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airsidriadi Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 !)R MAR 197P/ BEST COPY AVAILABLE SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT The vanguard of thousands of yOung activists who are expected to converge upon San Diego for protest demonstrations at this summer's. Republican ConventiOn has begun drifting into the city's already crowded "" along tire ocean front. Reportedly, there is open hostility towards the new arrivals from the citizens of San Diego, including the colnmunity of street people who -- reside there permanently. They fear the activists will not conduct peaceful demonstrations, thereby creating problems for them. Prop- erty owners have been organizing protest rallies and collecting peti- tions urging the city council to overrule efforts by the city manager's office to set up "crash pads" in public recreation areas with sleeping accommodations and sanitary facilities for the hippie visitors. Assist- ant City Manager John Lockwood announced that a dollar-a-night "crash pad" would be opened this month and continue to operate through the convention at the Santa Clara Point.Recreation Center in Mission Bay. This center is three miles north of the San Diego Sports Arena where the republicans will convene. The MissiOn Beach town council, respondins to protests from local civic groups, urged the San Diego city council to override Mr. Lockwood's decision. Other neighboring seashore communities fear the Santa Clara Point Project might lead to the activists setting up campsites in recreational areas all along San Diego County's 70 miles of beaches. The San Qiego city council has not yet taken action on the petitions signed by 800 area citizens. � / //fi, 7Th Lonnie Powell, housing chairman for the C mmunity Congress, (a grourwhicih has in the past displayed greater interest in social re- form than in politics), recently introduced the idea of the recreation area "crash pads" to Lockwood. t "e- The San Diego Park and Recreation Board and the Mission Beach Precise Plan and Implementation Board, acity-sponsnrod im- provement group, have gone on record against the hostel. Opponents have urged that the youths be lodged at the Marine Corps Depot or the .721. , Fs � ..� � �.L. 7 .� � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 , 7�Iir o � �..;.� Mitatialliell.~(0100004 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202' � Naval Training Station near the Sports Arena or on Fiesta Island in Mission Bay. The Fiesta Island (440 acres) suggestion is already being attacked on all sides. Would-be protesters call the area a "Suicide Swamp" where police could isolate them conveniently from the conven- tion, as there is only a single access road. � " p An underground newspaper, the Door, rep5rted that the San Diego police have requested that all totel and motel manegers in the area notify them if arty groups which are not affiliated .with the Republican. Party book reservations. Reportedly, the police department has pro- vided.hotel managers with information about radical groups prominent in Chicago at the 1968 Democrati.c Convention and in some cases have asked the managers to hold the.reservation requests until the groups' credentials can be checked out. -);('-t; ,� 414.., � /71 The San Diego Convention Coalition consisting of 20 groups of activists including students, professors, antiwar and women's libera- tion organizations, and representatives of the legal and medical profes- sions, recently announced that "Jerry Rubin and the other leaders of the Youth International Party will ;.C`cept the SDCC's leadership in or- ganizing convention demonstrations that will be massive, legal, non- violent and dignified." The Vietnam Veterans Against the War, an organization that is becoming increasingly more radical, has promised that San Diego will be witness to massive broa41,-based deMonstrations against the war during the GOP Convention. � , ) 7 Tile San Diego Convention Coalition, as previously reported, held a Western Regional Conference on March 17. The 340 delegates attending the conference were young adult caucasians in their late teens or early twenties. Reportedly, delegates were in attendance from California, Oregon, Washington , and at least eight other states west of the Mississippi River as well as from the District of Columbia. The conference was disorganized and little was accomplished other than the announcement of two additional regional conferences prior to the Rt!publican Convention. On March 25 the San Francisco Bay Area Conference was held at Berkeley, California (no reports in as yet) and an interim regional conference is scheduled for San Diego on May 13. The delegates at Santa Barbara adopted the final draft as f ollows: '/Ce� .�;� I. Partrcipants in..45DCC cannot initiate violence; however, nonviolent civil disobedience is acceptable and it will be /A 57: .5-tio ;JO Ul If 2 7 � � ond, , � �����, .er � 1.4: � a e-i�-� .,��� � 404.1.s, � . � � ,�� 1 �-� � � . . � ��� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 permissible to defend oneself from attacks by police. Representatives of the legal workshop are preparing for legal assistance with regard to mass arrests during the demonstrations. They also further announced their intention to file suit to obtain a restraining order pro- hibiting further U.S. imperialism. This reportedly is for the purpose of propaganda and publicity. . . � 2. During the demonstration no participarif will be allowed to endorse anyone as a presidential candidate. *3: Call for immediate ena to U.S. aggression in Vietnam and support the seven-point peace proposal put forth at the Paris peace talks by the�Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam. � 4. Oppose President Nixon's policies of imperialism and re- pression. (Reportedly, the Third World Constituency strongly opposed using tj�p. word imperialism as they felt members of the black community would not under- stand the meaning.) 5. Oppose all interference in the internal affairs of other countries. 6. No interference with leadership of grOups participating 'in SDCC alliance from other groups in the alliance. 7. Concentrate on fighting racism in white communities. % � V,' At /I' The United Farm Workers of California (UF.W0C) who spon- sored a peaceful demonstration on March 19 at the Los Angeles Con- vention Center has announced that they will send 25,000 farm workers to the GOP Gonvention to demonstrate against the party. yr , � A 4 ,1 As was expected a leadership challenge to demonstration organ- izers at San Diego has now been introduced. Unconfirmed eastroast reports reflect that a coalition to dominate convention demonstrations has been assembled following a recent meeting at New York organ- ized by Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis and Daniel Ellsburg. Although it is highly doubtful, reports4reflect that these three seasoned radical leaders have brought together the feuding fo rces of the Socialist Workers er A/0 3 ��� - � . ��� otc,...4 � .. � � 1. � 44 rioji r:07, ���14,4 : � �....4p4r,yriAt � '4� �-�����tt t 2c� a. � .....,11.7.t.r.,Ter� .� . � �.6. � � . e. � � 9.L � � � � � 4'. � � � � � -� les � � � . Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 - � Approved for Release: 2024/12/1ta9.114261106611****.� � 6 Party controlled National Peace Action Coalition, the Communist Party USA influenced Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice and the New Rarty of baby doctor Benjamin Spock. Reportedly, it will be this group that will determine the direction of anticonvention activities. Although the unconfirmed report specifies that the San Diego Convention Coali- tion will " go along" with the leaders,hip of Hayden, Davis, and Ellsburg, it is not believed that 1t will do so. Organizing to date reflects a dis- tinct westcoast homegrown flavor to plans at San Diego and it is believed that convention Coalition leaders will not.accept outside domination ex- cept by force. It is believed likely that the introduction of nationally known and principally eastcoast radicals will bring a new dimension to San Diego in August." Opened hostilities among radicals could ignite a compliciting factional war at San Diego:, .1, .4. . 3r; -:// CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEpULED ACTIVITIES Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or con- tain additions or changes to previously reported activities. '29-3l March, Oakland, California and vicinity The non-militant Newton-Seale faction of the Black Panther Party reportedly will sponsor a "Black Community Survival Conference" in the "East Bay Area" of San Francisco during the above time period. The conference is scheduled at the following times and locations: 21March--Oakland Auditorium (1700 hours) 30 March--Greenman Field, Oakland (1200 hours) 31 March--SanPablo Park, Berkeley (1200 hours) The objectives of the conference are to register thousands to vote, to distribute free bags of groceries, and to take 10, 000 free sickle cell anemia tests. Tentative speakers will include Bobby Seale, chair- man of the party; Sister Johnnie Tillman, national chairman of the Welfare-Rieits Organization; Ericka Huggins, a Panther who stood trial for murder a year. ago with Bobby Seale in the gang killing of Alex Rackley at New Haven (hung jury); Ron Dellums; Julian Bond and others. Bobby Seale .has alerted the press that 10, 000 free bags of groceries with a chicken in every bag will be given away during the three -day conference. , ) vl � .t r � ��� *30March--2 April, Cambridge, Mass. As previously reported the Students for a Democratic Society /7, 7-- -;,�, I. hor: r-. goom � � . a , . � � � :-� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 has scheduled a "National Convention Against Racism" at Harvard University-on the above dates. Dean Archie Epps announced the Univer- sity has granted SDS permission to use the college facilities for the convention; however, the permit does not cover the full amount of time. The group asked to begin the convention Thursday March 30, but Dean Epps informed them he could not grant them the time Thursday or Fri- day because classes would be in session. The Har"Vard Crimson under- graduate newspaper quoted an SDS spokesman as saying the group would . . start on Thursday anyway. - Members of SDS are planning to hold workshops to condemn the racism.of certain university prokssors who have suggested that I.Q. differences between races may be a result of hereditary factors as well, as environmental. The choice of Harvird University as the convention site is no coincidence. Professor Richard Herrnstein a member of the psychology faculty at Harvard became a marked man to the radicals when he published his views on racial differences in the September 1971 issue of Atlantic Monthly Magazine. Other noted professors who have been tagged as racist are Arthur Jensen of the University of California and William Shockley of Stanford University. During much of the past decade SDS was considered to be the most powerful revolutionary group in the country. However, members attending the 1969 National Con- vention in Chicago became disallusioned by the failure to achieve their objectives and consequently, resulted in splintering the organization into factions. Since then the remains of SDS have been controlled by the Progressive Labor Party. SDS chieftains now expect to ride the racism is&ue back to power in the revolutionary movement. The PLP/ SDS has announced that the convention will be open but reportedly offi- cial representatives of the Young Socialist Alliance and other Trotskyite organizations will be banned. The Communist Party USA also expects to gain from a revival of SDS because they consider the group a major recruiting territory for party ranks. The SDS leadership has announced that representatives from Canada, Puerto Rico, Finland, Japan, Ger- many and Mexico are expected to attend the convention. A non-SDS group orLatin American students from Brandeis University called GRITA is also expected to attend. , lir , � � , April--20 May, Nationwide 7 ,i(,/ The Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice which is under the influence of the Communist Party USA, reportedly will not actively snpport demonstrations swnsorecl by the National Peace Action Coali- tion on April 22. The PCPJ has recently announced a calendar of events for March and April: . /�. 6 5. e tititaaow'.1444- a F����--. 4'1 #111tleret,,;:#0:: ��� � ...Mal,- .1111;:� ;�����:14.. � gr. 'et ���IroWir.��������.' ��� _ � or ...MR,. .4.����Jt ���.!. � ������.� ..L.1%70,...< r: � � ":."1 ,�� svIr t . Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 �. � z � ...e.*���",.;7�;,. � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 tion. 15 April�The War Registers League, War�Tax Resistance and pcPJ will sponsor local dernanstrations across the country protesting the use of tax money for continuation of � the war while pressing domestic needs are neglected. .10 May�Derrronstrations.are planned at the headquarters of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, New York City. 20 May--Demonstrations at undisclosed army bases and federal buildings. 1 April--Two concurrent mass antiwar demonstrations are planned for Harrisburg, Pa. and San Jose, California, the sites of the trials of Philip Berrigan and six other antiwar defendants and Angela Davis. The Vietnam Peace Parade Committee, PCPJ's New York City affiliate, reportedly has already reserved 100 buses for the Harrisburg demonstra- % .7 ,A *, , .,,e� 7-9 April, Palo Alto, California Governor Reagan is scheduled to speak to approximately 400 delegates attending the California RVpublican Assembly Conference on the above date. There are indications that vice president Agnew may attend the conference. Although no information has emerged pursu- ant to planned demonstrations, bay area radicals will not miss the opportunity afforded by this conference to conduct at least a minor protest. .�/. � ;. *12 April, New York City, New York The New York Chapter of Women Strike for Peace, a pacifist group actively opposed to the war, plan to hold a demonstration at the offices of the International Telephone and Telegraph Company on 12 April. The demonstration will consist of a "lie-in" to protest the company's support of U.S. bombing in Southeast Asia. � ',$ A . , t� / 7. '-fa, *13 April, Ottawa, 'Canada The Vietnam Moratorium Committee of Canada, an international antiwar group, has scheduled an antiwar demonstration for Ottawa on 13 April during President Nixon's visit there. Edward Martin Sloan, president of the VMC Canadian group, states that the demonstration was decided upon in March at Versailles, France, where committee representatives from 84 countries met. . < -14' � �," '6 - ( � 7 .7 � . � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 �41, Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 ',PP reillmo�mmillIN� 4:7-8 April; Crane, Indiana . Recently the Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Southeast Asia sponiored a state antiwar conference to formalize a program of antiwar demonstrations to be held in Indiana this spring. The demonstration originally planned for April 15 at the Crane, Indiana Naval Ammunition Depot has now been changed to April 7-8. The depot was chosen because one-third to one-half of all ammunition used in Indochina is produced there, according 6to-the Student Mobe'll'i q"b. !.�. //- � . 4�-� /.1 � ij J�t.'L The Student Mobilization Committee, controlled by the Trotskite Socialist Workers Palbty and its youth group, the Young Socialist Alliance, also recently sponsored a National Student Antiwar Conference in New York City. Colleg&ind high school students attending the conference agreed to suPport.the following activities: 19 April--Organize nationwide high school "speakouts" across the nation to build for a mass demonstration on 22 April. 22 April--Support the dernongftations sponsored by the National Peace Action Coalition at New York and Los Angeles. /.�� � .�,--. The above activities also have been endorsed by the National Welfare Rights Organization, the Defense Committee for Angela Davis and the Berrigans, and other national left-wing organizations. P , .)7 /�.,' ,1-L *22 April, New York City and Los Angeles The National Peace Action Coalition (Trotskyite group) has announced plans for their spring offensive to be helq in New York City on the above date to coincide with a similar demonstration in Los Angeles. � The denblonstrations will be held on April 22, traditionally "Earth Day," so t1.6.t people'can protest "the destruction of the earth in Indochina" as well as to dramatize the fact that U.S. planes have dropped a total of six pounds of chemicals and herbicides for every living man, woman and child in South Vietnam. A spokesmIn for NPAC recently announced international protests are to be held in -France, Lebanon, Sweden, Switzerland and Holland on April 22 to call-attention to "the automation of the Vietnam War. " - � '�� � . No. ../e1MIR ' Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 The speakers at the international rallies will describe sensors planted throughout the South Vietnamese countryside that are so sensitive that they can detect animal heat from many miles away and can automatically instruct destructive bombs to -strike the area where the animal has been discovered. cr.j/ .- 7- t/ rr *29 April, Washington, D. C. . . The Progressive Labor Party, a militant Communist-splinter �group openly following the Maoist line, reportedly will hold a demon- stration in Washingtor, D. C. on 29 April to celebrate "May Day." 'Although 'no estimate of number; of participants has yet been made, it should be noted that the last time the:Progressive Labor Party sponsored a demonstration in Washington the protest was considerably larger than predicted. - r . ,7 29-30 April, Washington, D.C. The National Spanish-speaking Coalition Task Force, Inc. has scheduled a national convention on the above dates. Reportedly, the main issue at the convention will be the formation of a separate Spanish-speaking political party. SOURCE: Government and News Media RELIABILITY: Probably True 1. r",�*�. er,r Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018202 # 1. � '1. --�t Itrt' �