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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19_C00018167 4 / 7 13 August 19-70 BEST COPY AVAILABLE SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT CALENDAR OF TENTATIVSLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES . Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or contain additions or changes to previously reported activities. *14-16 August, Voluntown and Groton, Connecticut The New England Committee for Nonviolent Action (NECNA) has scheduled a workshop at its headquarters in Voluntown, Connecticut, on the above. dates. David Dellinger, self-described revolutionary communist convicted in the Chicago 7 trial for violation of anti-riot laws, has been invited to attend. Dellinger, who has been summering in Hawaii, is believed still there and it is questionable that he will make the coming affair. On 14 August, a new Polaris submarine is scheduled for launching at Groton. Reportedly Secrefary -of Defense Laird will attend the launching and the New England Committee may stage a demon- stration. 13141 /r. � ' 2 *16-23 August, Philadelphia to Washington, b. C. � The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is s.ponsoring a rally at Phila- .delphia's Independence Hall on 16 August. Following the rally the demonstrators will begin a march to Washington, D.C. , where the par- ticipants plan to demonstrate at Lafayette Park on 23 August. The principal theme of the JDL protest is the treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union. Defense League spokesmen expect from 400-500 demonstrators. Although the League is shunned by many Jewish organizations because of its militant reputation, their national membership is reported to be approximately 10,000. Reportedly the Washington Jewish community has not endorsed the protest march but rather is viewing it with trepi- dation. Several members of Congress have endorsed the protest including Seh. Edmund Muskie, D-Maine, Rep. Larry Winn,. R -Kansas, Richard Ichord, D-Missouri, and Samuel Friedel, D-Maryland. The group will travel by bus tol-lavre de Grace, Maryland, and frail/ there. the 100-mile hike *ill. begin._ 7.1 7 � z - '1 � 11111MM. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 ViaMin Approved for Release: 2024/127."""awne.""141W419 CO0018167 '����- ZU August, Los Angeles, California SD 'chapters from southern California colleges held a regional conference at the University of California at L.A. on 20 June. Only 35 individuals participated in the conference which decided to sponsor a . demonstration at L.A. on 20 August to protest the teaching of police science. 4-7 pipr F r , *21-23 August, Washington, D. C. The Catholic Black Lay Caucus of the Archdiocese of Washing- ton will sponsor a national conference for black Catholics at Catholic University. Oscar Boyd, a spokesman for the Washington group, has stated that the organization is not militant. He advised that it is the organization's purpose to make the black viewpoint known and to pub- licize the problems that Negroes face in the church and in the white man's world. � / 26 August, Nationwide Betty Friedan", chairman of the advisory board of the National Organization for Women, continues to promote the militant feminist plan for a nationwide women's strike on 26 August. Betty Friedan, who calls herself the "chairperson" of 26 August activities, lists three strike demands: free abortions, basic equality and child care centers. � The "chairperson" states that political parties, corporations, hospitals, churches, unions, mass media and all other establishment groups have not yet felt the urgency and power of women who cogstitute 53 per cent of the national electorate. In her role as a modern Lysistrata, the "chairperson" is urging women to march, demonstrate, sit-in, rap, stop typing, stop vacuuming, stop buying and, if appropriate, stop making love. She labels the strike as really a confrontation. The August date was selected because it coincides with the 50th anniversary of the .19th. amendment giving women..the vote. � � Marches and demonstrations are planned this year in New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Syracuse and other cities. In Syracuse freedom trash cans will be set up for women to dump some object of their oppression. Karen de Crow, Eastern regional director of the National Organization for Women,. advises women to use freedom trash cans to dispose of an apron, a copy of Dr. Spork, hair curlers and, states de Crow, "I fully exliect that someone will deposit her hu�band." � . . 2 . � � . :rip, � rg*L"'" ; � �;"' fde4.711" �� � � . . . . se" ' ....0.:�,4;�' ,...,..414,�:'���44,/,�111,......:.i.i...r....:.11��� :�,r . ,........ ����..11 ,i � .., _ � . �:��,,, A ..�.� - � .., ..,;�� ..... .. . l'.. . . 4 . t � , .7 - �:.� 04,- � ��312. 4 "' � a� ! � '''" � r 1 'e ..;_ Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 -��� � 1. ����� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 The National Coalition of Nuns, which claims a membership of I,R00, have allegedly agreed to participate in the Chicago protest. New York leaders are also discussing placing infants on the steps of city hall to dramatize the need for child care centers. The day's motto for housewives Will be "Don't Iron While the Strike Is Hot." The strike ha.s been endorsed by the League of Women Voters, the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Labor Department and almost every women's liberation group in the political spectrum. Sponsors include New York Rep. Shirley Chisholm, writer Gloria Steinem and Jeannette Rankin, the first woman member of the U.S. House of Representatives. So far the ladies have aroused little collective interest from large groups of women such as nurses, telephone workers and factory employees. The more radical women's groups are not disclosing their plans but they forecast a highly ener.getic protest. Some surprises are probably in store from the extreme radical feminists. , / 1/.1/ ���� At Washington, D. C., Darby Costello, secretary of the Wash- ington chapter of the National'Organiiation for Women (NOW), has announced plans for an 11 a. m. march from DuPont Circle to Farragut Square where a number of rallies will be held. The women will form into separate groups to demonstrate for equal rights according to their individual interests. Basically, they will demonstrate against continuing discrimination and the subjugating of women to inferior supportive roles. They will picket in Washington for abortion reform, against newspapers with-segregated employment ads, against stores which cater to male � fashion designers "who design not for women but for profit or for a joke," etc. Included in the Washington, D. C. strike sponsorship, aside from NOW, are the Washington area Women's Liberation., Women's' Strike for Peace, Zero Population Growth and Federally Employed Women. Miss Costello at a recent press conference advised that the Black Panthers and the National Welfare Rights Organization have been approached about providing spea,eLs for ,the Farragut Square rally. 1..las I '1' 7 I ); 7 - � � 28-30 August, Nationwide 'I , Human Rights for Women, Inc., is sponsoring national confer- ences on feminism during this period. *28 Aug-3 Sept. , Portland, Oregon Antiwar protest groups at Portland are sponsoring a "People's Army JaMboree" (PAJ) onAhe above dates. The national conveation of the American being held concurrently at Portland. President 3 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 111111111Fill Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 � Nixon may address the Legionnaires. On 5 August a PAJ spokesman, describing.the Legion as an arrogant and self-important symbol of death and destruction, said that any PAJ confrontation would be planned . as peaceful but that the possibility-of violence could not be discounted. The same spokesman estimated that as many as 50,000 persons may - participate and this number will probably swell if the President visits . the Legion convention. PAJ has revealed plans for a 30 August parade following the one scheduled bylhe Legion. Allegedly permits for PAJ have not yet been granted by the city. � Mo. - Reportedly three representatives of the Seattle Liberation Front, which sponsored an attack on the U.S. courthouse in Seattle during Feb- ruary, have already arrived in Portland to take part in PAJ. It is also reliably reported that 10-15 SDS ers (Weatherman) are considering taking part in the demonstration. Reportedly the Seattle Liberation Front is encouraging its units to participate. Disruptive tactics against the Legion may be employed by these individual units. The governor of Oregon has activated 4,000 National Guard troops for Portland during the conven- tion. , Mgt " 4/.1.1/70 ?c...1.7 .7 7 ;-r..� .7() *29 August, Los Angeles, California A national Chicano moratorium is still being plannCd by radical leftist Mexican-American organizations in urban center's of the western U.S,- with sizable Mexican-American populations. The center of these � activities will probably be at Los Angeles-. Participants will include known militants coming to southern California from as far away as Den- ver. About 50,000 persons are expected by the organizers to participate and the tentative plan is for a march beginning at L.A.'s Belvedere Park at 10 a.m. � . The theme of the demonstration seems principally to be ending the war in Vietnam regardless of the consequences. Some of the organ- izations involved have a long record of past,ac.tivity in political demon- strations. Included are the Mexican-American Political Association, the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee and the Young Socialist Alliance. S '=-;1 ,i/ : � � , � September, New York The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, founded 16 months ��� ago by 50 blaCk scholars, artists and authors, has announced that three'black Americans will be enrolled in the academy's newly estab- lished Hall of Fame in September. One of those elected to the Hall of 111111111111r 4 VONOMPINVIIM011154 4.,-.4.4". " � ...L.., � . ,. . fn. ya. " ���� � 41. !�������� � �����! ������ ' � � .."����� � � ..������� � �"1.aos 4 .'"'" "c� 4.� � � � , . ��� Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 4, � � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 - Fame is the late W.E.B.DuBois. DuBois, a founder of the NAACP, joined the .Communist Party in 1961 at the age of 93. Before his death a,�year or so later, he had renounced his American citizenship and had become a citizen of Ghana. The former Communist Party youth group which was succeeded 8 months ago by the present Young Workers Lib-- eration League was named for Dr. DuBois. Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, president of the board of the Black Aca- demy, has expressed considerable chagrin at the denial of a visa for DuBois' widow, Shirley Graham DuBois; who wanted to attend the cere- monies. The 71 year old Mrs. DuBois, a citizen of Ghana living in Cairo, attempted to obtain a visa to travel to America earlier this year. Reportedly, the Department of Justice overruled State Department approval for the visa. Immigration and Naturalization Service reportedly has advised that Mrs. DuBois was found to belong to some 30 subversive organizations which made her inadmissible under the law and she did not advance sufficient reason t,o waive that inadmissibility. 1.� '44; ( -4- 3-7 September, Atlanta, Georgia The Congress of African People will meet to develop institutions to bring about the liberation of black people. Ti-limands of persons are expected to attend from North America, Latin America, .Africa and the Caribbean. The congress is an expansion of black power Conferences held annually since 1966. Last year at Bermuda several thousand black persons attended. Haywood Henry, chairman of the congress, is a member of Harvard University's department of Afro-American studies and is also chairman of the Black Affairs Council. .One of the partici- pants will be LeRoi Jones, radical poet and playwright. Mr. Henry, in a prepared statement for a recent press conference, has established the following con�gress goals: I) to provide an ideological framework for the black power movement; 2) to develop plans to build black institutions at' local, national and international levels; 3) to create structures to imple- ment mandates; 4) to exchange- information; and 5) to provide an oppor- tunity for African peoples' fellowships. . -T � 11: I � *5-7 September, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Approximately 150 people, including 45 hippie-type white youths, attended a Washington planning session for the BPP-sponsored Revolu- tionary Pe.oplc's Constitutional Convention to be held at Philadelphia. The Washington meeting took place at the law school building ofelloward University and wai attenaed by Black Panther chief of staff David Hilliard, � 5 � � .7".���� � ����� � � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 , � 1111111111- Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167 deputy minister of information Elbert "Big Man" Howard and others. The "plenary session" of the Philadelphia convention reportedly will be held at Temple University. A Black Panther spokesman has stated that 4,000 people are expected to attend the convention. Recent press coverage of the Washington planning session has indicated that Howard University president James E. Cheek first granted and then rescinded permission.for the meeting to be held on the Howard campus. It is not known if the Washington meeting held on 8-9 August was conducted with the permission of the Howard University administratim. r?'/ 54-0 -r� -� *7 September, Washington, D. C. A number of delegates at the June meeting of the New Mobilization Committee at Milwaukee proposed that peace marchers from several cities converge on Washington, D.C., on Labor Day. Delegates at the Milwau- kee Emergency Action Conference expressed the hope that Washington could be "shut down" on Labor Day and for 3-4 days following. 11 E. : r�.., *7 September, Morristown, N. J. and Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Al Hubbard, spokesman for Veterans Against the War, announced plans for RAW (Rapid American Withdrawal). The organization is spon- soring a march from Morristown to Valley Forge by Vie tnim veterans and current military personnel. At a recent meeting of Veterans Against the . War, Rev. Thomas Hayes of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship read a tele- gram from.Prince Norodom Sihanouk which praised the antiwar movement in America and requested continued pressure on thq President.. 1 1;7 I: � f I,' *8 September, New York The trial of 13 Black Panthers charged in the New York bomb conspiracy will begin on 8 September, State Supreme Court Justice John M. Murtagh announced last month. This is the trial that Judge Murtagh indefinitely postponed some months ago due to the deportment of the defendants and the defense attorneys. At least two of those accused, Joan Bird and Michael Tabor, are currently free on $50,000 bond. The Black Panthers, as well as other black militant organizations, have used the Joan Bird release in a major propaganda effort to solicit black community support for the Panther cause. Reportedly Joan Bid will conduct a "People's Tribunal"�in the center of Harlem in late 'August. Bird states that she will expose the facts in the "frarneup" charges against those being tried. .I.1 , 7' SOURCE: Government and news media / TY: Probably true 6 ��.� � IMMINIIMS� � - ���� ..s "4050% '!"4""- -- � , - � " Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018167