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December 22, 1970
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018011
25-27 December
22 December 1970
e A Tellable source has reported that "the Red Family from the
West Coast" is planning to kidnap five business leaders of the military-
industrial community during the forthcoming Christmas weekend and
hold them for ransom and the release of unnamed political prisoners.
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26-2.9 December,.Chicago
The Worker Student Alliance faction of SDS will hold a National
convention at Chicago on the above dates. 1 -e.
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*January 1971, Washington, D.C.
Rennie Davis,� a leading spokesman for the National Coalition
Against War, Racism and Repression, addressed an Indianapolis
meeting'0n.14 December. In his statements to the People's Peace
Treaty Conference, a group which is seeking% develop a peace treaty
with the people of North Vietnam, Davis again brought up the subject
of disrupting the city of Washington, D. C. next May. According to
Davis, his organization will conduct a trial of the proposed May tactic
in January 1971, indicating that one highway-leading into the city would
be blocked by stalling vehicles. 1� Ai� 01 .T;
1 January 1971, Nationwide
The War Resisters League has undertaken a Project aimed at
crippling .the Selective Service System in 1971. Their plan calls for 100,000 signatures of men of draft age on a petition of non-
cooperation with Selective Service. The plan also calls for a national
strike against the clr.aft starting on 1 January 1971. Reportedly the
National Student Association is one of the organizations is cooper--
sting with the War Resisters League in this effort. F14::
5 January.I971., Kent, Ohio
L Legal.argufnerits will be heard on 5 January in connection with -
the 25 persons indicted for last May'ellisorders at -Kent State U. This .
would assure that those indicted will not be brought to trial until at least
mid-January' if ever. A 1 --1
..... ,
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018011
Approved for Release: 2024/.12/19 C0701111801111110111MONONAG- �
. 14 January 1971
*15 January, West Germany
A group of National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People investigators:are scheduled t6Ileave Tor Germany TOT a two-
or three-week stay to look into the charges within the military of
racial discrimination. The group of investigators is headed by the
NAACP general counsel Nathanie Jones and will include director of
the military and veteraps- affairs department Julius Williams and attorney
Melvin Boldin. 0,-e� -70
*15 January, Nationwide
Demonstrations and marches have been planned .in celebration
of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Nine states have declared
15 January as Martin L. King Day. But of 20 major American cities
surveyed, schools will close Friday in only six. The cities involved
are Newark, New York, Washington, Baltimore, Seattle and S,t. Louis.
In Newark Mayor Kenneth Gibson has declared the alay a holiday for city
employees and will personally preside over city observances. In.
Washington a liberal leave policy will be adopted for city employees.
The Rev. Ralph Abernathy will speak at a memorial service at a church
on New Jersey Avenue in N. W. Washington and then with Coretta King
is scheduled to lead a march to the capitol. Mrs. Willie J. Hardy, co-
chairman of Washington's King Holiday Committee, has advised that
petitions bearing millions of names proposing the date as a national
holiday will be loaded on a mule train for the march. She stated that
the committee expects thousands of marchers from across the country.
A white clergyman in Pittsburgh who is allegedly a civil rights
activist recCntly stated that pressure for a King Day is declining. He
istaten that at first after Ki.ang s assassination it was an emotional thing
that is now-becoming weaker. The more militant Negroes repofstedly
-do not appreciate King's greatness and the attitude toward him today is
one of apathy.
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26. January,: Detroit, Michigan
A federal judge at Detroit has set this date for the trial of three
members of the radical White Panther Party in connection with the
1968 bombing of a CIA office at Ann Arbor. The three defendants.are -
Lawrence Plamondon, John 'Sinclair and Jack Forest.
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*27 January, Madison, Wisconsin
Reportedly Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird is scheduled to
appear for a speaking engagement at the University of Wisconsin on
the above date. Radicals in Madison have reportedly discussed the
!iisruption of Secretary Laird's appearance. One disruptive action that
has been discussed is the preparation-df a stink bornb�to be released at
the beginning of his speech. r /N -(6 e
*29-31 January, Washington, D.C.
The National Peace Action Coalition conference held in Chicago
in early December endorsed a resolution supporting Cl participation in
peace demonstrations and in support of the upcoming Winter Soldier's
Investigations scheduled to take place in W.ashington, D. C. on the
above dates.
Two previous reports from antiwar GIs have taken place in
recent months. For these sessions the piess is invited,and a number -
of alleged Vietnam veterans detail all American atrocities and war
crimes that they have witnessed during their tours of duty. The
audience usually consists of hard core radicals and reporters carrying
credentials from the underground press.
The December conference additionally endorsed a resolution
to support the struggle of the United Farm Workers whose leader,
Ceiar Chavez, is in jail for perpetrating and continuing an illegal
boycott in Capfornia. The NPAC also elected to boycott Standard Oil
because of their war profiteering in Southeast Asia. ,
s,(t / hoc �/c.
*30 January, San Clemerite, California
The 'Rev. Carl McIntire and his March for Victory organiza-
tion save planned a series of marches throughout the country. to be
staged monthly in various locations extending through next Mays,
..McIntire's first march id scheduled for 30 January at the President's
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018011
Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018011
West-Coast home at San Clemente, California. The second
scheduled march is for 22 February and is to be at the President's
Key Biscayne house. On March 17 the organization plans simul-
taneous marches in the capitals of all 50 states. Planned activities
according to McIntire will reach a climax with another March for
Victory down Pennsylvania Avenue on 8 May.
It is understood that the' march planned for 30 January has
run into problems because the San Clemente city council has refused
the March for Victory organization a permit to use a requested park.
McIntire reportedly is in California this week in an ef.fort to reverse.
the city council, decision. � ..,`r r; 7(.' .--.0); 7/
*February, Washington, D.C.
The second phase of the White House Conference on Youth is
scheduled to begin sometime during the month of February. �
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*February, City Unknown
During the Young Socialist Alliance convention in late Decem-
ber, leaders of the YSA announced that the. Student Mobilization Com-
mittee will hold a conference in early February for the ;purpose of
strengthening the National Peace Action Coalition. This conference
will probably be convened .for the express. purpose of seeing if it is
possible for the NPAC to come to terms with the CPUSA-leaning
National Coalition Against War, Racism and Repression. An.impor-
tant conference of the NCAWRR was held last weektnd and details of
their spring plans 'are not yet known. These two groups which
represent the major antiwar forces remain in considerable disagree-
ment in matters of tactics and strategy. See additional comments
under the heading "24 April" and "3 May." i� ft., 7