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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Publication Date: 
July 28, 1959
Euh.:,.7,icct 93 Initit7:3: 7 !!,..y 109- 1 nxi1re;74. 1 July WA rit yC:4:)," I .A2504C0 vIll t-71 ana 65,rccIt,.d tow; the :1].ti(es f;e7?IQ.J a 1:(;t;U.O. ted itA01 lq the t., ) iritztv- Cc.n7,111tA rrvIca5 11 t e:c4A A c,,�ntiru tiuxAidato toyJ,na ara evx-ecntlyt�r ltaA ie terA it ..Lint?a 511 utU027.,,tcd YA)Arai:ca.t (Wl*n Filled In) No. 7 1 Cost Account en 25, /3 '70 - Object Class � Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated __,....., Unliquidated Balance 5 h _93 Av bh 5- .. _ 'A-0261W 121 v 0 i e., 0 � , � _ � -- _ -.. - 1�, EMORAN UM FOR: CiTSD/FASS SUBJECT Date- � t73 - 29 .4'0,x _1963 , MKULTRA. Subproject,No.3ori .� Under the authority granted inAhe memorandum dated 13 Tii1 1953 fora the DCT to the DD/A., and the extension of this. e.,,3tbority 71,tblecluent f memoranda, Subproject 93 has been approved, and ' $1 080.00 _ of,the over-a11 Project MKULTRA funds have been. oblitecl to e: st41project's expenoes and should_ bechavgc-d to cost. cr It 25-1390-1902 Concur 7A.SS Concur: AP 'PROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS� Cra:F1 OrW,,*1:C.�.i .1. L.; .- CHA�GF. Date: Distribution: ig 1 Addroosee TSIV a.- Sc!. TS10124) el, 4. tg5:/3(k2-3702_ litdc lwit U.,F.ST FOR ADVANCE OF FUNDS i NAME OF ADVANCEE DATE PAYABLE TO 17., � ' C�71-, ROOM BUILDING AMOUNTL,�, si � youcliejR NO. .(Financs use TELEPHONE EXT. Coe G 93, C/TZ'..1) ciz: :t4; acCC^IV.i.Co":4 'A' th U.:, 7 :"Za:r VlaAt F C A r�E, �;),:f. � STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES t��ci 3 ) Accouzi: :75 :`,,) agree that I will fully account for this advance by submission of vouchers and refund of any unexpended balance to the reporting paint stated and by the due date checked below. In the event �fray failure to so account and refund any unexpended balance. I authorize deduction from my salary to effect settlement. DATE AMOUNT UNACCOUNT ED El AIANC E REPORTING POINT DUE DATE M o FINANCE DIVISION . HEADQUARTERS 0 5.. 1 , I i i ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION '! ON OR ABOUT I MONTHLY . ON THE LAST , WORKDAY OF EACH MONTH 1 REQUESTING OFFICER APPROVED � RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE SIGNATURE ARE AVA ILABLE OATS SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFF ;GER r r r acknowledge receipt of funds in the amount stated here- under to be used for the purpose stated and accounted for as shown above. 1 ' CERT !FY FUNDS DATE 1 AMOUNT I . 5 OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. 9/ CHARGE ALLOTMENT ), ...; ,,,, ,-- .,, ..,; NO. . . :1 ERT EF !ED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE F AUTHORIZED CER11FY ING OFFICER SIGNATURE OF ADVANCEE , DAT.. ALic I 1 SIGNATURE i i SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION `d.,, ED BY EV I EWED BY VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DcSCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.'33 DESCRIPTION- ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28-33 T/A NO. :is- 38 STAT ION CODE P.O. NO. PROP.NO. 40.42 EXPEND CODE I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ECRm /Rt uSt PRETIOUS EcITTONs. 32.4 1,, PROJECT NO. 145.46 47. 32 � OBL 10. ,, I 84-57 U PAY PER. �riREF. NO. I i GENERAL ' Zc,i4Ei'ICA LEDGER , . N. LID' ,D '1'1'. YR IACCT. NO.1 s i PIA�r,."2,:j.., ,--e,--,L: CODE _ SO 37 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. 611.70 DUE DATE 71-60 AMOUNT EC T $ CREDIT i35. 49) (When Filled In) Na. "6 Cost Account 312.71390-3902 Object Class Date 1 iltr,i. -14V Remarks and References Obligations I.._ncurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balanee � ILTPP., Si,ty�prq 93 1.5,00.00 214-ht,;00-4-00- " � � ?'1)6444%6 � 15/Aci - /)? VP i c- .,-.:' ' 1---- -- i�,f12..., � i - - , . (When Filled In) 741y19(,2 � t i Ltv:i: !:7�C.171 Star:4 sr" To'D 93 : :4t.tho� ' .y $14, 500,00 I' ggo.00 L'E,ff:Ci 6.71:U c C:17,:1:9,*(_4:13 1,0 ce.,7317:: 3125.1390.3904. ' �m�R511- Ex6wCti trz.o ti 1 III I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f?..Ec'lEST FOR ADVANCE r NAME OF ADVANCEE PA [DATE !ROOM I (WnWn ecaln) AMOUNT I GOLDING TELEPHONE'FIX1.T1 VOUCHER NO. .,7inance one only) i 1 ?i,�,05. .., � . , ,:�.-.� by :,.,:!.., , = L ..: , ,, -. . Iva . �. 'STATUS OF OUTSTANDING'ADVANCES � I agree that I will fully account for this advance by submission of vouchers and refund of any unexpended balance � iarthe reporting point stated' and by he due date checked below. In the event of my failure to so account and refund any unexpended balance, I authorize deduction from my salary to effect settlement. DATE i ' .AMOUNT UNACCOUNTEDDMANCE REPORTING POINT DUE DATE FINANCE DIVISION � HEADQUARTERS ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ON OR ABOUT MONTHLY - ON THE LAST WORKDAY OF EACH MONTH REQUESTING OFFICER APPROVED RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE 1 SIGNATURE I , DAT,: 1 - I GNATURE OF APPROV I NG OFF ICER t I acknowledge receipt of funds in the amount stated Im�re- under to be used for the purpose stated and accounted for as showrabove. I CERTIFY FtbSARE AVAILABLE DATE AMOUNT OBL.ICATIDN REFERENCE NO iCHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. .. . CERT;FI L, O1 YMcrSf EDT ' ' DATE AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER _____3 SIGNATURE OF ADVANCEE � .......,ESIGNATURE SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION ,__PAREO NY REVIEWED BY DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 � , � ESCR [PT I ON' ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 34-39 1 4328-33 I $,ATION 40-42F . A No . I cony 'EXPEND u 'CODE N P.O. NO. PROP:NO. ' DIV PROJECT NO. , I FORM 5.60 28 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. f7.1-4F:CKF,7-} I I THE A 45.461 47-52 061.10. PAY P". P. NO. 53 CA 54-57 -GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. IVOUCHER NO. 7-12 58-67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. I . . X PET. NO. 68-70 DUE OATS OBJEC11 - 71-60 AMOUNT 1 1 ( 8-49) No. Cost Account �..40.0".- Ag94/ - Object Class _ ___ Date 8 -- -- Remarks and References Obligations ,Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance .. if_agrA_ _e9-0-4g.4.0. _ , 2 il!,:-? .i _____44, ,.. _,_ _ . . , 1 -- _ __ , 4. - - -- - ..-- ,...-.4 (When 1'ill In) -a 24 May 1961 toat,- UM FOR: WI C(XIPTnOMR Finaw,:e Divlsion; SUDJ:'= NWULTRA, 3vbprojcot 93 Additlwrl Anthor:17_.ation Ui I the authority &red in the M,-,::'liorandu4 dated 13 April 192 fro..,a the DOI to the WA 4 tho ztcrleion of this authority I* vent ix:-,qoralida, Subproject 93 'KT, boon approved and $14,620.0j over 11 Project FY:).3F,TI),A fund5 have b2on oblicated to cover thie cibp potio exporzes. and should be chned to Ailotiwnt flo. 2125.139Q-32. iT.CW2VI'D Foa OTLIGATIQI 017 fITAG: Distribution; Or161nal 2 - Addroesce vl TSEIFA.5$ 2 - TWEB ) Research Branch ) CERTIFY MAT FUNDS 'ARE AVAILABLEI (),PCIGATtON S.)1 41APS.t JO AUDIC.NZ'ZING OFEICER Lt:! :FA iv -1.14 t t; a TS!). tf� 4-,t11:!;:f;!7,1 ..71t;:t -cif V. 77.R ir.voic-29 4.4 32 July 1961 z Z-1). 702e).147:11, JLI 1:1-7) ia atkt.1.(7 CECPil TRKT Ak'E ,k1Wt.Ablit tvvoc,:rt,r4 C4t.J�3t, ;t :TM A;.111 is.) 11-10 (;ii;CER Yor Services st . , a C a, a, m INVOI E CaUIVICATIONS 9 3 / It 13 Iltay certified aat thir3 io Invoice , applyntf, to aub.proje / _ of MULTRA, thnt prformanee la oatief=t(:-.ry, that az,rvieus are bfting aceila-ol in eceurdance wlth mutual agreemnts, that a detailed a6enda of payeient,:= .and roc;eipts in on file in T3D/in, that thia bill la just aud cor-rz!Gt t.t.payment thereof haa not yet be em-a; Datez (2) XL le herby certified th2,t this invoice applies to SubProjeet 93 a ;.:WiTA -which V-13 duly app7oved, awl. that the pcoject is being carried out in vcordt,nce with the meeaodu3 of 13 April 1953 rrom the all to the DD/A, andtUextenoion of this authority in w4h.,:iequent rrefLoranda. Pri-4ca4rc1 Director VaW72 AP, July 1961 - )1AZI1C3 ..47:(1t Sc attn0f:44 sht-AWI, ieVoAu4at , Ltcf te) j.)1.37 Nab: a :Ctrifa 1:(Aco. n)aawr, alna .1TA; la e..utio. tk,1 . 1).1!:10.% uill e/J.Ji or t1 jcct, tha shf7)tala t Z;C CONFIDENTIAL FOOS POSTING VOLIONER V UCHER h . I ... DATE 2.4 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 orCCNITON.ALL OTHER ACC uNT S 13. 34-39 9TrO1N E=FD CODE ?: D 4;::44; LID. CODE 47-52 r�L:1' AD4ANCE ACC h1 T. 0. No. 5 :::E:7AL 56-67 ALLOT, OR COST ACCT. NO. 64.70 OUF DATE 71-20 1 . AMOUNT 1 DESCRIPTION- AcwAnce ACCOUNT s 12-27 .". , IS'JICT CREDI T 1 CA YR LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.67, C. . ... A NO NO.CLASS ;O. Fy Tta.:, 'j I . I:14.; ",� ./.) p6--).3.,c1)- F.,-,,,,f,3� 7"..:;.7i. ' ,/, . .., _ 41tk '. - ' 4 / 66 377 . J * 1 t 37 -1/1,7) , ' . EXPLANATION OF ENTRY , TOTALS . , - - ....,,,! .1,, ' 6 2" 7 At la � ,/ r4) --7g"' (,5 'i75-1 0- , DATE PREPARF. , , , . � , ,e." . '':'77,- DATE I .REVIEWED BY , CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE ,SIGNATURE . OF CERTIFYING DEFOE R ) No. _ Cost Account _ "for /11� Object Class Date Remarks and References Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Unliquidated Balance � '1 JUL 0 01 , --