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February 12, 1971
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018178 ts
12 February 1971
Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or
contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
*Present to 20 February, Washington, D. C.
The National Youth Alliance, a right-wing group supporting
victory in Vietnam, pla,ns to demonstrate daily at the White House
through 20 February. The demonstrators will demand that the
United States win the war and bring back prisoners of war now. Two
groups, U.S. Patriots Victory March Committee and Sheldon College
students, have been invited to participate.- The march committee and
Sheldon College are both under the direct control of ultraconservative
radio preacher Dr. Carl McIntire who has for the past several years
sponsored demonstrations demanding a Vietnam victory. The National
Youth Alliance estimates 100 individuals will participate daily in White
House demonstrations. /4/ 66 / �
) - . .
*Present to 9 March, Nationwide
Ireland's radical member of the British Parliament, Bernadette
Devlin, is presently on a speaking tour throughout the United States.
It is anticipated that during Miss Devlin's stay she will appear at more
than 40 American colleges and universities. She has declared hei-
intention, wltile in California, to visit Angela Davis who is presently
awaiting trial on kidnapping and murder charges in the slaying of a
Mann County, California judge some months ago. Miss Devlin who is
23 years of age served fur months in a Northern Ireland jail last "year
on riot arid incitement to riot charges. 52,1,,A t -
13-15 February, Chicago, Illinois
The Committee r,f Retufned Volunteers, an antiwar group, has
announced that a conference of organizations concerned with American
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impe-rialism and the liberation movement will be held at the theological
seminary 'at the University of Chicago on the above dates. The princi-
pal purpose of this session is to promote the "People's Peace Treaty"
that representatives from the NatiOnal Student Association (led by
David Ifshin) brought back from Hanoi in December. The Chicago
meeting will attempt to drum up widespread support for the acceptance
of the treaty. . - /- ,../
*19-21 February, Washington, D.C.
The Student Mobilization Committee will hold a national student
antiwar conference at Catholic University on the above dates. They
plan to discuss and make decisions on united mass action scheduled for
this coming spring in the struggle against campus complicity in the war
effort, building an abolish-the-draft movement, high school rights,
support for the GI antiwar movements, and the mobilization of women,
workers and Third World people against the war.
The SMC has furnished a liability insurance policy to Catholic leNve-r
University in the amount of $1 million. They have further agreed that
arrangements will be made to feed and lodge conference delegates off
campus. No disruption is expected in connection with this conference. ,
r./ 71:
*22 February, New York
A demonstration is scheduled in New York City on the above date
by the Washington's Birthday Defense Committee. This organization,
formed recently at Washington, was organized for 'the express purpose
of defending Father Philip Berrigan et al. , who have been indicted for
conspiracy to kidnap a Government official and damage Government
property. The committee has called the indictments "oppression by
the Government" and aside from the scheduled 22 February demonstra-
tion has urged committee participation in demonstrations planned for
2-4 April to commemorate the assassination of Martin Luther King.
(See entry u�ricter 2-4 April.) 7 Pj... -/ 7
22 February, Key Biscayne, Florida
AltIlough no additional details have been reported in recent
weelc,.s, 22 February is still believed to be on the schedule of Rev. Carl
McIntire and hi March fo-s Victory organization to demonstrate at
President Nixon's Florida home. Still on the McIntire schedule'are
-demonstrations planned in 50 state capitals for 17 March and a third
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Mar-eh for Victory down Pennsylvania Avenue on 8 May. The 8 May
date may cause some serious complications because representatives
of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (formerly the National
Coa.lition Against War, Racism and Repression) will he busy in the city
on that date, and a major confrontation between pro and antiwar forces-
may result. %,.
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*Late February to 4 April, Mimi and Tallahassee, Florida
Reportedly plans are currently being formulated by the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference to conduct a protest.marc.h in connec-
tion with the anniversary date of the assassination of Martin Luther King.
As tentative plans presently stand, the march will begin at Miami in late
February and end in Tallahassee on 4 April. Marchers will protest the
alleged discriminatory practices at Florida hospitals and training
centers. The exact route of the march has not yet been determined. ,
,}14 6 7/
*23 February, Washington, D. C.
Senator Sam J. Ervin of North Carolina, a champion for the past
decade of individual constitutional rights, will open nine days of com-
mittee hearings on the above date. The principal topic of Senator Eryin's
hearings will be domestic spying charges recently brought against the
Army and reported in recent weeks at Considerable length in national
press media. Several former Army intelligence agents are scheduled
to give testimony on 2.4 February. Senator Ervin has also recently
expressed concern of excessive use of Social Security numbers, believ-
ing-that such use may constitute a violation of the individual's constitu-
tional right of privacy. A; Tr( ,71
*I March, Honolulu, Hawaii
The University of Hawaii chapter of the SDS vill conclude
demonstrations on the above date staged to demand the elimination of
ROTC on thebuniversity campus. Between now and the first of March
demonstrations haVe been scheduled for each Thursday, oriented to
demand the elimination o.f ROTC. -114 /A, :1.1`' fi/(7`i `t.7."4
I March, St. Johns and New Brunswick, Canada
A fourth Vencerenws 13 rigade has repo rtedl y been formed and
� is tentatively scheduled to leave Canada for Cuba on the above cfate.
-Members of the brigade will stay in Cuba until the middle of May.
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Durk4 their stay the participants numbering approximately 300 �vill
divide their time between sugar cane cutting and political indoctri-
nation. Reportedly the Venceremos Brigade National Committee is
placing emphasis on recruiting "qu.ality individuals" between the ages
of 19-Z8 .y-ears of age from radical groups sympathetic to the "socialist
cause." The brigade has issued instructions that individuals who
participate arc not to submit to interviews by authorities upon 'return
to the United States. 1 6i- /NiP/P/i/C-, -11
*5 March, Oakland, California
Birthday celebrations for Black Panther boss Huey Newton are
now scheduled for 5 March at Oakland. Some disruption in the ghetto
neighborhoods at Oakland can be expected during the celebration.
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7 Match, Washington, D.C.
The Young Socialist Alliance, youth group of the Socialist Workers
Party, held its national convention at New York City during the week
between Christmas. and Ne-w Years. During a Women's Liberation report
to the convention by a representative of the YSA National Office, the
speaker stated that plans are being formulated by a "radical group" of
women within the Women's Liberation movement to carry out an assault
on the Pentagon on the above date. I /./ ;"'t /i
*9 March, San Rafael, California
Attorneys for black Militant Angela Davis have filed for dismissal
of the murder and kidnapping charges against her in the Mann County
shootout last 7 August. A retired judge, John P. McMurray, will hear
the Davis case. All five Mann County Superior Court judges have
disqualified themselves because of their friendship with the slain Judge
Harold J. Haley. Charged with Angela Davis is Ruchell Magee, a San
Quentin convict who was the only survivor among the four persons in
the escape attempt from Judge Haley's courtroom. /i ii.�,. //
*13-19 March.
The .above dates have been scheduled by the Black Panther Party
as the first in a series of solidarity weeks. On the above dates the
Party will honor., the Viet .ong. Additional solidarity weeks that have
been scheduled are the week of 15 May, with the people of PaloNtine,
and on 5 June with the Krab people. In the promotion of these celebra-
tions some added Panther rhetoric can be expected but ,no disruptive
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018178
actity. In a recent column written by Victor Riesel the top nine
personalities in the BPP have been listed. The following list
represents a fairly good consensus of opinion on their positions of
power and influence in the Party. The nine principal leaders in order
are: 1) Huey Newton, 2) Bobby Seale, 3) Eldridge Cleaver, 4) David -
Hilliard, 5) Elbert "Big Man" Howard, 6) Raymond Hewitt, 7) Emory
Douglas, 8) Donald Cox and 9) Kathleen Cleaver.
Victor Riesel's article points out additionally that only 43
branches of the BPP (including affiliates) are known to exist. Their
membership of hard-core activists numbers between 700-1000. Of
the 43 known chapters only 13 call themselves BPP. The remaining
30 are either known as Community Information Centers or the Com-
mittee to Combat Fascism.
Panther activities have recently taken some interesting turns.
First Eldridge Cleaver and his Algiers contingent have apparently
become disenchanted with the antics of Tim Leary and his wife, Rose-
mary. Electing to call their action protective custody, Cleaver and
company, on their Own authority, have put Tim and Rosemary under
house arrest due most�probably to the Leary's continued use of
hallucinagcnic drugs.
In another recent interesting event Henry Winston, long-time
chairman of the CPUSA, has chided Cleaver for doing what Winston
terms as a distinct disservice for the fight for freedom of Bobby Seale,
Ericka Huggins (on trial with Seale for murder in Connecticut) and
all other victims of U.S. reaction in the BPP. Although Cleaver's exact
statement reportedly printed in the Party newspaper, the Black Panther,
has not yet been reviewed, Winston is highly critical of Cleaver's
comments about Angela Davis. Winston characterizes Cleaver's
recommendations as demonstrating complete ignorance of developments
in the U.S. in general and about black- political prisoners in particular.
Winston stated in a recent interview that Cleaver's statements about
Angela Davis in a recent interview could send her to the gas chamber.
Cleaver apparently criticized worldwide communist support for Angela
Davis and apparently calls the world communist support for her a
"smokescreen" in order to advance ulterior communist motives. The
Winston statement demonstrates the continuing push and pull between
the pro-Chinese and pro-Russian communist factions and their efforts ,
to control the American Panther movement. �, � �'4
At I 1.10
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*20.1y larch, Washington, D.C.
The Progressive Labor Party, a pro-Chinese communist
grctup, is sponsoring a march on Washington on the above date. The
march is to protest the high rate of unemployment in the U.S., and
marchers are expected from Massachusetts, New ,York, New Jersey
and Pennsylvania. A PLP spokesman has estimated that 2,000 persons
will participate. The actual figure will probably be closer to 200, and
no disruptions are anticipated. /"./ 't( I �t� 2/
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*2-4 April, Nationwide
Demonstrations to commemorate the assassination date of Dr
Martin Luther King have been scheduled by all significant 'antiwar
coalitions during the weekend of 2 April.. On the first day of the demon-
stration weekend, 2 April, plans call for actions at Washington consisting
of lobbying at Federal agencies concerning poverty and welfare. On 3
April hunger marches are scheduled to demand an end to the Vietnam War.
Participants Will attempt to get businessmen to sponsor them and pay so
much per mile for every mile marched. Reportedly money raised by this
method will be contributed to religious and poverty groups. April 4
will be a day of commemoration of the assasination of Dr. King. Scheduled
activities will be religious in tone and under the direction of the Southern
Christian Leadership Confere�nce. In addition planners hope that a
public fast inkrolving a number of prominent individuals will commence
on 2 April. Included among the list of potential fasters are: Ralph
Abernathy, King's successor in SCLC; Caesar Chavez of the United Farm
Workers Organizing Committee; George Wiley of the National Welfare
Rights Organization; antiwar activist and self-described Marxist David
Dellinger, and possibly Mrs. M. L. King. Those participating in the
fast will demand.a.n end to4the war and a guaranteed income of $5, 501)
� a year. All of the above listed plans are regarded as tentative 'because
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the Sc LC has not yet confirmed these plans and as King's old organiza-
tion will be given primary responsibility for scheduled activities on
tllis weekend.
About the only joint effort that has been agreed upon by the two
principal and seriously feuding antiwar groups is the endorsement for
demonstrations on the above dates. The National Peace Action Coalition,
a Socialist.Workers Party trot% and the CPUSA-influenced National
Coalition Against War, Racism anctRepression remain otherwise at
serious odds on the timing, directions and strategy of spring antiwar
activities. The NCAWRR, incidentally, has again changed its name and
now answers to the name of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice.
The reason for the recent name change remains for the moment obscure.
4 2 ) / /
.3 April, Nationwide.
The Worker Student Alliance faction of SDS is sponsoring
nationwide campus dempnstrations against ROTC on the above date. No -
recent publicity for this demonstration has been noted; and since it will
emotionally be preempted by M. L. King assassination demonstrations,
it is not believed that the SDS action will disrupt.any campus anywhere..
4 April, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, California
At several recent steering committee meetings the Socialist
Workers Party family of organizations (YSA, SMC, NPAC) are persisting
in their plans for massive peaceful demonstrations on the above date.
The 24th of April actually is being scheduled as the�culmination day for
nationwide demonstrations beginning on Saturday, 17 April. It is not
believed, however, that significant activities will take place prior to
24 April. The National Peace Action Coalition under whose auspices
this demonstration is being staged is still in serious conflict with the
CPUSA-influenced People's Coalition for Peace and Justice (formerly
the National Coalition Against-War, Racism and Repression, New Mobe,
National Mobe, etc.). Additional details of this demonstration will be
reported in subsequent Information Reports, but it is believed at the
moment that the Scheduled demonstration will produce fewer than
. .
10,000 demonstrators at Washington and at San Francisco, and no
disruption of either city with the exception of minor vandalism.
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*1-9 May, Washington, D.C.
The People's Coalition for Peace and Justice continues to plan
for major demonstrations at Washington on the above dates. Planning
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for 44i-is event remains fluid at this time. As plans become firm they
will be reported in Information Reports. At present it seems likely
that the original plan being promoted by Rennie Davis, Michael Lerner
of the Seattle Liberation Front, Abbie Hoffman and others to disrupt
the city of Washington by stalling vehicles on bridges and access roads
has been abandoned. This plan, the product of Washington's radical
think tank, the Institute for Policy Studies, is strongly opposed by
theoreticians and ideologists ol both the CPUSA and the Trotskyite
Socialist Workers Party. It is felt by senior officials in both old line
radical leftist organizations that a planned disruption of this nature
would tend to alienate traxic unionists and preclude inuolving the
working class in demonstrations against the war.
In the absence of a firm scenarld.which is still being written
in national and regional conferences, several conclusions � about anti-
war activities in May can be assumed. There will be demonstrations
centered and principally conducted in Washington and San Francisco
during the first week of'May. There will be an increase in the emphasis
toward civil disobedience, and antiwar activists will continue to solicit
support and endorsements of the People's Peace Treaty which most
factions of the antiwar left regard as a powerful ,psychological rallying
instrument. Exactly how the peace treaty with its .hundreds of thousands
of endorsing signatures will be used in connection with the .May activities
is still undetermined.
One seemingly minor bt4.actually principal road block towards
unity in the antiwar movement revolves around the timing of U.S.
withdrawal from the Indochinese war. The CPUSAIL'influenced PCPJ
want President Nixon to set a date for total withdrawal while the NPAC
demand immediate withdrawal, a seemingly minor yet actually important
difference in organizational approach within the antiwa5 coalitions.
i'�.��� 71
SOURCE: Government and news
RELIABILITY: Probably true.
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