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Publication Date: 
August 3, 1971
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.� ,��� ��� � � ,..������ r � � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 � . . � � ���� ..& Z.����1 � ����,. ���� BEST COPY AVAILABLE M.� SIT.UATION INFORMATION REPORT 3 August 1971 CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES- . Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or contain additions or changes to previously reported activities. Major antiwar organizations as well as a riumber of lesser known and less significant groups are planning demonstrations around the nation for the weekend of August 6-8. The general theme of these demonstra- tions' is the commemoration of the atomic bombing of Japanese cities some decades ago. It is difficult to see what this evdnt has to-do with ending the war in Vietnam, aside from the apparent desii:e of radical left wing antiwar activists to embarrass the nation and portray the American military effort as traditionally genocidal and racist. It is not anticipated that any of the demonstrations scheduled for various parts of the nation will be violent or disruptive. It is further not believed that they will be particularly well attended with the possible exception of the Boston area and the New York area. This weekend also is the first anniversary of the -Marin County shootings for which Angela Davis and Rutchell Magee will be tried for murder. Some of the weekend antiwar demonstrations will also e n com- pass tht freeing of political prisoners and hence the plight of Angela and Rutchell will be spoken of at rallies and marches. The following is a sample of demonstrations that have been schedOed in various cities around the country for the weekend from 6-8 August. Cambridge, Lexington and New Bedford, Massachusetts The Cambridge Chapter of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice will sponsor a rally at the City Common followed by a march to Lexington. Plans for Lexington are a rally at the Lexington United Methodist Church and the blocking of an entrance o Hans corn Field at Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 �,!����-..f...! "h ����� � 4* ��� ��� ./ � � �� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 � Am, -� ���� � � �.� . New Bedford, Massachusetts, The Boston Chapter of the PCPJ has also announced plans for .a demonstration at Hanscom Field and in informed source estimates many as 1,000 persons will take part in an effort to block the entrance to the field... Reportedly, the Boston Chapter of the PCPJ has�also considered defoliating the Vermont residence of Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. . //�, '2)0'5 P�� .1) cciv4 .4' Chicago, Illinois el. to 4, 1)1 11% j-t'l The Socialist Workers Party controlled National Peace Action Coalition and The Chicago peace Council are sponsoring a rally on the seventh at the Fermi Nuclear Statue at the University of Chicago. Re- portedly, NPAC rep resentatives will gather a caravan of automobiles at the Chicago Civic Center and will proceed to the statue for the planned demonstration. Members of �the Chicago Peace Council will march from the Illinois Institute of Technology to the statue.,*,-r. .5961�5- ).�.,:t - *Detroit, Michigan The Detroit Chapter of the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party will sponsor a Hiroshima Action Day on the sixth. The demonstration will include a "march of death," during which demonstrators will 'carry placards.bearing the names of 2, 500 American soldiers from the state of Michigan who have lost their lives in Vletnam. //,,. 7�) git*I4'7/ *Honolulu, Hawaii A Hiroshima memorial march is being staged this week at Honolulu and is scheduled to end on the sixth. At the conclusion of the march, memorial services will be held under the sponsorship of the Hawaii People's Coalition for Peace and Justice /(O � 7/: * A-) )` *Los Angeles, California The Peace Action'Council at Los Angeles plans a weekend of demon�trations in California. On August 6 a memorial service will be held at the Buddhist 'Temple, 815 East First Street, Los Angeles, followed by a candlelight march to the Federal Building and Civic Center. On August 7 a demonstration will be held in front of the Los Angeles Times lolloWed by a motorcade scheduled to proceed to the Sargent- Fletcber Aircraft Company in El Monte (the significance of demonstra- tions at this commdrcial enterprise is unknown). Following that, the motorcade will tray& to the campus of the University of california at Santa Barbara then to the Mann County Courthouse at San Rafael, California and finally to Sacramento. At Sacramento participants will welcome the arrival of protestors who are participating in the Chicano War Moratorium March through California. The stop in San Rafael will 2 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187- . protest the incarceration of Angela Davis on murder and conspiracy � � 461 iiJ 5-� charges. 7/ *Newark, New Jersey Demonstrations aye scheduled for Newark by the War Resisters League at the Federal Building in commemoration of the atomic bombing of Japan and in protest of the VietnSm war. (It has been reported that the War Resisters League "bankrolled" a considerable portion of spring - 7 1971 demonstration activities at Washington.) /0/3,5 16 d / *Elizabeth, New Jersey The Committee for a San �uclear Policy will, attempt to tie-up traffic on the Garden State Parkway at Elizabeth on August 6 for the purpose of protesting the Vietnam war......and commemorating the bombing of Japan. �' V 6o .).) 1 A at *7/ *Jersey City, New Jersey The Hudson County, New Jersey, Peace Action Coalition, an . affiliate of the NPAC, will hold a rally in Lincoln Park in Jersey City on August 8 to commemorate the bombing and in opposition to the war. 105.) "PIS / -'t ii *New York, New York The Fifth Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Committee and the New York Peace Action Coalition are cosponso-ring a rally in that city this weekend. On August 6 an assembly and rally will take place at Duffy Square to be followed by a march to Central Park. Also scheduled for August 6--The Scientists and Engineers for Social and Political Action will sponsor a memorial sr!rvic.e at ta,: Riverside Research Institute, 80 West End Avenue. On 9 August the Peace Parade Comthittee will sponsor a leafletting demonstration in front of the New York Stock Ex- change Building and throughout the financial district. On the ninth also, The War Tax Resistance will sponsor a march from City Hall Park to the Internal Revenue Service Building on Church Street, where they will inaugurate a project fin* non-payment of taxes to oppose the Vietnam war. I- 7 ip 4:4 .1 7 / *Rochester and Buffalo, New York � The Upstate New York May Day Collective will sponsor demonstra- tions this weekend at Rochester and Buffalo. Cp 0-10 ),.( )1 , ..f � � *San Antonio, Texas The American Friend Service Committee will demonstrate at the Federal Building on Augus.t 6. fr //t, =.)`6)13 3 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 � .41* �� � ..11111.11.� wr .41 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 ' � 444 ;Washington D.C. The People's Coalition for Peace and Justice and the Washington Area Peace Action Coalition will hold workshops as part of its program � in commemorating the bombing of Japan. Thtre will also be a showing �� of antiwar films at Saint Stephens and the Incarnation Church. . 01. / 3S" (-7y Antiwar radicals have also planned activities in various other parts of the country over the weekend. Some other cities that.,have'been mentioned for possible activities are Houston, Seattle, Dallas, and Miami. *7 August, Sacramento, California The National Chicano War Moratorium Committee March is scheduled to terminate at the California Capitol Building at Sacramento on the above date. This march which began some we'eks ago at Calexico was scheduled to protest a number of injustices, including police brutality and oppression against Mexican-Americans, injustices from the Depart- ment of Immigration and American Imperialistic Genocide in Vietnam. - Reportedly, a number of militant Mexican-American Brown Berets will be in the group at Sacramento and this violence-prone organization could very well. incite a police reaction at the California capitol. Spokesmen have stated that if authorities interfere with the marchers, there will be bombing and burning at SacraMento and at Whittier. It is believed that the Brown Beret Organization will certainly try to bring about violence. They have tried in the past and have been highty successful. 0,3-1 ( ` Ki).1 Y 311.d`� =40-13 August, Washington D.C. A regional conference of the May Day Collective wilt be held from the tenth to the thirteenth of August. It is anticipated that the regional conference will be formulating plans for regional.participation to propose to the national conference of May Day Collectives to be held at Atlanta later in the month. It should be noted that the Washington Chapter of the May Day Collective (now named the Potomac Revolutionary Gang) has moved to new quarters at 1620 New Hampshire Avenue N. W. ft) 1.Y.,t/k.& t �, �e is Y.13-17 August, Atlanta A national conference of the May Day Collective will meet in Atlanta on t�he above clates. In recent weeks, various regional May Day Collectives have been meeting to formulate local plans to s'ubmit to the national organization. Although the principal target date is 'still uncer- tain, activities that have taken place recently indicate that Was hingtqn will probably not soon again be a virtual singular target. Future target areas will probably be multiple and the major cities, chosen because of 71 : � - 4 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 . � 41 ...A:, � � ' fton.. � � � 0 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187 their industrial importance, with little regard for the presence _ of governmental installations. The May Day Collective apparently reasons that pressuring the government has failed and now bringing pressure to bear against industrial complexes to stop the Vietnam war is worth. try. . I. 3 (0 I ,a) 7/ v SOURCE: News and Government Media � REDIABILITY: Probably True � � -4 � � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018187