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March 26, 1971
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1�1 Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 b00018016'"5"141K3,4"4.-- fj.- /- 's. 26 March 1171- BEST COPY AVAILABLE SPECIAL INFORMATION REPORT Tentative Plans for Antiwar Demonstrations. Spring 1971 14 I Detailed plans for spring antiwar activities are beginning to take shape. Changes, both planned and spontaneous, are still highly likely to occur-. Several key factors remain unknown but will probably be revealed in coming weeks. Since the end of January numerous references in the volume of antiwar literature have referred to an assembly point for April and May demonstrations as a the Washington suburbs. Several references have been made to a farm in the McLean, Virginia area, and other reports have been even less specific. 'Local police authorities have so far been unable to pinpoint the probable assembly site but exjAret some break of information in this matter in the near future. Obviously thousands of protestors can- not be expected_to assemble unless the assembly point is identified for them. Additionally, the literature has referred to a mass assembly on a hill overlooking the Government in April and May. The hill has not yet been further identified. '; 4 1 '4' 4 ; :1,04 As spring demonstration time draws near, it becomes increas- ingly obvious that Agency facilities (probably at Lapgley only)will be the target of antiwar protestors. Previous optimism expressed in these reports of a possible small antiwar turn out must now be altered. The �turn out for two different demonstrations in Washington on the weekend e: � 7: of 20-21 March was much larger than expected based on past experience. The Progressive Labor Party which is not considered a significantly large block of Maoist-type communists were able to muster more than 1,500 demolftritors in the city with a relatively unappealing cause. Protests on the 21st against the treatment of Soviet Jewry assembled over a thousand people. Although the Jewish organizations are not known to be participatinrin spring antiwar demonstrations, the size of the recent demonstration is considered a significant measure of youth teniperament. The People's Coalition for Peace and Justice and the National Peace Action Coalition have forecast gigantic crowds flocking to the Capital fo; spring attivities, and at this point it appears that thier estimate may be correct% r..akr me' jormisor7 � , _." *�����r_dijnI�01. 0.4006;4104,. *( aailit���� ������� � le,;�� 1010t.P.- r*. " .91.-111/4.! tb".. . Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016 Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016 S. A calendar of tentatively scheduled events as they are known at tItis reporting are as follows: 1-5 April, New York City and Nationwide.-- Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, William Wiley of. - the National Welfare Rights Organization and possibly Caesar Chavez of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee will stage demon- strations principally in New York City on the above dates to�commem- orate the third anniversary of assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.. The PCPJ has reportedly agreed to assist Abernathy and Wiley financially in their activities scheduled for New York City. These groups intend to climax New York City demonstrations with a poor people's mule train through New. York's financial district and then push off for Washington. D.C. to join the antiwar�groups for activities beginning on 24 April. The celebrated cause that will he pushed by this early April campaign will include everything from scab lettuce and welfare demands ($6,500 annual income) to repression and Vietnam. It has also been reported that while in New York and as marchers from various parts - of the country press on toward Washington the "People's Peace Treaty" will be circulated for signature witliin communities along the way. The scenario as it presently stands during this period calls for demonstrators on 2 April to encourage local actions in support of hunger marches, fasts and teach-ins. On 3.April tax protests and resistance activities focus on the necessity for a reordering of national priorities. Sunday, 4 April, calls for religious tributes to Martin Luther King, Jr. I:I 1.� � i� /.fii� � . � . � 10 April, Washington, D.C. --The first demonstration scheduled for Washington will be staged on the above date. 11,pportedly,.these actions will be for ."movernent" women who will demand the right to live "on the steps of the world's largest manufacturer of death" (the Pentagon). -1 1141)*t1:11:. ;11(I)?' � .. I // The composition of this demonstration has not been clarified in the "movement" press. It is assumed that. the ranks will be composed of Women's lviberation advocates, commune members and antiwar activist groups. Although this demonstration is not presently regarded as one that will be *significantly disruptive, 10 April may well be a "bellwether" assemblagethat will portend the size and anger of events to come. 1. (7: V . I � � � I I � / � I April 10, althoughlrincipally scheduled to harass the de fens e establishment at the Pentagon, could be the first test of demonsetration plans against the CIA. There is better than an outside chance that 2 � . � �64. 14�* � IA:1; 4:1A 1�" � +.;�?;- � J " � Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016 Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 600018016 some demonstrations in the Langley area, either by plan or spon- taneity, may occur, on Saturday, 10 April. 19-23 April, Washington, D. C. --Vietnam Veterans Against the Waf for some months have been planning a protest of the war at - Washington on the above dates. This veterans' group will allegedly conduct a"peace lobby"and will assemble and possibly harass members of Congress in their offices and hallways. There is some indication that members of this group will also harass members of Congress at their homes. (; . A --A � ; /I St I ( 4 / � . 0 ,�� /1 This week of demonstration could be disruptive but probably will not directly involve the Agency. Some violence and police con- frontation may occur during this period. 24 April-5 May. --This period will probably see in the nation's capital and surrounding areas the largest mass demonstration that has yet been staged in support of American withdrawal from Southeast Asia. On Saturday, 24 April, the largest number of persons will probably be present in the city. Antiwar spokesmen have estimated 500,000 persons, and since all Sections of the antiwar effort have jumped on the band wagon it seems obvious that all dissent activists regard this demon- stration as a highly potential success. Spokesmen of the NPAC have apparently tried to assure the nonviolent character of this event. They continue in shaky coalition with the PCPJ, however, a group which seems more militantly-oriented. Whether the NPAC can maintain control is a key factor, and that they can is considered doubtful. � � It is anticipated, that after the big crunch of mass demonstrations on Saturday, .24 April, and the regrouping and planning activities on Sunday, 25 April, will come the more militant-oriented demonstrations beginning on the week of Monday, 26 April. It is reportedly the intention of antiwar activists "to open all parts of the Government to out people." Particularly specified in the underground literature are the Pentagon,. the CIA at LAngley, the National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Antiwar activists believe that the lobbying pressure will build through the last week in April and that on about the first of May "long marchers" will be arriving and gathering on a farm outside of Wash- ington. Reportedly, tents and other living facilities will be setup. � � s � On 1 Maviprotestotis reportedly will assemble in a celebration � of peace on a hill overlooking the Government (not further identified).. May 1 demonstrations will reportedly coincide with similar assemblie_s._ A 4.1 IP, 7; fly coe., 7t 3 ilet,'� � � ���� IMMO . A- � -������. . ��:...o�in; � ..fer.,.Amr�s.....14.....�����ra�11A0���� � ;PO �� ,__.21110���100�1.4 �������� � � 1������.-,04.-40.....v.: �����. #4 � � .` 7�71., 1- � � . .:1�� � - . . . Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016 � Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016. � .itigiligftF=7-...:41.�; in Paris, London: Tokyo, Peking and elsewhere to demonstrate massive international support for Ihe people of Vietnam. (American antiwar planners Will undoubtedly assume credit for assembling masses of people throughout the world. It should be remembered, however, that many nations have traditional celebrations as well as national holidays on I May. Generally, Western Europe celebrates , Labor Day on I May.) I? � � 7 ( Sunday, 2 May, will be a day of planning for the following several.days. Several reports have indicated that religious cere- monie.s will he conducted on 2 May. Five major targets have been chosen and identified for concentrated actions on the morning of 3 May. They are the Pentagon, the CIA, the Department.of Justice, the .Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the White House. Additionally, a number of highways have been identified for "nonviolent disruptions." These roads and highways that are regarded by antiwar spokesmen as the lifeline into Governmental institutions arc Shirley, Highway, George Washington Memorial Parkway, 14th Street Bridge, Pennsylvania Avenue and Constitution Avenue. Also mentioned but less prominently is Dupont Circle'.'Ileportedly, antiwar demonstrators at 7:30 a. m. on 3 May will move onto these highways, sit down and lock arms. At noon on 3 May demonstrators will assemble at Congress to "surround the Capitol with people who are determined that Congress accept tlw mandate of American and world public opinion." Mav 4 is scheduled to be a repeat of the activities of the _previous day. May 5 has been designated as "no business as usual day." The apparent meaning of this designation by antiwar activists implies that 5 May will up the ante in Washington by introducing increased militau,cy and spread disruptive activities throughout the nation. .... .t ;:i.," One recent report has reflected that plans from 5 May on are somewhat vague because spokesmen believe that all prominent leaders will be in jail before the 5th. -IT W rifi,(11 � Recel reports continue to be vague with regard to the earlier planned tactic of a vehicle-stall on key highways. It is probable at this date that antiwar planners believe that the "sit down-arm lock" technique would be a superior tactic, less Alienating and with more propaganda value than the vehicle stall. This apparent change in tactic is probably 'also considered feasible since planners believe now that sufficient peoptc.will be on hand to disrupt. the city with bodies instead f o machis ne. � ,���� � Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016 Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016 - It has been pointed out that as events are staged several factors could effect a change in protest plans. At this point what could possibly be viewed as an escalation of the war by antiwar fire brands could both swell and anger the masses. If, on the other hand, an incident should occur-in the early stages, a successful mass action could be seriously jeopardized. The carnival element is present this time as it always is and many young people will be coming to the city more for fu rt and excitement than for the rhetoric and polemics of David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, et al. Violence during the week of 19 April when the Vietnam Veterans' group is in town or a bombing in the city by extremely violent radicals would probably dramatically reduce the number of participants. In summary, those dates that-at the moment must be regarded as potential periods of direct attacks on the Agency are as follows: 10 April: Women:5 protest in Washington. Slight threat. it g I 1.� 0.;�11-1/ 26 April: Tentatively planned demonstration at the Agency. Serious potential threat of _picketing and harassing of Agency person- nel at Headquarters./ I, I .. � .� .t: I. I:. � !, 27.-30 Ap_ril: Depending on activities staged at the Agency on 26 April. Serious potential acts of disruption. 3 May: Most serious projected date of Agency disruption. Traffic seriously interrupted, efforts may be made to enter Agency facilities. I y� lin%� 4-7 May: Serious period of Agency disruption depending u_ppn events of 3 Ma. � �rg, 5 � Approved for Release: 2024/12/20 C00018016