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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
September 8, 1976
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Publication Date: 
May 1, 1957
(3) It is hereby certified that the program under #uttproject 72 has been satisfactorily cottleted, and returned unused funds. How- ever, bproject 70,-Iitith is still continuing also refunded money which vas left�Offer�at cutout from .preeiriOtiAl .grant� , Therefore) it is requested_ that the amounts as ShOhl bei174 on Invoice lfo� 1i of Subproject 70 be credited to the subprojecta as shown below* Date: Project Amount Auotmeitt Sate: sca.a....somawalli�NWNEOP $972.00 2768 7-250240.001 450.00 - 571 0525.1009490e "TiiTatziTswasse arch Director 2 November. 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR TM-RECORD - SUBJECT: MKT.JLTRA #72 checks issued. by t re applicable to #72. They n cashed by the individual Or organization concerned. Photostatic copies of the checks have been submitted to this office and are held ,ce_1. ts, which were not requested. The payments t epresented by ,.1. 106, 115vand 1 � ed-for by cb A- , : .4. 3 of August 31, 1958. Amount of Grant Check #: Date Amount _ $41,382.00 AA-1 Aug 1.2 '57 $-7,552.50 101_ Sep 30, '57 1,250.00 , 102 Sep 30, 157 250.00 1 _0 103� Sep_30,57 75.00 V /-1-: A 106 --- -- Oct 15, '57 7,552.50/ 4 '') 108 -- Nov _5, '57 - 600.00 (1 a 111 Jan 2, '58 750.00 112 113 Jan 2,- '58 1,250.00_ - 115 ... Feb 3, '58- 7,552.50 ,f 117 Mar 200-'58 300.00/ 118 Apr 1, '58 1,250.00 �,_ _ 119 Apr 1, '8 750.00y/ k*C�� 120 Apr 1, '58 250.00 e, 124 May 19, '58 7'5 127 Jul 23, '58 75502:� i050V 128 Jul 23, '58 250.00 ' 129 Jul 23, '58 1,250.00 -/ 130 - Jul 23, '58 300.00/ , Jan 2, '58 250.00 _ Balance renuin3 in on 1�S2 hr 40,410.00 972.00 . Chief .tSD/Research Branch - MOIOSAIWW4- a ten-profit_eorporation charts agrees to act as fitAnoial agent for. . * � � � hereafter known as 4onsor, in connection with certain mutually agreed upon research grants under the following conditions! : 1. A Special Bank Account will be maintained by in which the principal sums involved in the above _mentioned --- researeh grants VIII be lodged prior to final diebUttedent to the- Spossorls_designatel grantee. Photostatic copies of all bank atatetents_and_eancelled_checks_on_this account vill be furnished to tberSponsor as they become &Venable. ! B2. Account_ order to the .laws- of ' conduet of fl-profi time, handling of-tbdirbank aecount mus established practices agrees that the contents of this Special Bank a the property of the Sponsor; however, in ligations under lating to the end the general caseconforst_tt4Abe 3/ ll_make_every reason- able theinterests and identity of the Sponsor of these research grants b handling them as much as possible in the - - same fashion as normal grants, boveveri cannot assume anyliability beyond reasonable care and attention in this respect. 46 h. further_agrees to preade the relating to the research grants for _which it is acting as agent. When such correspondence consists_of_accountings for funds disbursed by tee, reports 8 of work done, or other statements of-fent- asst-es no re fer-the completeness or ateureay thereof. In addition, ' 11 assume no responsibility for the reliability, financial or otherwise, of any grantee selected by the Sponsor. 8 Finally,- agrees to use its offices as far as is possible to locatepersonnel and facilities of interest to the Sponsor in the conduct of its research program. 5. If, for any reason, funds vhieh-have been disbursed under this 8 agreement by are later returned to such funds will be he d in the &beim _ mentioned Sponsor's bank� -int for final disposition according to the Sponsor's specific instrwotions; except that any aicb instructions 0 must be, in the opinion of in keeping with its usual - - manM? of doing business Oni it legel responsibilities. 6. If, for erg reason, a contrclersy should between the Sponsor s the final reci0 -t as to dierot4tion tamie, terms of avetssent, etc., U limit its perticipation in such a disagreement to transmittal of appropriate requaats ar4 often between- tbe tvo parties. It viU not underCake to mount or participata in legal action or other coercive �easu--r4s which tbi Sponsr may advolate. - of the costs relaW to the foregoing considerations, U require peymant by the -Sponsor of a fee amounting t principal sum of each grant handled during the -life of this agreement. - _ SiVatuxe � Date 30 October 1959 MEMOR4k.NDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT T1IMKULTRKN�.I7ZI The following checki issued b e applicable to MKULTRA No. 72. They were endorsed _ and cashed by the respective individuals. Photostat copies have been submitted this_office and are held in lieu of formal receipts which were not requested normally require receipts for salary_check9_which1endorsed, cashed, or deposited constitute acknowledgment of payment 4103 V#111 Sept 30, 1957 750. 00 Jan 2, 1958 750.00 t.#119 Apr 1. 1958..............750.1001. '4127 July 23, 1958 750.00 4102 Sept 30,, 1957 250. 00 4112 Jan 2,1958 250.00 4120 Apr 1, 1958 250.00 #128 July 23, 1958 250. 00 mI 4108 Nov 5, 1957 600.00 4117 Mar 20, 1958 300.00 4130 July 23, 1958 001111 Total 5, 200. 00 1,7 -��� ' Chief TSS/Chemical Division Financial Statement July 1, 1957-August 31, 1958 Funds $30,210.00 received Expenditures: ---- � �__ Salaries - $7,234.27 Equipment 5,070.94 Travel _r - 2,740.97 _ Supplies _ 2,821.99 Anirial Rouses _ _ 1,465.17 Laboratory Fa�ilitl� 1120.50 --- -- Honorarium- - Overhead - 3,710.00 Total Exnenditures Balance Atgust731-r19584DefAcit June 23, 1959 30�238.84 Assistant Controller I have examined and approved the submitted-- expenditures. thief TSS/Chemical-Division r 15 September 1957 I wish to bring to the undivided attention of your administrathc�accountant the following discrepancies in his financial b6olc-keeping : #7 Your figures: Corrected : Grant ......$ 36,300.00 � $ 35,800.00 Overhead 14%...... 5,082.00 Ole OOOOO ����1111����1111 5;012.00-_, Total � 41;382,00 ' - -40,812;00' Handling 4% ... O ... 1,655.28. OOOOO ...�.�� 0000 ....- 1,632.48 Grand total 110111�0111_1141 43,037;28. OO .. OO �04106�0011.4111111/ 4244448 #7 0111*.st ye Grant ....... 19500.007 $ 19,500.00 . Overhead 14% ... � � 2 OOOOOOOOOOO 11111111111011 2,730X0 Total ..............2 1,840.00 22;230;00 Handling 4% 945.24 01111�1111111��01111�11.1111 889.20 Grand total 22,785.24 OOOOOO 81111�111100.��41 23,119.20 Monies paid by you : Monies committed (corrected) : Grant totals. OOOOO .�$ 63,222.00 $ 63, a42.00 Handling 4% OOOOOO �2, 600.5211�1111.11111. OOOOOO ��� II 2,5_21;68 Total -65,822.52 65,563.68 Enclosed herewith is our adding machine tape containing the corrected figures. In spite of errors in arithmetic, the grand totals are quite close. The monies al $65,822.52, results in an overpayment of $258.84 in favor � The above figures are cited for your information and edification. am sure that the necessary corrections will be made in your records. Sincerely yours 4 0 0 0 CC 7 5 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 0.0 2 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0-0- 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -3-u�77;7;1 3 5,� 0 O. 0 0 S lego' 5, 0 1 2 .0 0 S -1 � 4 0,8 1 2.00Is -110 1,6 3 c,0440 4 2 4 4 4 20 4 4 2.4 4 4- 4 , 4 6 8 8 S * * i447,2 /A.,...irt 6 0 0 0 0 0 400000 3 0 0 0 0 0 300000 2 5 0 0 ,0 ' Sir-X.744 -1 9.5 0 0 O0- 0 0 0.0 0 S � 2,7 3_0,0 t t 2,2 3 0.0 0 S 8 _C.- 9,2 0 0-eetmt.t. 2 3,1 1 9,2 0 S � 2 _ : 7 0 0_0 0_ 0 4 5_0_0_0 0 - 3 3 0 0 0 _ 32i0 0 0 0 1 5 0_0_0 0 1 0, 0 0 0_0_ 1 _C_O_ 0 0 0 v _ -2 � 2, 30 0.0 0 S %-i2.2,00: A.-2 �54T22,0 0 3 � 1,0 1 6 ,8 8 009A41) 2 6,4 3 8,8 S 3_3,8 4--; : /115,z-ip,c,- 2 2)2 3 0.0 -- 25 4 2 -2 , 0 -- X;74,4 --4 7,6 5 2,0 0 S 470 1 9_0-6,0 6 /e4vb1j 4 9� 55 8,0 WA, This o acknowledge the receipt of the followin checks Art- eck 166124865 drawn on or $41,382.00- Your generous contributions are greatly appreciated. The fundi._ViiilLbe latilized by our Board of Directors in further- ing worthwhile research projects in the field of medical sciences. yogi orpci orPARTME 0.1"--WAS - �Shaw name. a *iron and rumba, of 4 amniato ' testrue.t,ora -ro Dei.eing .n 'that a?.o, whim applocabt� � I RETURN 10 a� co.:a J 14C r attach ta back of _ En. 44.1 gt u.ic. RAtURN AECEIPT REQC/ESTED Yours trul Executive Secretar ea urer MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT I. I acknowledge the fact that because of the confidential relationship between myself and the U.S. Government, I will be the recipient of informa- tion which, in itself, or by the implications to be drawn therefrom, will be � such that its unlawful disclosure or loose handling may adversely affect the interest and the security of the United States. I realize that the methods o collecting and of using this information, as well as-the identity of persons involved, are as secret as the substantive information itself and, therefore, muss be treated by me with an equal degree of secrecy. 2. I shall always recognize that the U.S. Government has the sole interest in aitlinformation which I or my organization may possess, compile or acquire pursuant to this understanding. No advantage or gain will be sought by me as a-zsult of the added significance or value such information may have, due to the Government's interest-fri-W 3. 1SD lernnly pledge my word that I will never_divulge, publish, nor reveal either by word, conduct, or by any other m-eans such information or knowledge, as indicated above, unless specifically authorized to do so. 4. Nothing in this understanding is to be talcen-_asAmposing any restriction upon the normal business practices of myself or my organiza- tion: i.e., information normally p(--5sd by us or gathered in the regular course of business will continue to be utilized in accordance with our normal practices. Signature: Gentlemen: August 2 1957 We are pleased to be able to transmit to youth. following funds: ChoiclCi 600807Z draw These funds represent a contribution for the use of your directors in�carrying out the very worthwhile research goals of your organisation. Encl. Checks (2) Yours truly, ,e? :13 I . _ f2 - MEMOIIANDUM-FORI THE COMPTHOLLED AT rENTIONi- SUBJECT: Finen o �Dtriton Subproject 72 Under the authority granted in the Memorandum dated 13 April Ian frorn the 1)C1 to the 00/A, and the extension of this aullaorlty in subsequent memoranda, Subproject 73 Ins been ap- proved, and $43.037.33 of the over-all Project MKULTaA funds � have been obligated to cover the subproject's expenses and should be charged to Allotment 74503-10401. SIDNETGOTruEa Chief � US/Chemical Division � APPROVED 1? 11- BLIGATIO14 OF FUNDS: Research Date:111 Distribution: 3c2 � Addressee 1 �-TSS/OC 2 Tssicp --TSS/FASB TSS/SRB TSSICD 1 1.11.11, 1957 MICalAitgAi =Mt I1M2 DIVIS108 VIAz TCOutigst Officer atIJSCTE__ POEM Subfiroject 721 Invoice Nes 14, Alleccasst /-2502-11-#001 Invoice- 1100 l atteeted Paysant should be nada as. follows-I � *back tba most of-$4,3132" 2. Ma*, tctivarl tb* CbtOtO to CMOtik tealfafrevical through Ttepudgat Officer, by rriaitit-26 i7u17_1951, 3, This is a fial invoices A total of (434Ce7�28 va* cauu gated naier-this-subprojest during rt 57. fiosever IWO it is anticipated _that adalitie fund* will be obligated for this project, the files should not bei elOactds Atte:Meats Invoice and COtificatione Distributiont Orig & 2 Addresoce Comptroller TSSIFASB /CD (11 July 1957) co ?or ferric*, ICS CSSIVICRIOIS 41+3,037 28 (I) It_is hereby certified that tbis is Invoice Na. 1 eiTlYinS t* alarmlaet 72-sbe PKULTBA, that performance is satisfaotorY, that the services ere bin a accomplished in accordance vith mmtual &exec* - lents, that_s &Wind, agenda of the payments and receipt* Is am - file in,IISVCD that this bill Is just and correct and that Pay., -- rent thereof bS not yet been made, Date; .� 01) It is hereby certified-that-this invoice applies to Subproject 72 wider HOLM vhich vas duly approved and that ths pr4yject it being carried out In accordance with the memorardum dated 13 Apr11-1953 ------- -- from the Derto the WA� and the extension of this authority in sub/petulant maromada� Dates MEMORANDUM FOR: The Record SUBiECTI _IIIf1Ruest for Ch-ang-e, MKULTRA 72 In letter dated 27 June 1957 equested authorization to pay professional personne direct on honorary basis. Z. Authorization requested was granted in telephone conversation 29 June 1957. Dear Sirs: Due to the restrictive rule consultant fees for members of t it would be administratively more e Staff members on Foundation research grants to receive stipends direct frorn-the Foundaiion. Numerous administrative difficulties-present themselves when stipends are paid through the Controller's office over and usual University salary. Therefore, - it is requested that authorization be given to the Foundation to pay research professional personnel direct on an honorarium basis.- This would be applicable specifically to Doctors Your cooperation in this matter would be gvatly appreciated. If there are any questions on your part, please do not hesitate in communicating with us at the earliest opportunity. _ _ Sincerely yours Executive Secretary Treasurer DRAFT 1 May 1957 MEMORANDUM FOIff-THE RECORD SUBJECT: NiKULTRA Subproject 72 1. The purpose of Subproject No. 7i is to initiate research work on the neurophysiological and pharmac - - st al '.� ing: . The scope of program will include the follow- A. To_determinelhe_neur_opWiolVcal and pharmacological action upon the_CNS of unknown drugs assayed against known effects of standard drugs_with B. To_develop a systematic method of testing and character- izing pharmacological agents both in terms of symptomatology pro- duced and in terms of describing potency in producing given effects by means ofsstandardized and valid statistical procedures. C. Act as a pharmacological consultant on problems inherent to TSS/CD projects at the_request of TSS/CD. D. Review of overt American pharmacological literature on problems-of-s-p-eifinterest to_TSS/CD. 3;�It is expected tha point of TSS/CD interests, will-be _m_th' from the stand- or, direct and actively 4. The cost_of_this program is estimated at a cost of $41, 382.00 for a period of one _year. To this sum must be added $1, 655.28 representing a � r percent service charge to th F3 � ill function as cutout and cover 8 � t .ts s presumably being sup- S "on. . The total cost of the pr-oject kor a period of one year will no exceed $43,037.28. Charges should be made against Allotment 7-2502-10-001. 8. The Foundation has requeste o submit .8 a summary accounting of monies receive an re u n any unexpended grant funds at the end of the project year. 17=It was mutually agreed that documenta ion and sunting for travel expenses which are reimbursable -b all 8 conform_with_the accepted practices of that in grante overhea ra any permanent equipment purchased by funds hall be retained by them in lieu of higher 9. The requirement for a six-rnonths'. informal accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived. 10. s cleared through TOP SECRET and is C. aware of the true purposes of the program. Ile has areed to comply with the requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement. Chief, Branch II TSS/Chemieal Division APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION Approved: OF FUNDS �.*? Research Director Chief, 1-5�S7C1 Date: Distribution: Original only Attached: Proposal