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Document Release Date: 
December 13, 1976
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1957
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e. In the course. ofeapproving the original TSS research and. development program, the Project Review Come.i.tteJ MthoCI estab tt. listed procedizee and controla_under_which TSS vaseauthorized to handle Certain extremely sensitive research and development_mmgrarea. These procedures -exempt TSS research and development expenditures-in.fields of influencing httee.n behavior and normal procurement practices and controls. Such expenditures are made under the project desipation IMILTRA and are authorized in amounts not to exceed tventy per cent of the annual research budget. Expencli- tures onlii 7.11 � .. - I ' Nxpeaditures during � the same period by the Cheenistry Division on the influencing of inv..= behavior to fteitiiiJITRAlis, in effect, no more than &Deeding procedure for . these sensitiVe_areaslofeactivity. One specially cleared auditor from the ComptrollerOffice cheeks the accountseunderethis project on a: yearly basis,Careftel, records are maintained and thire is no indication ^ that fund.teXpended under MX:ULTRA. have been in any way improperly handled. The Inspector General sees no reason Irby this funding procedure should. _ Dot be continued under present controls and. administration. g. In addition to the major reliance placed. by TSS upon � civilian contractors, it also relies heavily upon the verious_research and developtent and technical agencies of the military department3 and upon othereOovernment_facilities such as the! i � In the three laical Years 1.9544956, TS3 transferred fund totaling to other Government agencies in support of specific research t� � - 187 -. _ � ���� � � � T. ItiflueOci I,Tv.r.an Behavior a. Intlueneing but= betitvior is a 11104 complex subjeet wad very difficult to deceribe and evaluato in ter= of eeeetipliatualt, 4. * �������������� ���.. ������� 414,1". ��.� ������ � e cost, and potential benefit to clandestine o.'perattions., The whole field includes medical, physiological and psychologicai aspects ana. while there has been much speculation on the subject very little of a positive nature is known about the extent to which h=tan behavior can be predicted, directed and controlled. Chemical Division bas launchei a program_havirig scale specific goals in view and lias now reached. a_point in progresswhere_a_rariew_of the program shoal be made to_detexane if the effertishould_be continued and what course_iti-should_take._. be_Because of the scarcity of positive-koowledge, much time and money--is_being spent on fairly basic research_and�extensive_testing and experimentattion._This type of activity cannot be measured in terms of concrete_results_nor can dollar values be applied. It requires an appraisal of the objectives of the program from the point of view of the operational_benefi_tto be derived, weighed. again.st the allocation of � � MD manpower and funds. c. In considering the objectives, it is helpful to examine the � 4 operational problems the .prograza is designed to meet. One of the major- problems .13Abat_of_lreproved interrogation techniques. jiany different methods are used to break dom en indiVidual's resistance to interrogation .t. . but there isalways_doubt about the accuracy and. reliability of informa- tion obtained by_the_classical methods of pressure," duress or torture. The use of drugs or psychozherecals in this respect is not mew. So-called "tnith ser=e" have been Used, soaetimes successfully but more often not. The approach being taken by 4.Themical. Division is to use psychochemicals to.cronte within the individual a mental. and emoticnal situation_which will release him from the restraint of self-control and'induee him to � reveal informatien Willingly under adroit manipulation.. it t. 7 � � as Related, to the iriprovement of offemive interrogation . . f , techniques it the development 'of defensive measures_against opposition 4e. 41,�����=e����E interrogations, Xhowleage gainea in the frier 4U1 to. counter- measures for the protection of Agency personnel an infonration con- cerning Agency activities. This is another objective of the program. e. Tile potential. use of psychoehemicals in politica action operations is well recognized, althotkgh it has not1Deen explored as thoroue)11:/ as might be expected. Chemical Division inelridit as an objective of its propara to be prepared to support or make-such opera- tions possible.. llon-ehemical mathoas of accompling political action operations Are also-inclUded-in the pre-eln. ( f, Lesser obXetives but perhapt of_equal_ ;and_practical ai3 to case officers in hAnAling agents. In total, the 'objectives are considered to be sound. Certainly, research leading � to a better understanding of the itorkings of the hu.man mind. is en essen- tial element of_intelligenc'e and anything that contributes to the predic- tionof human behavior or makes possible its_direction or control is of inestimsble value.. 8. Some conerete results have be SlictPecifie productt_have been developed end are availabletor operational use. Three of then* � PpCj, euld. C9, are discrediting an& difTabling materials which CM be adrxinitteYed-i�ur,rittingly and permit the exercise ofszt measure of control. Over the actions of the subject.. These have been usedin sit difforent_operatione on a total of 33 subjects. The Other products are IC2� a knockout material used to facilitate WI conseiousavzs; IC � ;E, alcohol extender which produces a degree of inebriation out of prokortion to the elsount of alcohol corasimed and; A2, which_is_a stWant-Slinilza- to Benzedrine in its effeet but without its undesirable after-effects. A manual has been proluced which analyzes methpds_used by Cormluaist - security = forces in the arrest, interrogation and. indoctrination of *enemies-of .the state." Two other manuals of lesser distinCtion have been published. One describes methods of adanister.ing 4rpgs or chemical *materials -surreptitiously end misdireeting attentiork of a subj&e. The,. � - other is-devoted to/ and' methods of influe.. � � � � - free choice. Other studies are still in process which, it is anticipated, Vill produce more profound knowledge on the subject of influencing human behavior. 2 11 _At the present time, there are a substantial number of active projeets_concerned with substtive research in_the Vehavioral-field. Since many of them include other activities, it_is_not_practical to try . to segregate those contracts which have direct a'opliaticirk or to apportion those with saltiple objettives. The total extent of the effit, however, can be fairly accurately described. 1._Extensive research it-being cooducted_by two organizations which the Agency has subetantial interests. One is the I a research foundation with hcadquarterth iu liachtligton. it-is supported in part by the Agency and is used principally as a-funding michszien to finance research projects. In addition to its use as a cover facility& it prdvides_uscful inforation inILseYerOl areas of medical research and � � � 0 � � permits the inclusion of areas of special interest in research sponsored byl to t 'Lion is the The medical meMber_of CD StaifAl_tcaedited. The other organize.- :;* This is wholly 13 upDorted by:the Agency as a cover fecility,___The Society has two flan-time employees_anda_high-level. � Board of Directors_Who_dstensibly provide funds for:research:inithe lesser known ecologiCal aspects of humanity. As a cover facility, it is more A effective and less_costly:than thel 3. Substantive_research_in_th_e behavioral field is being conducted. under contract at sever� al universities throughouVtbe_eountry. The � . University of/ is exploring the effeets on_hmanAissue of Iysergic acidiAhe primeipal ingredient-of:Pi. / varsity is working on knockout materials while! Unt- o ' � University is searching for antidotes for similar materials. At 'University/ � researchers are:seeking-an-antagonist for ethyl alcohol. to provide a defense against intodeatiOn._At_the_UniversityT,.:! i� � ,) one of the . � Country's foremost.authorities_on_hypnotism is examining the -validity of thebypnotWstate7and measuring the effect of hypnosis on the human mind. , -Ai project atl :University'is concerned with research in neurology- - to determineAhe effect of emotional stress_and_the-resulting structural . _J damage to the bkaincor other_tiseue_of_the hman body. , k. A major problem in the behavioral. proe;ram is that of arranging for and conducting the essential tests end experimentation which produce the basic date, for the development of teehniqueo end the application of the end product to operational_use._Ttds is a_tine-consuming ema. costly .� � � � , � I. � I -1 process but-one witch must be accomplished care d thoroughly. There exe no short-cuts or substitutes which can be applied._Hecause of the unconventional use_of_the materiels involved, CD has had added difficulty in-obtaining expert services and facilities to_conduct_teatq and experiments. Some_of_the activities are considered to-be professionktly unethical and in_some instances_border_on the illegal. These difficulties have not been _entirely surmounted but .good. progress is_being Made. Another problem is raised by the lack of professional knovfedge ofA-Vsergic sold, the baste substance with vhich_CD_is_concerned. Very little research has been done by the medical profession pivi CD is bres.king rev ground. in its efforts_to_develop this material for operatiosl -uses _ _ _ l� 1. Preliminary tests and experiments are_generally conducted finire-18. Por_this_puryose, CD has engaged the-services and facilities of such 'institutions as the_ ; Tha_Nationa.1. Institute of Men.talllealth conducts tests on its ape colony to study the effects of P1 and .-. iockout_material. and. has provided. � much information of operational value. Human werinentation is more difficult to accomylish._The best results have been_obtained from mental institutions_such as I Narcotics Addiction Hospital, Lexinaton, Ky.� and! .4 � 'An arranganent is in process_vith the which is expected - to produce valuable resulte.E�the data E,athercd fron these Institutions there remains a_considerable area of_douliti These tests and e)(perimcnts arc conducted_under_cor.trolled. Conditions cm. the-results - may be quite different from those obtaiLed in the operational .use of the *4 A .""1, � � be considerext as experimental as veil. Ruch rore testing rust be con- ; ducted before the behavioral program can be considered -40 have socaeplishol its objectives � no -I ostflveyears since 'Fiscal p52Fthe programhas cost a roxiretel/ r. I 1 This inclUdes funds: to_support the i eand part of the cost of supiorting � � inclUdes parA Of_a grant. to I ' to aiik in the construction. of a. ving devoted to mental LUnesses. Concrete results achieved thus far are difficult_to justify in relatiort to cost1 lb price can be attchea to the intangible value of the extenaive contracts establithed vith outstanding members of the medical , � . � �� � � � and other scientific professions._ At this point ipt:time it is frpossible to assess accuratel,y the potential of the program or_to_estimate the value of the anticipated results. It is believed, however, that the � program should be_continued_vith the adjuration that it be conducted as economically as possible.