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March 27, 1970
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� --4111.-16.11.-7-�rrat 17:
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018155
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27 March 1970
Asterisked items are either reported for the first time,
contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
13 March to 28 April, Washington, D.C.
Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam and the Pacifist
Fellowship of Reconciliation continue their Lent to Passover fast and
picketting of the White House. The event which has now lost much of
its newsworthiness is no longer receiVing much publicity in the press.
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14 March to 1 May, California
The University of California Ecology Action organization at
the Berkeley campus is staging a "survival walk" from Sacramento
to Los Angeles. Between 100 and 200 marchers are expected to par-
ticipate with other persons joining for rallies along the. way. A major
stop is planned at Delano. center of the chronic grape oickers labor
strife. Presently, along the ecology line., Mexican-American grape
pickers are protesting the use of pesticides in the field. Other stop-
ping points along the way will be Stoccton, Modesto. Merced, Fresno,
Visalia-Tulare, and Bakersfield. The "survival w#1.1k" will -terminate
on Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, probably on I May.
22-29 March, National
A National Black Referendum on Vietnam has been organized
allegedly to determine whether or not Black people favor the imme-
diate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam. According to one niece
of organizational literature, "Official voting will begin Palm Sunday,
22 March, and c.oniinue daily that -entire week, ending on Easter Sun-
day, March 29, at 2 p.m. Voting stations will he all Black churches
participating in the campaign, in every Black community throughout
the entire U.S." Supplied by the orginizers of the Referendum is a
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kit'of literature giving itistructiet,� and conducting
-.-.-.ourrt and expressing a strong stand against the war. The
likes of 0*sie DAVIS, Julian BOND, LeRoi JONES, Dr. George
WILEY, and H. Rap BROWN-are on the National Executive Council
of the Referendum. Irving DAVIS of SNCC is one of the national pro-
gram coordinators.
How many "votes" will be tallied may be conjectural but not
the result--which will obviously show almost all those voting to be for
the ballot's one simple proposition: the total, immediate withdrawal
of all American troops and money from Vietnam. Ng I "11
25-29 March, Denver, Colorado
� A major conference of Chicanos will be held in Dertver at the
end of March. The conference is sponsored by the militant Crusade
for Justice; a leading Chicano 'force in the southwest headed by Corky
Gonzalez, and will run from March 25-29. Chicano groups are expected
from all parts of the country. Puerto Rican activists have also been
invited. It is the second such Chicano parley. Last year a Chicano
conference in Denver drew 1500 persons. A three day Chicano Youth
Conference March 25-27 will open the parley. �
On March 28, Chicanos will convene to discuss 'El -Plan de
Attlan which calls for the formation of an independent local, regional
and national Chicano political party. The National Congress of Aztlan
has been called for March 29. The congress will discuss a program
for a nation "autonomously free, culturally, socially, economically
and politically." El Plan de Aztlan provides the underlying theme for
the conference. The program says that Chicanos "must use their
nationalism as the key or common denominator for mass mobilization
and organization." , ; ,./
29 March to 3 April, Quebec, Canada
A "Cultural Exchange Meeting" has reportedly been planned to
attract anti-establishment students from throughout the world. The
gathering will also allegedly include U.S. military nersonnel who have
sought refuge in Canada. , ,
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t In march. New vnric
About 300 students voted on 22 March to close down Hunter
College if demands are not met by the 30th. � Hunter, one of the
several colleges in the city of New York system, has a total enroll-
ment of nearly 20,000 (both day and night students). The demands
include changes in the tuition structure for night students, equal
representation of students on all faculty committees, a review of the
budget and a student review of all faculty hirings and firings, ! ,
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*31 March, Cincinnati, Ohio
Reportedly the White Panther Party. ultra-militant white
protest group, is sponsoringa demonstration during a visit by the
Army Chief of Staff. r 1;/ /4,c-sti4k. �.2 �
Ellicot City, Maryland
The much delayed and potentially violence producing trial of
H. Rap Brown is now expected to begin in early April at the Howard
County Courthouse. Lawyers have been given until March 30 to file.
pretrial motions. 1,L i�154 �
*1 April, Washington, D.C.
A Student Mobe fund raising program will be presented at
the "Theatre Lobby", 17 South Matthews Circle. N. W. , on 1 April.
The Jean Paul Sartre film "No Exit" will he shown,. Sartre, the
French philosopher long associated with political leftism, is best .
known for his formulation of existentialism and as the father of the
post World War II beatnik generation. Seats cost $3.50 ($2.50 for
students). Loje 1be. r f5,15A 3 ziuel
*3-4 April, Trenton, New Jersey
At a statewide conference "against repression" held at
Rutgers Universitir in late February, particinants from defense,
peace, black freedom, student, church, political and civic groups
adopted a nrogram of demands and immediate actions-. Among them--
a statewi4 march on Trenton was set for 4 Anril, anniversary of
the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. , with the stinulation
that on April 3 a docarneA setting forth the demands of the demon-
strators be placed in the hands of Governor Cahill.
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