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Publication Date: 
April 17, 1958
Purpose: To study the nature of the hypnosis process tte It rnay relate to indatiort of a changed motiyational state (MKULTRA-04). Initiated: 19 August 1960 Contractor: Dr. as a grantee o Cost: 30.000;00. (These ars supplemental funds; and. Althau-gh-tirne extensions may be granted, it is not. anticipated that further binds will be made svailibl&for this research.) Status: tC-71tinuing. *ra' Dato_of_Obligation:A� 000rk Z Purpose of Project: A study f induti -- of hit,.h motivation in individx�aale by rwrar.. �=na....../ means-of the development _of_spectfic 46.3.1P51.1.12tOt Mit,,F.le interpersonal relationshipe_Or, 40,11110F 3._Progress to Date: Satiefactory 4. Expi ation Da a: _ 5, Project M FROMTSS/CD ilivcar2 cmz.- Ta L., trifisp�k stkiroJent, t of? 0.71� 71.In _ Atathixiza Cat&tit FericA Tim-,o,- 1.7;.-T-z-.4k-,,,,7. :. - .fk.:.!2.-4-.�:.-.4-,-ezit . AI:=D,i-7, :-.....,.? . Nat7.10:-.7-inati-..--T.3 ii-L-..*111,1- - Cks.,4 0.111.0a I :...., -'2-----. J,./) ',..c-_," ,,i,-_-_;,_.1 9,:_ ,,e_ .,),._- - - -./I _,52,-z.L'.- 1.--.9z.' /./.'_k::::--.:-._-',9--0_ __i-iisi.-(44 ----:.-i_ i i t ti. I 1 ,........ i ---- 44---- f., --:- .-----,1 � 'St-'-,-'TC--1,-7----7------------------ , WM-1'1z - 1 - (When Filled In) 11A t )' SUBMITTED BY DATE � VOUCHER NO. 2.12 ACCOUNT !NG DV I ND IV I DUA L , FOR ADVANCE NOTE: Follow Instructione on Reverser bprojeet # 84. , , PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING F/S.47 Y ,...,/," a.2 FRO 18 � ctober 1 TO ,* � . :. .:t 3.� - il I I CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD $20 $ 5. EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: Z. OUTSTANDING AO ANCES BEGINNI G OF PERIOD VA!' DArt DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOOI See attached. certffLat.oA 20 507.5 . A -CE1PT NUMB ER DATE DESCRIPTION I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII TOTAL EXPENSES . 9 .REFUNDED MpIESITM CASK . ! ' 1CRECK MONEY SNEER 7. :�OTSTAr NO NOVA CES. ENO OF1 pERIODI((Attach tie 'Au) A. FA H;11 N HAND:60 F PERIOD OR BALANCEli UE ADVANCES 4. TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR '20 597.53 V. III I 11'1 111111! ,.' " II: HI oTAL#cOuN EO Fc:,11 1 .5 1 I CERTIFY "FUNDS AREIAVAILABLE I I 1 ol�PpROVEO: 'UIILG1I,,1 :04y y the expeneiLitree: Ilisted hereon l an OOLIG.REF. NO. 1 CHAUGE FAN ACCOUNT .. 212 NO. 1.� 1 DAYS , SIGNAT I L., , E OCAPPROVING 1 1 I L.' ' ,I ' , ,. 1 .1 OFF IC H. 1 11,4: RI 1 ' ,' � TS) ,1!pip4Ay441,01#41.11At4 p r:!#, credit:l ,.,,,, 9051.8.ount,47g 1 ,otTed0onitdentilaiPla!urei, thereforAhol ' . Rare:. nor . , ill Crur incurred:i for offiC*011 that payment been received, e, . t and , ,. . .0,1d correct. put. or that DATE li ; SIGNATURE ;OF AUTHOR Z NG OFF CER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT 0 CREDIT 1 I PAYEEHISIGNATuRE,,I0e'1 1 1 1 DA Ili H HH SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER I I 1 III," ,1' I' ' H 1 I I L ' ' : X Lu l' 0 I I N ; DESCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 .54.55 STATION ]C016E, ..,...[..,.'r ,*�'4"7.' ..1.....�. pieJECT ; ;40. '';$1 ,r .Se ! 0 0Acq%h N E 0 ,,..j_L ,1 14y.47 ,Il 10B11.-jc. ! IMIEFI!. ,:.,... ..H . ' :1A�tANII" ..,..,. , Ci. � ,.!. $l , ' 1 NO. .1 � . . 1 1 . lie ' , AA. 501 $$ CA' PAY OR pc,. , Lin � ''.'. S CODE T 1 a Y ' 56.54 GENERAL 55.06 I 1 COST . iFAN ACCOUNT SYMBOL; 67.70 OBJECT' CLASS "� 1. 7 80' AMOUNT L 11 II 1 H�, DESCRIPTION :IVANC :A COUNT'S' , !) :i, 15"Z1T 1 I ; ,1 28,43 v/A No. ' .L' ... .1 .. arp.oAc.aa: .. , ... . ..� s, LE0DED ACCT. a0. ''. E.:. y� � .s. 61'66 x. aOr. No. :65.70 : DUE :DATE DEBIT CREDITI, 11111 Ao 7.,519, �:'S'3, :, " , �-2 � o/C$ enve, , 7os" � � 2.47: :$" . . ...... . . . , ... � . , ........ . � .. . . 'IIIIMIIIIMIIIII . . �IIIIMIIIII . . ,. . , . . , .. ..... ; ; ; , ). ,. . 1, . ,� � , . . . : . . . . . . . . . ..... 1. � . . . . . ,. 1111111. . . . 1. DATE PREPARED BY 1 rtk'I.Citie � II DATE � REV �950 BY, I : - ' I TOTALS ..)o s-,6-7� , ,, 3/1 , ..�>'� t S' 7 ; F?:: 21i2H :::T%::: PREVIOUS t , e.,...., 4117 INSTRUCTIONS Line or Section 1 Enter on line 1 the amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the period. 2. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brought forward from the previous accounting period. attach hereto. In every; case ,1 1 1 .4* Enter on this line the amount 1, 21, and 3. 6., Enter in this section the amount of each receipt during the accounting period showing pertinent data, i.e., method or soiarce of acquisition and applic ble rate of exchange, if indigenous s, prepare receipt forml, number and sou_ce o receiptsII I I I currency. 11f more space is requiredto1explain receip , completely1 dentifY 1 7107 a Each amount listed in thislsecnn sh from :the payee entries e ceeds 1 1 11 11 u te 1 1 amo 1 1 1 is ec 11: 7. Advances made to th'r receipt obtained If the num er11111of in section 5 Enter 11,041 by Ialls1111F11 1H , shal111beeoosolidat listirnglion a sePara e1 ah 1 11 ,1 11, advances11tn1beaccoun ed or refunds of1Cash,1.11ash1a a. "hy certi they dual 1,11 al 1s amounts shown in ofHeither1the the lack of a receipt., as oneentryr 1 eet. 8. Enter on this line the amount of cash on hand' or if the amount of;Ahe disbuksements exceeds 1 the amount advanced the balance due the advancee shall be shown in.,parenthesis i.e. ( ), and treated as a minus amount in arriving at the "Total Accounted For", 1line 9., Ill 1 1 1 11 Reflect on this line the "Total Acco rted For" which must agree with the amount ,shown on , 1 line 4, 1"Total To Account Fore, 1 1 1 9. cavpincAnoN - NMI Gran Dr. # k 1. This grantAtssisads_thrOug4 in 19611 $10-$000.00-in August 1961 and $20,000.00 duriA the -period Sept. - Dee. 1961. e funds were providel-04-4-"to-be.4Xpended�atheeessary" basis-for which we secured varibrUb-Sentitive consultatinn-privileges and ser. vices. The grantee acknowledged the receipt of the Brant end the unexpended balanee_of$20,507;53 in his letter dated. 28 March 1966. . Since no successor_ha,s been named-to it is unfeasible fraa a security or cover standpoint to reArire or receive further accountings from maim. 2. It is-thereftle requested that the unexpended ion of - the original grant($20,507.53) be written off based onservices _ being received in the fena-of research report APPROM): Om- - f MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, TSD/BF- 30 AUgust 1967 TSD/BAB MEMO #232-67 SUBJEeT-------;--Request-for Write=off:Memorandum Accoun C.* 1:__Fer-security and-cover-reasons BAB is-unable vedirectionTor-receive-- unttn s:in=the name o � (3 For t e s me sec or anization-has been name It-is-therefo accountings from fo nde els n.. iv dua or e or-re ortiOn-o the 961 grant from n the amount of $20,507.53'.- 2. It-is therefore-requested that a write-off- - memorandUt-be executed on-this account. APPROVED Chief, TD . ACCOUNTING BY IND I V I DUA L., ..., FOR ADVANCE NOTE: Follow instructions on ael:4:rae ' SUBMITTED BY, . DATE OUCHtR NO. 2.12 ---1-11=k---ag-INWOCI--#14 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM 13 Oata 1g63 TO 17 eiert. 1965 $1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PER,100 1254.870 . EXPENSES THIS PERIOD: 2 OUTSTA )ING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD vouriliER Nto.411en DATE OESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3 RECCIPTS THIS PER1001 7.srperaceee attache& RECEIPT NUMBER DATE 0 ESCRIPTIO eitin=0511,02 . _.... TOTAL EXPE SES I 5,362.47 0. REFUNDED1 MERE 11. r, c ,. l 1 itRECF 1 RUDERflortiev 7. 0 TSTAND IA VANC SI END OF PERIOD H"Artachi, ralir 1 1 A. CASH ON !NA D ENDTOFI PER11001 OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE IIMIlelaie -53 4 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 25,ZQQ 9. 111 :I I I 11 H. TOTAL [kcoyNTIo FOR 6587TOO. CERTIFY FUN S ARE AVAILABLE I 11 APPROVEO"' w� 1 :, i 1, certify;1 hil that .1 41...i the e., e. .10 eed.t A urta I listed hereon on OBLIG.REF. NO. CHARGE !AN ACCOUNT H ,4. , 1 11 IF � I 1 1 -4 4. NO., ,, 1 l4.0. OAT ' iGNATU =Mr C. 01 APPROVING, I k OFFICER C II I i n riOsatifIlaoH,COnfirleotlOrltnature,11!cho4. credit this any , : In attachments there I CoUntliAll for 1 has AfiLt:iu*1,1arldlcorrect, , were dincorred so'p,E I been : received for official !. poymerel[or and pNr. that 1 DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZING ' I OFFICER CE T IF ED FOR PAYMENT OR C EOIT , , SIGNATURE OF PAYEE , I I OAF II ! SIGNATURE CERTIFYING OFFICER ; I � Acmz,IzAz SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE' DESCR FElON.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33_ 34.39 1 STATION I.10.1E,! !g.c,1,;IrT.,. , , PPOJerCT , .1 ge,.. 4,3 , , I 42.47 IOOLIO. .R1T.,..NO,. :Apv;:7 Accv,iNo. '''..... EMS. O. 46. 49! PAy! PER. , ...IA. COOE , . 90 61064 CA OR 4ENERAL ACCOUNT 65.66 I!, L COST .1 FANIIIH SYMBOL ! y , : 67.70 OBJECT CLASS . I 71.00'. AMOUNT . I 4'..""imeill51 -1 ; . ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.22 26.33 1. T/A NO. 8RIP.60181.402. ..... . , 'Ilta, 9 - T YR. LEOGER ACCT I: NO � ,,U. .S. I - 44.66 � ICA; No. .... '' X'!,X,P.NO. 68.70 DUE DUE DATE ! A)ERIT 1 I. . CREDIT, ,-...----.--. ..., .3, � , � ' ' ' 1' �Or � I � � ... e= � � �.f .. I�. v ... 4.;A':e, :A....". ;..2: : : : .: . :� : : : 7,15e7 , "1!�Y4-7 /I . .......... .... 1 � . � � � � , � ..... ..... 1 ;........ ....... . . � � � , � � � � � � , � � � :. � ' DATE 1 PREPARED B DATE i REV EWE Y I 1 'TOTALSL ef.' le � :::" WEIr.- 7, FoR ,190 OR11OLEPNL 4-$55 EDIViONS INSTRUCTIONS Line or Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter on line 1 the amount of cash on hand at the beginning of the period. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brought forward from the previous accounting period. Enter in this section the amount of each receipt during the accounting period showing pertinent data, i.e., method or source of acTrisition and appli:cabie rate ofexchange� if indigenous currency. If more space is required to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto.I in every '..:asell Completely identify the source of receipts. 1 1 _ 1 H 1 11 1 I Enter on l this line the amount to be accounted for which shall be the sum of amounts shown in 1, 2, and 3. Each amount Ilisted in this section shall be supported by a voucher consisting of either the receipt obtained from the payee or in lieu thereof al eertification explaining the lack of a receipt. If the numiezfilof entries exceeds the available space they may be consolidated as one entry 1 1,111 1 ' 6 11 I I 1 1 in section 5 and Supported b / a listing of 1 1 1 I 1 I ividual,entries on a separate 'sheet. 1 1 1 1 EnterionIthia line the amou t of any refunds 0 advances1ri e advancee ndica+ing Whether 1 1, , 1 1 1 by cash, check, or money order. I 1 1 1111 1 7. Advanceamadelto third parties which remain,outstanding at theend ofrthallaccounting period shall be consolidated and the to47-' entered as 8,1.115...1.111,g1/ 1 amountlonthiS line suPPOrted by a 1 listing on!a separate sheet. Fir credit will lot be givenfor disbil,Irsegentall6ich are advances to be accounted for. WhenlacCountingslfor advances1are obtained, ;list as expenses' 1 , 1111 ill 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 or refunds 'of cash, as aPp*,'.10 r5.a i 1 11 L 1 Enter on this line the am9unt of cash on hand, or if the amount of the disbursements the amount advanced the balance due the advancee shall be shown in parenthesis, i.e. and treated as e:minus amount in ,arriving at the "Total Accounted For", line 9, Reflect on this line the "Total,Azeounted For line 24., "Total To Account For'. I ' whici must agree with the amount shown on ! Citfi ALZON mia is_ta_ca-rtify that x have reeeWed an acoounting trait ICZTRA sub-project #8 for the parioi 18 October 1963 through 17 October 1965. The aceounting reflects expenses in the amount of $5,362.47 agr.inat the outstanding grant balance of_$25,870.00. The remaining 'pant balance to be accounted for is 420,507.53. The rAcounting stateMent 41.nd, payment certification vill be retainedin TSD and viii be made available for review in Tea) if necessary. fVrther certify that eatiffactory services represented by the accounting have been received and that to the best of rly_knov- ledge and belief the Anes_expended_vere tor the ytirpocea-auth- orired by tbe_project approval. Legal-Fees Insurance for equipme.nt Miscellaneous laboratory furniture and equipment Dear Eneosed is the accounting -t over the past two years. The expenditures -were as follows. sound movie csmera wit ppropriate accessoriesAused) $3,050.00 341.56 314,46 To help underwrite a meeting of scientists working on h nos 65645 1,000-00 Total $5 362-47 - As we discussed sometime ago, it has been my understanding that ther is no time limitation for the expenditure of-monies from the and, for this reason, we have avoided expending these except in situations where no other support could be used or was available. What might appear to have been a very small level of expenditure over time has, in fact, played a vital role in supporting our research activities in allowing us to make necessary guarantees to certain senior staff personnel. � As we have discussed in the past ,the primary purpose-of this grant has been to provide emergency contingency funds. Thus, it is possible to assure key personnel that continuing support_for them would be available even if certain other grants or contracts_with_government_agencies_were delayed. The lalxratory has been fortunate_in_obtaining other support over this time_and thus it has not been necessary to_use_the bulk of the grant_to_cover salaries. I am sure that it will be clear that contingency funds of this kind are of vital importance in allowing us to hold together the essential nucleus of a reSearch-staff. Obviously we would otherwise lose_key_personnel_to other institutions which are in a posi- tion to make permanent guarantees. At this time, we are pledging contingency funds pending approval of 14� MIK. contract and continuation ofklicontract. It looks highly probable that these contracts will be renewed. If_things,progress as expected, we will be enlarging our laboratory_and,_under those circumstances, some $15,000 may be required to facilitate_the_conversion_of_existing_space_to appropriate laboratory _ facilities. Here again,_w-e_hopto_obtain other support to undertake these modifi- cations, but contingency funds are essential to allow us to proceed with our plans and avoid a one to_two_yeaLdelay. Finally, LwOuld_like_to explain the item tolhel underwrite the conference The bulk of the cost wilLbe borne b �Weyer, certain restrictions exist on the use of the funds which_make_it imperative_that_a relatively small_addi-_ _ tional amount be'available.�While only $1,000 has been pledged officially, it is possible that a larger amount may be required. This meet n( to provide access to some of the recent work being carried out y facili- tating an informal exchange of communication. I hope that this clarifies our expenditures_to date.; lam sure it will be - clear that the importance of these funds_to_the laboratory hasbeen completely out of proportion to the antount_actually expended. Without contingency funds of this kind, it would not_have_been possible_to accomplish many_of_the important studies that have been carried out in the past and are being carried out at this time. STATEMENT Total Grant Amount Amount expended 1962-63 -$4,130.00 Amount expended 196465 Si362.47 Total expended - $9 ;492 . 47 Balance �������.- $30,000.00 �9_,A42.47 $20 507.53 sti.P4 10- I% I .01.� II roc, co ,71, 140 0 111040 Janu ryi7-- 966 Memorandum for the File Subject: requesting-an answer to my letter of October 19th. He promised to send me an accounting as�fast as he could get the_figur s- together. Meo October 19, 1965 Timegoes-by_so quickly that I am sure-you-do not recognize that-it has been two ears since-your7last accounting on-the-grant-to My records Show that your last accounting-was dated October 170 1963 and showed expenditures of $4,130. This leaves a balance of $25,870 according tp-my records- would appreciate receiving an up-to-date_accounting. _ Hope all is going well with you. Best_personal_regards. Sincerely, - Oo We have -on our records an outstanding grant for DreliliNignali_C AMP In scy file I have a copy of your letter dated 28_ October 1963, vhieh forwarded_an_accout;ting through 17 October 1963. C. Droalla letter to ou dated 17 October 1953 states that an annual acoowating viii be rade, therefore, ve are' one accounting in the arrears_vitsh_cos due this month. Please take the necessary action to secure aceountthar ac COM-. tinge to bring Dr. t up to date. eauc ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE NOTE: Follow Instruction, on Reverae ..............4,464......6.4�.44................ SU Bm i TTED BV lifiCIM:1" Sub S4 ....�...---.......�..�...�, VOUCHER NO, (Finance use only) PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM . 1 !by 1962 TO i 17 October 1933 RECEIPTS DI SBuRSEMENTS I. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 9*4.) 417.Z6 YOUCHLA �NUMBER ' DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT a, I 2.14w6T II DATE DESCRIPTION Ike Attacried CertIZIcation , .. ;Invoice #1 -Invoice i 1-141--- #2 4,1.'0. 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 I 4. EF DED HEREWiTH cAsti icH4c4 1 Luos.tT Obrr . CASH ON HAND eNtl Or PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR AS 317.3 1111701"AL ACCOUNTED FOR i CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED I I I certify that the expenditures listed hereon and OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT i '1 ,1" 345 1121.2E.'-1009.1-1902 NO. DATE -� SIGNATURE 1,61Drill'Y 1 ,1 1 OP 1APPROVING I 1 GOTTLIE2,;1 0 1OFFICER1 I' II , ...,H .....,II 4i4, III on any " peace of Credit, thIllojaccott ttilments a therefort1 confidential tin011i WOO'. Nett' Inot 'lie it'rdel incurred for nature, that been ',Ir, ece andlcortecti official payment lead pur.I or I and that I DATE 1 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER II CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR ,CRED T1 1 1 SIGAAT,RE, OF PAYEE 11 1 I 11 DATE 1 SIGNATURE 11 67 CERTIFYING ll OFF 11 11 CEP I I 1 I ,I I 11 1 SPACE BELO FOR EXCLUS I VE' USE OF, FINANCE 0 I V I Si ON ' PREPARED BY ;REVIFWED , P ' BY I , , 1 1 II " I I 11 I VOUCHER NO. 7.12 23.39 DESCRIPTION � ALL OTHER -ACCOUNTS I I igt..� ' tXPEND 5.441 I JP AY: ER. 47. z, DAL ii MI. %qt. 1:49 p rl F I "GENERAL _ ,47 77 I ' ' , ALLOT. 59-41,7 LEDGER , e 3.70 I DUE 71.6 AMOUNT 1 : DESCRIPTION � OP ITEMS 13-34 34. 69 CODE Lig. AO;R7NKK 619. V LEOGER ACCT: NO. i 62.67 OBJECT DESCRIPTION � ADVANCE. ACCOUNTS I324 , PAYABLE CODE ..A5C.T., � ' Npl. No.'� I 11 ! c K. NO. To V . NO. CLASS DISIT CR NIT 1 I , 1 11 , L l' - 1 I I , I vow FORM ow, USE PREVIOUS 657 EDITIONS. INSTRUCTIONS 1. If funds, in the form of other than U.S. 'Dollars were on hand, received, or disbursed during the accounting period, all pertinent data, i.e., rate, method of acquisition, etc., must be shown. If advances have been made to third parties, enter the total of such advancesoutstanding at the beginning of the accounting period on line la. 2. If more space isrequired to explain receipts prepare receipt form, number andattach hereto. In every case, completely identify the source of receipts. 1 . Attach a voucher for each expenditure and assign a number thereto in numerical sequence. The voucher may ba, the receipt obtained from the payee. When a receipt is not obtained, prepare a certificate and attach as a 1 voucher. When space on form is not sufficient to list all vouchers; prepare a listing, on a separate sheet and enter the total under item 3. If advances to third parties are oUtstanding at the close of the account- ing period, attach an 'itemized list and enter the total on line 3. 1 1 ll 1 11 1 lil 11 1 1 1111 1 1 4. Final credit will, net be given for disbursements Which are advances to be accounted for. When accounting I 1 .L_ i.or advances are 'obtained, list a expenditaren orilrefund of ' cash, as appropriate 1 1 5. Total receipts entered on the line "Total to Account or" must a r e with theto al disbursemen Bantered on the line following ITO al A+un d For.' ' 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 4-13 October_28,_1963 Dea Attached _ pleas e _ find_the_ firs t_of_ many__accountings � Co. to come on Total he received was $30,000.00 Total�Expendedad as of Oct..17,=1963 $4,130.00. Balance in account $25,870.00. ti Dear 101,1�1"" I 1 'You are absolutely- right. The first,$10,000 sent to as well as thel$20 000 00sentlaterin is answerable for all $30,000. However, sincelyoUbrOhug I checked into the file and even though this is for a:15 request yearly acCountingsliso I will 4rOP Pr. 41111,9. note latest financial report. h 1 I 1 I Anything I can clia to help, ease yell. I 1 ' August 14, 1963 . . in August was sent that year. ht the natter up, year!PeriodEve did daSk.fpr his August 1, 1963 Thank you_very much for the reoent accountings, wev I am still foga on Dr. In looking over your Finances rts_back_thru _ the nonths,-I note you rlaceived 30,000 for4NS, in Sep 1960, 10,000 was disbursed to him in August 1961.20$000_werkt during the Sep-Doc 1961 period. ihunchTthet_maybe these two items rake ith& 30,000, A is accountable for it all, it is Obi 30,000 welt�ie charged tomb that I'm looking for, 'L a newcomer to this business, so_naybe the arsver-is available in OUT records, 8 justa matter of knowing where-to looki I'd appreciate any light you might shed on this, al- C PeR 22 AUG 1b3 rhe, t3o,cco chd-90--to - 14: ;s bc. a -6-y'k5--pi--e:,ect, bc,6 _ haa 8greed cid a on oz-)I acccon ngs . co-11 sele 4; hem s-at*ked 3cct:3.- ;s 47he pictore re= the 30, CVO. October 17,1963 Dear Please excuse the previous abs_ence of accounting_nt 4141110kn reference to the_grant_to Over the past two_years_thexPenditures made from ,this grantwereas follows. ellowship to -worked-on the ps.:sthypno ic ph-enorn-enon_ar is now lh the- process',7.f-c-mp!etirli, study work . under :this fellowship=w3s-swEtsfactory-and _will represent a large part of ToiDr. for statistical consultation Fire file To assist ill a _symposium Total spent to datef _ 3 000.00 00TT 330.00 $44_130.00 It has been my understanding that there are no tlmetirnitations for the * expenditure of funds under the grant from nd we have chosen to conserve as much as possible of these funds,-utilizing other sources of support whenever possible. In the future we shall make an annual accounting of funds expended. certify tl'at -ltr,r!als have been $atisfactorily t"- rueniitures were incurred cr, eff'�I�ti a M. D., Ph. D, Executive " Secretary An inves tigation of Socially induced special it.ates� under the direction ots-Dx. ranouny WOM4: May 1, 1958 - April 30, 1962 - RSCRfPTS May 1, 1958 - April 30, 1962 - DISMSZKENTS 1963 BATANCE - May 1, 1962 Pl3a)133Eniin: onsciausnass 25,000 .00 24.359-.32 pulment. ZuPPlies 77.114 Telephoile TeleRranh 98.01 13.76 131.00 otozscripticatA_D.2.2k3 _ 43.50 rvicea rursha3ed 128.62- aubject5 . 0.00 640:68 Tom DI3BuimmT�_ M coftifsr-t: !�rh1s have beett satisfara.thl-:117 tture were � ineurrc:I. � en:Xi:17 171; . . July-11 1962� Accounting of Nay 1, 1961,-Apri130, 1962 fro Balance May 1,119611 2.073.32 Received ' 1,250.00 Total Disbursements: Equipment $1=.498,35 Supplies 225a7 Postage,Freigbt 41.23 Travel 245.60- - Subseripti�tI19.24 Services 1,131.50 Subjects � 76l.00 Miscellaneous - _S2.5.2L1,1) Total Eisbursements Balance-- 11-30-;11962 - 2,682.6V, $ 64o.68 Mist _rue Statem It of-ekpense as reported to- I have exatl'i,1 -andtpl,roved the submitted _ � expenditu,,os. Date :1 1/-------- /74 TSS/Chemieal Diylpion Executive 'Director Dear M Enclosed please find -a prelimina accounting of the expendittirA from the gift. of $25,000.00- to or our research. Please note that to date we have expended $23,344.38. We have commitments for the major_portion_of_The -reinaining_balance_to current - research. For this reason, I_would appreciate the last Installment of $1,250.00 being forwarded to s soon as convenient for you. A report covering the-research activities_undertaken with this_gift - will be submitted in_june, 1962. C. ,1 hav6 examins ,Pxpan4iturea. _ar..vprovt to alrbaitt TSSiTtzleal Divislon r�ater /V /4/ Disbursements for the Period: 5/1/_61_to 10/31/61 Equipment Supplies 201.17 _ Postage 32.23 Travel 94.40 Books 12.24 Services Purchased 109.31_ _ Subjects 720.100 TOtal- - $1667.-70 � - July: lii 1961 Aco-irtintl 1. 19(O.. April 30.-1961 ;',4,1, 1. 19._._0 :iecelpt DisbUrSOTOntS Total - Filut!--ment 11=2.53 !'-uprliqs � 1,021.66 1`1liorie Ire TPleuraph 30.'A _ PostiF.e, ;.rid Traysl 1-4.15 :174etlrvs ;re. i:' 7,29 'Tervit!el rlarc;-,1-7ed )04.15 110 .CO Tot1=DI3burso-ent3- ,i3a1 noo 45,N47.127_ . aliaLLO _2_,1921.12 TrAz is A true s,,atwwnt-of-wtnIe3 .i5. reported to the Fand. Octobr 19,-1960 Menlo to 40 Subject: . 411Ik Project Attached is-an-accounting received from through Aprill3V1.960Tilis_is-a-truestatement of_exrenses as reported to 1.11, Ace unting.,o May 11 1959 -_April 30, 1960 - Balance May 1, 1959 Receipts Disbursements: - Total Salaries� - $4 904.23 Pension ;--retirement _ Soc. Sec-------------------.---3631 -=-$8,818.80 _ $ 10,818.80 Supplies _ - 1)109 86� - --Telephone-&_Te1. 223.17 Po$tage & Freight _ 103;95 Travel 882.61 Subs. & Books 63.34 Bindirg- - - - 9.00 Publishing _ - -55.83 Air Travel 26.90 Misc. 12.00 Services-Purchased 23663 Subjects - 377.,10 - Total Disbursements Balance 8,771.68 $-2,047.12 ThiS is-A-truestatement of expenses as-reportod to the - Society. have examinal -and approve4 the submitted ext,enditur3. TS Date; Ch.tmioal Division CONF !DENT I AL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. -12 OATC 2-6 tVOUCHER NO. 7-12 i DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 3A-30 STATION CODE PROP, NO. . ,40.42 EXPEND "1" 43 F u N 0 _.46 '''. PAY PER. LIO. e "I'DE 47-52 ODLIG. REF. NO.' ppy.Apv... '1';'..2%.,YR '''' NO. 5 54.57 GENERAL 58.67 ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 66.70 DUE DATE 71.80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 N.0. No. 'POWCWI: C.II LEDGER ACCT. NO. 62.47 eN. No. X RF.F. NO, OSJECT CLASS DERIT CREDIT �ITV S 5.,,.a.p.,40,. ;ea, Iryv' . eirlif .24/....r 6.0b4 v.-/c,e9-4. . - . . 1 ��,_ (..., /lee . _ ,.,, ,/,,...c.,. I : � � . 1 ,,, . . 1 ' � 4 1 a r 4 I � I 4i 1 1 r � � . ......." 1 � .1 'II � 1 ' : : ' 1 1 1 � ' , 1 ' � 1 EXPtANATl0rl OF ENTRY 1 TOTALS I '.-�dez., 6-,C.4%.1-2-1.-p-i-e-s� , 1 , 1 1 DATE E APED V DATE REVIEWED 9Y CE TIED F PA NT CI CREDIT ...r , , , . 5 , I 1 TuRE OF C T1 Y$ OFFICER .... FORM ENDeAp 10.53 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. , , (Th RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following check: Treasurers Check the amount o Date: or in thet er.74 /4�, ig&7 No. Cost_ Account / Object Class Date Remarks and References � Obligations Incurred Obligations Liquidated Urdiquidated Balance 22 1A9V0 5 ;AS -exp. a 34 Angus 19E0 14EMCMI1it1eas COMO= ATISSTION rinanca %Titled MEM ' s WITIRRA, h trrser Atiditional Vnier_the_authority otantca in the faettOrtlAitiel dated. 13 pal, 1953 froze the DU the DOA) todi the extAnsion this authority in subsequent esemorazda, Oub roaelt 84 Ms been stwavved atria 4301000,00 ix' the over-all MIRA project ftztis bas been ohligate4 to cover tho subpro,Mt expenses* This obligation of ft/xis shod& he charged to lalOtrtent Weber 1525- 1009-1902, AP6toc I MO THAT FUNDS ARE AVAiLAIIII osocAriz,,KI CrtnRCk- ' if/ Ds.tes 1 9 AUG i100 DistribtitiOns Orig III 2 - Addressee 1 -=TSD/Oc MAASS TSDABA1111(17 Aug. 60) liDiONAIMR4 FORI-OR115%, PINANCIS DIVISION VIA I T$DIBu4�Officer &Ma= * ROAM, SubProject VipToice No, 2 Allotment 1525..1009.1902 1, Xnroic1 No, 2-for the above we is attached. Pay� meat should be- clads -as follow* Cashier's check in the amount or $30,1XX400j diem � made-payable to 2. Please toreard the check-ton ChleiTSDIResearch Drench throne, eISD/Budget Officer by Tuesday, 5-septesber-3.960. z 3. Thivis_a_tinal invoice, Zovever, since it ia anticipated that additionel-tes will b oblitated for this project, tho Mee should not be closed, Attached* Invoice & certilleations Distribtitio.* Orig & 2 - Addressee CHEmd: RESEIVE 4. LI_ 1\1 T. 0 F., -4/44.94- Stia B4 27- 23 Agate t 1960 !OM CNItiza WU= DIVISION VIA t= ?SO t Officer INAJVCT MCULTAA, Subprojet e4, Drivice No. Allotreent 1525.10094902 3. Invole*NO2 for the above tAftroject is a tached, Puy. sent should be_eade_is follotte: CeshiWs check in the alount of $30,000. on made payable to 2. Piesse-forvard the check to Chie4nDheseerch Drench through TSDIDuezet Officer by Wesdayi 5-Seltte-mber 3960 3.- This is a final invoice. Notilever, since it is_enticipated thst adilitionel-futtde vUib.3 oblisated for th DT�projects the files should DOt be closed. - Attache:di Invoice & OfttificatiOne L:detri'btitiortt _ Orig & 2 Adams** , � . - CH : $.219.i.a141* 1 -_TSD/FASS I CERTIFY THAT FUNDS AU AVAIVABLEI okIGATiott REFUENCt 04A1GE CA1.101".