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Publication Date: 
November 15, 1968
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 BEST COPY AVAILABLE SITUATION INFORMATION REPORT Black Panther Party A confidential source of a Government component who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that a student reportedly associated with the Student Strike Committee in Mexico City, spoke at a November 6 meeting of the Black Panther Party in Los Angeles. At the meeting it was agreed that Mexican students will be sent to Los Angeles for Black Panther Party instruction in disruptive tactics, construction of explosives and homemade incendiary devices, and the stealing of military arms. The Mexican students would then return to Mexico to pply their newly acquired knowledge. Source also advised that the BPP plans to send members to Mexico but the purpose was not indicated. Travel of BPP members to Mexico and to Cuba has been noted previously. Mark RUDD Mark RUDD, former head of SL G at Columbia University, was cleared November 8 of a charge of disorderly conduct stemming from the student occupation last May 18 of a Columbia-owned tene- ment. The dismissal was ordered despite the plea of Assistant District Attorney Gershman, who predicted that the ruling would encourage others to demonstrate. RUDD still faces charges of riot in the second degree, inciting to riot and criminal trespass as a result of a protest at Columbia last May 22. RUDD identified himself as a former student and "now a lecturer." Calendar of Tentatively Scheduled Activities of Possible Interest "Asterisked" items are either being reported for the first time or contain additional or changed information on previous- ly reported activities. November 17 The Communist .parties of the Soviet Union and fifty- seven other parties recently agreed in a meeting in Budapest to shelve plans for a World Communist Summit Conference in Moscow on 25 November. Another prepara- tory meeting has been called for 17 November to examine the date for calling the Internationgl Con- ference and the method of its further preparations. t. Affre. cin " �rt,"�:'. ' Jo" ' '4: � � ' 1:0.� =flit% '1;�1' � � � � pprove-d for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087- �1.� �.: Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 A - November 17 November 17 November 18-22 November 18 November 20 Iovember 24 I. *San Francisco, California - A rally in support of the twenty-seven enlisted men who participated in a sit-down strike at the Post Stockade of the Presidio of San Francisco will be held at the Lombard Street Gate to the Presidio Base. The rally will be spon- sored by the RESISTANCE. *Los Angeles, California - The "Newton-Cleaver Defense Committee" has tentatively scheduled a bFreedom Rally" at the L. A. Trade Technical School. Speakers are scheduled to be: Eldridge CLEAVER; Chas. GARY, leftist Chief Counsel for CLEAVER and Huey NEWTON; Melvin NEWTON, brother of Huey and Chairman for the NEWTON-CLEAVER Defense Committee; Oscar ACOSTA, Chief counsel for the "Chicago 13" and the Brown Berets; Rev. James DONALDSON; and Richardson WASSERSTRAM, Prof. of Law and Philoso- phy at UCLA and the rally chairman. *Nairobi, Kenya - Forty American and African leaders from widely varying Governmental and private back- grounds will meet to confer on mutual problems. American participants will include two members of Congress, corp. Presidents, Government officials and news executives as well as civil rights leader Bayard RUSTIN and Prof. Chas. V. HAMILTON of Roosevelt University, co-author with Stokely CARMICHAEL of "Black Power: 'The Politics of Liberation in America.'" American participants are expected to meet President-elect NIXON on their return - to convey a sense of the attitudes expressed by the Africans. Oakland, California - This date has been set for the trial of the seven young men under conspiracy indictment for their part in organizing the October 1967 demonstrations in front of the Oakland Induction Center. The charge against the Oakland Seven - "Conspiracy to commit a misdemeano7-=-"- carries a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment plus a.$10,000 fine. Abbie HOFFMAN, Ylppie leader, arrested and charged with defacing the American flag on 3 October during HCUA hearings .has a trial date set for 20 November. He pleaded NOT guilty at his arraignment. *St. Louis; Missouri - The New Democratic Coalition - dissidents whose protests splintered the Democratic Party before the election - plan to meet to-prepare for a national "founding conference" in March 1969 - to organize to fight or control of the party. 7;7 pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 * November 25-Dec. 2 *The National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), a militant "welfare rights" group which claims 30,000 members in seventy cities has proclaimed this period as "national get it week." The highlight will be Thanksgiving Day, November 280 when welfare recipi- ents will stage demonstrations to say Iffo thanks, America" for the inadequate dole they get. BWRO announced a December "spend-the-rent" campaign in which welfare clients would keep their rent money to spend on basic needs not covered in their relief checks. November 28. South Bend, Indiana - The National Student Association Convention on White Racism is scheduled on this date. The University of Maryland formed a Campus Coalition Against Racism (CCAR) in early October. The research that will emanate from the CCAR will be used to represent the University of Maryland at the NSA Con- vention. November 29-Dec. 1 A Hemispheric Conference to End the War in Vietnam will apparently meet in Montreal to develop coor- dination against U. S. intervention in Vietnam and the Americas. This meeting had earlier been indi- cated for 12-14 October. A planning meeting was held in Montreal on 7-8 September. A flyer issued in connection with the conference proclaims that approximately 2,000 .people from throughout the hemisphere - over 1/4 from Canada will attend. Among the listed sponsors from the U. S. are the following: Donna ALLAN & gmar WILSON Women Strike for Peace Julian BOND - Georgia State Assembly Southern Christian Education Fund Ossie DAVIS and Ruby TIPP Prof. Robert GREENBLATT - NMCEWV Father James GROPPI James JACKSON - CPUSA Rev. B ernard LAFAYETTE - SCLC Linda MORSE - 5th Avenue Peace Parade' Committee Dr. Benjamin SPOCK Jarvis TYNER - National Chairman - W. E. B. DuBois Club ; John WILSON - SNCC _ It was indicated that the conference would deal with U. S. involvement in Latin America only so far as it affects the Vietnam War. 1:4,4'7"rig;t� mro- I. efe�i ' � vilepc7; re. 4,17;6147.... . _ Pt *.� � ;� fr ��,11) ���'' � ***C 2 � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 .--:':,�::-i Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 Delegations representing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front will be present. Initiated by a broad coalition in Montreal, the meeting will include activists from the U. S., Canada and many countries of Central and South America. Unification and eipansion of the peace movements in these areas will repdtedly be the conference's goal. Among speakers are to be: Nov. -29-Dec. 1 December 1-5 1. � Cheddi JAGAN, Communist former Prime Minister of British Guiana (Guyana) and David DELLINGER of the National Mobilization Committee. Com- munists, Pacifists, Negro militants, and liberals are included in the U. S. delegation. Chicago, Illinois - The Young Socialist Alliance (youth section of the Socialist Workers Party) has called for a national convention of Revolution- ary Socialists over the Thanksgiving weekend. Representatives from the German SD6 - French FCR - Japanese Zengakuren and Socialists from Italy, England and some of the Socialist Black countries are expected. Purpose of the convention report- edly is to discuss building a serious revolution- ary organization in the advanced industrial coun- tries including the U. S. A. Princeton, New Jersey - It can be anticipated that the U. S. A. will be soundly chastised as well as praised when more than eighty leading intellectuals from throughout the world will gather at the Institute for Advanced Studies to assess many of the problems that will confront the next American President. Plans for the five-day seminar on "The U. S. - Its problems, Impact and Image in the World" were td be announced on 28 October in London and in Paris by Shepard STONE, President of the International Association for Cultural Freedom. The association is a private organization of scholars, writers, and men of public affairs that is receiving finan- cial support from the Ford Foundation. ' Dr. Carl KAYSEN, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, and Jean-Jacques SERVAN-SCHREIBER, publisher of the French weekly, L'EXpressl-and the author of the best-selling book "The Americac Challenge," will be co-chairman of the conference. "044.1 'OP r77114 � � � � � � � � I. � -';����" � � --7/- �cr � 4. _ �3104-� a:nr�Jrf: �-�Ara. - � . 7.0 -� � ��� � � !. 2.'t117� pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 CO0018087 � - __. � . - December 2 December 2 Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 Stone said, "We hope that the incoming administration will be represented at the meeting as we shall gather some of the most articulate and influential critics and advocates of American policy. Two Soviet scholars who have accepted invitations to the meeting are Anatoly A. GROMYKO, son of Foreign Minister Andrei A. GBOMYKD, and Stanislav MKNSCHIKOY, a director of the Institute of World Economy. Several distinguished East European scholars and writers have been invited. They include Milovan DJILAS (Yugoslavia) and Ivan SVITAK (Czech Communist Party liberal). An American contingent of thirty-one participants will include a number of former Government officials - among them McGeorge BUNDY, George W. BALL, John K. GALBRAITH, Arthur SCHLESINGER, Jr., and George KENNAN. Among the British to attend are: Prof. Alan BULLOCK, chairman of the Board of the Association for Cultural Freedom; Alastair BUCHAN, director of the Institute of Strategic Studies; and Geoffrey MARTIN, chairman of the National Union of Students. A number of other Euroiean as well as Latin Americans will attend. Perhaps not the least interesting of the other American participants will be: Lillian HELLMAN, playwright; Roy INNIS, Director of CORE; Daniel BELL, prof. of Sociology at Columbia University; Irving HOWE, editor of DISSENT; Edward SHILS, Prof. of Sociology, University of Chicago; Saul BELLOW, novelist; and Norman POEHORETZ, editor of Commentary magazine. Be]. Air, Maryland - The trial of H. Rap BROWN on charges of arson and inciting to riot in Cambridge, Maryland, had been scheduled with Judge Harry E. DWYER, presiding. (It has been postponed.) *Oakland, California - The April 6, 1968, "Shoot-out Crowd" of the Black Panther Party have had their trial set for 2 December. Eldridge CLEAVER, Minister of Information of the BPP is one of the six defen- dants. All pleaded innocent to a variety of charges stemming from the shoot-out with the Oakland Police Department in Oakland. This was the confrontation during which Bobby HUTTON of the BPPIs was killed. CLEAVER has been stating that he will not return to prison - that he will hide out in the black ghettos - and that he will kill anyone who attempts tosim- prison him. CLEAVER has been ordered to return to 'prison on 27 Novemberjollowing revocation of his � � � .*!.' pproved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 December.5 ' December 7 & 8 December 8 December 9 a. parole because of his involvement in the gun battle with Oakland, California, Police in April 1968. An Alameda County Superior Court Judge on 8 Nov. rejected a defense motion to quash the indictments of Eldridge CLEAVER and the five other Black Panthers on the contention that six of the Grand Jury that indicted them did not represent the Negro Community. He set November 20 to-decide whether the six would be tried together or separ- ately for attempted murder and assault stemming from the April gun battle. CLEAVER is still free on $50,000 bail. New York City - The Guardian, self-styled indepen- dent radical newspaper, holds its 20th anniversary celebration at the Fillmore East. Carl OGLESBY, an srs leader, will be the main speaker. Entertainment is to include folk and rock music and speeches by other radicals - "a general onslaught of political information and entertainment, some serious and some absurd, leading to a radical perspective for l969."- - Task Force - the underground newsrag published in San Francisco - aimed at servicemen and veterans - carried a notice in its October 25 edition calling for GI actions December 7 and 8: "1. Organize - teach-ins, rallies, marches, discussions, GI dinners, etc. 2. Contact - Local vets, student anti-war groups for assistance. 3. Write - P. O. Box 31268, San Francisco, 94131, so we can inform you of what's happening around the country." Tacoma, Washington - The GI-Civilian Alliance for Peace is planning a GI march for December 8, which it hopes will attract 5,000 demonstrators. Los Angeles, California - The trial of Sirhan B. SIRHAN on.the charge that he murdered Robert F. KENNEDY, has been delayed until 9 December on a motion by the defense. Superior Judge Herbert V. WALKER, the Senior Criminal Court Judge in Los Angeles County presided over the hearing and will preside at the trial. Judge WALKER, said, over prosecution objections, that he intended to sequester the jury, once it was sworn. He said that jury selection would begin December 92 and that if no jury was selected by December 23, he would recess the trial until January 2, 7'.69. Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 - December 13 � December 21 January 1962 New York City - The National Emergency Civil Liber- ties Committee annual Bill of Rights dinner is scheduled for the Americana Hotel. The NECIC is the old ECLC rejuvenated with a new name. The old ECLC was cited as a Communist Front in 1956 by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee and in 1959 by HCUA. Featured speakers will be: Dr. Benjamin SPOCK and Dick GREGORY. " Corliss LAMONT is chairman of NECLC. Washington, D. C. - The HCUA subcommittee after holding three days of open hearings into the conduct and connection of some groups and individ- uals in the DNC disorders is in recess until 21 December. Five of the seven witnesses sub- poenaed have not been heard and are expected to return. They are David DELLINGER, Rennie DAVIS, Tom HAYDEN, Jerry RUBIN, and Abbie HOFFMAN. Robert GREENBLATT of the NMC and Dr. David YOUNG of the Medical Committee for Hunan Rights who testified that week were released from their subpoenas but could be summoned back. Guerrilla, an underground publication, recently proposed that in January 1969, independent revolu- tionaries hold a "Congress for Cultural Revolution." "The Congress should be organized to include the independent revolutionary media: various representa- tives of the underground communities, and other independent revolutionary organizations and individ- uals who are interested in total cultural revolution whether they be activists, anarchists, poets and artists, or socialists. (1) The red and black should attempt to formulate a broad program of cultural revolution which includes an analysis of the tasks facing cultural revolution- aries from the point of view of the ecology, mor- phology and cybernetics as well as from the more traditional revolutionary informations. (2) Polarize the underground. The CIA and other intelligence agencies have begun to consciously in- filtrate the culturel revolution via grants, fake poetry projects, magazines and the usual fronts. GUERRILLA-believes it is necessary to name and define the counter-cultural revolution so that a conscious federation of cultural revolution may be but. (3) ..The Congress should attempt to formulate its own 4-year plan of cultural revolution. Social � � � Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 January 30 1969 January 3, 1969 January 18 - January 20 January 20 January 20 revolution as a weapon of cultural revolution. Those interested in helping to organize a national CONGRESS FOR CULTURAL REVOLUTION may write GUERRILLA. *Washington, D. C. - Prior to Election Day, the NMC had announced its intention to produce follow-up protests. One is scheduled"for 3 January if the Electoral College fails to give a majority to any candidate and the choice of President is placed in the hands of the House of Representatives, or for Inauguration Day, 20 January if the "peace" movement believes the new President will refuse to change policies regarding U. S. involvement in Vietnam. It would seem that the January 3 protest will be can- celled as NIXON appears assured of an electoral majority. Included in the new program allegedly adopted by the NMCEWVN (Chairman David DELLINGER) at a September 14 administrative committee meeting in D. C. - "Rally supporters to pressure the new House of Representa- tives on 3 January and the new President at his inauguration 20 January 1969. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - The Black Liberation Alliance, formed October 18-20 at Columbus, Ohio, by 50 dissatisfied members of CORE from five states will hold its first convention. Temporary officers were elected at Columbus. It was decided that the organization will strive for basic social, economic, and political change in the U. S. A. rather than reform. It will seek racial separation, black nation- alism, and the formation of a separate black nation within the boundaries of the U. S. The Youth International Party (YIPPIES) announced it will hold a,"festival of life" at Washington, D. during the Inauguration of the President. Yippies contributed much of the disruptive activity at the Democratic National Convention with their "Festival of Life" there. Jerry RUBIN (YITPIES) has stated that he and his colleagues will try to make it rough for whomever is inaugurated President on 20 January. They will hold marches and parades and make an effort to bring their pig, Pegasus - whom they nominated in Chicago - into the White House. Washington, D. C. - The Administrative Committee of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (NMC) met "en October 12 and 13 at the C�2 - to14.4.; 1.1 - arton - Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018087 January 20 March 1969 March 3 April 1969 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Approximately forty people attended; including David DELLINGER and Rennie DAVIS, EMC leaders; Sidney PECK, a former member of the Communist Party; and Arnold JOHNSON, a member of the CPUSA national Committee. The Committee decided that there was need for tight security against FBI investigations of anti-riot law viola- tions. A working committee was formed to make plans for a demonstration at Washington, D. CO, during the Presidential Inauguration. Rennie DAVIS, NMC leader, recently announced to anti-war protestors that there would be a "massive convergence" of protestors in Washington on Inauguration Day. Appeal of the conviction of Dr. Benjamin SPOCK; Rev. Wm. Sloane COFFIN, Mitchell GOODMAN, and Michael FERBER for conspiring to urge others to break the draft law is expected to come before the Supreme Court in March. On 4 November, attorneys for Dr. SPOCK filed a statement in the U. S. Court of Appeals that the conviction violated their constitutional right to free speech. They filed ten issues on which they hope to overturn the conviction, raising the ques- tion of whether conviction was "based upon con- stitutionally protected speech." *Memphis, Tennessee - James Earl RAY, accused assassin of Martin Luther KING, Jr., switched from Attorney Art HANES to Attorney Percy FOREMAN, just prior to scheduled beginning of his trial 12 November. Al- though Attorney HANES said the switch "was a delaying tactic pure and simple," Judge W. Preston BATTLE said he had no choice but to delay the trial and it was postponed until 3 March 1969 - this date seems also to be a tentative one as Attorney FOREMAN indicated the didn't believe it would give him adequate time to prepare his case. The 19th Annual Convention of the CPUSA has been scheduled for this time. - .'1OURCES:_ Government and news media reports RELIABILITY: Probably true a:. �� 17= � ,���� - %_ -.IWO �as ...,�40�111r � .!:.� � � 7. �24:, 4.1.����,,e�r- f.tim.'"Iqic!Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C0001808r-vic'''`-" - � - � .