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PDF icon MKULTRA SUBPROJECT 9 (2[8145570].pdf1.83 MB
scription Date MICULTRA Subproject 9 ,.0b1igations 'Expenditures Balance - r-- = e 4,14:flik/r4 . 9'. - .. ' ! -.t.1/ter-e-c., .. /_. "le '� :1-- t . ' 1 1 1 1 I; � 1 , , � /7 � /7 ,- - 1 6,1: i it 1 1 I ... ' 2-0 6; IL i -1-1 i ' �� I 1 1 ; � � = , I � 1 /17' ' I -- ., 1 - �-. t= I 'i 1 ; '- I . � i'l--i- 1 ' ; 1 I/t/o7 /$/4,14)-ri. 1 t ! t i I I i I 1 i 1 I i,V6 ''S.A., - - � re:" ige.001/c'47 i 1 /1414! -;=-- 77:- ' I ; 7. . - I , I : 1 � , ' � I ' i 1 1 ' -Iv i ' i,1_,,� _,,,�-�_,, , , , i 1 , = , 1 1 1 1 r, t i ' _ 'I t 'it- .. r, j I , - ----q- - . - 4 1 . _ t., ---!-t- - ' 1 _ , �-f ' � i ; i 1. I ! i I, I. i t I I, - i� 1 f I I � ' 1- i .. 1 1: - -I 1 � t . 1 f � I -1-- 1t F� -t- ! ! I I 1 � -F. -1 - i 1 --- ------ :' - i -� I I t I 4 - ..,_ � _ 't 1 ' = it 11. , .. ! : I -1- -;- � I 1 . i . , , = I � t I 1 ' I : v .1 ;" .; 1: , .. �, t,. 1 F11 1 '� i 1 i .I - 1 - I - 1 . t ' " � I ' � I ' � , I - ., 1 t I t I- , i I i . 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I ' � ! 1 t � 1 . t : I I I s � 1 I I I 'I 1 , , r .. �., ' i ! ! ., ,: . I .� 1.; ;11 I ;I - t � i : ', � i ' i , , , . , 1 I I- ' , - - i , . ! 4.. , , � ; , : . .-i .. i , . ' -t-- 1 1,- I � i 1 I I � ; i = , ! i = � � , . ; t , � � , , ; - r i , , . , t ' . � " . II . .-... �... . i 44 � . , ' 1 I I , , I t . , . . i :: 1 ; I 1 I ; I� - .. 1 � . I 4 � ; - -1 Mf(TLAIDUI1 FOR: TM RECORD suDJEcr. 28 ju1y_1955_ � : AddendtM te:.Subprojects 91 26 and 28 1. The purpose of this addendum is to set forth the mutual administrative responsibilities of the contractor and sponsor. (11*4 2. The above subprojects represent the research program of financed under rsCULTRAI covering the period of 9 .une 1 through 30 June 1955.- ' - 3. - has requested the Universities to submi to them a sriry accounting-of monies .received from the Fund. Also, they requested the return of any unexpended funds received under a grant from the Fund. 4. Title to any -permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the University shall be retained by the Jniversities in lieu of higher overhead rates. 5. It was mutually agreedAhat-documentation and aceounUng-- for travel expenses which-are-reimbursable 'by .the University _ shall confora-with :the accepted practices 9f -that Institution._ 6. Xt was agreed that technical_reports reflecting the progress Of the research -program shall be_submitted-at mutually acceptable intervals. Distribution: Orig & 3 - TSS/CD SDITEYATTLIEB Chief TSS/Chemical Division - !T'_RMir .411.--.4111101War- 411,44.0.1�00 IP. On 18 August 19 ', the research grant to th for research at t will expire. It is anticipated that on 18 Augus a sua 1 part of the funds granted for the past year will remain unspent. In conversation, it was stiggested to Dr and to me that should unspent money remain, an extension of the time limit on the grant might _oe made, and that the money mught then be spent during the period of...extepsion. Dr. and I, however, have not received written confirmation of the pos6ibility of such an extension of the time limit on the grant. We wish vary much that-such an extension be-i,ranted, and ask that written confirmation of the extension-be sent to-the nd to us, in order-that we may begin to budget the one'm for the oomlng year. . A summary ofAhel_bUdget-of the past yearand_a tentative_budget for the_ coming year follows: Total grant Supplementary grant 'Total sum granted Overhead (10'73 of total sum granted) Total money available Expenditures to SO May 1954 _ Expendable supplies Equipment Personal services -- Travel � Total Funds remaining On 31 May 1954 Anticipated expenses 31 Jay 1554 Personal services Travel Total to 18 August 1954 Funds remaining on 18 August 1954 $2,548.70 85.59' 4,072.66 11,453.39 902.59 1ir;61-47273 to 18 August 1954 3,550.00 92.00 .3-7147Z.C70- Proposed budget after 18 August 1:154 $20,889.00 -- 4598.00 25,487.00 2,548.70 22,939.30 16,514.23 3,642.00 2 ;163;0 - yunia icas,intng on 18 August-1954--7------ Proposed tudset after 18 Auzust 1954 Personal services(oneral) 900-.00 Personal servicesT_OtudentsY 800.00 Travel 1,000.00 Total= 2,700.06 Total-unbudgeted after 18 August-1954 � co: D Yours very r, 2,78 07 2,700.00 ��. -71 MEMORANDUM FOR TEE RECORD SUBJECT: Extension of Tim for Subproject 5, ProjectMICUTITRA .Due to a shift inthe-ulocation of :certain key-persorinel�in_;_______,=_ the roject, the work will henceforth proceed at a slower_: pace than atiticipated. For this reason,it-has-been decided that the original tide-limit is now too-short. 2. As originally set up, the project will -end on 18 August 1551, however, this-memorandum will have the effe.ct of extending this date until 18 February .1955 no change in funds_or scope. Original oaly. APPROVED: .Chem cal Division 4 CERTIFICATE L4-0 IS)114' ew(r 9-5 8 January 1954 is to certify that I have this day received Cashierts checks Tots. Z4136910 in the amount of I I � 52 ftrid 14136909 in the amount of 013,926)00. MEMORANDUM RECEIPT To: Sidney Gottlieb FROM: aldget Office, TSS SUBJECT: Check N. 1236910 & N136909 A I hereby acknowledge recapt of the following: 4 January 1954_ - - - Check NO. 1136909 in the amount of Z133926.00 and-Gneck roi.--va36910 in the �T3i. amount of Z278.52 made -payable for patent of Invoice No. 23 ' Subproject 9, Project-MXULTW,T _ Please return 1 signed copy(ies) of this rscsipt_ To 2314 Otrs. FORM NO. 36.68 MAR 1949 NATURE OF RECIP I ENT ra Nal b ev. 0.1- t t. Ne vr i�����'141 4ma &kit+ 11.0 Offfoor - Znvic o. 2,.A1b0Ojott 9, reoLoOt-.1;=11, In4o4 Vo. 2 eubprojort 9, Project '2KULTRA is attachodi'.-- It iz rcquest.A that h4 marls by tno ca,shlorts chocks in _ thc =cats of .131926.00 arid 127g#52, both*mdc out _t Vic checks chceld bo amt to' OW, rcu- /:udgat Vficer not 14ter than 24 roceTbtr Vitt riiAttion _ !.deu-c.:sco�CrIN 1* ly.; IMOIMMOk T-rticf;i:Ar7 . - 1 . 2 't''''''`ATTY�7`7';1" CZTI III a - chief r.t4a013,, DEC 2 1 . � � (1) "It is !lereby cc:I-tilled that. tl�is is Tlivoicu ITO. 2 cu-1'inc to subproject 9 of roct'.:17J1,1'.1.',0 that tech:114,31 perfsr-anos by ilgintivis satisfactory, VIA We work is being acev..T.listt.c1in oc� corilence with the :�:ut.,..11 ozrcelent roac!:ed lath-- . that this bill is jut and correot and that p3,ym itorcof has not � yet bci.r: nkl.deo� . � . 19...1.1.��00110.1eira�Am.1.���������1 ��������������Vii/r0.11_ chia, eftr,z;;:n (2) ft.r.t is hereby_cer_tified that this invoice applles to vabprojcct - 9 under Fro,:cet ';::0,:t1',��-A which. was duly h;proliA_Ni and that-the r.roject . lers boon carrici.; cut z...ccordince rdth_tto r....11,..orarl.f.':umto d:tted .tp�ril-1953 aJld c:41..orareJua to !:1/.; dated 13 ...1:41.1.-1:%53�- (3) "r.t. is !toreby certiciad-that scoFo Gr. the provm..1 .1.11- ProjInt, 9 0C Irolect :Itr;/..71tA has 1: � , : � X4C C . C y � ; nivoicE December-Ill 1953 $14,204.52 � � /� ��1 � 31 August 1953 This is to certify_that_l_have today received Cashier's check E 17o. 4133498 of the in the aio t of. 06)963.00 31 August 1953 This is_ to certify that I have oday r. Anhierl s cheek o. _Y133697 o f: the t the -wwwIt of $139.26. MEMORANDUM RECEIPT TO FROM: Budget Office, TSS SUBJECT: Two Checks. hereby acknowledge receipt-of the following: Check 0133697 in the amount_of_$139.26 and_ctAtk 0133698 in the amount of $6-2963.00 as payment foi, invoice No. 1 Aubprojact 9::-- Project /MM. 25 A ugut193 ? PION e return - _ FORM NO. 311.611 MAR 1,49 i(tes) of this escetpt $tGNiTURJ OP RECI PI ENT * DATE RECE I XED =:02AM134 FLIA3.,7; DIV/3/03 VIA: Tr.i3/Da5�3t (Vicar SU*T: Invoice 1;o� Clubpro:, 90 jeet IENVIDA invoice roe I. for Ct.tbpro;ect 9 of Project 1JV le o.ttaebod It Lo reve3tel Want pey...5ont be r.,&13 by two c .a.3hiorio clioeltsth tbe cr.aunto of 439.Z6 and. 46,953.00 c.e.,to out to The A-- checks ohoullbe-iient to Cbtei-i-cD/T,33-tbroi _ � Mtwhnent: Invoice, CortiTicalons Inotributions tairestee-TOrig� & _Comptrollor :.?.�?..oc.. 4 See ty � fr:i;Siat4 1`53hi) T..iSkoziotry AUG 19 EC; - ...,�-�����������c16151S-�2�10 CIIRTIPICATIOz (-) "It is here., cortifloi Abet this is 111w/40 11o. 1 applying subproject 9 of :o '*t itaraltA, that technical porfor=nce,by -410M116 41a satisfactorio that tho Work is being accoapliched in accordance vith the rzutual e&recw.nt reachei vith. that, this bill 13 just; enkl correct and. that psyront thoreor b?t3 r. yet been miss 6D:ra ocrzare,3 Chief) CD P33* , (2) "it is ilreby coftified that this invoice applies to subproject 9 v.n.1er Project 140311,TM vhich VA3 (Lily annrovel and tha't the prOject. 1..10.3 been carried cput_in CICCOrdatle0 vith the DD/P cemorar;Dzi to ajI dated. 3 April 103 and the 173I1,7..-morand,un to DDA e.aterl 13 April 1953. ReseareA Dii�ccor (3) "It is hereby cortifiel that the scope of tho pregra= of AUG 19 DM Dotes - =ZINO: Elneno0 Pivi3i01 thler the autherrity aantel-le deted..13-Aprn 195 - trout the WI to the DVA m1:1 the rurther authority r* 14 tila - tmeramtzt-Istel April-1951 lYs:--41-the Mfri, to the Ccriytrollor -041 the aubleottirDDP-1133 Vrojett MIX,ratt", cul)projeet 9 tta3 teen 4,-,preved and. #13306�78 ef the over-al Projeet IMSTRA furklat hue beert olicated to eaver the 0%-iliwojm-t!a 0:rnetle� ,P1M14,4 P.v.pacon-D � Ara aiiii he, Ql=inza `kiUN 1 0 Di otribut Lc= Mire t;rAte FX,.141, Ukila tyt, !mom -1'- 7 - er3Stieeer1 sI 2 cvn=13_ 7 C - � ctcoi. Di* 233 7 APEICriria 014=71011 0.? JUN it) JUN 1 9 ET.0 � i.,�44,1ST404 ,�=a�-4-4,�� � INVOICE. r4r 3#rriens August $7,102.26 � 14 fO : The Record DATE: 33. July 1953 kOM : �Unger: PaymenT, Schedule for Ultra d9 To Project: -; fopmuctraftamxsi Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT -7 01:,a1 Auth: Pay: :14cond: .third: r0,1irth: Service: - $2O,889OOIEL $417.78 $21 306.78 31222,25 139.26 63963.00 :5j222.25 278.52 13,926.00 5,222.25 LtIM1 G1.0, 00 5.222.25 -,20)�7. 00 BRA 9 June 195 EF4ORA1DUM FOR TEE RECORD SISJECT: . Project MULTRA, Subproject 9 1. Subproject 9 of is designed_to_continue the support of work a �until 18 "' IN August 1954 under-theguidancifol C 2, Dr; ork is -concerned with the evaluation of various - sternutatory agents-on-normal -and_dchizonhrenic human beings.7 In - -- addition, his-program_includes the-study_of_narcotic_and other depressant drugs and_those:which mieht-be-of possible benefit fh-the treatment of ' alcoholic_or_schizophrenic-ratients. This investigator's -facility at the rovides-an-almost indispensable 11:- opportunity for human7testing-of-drugs-of-operational 3: The-researchand-financia1,7proposale are attached._ The sum requested-16120,889.00e To this should be added =$417.78 which represents a a%_serviceicharge tobe-paid-to will serve as a cut-out_and_cover-for-thisr-- . grant.. 4: -The-total-cost of7the-project-will- not exceed $21,306.78 Until the expiration-on the-: above date. . 5: Dr. possible security precautions_with_regard-to-this project are being 'taken. s been cleared; through TOP SECRET and all � � Chemical Division, TSS APPROM: Chief, Cbem7a1 Division, TSS PROGRAM - " PROGRAM APPROVED� APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION AM) RECOMENDED: OF FODS: Researel Date: _ Attachments: Proposal Statement of Cost Original Only. Rasearch Di actor -Date: �,11,,Lokt. /0/ 4if,..3 , ch Propos 1953 -1954 UI 1. - Continue and complete the .comparison in normals and schizophreni of the threshold of _various sternutatory agents. 2. Continue and expand the_study_of depressant drugs which may more adequately control the maniacal psychotic patient. - 5-22-53 Test new drugs which may be ber4ficial in alcoholics or schizophrenics. 4 STATEMENT OF COST 1f6j et: Continue and complote-the'lompaMson in-normals and schizophrenics ot tle threshold of various-sternutatory agents. Continue and expand the study of depressant drugs which control the maniacal psychotic patient. more adequatejy Test new drugs which may be beneficial-in-alcoholics or schizophre Period: August 1, 1953 through July 31,-1054. . Salaries: A. Technical Senior medical student Medical technician Secretarial assistance B. Professional j � 1,41)� psychiatrist principal investigator 2,1400. 3,600. il Ph.D. e ec roeneph. ographer 2,000. C. Experimen'cal subjects Stipends for human eqerimentation TOTAL, S 2, Expendable Supplies:- - A. EEG paper, etc, B. Electronic supplies TOTAL. MENDABLE SUPPLIES 3, Permanent Equipment: Recording Polygraph TOTAL, PERMANENT EQUIP. 11500.� � C*-- A. ' 4-q4arter1y research.-erenees B. Supervisory trips 50 trips, 130 niles 7.0ea. C. Other scientific persbnnel - Research conference' trips (2) -- $3,600. 3,000. 300. $15.,300. 900. 4. Trave � 5. Institutiona Ov a 10% 5-22-53 4500. _ 390. 300. Tom% TRAVEL 1,290. (SUBTOTAL $18, 990. ) - TOTAL $20,839.00 Departmont of Fn.arnacology 7,nc1oscd, yen will_find a pr000sed budget 1or a possible rynnt to continue our research studies in 1933-54. The research proposals, as itemized, are tliree in nuraber and these oan be elaborated upon it the Foundation $o desires. It is apparent ft.& our present rate of_expenditure that we will have an accumulation of three to four thousand dollars in unex)ended balance from tho grant-alio-Jed us-laStlyar. If possible, we should Lc to keep this in our account and apply it asainst the possible grant for next year. , In other words,-the request for the oomin3 year is approximately t2/1000. and the application of agsinstjthis would reduce the actual amount requested this year to 17,000* I discussed this with one of your scienUfio representatives recently in Neu 'fork and he thought that this might be agreeable. We wish to. thank -you-for_ your past support of our basic research and hope that the -Board-will _ see fit_to continuo their_ finandial aid - for research. YOurs_sincerely,- Ph.D., il*D. Profeseorand Head of the Department - � ; Poseareh Pkosal 1, Continua and complots the dooparison in normals and soblz enios of the threshold of various sternutator7 agente. Conti.nas and expand the study. of_depressant drags whi h nay nore adequately control the raniccal psydioti.c patient. 3. Test new s Ithich nay ht.?, bensficial alcoholicsor - schizophre 5-22-53 - � STAMM? OF CO3T * Projects Contime and oiito the comparison in normals and sohizophr � threshold of various sternutatory agents. Continue and fir4and the -study of depressant drugs uhich control the muliacal psychotic patient,. Test now dnig 3 vhich may be benefit:sic-1 in alcoholics or Periods August 1 1953 thrcAtt; July 31, 1954. Salaries: A. Technical - Seniertedical student Medical:technician Secretarial assistance � Professional principal investiga psychiatrist Ph.D. electrooncephalographer E74eri1enta1 sOzieets - Stipends for hIraan- experimntation * � TOTAL, SMARM' �. Expendable Suplliess , A. EEG paper, etc. B. Electronic supplies' 'TOTAL, EVE! ABLE-3UPPLI.- --' -- . 211,co. 3,00. 2,000, boo. , Permanent Equinnente Recordinz Polyaraph . � � � TOTAL) PERMANENT EQULP, C A., . . 4 quarterly r search- conference B B. Supervisory- trip � . SO tripes 130 ilos $7.O ea. 0. Other scientific persorinel - Research conference trip3 2) _ TOTAL)=TRAvr,L (suararm., - 1,899, '615,300. 11290. $3.8 99o,) .;i2o3889.00 S 0 3-273 9 February 1954 11,EMAIDLI/IFOR: Chair, Chemical Division ATTENTION: A 1. Chief, Security Control Staff/SO does not interpose any objection from the -standpoint of security to te publication by _ DrANVOPM41 of the attaehed-article entitled, 2. It is understood from the reference that the research upon whieh this paper is based was completed befcre Dr.- entered on duty with this Agency. 3. Dr should not disclose his CIA:bonnection, -- assignment, or es in connection with this publiction. Attachment: Report � Addreisee On:Fri-W/1i as_noted TWIASO -2 _ 1. The attnehatia a co, of a scienti ic.-onn to becb5tt� rublicetioa 2. The vork-covere4 ih-this pe.mer vs completed before rr.111012Mbqeeta'astociated with this Agenc7 rd uns nreviously prosented with Ag e n cy permission 3. This coo of e-manustriptds co:bMittedor 4u pesa files. V V.. : � � Attaemen7t-: Distritu ion: Ada/v.9sec Ori -a 1- CD. 2. ME0An1.M FOE; D1reotor_of7Socurity_ � ArrzraioN- : _ TEROUGH yUWECT SO 3-63 � 13 Jarun 1954 1. It is raqu6sted_that_d_COvert security cl, granted Tf10 on tho folloUng individual; DR. =PIS:Ted At desires to utilize him incident to projoct V.KUTRA. Fe will-have acoessAo classified throuch TO? SFCR:::T; therefore it regv.oltod that a cavort sera:tity oleor- ance allowinglubiect access to TO? SSOW.T ratlrial L3 ranted.-. This is a regyest for extenaion-cf it covert coovrity cleszance granted to Security_OfficeriLleAxtics Office rot vss of -Or. at mcossitated- 4110 b� the fact that -Dr _*-4,- .re.e transferred to d will still to utilized by 7Z. ' C .-- 3. Tln Security Officer, Loeirttes Office Vftn covert reaurity clezkra:lco b:i._Oief, on 2,-.3 April _1.953 for tIle ueo a rl.� by TZIS in /14e, 0.'nti it, on -a covert -contrac ntoroa L.oe rNuftt a Porsi)nnl Fistory:Litatment-nd-anApec!dix 1-- vas fetwsrdldv-thorafers noither_FertenAl Eistoty Statement. . Or ;1.ocnelix I is forvnrded. . 4. It will to ap;reciated -if t,,is request-1 handle-4 as - oxpcditieusly A3 porsitilc.' laztritution: (:Odrosrue orlc, 1, -1-tt Lton( Ccel:ely Clfloor ED/PtX3 , LtS0 . 2 � I _ - - . It is�rec-itea that'tho Top Soorot covert clOaranoa-_of ttr% obova bo continuoi-in otler ttat_TSS/CD po:ponma rzY uee h13norvicao in co cation with WJLTRA.. will coati!r4a o raInt:-.1ned. rooir;nins hi o pre$ont pooition. to boc=e Chicfs_Chomico1 Divialon, WS 29-Dece .1953) - , losed-find two forms. Theeeshould be filled . . � nd sent back to us. ( as soon-as possiblei-Please -give no 'indication to really behind thini-nor that -his deferment or assignment_ to ,.-Looking forward to seeing you sometime coon end with:.- best holiday wiShes to you and yours) / remain Dztrt of Origirel Fv!ri4:re4 Tim Aut;74rivaticet t,a to 1 /0 t-rul / S'Zt ay. Addlt.on&l Tice, Allotztat Rua71,mr _ ,3'--25-70a-/a-P (V: Arrwmitt 4,� g aI 3047.,ig - of Allthoritio emtm-4-- ti>adt tO 1.1tIn.-lar . ViThk :-= mil-q1,T,l'In ,fti.....41.- �����e.........e����._ ...i.........-.0...g...1 . , 1 . . i 1 _---._ i I ............,.. o. � 1 t 1 Sil.....15.3....�����.....��������,..., .� ...* �..L.............- . , in..f soinis I . 1 ....... w.hawil. ���14-.� r elle.loss�Aaa�Someit.e.rove 1 � � craw. �������,.......�...��������s_.�,...w������. 2....... ������� ��,..t.... 1 � 4, "-; Ti .1ki�eadiass. _ _ _ - 1 . \ RMR437 I. .1 �