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January 28, 1971
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018177
28 January 1971
Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or
contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
4.'28-31 January, Boston, Chicago,. New Haven and New York
Reportedly Black Panther Party leader Huey P. Newton will
travel to the cities namod�above on a personal appearance tour. He
is to be accompanied by the Panther chief of staff David Hilliard and
Party functionary Connie Matthews. He is scheduled to speak at a
community rally in New Haven on 31 January in support of imprisoned
Panther chairman Bobby Seale. His speaking tobr.may include
sessions at Princeton and Syracuse, and Newton reportedly is
attempting to contract with Yale for several lectures for a'$5,000 fee.
Recent speaking engagements of Newton have been what some
describe as Hitleresque. His remunerative demands are high., and
he insists that the entire audience be seated 10 minutes before he
appears and remain seated until 10 minutes after he concludes. �He
brings his own thug security force,and all persons who attend are
frisked. Newton also demands that he alone will be on the podium
during his lecture. Several colleges reportedly have canceled him
out because of these outlandish demands; but several also have gone
along with him.
No change has as yet been made in the plan to begin Newton's
second manslaughter trial at Oakland, California, on 11 February..
Newton will he tried for the 1967 killing of an Oakland policeman. He
was released from prison last September 5 after his case had been
reviewed by the California Supreme Court and judged to have been �
improper. When releases-le Newton had served two years on the earlier
I. conviction in the gun battle death of the police officer. �.
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� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018177
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018177
The trial date has already been postponed once and will prob-
ably be postponed again. Newton's attorney, Charles Garry, the
b2st-known Black Panther defender, � is presently involved in the
defense of Bobby Seale at New Haven. Since the Seale trial already
in progress for many weeks has not yet completed the jury selection,
the 11. February date for the Newton trial will probably undergo con-
siderable postponement. .It is not believed likely that the State of
California will force Newton to trial unless he can be represented by
an attorney of his choice. Garry, incidentally, is already in trouble
with California judicial authority becausp he has in the past failed to
meet court dates. if =I. CZ I/3 1 3,7" I .4
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*29-31 January, Los Angeles, California
The National. Chicano Moratorium Committee plans to demon-
strate at Los Angeles on the above dates. Reportedly the demonstrators
will begin marching from five different Los Angeles locations on the
29th. The march is scbeduled to end in a mass rally at Belvedere Park
in East Los Angeles on the 31st. During the march which is for the
purpose of protesting "police brutality" police stations and sheriff offices
will be picketed.
In connection with this demonstration the Chicano Moratorium
Committee demonstrated at the Los Angeles police administration
building on 9 January. During this demonstration violence erupted,
and 42 persons were arrested for vandalism and other similar offenses.
On 14 January Los Angeles police chief Edward M. Davis held a press
conference to tell the Mexican-American community that the Chicano
youth was being exploited by the Brown Berets and by sophisticated
Bolsheviks who he described as "swimming pool communists." Chief
Davis explained that he meant by this that the Mexican-American group
in Los Angeles was being turned into "prison fodder" by outside com-
munists agitators. Of the 42 arrests early in January, none belong to
the group of instigators. Chief Davis' appeal during this press confer-
ence was .to.t%he parents of Mexican-American youth, an appeal that the
parents put a stop to it. Davis stated that "15 months ago a judgment
was made by the Communist Party to switch activities from the black
community to the Mexican-American community. They saw the black
people were not going to hold still and be exploited by the Communist
Party s.o thy concentrated on the Mexican-American community."-
During the press.conferen4e Chief Davis identified a number of affluent
� persons sponsoring the Chicano demonstration who he stated hat�e been
.identified in Governmenerecords as Bolsheviks or communists. Also
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- �
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018177
inverived according to the police chief is the Los Angeles Peace Action
Council which is believed to be communist-dominated. .
� policy.
It cannot be determined whether the chief's news conference
will take any steam out of the weekend demonstration or not. � Chicano
demonstrations in Los Angeles in the past have been violent resulting
in death and serious -injury, and the term "blood bath" has been used -
in connection with activities scheduled this coming weekend. It is �
believed highly likely that serious violence is in the offing for Los
Angeles this weekend. ./-//1��ii kl les /.) 114. Is 7
*30-31 January, Washington, D.C: ; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Kent, Ohio
and Elsewhere in the United States
� This weekend significant conferences are being held both by the
National Coalition Against War, Racism and Repression, the CPUSA-
controlled successor to the New Mobilization Committee, and by the
Socialist Workers Party family of organizations (SWP, YSA, Student .
Mobe and National Peace Action Coalition). Both antiwar organizations
will continue planning their spring antiwar activities. It is Still con-
sidered highly doubtful. that a meeting of the minds between these two
major antiwar groups will be reached. The SWP group continues to
push for major mass demonstrations in Washington and San Francisco
of a nonviolent nature on 24 April. The NCAWRR persists in its plans
for early May at Washington. The NCAWRR is expected to adopt a
policy of "militant civil disobedience" of a disruptive nature and will
protest all grievances, not just the war (which is the strategy of the SWP
The results of these conferences and additional details about
forthcoming spring antiwar activities will be presented in future
Situation Information Reports. 101/.2 /4./ .7/--11,1 A:2,777 -
*31 January-2 February, Detroit, Michi an
Reportedly ever 2,000 veterans of the Vietnam War arc spon-
soring these three days ol formal hearings of American atrocities in
Vietnam.. The organizational sponsor of these hearings is the Winter
Soldier's In.vestigation, and their purpose is to show that the 1968
Mylai massacre was not an isolated incident. Over too veterans are
scheduled to testify that_stgeh incidents arc a matter of national.U.S.
, .
. .
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,- On the last day of the hearings, Vietnamese victims of the
war will testify from across the Detroit River in Windsor, Canada,
by closed-circuit-television.
Reportedly former military personnel from Marine and Army -
divisions will testify about U.S. ground tactics and the mistreatment
. of civilians.- .Former prison guards will relate stories of U.S.'
torture of war prisoners, and Navy and Air Force veterans will tell
about the use of high explosives and napalm in highly populated areas.
Marine and Army artillery officers will.tell of the indiscriminate use
of artillery against, farmers, women and children. ('to /
*2 February, New York
Ralph Abernathy, successor to Martin L. King, Jr. as presi-
dent of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, will be a featured
speaker at a 'citywide rally promoting the freedom of Angela Davis to
be held at 8' p.m. in the Manhattan Center. The rally reportedly will
present speakers, entertainments and an hour and one half film entitled
"Angela, Portrait of a Revolutionary." The film portrays the impri-
soned black communist's life and struggle. Among the list of speakers
is black Georgia legislator Julian Bond. The BP. and the Young Lords
have also endorsed the rally. The citywide rally is publicized by
the Communist Party organ, the Daily World.
� 1
The New York address for the Committee to Free Angela Davis
is 29 West 15th Street.
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Last fall Abernathy was talking up another poor people's march
on Washington for this spring. No recent publicity has been noted; and
because of the advance planning required for success in such a venture,
it can be assumed with relative safety that the march is off for this
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13-15 Febettlary, Chicago, Illinois
The Committee of Returned Volunteers, an antiwar group, .has
announced that a conference of organizations concerned with American
imperialism and the liberation movement will be held at the theological
semipary ai the University of Chicago on the above dates. The principal
purpose of this .siession is 4o- promote the "People's Peace Treaty" that
representatives from the National Student Association (led by ,David
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Ifthifi) brought back from Hanoi in December. The Chicago meeting
will attempt to drum up widespread support for the acceptance of
the treaty.
March, San Rafael, California
r /117 2 J)
The next court proceeding in the Angela Davis trial for�kid7
napping and murder is scheduled to commence in early March. One
defense motion yet to be ruled on is that Davis act during the trial as
a co-defense attorney. Angela Davis has stated that in this case that
as a black woman and as a communist only she could thoroughly com-
prehend the substantive issues.
A number of distinguished attoineys;� incidentally, have donated
their services to the defense of Angela Davis.
- SOURCE: Government'and news media
RELIABILITY: Probably true
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018177