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December 19, 1969
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
19 December 1969
Asterisked items are either reported for the first time, or
contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
The NMC recently held a press conference to announce plans
for a "winter-spring" offensive against the war which would have three
themes: 1. Protest repression of dissent and support the right of
the BPP and the "Chicago Conspiracy 7"; 2. Educational program to
expose corporations profiting from war and costs of war effects on U.S.
citizens to culminate in massive demonstrations on 15 April; 3. Teach
and support the legal and moral rights of GI's to refuse service in
Vietnam. r � , - �
*December 13 and 21i, Nationally
After the mass demonstration approach of the lic-fember 13-15
-actions in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and other major cities
the Vietnam Moratorium Committee plans for DTcember called for three
days of action split between the 12th and 13th of December and the 24th
but on a peaceful, small-sized, low-key, decentralizeii, individdal com-
munity level. Reputedly, VMC thinking now is that future VMC-sponsored
activities will not be scheduled to escalate a day a month as previously
planned nor are they to include mass demonstrations. Plans are to work
peacefully through the electoral system and to create dialogue on the
Vietnam war. As noted earlier, the plans of the New Mobe have not been
firmed up yet, but it is anticipated that they will entail much more
aggressive actions.
ymc activities planned and suggested to local anti-war groups
Peaceful "lown meetings" in 25 nin:jor American ciLie3 to lior'wls
the war, to emind local 1970 political candi1ate:3 that Vietnam will be
a major isoucl-and to encourage adults to take a morn active anLi-war
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148,
A.-deluge of postcards and ' Aegrams to President Nixon urging
a faster withdrawal of all American forces;
PeaCeful anti-war "USO-type" concerts by anti-war entertainers;
Peaceful silent vigils at shopping centers;
Interdenominational "services for peace" Christmas Eve;
Public "silent night" vigils an Christmas. carolling with
theme of "Peace on Earth" on Christmas Eve;
Peaceful goodwill visits to Vets Hospitals and military bases;
Visits to home offices of Congressmen pledginr support only
if they are anti-war; and, broadened contact -with the GI anti-war move-
ment. I.
December 20, International
In Helsinki in Aurust 1969, at the World Meeting of Solidarity'
of Youth and Students with Vietnam, attended b young people from 78 6
countries, among three documents adopted was one containing recommenda-
tions for national youth orrnnizations and movements to conduct a world-
wide campaign of action of the youth and student e in sopphrt.of the
Vietnamese people and its struggle for independence, freedom and peace.
Mass activities on December 20 - the dny',ablishment of the South
Vietnam National Liberation Front, "must become a culmination of all the
mass action Oonducted in the most diverse forms," it declared.
*December 20-21, Lot Angeles, California
A conference on military law and GI organizina is scheduled
for the UCLA Law School. All lawyers, servicemen and persons interested
in GI organizing are invited. The final purpose of the two-day confer-
ence will be to form a military law panel to help supply radical lawyer-
organizers for the GI Movement.
*December 20, Los Angeles, California
Brown Berets to stage parade beginning 1200 hours as part of
Chicano Moratorium. March to start at Memorial Monument and end with
rally at Obrsgon Park. Parade sponsors claim 3,000 will participate.
-ple4 ;-t-i
*Deeember 20 WashinpLon D C
Activities in_sutport of the BPP in Washington,-D.C., reportedly
include a meeting at St. Stephen's and the Incarnation Church in� northwest
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19-trOMIMEM4**.
Washington tn December 20, 1969. It ,.'as indicated that nationally
known William Kunstler, a �defense attorney in the current antiriot
trials in Chicago; Rennie Davis, National coordinator of the. New
Mobilization Committee; and an unidentified BPP leader will appear
at the meeting.
*Dtcember 20-21, Baltimore, Maryland
Revolutionary Youth Movement II Faction of SM. met 20-22
November in Atlanta, Georgia, and decided-to hold another conference
in Baltimore on 20-21 December. Meeting site unknown. ;I Vs'. %/5t41, IA
*December 244 National
A national day of prayer on Christmas Eve, sponsored by the
Vietnam Moratorium Committee, has been endorsed by some eight church
leaders, who issued a statement asking Americans to "give up one' day
of merrymaking during this season and make it instead a day of peni-
tence and mourning for all victims of this war." "
; 6 t1-.t 1 A.
*December 21, Detroit, Michigan
'4.Dzcember 21', Albuquerque, New Mexico
The "New" Moratorium 'Committee at the University of Nceg Mexico
has declared.the 24th a"Dety of Sorrow for Those Not Home for Christmas."
December 24, Cincinnati, Ohio
The SMC will sponsor a candlelight procession to Kennedy
Square or the foot of Woodward Avenue in downtown Detroit.
f �
The Cincinnati Peace Coalition will sponsor a Christmas eve
. .
peace service at. St. John's Unitarian Church. .4:,(� ,i,p.
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December 24, St. Louis, Missouri
The Greater St. Louis Peace Coalition plans the distribution
of leaflets at churches before and after religious services on 24
December. of I. , ; � � . � (
Doc:ember '-qt, flan Francisco, California
The nay Area Peace Action Council will hold a rally at the
a-0.e of theyresidio.
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
'D-2cember 24, Son Clemente, California
The SMC which is controlled by the YSA at California State
College, Fullerton, California, plans to conauct a candlelight parade
in the vicinity of the President's residence at San Clemente, California,
on the evening of 2b December. The SMC estimates that 100 to 500 indi-
viduals will participate. r.6-rd.0:1.(f),
December 27-30, Minneapolis, Minnesota
National Convention of Young Socialists being held by YSA at
the University of Minnesota. Y't t � %.1,"t,
*December 27-29, Hollywood, Florida
Negotiations are under way to secure Miami Speedway Park for
a Rock Festival. Preliminary estimates of attendance range froe30,000
to 200,000.
*December 27-30, New Haven. Connecticut
Worker Student Alliance-Progressive Labor ParUy faction of SDG
to hold national council meeting at Woolsey Hall, Yale University. A
roster listing individuals to be contacted for details on the meetinr
includes such prominent national SIDS members as Alan Opeet;or) Fred Gordon
.and Jared Israel. f? � 1, I I �
wDecember 31, Nationally
The National Citizens' New Year's Eve Peac4.0bservance (NOYEPO)
loeated at 133 West 72nd Street, New York, N.Y., is orranizing nationwide
decentralized New Year's Eve dignified peace gatherings to be held in
homes, churches and town halls.
The entire thrust of these aforementioned plans and actions are
for individual community peaceful demonstrations attuned to seasonal
"Relating to .GI's" is expected to take the form of genuine,
friendly attempts to create dialogue on the war. Al; this date, all
sources report any potential civil-disturbances ore completely within
the capability or local law enforcement arencies to control.
r;ou.ncE:: Covert Irtlqrlt; :Ind news media.
RELIABILITY: Probably true.
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
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"I want to maketone thing clear."
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148
"I, ton,Wac Once a Ilandmmie Prince," Said the
Frog, "Vigil That FAH 1\ itch
Fella! You're Shirting to Croak:"
moinetzt., thv.ktini 45,01.3
the small society
Washington, D. C., Wednesday, December 3, 7969
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018148