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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
May 19, 1959
Ek*11,,�,1, Vty-:�-� /11.3.otrilvat it � (I:111r; a 1Z. -9 t144-61 715: 46 Tin) .11-Atc61. �����.� favz 17,4,1: 11.tsli2t ilmaltat Q%11,c,75-tic,Ta .1., 7,..................01,1.......1....... I ...V .1. .1e........................... � �Re�1�Aia, lcijzt At oJ 0-.;71!,-�_� PA.1:3�1f7:1: � ". � 1.4 , . ,'...� ,....., ,r..,.... t �-�,- - , it Etz - , 'eta. tz ����., 1 ,'��� � ������ 0 - 111T X Fa' I cc MT. C 9.1011 _ _ -hat tho rmaining .CISA r JLA'IP 0 in paying final roport typing ex.-pep �ince this payment 'ia wt2t, tL J. -kr ding mechanism en te ac(ount. f thcse Paads have been, spertt hNUL th98 In the c otion his ma inaccorartnee vital the E.rant ELIvrov&l.� A copy of caacclicd check is oa file -PROM); We ere the-ram-A malete obtain a dotalled It is w opinica that November 17, 1966 Memorandum for: -Chief,:T�D/BF Subject: Dr &search Grant. 1. In May 1965, the remaining balance of DrilialPs grant, that hadipreviouslybeen adminitered b -15-6 37 was sent to t Dr. equest lhi m was to be le d by t em to cover typing costs 011 his project when it was completed. 2. Attached is a copy of the covering letter andO the check that was sent_to 3 entity o une-1966 and,tlete ore,-cannot request further accountings._ 4. happy to s not'longer an (5 If further information is desired, we: ill-be furnish It is hereby certified that $156,37 was correctl paid to l'hot. Co./FCK 15 1. PA.TIAP.1.47 or -rmx " P,54-i-xt.eVAN Itmeof.semerrr sr PAVACE C.,..TIT6P7C111 fill6C1C1r, 114 ILA., I.* IP,SCORRECT Pi..C.....4e RETWRN 6:Writ 11.A.RCNCI.It...41.116 . AMOUN�3 i No. 2352 ;55 Encllots d please fin. of 0,56.37 uhioh repreuen Dr from this ovga Dr of you aa.od us to otraid this suoo yc'uto hold in id,0 navle for ettpense0 thatwill bi 1rcd n tho emp otion rof. his work on t k in the amount grant vade to Thank You for Your coop, a ion in this matter. We mad apprsoiate your Corwardine eft c000untin of this sum we it in spsnt.- Sincoroly, 11 I .� . li ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL ,UUM111,1, 01 r7717:17A ,r,r,e,".0. zr'. en 4,::-t,,,,,,-.4.2.--a- WiniC � V '.1%,,,C11 nv....ic FOR ADVANCE ...--- PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING � FROM TO NOTE: Follow Instructions on Reverse 1 sprtnnllr isr3 1'7 .',,,,r,,,,,. Ise"; 4 :. ,i., ' 4-,.., , .:,. ,. ',7;eN "'re � ry 7 ./.13 :),501- DEL J ,.... ..;' +..._ � 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: I. CA1;11 ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD .$ 1=4; 17 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD of VOUCHZR DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD: ....-.., ------, ,.,,,s3, ctta � cartificativi RECEIPT DATE NUMBEP DESCRIPTION TOTAL EXPENSES * S. REFUNDED HEREWITH 1CASN CI.FCCIS ,,IONCYCROCA 7 OUTSTANDING ADVANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach liatin 6. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE ADVANC E 4. TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR IS 1 fr,�;_37 S. TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR $ ce I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED I certify that the expenditures listed hereon an OBLIG.REF. NO. CHARGE FAN ACCOUNT NO. ;DATE I S; .A.TURE OF APPROVING . , Tarr CKSIr OFFICER on any poses credit this socountinfis attachments were incurred for official our., of a confidential nature, that payment or therefor bee not .been received, and that true. and correct, DATE SIGNATURE: OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT SIGNATUR 1 1 DATE , SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING, OFFICER I , . PA E BLOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE ESCR PTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS � 34.38 I 40. 42-.47 OBLIG. REF.. NO. 46. 4/' PAY 50 CA OR , ' 51.54 GENERAL ' 1 1 ACCOUNT 1 55-66 I' , COST I67.70 , J FAN !SYMBOL � .1 OBJECT CLASS 71-60 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION - '5H2P . .,SVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 , 26-33 T/A NO. not me ,--- -- ----. .. . ......... �,, � e $.ATION CODE "C.R".. s, rRoJEcT , v. ma., . 41 E X c ? 0 E A Z D ACCT. NO. ENO.. .NO. Lip. CODE T ,A4N. . ,. i ' ::. � .0 �s $1..$$ ...... ..-- X REP. NO. 66-70 DUE DATE 1 DEBIT 4 CREDIT : � . off. : : .... oo:o 3:,..1.5-77*1? -6 0000cl '6 . '760 .(," : : :, � . .I , �.... . ��t er.,!, -RI ... . 0 . � , , riqci 0 .... � . . . . ........... . . . . . . . , . . _........, . : L.........,_ DATE P DATE REVIEWED BY TOTAL , e..52;.&' FORM "no, 0030 T 4.45 1ED iTIONs --����������� INSTRUCTIONS Line or Section I. Enter on line 1 the amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the period. 2. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brought forward from the previous accounting period. --Enter in this section the. .enourt. of each receipt during, the accounting period showing pertinent data, i.e., method or source of acquisition and applicable rate of exchange, if indigenous currency. If more space is required to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. In every case, completely identify the source of receipts. 1. Enter on, this line the amount to be accounted for which shall be the sum of amounts shown in 1, 2, and 3. 5. Each amount listed in this section shall be supported by a voucher consisting of either the receipt obtained from the payee or in lieu thereof a certification explaining the lack of a receipt. If the number of entries exceeds the available space they may be consolidated as one entry in section 5 and supported by a listing of the individUal entries on a separate sheet. 6. Enter on this line the amount of any .'refunds of advances by the advancee indicating whether by cash, check; or money order. 7. Advances made to third parties which remain outstanding at the end of the accounting period shall be consolidated and the total Zntered as a'single'amount'on this line supported by a listing on a separate sheet. Final credit will not be given for disbursements which are advances to be accounted for. When accountings for advances are obtained list as expenses or refunds of cash, as appropriate. 8. Enter on this line the amount of cash on hand, or if the amount of the disbursements exceeds � the amount advanced the balance due the advancee shall be shown in parenthesis, i.e. ( and treated as a minus amount in arriving at the "Total Accounted For", line 9.. Reflect on this line the "Total Accounted For" which must agree with the amount shown o, line 4, "Iota/ To Account For". or � MmaAoui AaTizmn LOJEV : Mier, TW3A9 41 lo A t atatus veport tho _ets alsbureat .56.37 .to Dr 2. It 14 reaneatca that an accountina b obtoluoa *Ws grcato:_... Distribution: Original 1 - Addressee- imiltf, t 1:I'Axt1011" Certtric:;tim 7.1.4ian1Llviaen, CO-V.WL 01-.1112.3 1PULTRA SubT2oject 93 .. ThisTwo,jc.,et approv,:;cip ulider the authority ta iT).. the Elmo:au-idyll dated 13 April 32)53 to V.:4) AVA 4 The projaet coeovod os 11 Lwznat 1959 it1--xmat a S91735.00. 24 11,:-Niello 15.00) Lal been rd;:,,,(ito to h4e Irsaoa to tw..4 Ant f.). 1,;9�513.63. Thla 445831, rerlets musea Grant funas in the elognt or 0.56.37. 3. i7=!:, A :})cruscl a tlla nziricta Vehas vhi01 tomh on tha mnny MUZ1k sOprojata it apinals that the eutr,F lufle 03 jeur veueber - .352331 iG a alplication ogoIer ontvies afitatinz this aeecunts 4. og 3) Septeth, 1965 tIla 760.0 aeeottu: 3dol4imy Vaiw re- flcc-(,s on'eu1ztaviall7z bulanza Lui>e,lat 93 0,927.03. Thi3 cv.441xyb i tuto4 anl shcula be Wiustea to reflect tt,a correct out- titan:11ns balanc,o a 456**3; ac stated, on th3 uxeAnto,:ta lt,45t accouatinz., f: AP.% t.011: OJ-JMio 1 asoc - iellte..tbt only on.c. Atailius tlAs 712v4jet. Ftwther that att.001tir ..Proa thci crarzte in the el wal rc,coraea oa youx vombor �i N ". V; -:, . +�; 'tt) C-, vC) 1 I r - I Ns,-51 \c,...Si C\t'--i