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Publication Date: 
June 10, 1958
PDF icon MKULTRA SUBPROJECT 85 (6[8145560].pdf676.64 KB
MENO.UMtQRF TEM-RECORD SUBJECT . MXULTWSUbprOject 85 � NoVetber_1960 1.--The purpose of this memorandum is to_correct made inithe�_original memorandum for -the record-Jof-thie by amending-it to delete�the requireme accounting for the-funds granted to Dr receipti-fOrthose-funds. an, error _ Subproject in for an yond his 2. The transaction with Dr � nvOlved-lia-agreemOW:-___ to prodUce-atechhi6h1 monograph o a specific subject for the sum of $1;000.00 and as such represents au agreedUpon-price-for a specified product ratter than an accumulationFotexpensee�forl:: _ whichianaccounting-coula be made. - - Date .Orig only. Chie TSDAdsetreh Branch 1 July 195 ; Gentlemen: 114 are pleased to be able to transmit to you the following funds' - Those-fUnds-repreeent a contribution for the uee_of_Yo_ur. directors in_cirrying out the very worthwhile research goals of your wganitation. Tours truly; Inclosurest-(2) 18 June 1958 - Sup t the_research Satiefevoto- 18_Ame 1959- 0.7E:Pr' fe .--ttigsat--- IA plao Itioutxtvitica T 194.3 Roo.- _ .toolyt *vow/o varostP rm. eigAvrt unt*Trie ere somsesto eato40.7504 mum vaidlucto wog rat frOurV izoitud Atimirel troAtun extv_jo co.otioetit wpamolds mpg, elm Cog loaCoatterts entwoters q:sorkbotova ul Appcnrat tra tottrail3H sfq% Val /WM *14_103 sioaLtria ThalY ct woo" tirtramotem_ro vat_twana Avow* eta gem 1,1340"rte NM= MtATwinati ! MUMS" brn104a4X) 14firaiMMI 19 ha* 1958 ICIPORAILfai roits VIRANOLDIVISICff VIA 1 I38Au4et Officer WM=lifeittarlititiki_Subproject 85, Invoice Not 1, 0-2502. 1 cOvering the above subproject-is attached. Payatent-shoulid be made *a follovst a. Mese forvezi the chtTcks- to Ohiat TEIS/Chemical thrcugh-ISS/Budget Officers-roi later th-an-triday� n June 1958, 3. ibWitiVc4c, represents the total amount curnntly authorised-under il'utiprOje-ct 85. Rotrever, since it is antic/. pated that additionalvill be ob*ated for this project, sh6-ul4 not be closed. : OF; Attachments* Invoice and Ce4.titic-ations 4 Di stribution Crrig &2: Addressee /0--/-- ?YE( ce21.2.rc 6' ./ ;2,5-602 /7 , at- Cies:.2 4165,4 (0-0 CIIRIVICATIONS (l) It ls_hsrebytertifiel thit-this Is 14,1'0100 Woo _1 a lying to OubprojectM of MKULTBAuthat performance is satisfactOrY, thet servieeSeircteing acccapliebed LA accordance vIth mutual agreeMents that a detal1*1-atoods of -the payments and receipts is on file in- TSSAT,:thatithitC4111,10 Just end correct and that payment th.reof has not yet ten &tido 5:687MaraM5i Datet ! iglIt It-hereby certified that-this invoice spplles-to Subproject of KUISMI341ch vss-duly *proved, snd that the project is being corr/el_outin accordance vith the meamm4lAidated_11-April-1953-frOM the DCI-Wthe DO/K, and the extensite of this authority in sUb- *event memoranda. Dates i DRAFT-: 10-4.Rina 1958 MEMORANDUM: FOR F- TES-RECORD SUBJECT 1.1.2U.ILTRA Subproject 85 of Dr 1. -The se of Subproject 85 is to suyport the resear on human blood groups. f& s one of the leading investigators C. on blood vows-id-6Sn f bt)th tha-immunologicaltand genetic_ stand._ _ points. 2-, The scope of Dr tudy will, include-a literature C survey ortblood groupings from t,he forensic standpoint. Re also_ includel&Tbis smarmy the latott information availAble_on the minor groupings. The attached proposal gives in detailthe nature of the work to'beTdone. 3. Theitotal cost of the project for oneiyear is estimated to be $1,000A0 ---To this lulu= t= percent. service charge to th a WO� - making the total amount $4040.00. Th 11 function as ctxtout an cover for_this grant.. The cover-title-of the project is and iSA>reaumably being supported by a research grant from the_ Foundation._ Charges should be made against Allotment 9-2502-10-001. The project ccomences-1-.1-ulT 1958. I. The Foundation has requested o submit a(summary) accounting of monies_received and to return any unexpended grant funds B- at the eitd.-cif the project year. 5. It wee mutually agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable by the Uniyersity shall conform with_th_e_accepted practices of thatirksti'tution ,6. The req;Airement for e. six months, iaormel-aceounting on the part of the principal-investigator is vaived- cleared through TOP SEORETLand ie aware of the truepurpose-of the program. Date: IL / � Distribution: Cfriginalonly Attachment: Proposal- TSSIChemic7a1- Diviaion .4,P=VPWWW.MitRi. BLOOD GROUPINGS PURPOSE: EataNighing and 6u bstantiating "time identity" id individuals, eitheragent or staff, thxough the medium-of blood groupings. The fact of belonging to a definite blood groupie a fixed chltracter of every human being and can be altered neither by the lapse of time, blood transfusions, nor intercurrent disease. Bfdeterminmg the pr-e-shce of factors in the blood, the degree of accuracyin-identification is g-reatWincreased. Furthermore, by increas- ing the number offactors to be determined also increases by loskrithmic progression the chances of definite exclUsionMendelian Law of inherance and derivation of offspring also holds true for all the specific blood roupings. Today, because-of rapid chAnges and reassignments of our overseas case officers, coupled with the long continuin4 �verations-of age/it nets within denied areas for varying periods of time beyond onr control and sight, the paramount qnestion upon the exliltratien of the agent) is : Is this agesit_the same one we sat in. 7 It is hoped that this type-of identification can be accomplished through the -medium of blood groupings previously filed fer elf& reference._ If nothing more, positive exclusion-can be made, if not positive identification. -What could be a better method for_ftecting a penetration? Since Mendelian. Law of inheritance and derivation of offspring holds true, the screening and identification of displaced per- sons, immigrants, line crossers, or any-questiened individual claiming familial relationships and-direct linage can be greatly enhanced and expedited. IMPLEMENTATION----- In order to implement thia 'highly specialized technique, a definite program of research is indicated that will encompass the following . A. A feasibility study to determine the worthiness and effectiveness of such a. teclm1que.7 This can be easily effected by a cover study on "the determina- tion of paternity vs non-paternity through blood examinations". -- 1. Introduction - - - - - - 2. Historical aspects-- 3. identification of blood ISOIMMtTN1ZAT1ON AND THE= DISCOVERY-OP BLOOD GROUT SYSTEM/1 TABLE 3 ThHtmwt Bt000 Guoups 17 dream . Amtigens Possible gersovpes ABOOD 12b-Hr isetheran PQ As; At; 13; C; Cw; _ B; e M; N Antigens which have mused Hemolytic Erythro- tainsfasion blasegs reasti, � t Frequency erytIsroblastosis per 1000 Hrtbi Frequency transfusims incompatible for these - sont4en3 if - matched for - A. B. D 10__ A; B A; B 03'1i2 C; C'os CC�"; e Cl /MX 3 e K, -- 3 3. jk� ^ _ �0 0.1 2eems /301 1 case each f 132) IC 0.1 -V- case None Pyb Jkt Veiy few $01 I.,es MIX1L_ - 3 = None 21 None None= None None 0.37 0-35 0.09 023 0.33 0,32 HUM OR Low INCIDENCE BLOOD GROUP FACTOR3 Licidearce of - factor In � population tested SOUVe of _ antigenic _ stimulus hi (144, 143s. 144a. b) Itatonbergez (143) Banana (147) Lava), (123a)__ Graydon (140) Jobbins (141) Petobt (143) Ticr Mis Be* 3 3 None 3 indiv- was. Re- peat- ed Rae- ages. - Somme of es- Tel 1 came 0/320 -. 1 Cate 0/443 None to 0/330 � rUte None 0/121 1 case 0/120 1 ease 0/373 Or None None None Pregnancy/ Pregnancy Transfusion of Ill*. - band's blood; - - pregnancy Transfueon _ � Unknown Pregmncy Pregnancy . 18 VIEeRVIIAN -BLOOD GROUP FACTORS - TABLE l�-�-Crredirri�ei ,�� Incidence of factor in populatiret tested � Source of actliterric stiouluil Wright (150) Wr� ---3-- None 1 ease 1/1277� Prragune32 Vel (140,149) - - - 3 $o& _ 0914% : TransfusLel Via (146) $ 1 cami 9/170 Pregnan4 - � Dims (151) � .None lame 0/300 ' Prignancy V (153, 153, 1.58) 3 1 case 1100/1100 sauce- soids;177/909 negro5ds , Unknown Verwsyst (I51) V. (Same ro 141`) 0/740 Pregnancy Billy (1390 Ay None ? Or 54) _ Chr� (155b) Chr` - None Nana 2,5co unknown Cavalier(39e) - Ca _ None 0, i PrednennY1 V (35.1) _ V - 106/371 Negrries Tteisted to 2i351_Whites Wh-Hr-syctell None 0000 Elontunde (154) $ Preritutne2 _ _ _ ( ) Airne4.not setual/y Identified. - � - � Based on C.r,7e; D, arid /1.11gleurg twel-rs Clurnosomes. It Piot ink% iscd,Ahructibet of porde b%9 ritenotnee treconote 300. ira,,-rt. snd barn also been described (133-112). t Excluding Renshaw (Me) and LitTriW--0111)� - � ; 2 &NW of retinae& trearolyse as well es 1Vgghaticate. Anti -we !woad widely distributed very frequently in a oCtattoQ with anti S. I Lelme P remonal COCOITItatkligi.11. ealf1(Ce4e..1..." L AND-TRE DV:COVERT OF BLOOD GROUP TABLE T ii BLOOD GROUPS System�.-- - Andreas � sCrs 1) Antigens IRV& Save (Awed ItemolytisI Erythro- Ran:Jost= I Masten% TE5(tLQn,ijiiktafli _Zratitteorr erlthrobt_astosts Der 1000 bilks Frequency of _ transfusiona incompatible for these antigen if � matched foe A.B.D AO(R) )NS 11.411- dikno Duffy 31841.1 Lex le iotheran PQ . Ad At: It; 0 C; Cw; C�: a � D; D"; _ E; a (FL f 8; � Ile Pi* Fla _ Iirs Le*; Let (L,'3 Li' (Lab) P; flt; Q.; fp): Bt1 A:1 C: C'; A; B 0.1 - 8 10 711* or _ - mon 3 8;s (of. 130) X k - None _ Fy4 Jk� Noce None None 6.0 0.1 1 case eantc 0.1 1 case 1 ease . Very fast 0.37 C33 o 09 013 0.36 0.31 Hie OR Low INC DENO'S BLOOD GROUT FACTO_ 113 o--- Incidence. of facial i a popuktion kited Source of antigenic stimulus ley (141, 14.1e. 1110.1:4 3 None 3 ladle- tale. 5000.3000 -. PregenneY7 T Re- peat- *A . snin.. ast71- aim. S Nees at en- Ott. That iliteaStreet (1 me, h 3 I cam, 0/320 Pregnancy Berms (141) � Bot 3 I use 0 443 Tennaftaiona of hua- band's blood; pregnancy Tranatosise Levey(12) 3 _ NoaTt to date 0/310 0120400 (100) r Nana Moe 0/191 Unknown iobbina (1il) 3 None lea,. 0/120 Pregnancy Ikea, (146 3 Nona 1 ettee Mal � Pregnancy 18 THE, HUMAN BLOOD-0110UP ACTORS , TABLE '1Intinued Inddenee of ream in papule-jaw tested - Source of anSigenie etiolates V4 (9j49) 149e) Ten (.101) ij Mt In, IS - Verweyst (134) BettY- 0540 -- -- Die thsaw - --3 --- ' 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 ___ 3 - 3 - -_ __ _ - 3 None 2 eases .None 1 ease 1 ease 1. ease___ ? 2 None ? None - 1/1277 99. eV; 0/170 0/200 1100/1100 fauna- sada; 27712119 nefrolde - - - Ot140 Of WO - 2400 ka 1:).- �- -- 1054'211 Negroes PnignennYi _ Traftsfusioa ___ _ -- Pennant:7 Priananey _ - --- - V,7, (8ame as 311')i By Chen Ca I ease None None None Unknown � - Preveuei ' Pzewonney - Unknown- ---- � - Cavaliers (Me) V (Ind) _ Preenaney? Related to fils-lie sate. V __ __ V831 Whitea_-- otzoa Romunde 054) R.-- None Pzeenaney _ _ ( ) Mourned, not actueEy IdentiSed. 'Banta MI C. dg._C;L. tf; end /154ivIng twelve dvanolatielL ItF,fere Included, the number of pos4 genotypes topzednes 30077-rX. and Cs have also been desettbed (159-182), t Haelodlna Renshaw (Hs) and Illbstee (He). Some of ant:sera hemolyse as well as agglotoati. � 3 Antiolfe found widely die' lxibuted very fretuently in emaciation with anti-E I 1eiru1e, EPsreotta1 Conn.malieation.-- - - ' _ .