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12 September 1969
.3.AJA 7
SDS plans for this fall - The National Action - appeared in their
23 August issue of New Left Notes. The article is reproduced below
(underlining for emphasis has been added).
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by Kathy Bowfin, Tiernardine Dollen. and Terry Robbins, or ''bread and butter ts'sues". on campuses and in
SDS National Action Staff comnumides, we thought that if we could trick the
nomie Into am" kind of etreerle�alid any tete of
Tap timienal Aettpn is building fast. All over the struggle, no matter how low---they would see the naked
country, from Detroit to Houston. iron. Mind. through teeth of the capitalist monster and join the revolution.
he cities in Ohio and out to Denver, Colorado, people It didn't work. And what became clear to people�
are digging on the action�and digging on SDS-Eor-tite through the struggles at Columbia and Chicago, at San
" Jot st twn rnrinthot_ the, National Officers, pc National Francisco State and at Kent State�was that putting
trlinn at"tr� and the National Office staff have been forward our politics in an aggressive way was the ONLY
develoo a scenario way to organize the masses of people In this country.
with nth/6r Orranizations for the action itself_ build That only by dealing with the issues of white supremacy,
contacts throurhout the countrv. tet Deno!, In motion, the black liberation struggle. Third World struggles,
4Vi4l, an overall erraleer for buntline tit� "tiN3 and the fight against imperialism, only by challenging
In the next couple of erntht, in this report, we want to the consciousness of the people could. we ever develop
fill people in on what's been going on�and talk about
nunnoment rvArtn. ni notasna amp go Lite tnnerialtst.
what should be going on�in cities, chapters, and AQUA.
regions in order to build the action, and the
Xer to all this Is the need for militancy, the need for
Revolutionary Youth Movement. qtrueelp � look arodnd shows that the Man understands
; this. Events like the Woodstock gentleness freak-out
POLITICS AND -STRATEGY: BRING THE WAR HOME! and the demonstration at Nixon's home In California
� indicate that as long as militancy isn't a threat, pig and
One of the most important reasons for calling the ruling class approval Is forthcoming. But we learn
National Action lies with the decision SDS made in Aim from every organizing situation that people change from
Arbor last winter that it was oossible and necessary being. challenged, and that it is in situations of sharp
�a hiiltil an anti .11nrorhittet, "forking class youth � conflict that people are forced to act. Nixon's polity
rnnvprnpnt� In the mother countre: a movement that of Law and Order Is the modern-day version of
allies with and provides material aid to the people of McCarthyism: all those who are orderly, polite, and
Vietnam, of We black and brown colonies, and to all well-behaved are welcomed to imperialism and will be
oppressed people of the world. absorbed.
Over the past year, our understanding of the nature Our strategy of building a fighting force Is being put
of Imperialism and the capitalist system has increased forth openly for the national action, as well as for local
tremendously: building the RYM Is a programmatic organizing. Because national demonstrations have their
response to that understanding. We know now that the major impact on the political issues and tone which is
failure of the white mother country movement to expand carried back for �gloving , work, we put forward a
beyond the limits at bourgeois student consciousness
struggle scenario of the action. Because we know that
came at' least partly from the class basc of our revolutionaries are created In struggittand not_111L231g..
movement, and therefore from our own liberalism.'�'`
protest or persuasion, we say clearly that this. is an
We were afraid to bring our politics to the people; action not to register a' complaint or up the percentage
� afraid to raise the key issues of imperialism and points in public opinion poRs, but to make a difference,
racism in a consistent, aggressive way. Instead, we hid to create the solution.
behind the security of 'student power", or economism.
�� � �
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AM men. we must Della strugehro root only because
they are the way to build our own movement�but also
because- they are the only tomtits way to relate to
the vanguard struggles of black and brown people in
this canary, and of colonized people throughout the
world. Chicago last- year did more damage to the ruling
class, helped build our own movement, and aided the
Vietnamese in a more concrete ant significant way.
than any mass, peaceful gathering this conntry has ever
� The National Action was conceived to speak to the
need to build a mass action that ups the level of politics
and aps the level of struggle. In the action we will direct
ourselves not only against the war, but against the
imperialist system that created the war in the first
place; not only in support of- withdrawal or US troops,
but also in support of the heroic- fight of the Vietnamese
people, the NLF and the FRG, to defeat imperialism and
. win freedom and haepeadence; not only to demand no.
end to racism, but in import Of the. black !Iberia**
struggle a' !tart of tht_egritlzoldg_tt�DIrde & oupesasek
eokedsed peoples.
The National Action is one of the key ways of talking
to young people in this country about building a class
conscious revolutionary youth movement which has as
Its primary task the establishment or another front
In the- international class war�not only to defeat the
imperoalists In Vietnam but to TIRING TIIE WAR ROME!
Chicago is the tate. It is here that thousands of young
people faced the blind terror of the military state;
where dreams of grandeur and new life turned Into
the slaughter of innocence. And it was also here that
those same people began to fight back �tn struggle
against the betrval, the lies, the oppressiveness and
� the brutality of the state.
V. e ate comity._ back to turn clic city into the beget!
As approved by the last NIC meeting, the action will
take place over a four-diy period, October 8-11. The
scenario as it now stands will look like this:
raPflairial rally for Che Guevara, who was-
murdered ha CIA Mug October 8, 1967, and Nguyen Van
Trot, the Vietnamese hero murdered by the US October
13, 1964 for attempting to kill Macnantars. A rally for
Che and Trot and all other revolutionaries who have
died in the struggle.
On Thursday. October ; we will join with kids from
high schools. community .colleges, trade schools, etc.
here In adcpgp in an offensive miner the schools.
The action will be something around the idea of a
'Jailbreak�, and people Jn the Chicago region are
already working with siftersl high schools in the city
to develop cadre who will help work out and co-ordinate
this action. The need, for tactical flexibility an Ude day
Is crucial, but it could be one of the most ipoportant
actions of the week, Involving thousands pf local kids
and getting the word out to thousands More about who
we are and what's going on.
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morsdar or Fejejjr there will be a women's
:nano. planned by women from funetioning political
collectives all over the country. -Unlike other women's
actions�widch focused an the symbols Of cultural
oppression�this action will be an attack on the
Institutions of racism and imperialism, combatting male -
chauvinism in large part by being an exemplary
women'4 army.
-.Thursday Wilt nelLhaltalagh-TOCk meek festival.
(October is the anniversary of the day when Mrs.
O'Leary's' cow kicked over a lantern and burned half
the diem city down.) gar hippie capitalism. Build
culture in struggle.
-Eeidag�nr.�go_atter_the_entalas The trial of the
"Conspiracy' will be going on at the Federal Building
In the downtown Loop area. Our slogan for this action
should be 'Stan the Trial'', UM the slogan 'Stop the
Convention' last year, It must indicate our commitment
to fight back when the Man-conses down with repression,
to force the ruling class to pay an increasingly heavy
price for the farce of "trying' the Conspiracy or any
other political prisoners in 'hie country.
holanw- on sathrdoS. October ti, We'll have the
, We march. V. e're starting to work on a route for the
march, and will be seeking permits from the city. hit
�permit_ however. even If we get RI will be. no,
_guarantee of safety. As on all the other days, we must
be peppered to defend ourselves ifs the event of any
vicious attacks by the Chicago pigs.
� Talks have been held concerning the possibility of
io be held at the Cook County Jail on Thursday or
retitsy evening. In large part, this depends on our
discussions with other groups in the Chicago area.
As the scenario for the four days' actions is now
laid out, it builds politically and in militancy Inward
the October 11 march. The choice of targets for the
different days, plus the systematic educational work
that will be done in Chicago and in other areas that are
really using the National Action as their organising
focus for the summer, will mean that a large number
of people' especially young people never before touched
by SDS, will know about what is happening and will in
some way be relating to it. The clans for the four dam
�are of course not finalized, Changes will undoubtedly
take place; some probably will happen when Daley and
the Chicago Digs begin their all-out offensive against
the action. In building an action like this one, many
factors will remain unknown until the actual event.
But if the general strategic outlook for the
demonstration is sound, we will be able to use anything
that happens between now and October 8 to our own
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Recently1 both here in Chicago and in traveling around
the country, we've started to get feedback on the plans
for the action. Of all the things being said, the one that
presents the most serious problem is one that the pig
has been spreading. The rumor has been that we are
organizing white youth to bring guns to Chicago to
provoke an armed confrontation. What this obviously
does is give the pig the excuse to bring out his shotguns
and shoot people down in the streets like they did in
Berkeley. That people in and out of SiS around thp
country actually believed such bullshit is amazing. Even
though SIN has recognized the correctness of Mao's
slogan, 'Political Power Grows out of the Barrel of a
Gun', we have little experience with armed self-defense
and have very little strategic understanding of how the
IIYM is going to move to the level of armed
self-defense. The streets of Chicago are obviously not
the place for that to happen.
Our tactics in Lnicago this year will grow from the
struggles we have been engaged in for the past year.
We move in tight groups, taking care of each other
while taking care of business, acting in an essentially
defensive manner within what is actually a political
offensive. This October, we must be the best we've
ever been. That means that people who are committed
to the action, who are organizing arotmtit In local and
regional areas, are going to be the ones with the major
responsibilities for leadership in the streets of Chicago.
Groups of people should form into affinity groups.
Spending the summer learning karate (not for beating
a pig with a gun, but for physical and mental
conditioning), learning first aid, and learning how to
move in the streets by organizing build-up actions in
local areas to turn people on to coming to Chicago:
We must begin immediately to put together serious
groups on the local level that will work self-consciously
to build the action and come to it as a group. When we
talk to new kids about the action we should try to get
them to come as groups rather than individuals., This
involves political implementation deeper than pure
tactics. We no longer organize people to participate
in actions as individuals because we no longer act
out of individual anger or alienation. We reach out to
croups because we are building a collective response
Th collective oppression..
In a mass action made up of many types of groups.
there is naturally a wide range of experience. Some are
heavy, disciplined collectives, people who are engaged
in full-time movement work together and who have
gone through demonstrations together before. Others
might he just groups of kids who hang together, go to
school together, who might never have undergone a
self-conscious political. 6xper1ence as a group. What
we have seen Is that those who have experience in the
streets (and other *tactical situations) usually.,provide
leadership for the action as a whole. That leadership
develops within the situation, and is made teal by the
fact that in general people's instincts are correct:
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people follow others who have shown themselves to be
together and trustworthy in the context of real struggle.
In every action we soon learn whom to look to for
leadership. !kW one of the qualities of street leadership
Is a sensitivity to the level of struggle of the mass of
people. No one except a pig is going to lead people into
a slaughter situation because people don't follow
leadership that moves beyond their level of militancy
and self-confidence. At the same time. correct
_leadership does not underestimate the level of struggle
that the oeople are willing to engage ht.
JUL our hope that the National Action will be itf
jimadly laced and widely supported as possible. Since
the National Convention, we have contacted and spoken
with many organizations, asking for their support.
The basis for participation in the action by other
organizations has been based primarily on willingness
-co-participate in a militant, and-imperialist struggle.
-Soon-atter the National Convention we met with
representatives of the Mobilization Comtpitai-and We
sent representatives to the Mobilization coifference. in
Cleveland. We laid out what we were attempting to do
politically with this action, and we laid out our
criticisms of Mobilization actions In the past. We asked
for Mobilization support for this action- Whit _followed
aff" 2 reqoest for co-sponsorship.�speakers, marshals,
and a 'joint' negotiating team to meet with the city.
The Mobilization has come to symbolize and
represent the twice-yearly Sunday afternoon anti-war
movement. We're not saying that some of those Sunday
afternoons weren't heavy, like the Pentagon and Chicago
last year. What _we're saying is that a movement must
be built with people who will fight imperialism at home
as well as at national actions. The politics put forwent
through the Mobilizationothese past years will not be
sufficient this year. The request for co-sponsorship
and the request for marshals (who were weak in
Chicago and pigs in Washington at the inauguration)
could not be Met without completely changing the
politics of the action Thererere we deeltnert their offer
nf civprtrt
Of extreme importance have been our discussions
with the Illinois Chapter and National Office of the
oilier Party., the Yourig_Lorsis Organizatirtn,
_and the Yount, Patriots. an organization of working class
youth from Uptown Chicago. Of these, only the Patriots
were totally opposed to the action, and through
discussions with them significant political differences
The Patriots argued essentially that SIRS was a
'student' organization that wasq't Interested in the
people (white people). and 'objectified" the people.
They criticized the action for 'disrupting' their local and complained that SOS was only interested in
WNW up Chicago, and not in building a movement
In the city. We stroneir disagreed with this
*a '
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'national-local argument, as well as with the Potriots'
Incorrect assessment of where SUS is at, and their
tendency to Ignore the Issue of white supremacy and
white-skin privilege in their work.
In our first � discussions with the Panthers and the
Lords, they raised strong reservations about the action,
saying that white people did not have to go through mass
struggle In the streets In order to build a revolutionary
consciousness. However the National Panther Part_ys
through Bobby Seale and David Hilliard, indicated that
they trinttlet airport dui ertlop�though not work actively
on it�and discussions with the Illinois Chapter, as well
as with the Young birds, will continue.
What Is critical to understand here- Is that the level
of struggle In the black and brown liberation movements
Is totally different from our own; that black and brown
people have reached a level of consciousness where
mass demonstrations are no longer so necessary.
However, the white movement, riddled by timidity
rather than a wealth of experience In struggle. MUST
seek to escalate its seriousness and power at this time
through the tactic of mass confrontation.
Also, there are hundreds of thousands of kids who
are not In SIB, reached by us or able to relate to our
politics, but who nonetheless are pissed off, flitting,
tearing up the schools, the pigs, their parents, or the
army. Many of these kids will be reached in our
summer organizing projects. As well. the Yinoles are
supporting the action, and will be helpful In bringing
many of these kids to it. They will be setting tip an
office in Chicago and producing mass propaganda around
the action.
At the September 1 MC, we will propose that both
_the_Yippies_and_oossibly the Conspiratys_who byre also,
lotilraind supports co-sponsor the action along with SDS.
Other groups who � have Indicated support for
action Include MD& :Xoutn_Against Yar and EalgitM
and several high school_groups around...0e countrv.
Discussions are in process with Others.
The National Action is now less than two months
away. Two months. It is critical that if people have not
yet begun to organize for the action�as Is the case
In many cities and chapters without summer programs
�that they do so immediately. And, If people have �
begun to do eork, they should intensify their efforts
three times over for the heaVy month ahead.
Schools will be re-opening. We've--cot to get into
agers.ligiLmhop), every iurdor college, every college
in every tit: in the country: flooding themiith
orooannda and actions relating to Octob�ei�� 111.
We've got to leaflet every factory, every National
Guard Armory. evert Mace that Gls congregate or
We've got to hit every beach, drive-in restaurant,
and part, reaching youth everywhere and turning them
on to the-action.
Jeipiuty_eitiess.people baire.openediv.NAloosUslisS
storefronts. Other places have held a series of
city-wide meetings to bring in otter organizations and
new people. Still others have planned rock festivals
not only to get Idds turned on, but to raise needed bail
funds for potential arrests.
And, perhaps more importantses eod regioes ere
obit:nine to engage In local struggles durfng September
that will heste_tanld_the_trithnslasm. confidence, and
seriousness of the National Action.
When we go to Chicago we must set up a
commtedcation network so that the people who stay
home won't have to rely on the bourgeois press for all
of their information. The actual organization of such
networks will vary; a possible model is the
establishment of a news center in conjunction with the
local tmderground press . which would receive
Information from our people in Chicago; the contacts
which we have left behind in schools, hospitals, shops,
streets, welfare centers...would come to the news
(enter to get the news�perhaps in the form of a
wall poster�and take it to the people. This network
Is also important becaute it gives people who aren't
In Chicago a way of being involved in it�by spreading
the news.
In the past couple of weeks, we've heard enthusiastic
reports from Detroit. Cleveland, Columbus, Denver,
Chicago. and Houston. The National Officers and action
staff have recently spent time in Boston. Baltimore,
Atlanta, New Orleans, Seattle, San Francisco, and
Milwaukee. And. - in-. .Chicago, where successful
/nreanITing_for_the _action is. critical. IS people_ are
zDzising_collestiveiy _fultttirne_btdIding_up_the...troopss.
Particularly helpful in getthig ideas for working on
the action Is a Midwest National Action Conference,
scheduled to be held � right before 'the NIC on August
29-31 in Cleveland. People from Ohio, Michigan,
Indiana, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and WiSCOnSIO have
already indicated that they're coming. And probably
people from every region in the country should be there
�w.nelp plan stuff and generally get into it.,
% amsgssoweirmazawm
� ' �
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The National Office has been working hard and heavy,
producing literature for the action. So far, we've got
the basic shotgun *Bring the War Home (reprinted in
the last issue of NLN); a shotgun on *Occupation Troops
Out' and two posters.
...1V2ve_ got_ copy� for�stuff� on�politicaL-prisonars;
Independence for Puerto Rjco, .and CT di:kW�and
-Echellicas.--anixere�seeking_inaterial for _.a shotgun
on each one of the other demands At this point, though,
we're broke�and out of paper. People should semi In
bread�pay for unpaid back orders, or pay for new
orders. Without it, the lit will never get printed. (The
price Is $S for the shotguns.)
Also, several key underground newspapers reeentlz
ftt .up .the. Revolutionary Press Movement, which sees
as its initial function publicizing the action:The first
of several centerfold supplements for the RPM papers
(also distributed through LNS) has been sent out and
used by many papers around the country. As we go to
press, another supplement Is In the works.
The people of Vietnam have won the war. With the
militancy, genius, and political will of a nation fighting
for its liberation, they have forced the US aggressors
and their lackeys onto a totally defensive holding
operation. What remains is to eti the US eut_ot vie_knam�
Our task is to provide material support in ending
the war by j;tuilding_class stryggt? In the str_eet_.
schools, and shops of the in�erialist mother country.
ihe._EatIQINIActiZJI.M.11.9U4agifor�Eall-Off"rt(1 V P
designed to aid the Vietnamese and build ow movement
on every possible level. Other parts of the fall offensive
�an action at the conference of Imperialist'," the
International Industrialists' Conference in San Francisco
September 12-14;
-----the_November_lith Movements called by SIB, to
bring the struggle against the war and imperialism to
every region and city, attacking the local Institutions
of power across the country;
-Itibp_mass_mobilization in Washingtnnon hicrvember
15 called by the New Mobilization Committee; and
�the Venceremos Brigade, of people who will join
with the Csban people for three months to help with the
10,000.000-ton-1970 sugar harvest.
Building from the motion of the National Action and
the entire Fall Offensive, we move into the fall with
the potential for increasing ow numbers, our militancy,
. and our effectiveness; for ending the war in Vietnam,
and bringing the war home!
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The. Militant, weekly press mriuthpiece of the Trotskyite Socialist
Workers Party (and hence the party youth organization, the Young Social-
ist Alliance) published in a recent i�sue, a letter to the editor from the
University of Arkansas SDS (at Fayetteville) proclaiming the chapter's
disassociation with both national leadership groups of the radical organi-
In declaring its independence, the University of Arkansas chapter
labels both the PLP and the RYM-NO "bureaucratic Stalinistic" (the sub-
lime evil in the opinion of SWP), elitist and professing policies contrary
to the building of a "mass-based" revolution. The University of Arkansas
SDS writes that neither national group has any understanding of or respect
for the revolutionary traditions and heritages of the American proletariat.
They have distorted and dogmatized the revolutionary experience of dis-
similar societies.
In setting forth their beliefes the University of Arkansas SDS writes
that they embrace these seven principals:
1. We support the right of self-determination of all
peoples of the earth, including the black and brown colonies
within the U. S.
Z. We oppose oppression of women, which denies
half the population of their humanity. This denial is used by
the capitalist power structure to further perpetuate its dom-
inance over both sexes.
3. The school systems of the U. S. and specifically
Arkansas do not and have never represented the interests of
the people. We wish and will strive to change the educational
system to fit these needs.
4. We seek to destroy the imperialistic nature of the
U. S. government, recognizing that imperialism is the world-
wide. arm of capitalism.
r). We feel that militarism is the force by which capi-
taliski enforces its dominance on the rest of the world.
6. We support all Trestressive labor struggles.
7. We oppose the destructive exploitationsof the en-
vironment for profit.
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In conclusion, the letter, in a classic example of pot calling
kettle black, the University of Arkansas chapter states, "Both NO's
have degenerated all political discussion into the chanting of mean-
ingless slogans and empty rhetoric."
In analyzing the significance of this- letter it must be con-
ceded that had it not favored tht SWP point of view it would not have
been published. Further, the University of Arkansas SDS chapter
is believed to be a most insignificant one (in a recent national mem-
bership list of SDS from a reliable information source, not one n-tem-
ber of SDS in Arkansas was known and the University of Arkansas has
not experienced significant student demonstrations in recent years).
None the less, the University of Arkansas SDS "happening" may herald
the dawning of the age of more radical splintering.
�To.the Social Scientist, slum riots, like hurricanes to the
meteorologist, run in seasons. The riot season ended on Labor
Day and now those who count them and measure their intensity
search for the reasons why summer 1969 was brighter by a city
mile than the past several summers.
The consensus, as reported in the news media in the past
several weeks (including for instance Time Magazine - 12 September:
New York Times - 7 September; The Economist 23 August; Moynihan
speaking for the administration and widely published), seems to be
that the worst is past and if.complacency doesn't s(*t: in, steady im-
provement can be hoped for and may be even expected. Riots have
occurred arid have stayed, as in the past, in the black ghettos. They
have not expanded (as oft predicted and/or threatened) to the white
suburbs and they have not, by any popular measure (number, size,
cost, blood, death) reached the proportion of the King riots of April
1968 or the mid-summer outbreak of 1967.
Social theorists believe that the reasons why are complex and
influenced by a number of interrelated variables that should be regarded
as a-basic formulation for advancing and accelerating black/white dia-
logue and ccloperation in coming years. The goal (establishment of
racial harmony and relative equality), simply stated, is .to cut the Negro
H) On hi rightful piece of tile social, economic and political action. The
problems are many and difficult.11 less than Z percent of Willed con-
struction trade union members are Negroes and the university population
remains far below a representative racial ballance, etct
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Jack Rosenthal, writing in the New York Times, attributes this
summers cooling (a "Build, Baby, Build" phenomenon) to four basic
metamorphoses. By and large other observers agree with the Rosenthal
1.: Although abrasive police-community relations remain a prime
potential flash point, many police forces have reformed their practices
markedly. Stimulated by Kerner commission recommendations and
International Association of Chiefs of Pokce training courses, they have
sought to minimize provocation in minority urban communities. Police
departments rel.aize that their task of enforcement can no longer be
mechanical but must function with sophistication and finesse. Police
improvements in riot control are widely evident.
2. Many civic summer programs have turned from what emo-
tionally exhausted Negroes formerly scorned as "Band-aids" to banda.ges.
The mosst important projects involved employment. At Oakland (home
of the Black. Panthers but oddly enough never the site of a significant riot
in the Negro slums) a Negro spokesman reported that 5,000 youths were
engaged in "real work" and 500 of them will now go into permanent jobs.
3. News media coverage has become more careful and "more
responsible" (sic). Aware that riot news from one city has a contagious
effect on others, press media has been more-self-censorious, concerned
that even if accurately reported, playing up trouble might stimulate worse
4.- Perhaps the most important restraining force, a largely
psychological one, is a "sense of community" in the Negro ghettos.
This sense which, ironically, may have been initially induced by
rioting and ominously portends racial polarization and imcreasing
impetus in separatism, has produced meaningful community self-
development programs. Watts, since the riots of 1965, has experienced
the establishment of community organized parks, stores, factories and
-cultural events.
Progress has been made hut progress is slow. The question
remains awl must be answered in the next several slimmers, vil I there
he coalition or collision between and among the American Social forces.
A recently reported. Louie Harris_ poll pointed tip the absence of
black/white unanimity in the area of racial discriminatOn. Fewer
whites believe now that Negroes are discriminated aginst than in 1966
. � � � . -�, . .,:. � � -
- � . .
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(46 percent to 61 percent) but more meaningful is the disparity between
the way Negroes and Caucasians respond to questions about discrimina-
tion in the summer 1969.
The question: Do you think Negroes are discriminated against
in getting:
Yes Answer
White %
Black %
� I.
Decent housing
r .
Full equality
Whitecollar office jobs
Skilled labor jobs
Treatment as human
Hotel and Motel accom-
� modations �
Quality education in
public schools
Fair wages
Entry into labor unions
Treatment by police
Manual labor jobs
Fair prices in grocery
Dr. Robert Hessen, assistant professor of the Columbia
University Graduate School of Business, - an economic historian and
critic of the New Left authored a recent article on Campus rebellion
in Nation's Business, a monthly magazine serving the American busi-
ness community. Hessen, who strongly supports the "no .shenanigans"
policy promulgated by Father' Hesburgh of Notre Dame, advances an
interesting theory on the relationship between radical white and mili-
tant black.
lIessen-writes: "The search for revolutionary allies explains
why white leftists are supporting separatism and even segregation. 11
also explain; why student rebels are rim re eager to pronifile the study
of Swahili and African music than the study of science or business or
law or any other subjects which give Negro students a greater
stake in the American ec;nomy . To the socialists, the primary appeal
of the proposed autonomous black studies departments i4 that they will
dwell on details of slavery.and discrimination, foster a sense of estrange-
ment from American society, andibthereby make Negro students receptive
to the call for revolution-. "
"!.. - � ..� �
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. �
',V. � ���,JP
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11.11-1113 �� ��,43 Jvca.� �4. 1969 Page 7
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Daily World (Communist)
.6 SEP 1969 �
Daily World (Communist
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Asterisked items are either-reported fir 11w first _time or
.contain additions or changes to .previously reported activities.
Fall & Winter
Nationally - The aggressive National Welfare MO Organiza�-
tion is planning a "fall wiuter offensive" of s. hoot Irbv.,,tts.
marches on welfare offices, refusals to pay utility bills and
rent strikes. Dr. George Wiley. militant black exec-ink...-
director of the organizations-, said welfare recipients will 6,y-
cott schools and march gm We I fa re offices if additional funds
for school clothing are not granted.
At the demonstration sponsored by tlw Chic aco Peace Clow. il
and �Lno Conspiracy on 28 August in Chicago to commemO-rate tlw
confrontation at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Rennie
Davis. one of the Conspiracy Eight defendants. was one of the
main speakers. Sylvia Kushner, a CPUSA member, was the
mode rator. in the course of the remarl:S, Davis stated that lw
desired to see mutinies occur at Army bases in the United
States. Ile said the fall program of the anti-,.var movement
would include:
15 September - a�demonstration at an unidentified California tity,
where, according to Davis, ."eslablishment leaders," will be
meeting. -
24 Se ptembe r - a demonstration at Chic ago, Ill ino is , to protest
the trials of the Chicago Eight.
8-11 October - demonstrations in Chieag,) to protest tin' trials
Sl)S is railing for militant act ion under 1Iw slogan, "Bring the
War 1 Lome " In slim() rt. of SDS "doing 'their thing."
November - 81)5 is call ing for (lemons t rat ions in the streets ,
. 'on the campuses, and in factories across the conniry l, protest
� the AVa i.
15 No - massive demonstrations a re planned It, r %Vashint.,:ton,,
D. C., a-nd San Francisco, Cal i In mid, as �a climax of -the fall
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� �
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September 11-14
September 12
� September 12
program against the war - for the "biggest militant march ever."
..,����=elrom� ����� � ...����������
*It was-annotmced in the 5 September issue of the Michigan Daily, in...m.
t,flicial University of Michigan student newspaper, that mcnibers ,q.a..k.....1
f -DS, the Radical Caucus, Ihe Resistance, and the lnil,�DetWent
Sot ialist Club had met on $1 Aligns!. aml i September to dist us s
joiht ch.,rts t., ha'' ROTC removed from tht. university ,,f
Michigan camptis by the end cif Ow lHig- 70 school year. Several
incidents of disruption of RA.ITC classes have already occurred.
...�. � � � �� ... ��=.1.1.
*Reportedly, the 131'P plans-to make September "politic al prisoners'
month" because of alleged repressive acts committed by law en-
forcement against the BpP. Thi-Bpr will publicizt� all BPI) cases
in the major cities where tlwre are 11P13 chapters. --Te.)J. IMVIC,S
. .
*Washingtcm, 11� C. - More than 2001, black elected officials. who
hold offices ranging from insticc 1,1 p-a, t� to U. S. Senator, have
heen invited to attend the four-day Institute for Mail: Elected
Officials at the lVashington-Ilillon Hotel. About.��100 are expected
to attend the meetings. The Jnstitute's ma_jor purpose, according
to its chief sponsor, Metropolitan Applied Research Center cA..
New York and Washington, is to provide a foritm for discussion
and exchange of experience in the field of economic development.
employment, ednealion, housing,- and other issues of importance
to these officials' constituents and communities. 'the White
House has derided to participate fully and the Institute partici-
pants are expected to meet and Will de w� ith high oleic:n.115 of the
Nixon Administration. ..)(x.i.(1.-A Wb-N.& L (i/01/6/1 '(. t.)-t-N. %.1-3 Ci 11API
� 0
*Washington, 1). C. - Reportedly, Jim Garrett, a former member
of the liPP has scheduled a meeting for this date in D. C. to for
plans to establish a IvIaleolm X Liberation University. Ile
has allegedly stimulated the interest of several former BP P mem-
bers in the idea of establishing the University and has been coor-
dinating. plans with former officials of the SW:G. The University
Avottld be established since the "existing" system of editeation does
not respond tO the needs (II the bladc community and, .also report-
edly, to produce black militants. It wits indicated that the ()nivel--
1:0 � i --1'
sity might, also have a facility in Dtirhato 1 , N: C. r- A ).1.- I ck Li 1-3....) -
*University of�Puerto Rico - Th, redvr,ati,-11 of Univer-sity Stmlents
for Independence has announced that it will hold a sit-in at the
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a OM e-
01110MApproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C000181-311P
University of Puerto R o on 12 S ........ep.ember demand that the �
Reserve -Officers Training Corps be. abolished. 6-1.. Ili 3 15
September 12-13- -Washington, 13.. C. - A Symposnim on Repression is scheduled
for American- University's Leonard Gymnasium at 8:30
Speakers reportedly will be: Bobby 1.EE, field secretary of the
1:1311 in Illinois; 13411 Fesporman, national. field secretary of the
PairiotS: Reginald Booker, leader in D. C. Emergency committee
on the Transportation Crisi-, etc.: Brillion Dillingham, Diret-t-r
Of Compeers:. and an unrevealect "special" guest. This open i on-
fcrynee XVIII givt� thest� radicals an opp.,tclutiitv for much scathing
anti-establishment diatribe.
Prior to the September 13 Sympositim, rallies will .be held Septem-
ber 12-at Ntalcolm X.Park at Sp. in. and at Dupont Civet e at
September 13 & 15 Washington, D. C. - A Quaker Action C,roup plans to denionstrate
at all entrances to the White !louse on these two days. Thu demon-
strators will tollow the currently popular anti-war protest action
by reading the names of individuals killed in Vietnam. Fla, a.%\�3 (,-1
September 15-20 San Francisco, California - A five-day Inftrnational Tndustrial
Conference rtoard and Stanford Research Institute (SRI), will be
held at the Fairmount Ibitei. in San Francisco. The emphasis since
the first conference in 1?57 has been on "Closing the World's
Income Gat). The conference will bring together some 500 rep-
resentatives of major industries, techological, and financial
firms like U. S. Steel, I131�4, Chase Manhattan Bank, etc. General
Conference Chairman is David Rockefeller: Chairman of the
International Council is John Loudon of Royal Dutch Shell; and U. S.
Council Chairman is Roger Blough of U. S. Steel. Lea.> 31`)� -
The April Third Movement, a coalition (11 protest groups at
Stanford University, Palo Alto, Califon.nia, which has previously
been active in demonstrating against the Stanford Research Insti-
tute, has anholincod that it will sponsor demonstrations September
15-20, during the Conference. '1 he April 'third Movement, which
is dominated by SDS, is to act as the cimrdinator.for radical demon-
st rations at .the Conference, and Starif(,rd thaivcrsity is ttl hue used
as a base of owlrations,. An early estimate is that rom 3,01w to-
. �
5, 00() radical demonstrators, miiinly from SDS, will travel to
San k'rancisco for the Conference. The students say the conference
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"is designed to consolidate the dominion of tin multi-11.A ion-.11
corporations in the third world. " The movement has al s. antrainced
that it will. continue its Investigation of Government researt II at
both the Institute and lite University and will also consider other
ai..eas.. Authorities feel-there is definite possibility of vi.dente
during the demonstrations. President Nixon reportedly will
speak at the conference on the-I811i. Leaflets awl flyers dis-
tributed in the SZt Francisco area indicate "maqsiye cit intots I r
Lions" were advertised for that t�vent. ;;;- tt-ci � �
The Coalition (see 9 September San Francisco iteth) �t ii ifl
� for demonstrations and a Peonies' Festival during the %v. el:
�.(15--19 September). .Tbe Coalition plans demonstrations. "to
expose the men who Own, run, .and control this country and
Much of the world." The Coalition say s it "will stop the
conference:" �
The demonstration on the opening nay - aimed at the Fairmont
Hotel - calls for a rally at 11. a.m. at either Union Square or
Washington Square and at 11:3 0 a.. in. - the people will move
on the -flute!. ''Li) stop NC."
September 16
September 16
*Washington, D. C. - The Women's International League for
Peace and -Freedom was to stage a demonstration at the
Capitol in Washington, D. C.. on September. Information
has now been received that. the demonstration has been post-
poned until 16 September to Ow deajh Senat�r Evert.a
M. Dirksen. Reportedly, WILPF representatives hope to
demonstrate at the Department of Slate beginning at 1 p.
on 16 September then plan to proceed to the munitions and
Navy buildings to protest the manufacture of war materials
and the war in general. (;-, t3 9 ct /cf
Southwest, United States - Mexican7American and other
Spanish-speaking youths intend to shut down the schools of
the Southwest on 16 September in a demonstration of solid:Ira!,
-and prote41 on I hi. annivorsa ry dal col I lip hlt�N'i ran U e id
According to t 11(11)1 1)111) "Cold: y" Gonzales, leader oi Ow Crusade
r Justice, a mil Rant Ivies ican-Ame rival] r_ rod)). it �v i I he a
demons, rat ion "to change the whole educational system I" 1.(1 h.
� to our needs. '1.4 � �
During a speech- at Fresno State College, SA-ramento, California,
Gonzales called. for action on his "Aztlan Plan, " which he hopes will
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Septembei 16, 17
and 1tz
September 24
September 27
unite all factions of M. %it-an-Americans in the Itnited States.
This plan calls for all Klexican-Americans to stand as one
lVashington, D. C. - Tfit� Aini.ricao Society for Industrial
Security, a non-profit_, professional set urity society will
hold Ow Fifteenth Annual Seminar of the Society at Ow
Washington-Ililton Secnrity �.tfieials from indus�ry
and Governmont will join tio.ether and take a hard look at the
sccnrity problems they face-and attempt to arrive at
intelligent solutions.
Chicago, 11 linois - has been set for 24 September for
the "Chicago .Eight" protest leaders indteled on charges of
conspiracy to incite a riot ii) connection N.Vith the disorders
at the poirmt-ratie Nationat Convention last. fall. *All t�iulit
plt�adod "not gnilty" in Federal Distrit t Court on April.
r:ach defendant also faces charges of crossing states lines
to foment disorder or to otherwise violate the Civil Rights
Act of 106 3., Ronnie Davjs, 11,1bIly Scn 1 , Taihti 1. Ft�Htles ,
�and 1.,re lVeiner had their travel restrictions eased but are
required to I-.eep the Court. fully informed (If their movements.
Chicago. Illinois - SDS is reported to be planning to participate
in a demonstration On 27 Septem-ber in support. of the trial
defendants, the self-proclaimed "c,oni;pirae y " Other
protest activities are being planned lativ during the trial.
OctOber-November In view of the number of actions already noted as planned for
October and November, 1269, they are not repeated in this
week's calendar. As additional or new info nation becomes
available re this period, it. will be included in subsequent issues.
SOURCE: Government and news media.
RELIABILITY: Probably time..
� � � .� � � � � � � � � � �
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