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Publication Date: 
June 28, 1956
3 SePteebek 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT Prediction Study The sum of $2,150 was received for work on th Prediction Study. lbe work was completed end the folbwing sums were paid out e noted on our monthly reports. $500.00 : Mk. 500.00 Mk 500.00 . Total $2,100.00 Balance in account $50.00.- Ite4 is hereby acknowledged for reas er's Check No d t Jun- 26, 1958,- drawn on:the tke amount of $2,150. � 18 Jane 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: CI-11EF, FINANCE DIVISION VIA TSS/Budget Officer SUBJECT : MKULTRA Sul)project 65, Invoice No. Z Allotment 8-250Z-10-001 1, Invoice No. a for the above subproject is attached. Payment should be made as follows: Ceuta r' .ck ia the a...mount of $Z,150.00, 2, Please forward the check to Chief /TSS/Chemical Division through TUS/Deciget Officer by Wednesday, 2 July 1958. 3. This is a final invoice. A total of $52,150.00 was obligated under this subproject during FY 5C. However, since it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project,the tiles should not be closed. Attachments: Invoice lk Certifications Distribution: Orig & Z - Addressee ,246l %I6-; TS/Chemical Divisi .... 1; A1-.1 6 CcV INVOICE For services CERTIFICATIONS (1). It ia herby certified that this is Invoice No. Z applying to Subproject 65 of 1.4KULTRA, that performance ha a been satisfactory, that the eery - ices have been accomplished in accordance with mutual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Date: '11-SS/Chernic-lal Di�vision (Z) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 65 under 1.1KULTRA which was duly approved and that the project .is being carried out in accordance with the raemorandturi dated 12 April 1953 from the.DCI to the DD/A, and the extension of this authority in subsequent meznoranda. --,--- Rescarch'Director Date: �;v' e.,v5,�ff Gvyaws ait...14Arex.:(oNs. 741OVILAUTO REMAYKS .41i) �LicQUIDAO.7.j) ATJYE - - 20 i';k5''8"1 aetg. -4 e5-(3 � a � - - /6-tp 201 'IfiN --- + , t � 14 April 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE COMPTROLLER ATTENTION : Finance Division SUBJECT MULTRA, Subproject 65 Additional Authorisation No. I Under the authority granted in the Memorandum dated 13 April 1953, from the DCI to the DD/A itnd the extension of this authority in subeequent rn ionth, Subproject 65 was previooely appro d. Under the o authority an additional rum of $1,150.00 hai;een authorised to cover the Snbproject's even. c (thereby bringing to a total of $51,150.00 funds obligated during FY 5S), to be charged to Allotment 8-Z50Z-10-001. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: ki erearch Director Date: Dittribution: Orig & Addreasee �--1= TSS/FASB T&S/Chnmical Division V-3 0 0,1 c, 6,09": � 7 reArr 11 April 1958 YXMORANDUM FOR: TEE RECORD SUBJECT _-Supplementary Funds, MKULTRA, Subproject 65 1. The purpose of the supplement to this project-is to support-a special study predicting the_a_ljustment of the refugees already examined in this project. Several members of the project staff will indepesdentlY rate each subject on a specified list of adjustment variables having to:do with health, occupation, social relationships, and acculturation 2. While it has been anticipated that the original budget for the current year would-cover-the cost of this phase, delayB in acquiring and processing the original data consumed the budgeted worktima of several of the staff rembers. The attached supple- mentary budget includes only�salary payments to staff members who are no longer on the project-payroll._ 3. The _total additional cost of this project will not exceed $2,150.00, (thereby bringing to a total of $52,150.00 funds obligated during FY 8), to be charged against Allotment 8-2502-10.00. 4. Other specification for this project remain as stated -2.. in the Memorandum for the Record dated 28 Oetober 1957, ubject: Continuation of Project MUM,- Subproject 65. S S/Chemical Division - APPROVE') FOR O13LIQ1tTION OF FUNDS: Date: , Distribution: Original onlY Attachment: Supplemental Budget SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET. ivIKULTRA Subproj Consultation fees t 65 anthropologist $500.00 Di: sociologists 1, 000.00 psychologist 500.00 I50.00 Medical student participant observers Total $ Z,150 .00 - 5 NEMORAMUM FOR TEN RECORD r1� SUBJECTi Accounting for MKULTRA Subproject 65 This_project_was_terminated with the grant made in FY 57-58."An accounting was rendered to the Society aita. subsequently transmitted to us covering the terminal grant, h t s treated an a part of the total monevgivenfft durimg this fiscal period in t)zt. ?cotnti1i., w. cl le on file in MKULTRA Subproject .61, . Chief TSD/Research Branch_ ahis project ($50,000) was accounted for in the over-all Project - MKULTRA liECEIPT Cashier's CheeksNo. DM 43767 in the amount of $30.000.00, and No. DM 43768 in t, amount of $20,000.00 dated Noveinber8. 1957, drawn on payable t RL3CEIPT Date: 13 November 1957 Receipt is hereby acknowledged for Cash' r ts. Cho rO.l 4 d�e � 1957, drawn on in the awount aliNZIMMIMINCIallIMOreffiTIOSIEWW LAT& � .. MARKS tla) 11:31'.13.W.M.3 ODIXFIZUGI3 Ira1.111c11 QUIO.ATICHS Lactimpno � cua-mearvs DLA53r.:D. I � 4', 0 � data.' k X, ..1V COO ' , 611) I if ie A:, reV . ,LAPe"" ----I 1 -.0.- I1--- - - . l) 1 1 , _ [ L , I- I ' I - I .,�.... 1 1 � 1 I I i _ _ I � . r 1 . _I 1 _ [ _ ..,.. _ ,.. � 1----- 1 �...... 1 r r , ........._ _ 1 , , 30 October 1957 IdENIOBANDUM FC>T Cii1E.F. FINANCE.' DIVISION VIA : t33/1.0'udgct Officer SLII3J.E:c-r; 1.11.z.W.TRA Subproject 65, Invoice No. I, Allotment 8.25U40..001 1. Invoice No. 1 for the nbove subproject is attached. Pa.yrnent should be rondo au follows: Two cashier's checks, one in. the alnount of $30,000.0% GAO in the vrnount of .20,000.00, both to Ii 2. Plense forward the cheeks to Acting t...hief, TS'S/ Chemical Di non. through TSS/Budget Officer by friday, O November 195't. 3. This is final Invoice. A total of $50,000.00 was �oblie,ated under this subproject during PI! 58. however, since it is anticipated that additional funds will be obligated for this project, the files should not be closed. Attachsnen. 0: Invoice tA Certifications � strIbution: �-r..-"rig Z� Addressee 1 Comptroller - ng 1. TSS/Chenlical LivLsion � / 129284 For services CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby certified that this is Invoice No. 1 applying to Subproject 65 of MliULT.RA, that performance has been satisfactory, that the serv- ices have been accor-opliched in accordance with routwl agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in TSS/CD� that this blil is just and correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. .cting Chief, Tt.:S/Che eel Division Date.: (2) It is hereby certifteci thht this invoice applies to Subproject 65 under IMK131(fitok which duly approved and that the project is being carried out in accordance with the memorandum dated 12 April 1953 from the DCI tn the DD/A, and the extension of this Ruth-way in au?.iscquent mennorand.). Research Director Date: 2a C>tiibtir 1557 mt.,AottANotim tivriwit-Lre Arrk-14-rvkz Otwillon z.,1:11.1hcr : tlULTA, ;t6t.beroptct 65 13o..1er t'ne 4t.ttlorIty f1 t ,cm.oraniitno clatel 1:i ,ki,r11 r53 feo;f1 OCI to V.lo 1);)/A. aria c;ALciskion of Vas a-katority-ir; 1.n.4.1;POrq.Tic13, .:;12.1.,q.roje�Ct e5 114S (...1 or vie over-:rat P,i'.,7?..ULT,A projct i:t(!or; o:)11,..I�ate;! to cover tle .5ubi,rojc:ctis 0115 oblt,vitl,m of lands stk b chart,ef1 to ft ini-,1tue,T.L.D :111,AG riLxi oy f)S: N�10 Oate: 1 - TSS/OC 1 - rssirAsn tr� rssisall -vi rssica TSS/CD/ 280ct1957 1.24 ulicatLtvt I Jul- 28 October 1957 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT : - Continuation of Project MKULTRA, Subproject 65 1. The s project is to support of Dr. studies on 11 eneciugees. At the present time the first is of this study is ztprowhing completion. .It is expCeted that the second phase, thot of pre- � dieting certain result of the displacement of these individuals, will occupy Dr s facility for the remainder of this year. The third, or follow-up phae on the e predictions will be made by investigators other than Dr. 2. This reviewed and approved by the Board ex of Directors_o at the meeting of 11 March 1957. It Wilt be noted _that the attached budget indicates an expenditure ot $87, 621.00 for the corning year. Dir has agreed to obtain support from sources outside the Gov rn lent to defray those costs exceeding $56, 000.00. � 3. The cost of the program for a period of one ea ia+ to be 50, 000.00._ 'fhe will be u or trans erring eLriThney should-be made against Allotme 4. has requested submit to them a summary Li tine on an anmi:r sis a a rnonies reCeived from the Also, it has been requested that any unexpended funds be returned as soon as possible up-dii the close of the grant year. out Charges .f�I:or.!-I0cd to: of: 187475 CY, ty .;luno:-Ity of: 187475 Oate: Ju:lo 1977 ------------------ ILTDET; CL BY 187475 � ..^-ord to: cu.:t!:orft:ir of: 187475 Jo�:1 1977 CL BY 187475 5. Title to _ny permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the . shall be retained by the University in lieu of higher overhead rates. 6. In connection with travel under this project, it is agreed that the Agency will accept the travel documentation and accounting which conforin with the practices of the University. A PPB OVEIJ FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Resem ch Director Date: liii Attachment: - '- Proposal and Budget Distribution: Original only - TSS/CD TSSiChemical Division tc_t-.1.1aut_lv_ 1)0 Colltwiletrit_gin..-_10.2.1Za We will havo completed the interviewing of ou July 1, 1957. In the coarse of six months we have examined 70 informants - a task which required almost 11 years in th 7he improvod efficiency of th, study is in pact the result of the formants by interviewed experience gained with the investigation of the which tha interviewing has been conducted has left u The rapidity with ith a large backlog Of material which is still to be transcribed and typed. Our present staff ;of typists will be busy for at lest another Six- months in Completing this work and our consumption of clerical supplies will romatin high during this time._ . With the completion of the interviewing, the interpreters and some of the other special personnel uho - were hired specifically for this ttrefiect will he droppod fro the payroll. However, the task of digesting snd collating the information and preparing tha necessary reports is just beginning and will certainly_occupue_for et_lesst six months. Although our speaking psychologist ond our anthropologist will not be giving zcarly so mach time to the they have during the past .few months,. Alvin nevertheless be necessary for them to participate in the evaluation of our information, and we will have to reeompense them to soma extent for their tiro. - Our experience with the an extraordinarily .1nrge body of intensive information on a significant number of important representatives of thee two societies. Although the first raport on the is noa being completed, we have only begun to dray from these data mach or the valuable infornation which can be obtained. It is NY Opinion that it is of groat importance for the members of my staff to busy themselves during the next six months with the evaluation of the information which they have obtained and the completion of the reports based upon it. During the-same period, me will be engeued in planning the nnxt step in our Investigations. ProliminAry conferences relating to this are now under vay. We antiCipate that our efforts will apkin be in the diriectio of the evaluation of significant members of other moieties now under Gonnuetat dollination, or otherwise of interest, end that we shall also concern ourselves with the development of methods of evaluation and assessment. Our next project should get underway so-ave tine after the first of next year, and the details will have been worked out well in advanCo of this date. The zecompanyJ,ng budget . is based upon a plan of activities as outlined above. The present stage of projo4 In brain fumtion will have been completed by Jr) 1, 1 S and at that time Dr. rill Se transferred to this project on a full-time basis to give his Una to the collation and publication or material assembled from the and atwiles. Up until that time he will be vcrking on this project on u art-tine basis. 'IN 01 E-11 *1)5' i'uc.LletAr_110 tlWar_Liasc'elect Eerg-anfrykt Liter_ scill_nm1952.;;15. N. project director 11,000 Dr. , physician, full tims Dr. sicitn, part tire 2,000 Dr. Thiatrist, part time 4,000 - Dr. psychologist, full time from Jan. 1, 1958 4,750 Miss alain. asst. 4,250 Mro.� socretsry 3,800 lirs. secretary, part tile 600 Els 'ypist-recept. 3,300 Mrs. typist ' 3,100 Kiss 3,000 Er. �mintenarce man �12,0.0.--. 48,e6o- $% Kotire�ard_2-Z4 Soc. Sec. 1 psycholoiat until ,ugust 4� 1957 1 psychological stLtisticiPn for collation of data, 1 antbropolcist, 6 months Otiwr statistical scrvicss S.dditIonal typing (r reparation of manuscripts, taps 52,402 ,zoject c:115 part tims, i 2,&)0 1,000 1,000 records., psycholo6icalreports� records, bad dittoing) 3.000 ouppliss 3,000 Office EquipmAnt 1,500 Wohnical Ec;uipment imo Library 200 Miscollanvous 1,000 Rent 10,680 ToIephonn 800 Travel 80,627 tdmin. Deo 10, minus rent $57,621 Dow,_ d to: cuthorit or: I Cate: Ju. I'2 28 Jung 1956 MORA/MUNI FOR: _THE RECORD SUBJECT MI(ULTBA, Subproject 65 1. _Sub o t 6 s being iti.tet to rt h ui Dr located at th For the past year, Dr n one o t -cipal collaborators of D/ in the 6. conduct of the research program of MKULTRA ,u pr 48. Subproject 48 was set up to continue under TSS the rrch activity originated under ClA special rojectJjJ The 4/ administrative aspects of this activity are to be crrkd. on as MINA Subproject 60. Tbe re -arch work commenced by Dr. under Subproject 48 is to le continued es Subproject 65. .2. The scope of the program to be undertaken by Dr. MIAMONIwill encompass a detailed study of those factors which influence human behavior that could be used as a means of chieving intelligence objectives. The major effort of Dr. AIMINks program will be: (a) TO better understand-the factors which-cause individuals to defect, commit treason or change loyalties. , (b) To develop skills by which potential defectors can be detected. (c) To develop methods for increasing the chances of defection of various target individuals. A more detailed outline of the proposed paogram is attached. 11 Tire on 30 Jute 1956. Th estimates that ppr. ma e ,000.S Owiexpended. funds re- lese funds were obligated in Fiscal Year 1956. Since Dr as directed by TSS/a to enlarge the scope of his former program, it la-the desire of TWO!) to utilize the above surplus funds to finance his expanded program. Normally, the E2 ETDET; CI, BY 1 Do nE;�:11ded to th of: 17475 177 1Y 7475 unused funds of a project should be_retwpcd_at.theend.of. the fiscal year. For seculsity reasons It is not desirable to have the unexpended Society funds returned, since such return would appear very peculiar on the books of this type of organization. Instead of return, the unused money is to be reobligated within the present FY 1956. ) time,- the e in possesslon C edt the money will to Dr.�� . through Also, an 1 ins will� , obtained from e n versity by 5. The $74,000.00 of-reobligated funds do not quite meet the proposed7budget-of-W,Q56.00. If the additional $2,056 is required at the end or the year, further funds . will be requested at that timp. 6. Title to any per purchased by funds granted the University_shall be retained by them in lieu - of higher overhead rates. _ 7. In conn,ctiowwith-travel-under this project, it is agreed that the Agency will accept the travel documentation and accounting which are standard. for_the University. 8. Dr. f has an Agency TOP SECRET Covert clearance. Attachment: Proposal & Budget Distribution: Original Only - TSS/CD TSS/CD/400101 (28 Jun 5) ical Division APPROVED: Acg Chief, T$5/Chemical Division. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUN : Project 11. To systewatically study defection in order to: (a) Define the psychologIcal characteristics of individuals who have defected, with particular emphasis on the inte-:action of the psycholoical 1. Practical Agency objectives of this study from which the scientific objectives of the Project issue: , To develop materials arid techniques for influencing human behavior as one means of achieving clandestine intelligence objectives. Specifically, to conduct re- search and development work that will enable Agency personnel to: (a) Better understand the factors which cause individuals to def..set, commit treason or change loyalties. (b) Develop skills by which potential defectors can be detected. (c) Develop methods for increasing the chances � of defection of varioys target 2. Scientific objectives of th ded to y of: 187475 1977 and situational factors acting at the time of their defection. (b) Define the circumstances under which men have defected from military, political, religious, social and cultural groups and evaluate the factors appearing to influence such defections. (c) Study individuals who have maintained loyalty in the face of persistent, sustained attempts to change, affect and alter this loyalty and evaluate the factors appearing to contribute to this resistance. Definitions: "Defection" is defined as the conscious breach of allegiance or duty to a value system, cause, person, ideology, philosophy or organi4ation, replaced by a willinoess to actively support systems, etc., which are antagonistic to Inc position' previously held. To "systematically study" refers to (a) the assembling and evaluating as much as possible of the pertinent information en the subject of defection viewed as an historical, sociological and psychological phenomenon; (o) examining a sample of known defectors and known resistors according to predetermined methods (medical, psychiatric, sociological and psychological); (c) systematically and objectively recording the results of such examinations; and (d) collating and evaluating the data obtained -in order to determine significant diCferences, isolate important characteristics and test comp?,rative methods for determining these differences and characteristics. 3. Status: A working group, primarily composed of professionals formerly engaged in the "Brainwashing" and "Chinese Cultural" studies has been formed. Much of the material already col- lected in these studies has applicability to the proposed study outlined above. This group has prepared a plan of action and tbey are ready to begin operation whenever requested. n major part of the study can be completed in one year. BUT; roject II Payroll Retirement Social Security 5114725 2,736 916 Consultant Fees 1,000 Statistical Services 800 Supplies _ 2,C00 Furls. & Equipment 1,245 Travel & Entertainment -4,000 Reference Library 100 Telephone - hoo Maintenance 1,200 Conference Expenses 500 Electricity 600 Miscellaneous 200 Subtotal $70,422 Carerheal at 81, 5k6311 $76,056 (cc El UNCLASSIFIED CAINIERNAI �"1Y U CONFIDENTIAL tECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJEeT:(oplionol) FROMr MUM Subproject 65 TO: (0-Mcor rivrignotion, room number. and bo;triMy) 11. 12. 13, 14, 15. ,� et USE VEEN/IOUS Ers-,c EJ I S../ EDITIONS PEC'D DATE ESVD'D NO, DATE 28 J-tule 1956 OFF ICER'S COMMENTS (Number each cornmeal to show boos wham INITIATE. to whom. Draw a Vale across cologne after each comment.) P1YASE EXPEDIV 4 C,n fic.:ea.\ 6is ct(�0�.so, is ricA- rest); (tA 6yri Svu.ta CA\ Pu operoic0 vocitS4-1 64-S IOW') ccol- eosz& k4 CDN:O. 11437 S\vc)s- We_ kfee ?yid coTit3i 4)3 �Co� cpei�ca. Gs r k tct aJck:im ECRU DCONNTERIM FIDENTIAL EIA I USE ONLY rJ UNCLASSIFIED 28 June 1956 MEMO1WNDLR4 FOR; COMPTROLLER ATIENTION i Finance -Division SUBJECT :LMULTRA, Subproject 65 aria 48 1. Under the authority granted in the memorandum dated 13 April 1953, from the DCI to the DD/A, and the exteasion of - this authority in subsequent memoranda, Subproject 48 was - previously approved. During Fiscal Year 1956, -$240,479.00 was approved and obligated_for_thisproject. 2. The scope of the project has been reduced so that - only $166,479.00 of the.origina:ily_appropriated II 56 funds will be used..__The balance, amounting to $74,000.00 has been transferred to.MKULTRA, Subproject 65, under the authority cited in paragraph 1 above. Distribution: � Cris & 2 - Addressee Acting le TSS/Ohemical Division APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUTIDS: 1,0 Air -)57 672, r-. 1 f/ 1 VI 11 A9 d a � 1 � (3) jt 13 heral os...rt1f1�1 that t1-11: vrojml vdar v...0,1*(1.6 V, al catWuxtorlly co:ApIlteA NA relio.rwl wvttA ,L r,0v141;%.*'czt vtill mltiPutriel raw rz,:urgd1A 11,14sys it 10 mr.c. th,1 t47.uta iic ILY01e0 r 1 or sL%:..roect 12 bo m-Aited to t12,% ra9rojc;et* *0 tbuwa Pr.,1a$14 t A nir4tAmt 1)571.5a C70 g65 4;0.06 � k-a4 ti.2502-10-0,14, rc0 3,0mo ).19