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..GENERAL (b)(3) J, 3 DEC -195C 1468 2. French views on German role in European Army--According to US Embassy Paris, French Foreign Minister Schuman de- clared in a recent conversation with the German delegate to the Schuman Plan negotiations that the French Government is willing and anxious to create a European Army with a full .and equal status for Germany. Schuman added that the forth- coming conference to plan for the European Army would be identical in basis and spirit with the Schuman Plan negotia- tions and hence would provide for full and equal participation by Germany. Schuman went on to explain that the gravest danger to Europe was to have Germany in a position to play the East off against the West and that therefore it was funda- mental to French policy to achieve the full, irrevocable political integration of Germany in the Western European community. APPROVED FOR RELEASE - CIA INFO^DATE: 22-Feb-201 0 Document No. t0 _ NO CHANGE In C1?ss. 77 Di.CJ~ U_ '7 11 Class. ,0: TS S DDA lOcr,o, 4 Apr 77 Auth: GA ITIE . 77/1.763 Date :2 ---197? By. ;OP. SECRET EUROPE 3> USSR. Fear of war ,rowing??US Embassy Moscow reports "a real and growing. fear of world conflict on the part of Soviet citizens who come within the limited range of Embassy contacts. The Embassy infers that the "average Soviet citizen," although badly informed, is aware that East-West relations have been deteriorating and probably does not com- pletely swallow the version promulgated in official. Soviet propaganda. In this connection, the Embassy observes that its personnel and those of other Western diplomatic missions rarely encounter anti-Western feeling. 4. GERMANY.: Tentative plans on military contribution--In a recent conversation with the US High Commission in Bonn, Theodor Blank (the German Government official who is to be charged with jurisdiction over Germany's contribution to a European Army) said concerning Germany's role that he envisages a unified European Army under a unified command and with standardized equipment and uniforms. Blank esti- mated that it would require from two to two and a half years to furnish a battle-ready contingent of 12 divisions o Blank stressed his intention to avoid any recurrence of the Prussian military tradition and pointed to the importance of achieving the maximum civilian control, over German armed forces. Analysis of Communist intentions--The US High Com- mission in Berlin estimates, in an analysis of overt Com- munist statements and actions since the Prague conference of Satellite and Soviet Foreign Ministers in October, that the Communists are anticipating the eventual rejection. by the West of the' Prague terms for German reunification and are planning in that event to establish an bail-German" con- stituent council of their own. The Commission points out 'S E, C E T 4 $ TOP SECRET that an "all-German" constituent council, Communist- inspired and Communist-controlled, would offer unlimited possibilities for manipulation, including the unilateral establishment of an "all-German Government." NEAR EAST-AFRICA 5e INDIA: Estimate of Communist capabilities --US Embassy New Delhi discounts the ability of the Indian Communists to exploit fully the current world crisis growing out of Chinese intervention in Korea. The Embassy believes that it would be entirely logical and in keeping with over-all Communist strategy for he Indian Communists to attempt such action. The Embassy does not know of any specific Communist direc- tive to this effect, however 9 and doubts that such instructions could be covertly disseminated by the Indian Communist Party, because it is at present riven with internal dissension to the point of being almost completely ineffective. TOP SECRET