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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 . _ �. 6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 7 Mar cll 1072 SITUATION. INFORMATION REPORT % Black activist Angela Davis, an avowed Communist who alleg- edly provided the weapons used in the shootout at the Mann County , Courthouse in August 1370, was recently freed on bail. Miss Davis had been in Au 16 months because of ea California law which prohibits granting bail for anyone facing trial on a capital.cliarge. Recently, the California supreme court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional, hence, making Davis and many others held in Califdrnia prisons on capital charges eligible for bail. il.�; 7.� / � About a year ago Rodger L. McAfee (age 33) visited the Oakland home of Albert J. Lema, chairman Of�the Communist Party in northern California and offered a deed to 405 acres of farmland to be used as collateral if and when Miss Davis is granted. bail. � Last week McAfee put up the 405 acres (valued at $330, 000) to free Miss Davis on $102,500 bail. Mr. McAfee is a part-time farmer and a radical pOlitical activist who operates and owns with his family a 1,100-acre dairy farm known as McAfee Family Cooperative in the flatland of Caruthers about 17 miles southwest of Fresno. . -7,..e.5 -2106 � --/e,), Reportedly, McAfee met Miss Davis at an antiwar rally at Fort Ord, California two years ago. The clear way in which she presented the issues impressed him. McAfee has in the past worked with several volunteer associations in Latin American countries ostensibly designed to provide technical assistance to farms in cooperative ventures. In 1962 federal immigration authorities arrested him for alleged violation of passpori regulations. However, charges were later dropped. In 1963 he was deported- from Mexico after being accused by Mexican officials of disseminating alien ideas. Two years ago .he went to Albania for the twenty-fifth anniversary of President Hoxha's regime there. McAfee never graduated from high school 1?tit has traveled in 32 countries by his own account. As a result of his sponsoring Davis, he and his family have received a number of telephone calls threatening the life and limb of his wife (Darlene) and five sons. The Communist Party posted guards around his home and he,. his wife and family have gone into hiding. Reportedly, Rodger is currently seeking -admissiorl to the Communist Party. Ct.;1)-.Sit - FOCI .2- c re � 7,1- � niz".5 2 %. : � liniumwm.� 4 so � .111.0[ 1.744.16it IPSO' �� � $ 4.! ?:�"�.PeSreglia. 1..&tylirp47,..74.24#1,;51.."44,* Ire", t . . � 4 JO � � � � � � � � ..� * Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 � ipopor . Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO. 001111111.101.44pairit � ;:..� rst � 01.� 1110,4L - :Tao - or. . 4c -*a 11 - : � S. �� .!* A�011._ , ,dopimp* � :44 -. -^--tcriiirp$44.4t420,r- . ���' �����40,;"-, �as. - � -"L""4-41*"."4.16�L4L14"4"*Mt.'--ok1414/010�4``'``.."'Nrii": -:Atie04 ;V:1" �-�44 7 The Vietnam 'Veterans Against the War held a national convention at DenveT three weeks ago.. Several significant trends emerged from this meeting which indicate the direction this group of antiwar activists will be taking in the immediate future. First, there are obvious signs that (so often the case with radical organizations) the VVAW has split into two conflicting factions. Originally this veter,an's organization was not only pacifistic but concerned itself with a broad range of social issues. It appears now more heavily weighted in the direction of politi- cal radicalism and the organizational temperament is leaning more toward 'the stereotyped political philosophies of the early SDS . Issued at the conclusion of the Denver convention was a policy draft that set forth the organization plans for the next six months. The organization intends to broad-based demonstrations at San Diego during the Republican National Convention with the specified goal offreaching nes; constituericies in order to strip the "ruling class" of legitimacy. The VVAW will attempt to build an ongeing movement capable of lea-ding and sustaining national and local struggles to defeat President Nixon next November. As an.example of the organization's ANEW Simm.� - � ���,,,,;11160.,"�-� it� - � if- � '`'4,����!�-���-�!"'. '- 1.. -.:::����������������- ..- � .t. � ' _Fa cre � Aft+, , . Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 6501~1000101#10 1MM Approved for -Release: 2024/12/19 CO0018200 � � new-found radical political ideology, the policy draft warned against being co-opted in their efforts by the Democrats or the electoral process in general. � In order to obtain the objective of broad and diversified constitu- encies, the VVAW glans to involve people who have /lever before partici- pated in movement politics. The organization feels that if they are successful both a _direct and indirect benefit will reCult. The direct benefit will be realized by those who come. to Sari iego .for actual participation. The indirect effect will be the message carried through the news media, � of demonstrations occurring in San Diego, to Americans throughout the nation. . � As has been previously report eiT; a "peoples petition" will be circulated among San Diegans attacking imagined ills in political leader- ship across a broad spectrum. A successful petition campaign, the vet- erans believe, would illustrate a broad-based opposition to the Republicans convening in San Diego as opposed to the relatively small number of militant fringe radicals.who disruptqd..,Chicago at the Democratic Convention in 1968. The veterans further believe that a demonstrated broad-based opposition would shift the blame for disruptions and inconveniences during the convention from the militants to President Nixon and the Republicans. The Vietnam Veterans Against the War (which claims a membership Of Z0,000 members nationally) will hold an executive meeting from 7-10 April at Houston where additional plans for San Diego will be made. The executive meeting will also select a delegation which the veterans plan to send to Hanoi in late spring or early summer. The purpose of the planned Hanoi trip, if it involves objectives other than propaganda and publicity, is unknown at this time. For additional details of activities planned by the VVAW see calendar of forthcoming activities. 777 717 re4.7z � a � 1P46.0.� 1101.11�1mo� OINIVONEW ��!. TR�e: ���7'34a, ''�'-',.ltv�'�� 14- ."-ss���`:. � 4..�� 4.!)-4 %. 9 � - � ����.- Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200- � .0. 0..7 � � ' ���� � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 a CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDU LED ACTIVITIES Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or con- tain additions or changes to previously reported activities. *Present to end of trial, Harrisburg and Gettysburg.. Pa.; Wash., D. C.; Baltimore, Laurel, and Frederick, Md. 'and vicinity. The previously reported on "pilgrimage of renewal," sponsored by the H.arrisburg Defense Committee, will include delegations pres- ently being organized in several evtcoast cities. The D. C. Defense Committee, the-Washington, D. C. affiliate of the Harrisburg Defense Committee, is scheduled to commence its pilgrimage to Harrisburg at 0800.hours on 21 March from the Depart- ment of Justice Building, Washington, D. C. Prior to their departure, the D. C. pilgrimage participants plan to distribute leaflets to early morning Justice Department arrivals. En route the pilgrims plan to stop at the National Security Agency� Ft. Meade, Md. --21 March; the Edgewood Arsenal and Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Md. on 22 March; at Ft. Detrick, Md. --23 March; and at Gettysburg Battlefield, Gettysburg, Pa. --24 March. On 25 March the pilgrimage participants are scheduled to converge on the trial city. A "mass entry" demonstratiop will take place on Palm Sunday (March 26) anckculminate at the downtown Fede al Building. .tr-Ar;(1/63'.77-3. Fea //v 5-9Yq (Mb: 7; - The %Seven Stations of the Cross, with new questions and answers appropriate to the antiwar movement will repor tcdly be enacted at seven defense plants and/or military installations in the Harrisburg yicinity_ during Holy Week. 1.,,,,Asis.-16s7 t� eh. 7). The Natio.nal Union Theological Students Will sponsor a demonstra- tion on 29 March to protest the trial of the "Harrisburg 7." Leaders of the organization will apply to the city of Harrisburg for permits to hold religious services on each of the four corners.of the Federal Building. The group plans to join hands and either chain or handcuff themselves together to block traffic in and out of the Federal Building. FA, s-npa t- 65.7,3- On 31 March, a civil disobedience demonstration is planned for the Airczaft-Marine Products Pant, Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg or the New Cumberland Army Depot, New Cumberland, Pa. F/3274/S-W5t/ 417e404. The State Capital Park adjacent to the Federal Building will report,. edly be the site of a mass demonstration slated for 1 April. 4 _h 599,f / 17.11.114V * ,2Y,t � ��� AvIr.40' I- � 1Y-e.%� !i�� - - - -i 1- . -: -1 . .. � . . % .... -. i64,-..1.4.ra-_,-e- � ..k....y..,.......;. ... -- or � -.4% ����+-t-me arm --.t....rel.42.......... -......-4 . � ---. ..s ..."--._. .. ...7.- -se.r...-p-t.. ., .�v...........P.: ���� - -,.--....- ...-1,4:....:.1..- - *-. ...1311,1' � ,..../.. Z.1 %,' in;�._.� : - ���� ���...rr..14"0,41�....-...t...." I . r-- *-2.I.' � .� :NA: 'Pe...17' � ��� .r ..?�11PC. ',.... ' -r�V!�������'?..1!:' � �� .e���� .� . � Z �'� . � � �' - � - � � - ...- ���� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 " Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 4' March, Folsom, California There has been some indications that there may be a sit-down strike by inmates at Folsom Prison sometime during the month of March. Reportedly, support outside the prison may come from the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee.. Last month George Meany announced that the UFWOC was accepted into the AFL-CIO as .a full-fledged union. N'P'r27�R# 7 t,Je y rytei'd if .7 VI--1,6.1P-- 10-12 March, Gary, Indiana Thy Congressional Black eaucus and other elected Negro officials and civil rights leaders have announced plans to hold the first National Black Political Convention on the above�dates. Pilgrimage participants plan to celebrate Easter Sunday with an e_cumenical-sunrise service for peace and freedom. MEE witzaides7 . � � / A-4 The announced purpose of the Gary Convention is to discuss the political positions blacks should take this year and to "crystallize a black agenda" of needs that will be presented to the Democratic and Repub- lican National Conventions this summer. 1,�..)#.14 0;eJ.7)-- *11 March-23 August, Nationwide and International The Vietnam Veterans Against the War held a national steering committee meeting in Denver, Colorado, 18-21 February. The following actions were decided upon for the forthcoming months: 11-25 March--A "national action" is planned to denounce and dis- credit the President's recent visit to China. Five hundred - prisoner of war families will be solicited to help support the protest. 1-6 May-- VVAW plans to support antiwar demonstrations scheduled for NATO headquarters and USAF b'ases around the world. Reportedly, American firms supporting the war will also be involved. Mopth of May--Seven VVAW representatives will visit Hanoi, North Vietnam during .the month of May. 21-23 August-- A massive antiwar demonstration is scheduled for the first day of the Republican National Convention. In addition-, VVAW will participate in various other demonstrations planned for the duration of the convention by the San Diego Con- vention Coalition. FlgXs-y1�7 1/-7"e b *15-21 March, Richmond, Virginia Seventy members of the touring USSR Track Team will be staying , fa 5-1/ e z(y 6 c 7 7. -7 5 77":�" t � 1- � -4 . to.", � ..14%, � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 - 400010. - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 � in the Richmond area during the above time period to compete in a track meet scheduled for 17 March at the Richmond Coliseum. . � Leaders of tlle Richmond Jewish Community reportedly will con- duct a "peaceful" demonstration outside the coliseum while the meet is in progress. It is not known if the Jewish Defense League or another militant group is involved, however, such demonstrations have in the past been very disruptive. It is Telt Richmond City Cfficials should be . . prepared for activities other than those presently scheduled. ,/,--41 7 . .) tkq 4(1), F-V11---/ A, 18-26 March, Nationwide The Youth Interriational P (YIP) the militant hippie group will sponsor a nationwide voter registration drive which thy will call "Spring Freek Week" on the above dates. 5/ O 3 .4 I 19 March, New York City The Jewish Defense League has announced plans for a mass demon- stration to be held in Dag Hammerskjold Plaza at the United Nations Building protesting against policies of the United Arab Republic. � a I yioy /7 Fed. zl_ *21-26 March, Nationwide Tom Korkemis, a Catholic theology student from Baltimore is the Southeastern Regional Coordinator of the Harrisburg Defense Committee. He revealed in a 28 February speech given at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, to a meeting of the National Union of Theological Students, that a nationwide pilgrimage was to be held from 21-26 March. The purpose of this pilgrdmage is to close down induction centers in key cities around the nation and to push for prison reforms. Korkemis indicated that the highlight of the nationwide pilgrimage would be a massive antiwar demon- stration to be held at Edgewood Arsenal probably on March twenty-two. FZ 23 C.z1 25 March, Washington, D. C. The National Welfare Rights Organization, a national lobbying group for welf#re recipients, an ad hoc National Coalition of Welfare Reform, tie VVAW,.and other antiwar and women's liberation groups provided details of their previously announced plans for a "Children's March for Survival" on the above date. pcs4`4,14/440,1 /6 At 6 7 a_ Gua44;:s ,x3 re 4. The children participating in the march will assemble at the west end of the mall between 12th and 14th Streets, then proceed to march aroufid the White House ancl,return to a rally at the Elirse. Reportedly, the march will be preceded on 24 March by a rally to be held in Washing- ton, D. C. at a lOcation that will be announced later. The demonstration will � 61' 5�w/7ef / 71 77: �������,�����.", ' ����.�F� � ..!--s� � ..1.-..-�,�2":r44.4...;.4,- - � �_. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200010111Wwwwwwakt 6 re�f,fae i-,,�� Mir-cark administration, welfare policies, and oppose the welfare reform bill known as HR-1 which has been passed by the House. The bill includes the Family :Assistance Plan setting a $2400 minimum income for a family of four, and provisions for custodial care of children between the ages of three and six which NWRO and other groups considj inadequate. � WbUil� fe 9 Ar-e6 � A7 I-- , 'Z7 March, Indiantown Gap, Pa. The Vietnam Veterans Kgainst the War repoTtedly will hold an anti- . � war demonstration at the Indiantown Gap Military Reservation on 27 March. The VVAW hopes to maintain a mock Vietnam village encampment on the � militar9 reservation until forced to disband. � 1 iv 2_ April, Nationwide d-rd � The Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Southeast Asia controlled by the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party and its youth group the Young Socialist Alliance sponsored a National Student Antiwar Conference at the Washington Irving High School in New York City on 25-28 February. The -three-day meeting opened with a "teach-in," fol- lowed by workshop sessions on strategy for the student antiwar movement for spring, the 1972 elections and the defense of persons facing criminal charges. Among the scheduled guests speakers at the conference were Father Daniel Berrigan, who was convicted bf destroying draft records at Catonsville, Md. in 1968 and recently was granted parole; Fred Branfman, longtime left-winger currently with Project Air War which is .a Washington group whose sole purpose is to make the U.S. military look bad; Noam Chomsky also with Project Air War arid Dr. Arthur Galston a professor at Yale. 27Fe6.71-- lir A- au* on 77-e AlPix.4.,t),,, College and high school students attending the conference voted against endorsing any candidate for the Democratic nomination for presi- dent. The delegates also voted to organize high schopl "speak-outs" against the war, "teach-ins" and strikes on 19 April. A national high school and college preferential poll was authorized for mid-April. Fred Lovgren a stuclent at the University of Illinois was elected national coordinatOr of the activities.. The Student Mobe also endorsed planned demonstrations by the National Peace Action Coalition at New York and Los Angeles in late April. 11 '1 SOURCE: Government and News Media RELIABILITY: Probably True 7 � 7. *V, � !:et.:";�.7" ���): .�� � -���*_:... r tit AMY' � . f.r � � ' � � �������- s".":" � ..w�L4.--������*s.--�� � ,����";;`-if.. � � - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018200