when be shot' President Kennedy.,
"That still, ha; gs, In the air Ian
ars ineubus.'t Helms sald.� He said
he did not know bow to resolve It
short of obtaining Oswalcts Mos
from the KGB, the Stiviet secret
Police agency- vf
Now rehabilitated by the C2.4
after some Bye years of Imprison-
ment, three of them-Lo solitary coo.
finemeot, Nosenko defected to the
United States several weeks after
the assassinatios,- claiming first-
hand knowledge of the ties the
KGB maintained on Oswald in Rus-
sia. Nosenko Irrvieted.thet the KGB
had never even Later-viewed' �steak!,
during his stay ln the Soviet Union..
Misch less recruited himto' an
'No persoe1-. familiar: wilt,
facie finds Nosentol Statement!'
about .0s-wel4e to be ;cree-lbie,7"
Helms, said- ".Therefore....this tends:
to sour' air: tge' other opinions be
maintained. I don't know bow one.
resolves this bode In the throat."
credfleilltak-; under ��'!:attick.'
throughout the bearing, Heine- de-
nied ever-labeling: Noereko 'ar
hona fide7 duringitijr,tentire at the
CIA, despite a fat:mai itniciEeilt (to'-
the agency that ni had dOnt'se�.''e-
� R.e11.7. Haio-le$
hammered at. the fact thee Bose_nka
was paid a lump sum-of S125,C0 with
Helm,* approval 1972, and has by
now collected aipro.dmately $500,000
In consultant salaries, � benseses,'. re-
settlement expenses and Oaele pay
ments. � � � 1. ';
Citing Whet he called the`mental
and physical torture" the CIA 'bed
Inflicted on Nosettko In! futile effort
to break him down, Sawyer seggested
'that the CIA had only two options '
to "dispose" of Nosenko art� pay_hlas
off to keep him ILO
"It's perfectly plain you neercIsed
the option of paying him off,- Sawyer
declared at one point. "Do you di*
pate that?"
"Yes, I'd dispute it," Helms shot
"Half a million, roughly, as I add
It up," Sawyer pnrsisted.
Seething by now Helms paused. try-
ing to control himself.
-I'm counting to 10, as my coultsi
taught me to do." he finally said, He
said ,the CIA merely wanted to give,
Nosetikki "a chance to make & new litel
for 4_4tasell" in light of the contra:1P
[ions he had made In other areas. .
According to a CIA memorandum
Helms approved on Ott- la, 1812. "Mr.
Nosecko has been an extremely valua-
ble source. one who ha, identified
many hundreds of Soviet Intelligence
officers, and he has otherwise pro.
'vided a considerable quantity of use-
ful Information on Use organisation of
the KGB, Its Operation/1 doctrine, end
methods ...He has proven himself t
be Invaluable to eaptoring counterio.
telligence lesds. He recently authored
a book which is of Interest to the
"In effect," the memo written by
then-CIA director of security Howard
,Osborn stated. "Mr. Noseeko heel
shown himself to be a productive toll
hardworking defector who Is
'rehabilitated' and favorably disposed
toward the agency."
The Nosenko case for years Caused
deep divisions within the.CIA. Those
In cbarge of him at first concluded
that he was a KGB "plant," even be-
fore he arrived here from Geneve,
and they put hIrn in stringent solitary
confinement on April 4, 1964, where
be was kept from both the FBI and
the Warren Commission, despite his
stated willingness to testify About OS-
wald. .
The so-called "turatile Irrtemnaticn"
that ensued on and off more then
three yeare was reportedly sanctioned
on .April 2, 1964, by then-Attorney
'General Nicholas deft Katte9bach In
a Meeting at the Justice Department
with 'CIA officials. Kaltenbach, how
� ever;/told� the committer ,Thursda
7thitt he had "absolutely, n recollece
'Hon of Mr:Nosenko or anything to-d
with him In that period.".��'
don't think I. authorized
anybody in jell for three years," ,Ka
unbar's said.
Challenging that account,. Helms
read from an April 3, 1264, memo ere-.
pared by CIA then-general counsel
Lawrence Et, Houston, which said that
,Katrenbach and other Justice Depart-
ment officiala had authorised "any ac-
tion necessary" for the CIA to deter-
mine Nosenko's veracity and thus his
SIAN� is this count .,
"This was the Way we handled all
defectors.- Helms sold, at one point_
of Nosecko'e Modal confinement.
"What w)uld you do with them?" he
demanded of committee Chairman
Louis Stakes ID-Ohio), "put them up
in the Iiii:tort?'
Stokes replied. "rve never been Its
that situ:don. Hopefully, Lnevor will
be." , � � -
Helms found-himself upder steady
Cross-examination, especially concern-
ing testimony he bed given the com-
mittee ir. an es ec-un� e session on Aug
P. He assured the committee then,
among ether things. that Noseako had
been "put Into 2 sfr-2.41 bottle In the
countryside, where he had r perfectly
sanitary and satisfactory living condi-
tion.' :- � �
to fact_ according to the Cf.A. Which
sent spokesman John L. Hart to tea
tify before the committee last week,
the high-ranking defector-: was sub-
jected to psychological torture. In an
affidavit submitted to the House com-
mittee on Aug .7, !fount) said he was
at first :aken to an artic room with e,
boarded window that kept out fresh
air and turned -very Ter, hot in the
summertime. � ' '
� .�
"I cot-Lce have,! shower once In a
week, and once in I week, I could
shave^ ee said "I had no contact with
anybody to tatk- I could not read. I
could not smoke.' Later he was takeno
to a specially built concrete vault (at
the CIA facility at Camp Peary, Va.,
reportedly), when even the-chess
sets be tried to fashion from three
or hie eirehlag were takers rear from
him_ . � .
ROM a "swo-ri:he knearilotang about
this. ri451.1: �ro,�
-Saaryir wiaLinmeduloi.iii "He [Nos
enhol was Co "your-custody, and you
never made any Inquiry about what
was happening to bLnsr ;-�
"Of courie I did," IfeLme laid/wee
rtly.-"I was never told those details .�
thient was being kept Ins room so
hot he couldn't nand it I'm genuinely
lorry about it.".:
Nosenko' was final,- released for
'friendter quesdoninethough
coefinement. In late 1967, but not un-
til a Das! effort by his Initial Interro-
gators from the CIA's Soviet �Russla.
Division to break him down, to onc
nete made public last week, the dep-
uty ch.ef of that divinort. Itijqr,lAge
jtViuggested that one option mien
be to "liquidate the man."
Helms said in Indignant tones that
he meet saw the � note. end 'Peter
entertained the idea He elso que
tioned be ,motives of ,the current
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
leadership of the CIA In making I
pukiite suds 'Iurie'deralls.
It was almost as though his /CIA
.pokesman Hart j purpose was to ex- I
coriate some of his former colleagues I,
for their handling of the Nosenko;
matter." Helms said.
Hart told a reporter that the disclo-
sures were simply "an act of honcstr. I
on the part of CIA Director Stansfletd '
Turner. Now retired but caned back
because of his expertise with the No-
senko case, Hart said Turner had told
him simply to "let your conscience be
your guide" In testifying about, the
Pressed on a wide variety of other
issues, Kelm* acknowledged that the
Warren Commision should have been
told much More than it was, such as
the CIA's plotting egainst the life of
Fidel Castro, In the process, the com-
mittee dlaclosed that some 37 docu-
ments were apparently missing from
the CIA's so-called �201" Me on Os-
wald when 8 review was made
February led4. � -
The committee Das alSo turned up
evidence that on at Nast one once-
SfOti, the CIA evidently fabecated �
"201," or personal Information, file
for hired assassin cisde neined
� althotagh he was ' a3ee11ed17
never used In that capacity,
Confessing error. !gals and again
under nue-gnarling by Rep, Christopher
J. Dodd (D-Conn.). but wow:feting
why he was being "singled out as the
fellow who should have gone up to
the Warren Commlssion," Helms
� said. 'Mr. Dodd, if bad to do
It Over again. I would have backed a
truck up, taken all the document;
and shoved them On the Warren Coaz-1
rnizsion's desk."
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
falial� Lad Pr a.
Philip Agee testifies In Havana et "tribiosal against
Imperialism." The former CIA officer and some
colleagues tent on "eaposing CIA personnel and
operations" are putting together the Covert Action
In forma ti ou Bulletin, published bore.
Cuba ChargesCIA
Plotted to Kill Castro
As. Recently as 1976
. . � ...
By MarlIse Simons
19o-.1s/ rna Whabliortrop peer
HAVANA�The. Cuban goeernment mounted a
major attack on the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency Yesterday, producing for the first time al.
leged double agents who claimed that CIA efforts to
assassinate Premier Fide! Castro continued until at
recently as 1976. �
The charges were made before S so-called
'tribunal against 'Imperialism" being conducted
while 20.000 young leftists an communists from 10
nations-take part In this week's Iltb International
Youth Festival.
In addition to the new charges concerning a num-
ber oi alleged CIA plots to assassinate Castro, the
double agent's and other Cuban prisoners who testi-
fied yesterday also made new allegations related to
the assassination of President Kennedy.
Thc Cuban government Is ids() expected to release
24 page document shortly celled "CIA, Cuba Pe.
cuses" cretDiling Havena's charges that the CIA has
"obscured and twisted infer-nation concerning the
death of John F. Kennedy."
The decision to air these charges at yesterday's
tribunal may have beers des.gned, In part, to steal
the thunder from the U.S. House Assassinations
Committee, which seat a delegation Isere In April to
pursue various questions stout the Kennedy assess!. '
na lion.
DATE 3_4127 y
PAGE ./9
The House panel Is planning to hold public hear-
ings or, Its JFK Inquiry next month.
The KennedY assassinetson allegation' were over.
abedowed here yesterday. however, ey testimony
that plots to kill Castro continuer! usoll only two
yearA ago, despite CIA claims that any such activi-
ties were discontinued in 190.
This claim was made by several double agents. in.
eluding Nicolas Alberto Sirgado Roe, who 144d he
acted es a double egent for 10 years unta 1876.
Sirgado, who said he was recruited by the CIA
during a visit to London in 1906, said �.he CiA bad
trained Men In a variety of techniques and In 1574,
asked hint to plant a microphone in the offices of
Osmany Cienfuegos, who holds the key joh of secre-
tary to Cuba's Council of Ministers.
Ira 1976, Sirgado said he was asked La provide an
Itinerary of a visit to Angola by Castro--a request
interpreted here as an Indication OW the CIA
might have been planning to assassina:e the Cullen
leader while be was on that trip.
Sirado,said he passed carefullY Prepared adslnrctr-
i matiou to the CIA, sod later that year, received
letter of congratulation and a wrist watch from Sec-
retary of State Henry Kissinger.
Another Cuban, Jose Fernandez Santos, said a
further threat on Castro's lift Was expected 1.11 Mex-
ico In 1976. '
Two men, whom be Identified as Francisco Mare
uel Camargo Saavedra end Pair1:10 Sanehet,
scouted Mexico City's airport and a theontowrt mon-
ument as possible sites for the assassination, PCP
!sander said,
A succession of five former double agents pro-
voked strong emotional responses with stories of
bow they had succeeded In sabsitaging CIA plots to
kill Castro.
Out of the seLf.professed double agents, Abel Rai-
der Elias, testified that on one occasion, he had
been given a powerful rine to pass tin a chosen as-
sassin. .
When the agent told the tribune! that he bad
never delivered the weapon, the audience gave bias
standing molders.
The panel olio heard a variety of claim.' regard-
Ing the Kennedy assassination.
Much of the testimony suggested that the C7A
bed sought to convince the pub:Fe thee Lee Ramey
Oswald had dealings with Cuba !cog before the
Kennedy assassination. By so doing, alteesses Ir.
gued, the sources behind the Kennedy murder
could protect the real culprit and mstead tneotse
Cuba, 'hoe justifying a U.S. Invasion to overthrow
The most dramatic testimony came from tusebto
Arnie Lope; who was consul at the Cuban Embassy
on Sept 21, 190, when p man claiming to be Lee
Harvey Oswald requested a Visa to travel 10 Cuba
Azeue said "the man 1 saw ori TY being Wiled ter
Jack Ruby, In no way looked like the Mral 1 bad
seen three months earlier"
.The CIA photos of Oswald presented to the War-
ren Commission "were also not of ihe man I had
seen" in Mexico. Azcue said He told the tribunal he
reported thie inumediatelyto Raul F-oa, the� Cuban
foreign minister.
Rolando Cubelas Seeades, now serving 25 year
prison term, also appeared and denied the CIA's
claim that he was a double agent, aaYinil. "This Is
completely false, a perfidious lie."
� Cubelee, who has already served more than 12
years to prison for "erirnes eganst the stale,'
appeared emotional as he left jail y-esterday for the
first time. The man wheels said to have gone under
the CIA code name AM LASH told the tribunal Ise
worked only fur the CIA betwetp 191i1 and ber ar-
rest in 1966.. . aee �7,.. 4e.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
'Cuba Says C.I.A. Fabricated Evidence on Kennedy
Atiu 3978 -
� syeur risr rsn. Yet Timer
HAVANA, Aug. 2.� Cuba accused the
United States Centrst Intelligence
Agency today of fabricalog evid,:ace in
order Co link Havana with the assassina-
tion of President John F. Kennecfstand
thus Justify further American efforts to
overthrow the Castro Gov ernrnent.
; In lengthy testi mon before a political
"tribunal," organised Co coincide with
the 11th International Youth Festival,
Cuban officials also charged the C.I.A.
with plotting numerous assassination at-
tempts against Cuba's President, Fidel
Evidence of some of these plots was
provided by six Cuban "double agents,"
who apparently Infiltrated Cuban exile
groups in Miami and collaborated with
the CIA. until as recently as 1976.
But while many of the Cuban charges
were riot new � some witnesses even
quoted evidence from the report of the
United States Senate's Select Committee
on the C.I.A. � the Cut.i_n Government
did provide fresh testimony casting doubt
on some C.I.A. claims that linked Presi-
dent Kennedy's accused nasassin, Lee
Harvey Oswald, to Cuba.
� Eusebio &cue Ldper, a former Cuban
consul In Mexico City, told the tribunal
that the person Claiming to be Lee Har-
vey Oswald who visited him Sept. 27,
1963, to requekra visa for Cuba was not
the same person who appeared in films
and photographs as the arrested assassin
of Mr. Kennedy. The Warren Commission
reported the C.I.A.'s evidence that Lee
Harvey Oswald had visited the Cuban
consulate on that day.
"In no way did the person saw in film
and photographs resemble the person
who visited me," said Mr. Arcue: who has
never before given evidence In public.
"The person In the film was younger and
with a pudgier face compared to the hard
lines and older face of the person who re
quested the visa."
A member of a so-called Cuban Investi-
gating Commission, Idallserto Guevara
Quintana, who presented today's main
charges against the C.I.A., said that
there was a growing body of evidence
suggesting efforts to link Cuba to the as-
sassination even before It took place.
Mr. Guevara charged that, contrary to
evidence presented to the Warren Corn-
mission, no one by the name of Lee Har-
vey Oswald belonged to the so-called
"Fair Play to Cubs" Organization Co the
United State, and that no affiliate of that
group existed In New Orleans, Where Mr.
Oswald had allegedly been a militant.
He also said that, contrary to evidence
presented by the C.I.A. to the Senate's Se-
lect Ownmittee, the person who sought a
visa for Cuba in Mexico City never an-
nounced while In the consulate that he
was planning t kill President Kennedy.
The C.I.A., Mr. Guevara said, tried to
link Cuba to ths murder by emphasizing
links between Mr. Oswald's assassin,
Jack Ruby, and the Mafia leader Santos
Traficante, who visited Cuba In 1959 in an
unsuccessful effort to persuade Mr. Cas-
tro to reopen ti_vana's casinos.
Mr. Guevara further maintained that
the C.I.A. has tried to hide the fact that
Lee Harvey Orwald was recruited by the
agency while in Japan tn 1959.
Mr. Guevara accused the C.I,A_ of de:
celvIrtg the Senate's Select Committee by
suggesting that Rolando Cubelas Se-
cades� who Is now serving a 2S-year
prison term here for espionage for the
United States, was Infect, double agent,
Chas trying to discredit his evidence of as-
sassination plots against President Cas.
tro, Mr. Cubelas appeared before the
tribunal today and admitted working for
the CIA. In Cuba from 1961 to 1966,
Another wifesesS before the tribunal,
which has been organized with the princi-
pal objective of placing the C.I.A. on trial
and whic.b is called "Youth Accuses Im-
perialism," was hen Felaifel Canahan,
* Cuban Intelligence agent who led.
'rated Cuban exile groups and the C.I.A.
In Miami bets can April 1963 and Febru-
ary 1966. .
6. Sr'
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
3 AUGUST 1978
Cuba Cites CIA in Assacsination Plot
HAVANA � Cuba accused the CIA of fabricat-
ing evidence in order to link Havana with the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy and
t'ius justify further American efforts to overthrow
the Castro government.
Eusebio Aztue Lopez, 3 former Cub-so consul in
Mexico City. said the person claiming to be Lee ,
Faryey Oswald who visited him Sept. V, W
rapsess a visa for Cuba was not the same person
who appeared in films and photographs as the ar-
rested assassin of Kennedy.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
pproved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
Item No
Ref. No
D!Vid122H PH.LP. IN SPI:l.ISP 290 17j 3 9.LiG
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
,v.F vv. 7,.1..s:71
TE CBE.: C,0ISI0N INYE.i'7:CP.71V3 CIP sr.:7IV:7-1ES
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f![1 if41: CONSE'S
I7 RLSO FHN7 RND ,7,e7oGRP-s
9StIPLD 7P1-1.11.01 r 14, 1914
IA t dna' Hunt involvent:
By Victor Marchetti
A few months ago, in March, there was a meeting at CIA headquarters in
Langley, Va., the plush home of America's super spooks overlooking the
Potomac Kt ver. It was attended by several high-level clandestine officers
and some former top officials of the agency.
The topic of discussion was: What to do about recent revelations
associating President Kennedy's accused assassin. Lee Harvey Oswald,
with the spy game played between the U.S. and the USSR.? (SPOTLIGItT, .
May 8, 1878.) A decision was made, and a course of action determined. They
were calculated to both fascinate and confuse the public by staging a clever
"limited hangout" when the [louse Special Committee un Assassinations
(I ISCA) holds its open hearings, beginning later this month,
A "limited hangout" is spY jargon for a favorite and frequently used
gimmick of the clandestine professiohals. When their veil of secrecy is
shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform
the public, they resort to admitting�sometimes even volunteering�some
of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in
the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new
information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.,
We will probably never find out who masterminded the assassination of
J FK�or why, There are too many powerful special interests connected with
the conspiracy for the truth to come out even now, 15 years after the murder.
But during the next two months,
according toueniIiveiuurcesifl the CIA
and on EISCA, we are going to learn
much more about the crime. The new
disclosures will be sensational, but only
superficially so. A few of the lesser
will rani involved in. the: cansairuey and
1LS sulg.vtiutill coverup will be identified
for the first time�and allowed to twist
slowly in the wind on live network TV.
Most of the others to be fingered are
already dead.
again the ?good' sulks of
it0Lail:tligattaVilV40 �
ale Iwitig 1�1.1 U Li/ WILIWS14 y4.4 1111.11.114,4
r.rer ?Kit
`II*7 -4 u� 1
k_?, 11111,
Erlloward_tfunt�he title thrown_ to the wolves
euverup. albeit a auphikaicaied talc, ulated�Lhe Chloral Cummittgfee inwee�
designed by the CIA with the assistance .
� of lbe VIII mid the blessing of the Carter
the CIA
Ligation oh two years ago.Thevotainatee
learned nothing inure about the tIkt.lea�
511111 Lions or!urvigil lenders, illicit a rug
Ancl t ho iaprevioaAs whai. the
yy Um, chpil Liaht nnrL
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C00026480
� ��.;::�.::14,f-lip�
' '
ent in Kennedy Slaying
CIA is out to accomplish through IISCA
with regard lo ..11.'K'a murder.
111trt.4.11�ISti MUNI
Chief ulitung thtaa: Lu be expused by
the new investigatien will be b.:. lluward
Hunt, of Watergate Ionic. Ills luck has
run out, and the CIA has decided to
sacrifice hint to protect its clandestine
services. The agency is furious with
Hum fur having dragged it publicly into
the Nixun mess unit fur having black-
mailed a after he was arrested.
Besides, Hunt is vulnerable�an easy
target, as they say in the spy business.
His reputation and integrity have been
destroyed. The death of his wife, Dor-
uthy, in a mysterious plane crush in
Chicago still disturbs many people,
especially since there were rumors from
informed sources that she was about to
leave him and perhaps even turn on
- In addition it. is well known that Hunt
hated JVK and blamed him for the Bay
of Pigs disaster. And now, in recent
muntlia, his alibi for his whereabouts on
the day of the shooting has come
unstuck. . .
In the public hearings, the CIA will'
"admit" that Hunt was involved in the
conspiracy to kill Kennedy,. The CIA
may go so fur au to 'admit" that thors
authors of ...Coup itretat In America,"
published pictures of three apparent.
bums who were arrested at Dealy Plum
just after President Kennedy's murder,
but who wore strangely relemird without
were three gunmen shouting at Ken- any record of the arrest having been
nay. The FBI, while publicly embrac-'.' made by the Dulles police. One uf Bin
' ing the Warreneontritission's"oneirian,�':rtrunips the authors identified ua 14int,
acting atiMe" conclusion, hats ulwayetLIAnuther was Frank Sturgix., a lung-time
privately known that there were three' agent of Hunt's. , � "
' - gunmen. The conspiracy involved many
hint immediately sued for millions of
more People than the ones who actually dollars in damages, claiming he could
tired at Kennedy, both z�gencies inay prove that he had been in Washington,
admit. 1.).C.. that day�on ditty at CIA. III . urned
doing household errands, including a
shopping trip to a grocery stare irs
Weircrinan .and canfidd ill vg..4ligated
the new alibi and found that the grocery
store where ant claimed to be ng
louver existed. At this point. I. hunt utfered
to drop his suit fur a token payment of
uou dollar. the authors were
determined to vindicate themselves, und
they continued to attack I (ant's
ultimately completely shattering it.
Now, the CIA moved to finger Hunt
and tie him to the J assassination.
11SCA unexpectedly received an inter-
nal CIA memorandum a few weeks ago
that the agency just happened to.
stumble across in its old tiles, It was
dated 1966 and said in essence: Smite
day we will have to explain Hunt's
presence in Dallas on November 22,
1963�the day President Kennedy was
killed. Hunt is going to be hard put to
explain this memo, and other things.
before the TV cameras at the IlSCA
Hunt's reputation as a strident,
fanatical unti�communiat will count
against him. So will his lung and
close relationship with the anti-Castro
Cubans, as well as his penchant
for clandestine. dirty tricks and his
various- capers while- one of Nixon's-
plumbers, K. Howard Hunt will bee
implicated in the conspiracy, and he will,
nut dare to speak out�the CIA willseeto
In addition to Hunt and Sturgis,
another former CIA agent marked for
exposure is Gerry Patrick Hemming, a
hulk of ti man�Kix feet eight inches tall
� . to den , pen ac ��.� alnei- !h.
seurumi I Apswet 14,1.71..5
(Victor Marchetti has been in
U.S. intelligence activities for
almost 21.1 years, 14 years of that
tunic betlig with the CM, the last
three years of which he too ii
staff assistant to Richard Helots.
Ile is the author of -The CIA and
the Cult of hntelligence"and -The
Rope Dancer.")
CIA double agent, then later surfaced
with Elie anti-Castro Cubans in VatIGUS
attempts to rid Cuba of the cuntutumst
dictator. Bat there are two thin4s in
licrouninyea pdst that the CIA. emirate,
ulating INCA. will be able ta use La tie,
him to the J FR* assassination.
First, Castro's former mistress.
!Narita Lorene (now an anti�Castruite
herself), has identified lienuning,..duag
with Oswald and others us being part of
the secret squad assigned to kilt
President Kennedy. And seconddy,
Hemming was Oswald's titarine� ser-
geant when he was stationed at the
CIA's 1.1.2 base in Atsugi,Juptin�where.
Oswald suppusedly was recruited as a
spy by the Soviets, or was being
to be a double agent by the CIA.
In any event, Hemming's Cuban
career and his connection. with Oswald
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