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1114111111111�6111r116111 a- . ,a, , t � � �:,s Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 BEST COPY AVAILABLE fic-� '3 30 January 1970 SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or � contain additions or changes to previously reported activities. 1970 A confidential source of a Government agency has advidsed that the Black Panther Party is planning some form of unspecified action early in 1970 on a national level to show the Government that the Panthers mean business. No details regarding the nature of the action or the form it will take are currently available. r A I- m (No *January 26-February 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Philadelphia Resistance will attempt to close five draft boards in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area January 26 to Feb- _ ruary 6. 00,v� � a � � January 30-February 1, February 4 and 5, and Feltruary 7 and 8, Canada 13 ')�'/ Vietnam peace movement leaders in the United States and Canada are being invited to "an unofficial summit meeting" in Canada to plan action for peace on a worldwide scale. A site in the Laurentian Mountains, a 30-minute drive from Montreal', has been selected for the meeting of January 30-February 1. Follow- ing meetings are planned in Toronto February 4-5 and in Vancou- ver February 7-8. Invitations are being extended in the name of the Vietnam Moratorium Committee of Montreal. The occasion is the visit to Canada of a delirgation under the auspices of the World Council of Peace. Foreign delegates include Martin Niernoeller, Protestant cl.wrch leader in West Germany; Krishna Menon, leftist former defense miniiter of India; and a delegate' from the PRG of the Re-public of South Vietnam. United States zsainglir - Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 ��� Peace activists invited are leaders of the VMC, the NMC, and individuals such as Rev. Ralph Abernathy of SCLC, Dr. Benja- min Spock, Dick Gregory, and selected members of the United States Congress. 0.,.11- I 1 2, Oct -70 � *January 31 to February 1, Ann Arbor, Michigan A conference on repression will be held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, January 31 to February 1. . SDS at the University is planning a series of demonstrations in connection with the conference. rill IN 0/4/1 3 .1 February 1970, Washington, D. C. A second Freedom Rally supporting the U. S. position in the Vietnam War will be held at Constitution Hall. The February rally, to be held indoors because of unpredictable winter weather, will hopefully, according to organizers, have a number of "big name entertainers" as well as Senators and Congressmen at the events. ' i'.5h � t :.',1 11' *February 2, New York City The trial of 21 Black Panthers charged with conspiring to murder police and to dynamite department stores anti public build- ings is scheduled to begin. This trial will undoubtedly generate considerable press and media coverage and be the scene of much propagandizing, protest, and agitation. t , ,s 1.),1P,V1' I c.,C1 1/ c *February 2-14, Canada The Deputy Minister of Information of the Illinois chapter of the extremist Black Panther Party and another unidentified BPP member have agreed to appear as speakers in the Black communi- ties of Halifax and New Brunswick, Canada, for twc? or three days between February 2 and 14, 1970. These speakers are to discuss the recent killing of Fred Hampton, Chicago BPP leader, and the "police oppression of the BPP." This invitation to speak was made by a member of a revolutionary socialist group in Canada and it was indicated that b4tween five hundred and one thousand dollars plug transportation would 1)4. given to the BPP. The BRP member told the member of the Canadian group that if the BPP /-40--71j _�,�r r /e-c14 aligageglial"a0. k" ,i1e1 � lip,r1��� � ��� �����t��?..6.1111,:s. ������ ' � f. � � � UP. � " � e . � � . Approved for Release: 2023/01!11 C00018152 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 � representatives should be denied entry into Canada, the Canadian group should take some action against the American Embassy. *February 3-5, Sacramento, Cello-I-ilia West Coast National Conference of SDS to be held in Douglas Hall, Sacramento State College. Members to meet from 0900-1100 hours daily. There has been some indication that Stkte College authorities were banning use by SDS of any of California's 19 state college campuses for their conv-ention but perhaps they have withdrawn the order. *February 3-i, Kansas City, Missouri /4147.6-7it-criAli /- xi-7o An Afro-American Week will be held at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri, February 3-R.. Speakers Jill include Dick Gregory; the Reverend James E. 'Gropoi, who has been active in the protest movement; the former National Director for the Congress of Racial Equality; and the Reverend Phillip Lawson, who is closely associated with the Black Panther. Party. � f" mel4a3.-2_ 1--7 70 February 4, Nationwide � . � The Committee of Returned Volunteers, which has been active in protesting the war in Vietnam, plans to sponsor nationwide demonstrations against the Gulf Oil Corporation on 4 February. A spokesman for the Committee said that the Gulf Oil Corporation was selected because of its holdings in Africa which are "exploiting the African People." The Committee is also considering a "National action" in Washington, D. C., during the summer of 1970;.the type of action has not been, decided upon. i;T ix I r: 6.e" *February 4, Alexandria, Virginia It was announced that a town meeting on the Vietnam War will be held on 4 February at T. C. Williams High School, Alexandria, Virginia. Theiii9.3,, it *February 4-5, Los Angeles, California The' Student Mobilization Committee (SMC) which is controlled by the Young Socialist Alliance, held a conference at Los Angeles, rf,-,- 7 7' -ia3 - I tr..- � ijr-� tel - ;:". � � .?-� Approved for Release...2023/01/11 C00018152 ".�� �,...prPost j� Tr. N. � � �11110ra- Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 California ;� on 24 January. It was decided that a demonstration will be held at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, on 5 February when the Vice-President appears at the hotel to address the California Publishers' Association. Other protest groups will be invited to participate. The SMC also decided to demonstrate at California State College, Los Angeles, on 4 February to protest recruiting by the General Electric Corporation. *February 5, Miami Beach, Florida The New Party of Florida and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom are among organizations to sponsor a demon- stration at Miami Beach convention hail. ' The demonstration is to coincide with a Democratic Fund Raising Dinner organized by Democratic National Committee. Participants will protest tho, Viet- nam War and Democratic Party politics. Former President Lyndon B. Johnson and former Vice-President Hubert H. Flumphrey are expected to attend the affair. .7i- 7e reil (.1V 3:4 *February 7, Washington, D. C. The Washington Area Teachers Committee Against .the War, the Student Mobilization Committee, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and other grottos are sponsoring a teachers conference on "Vietnam and the myth of teacher neu- trality" it Washington, D. c., on 7 February. Julius Hobson, former District of Columbia School Board member�, will make the keynote speech. Discussions will be held on "Black Liberation and the Vietnamese Freedom Struggle," "The Suburban School: Its Racism," and "Repression as it comes down on teachers and students." Teachers from the Distnict of Columbia and surround- ing areas are expected to participate. *February 9, Lincoln, Nebraska //VC/ / / ? 7 Nebraskans for Peace is sponsoring a demonstration at Lincoln, Nebraska, on 9 February during a visit to that city by the Vice-P;esident. I /;./ jA/7/7/.3.7, it *February 13-15, C1eveland4 Ohio The SMC is sponsoring a conference at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, February 13-15 to discuss, the future r ;Aria 2s / f7, 3 7c cr4 ,1 / 7C 4 .1 _ �Ut."..�% ���,����'�?"....o.r���4�4�7.700:��af.. ../V. ����� � � s � SC ��������1�������7...0-"..0%.,.: "%WY -0 �"".� �'' � 7., . . �Of � . . � ' � - mastritiMMINAPiew . � � � .� . . � � � INIUMMEN Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 ;i1151111101141114 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 of the anti=war movement. The meeting is onen to all youth organiza- tions and individuals opposed to the war in Vietnam. Participants in the conference will formulate plans. for protest activities during the coming spring and will discuss methods to force ROTC from campuses and methods to end University research for the Government. So far, workshops are being planned on: United national mass actions, anti- complicity, struggles on the cimpus, high school organizing, anti-war GI's, workers struggles and the GE strike, women's liberation, third world liberation, and legal and political ilefense. Registration will �begin 5 p.m. 13 February and the conference itself will begin at 10 a. in., Saturday, 14 February. It may be noteworthy that the Steering Committee of the NMC is also meeting in Cleveland on 14 and 15 February. *February 14-15, Cleveland, Ohio The Steering Committee of the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam will meet at Cleveland, Ohio, on February 14 and 15 to formulate plans to coordinate a movement to recruit high school students, college students, and a representative number of Negroes into the anti-war movement. � r ( cE fl 7 /- 2 / - 7 e -*February 14-21, Washington, D. C., and Chicago, Illinois The New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Virtnam plans a series of demonstrations 14-21 February to�support "repressed" people and to support the defendants in the current Chicago, Illinois, anti-riot law trial. The Committee met at Washington, D. C., on 21 January and it was announced that the trial would probably end in February. It was decided that the demonstrations should focus in Washington, D. C., and Chicago. It was also decided that on 18 February; a demonstration will be held at the Denartment of Justice Building. The demonstration will include guerrilla theater skits and mock trials designed to embarrass United States District Judge Hoffman, who is presiding at the trial, and Government officials. The demonstrations will be held whether or not the defendants are acquitted. � frJ./ 4," t: - -70 *Fi�bruary 15, New York City � A confidential informant of a Government agency advised on 7 January that the Black Panther Party is planned a "National Benefit" 047 1 Ai c z.q/-t-7C 5 len "'fit . . �44'. 11.� 1111. " Wadi %a. /111%a . n r. ear. � ie. r,,,t � ,7111 " � � ...,"fr���: � 4" � � �14�441. -* ����� � . Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 411111111114 Approved for Release: 2023/01/11 C00018152 on. the weekend of 15 February to commemorate the birthday of Huey P. Newton, Minister of Defense of the BPP who is presently in orison. A National Guard Armory and a local theater in New York City are being considered as the possible location for the affair. *February 16-22, New York City � The week of February 16-22 will be observed in New York City as Black Liberation Week to make the community aware of the "grave peril facing us and to organize new common strategies for our protec- tion," at least so said a group of black leaders at a news conference in Harlem on 23 lin-uary. The leaders were from many different politi- cal and ideological backgrounds, including the New York Urban League, the CPUSA, the New York Urban Coalition and the United Black Women's Politica4 League. The week has also been designated as Blacls History Week. Seven days of activities are being planned for Black Liberation Week. On Monday, February 16, blacks will be asked to stay home from work or to participate in a fifteen minute work stoppage. They will be urged not to shop "downtown" department stores that day and a mass rally is intended at I. S. 201 in Harlem at 10 a.m. � Day-long activities will also be scheduled for a Black Political Prisoners' Day; a Black Children of the Struggle Ditty; a Tribute to Black Mothers of the Struggle Day; and on the 21st the anniversary of Malcolm X's Assassination. On the 22nd black churches will have readings of the names of blacks who have been imprisoned or killed for civil rights activities. v � /- 70 February 21, 22, and Z3, San Pedro, California The Peace .and Freedom Party held their pre-convention at the YMCA, 1530 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, on November 28, 29, and 30. Attendance varied from a low of 15 to a high of 40 persons. Candidates, for. political office were discussed. There was much � disagreement, shouting, and the use of four letter words; however, tfley finally set a date anclolace for their stale convention. At ore- sent the Peace and Freedom very splintered and at a fow ebb. 1110. w.Gri 4/- ///,ec - 6 9 1-/ /c,3 � SOURCE: Government and news media. RELIABILITY: Probably true. 6 � � � � ' Jr � � - � � � - ", � � Approved for Release:.2023/01/11 *C00018152