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Publication Date:
September 27, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078
The following items are either newly surfaced activities or
are expanded details on activities which were listed in the six-page
calendar of last week.
September 27 Los Angeles - The Brown Berets and other Mexican-
American organizations plan to demonstrate in front
of Lincoln High School in support of SalvaLore H.
CASTRO.. CASTRO was relieved of teachinr duties in
connection with student walkouts in March 1968.
September 28 Chicago - A parade and rally is scheduled by area
groups - approximately 6,000 persons expeeted - to
protest the Democratic National Convention (um)
police actions. The parade, one month after the
is to go down Michigan Avenue to Grant Park
for the rally. A parade permit ,4as requested but
leaders say the march will take place with or
without -the permit.
Sept. 28-29 St. Louis - The Washington University Chapter of
US will host the Mid-West Regional Conference of
September 30 New York City - Mark RUDD, one of the principal
leaders of SDS at Columbia University, who has
Just left the city on a two-week speaking tour that
will take him to Boston University, Harvard, Amherst,
Yale, the University of California at Berkeley, and
high schools in Los Angeles, will interrupt his tour
to return to N. Y. C. on Monday for a pre-trial
hearing in criminal court in connection with charges
of inciting to riot and eriminal trespass as a
result of his role in last sprinr's Columbia uprising.
RUDD is free On bail.
October 1 . Phoenix - Paul POUTELLE, SocialisL Workers Party
candidate for Vice-President, is to speak at a:rally.
October 2 BOUTELLE is also to speak at an Arizona. Mats' Univer-
sity rally in Tempe, Arizona. The rallies will be
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078
October 1
October 5
Oct. 5-6
neia RS protests to the draft and the war in Vietnam.
They are sponsored by the Arizona State Utliversity
Committee to End the War in Vietnam, SEG, Youth
Socialist Alliance, and the Phoenix Draft Resisters.
Washington, D. C. - Tot HAYDEN (SDG) and Jerry RUBIN
-(Yippies) have been subpoenaed to appear 1,9fore the
HCUA. Both figured prominently in the DUC demonstra-
Ft. Dix, P. J. - An estimated 700 demonstrators will
protest the detention of11110111111100�1who is
being held awaiting a summary court-martial for
distributing leaflets on the Post. Demonstrators
will be carried by bus from N. Y. C. and Philadelphia
and possibly from Rutgers University in Newark, N. J.
The Student Mobilization Committee is sponsoring the
demonstration to put pressure on the military and to
promote the idea that uhe GI 's right to frc'edom of
speech is such as should be proteiVed as would that
of a civilian. Approximately one week before the
demonstration, SMC members will be on the Post to
distribute leaflets in the hope that they
generate more interest in the military population.
The demonstration is intended to be peaceful in
nature and last about an hour.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama -.The United Mans of Amnrit'a
plans to hold a National Klonvoeation - probably
to elect new officials and to plan future activities.
Oct. 5-6 Minneapolis, Minnesota - A national conference has
been called by the New Democratic Coalition -
purportedly in an effort to achieve coordination
and common purpose among anti-administration Democrats.
It will focus attention on consolidation of these
forces within the Democratic Party and the mapping
of strategy for 1969, 1970, and 1972.
Oct. 12-15 Boulder, Colorado - An SEG National Council meeting
is still scheduled at the University of Colorado. -
It has been estimated that itoo-600 persons will attend.
nan Franeireo - A "Mareh for Prawfrprolqalrel for meu
presently in ludrorm and yeinrans or rortry.r wars nnd
scheduled to start in the Panhaedle or Goldee (late
Park and proeeed to the Civic Center Plana is appar-
ently of concern to the Pentagon. Three Hamilton
Air Force Base men this week charred they were being
transferred to prevent their rticipatiom i. the
march. Air Force/. one of
Oct.. 12
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078
October 27
the ormnizora or the march told a ',rens conference
that he has been ordered transferrn4 to Trliwan
September 26 to prevent his participation in this
protest against the war in Vietnam. He made public
what purported to be ax Air Force teletype message
from the Pentagon which said in part that the Air
Force command -'strongly believes this demonstration
should be quashed if possible because of possible
severe impact on military discipline throughout the
Baltimore, Maryland - The trial of nine persons for
the'dIptruction of Selective Service records in
Caetoilkille, Maryland, will begin. The group
includes Frs. Daniel and Philip BERPIGAN,both Jesuit
priests; Themas and Marjorie MEINILLE, formerly a
.Maryknoll priest and nun who resigned their orders
and married following service in Guatemala during
which they were active in support of anti-government
November 25 The meeting of Communist and Workers Parties scheduled
to open in Moscow;this date has been reported to be
under eonsideration by the soviet Union fer possible
postponewnt in the belief that, in view of the
Czechoslovakian problem, the conference goal of a
display of Communist unity would not be served at
this time. The meeting, a Soviet idea of many
years standing, vas designed to demonstrate that �
despite the Soviet-Chinese split, thern continued'
.to exist a strong and united world Communist movement,
whose principal center is. Moscow.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 1 A Hemispheric Conference to End the War in Vietnam
will apparently meet in Montreal to develop coordina-
tion against U. S. intervention in Vietnam and the.
Americas. This meeting had earlier been indicated
for 12-14 October. A planning meeting was held in
Montreal on 7-8 September.
December 2 Bel Air, Maryland - The trial of H. Rap BROWN on
charges -of arson and inciting to riot in Cambridge,
Maryland, has been scheduled with Judge Harry E. DWYER,
Dne. 13
New Yotk City - Thellational Emergency Civil Libr!rtinr.
Committee annual Dill of Rights dinner isschnduled for
the Americana Hotel. The NECIC is the old ECLC
rejuvenated with a new name. The old ECLC was cited
as _a Communist Front in 1956 by the Senate-Ivternal
Security Subcommittee and in 1959 by IICUA. Featured
speakerswillbe:Dr.Benjamin SPOCK and Disk GREGORY.
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078
COri;ns tAMONT is chairman ef NECLC.
April 1969 The 1?th Annual Cnnvention of the MICA has been
scheduled for this time.
SOURCW:_ Government and news media reports.
MIXABILITY: Probably true. .
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018078