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February 1, 1957
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Qctober91 1959 In reply_to_yourlet received from Professor $5,000 grant made by the Hungarian refugees: Salaries C- tcmbvr-17-to Ir we have now the following accounting-of the .o the University for researChworli. on the Professional Stenographic Translators $2,862.30 - - SO $3 808.58 ' Elean Travel $ � 253.5911 Supplies 58.14 Postage 3.16 Mimeographing 690.59 Dictaphone rental 160.0r) Telephone 1.20 Miscellaneous 15.74 $119L42 $5W00.00 I believe you know that ProfesscirJ and his group have continued to work on these materials and that one or two additional reports are contemplated. On bchalf of the University, we should like to thlnk the once again for making these research funds available to the University at the crucial time. There can be but little doubt that a very valuable set of research dati WA3 collected. C tdially yours, I have ex7.tmid and apTy....sved the sub,..uittc' expenditures. Vice Preiden an reasurer Ta/Cheth.feal Division Iater Septem 7.-1959 On March 25, 1957,- th made a exant to in the amount 0 4000.00 for work on the Huhgarikh of Dr. At that time, it was:requested that a teminal-accountin'of_funds be made. ;-:e-wouli-very-muCh-at4reciate 1t if 5,'ou could have your------ acconntina department furnish us with thiadate. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 4 RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: Cashit-es_check-H309938, in th amount of $5, 000. 00 drawn on the paya.ble_to_the dated A ri.1241957, RECEIPT k I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: � Cashi 's ch� E the paya ount of $5, 000. 00 drawn on 195? Y_U�141. VIA 80S1 ClifiVe; FINANCE-DIVISIOW Ig/Suelget Officer Subprojeot 69, Invoice 01 Allotment:74.502.10-001 1. Invoice_Nos I for_the_above_subprojeut is attachods sent should_be*ade as follows* S cheek in the anortn.t 0 bank � able to 2.--Please forward the check to Chief, through ISS/Sudgct Officer hy_23 April 1951. 36 ihis it final inVoiee� A tztai of $5,000.00 vas obligated under this subproject during YV 57, However, shies it is_snticipated that additt-inal funds will_bs_obligated for this project, the files should not_be closed, A tteclorkente Involee_and Certificati,Als �rig & 2MdrOieeT 1 * CONptftlier iff - )-Ccv)- GA e n. t 1?2.1a, nv IP 1: t'o Oil Avis MZ;T F a...7_4;7777 � tr-t) ito 41t CLATIFICMONS (1) It iirhereby certified that this is nvoice- ppiying to Subproject 69 of I4JCULT1A# that performance is eatisfa-ttoryt that serrices_are being so coxpli-ehtd-in accordance with wutual egret-- sae:Its, that a detailed agenda of the pay&enti and receipt & is cn file in =AO that this bill is just and correct and that pay aent thereof 14.4 not yet been made. Deputhenit t; aim DitiAtt � (2) it is hereby certified IthtItAtfs inveice epplies to Subproject - 69 of 1110,11,12A vtlich-was dul,y approved, and that the project is being carricdout_in amrdance with the Amorsndum-ditted_13 April _ 1953 frott the_rtlito_Ahe_DVAA sad the extension of this authority- - in aub-sequait nexcrenda. _ _ _ Uesearch_Lirector imer . (Vibe r Fined In) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2.4 ----, VOUCHER NO. 7-12 01,(,)&38 Eli LIV ., ,. U "59 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 11.33 34.99 STATION CODE PROP. NO. r plc .11C.CV r:o. 40.42 EXPEND CODE 43 F U N D g 45.86 PAY PEP' LIO.CX.vo. "DE 47.52 ODLIG. REF. NO. NO. Apawu �m... NO. 1 51 CA YR 54.57 GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 94.67 , ALLOT. OR COST ACCT. NO. 68.70 OUE DATE 71.80 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION- (ADVANCE AccnuNTs 19.27 � p.0. go. . %t Tv, 2-47 ......... X REF. NO. OBJECT CLASS OERIT CREDIT �try w 777727 4 e j, P--,7 _17 - 1.7W.% _Ari . .,.. 1� lk IP 70 .2 ,447 .1 � . l .... : w* b:a 1 1 -2'47 � yi," . 1 I ' 'el ( ' , 2e 5/ 1 "- 1 V g 'AO I N 741 404, I 1 14 : / 7 0 . 1 ifi: n . � 1 � I. . / 1 cl/de I : 71261 . : V e . / 1 _. 1 . fre.4:0 re 7 I ,. . .:- . : . ,,,,: :49 1 77777/ . EXPLANATION OF ENTRY I , TOT1ALS , ie /1 ,:i.'J --- -- I ..... ..i...... . I I . DATE // .1' PREPARED II DATE RFVIEWEDI BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING 1 1 FORM 6.54 606 USE PREVIOUS EOITIOMS. 0' en,- 10 em,r9 _ _Tile CO PT1101, finence Division KULTRA, Subprojec Vs, the authority granted tn. the Memorandum dated 12 A rtl 1953 from _the Del to the DD/A, and the extension of this Alitliortty subsequont mercers:Ids. Subproject WM, beta approved, and 25.000.001of the over-all Project MKULTHA funds have been obligated to covir_the subproject's expenses and should be charged � to Allotment 7-3302-10401. SIDNEY GOTTLIEB Chief" TSS/Chemical Division APPRO_VED_F_OliOBLiGATION Ole P.I.M DS: Rosearch DirvItor Date: Distribution: ()rig & 2 - Addressee 1 - TSS/OC TSS/FASB TSS/SRB 2 - TSS/CD TSS/CD 19 Mar 57) .41/470 - vay DRAF 19_March 1957_ � MEMORANDU1VI FOR: THE-RECORD SUBJECT: MKULTRA__Subproject 69 1. Subproject 69 is being initiated a a h �ro ra carried out at This program a been .esigned to augment � e Hungarian tu y now under way at nd will utilize the same.P subjects. The program will b �er the direction of Dr Professor of Sociology The study will be for a period of one year. - 2. The scope of this program will entail an intensive-study designed to throw as-much light as possible on the sociologyof_the__ _ communistsystem in the throes of revolution. The study will involve the interviewing of Hungarian refugees with the specific aim_bf collect- ing background infortnation-on the revolutionary setting and on the groups within Hunary-who are already known to be particularly advantaged or disadvantaged within this setting. For a more detailed description of the program-see-attached proposal. This ro'eb-t will be financed throu h the The wi act in e capa- city of a cover_organization. e cost of the-program-for a eriod of on ear_will_b 65,7000.00. It should be pointed out that is also advancing $5, 000.00 for this stUdy. _Char es_should be made against allotment 7-2502-10-001. 4. The will request o to It an arinua accounting summary of monies received from the will also request the return of any uTexpended fun cerved un er e grant from the 5.- Requirements for a -month informal accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived. 6. In lieu of higher overhead rates, title to any permanent equipment purchased by ftinds granted the University shall remain - with the University. IS 1011-. � -2- 7. It was mutually agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are reimbursable by the University will conforrnAvith the accepted practices of that institution. 8. It was also agreed that technical reports reflect progress of the research program will be submitted to the at mutually acceptable intervals. 9._ This program was discussed at the Board meeting of the on It March and was approved by the Directors. TSS/Che�n FOB OBLIGATION Approved: OF FUNDS: se are Pir�o. Chief, TSS Chemical Division Pate: -- Attached: Proposal. Distribution: Original only February 1, 1957 Dear A Welcome back! Since you asked fora Pilot studY design, we are setting down a brier outline for your consideration upon your return. Our plans ar& still tentative. More thaa usual they are a comPromlse between the ideal and the possible, because-of-the inordinate difficulties inVolved. Ob ective. Our general �iiof coursei-to threw as much-light as possible on the socio ogy ofithe_Communiet system in the throes of-revolution._ Sociologists are beginning, byAint of much empirical and theoretical work, to understand the complex processes through_which our own democratic system operates. This system achieves popular, cooperation and support, not only by a comlon_ideology and an established governments but also through an intricate network_ofocial-groupinga � (familial, religiome -occupational, ethnic, regional, and-so-on),'which holds individuals loosely together behimi the two political parties and succeeds in preventing any drastic cleavage-or civil war between these parties. By contrast, a Corm-List system is far less well undertood. Only fragmentary informtion i - available on the social processes through which a totalitarian government secures cooperation or fails to secure it. This means for example, as you well knoWs that our U.S. psychological warfare -program in Iron Curtain countries is greatly hindered ',e know so little-specifically about the over-all forral and informal groupings into which the audience-is structured,-that wo often cannot define our target and we do. not know what appeals will be effectively persuasive. At the same time, this inade- quate information also seriously restricts our scientific understanding of political systems and of social-control in general. . And now Hungary has-revolted and the fleeing Hungarians are in our midst. This seems an ideal moment to study a totalitarian system in disruption. Of course, we still cannot study the system as a whole: we cannot interview the people who nave remained in Hungary or have-been deported. But very crucial segments of the system are now available for observation. All of the refugees-have-felt the impact of revolution. AI] of them have made the fateful decision to leave their noreland. From them we Propose to learn mmeh_abcut the forms of alienation which result in rebellion, the deprivations which lead to political disillusionment, the points of 'view which go to make up a revolutionary situation. H-11 February i 1957 Within such a broad freactr.e.k IA* ...-3pf%-ia also to focus speoifically upon the sociological factors in the individealie C.,..v.;ision a) tdo leaTe the country end b) either to tem part. in or to remain alo..f the rotrolution. Within the total eocial structure of his country, we st-xly it,ox4 oro harid as -a zember of - political system lthich_maz feeblest corta:st threat!, and daprivations� or which may offer him certain advantages or rards. At. ths stuate time� he is also fa-merbcr of other group.irga --a -..familyu _ church an association of friends, for exaraple. tach of -these groups use terAe to rt.- wird or punish him for his decision to take part in the re-Yaw:don or not,_to lea.wo the country or to stay at home. PorlIps a few of hia-.ros-olutionary 133ociates are leaving., but hie wife aod child remin Ln Hungaity. ?jrili.pes he has friencla or c upatti1-= ties_ here irk this country_who pull hin in this dirvotion. How does he respond-to rail.), social. preasurea? Pow does be - - - resolve conflict aiong -thew? What, that is, ern. the social olomni�t� in the decision- making procisaa? A. clearer tuiderstandirg of this pcesig. o: great basic icrtance_to_social _ science, Beyond this, it would have i�:-,,rfoliate_usefulress in a wide variety of _ 1-c!aotical applications.-7.4.ore_sr,acifical 17, Ileh -a focus _on social processes and strains sears to provide e..r, ideal_mating tonfl(i with 'ths work of theSNMW grop on the somatic and psyshol.ogioal_s-ymptoas of these same individual subjects. Procedure. In view of _the =y difficulaes73,hich beset the. stwisnt of HvnegaRan refuz,les,- *we now_triew the-optimus ra 3,3 arch approach in t'ozea r'asez Mane I. A pre-test., on which V)